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Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation (1986)

Posted: 03/28/22 16:57
by bunniefuu
* i

* keep recalling

* how life used to be

* now and then i wonder

* have we changed?

* with your hand in mine

* oh, the moments shine

* like the pictures
in a storybook *

* we will turn the pages

* sharing pieces
of the memories *

* i care for you now

* as i did then
at our beginning *

* our beginning *

Oh, my!

He's found us.

This storm is
all his doing.


Look out!



It's him! It's him!


What'll we do?



The mast.



Yow! Yow!


Oh! What's that?

We're heading
straight for it.

We're trapped!

Yiiiii! Yiiiii!




Ooooooh. Ooooooh.



Run while you can.

No matter where you go,
i will find you.

You cannot escape me.

I am dark heart.



Ooh ahh.


Ha ha!

Hee hee!

He hee ha!

Well done, my little star
and heart buddies.

Our search is now over.

We have found
the two creatures

Whose love and kindness

Sets them apart
from the rest of the world.

From this day forth,

Because of their great love
and caring,

These two shall be known
as true heart bear

And noble heart horse.

As they have protected
the little orphan cubs,

They'll help others
share their feelings

And protect everyone
from dark heart's evil.

And this is how

The care bear family
began a long time ago

In the kingdom of caring.

Ha ho!

Ha ha!
Ha ha!




* i'm flying my colors
so that everyone can see *

* isn't this a perfect way
to introduce me? *

* to say that i'm different,
i'm special, it's true *

* let the magic of my color
put its power on you *

* the sunshine bear!

* got the sun on my tummy
and a smile on my face *

* i'm ready for a party
anytime, anyplace *

* and proud heart cat

* doesn't have a lot to say

* but he's perfect
in every way *

* i'm the wish bear,
that's what i do *

* and maybe i can help you
make your dreams come true *

* bright heart raccoon,
that's me *

* i can solve any problem
thinking logically *

* i'm flying my colors
so that everyone can see *

* isn't this a perfect way
to introduce me? *

* to say that i'm different,
i'm special, it's true *

* let the magic of my color
put its power on you *

Here's cheer bear!

* you can call
cheer bear *

* anytime you're sad

* i'll put you in the pink
and make you feel real glad *

* my name's grumpy bear

* i'm always feeling blue

* if it's not one thing,
it's another *

* oooh, what am i to do?

* do you like me?

* i like you, i like you

* do you like me?

* i like you, i like you

* do you like me?

* i like you, i like you

* does anybody like me?

* everybody likes you

* i'm flying my colors
so that everyone can see *

* isn't this a perfect way
to introduce me? *

* to say that i'm different,
i'm special, it's true *

* let the magic of my color
put its power on you *

* i'm flying my colors
so that everyone can see *

* isn't this a perfect way
to introduce me? *

* to say that i'm different,
i'm special, it's true *

* let the magic of my color
put its power on you *

* the magic of my color
put its power on you *

The kingdom of caring

Became the care bear
family's home.

Whenever someone on earth
needed their help,

The caring meter would let

Noble heart
and true heart know.

The caring meter.

Someone needs help
on earth. What'll we do?

Why, go and help them.


Hurry. Hurry.



Who's going to
look after the cubs?

Tee hee.
Tee hee.

I will.
I will.


I'll go.
I'll go.


I'll go, noble heart.

You stay here and
look after the cubs.

This was the care bears'
first mission.

True heart had never traveled
down to earth before.


true heart.

Good luck,
and be careful.



Ha ha!





A totem pole!

The trouble seemed to be
coming from a summer camp.

This must be it.


My little swift heart rabbit.

You little stowaway.

Come help me find out
what the trouble is all about.

Where did everybody go?

Last ones back to camp

Do trash duty all week.


I'm winning!

Watch it!

Out of my way!

Come on!


Wait up!

Wait for us!

No. No.



First back! I win!


John, dawn, and christy
are last again.

So what else is new?

Ha ha ha!

You three are
always last.

You're always
first at everything.

What does that make you?

Camp champ. That's what.

I run faster,

Swim better, and hike longer
than all of you.

But big deal.
So does everyone here.

Listen, if you
can't keep up, leave.

Uh, after you
do the trash duty.

Ha ha ha!


I wish
i could be camp champ.

I hate being last,
and i hate being here.

So do we, christy.

We can't swim.
We can't paddle a boat.

He's right.
We'll always be last.

And we'll always
be doing trash duty.

And all
the camp laundry.

Well, not me. Not anymore.

I'm going to change things.

That's the way, christy.

What will...
you do?

I'm going to run away.

Run away? No!

Wait, christy.

We're going with you.

Don't run away!

Ooph! Ooooh. Let go of me.



Now which path did they take?

I hope things are going better
for noble heart than for me.

But it seems that noble heart
has more than his hands full

Taking care
of the little cubs.


Boo hoo!


I'm sure this is
the right path, john.

It'll probably lead you
right back here.

Well, it looked as though

John and dawn were having
problems of their own.

See what i mean?
We're lost.

We can't even escape.

We're the first
to get lost.

We're the last
at everything else.

Here's the path
back to camp,

If you want to go.

Who are you?

What are you?

I am your friend
true heart.

I can help you find
your way back to camp.

No, we're not
g ing back.

Ever! Ever!

Running away never
solved a problem.

Don't worry about
what you can't do.

Think about all the things
you can do.

Like what?

We can't
do anything.

That's not true.

For starters, everyone
can share their feelings.

Nobody wants to share anything with us.

We're just losers.

Waaahh! Uh uh!


John and dawn,

Meet baby swift heart rabbit.

Don't cry,
little one.

There, there.

It's all right.

Ha ha ha!

You can do something.

You can share your feelings
and make friends.



I'll show you.



Where are we going?

To meet my friend
noble heart.

Aren't you coming?

Oh, dear.

Hurry, true heart!


Thank you.

There has to be easier ways
of getting around.

Beware, true heart.

Soon i'll be coming for you
and your little cubs.



They went
to the kingdom of caring.

John and dawn want to learn
about sharing their feelings.

They already know
about feelings.

They cared enough
to come here.

I'm going back
to find christy.

What's that?

Our caring meter,

Which tells when
something is affecting

The earth's
caring level.

This time
it might be dark heart.

Dark heart?
Who's dark heart?

Let's hope
you never find out.

If it is dark heart,
we both must go.

Could you
watch the cubs?

I think so.


We know
you can do it.

Good luck.

Ah ah ah...


Waaah! Waaah!


Waaah! Waaah!

Right! Right!

* i care for you

* it's kind of magical

* it just takes two

* to share with you

* i'd like to show you
by the little things i do *

* it warms my heart

* to think that you
might feel like sharing, too *

* that's what
it's all about *

* because i care for you

* it isn't so hard

* all you have to do
is try *

* now, you make
the first move *

* you'll see, good things
usually multiply *

* somehow it all works

* no, it's really
not so rare *

* give a little here

* give a little there

* no, it doesn't take much
to show you care *

* i care for you

* it's kind of magical

* it just takes two

* to share with you

* i'd like to show you
by the little things i do *

* it warms my heart

* to think that you
might feel like sharing, too *

* that's what
it's all about *

* because i care

* for

* you *

Even though
we didn't find

Dark heart
or christy,

I'd say that this
wasn't a wasted trip.

We left
two children

Who thought they weren't
good at anything...

And returned to find
world-Class baby sitters

In their place.

Christy was lost
in the woods

And was about to
need more help

Than anyone
could have guessed.

Where are those guys?

Maybe they ran away
without me.

Why can't i be good at anything
except sh**ting marbles?

Marble champ.

So what?

Oh, if only i could
run or swim

Or do something
to be the camp champ.

Huh! John? Dawn?

what do you know?

The camp champ.


Sure. You are
the camp champ, ain't you?

No, i'm not.

Well, you sure
could've fooled me.

Who are you?

I'm from the camp
across the river.

You wouldn't want to be
the camp champ, would you?

I could fix it
for you.

Well, i don't know.

There's only
one catch, though.

I knew it was
too good to be true.

Not so fast.

Sometime i'll ask you
to return the favor,

And you just do it,
no questions asked.

What do you say?

You can't make me
camp champ.

Oh, no?

Sure. Ok, you got a deal.

Go ahead and make me
camp champ.

A favor now
for a favor later.

Do a cartwheel.

A cartwheel?
I can't do...

Just do it.


I did it!
I did it!

You were telling
the truth!

Cartwheels are nothing.

Now you can race,
swim, paddle.

I am going to be
the camp champ!

Remember, when i come back,
you owe me a favor.

And i will come back.



Wait till we tell
you where we were.

We met these cute
baby cubs.

We took care
of them.

Anyway, we don't
have to win races

To be champs.

We're friends. We'll
always help each other.

Good friends are
the real champs.

None of us have to
run away anymore.

Who's running away?
Not me.

I plan on staying
a while.

That's great,


Did you hear
something, dawn?

I... i don't think so.

Oh, it's getting
cold, john.

Let's go in.

I'll be back for you.

Knowing that it was
only a matter of time

Before dark heart found them,

Noble heart and true heart
moved the cubs

To a safer place...
In fact, two places.

The little care bear cubs
found a new home

In the billowy softness
of care-A-Lot...

While the care bear
cousin cubs took to the trees

Of the forest of feelings,

Where the cubs
could grow up big and strong

In what seemed to be
the twinkling of an eye.

* feelings

* we all have feelings

* we like to
give our love *

* and get love back

* it's part of caring

* you're learning caring

* when people grow
and share *

* and start to know
there's more out there *

* than just getting more
and taking more *

* there's giving more

* the best part of living

* growing up

* it's something
you can measure *

* growing up

* it happens every day

* being young

* is something
you can treasure *

* but life is good
when you're growing up *

* waiting

* i know you're waiting

* you'd like your turn

* to do just what you want

* it's part of growing

* you're always growing

* one day
you'll see and know *

* all the changes
you must undergo *

* you'll be stronger then

* and taller then

* and you'll begin
the best part of living *

* growing up

* it's something
you can measure *

* growing up

* it happens every day

* being young

* is something
you can treasure *

* life is good
when you're growing up *

* growing up

* it's something
you can measure *

* growing up

* it happens every day

* being young

* is something
you can treasure *

* but life is good
when you're growing up *

* life is good

* when you're growing up *

Thanks to true heart
and noble heart,

All the cubs had learned

How to help people
share their feelings

And put those feelings
into action.

They were now
the care bears

And the care bear

The care bear family.

Little did they know
that, from his secret cave,

Dark heart was planning to
capture the care bears.

The time is right

For me to begin ruining
all that is good in the world,

Starting with those furry
defenders of feelings.

I will remove them
one by one

And lock them away
in their own special place

For an eternity.

Ha ha ha ha!

With true heart and noble
heart busy elsewhere,

It's time for me
to pay a visit

To the rest
of the care bears.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yeah! I won!

The camp champ
wins again.




Aren't you going to
congratulate me?

Sure, christy.
But it's nothing new.

You always win
at everything.

That's because
i'm the camp champ.

I remember when you
couldn't win at anything,

Except marbles.

It doesn't seem like
it was that long ago.

Hey, christy,
want to sh**t some marbles?


Time to see if anyone
can beat the camp champ

At swimming.


Last one to the water
gets trash duty!

Dark heart's influence
was changing christy,

As it would change
the entire camp.

Meanwhile, the care bears were
preparing a surprise party

To welcome true heart
and noble heart home.

None of them
even suspected

That an uninvited guest
was on his way.

This will be a wonderful party,
tender heart.

Noble heart
and true heart

Will really
be surprised.

Not if they return

Before we're finished
setting it up.

We'll have
time to spare, grumpy bear.

ready now.

That's because

I've been doing
double duty.

Everyone, look!

The caring meter's
going crazy.

What's going on?

I'm not sure.

Who's that?

I don't know.

Let's go find out.





I'm the caring meter

I've come to read
your caring meter.

* hmm hmm hmm

* hmm hmm
hmm hmm hmm *

I've just about got it.

Let it cool down,

And it'll be
good as new.

We're having a party.
Want to come?

Boy, would i ever!
Who likes games?



Sack racers,
over there.

right over there.

Blindman's bluffers,
down there.

Leapfroggers, up there.

Time for a game
of disappearing bears.

Ha ha ha!

Come on.
We're ready.

Ok. Ready, set, go.



Ha ha ha ha!

Let's play

, , ,
, , , .

Here i come!

, , . Who do i see?

The caring meter reader.
You're it!

Here i come.


One bear in the bag,
coming up.


Leave me alone!




Oh, no!






Oh. Oh!


Oh! Whoa!



Oh! We're
terribly sorry.

Can we
give you a hand?

Let's give him
a hug.


Get away from me!

Keep your kindness
and affection to yourselves.

It's dark heart.

Yes. I've come here
to get you,

And now i shall
have you all.

That's what you
think, dark heart.

True heart!
Noble heart!

You'll have to
get through us first.

I should have
gotten rid of your helpers

Before i went after you.

Care bears.

Care cousins.




No !

You have won today,
but i'll be back!

We must follow him

While his evil power
is still weak

And defeat him.

Care bears!

Care bear cousins!

While we're away,

It will be
up to you

To carry on caring
for the world.

You can count on us.

All of us.


We love you,
true heart, noble heart.

We love you all.

I hope we can do it
by ourselves.

We have to,
tender heart.

So, while true heart
and noble heart

Were off
chasing dark heart,

The care bears tried to
take care of everything

All by themselves.

Ok, sunshine,

You're cleared
for takeoff.

I can't remember when we've been so busy,
tender heart.

True heart
and noble heart

Are counting on us to handle
everything until they get back.

They won't return until
they defeat dark heart.

I hope
they're ok.

Ha ha!


Ha ha ha!


First one back.
I won!

You always win,

That's right.

That's why
i'm camp champ

And you're not.


You lost, so you've
got trash duty.

Now, get started.

Please, christy.

If i ever become
camp champ again,

I'd let others win


Umph! Oh!

Well, you'll never be
camp champ again.

No one will.

Are you
the camp champ?

Who's asking? Huh!


The time has come

For you to return
my favor.

Who... who are you?

Oh, you remember me.

What do i have to do
to repay you?

I want to trap
the care bears,

And i have a plan.

The world must learn
to fear me, dark heart,

And i need
your help.

What if i
refuse to help you?

Do you want to be the one
who always came in last,

Like him?




Oh, no!

I knew
you'd help me.


Come, now.
We're wasting time.


Huh! Oh!

Boy, am i bushed.

Where's everyone else,
tender heart?

We sent them off this
morning to help some people.

They haven't
come back.

Neither has anyone
that went after them.

I hope
they're all right.


needs our help.

You and cheer bear
hold the fort, wish bear.

You ready, grumpy?

Let's go.

Oh, help! Help me!

Little did
the care bears suspect

They were heading
into a trap.


Help me!
Please, someone, help!


Brave heart
to the rescue!


Brave heart lion.

Sometimes i think
you're too brave.


It's share, champ,
and good luck bear.

And friend
and secret bear.

Wait! Stop!

What are we waiting for?
Let's help.



Oh, help!
Somebody, please!



Oh, no!

Watch out,
care bears!





Help me.

Grab the line.

Why won't she
grab it?



Oh, no!


Where'd they go?

Ha ha ha ha!

It's dark heart!

We have to help
that little girl.

Better not,
brave heart.

We saw her throw her
paddles into the water.

She's working
with dark heart!

That's what's happened
to the care bears.

Dark heart's
trapped them.

We're not going to
take this sitting down.

What should we do?

Gather all
the care bear cousins.

Meet us at
the hall of hearts.

Hurry, or
there won't be

Enough of us
left to help.

Why so glum,

You're doing
a great job.

When will we stop?

When i have
those bears

And their cousins
in my grasp.


Noble heart
and true heart

Will realize they've
been chasing my shadow.

When they come,
i'll be ready for them.

There'll be no one
to stop me!





Hey, what
are you doing?


You saved me. Why?

Good or bad,
you're still a person,

Or whatever you are.

If you knew what
was good for you,

You would have
left me.

You would have
done that.

Maybe that's the only
difference between us.

Dark heart's evil influence
was already spreading

Through the children
in the camp.

Dawn, get down!

Ha ha ha!

Huh! Huh!

Come on.

going on, john.

All the other

Are destroying

Even the animals in the forest
were acting strangely

Because of dark heart's
evil presence.

Whatever has
gotten into them

Is getting
into everything.






Oh! We're in luck.

That's who we're
looking for.


Help! Help!

Oh, dear.

Yes, talking to him
might calm him down.

Uh, excuse me,
mr. Moose.

Are you angry
about something?

We can talk about it.


Maybe not.


Hurry! Run!






You don't
make much noise,

But when you do...

Right. A little love
does go a long way.

It certainly
cured the moose

Of dark heart's

Hey, you're the cubs.

Right. We're here
to help you.

Come on.

There's a meeting
at the hall of hearts.

I'll explain on the way.

Dark heart had trapped
almost all of the care bears

And care bear cousins.

Only a handful of care bear
family members was left.

And now, everything
depended on them.

So this is all
that are left.

What can
we do?

We were
so many,

Now we're
so very few.

We can't just stop
helping people.

We just can't
stop caring.

Brave heart's right,
and dark heart knows it.

Whenever we help someone,

That someone could be christy
setting another trap.

What about noble heart
and true heart?

I don't know.

We can't wait for them
to come back.

It's up to us.
If we lose,

There'll be
nothing left.

We're with you,
tender heart!

All the way!




Cousins! Kids!

Every bear,
don't just sit there.

Care, care, care!

* care a lot,
we care a lot *

* keep your chin up,
don't stop caring *

* we've got a job,
and it's tough to do *

* now is the moment

* start preparing

* stand up and fight
for the good and true *

* give your all
and never falter *

* we have promised
to defend *

* do your part
and put your heart in *

* our numbers are few,
but we know what to do *

* sticking together,
we can make it *

* nothing can stop us,
we can't go wrong *

* we can be tough,
yet we can take it *

* we care a lot,
and we will be strong *

* no feeling frightened,
scared of failing *

* don't want to
let the whole world down *

* we have to brighten

* keep on sailing

* give us a smile

* and we'll turn up
your frown *

* sticking together,
we can make it *

* nothing can stop us,
we can't go wrong *

* we can be tough,
yes, we can take it *

* we care a lot,
and we will be strong *

* care a lot,
we care a lot *

Heh heh heh!

Ha ha ha!

The care bear family
was risking everything

To free the others.

Now's our chance.

That door must lead
to dark heart's secret cave!

brave heart's signal!

You know
what to do?

Leave christy to us.

You help
the others.

Let's go.

This must be
where dark heart

Is keeping
the others.

Come on,
the coast is clear.

Ha ha ha ha!

They walked
right into my trap.

Now that the entire
care bear family

Is in my power,

All the love and kindness in
the world will soon be no more!

True heart and noble heart

Were the care bear family's
only hope,

But they were still away,

Unknowingly chasing
dark heart's shadow.

I don't like
the looks of this place.

I'm with you,
true heart,

But we have to
follow dark heart.


There he is!


Come on.

Ha ha ha ha!

Now, true heart,

Ha ha!

It's not
dark heart at all!
it's his shadow!

We've been tricked into
leaving the others all alone.

Hurry. We
have to get back.

And hope we're
not too late.

They didn't know
they were already too late.

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha!

Looking for me?



Are you ok?

Now i have you all!

You can't
keep us here.

Oh, i don't intend to.

I have a very special
place all set.

That will keep
until i've rested.


I shall be back shortly.

Now we're
all here.

That's the plan.
We wanted to get caught.

We're strongest when
we're all together.

Now we can stand united
against dark heart.

little star buddy.

We don't
have much time.


John? Dawn?

What are you
doing here?

Run before
he gets you.

No, christy.
We're staying.

We're going to help.

We can make
things go back

To the way they were
before dark heart came.

Since i've
been camp champ,

I've never made you
do trash duty.

No one laughs
at you anymore.

I won't let them.

I can't go back
to being a nobody.

You were never
a nobody, christy.

You were always
our friend.

A friend is the most special
person in the world.

I made a bargain
with him.

Oh, it's too late.
The damage has been done.

paid him back.

Now you
have to stop him

From hurting
all the others.

Think of
your friends.

You were always
the marble champ.

That you did
all by yourself.

Dawn. John.

Wait for me!

Reunited, they set off
to help their friends.

Good work.

Little star buddy
can't unlock all these doors.

We have to get the key
from dark heart.

What if he
wakes up?

We have to chance it!

Whoa, hey!

It's out of reach.

Ooh, that's it.
That's it. You got it!



No, no!

Look out!

There's no
escape from me.

Well, it's time to put you all
where i should have put you

In the first place.

What did you
do to them?

Well, well, if it isn't
the camp champ!

Where are they,
dark heart?

The bears?
Their cousins?

Why, i've created
my most prized treasure.


Ha ha ha!

A chandelier
of frozen feelings.

Look! All of
your friends

Frozen in my
crystal prison.

All that love
right where it should be,

Trapped forever!

Ha ha ha!

You can't do this.
I won't let you.

But you made it
all possible.

Like this camp,
everything i touch

Will be drained
of goodness and kindness.

You have to deal
with us first!

We'll put an end
to your evil trickery.

Noble heart
and true heart!

True and noble
to the very end.

I'm glad you came,
but you're too late.

Now you shall
join the others

And leave me
to do as i will.

Ha ha ha!

No, stop!

Christy, move out
of the way.

Christy, do as he says.

I won't
let you do this.

Free the others.

We have concluded
our bargain.

I'm allowing you to leave.
Now go!

You don't want
to do this.

Leave us, or i'll take back
all that i've given you!

So be it.

You're back
to what you were...

A loser.

Ok. So what?

I'm going to
help stop you.

You saved
my life, christy.

Now run
and save yourself.







Ha ha ha ha!

Care bears, stare!

Care cousins, call!




Ha ha ha!

Oh, no!

Good or bad,
you're still a person.

Oh, what have i done?

Help me, care bears.



Bring this child back
from where i've sent her.

We...we can't.
We...we can't.

It would take
more love and caring

Than even we have
all put together.

You've got to
do something.

What good is all
your love, your caring,

If it cannot
save this child?

If you can't help,

Who can?

We care.

We all
really care.

There have to be
other people

Who care as much
as we do.

If all of us
and everyone everywhere

All care together,

It just might
save christy.

Everyone hold hands,

And together
open your hearts

And listen hard
for the voice

Of those who care.

We care.

We care.
We care.

If you have
ever cared, do it now.

Tell us you care.

Tell your friend
next to you that you care.

We care.

Tell them
how much you care.

Tell them again.

Say it. Shout it. Help us.

We care.

I care.

I care!




Hurry! We have to
leave quickly.

Thank you.

Thank you for caring.


I did care,
didn't i?

I never
really understood

Why you pulled me out of the river,
but i do now.


Your eyes!


I'm a boy!
A real boy!

Your evil left you
when you admitted

How much you cared.


I'm a boy!

I can jump!

I can run!

I can turn cartwheels!


Ha ha ha!

Don't worry.
We can learn together.

Hey, come on.

* i'm flying my colors
so that everyone can see *

* isn't this a perfect way
to introduce me? *

* you say
that i'm different *

* i'm special, it's true

* let the magic of my color
put its power on you *


* i like you, i like you

* i like you, i like you

* everybody likes you

* i'm flying my colors
so that everyone can see *

* isn't this a perfect way
to introduce me? *

* you say
that i'm different *

* i'm special, it's true

* let the magic of my color
put its power on you *

* the magic of my color
put its power on you *

This camp's the greatest
place to be.

I'm going to stay here

And make sure that
everyone's a camp champ.

Just remember,
everybody's already a champ

Because no matter
who they are,

They're friends.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yes, sir, everything was back
to the way it was,

But as always, it was
just a little bit better,

A little more special,

Thanks to the care bears,
the care bear cousins,

And thanks to...

Heh heh heh!

Well, you all
know who you are.

I thank my lucky stars

That there are people like you
who really do care.

You're not afraid
to share your feelings,

And that makes you all
world-Class care bear champs.

* hello, old friend

* it's good to be with you

* time is standing still

* our love

* shines true and bright

* it always will

* my wishing star
has guided all you do *

* my empty heart
you fill *

* we still feel
forever young *

* looking back,
we're just the same *

* as we were
when we began *

* this love
will keep protecting us *

* reach for me,
and i'll take your hand *

* when we're apart,
just close your eyes *

* and you'll see me
waiting there *

* you can always
count on me *

* i will always care

* my special friend,
inside my heart you'll stay *

* you'll be with me

* until the sun
shines through the night *

* it never will

* my little star,
you'll never fade away *

* the hands of time
are still *

* and we'll be
forever young *

* step up
and take my hand *

* one touch

* and we'll be friends
forever *

* hello, old friend

* it's good
to see you, too *

* time is
standing still *

* oh, we'll be
forever young *

* hello to you

* it's nice
to see your smile *

* step up
and take my hand *

* one touch

* and we'll be friends
forever *

* hello, old friend

* it's good
to see you, too *

* time is
standing still *

* oh, we'll be
forever young *

* hello to you

* it's nice
to see your smile *

* step up
and take my hand *

* one touch

* and we'll be friends
forever *

* hello, old friend

* it's good
to see you, too *

* time is
standing still *

* oh, we'll be
forever young *

* hello to you

* it's nice
to see your smile *

* step up
and take my hand *

* one touch

* and we'll be friends
forever *

* hello, old friend

* it's good
to see you, too *

* time is
standing still *

* oh, we'll be
forever young *

* hello to you

* it's nice
to see your smile *

* step up
and take my hand *

* one touch

* and we'll be friends
forever *

* hello, old friend

* it's good
to see you, too *

* time is
standing still... *