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Care Bears: The Giving Festival Movie (2010)

Posted: 03/28/22 16:55
by bunniefuu
(theme song playing)

(wind howling)

Share! It's too windy.
Get inside.

I know, but I have
to get to Grumpy’s.


Thanks, Wingnut.


Billowing blunder gusts!
Get inside.

(both exclaim)

Share, what are
you doing out
in this weather?

I wanted to see how
things are coming along
with the snow machine.

It's all done.


Yup. We'll have snow
for the giving festival


(machine powering up)

well, at least
we know it works.


A little too well.

I can't wait!

You know, Princess Starglow
has never seen snow before.

This will be the best
gift we could give her.

Well, if this wind
doesn't die down soon,

We may not have
a giving festival.


Don't say that, Grumpy!

I've planned so
much for this year.

Besides, Starglow's our
guest of honor.

Think positive!


I'll try,

But it's against
my Grumpy nature.

Come on, Wingnut.
Let's get this
snow machine in position.

We have to get back
to the care station
and help Oopsy.

Careful, Oopsy!
Don't make the light
spin too fast.

Sure thing, Grumpy.

We want to make sure
that in this bad weather

Princess Starglow can find
her way to Care-a-lot
for the festival.

With all this wind,
there hasn't been any time
to decorate Care-a-lot.

Once Funshine
and Cheer get here
with the decorations,

We can begin, right?

They've been gone
a long time.

I hope they
didn't get lost!

Or blown away.


Hmm. Wingnut's right.

It's probably
just taken them
longer to get back

Because of all the wind.

I doubt that they're lost.

Yeah, not like the time
we had to help Grizzle
find his home.

Whoa. That was
a big bumble of a mess.

(care beacon sounding)


Funshine: Don't worry!
I'm coming.

I'll be there
in a moment.

On my way!

Nothing I can't handle.

going to be okay.

Just a normal
caring emergency.


(panting) I'm ready.
Where's the emergency?

What emergency?

Funshine, Grumpy
was just testing
the care beacon.

Like I do every Tuesday
morning at : A.M.

Oh, I thought...

You were hoping
someone was in need
of some caring help.

Well, yeah.
A little.

I mean, it's been
a long time since
anyone's needed our help.

But that's
a good thing.

It means that people
are sharing and caring
like they should.

I know, but I like
helping others.

And it's just been
a little boring
around here lately.

Well, let's hope
it stays that way.

I've got plenty of work
to keep me busy.

Now everybody, shoo!

Come on,

I'm sure things will
get more interesting
before you know it.

For now, enjoy
the peace and quiet.

Grizzle: Care-a-lot!

It's always in my way!

Whenever I look
out my windows,

There it is,
blocking my view.

Wish it was
someplace else. (yells)

I'd ask the
care bears to move,

But they'd
probably say no.


What if I just moved
Care-a-lot myself?

Yes! I'll tie a cable
to Care-a-lot,

Then I'll use my home
to tow it away!


Here. Pass it back!

(both laughing)

Good one.

Is there caring trouble?
I can help.

Hi, Funshine.

We're just
playing catch.

So, no need
for help?

Surprisingly, catch doesn't
really require much help.

Oh, but you can play, too.


(both laughing)


Harmony, are you
in trouble?

You seem to be
in a hurry.

I'm just going to
the library to do
some reading.

You could help
carry my books.


Share: What a nice,
relaxing day.

I wish they all
could be like this.


(yawning) well,
I'm kind of tired.

I suppose I should be...

bouncing bubblers!

What's that?

No need to worry.

I'm here to help.

Thanks, but we already
ate the last marshmallow.


You can have some
of mine, Funshine.

But I sort of dropped it
a couple of times.

Thanks, but
no thanks, Oopsy.

I thought if I went looking
for caring emergencies,

I'd find them.

But I guess
I'll just have to wait.

Well, one thing
can't wait, Funshine.

It's getting late.

Don't worry.
It never stays
quiet for long.




I can't believe I forgot
to take my marshmallow.


It's tow time!

Huh? Oh, no!

What's happening?


Whoa! (gasps)

Hey. This is kind of fun.


Why is Care-a-lot
not moving?


I need more power.

Ah. That should do it.

(rope snapping)


Oh, no!


Oh, dear.


It seemed like such
a good idea, too.


My home.

How am I going
to get it back?

Cheer: What do
you think it was?

It was a cloud quake!

Sure felt like one.

Come on, Grumpy!

We better light up
the care station
and power up!

For what?

Because of what
just happened.

And then what do we do?

Well, we...

Bedtime: Head back to bed.

I've looked around
and there doesn't seem
to be any damage.

(yawning) whatever
happened is over now.

Tomorrow we can
investigate some more.

(sighs) okay.


Everything looks fine here.

No damage that I can see.

Looks good here, too.

Everything seems
to be okay.

Hey! What's that?

Looks like a cable.

But why's it here?

Maybe it's one of
Grumpy’s experiments.

It's not mine.


Hey, do you
hear that?

Sounds like somebody
snoring over there.

But it can't be bedtime.

Why not?

He's over there.


Well, then
who is it?


Maybe it's
a bumbleberry beast.

do you really think so?

We'd better be
on our guard.

Go see who it is.

Go on. Go on.



It's the bumbleberry beast!

It's hideous!



What's he doing here?

Probably up to
no good.

He might have
had something to do

With that cloud quake
last night.

Me? No!

I was tucked in
for the night

When I felt
a terrible shaking!

I rushed out to see
what was happening.

Then there was
a huge shake

That knocked me
out of my home.


And here I am.
Now my home is

Nowhere to be found.

It's gone!


I think he's up
to something.

Well, his home
is gone.

And even Grizzle
deserves our help.

You mean that?

(giggling) of course.
We're care bears!

Now let's do some
caring good.

Care power on!

Care power on!

Care power on!

Care power on!

We'll be right back
to pick you up.

I'll wait right here.

My plan to tow Care-a-lot
away may have failed,

But once I get those
care bears inside my home,

I'll try out my
new trap on them.


Funshine: Come on, Grizzle!

(laughs nervously)



Are you sure you know
what you're doing?

Of course I do!

My locator is showing us
the way to your home.

Well, I think we're
going the wrong way.

Let me look at it.

Let go!
Hand it over!

Grumpy: Stop it!
Grizzle: Give it to me!

Hey! Hey!
Cut it out.

He started it!

Great. You broke it!


I don't think it matters.

(exclaiming) my home!

How did it get
all the way out here?

Well, it was
a pretty big
cloud quake.

Not that big.

Everything okay,

Hmm. I'm not sure.

There's something
fishy going on here.

it's good to be back.

Well, looks like
our job here is done.

So, we'll be going.

Leave now?
What's the hurry?

Please, let me offer you
some lemonade
to say thank you.



I don't know.

Oh, I know we've
had our differences
in the past.

Like you trying
to take over Care-a-lot.

I was in a bad
mood that day.

What can I say?

From now on,
we should be
the best of...

The best of...

What's that word?


That's it!

Now wait right here
while I set the...

(chuckles) I mean,
get the lemonade.

He's up to something.

Cheer: Oh, yeah!

Funshine: Definitely.
Share: Absolutely.

I have to work fast.

I'll set up my new spider nets
to trap those care bears.


Grumpy: Hmm.

What is it, Grumpy?

This cable.
It looks like it snapped.

Just like the cable
back on Care-a-lot.

What does that mean?

It means, I think
Grizzle was attempting
to pull Care-a-lot away.

That would explain why
everything was shaking.


So he was trying
to get rid of us.

As usual.

Ha! That should do it.


In a few moments,
the care bears won't
know what hit them.



Lemonade's ready.

I'll bet it is.


This is great.

Have you got
a spider problem?

Oh, I forgot
to tell you.

There is no lemonade!


Look out!

Good work,

We knew you were
up to something, Grizzle.


You won't get away
that easily.







Stop doing that!

(thunder rumbling)





(all laughing)

Now what do we do?

We should help him
get back.


But he tried
to capture us again.

And we never
got any lemonade.

Share's right. We may
not want to help Grizzle,

But we should because
it's the right thing to do.

Yeah, I guess
you're right.

(Grizzle grunting)

When I get out of this...

Okay, Grizzle.

We're going to take you
back where you belong.



But don't think this is over.

So, Funshine,
did you finally get
enough excitement?

You bet!

And I learned that
if I just wait
for it to happen,

Excitement will
come to me.

(horn honking)


Something tells me
it won't be long

Before Grizzle’s back
to his old tricks again.

Grizzle: You bet.

And I've got
plenty of tricks.


That's right!

And you ended up
with Grizzle
for a roommate

Until he got his home
fixed up again.


Yeah, and he ate all
my bumbleberries, too.


Grumpy: Oh, it's getting
pretty bad out there.

the wind's too strong.

Oopsy: The beacon's
gonna blow off.

We have to secure it!

Both: Care power on!

Oopsy, make sure
the light keeps spinning.

Wingnut, you come with us.


Good work, share!

(both exclaiming)

Phew! That was close.

(beeping rapidly)

Share: Oh! It's Funshine
and Cheer.

Are you all right?

Yup, just got blown
around a little.

Where are
the decorations?

And the snacks?


They all blew away.

(whimpers) but the
giving festival is tonight.

Oh, we'll think
of something.

This is going
to be the worst
giving festival ever!

We've faced
bad times before!

We'll get
through this.


Right. Like when share
wanted to go pick
rainbow buds.

(all chattering excitedly)

(clearing throat)

Thanks for coming today.

As you all know,

I have been working
to bring Care-a-lot something

That it's been needing
for a long, long time.

The bumbleberry
delivery system.

(all gasping)

Care bears: Wow!

Watch what happens
when I turn it on.

(all gasping)

Oh, wow!

Bumbleberries go in here.

Most go into the big
basket back there.

The best ones go in here.

Then it will deliver

To everybody in Care-a-lot.

(all Cheering)

Oh. Lost one, Grumpy.
I'll get it.

No, no. No.
That's okay, Oopsy.



(all gasping)


(care beacon sounding)

Uh-oh. Looks like there's
some caring trouble.

All: Care power on!

Let's go!

Wow. The care team really
does a lot of caring good.

They're always doing such
great things for everyone.

Why don't we do
something for them?


That's a great
idea, Oopsy.

But what could we do?

Well, they're always
running around so much.

I bet they'd like a day off
just to have some fun.

A way to show
our appreciation.

And I know just the place.


Woo-hoo world!

Oh, that's
a wonderful idea!

Let's go tell
the others.

Oopsy, true heart,
where are you?

Over here, surprise.

They'll be here
any minute!

Oh, I just love
surprises like this.

What did you tell
the care team?

That there was a big
caring emergency
at woo-hoo world.

And that they needed
to come right away.

(care beacon sounding)

Hurry, hide!

We're here to help!

Where's the trouble?


Bedtime, wake up!

(exclaiming) I'm up.

(yawning) I'm ready.


Grumble bumbles.

I don't see
any trouble here.

All: Surprise!

Hey, guys.
What's going on?

We wanted to show you
how much we appreciate

All the caring good
you guys do.

So, we cleaned up
woo-hoo world

And want you to have
the day off just to have fun.


Sounds good to me.

(care bears chattering)

Care bears: Come on, come on.

Thanks. This is
very thoughtful.

And while you're
having a day of fun,

Don't worry

Because super caring Oopsy
will be taking care of things.

Hmm. I don't know
about this.

Oh, come on, Grumpy.

I'm sure Oopsy
will be just fine.

You can count on me.

Okay, Oopsy,
you're in charge.

Now let's go
have some fun.

Oh! I can't wait
to ride the thunderbolt.

(Funshine whooping)

Aren't you
going with them?

No. Um...
I don't think so.

Why not?
You'll have lots of fun.

Really, I can't.

As a new care team member,

I insist that
you go have fun.

(crying) I just can't!
Now leave me alone.

True heart!

(Wingnut calling)

Thanks again, Oopsy!

We had so much
fun today.

Oh! And tomorrow,

I'm taking everyone
into the caves
to pick rainbow buds.

You should come.

sure thing, share.




(true heart crying)


True heart?

Go away! I just
want to be alone.

What's wrong?

Promise that
you won't tell.


Cross my heart.

I'm afraid of
riding the thunderbolt.

The rollercoaster?


Even the thought
makes me feel all wobbly.

That's okay.

No one's going to make
you ride the thunderbolt

If you don't want to.


Is that why
you didn't want to go
to woo-hoo world today?

I was embarrassed.

We're all your friends.
We'd understand.

But it looks
like so much fun.

(Wingnut chattering)

You go really fast,
then up high,

And then you drop
down again and...

Oh, I just wish
I were brave enough
to ride the thunderbolt.


I've got an idea.

Wingnut, this is
our Chance to do
some caring good.


We're going to help you
overcome your fear

And ride
the thunderbolt.

Can you really do that?


What do you say?

(chuckles) okay, then.

Care power on.


(both humming)

Whoa! Whoa!

(true heart laughing)

First, you need to
figure out what
you're afraid of.

Well, um...

Is it being up high?

Kind of.
But not really.

Spinning around
and around?


Oh! Going really fast?

Usually, no.

Sudden drops?


Both: Hmm.

What about being up high,
spinning, going real fast,

And suddenly dropping?

(gasps) I wouldn't
like that at all.

Those are the things
the thunderbolt does
all at once.

What we need to do is
get you used to doing

Each of those things alone

Before you do them
all together.

Then you won't be afraid
to ride the thunderbolt.


First, we'll get you
used to heights.

Oopsy: How's that?
Too high?

Oopsy, this is not
that high.

I can handle it.

We're making progress.

Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa!

Whoa. Oh.

Okay. How do you feel?




I'm okay.

Oopsy: Now we're
going to combine

Going up and down
with spinning.

(motor whirring)

(whirring rapidly)



(both grunting)


Oh, no.


True heart,
are you all right?

That was awesome!

Let's do it again.
I loved it.

(laughs) really?

I think I'm ready to
give the thunderbolt a try.

(whimpers) I'm still
kinda nervous.

But with you
and Wingnut along,

I might be able
to do it.

It's just that...


...I'm tired.

That's because
you should all
be in bed.

Hi, bedtime.

We were just
shutting things down.


Good night, bedtime.

See you bright
and early tomorrow.

Right. Good night.

Good night, true heart.

Good night, bedtime.

good night, you two.

All ready to ride
the thunderbolt?

But I'm nervous.

Don't worry,
we'll do this together.

Hi, everybody,
are you coming with us
to the cave?

To pick rainbow buds.

Actually, true heart,
Wingnut and I

Have something we have
to take care of first.

Okay, maybe
we'll see you later.

Thanks for sticking
with me, Oopsy.

We're with you %.


Okay, everyone.

Keep your eyes open
for rainbow buds.

They're sort of
hard to find.

Ooh, they're so pretty.

(echoing) ooh,
they're so pretty.

(gasps) what was that?

It sounded just like me.

That's an echo.

Inside the cave,
the sound of your voice
bounces off the walls

So that you can
hear it back.


(echoing) hello!

(laughing) fun!

(echoing) fun!

(gasps) oh.

(all laughing)

Come on, g*ng.

Let's pick some
rainbow buds.


Isn't this fun,

A few of these will
really brighten up
my workshop.


It's really big.

If you've
changed your mind,
that's okay.

No. I still
want to do it.

Come on.

(Grumpy grunting)

Having trouble,

(grunting) this
blurble blistering bud
won't come loose.

(all screaming)


(all gasp)

Cave in!

Oh, no, we're trapped.


No good.

Looks like we have
some work to do.

One, two, three.

All: Care power on!

Maybe I can
blast through this
with a thunder bumper.

(thunder rumbling)


Well, that was no good.

Let me try
a rainbow beam.

(all exclaiming)

Both: Whoa, whoa.


(both exclaiming)


Why won't
our belly badges work?

It's like
Harmony's echo.

They just bounce off
the walls.

Now what are we
going to do?

We need help.

Oopsy and true heart
could help us.

But how do we tell them?


We have to set off
the care alarm.


With a belly badge

(chuckling nervously)

(alarm wailing)

Okay, Wingnut.

(both gasp)

That's the
care station alarm.

Someone must be
in trouble.

Why isn't anyone
answering it?

We better check.


Nobody's here.

They must still be
in the cave.


Oh, no.

It looks like the entrance
to the cave has collapsed.

They must be
trapped inside.


We have to tell someone.
We have to get help.

Um, Oopsy.

I think
we are the help.




Then this calls for

Super caring Oopsy!

Now, how are we
going to get them out?

All: Hmm.

We can push the rocks
out of the way.

We'll need shovels
to dig through.

But that might be
too slow.

Hmm. (exclaims)


now is not the time
for bumbleberries.

(mimicking drill whirring)

You want to polish
the floor?

No. He means using
Grumpy’s bumbleberry
delivery system

Like a drill.




How do we
get it up there?

It's too heavy
to carry that far.



We'll use
the thunderbolt.

We'll load the bumbleberry
delivery system
on the coaster car,

Adjust the track
and ride it up
at full speed.


Okay, Wingnut,
you're ready?


Let's go!

You're not afraid?

A little bit,
but you helped me
get ready for this.

Besides, our friends
need our help.

I can do it.

(true heart whooping)

Oopsy: Whoa!

(both screaming)

(both whooping)

Oopsy: Whoa!
True heart: Whoa!

(true heart chuckling)


(both screaming)

(both screaming)

(both laughing)

We did it!
We made it!

(both grunting)

Okay, I hope
this works.



True heart?

You did it!
You saved us!


And you broke
my bumbleberry
delivery system.

(laughs nervously)


But you did
the right thing.

(chuckles) good work,
super caring Oopsy.

Oh, thanks.

You too,
true heart.

That was very brave
what you two did.

(all exclaiming)

(all laughing)


Okay, who's next?

I don't think
my tummy can take
another ride.


Not again.

Twenty times
is enough.

Oh, come on,
it's so much fun.

Just one more ride.

(both groaning)


All right, Wingnut.

(both exclaiming)

(Wingnut beeping)


Doesn't she ever
get tired?

True heart:
Yay! Let's go again!

(true heart laughing)

How could I know
that the cloud cave

Might be shaky
and collapse?

But the rainbow buds
were pretty.

Yeah. I got to admit,
they were.

(wind howling)

If this wind keeps up,

We might have to cancel
the giving festival.

(gasps) what?

Cancel the
giving festival?

Oh, no.

It's not getting any
better out there.

But we never
canceled it before.

I don't like having
to do this any more
than you do, share.

But with all this wind
there's nothing we can do.

(sighs) oh.

Looks like we'll just
have to stay inside.

Did I say something?

Oopsy, you just saved
the giving festival.

I did?

I did!



Um... How?


By suggesting
we stay indoors.

We can have
the festival right here
in the care station.

Sure. We'll just
have to get the place
cleaned up and ready.

We'll need to make
some decorations.

Oh. I can help
with that.

What about snacks?

I've got some
fresh bumbleberries
that I'm happy to share.


Maybe this won't be such
a bad giving festival
after all.

Now, we have to
let everyone know

That the festival is
still on for tonight.

(monitor beeping)

(gasps) tumbling
cloud busters!

It's Princess Starglow.

And it looks like
she's in trouble.

We have to do something
to help Starglow.

All: Care power on!

(wind howling)


I think I see her!


(gasps) hey, guys,
you might want
to be careful.

Careful? (scoffs)

She's the one
who's in trouble.

(wind gusting)
all: Whoa!

We'll have you free
in a moment,
Princess Starglow.

we've stopped.

Too much wind.

(Windle cackling)

This is no time
for laughing, Grumpy.

It's not me.

Then who?


That's Windle.

The one that
I was trying to
warn you about.

This is my part
of the Sky,

And I don't
like trespassers.

Sorry, but you have
our friend.

Please! Let her go,
and we'll leave you alone.

No, I don't want to.

Now you should leave!

(inhales deeply)

All: Whoa!


We need to help Windle
learn to calm down.

Let's go!

(inhales deeply)

(Windle laughs)

(Windle laughing)



I'll have you out
in no time.

Oh, no, you don't.

Why do you want
to keep our friend?

Because she was going
to the giving festival.

And I don't like
the giving festival.

How can you
not like it?

It's wonderful.

It's fun.

I don't like
all the giving and
the sharing and the...


No. I said "sharing."

And I said "staring."

As in a super,
care bear stare.


I don't like
the sound of this.

%% everybody gather round

Care bears:
%% care power on

%% someone needs
our help right now

Care bears:
%% care power on

%% we work together
as a team

%% to lend our hand
or make a star gleam

%% every time we do
the care bear stare

Care bears:
%% care power on

(Windle laughing)

%% rainbow, sun,
Storm clouds and lollipops

%% care power on

%% caring, fun,
and sharing never stops

%% care power on

%% care power on

%% care power on

%% care power on %%


Thank you.

I feel so much lighter
and breezier.

Now, what were we
talking about?

You not letting
our friend Starglow leave

Because you don't like
the giving festival.

Oh. Sorry.

I was just going to
take care of that.

(inhales deeply)

Princess Starglow,
I'm sorry.

go with your friends.

Well, no harm done
I guess.

All: Yippee!

(all laughing)

(all Cheering)

For someone who just had
a care bear stare,

Windle doesn't
look very happy.

Um, why don't you
come with us to
the giving festival?

Thanks, but I can't.

Sure you can.

No, I can't. I...

I don't have
anything to give.


So, that's why
you don't like
the giving festival.

Mmm, maybe.

That's okay.
You don't have to have
something to give.

You can give yourself
just by being there.


Come on,
you'll have fun.

Share, I've really been
looking forward to this.

My first time ever
seeing snow.

Well, Grumpy’s helped
us out with that.

Yup. Now that
the wind has died down

We can have the festival
outside and... (exclaims)

My snow machine!

I'll never get it
fixed in time.

The wind must have
cause the branch
to fall.

This is my fault,
isn't it?

You didn't
do it intentionally.

It was an accident.

Yes, but I
feel responsible.

Since the wind
was so bad,

We never even got
a Chance to decorate.

Well, we can still have
the festival inside
the care station.

(balloons popping)


Wingnut was helping me
blow up some balloons
for the festival

And I guess
we blew them up
too much.

Oh. Now what are we
going to do?

We don't have
any decorations.

And we don't have
any snow.

What's with
all the droopy faces?

The giving festival
isn't about having,
it's about giving.

(gasps) and I know
what I can give.

(all gasp)

A little sparkle.

And a little twinkle.

Starglow, it's beautiful.

Happy to help out.

I've got
lollipop flowers
to give.

And I'm going to make up
some great games.

I wish there were
something I could give,
but I'm just wind.

And you've had
enough of that.

Well, I bet you're good
at warm Summer breezes.


Probably good at
cold winter gales, too.

(gasps) Grumpy!
That's it!

Think you can cool down
some of those clouds?

Sure. But why would I...

Of course.

There's going to be
a change in the weather.

(inhales deeply)

Snow? Real snow?


It's the real deal.

Let's get this
giving festival started.

(all exclaiming)

(all laughing)


%% this season comes
but once a year

%% we sing a song for friends
both far and near

%% we celebrate by giving

%% and being grateful
for all the little things

%% let love shine

%% it's giving time

%% come one, come all

%% let's all join in

%% peace and Joy
in every land

%% what if all the bells
could ring

%% what if all of us
could sing

%% come together

%% in good Cheer
good Cheer

%% giving season's here

%% giving season's here %%

---the end---