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Care Bears Big Wish Movie, The (2005)

Posted: 03/28/22 16:52
by bunniefuu
care bears.

Care bears.


(Whoosh, whoosh)



♪ Care bears

♪ In a big wish

♪ Care bears

♪ In a big wish

♪ Care bears

♪ In a big wish

♪ Care bears

♪ In a big wish



♪ Care bears

♪ In a big wish


♪ Care bears

♪ In a big wish


Ha-ha, ha-ha






Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Whoa! Wee!



(Birds twitter)

Wish cub: (singing)
♪ if wishes were fishes

♪ And soup bowls were dishes

♪ I'd make something delicious
for you... ♪




must have been my inagim...

Um, my imagic... Um,

My mini-agination


That's no mini-agination;

That's a something!

Attention bush-dwelling

My name is wish cub!

What's yours?

(Tail twitters)


Don't be afraid.

I'm a care bear,

Not a "scare" bear.


Hi, little guy!


Come back!




Well, I guess
I might as well

Just sit down here
and have my lunch.


Mmmm, mmm, mmm.

Wow! Mmm!
This is tasty.

this sure is good!

Are you allergic
to peanut butter?


Would you like to share
my sandwich with me?



(Hums happily)


(Surprised gasp)


(Continues humming)

(Munching, gulps)


(Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!)

(Slurp! Slurp!)

(Hums cheerfully)


Want some more?

Mm hm!

(Slurp! Gulp!)



Wish cub:

Would you like to be
my friend?


Wish cub:
you would?!

(Giggles) wow!

I'm gonna call you...



you know what I wish?

I wish we could be
together forever.



(Magical whoosh)

Whoa! Oof!

I get it!

You're a wishing star!


I meant that I want us
to be friends forever,

Not for you to be
stuck on my tummy forever!


(Gasps) look!

It's you!

I guess that means
my wish came true!

We're going to be
together forever!

Wish bear:
...and that's how twinkers
and I met

And became best friends.

Tender heart bear:
(sighs) I love that story.

It always brings a...

Tear to my eye.

Harmony bear:
mine too!

It's such a happy story,

It makes me wanna sing!

♪ La-la-la, la-la-la,
la-la-la, la-la-la, ♪

♪ La-la-la, la-la-la,
la-la-la la! ♪

I know.

It almost makes me
less grumpy...


What happened
to the big wishing star?

Big wish?
She's still up there,

Keeping her eye on twinkers

And all the other
wishing stars.

Bedtime bear:
(yawns sleepily)

Well, you know
what I wish for?

Funshine bear:
an air mattress,

Some flannel pajamas
and a warm glass of milk?



Huh? (Chuckles)

Nothing goes with a good story
like popcorn.



Coming right up!


I wish that there will be
enough popcorn for everybody.

Cheer bear:
uh, wish bear?

Should you be using
your wishes

For something easy
like making popcorn?

Don't worry.

I'm a trained

(Spins rapidly)

(Magical whoosh)

ahhh! Yay!

(Deep rumbling)


(Rumbling and rattling)

Bedtime bear:
wish bear, what was all that?


(Pop corn popping)

(gasp) ohhhhh!

Funshine bear:


When I wished for enough
popcorn for everybody...

I meant everybody here;

Not everybody in care-a-lot.


Extra buttery!


(Alarm blares)

(Alarm stops)


(Smaller alarm rings)

(Alarm stops)


(Sighs) hmm?!

(Brushing sounds)

(Brushing sounds)

(Glug, glug)


(Smacks lips)

(Slurps, gulps)

(Long slow slurp)



(Birds twitter)

Good morning,
share bear!

Good morning,
wish bear.

Good morning,

(squeaks greeting)

How's it going?

Pretty good,

Except my sap
isn't flowing

As nicely
as I'd like it to.

Oh, dear!
Have you seen a doctor?

Huh? Oh!

I didn't mean my sap,

I meant my trees sap!

Wish bear:
ohhhhhh. (Giggles)

Without rainbow sap,
I can't make rainbow syrup.

And without rainbow syrup,

I can't make
rainbow lollypops.

Wish bear:

No rainbow lollypops?!

Well, that's not
gonna happen,

Not on my watch!



I wish that share bear gets
plenty of rainbow sap!

(Spins rapidly)

(Magical whoosh)


(Deep rumbling)



Our work here is done!

C'mon, twinkers.

See you later,
share bear.

See ya!
Thanks, wish bear.



Uh oh...
Wish bear?!


Whaaaa! Whoa!



Wish bear!

Good morning,
grumpy bear!

Oof! Ow...

It would be
if I could get

My newest invention
to work.

What is it?

It's a bubble-powered
rocket ship!

Only it's got more bubble
than power.


Well, I think you
and I know a way

To fix grumpy bear's rocket,
right twinkers?

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm,

I wish that grumpy bear's
rocket gets plenty of zoom!


(Whips about)

(Magical whoosh)


That takes a lot out of you,
doesn't it twinkers?

More power...


Wish bear:
well, that ought to do it!

Have a nice trip, grumpy!

Thanks. Huh?!

Nice trip?

(Rockets boost)

(Rapid bubbling)

There's no one on board you!


(Bubbles gurgle)

(Bubbles gurgle and pop)


Grumpy bear:
wish beaaaarrrr!!!

Ay, yie, yie,
yie, yie, yie, yie yowwww!

Coming through!

Care bears:


More tea?

Grumpy bear:
heads up!

(Pop, pop)


Good luck bear:
c'mon, champ bear.

Push harder!

You got it!

Good luck bear:
whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa!!

(Bubbles pop)


I think that was
a little too hard.

Oh no!

(Rocket thunders)

(Loud crash)



Grumpy bear:
(frightened scream)

(Loud splash)

Rainbow syrup.


My favourite.



Champ bear:


Care bears:
(laughing and giggling)

(Clears throat)

I'd like to call
this weekly meeting

Of the care-a-lot
steering committee to order.


Care bears:


sorry about that.

I just love
those things.

(Loud knock)

All right,
first thing's first.

Old business?

Love-a-lot bear:
ooh! Ooh, ooh!

The floor recognizes
love-a-lot bear.

Thank you,
champ bear.

Just an update
on the plans

For the visit from princess gig
of joke-a-lot.

We've ordered
extra cream pies

And funshine bear
assures me

That all of our dribble glasses
and joy-buzzers

Will be in position
for her arrival next month.

(cheers and applause)

(Shy giggles)

Why, thank you
for that update!

On to new business.

Tenderheart bear:
(clears throat)

Champ bear:
the floor recognizes
tenderheart bear.

Now, I don't want anyone
to get worried,

However, we seem to be having
a little problem

With the care-o-meter.

The needle's moved away
from the rainbow side,

And has moved closer
to the rain clouds side.


You mean,
somewhere in care-a-lot,

There isn't as much caring
as their should be?!

Grumpy bear:
well, there goes
the neighbourhood!

Tenderheart bear:
well let's not get too worried.

Sometimes we just need
a little reminder

About what caring
is all about.

I've got an idea!

How about we make this
"show how much we care month"?

We can all
make an extra effort

To show how much we care.

Champ bear:
that sounds great,
good luck bear.

Let's take a vote.

All in favour
of making this month

"Show how much we care month",

Please raise your paws.



Well then,
it's unanimous!

Wish bear:
excuse me,

Um, champ bear?

Yes, wish bear?

Wish bear:
you know, if you want,

I can just make a wish

For some more caring
in care-a-lot,

And then twinkers could...



Grumpy bear:
your wishes always...

Uh, what we mean is...

Well, sometimes your wishes
don't quite work out

The way you want them to.

Grumpy bear:
or the way anyone
wants them to.


Share bear:

If you love something,

Working hard to help
make it better

And not just wishing for it
to get better,

Is a great way to show
how much you care.

don't you think?

Wish bear:

I... Suppose.

Well then,
it's settled!

I officially announce
the start

Of "show how much
we care month."

Meeting adjourned!


(Everyone laughs)

Champ bear:

I didn't know.

They didn't like
our wishes, twinkers.

♪ What's wrong with a wish

♪ Something nice
for your friends ♪

♪ When the day's
not so great ♪

♪ You can change how it ends

♪ It's a wonderful gift

♪ To wish someone a wish

♪ But it seems
that not everyone ♪

♪ Sees it like this

♪ I wish all my troubles away

♪ All my dreams come true

♪ I wish for blue skies
every day ♪

♪ And I can wish it for you

♪ Why would I wait

♪ For what a wish can create

♪ Why should I work so hard

♪ I wish

♪ 'Cause wishing is great

♪ A wish is the best

♪ No disappointments or tears

♪ If something bad happens

♪ I make it disappear

♪ If there's something I want

♪ There's no reason to fret

♪ There's no wish limit

♪ On all the things
I can get ♪

♪ I wish all my troubles away

♪ All my dreams come true

♪ I wish for blue skies
every day ♪

♪ And I can wish it for you

♪ Why would I wait

♪ For what a wish can create

♪ Why should I work so hard

♪ I wish

♪ 'Cause wishing is great

♪ When I wish it feels right

♪ The whole world's shiny
and bright ♪

♪ I know wishing makes
everything all right ♪

♪ Where there's a wish
there's a way ♪

♪ So I'll keep wishing
each day ♪

♪ I wish all my troubles away

♪ Doesn't anybody see

♪ I wish for blue skies
every day ♪

♪ I wish there
were others like me ♪

♪ Others like me

♪ Who like to wish
all day long ♪

♪ Is there something I can do

♪ Wish I knew...

twinkers, that's it!

If there aren't
any bears around

Who like wishing
as much as we do,

All we need to do
is wish us up some more,



(Giggles) okay!

I wish...

For some more bears
in care-a-lot,

Who really, really,
really love wishing!


Ha ha!



(Deep breath)

(Spins about)


(Snoring) huh?



Uh oh!


Oh dear...

(Worried grunts)

Oh, dear.

(Perky squeal)


Champ bear:
wish bear! Wish bear!

Is everything all right?

I saw a bright flash -

Like lightning!

It woke me up.

I saw it, too.

Tenderheart bear:
we came as soon as we could.


Wish bear:
no! No!

Guys, everything is fine.

I was just making a wish.

(Loud rumbling)

It must have been
a doozy!

(Birds twitter nervously)

Uh... Wish bear,

What did you wish for?





(Car squeals to a halt)

(Rumbles and splutters off)


Too-loud bear:

Now this is what
I call a welcome!

How's it goin'?

Love that tummy symbol.


(Click, click)

My name is too-loud bear!


Some people say
it's because I'm too loud.

Isn't that a riot?!

(Laughs uproariously)

It cracks me up,
I'm tellin' ya!

What'd you say
your name is again?

Um, I'm, um,
champ bear.


We're the care bears,

And this is care-a-lot.

Too-loud bear:
hey, me bear!

Did you hear that?

This is care-a-lot.

(Sing songy)
♪ me, me, me, me,
me, me, me... ♪


What's in it for me?

Me, me, me-me-me, me, me...

Share bear:
well, lots of things!

This is a place
for caring and...

That's swell.

So tell me,
chimp bear...

Champ bear.


Is this care-a-lot
a nice place to live?

Property values rising,
good schools?

You know the drill -

Location, location, location!

Bedtime bear:

Well, we like it here.

Hey, I'm not keeping
you up, am i?

Wish bear:
no, that's bedtime bear.

He's always tired.

Bedtime bear:

(Startled gasp)


(Door squeaks open)

Messy bear:

I'm messy bear.
Who are you?

And what's that?

(Sneeze) oh...

Wish bear:
I'm wish bear
and this is twinkers.

He's a wish star.

Wow! You mean,
you just wish on him (sniffs)

And you get everything
you want?


Me bear:
how wonderful!

I'll give you
a dollar for him.

he's not for sale.

Two dollars...

Plus an autographed
picture of me.

To... Wish bear...

Best wishes...
Me bear.

I'm glad you
like him so much,

But he's really
not for sale.

A tough negotiator,

I respect that.

Funshine bear:
so what brings you
to care-a-lot?

Don't know!

We were just driving around,

Looking for a new place
to call home,

When we suddenly had an
uncontrollable urge

To come here.

Messy bear:
almost like...

We couldn't resist it.


These must be the bears
we wished for!

(Excited giggle)

Too-loud bear:
and I gotta tell you,
I'm glad we couldn't,

Because I like care-a-lot...
A lot!

Ooh, me too.

Also me.


So I think
we're gonna move in.

Yay! (Cheers)

(Rumbling and crashing)

Bedtime bear:
what's all that?

Too-loud bear:
our new house!

(Effort grunt)

Seeing how we're
settling here,

We're gonna have
to build it.

Wish bear:
you know, twinkers and I

Could just wish it
built for you.



Tenderheart bear:
but don't you think
it would show how much we care

If we all work on it together?

After all, this is
"show how much we care" month.

Cheer bear:
also, it'll be fun!


Wish bear:
no wishing?

I guess...

All right everybody,

Quit standing around

Looking like a bunch
of stuffed toys

At a yard sale!

(Crickets chirp)

What's a "yard sale"?

What's a "stuffed toy"?

Too-loud bear:
come on! Let's get to work!

Move out!

Let's go! Come on!

Keep the beat!

Come on, let's go!

(Grunts of effort)

(Grunts of effort)

(Grunts of effort)

Lift 'er up!
Lift 'er up!

(Grunts of effort)

Too-loud bear:
there! Push, push!

Almost there!
Almost there!

(Grunts of effort)


Too-loud bear:
let's go!
Come on!

Come on! Let's go!

(Blows her breath)

Oh! Hmmm...


Too-loud bear:
okay! Lower away!

Heads up!!


Love-a-lot bear:

Cheer bear:

yay! Wow!

Too-loud bear:
home sweet home!



(Birds twitter)




Wish bear:
♪ if wishes were fishes

♪ And soup bowls were dishes

♪ I'd make something delicious

♪ For yooooou...


(Birds twitter)


Me bear:
how's it looking,
messy bear?


Very, uh, colourful!

Me bear:
oh! I can hardly wait
to see me!

Too-loud bear:

Messy bear!
Me bear!

Come on in the pool.

The water's great!


Messy bear:
maybe later.

Messy bear still has another
six portraits of me

To do before lunch.

Oh! Me!



Uh... Good morning!

Too-loud bear:

It's wish-a-lot bear
and twinkles!

Wish bear:
just wish bear.

Wish-a-lot's my uncle,

And this is twinkers.


what is that?

A welcome present?

For me?!

How wonderful!

How thoughtful!!

Wish bear:
it's for all of you.


(Not so thrilled)
how wonderful.
How thoughtful.

What type of pie
is it?

It's an apple pie.

Did you...
Wish it up?


I made it
with my own two paws.


Oh! And twinkers'
five points.


Me bear:
did you say apple?

Wish bear:
yes! I hope that's okay.

Me bear:
I'm sure you do.

I can't eat apple.

Acid reflux.

(Stomach rumbles)

Wish bear:
really? That's too bad.

Now, if it was blueberry...

Wish bear:
blueberry? Not a problem.


I wish for this pie
to be a big blueberry pie!

Woo! Woo! Woo!

Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!


Do you see this?

I'm standing right here,
aren't i?


Wish bear:
(giggle) ta da!

Oh yeah!

Too-loud bear:

Now that's what I call
a blueberry pie!

Looks to me more like a pie
made from one blueberry.

Messy bear:


Messy bear:
well, I bet it tastes good.

I'm so glad
you all like my wishes!

Like 'em?

We love 'em!

The big question is...

Where did you get
a star like twitters?

You mean "twinkers",

And he's one of a kind!

We first met
a long time ago...

When I was just
a care bear cub.

♪ If wishes were fishes

♪ And soup bowls were dishes

♪ I'd make something...

Yeah, that's great.

So bottom line:
we can't get one?

Uhh... That's right.

That's all you
had to say!

Well then,
we won't keep you.

Thanks so much
for the pie.

Thanks also to you,

Wish bear:

Too-loud bear:
that's what I said.

Wish bear:
okay, we'll see you later.

Too-loud bear:

(Goodbye squeak)


Can you imagine
all the great things

I could have
if I had my own wish star?

Messy bear:
yeah, how about how easy
everything would be

If all we had to do
was wish for it?

Too-loud bear:
I hear ya,

But sparkles belongs
to wish bear,

So that's that.

I guess so.

But then again,

Wish bear seems
friendly enough.

I'm sure she wouldn't mind
lending him to us

If we really need him.

Champ bear:
(whistles happily)


(Gasps) oh!

What's going on?!

There's even less caring now
in care-a-lot!


I'm coming!



Who is it?

It's me bear.

Who bear?

Me bear!

You bear?








I'm here with too-loud bear
and messy bear.

We just stopped by to say...

Messy bear:


How nice!

Just a second...
I'm not decent.

What a nice surprise!

Come on in!

Me bear:


Too-loud bear:
mmm, nice joint.

It's a little...
Tidy for my taste.


What I meant to say is:

I just love what you've done
with the place!

We just wanted to pop over

And say thank you
for all of your help.

And for that delicious
blueberry pie.


Wish bear:
you're welcome!

We're glad to help.

Aren't we, twinkers?



It's really nice

To have some bears
around here

That appreciate
my wishing.

I'm really happy
to hear you say that, wishy.

Me bear:
there are just a few
little things we need

Some more help with...

Messy bear:
and a couple of wishes
should take care of it!

Wish bear:
really? Wishes?

yeah. Uh-huh.

Wish bear:
where do I start?!

Don't you like
the house?

We all worked so hard on it.

Oh, we do like it...

It's feeling a little...

Almost small.


I barely have room
for my armoire and divan!

Too-loud bear:
we were wishing for
something a little...


More space to spread out!



Well, if it's a bigger house
you want,

It's a bigger house
you'll get!


I wish that
our new neighbors

Have a bigger house.

(Happy squeals)

(Deep breath)

Is that normal?

In my world?




Too-loud bear:

Me bear:

(Loud rumbling)



(Cheering and applauding)


I couldn't have done it
better myself!

Messy bear:
you couldn't have done it
at all.

Not without our little pal,

Wish bear:
oh! (Giggle) thank you.

Glad to help!

And it's "twinkers".

Too-loud bear:

(Concerned chatter)

Champ bear:
(bangs gavel repeatedly)

I call this emergency meeting

Of the care-a-lot
steering committee to order.

Good luck bear:
what's going on,
champ bear?

Well, I know we've all been
working really hard, but...


Grumpy bear:
there's less caring happening
in care-a-lot than before?!

There's nothing funny
about that.

You said it,
funshine bear.

I don't like to point paws
at anyone,

But there's been, kinda...

A lot of wishes made
around here...


Without too much caring
about what happens with them.


Grumpy bear:
that's true.

I don't want to make
wish bear feel badly,

But it's almost like wishing
is becoming more important

Than working hard
and doing things right.


That's true.
I agree.

Wish bear:

I was just helping
our new neighbours.

They really like my wishes.

Champ bear:

Well, in situations like this,

There's only one thing to do.

road trip?

No. Picnic!!


Care bears:
pic-nic! Pic-nic! Pic-nic!

We'll invite too-loud bear,
me bear, and messy bear

To a care bear picnic,

And tell them all about

How we do things in care-a-lot
to show that we care.

What do you think,
wish bear?


Champ bear:
it's settled then.

Meeting adjourned.


Oh! Funshine!


Care bears:
pic-nic! Pic-nic! Pic-nic!

Pic-nic! Pic-nic! Pic-nic!

Yay! (Giggles)





hooray! Hooray!


(Cheering and clapping)



Where are they?

I don't know.

Grumpy bear:
I'm hungry.

Are you sure we can't start
without them?

It would be bad luck.

I think you made that up.

I hope they come soon.

I can't wait to get
to dessert!

Did you tell them when
the picnic was going to be?


Did you tell them
where we were having it?


Did you tell them who
was coming to the picnic?


Love-a-lot bear:
did you tell them
what to bring?

Ugh! Yes!

Friend bear:
did you tell them
how to get here?


I told them who,
what, when, where, and how!

Champ bear:
but did you tell them

"Why" we were having
the picnic?

Wish bear:

I thought we should
all do that together.

(Embarrassed giggle)

(Low rumbling)

Care bears:



Friend bear:

Wish bear:

(Gasp) oh no!

(Loud honking)

Oh dear!

(Louder rumbling)

Oh my!

(Engine roars)

Too-loud bear:
oh yeah!




(Car sputters to a stop
and then backfires)

Picnic time already?

Funshine bear:
well, at least
they missed the cake.



Well, we're here!

Me bear:
it's me!

Too-loud bear:
let's eat! I'm starving!


So, then wish bear
tells twiddles

To make the house bigger,
and wham!

Bam! Poof!

That little fellow goes
to work spinning,

And glowing, and zipping
around like a crazy star.

Ha, ha! Next thing we know,
the house is a mansion!

Who's twiddles?

Mmm... You know.
The wishing star thingy.

It's "twinkers".


Bottom line is,
I love that star!

I really love
that star!

Don't i?


Well, something I love
is care-a-lot.


Share bear:
and we love sharing it
with new friends.


This is a great place to live.

Messy bear, me bear and I

Really like living here.

Don't we?


We're really happy
to hear that,


There's just a few things
you need to know

About care-a-lot.


Like how we do things
around here

To show that we care.

Wishy, you nut!

We already know how you
do things around here.

You do?


(Music begins)

♪ There's lots of things
to like ♪

♪ And the bears
are really nice ♪

♪ Here in care-a-lot

♪ in care-a-lot!

♪ the sky is always blue

♪ And there's lots
of things to do ♪

♪ Here in care a lot

Me bear and messy bear:
♪ in care-a-lot!

♪ but there's one thing
that really takes the cake ♪

♪ You can have any wish
you make! ♪

♪ You never have to work

♪ You can play all day

♪ And you get a lot

♪ in care-a-lot!

♪ With twiddles by our side...

Wish bear:

♪ It's such an easy ride

♪ And we'll get a lot

Messy bear:
♪ in care-a-lot!

Me bear:
♪ dolls and diamond rings

♪ And lots of pretty things

♪ I can have a lot

Too-loud bear:
♪ a shiny motorbike

♪ And anything I like
in care-a-lot ♪

Messy bear:
♪ I can eat a lot...

♪ all you have to do is wish

♪ And it comes true

♪ And you get a lot

Me bear and messy bear:
♪ in care-a-lot!

♪ Toys and chocolate pie

♪ You don't even have to try

♪ And you get a lot

♪ in care-a-lot!

Care bears:
♪ it's nice to have a wish

Wish bear:
♪ or three!

Care bears:
♪ but you should do it
carefully ♪

♪ What do you mean?

♪ All the things
you really like ♪

♪ And what makes every bear
so nice ♪

♪ We share a lot

Harmony bear:
♪ in care-a-lot

Care bears:
♪ the reason why
the flowers grow ♪

♪ And it's the nicest
place we know ♪

♪ We do a lot

♪ In care-a-lot

♪ Well, that's a lovely
point of view ♪

♪ I don't think
we're getting through... ♪

♪ Gorgeous clothes
and shoes ♪

♪ In red and pink
and blue ♪

♪ Gonna do it up!

♪ The biggest house of all

♪ With an indoor waterfall

♪ Gonna live it up!

♪ Gonna eat it up...

Care bears:
♪ you have to work
to build a dream ♪

♪ And wishing can't
fix everything ♪


♪ We'll never work
and play a lot ♪

Care bears:
♪ we do a lot
and care a lot ♪

♪ We'll wish all day
and get a lot ♪

♪ We share a lot
and give a lot ♪

♪ We'll have it all
in care-a-lot ♪

♪ If you care
in care-a-lot ♪

♪ All you have to do

♪ Is care!

♪ Is wish and it comes true

♪ And you get a lot

Messy bear:
♪ in care-a-lot!


(Engine revs and splutters)

Too-loud bear:

(Honking in the distance)

Funshine bear:

Love-a-lot bear:

I can only imagine

What the care-o-meter
is doing right now.

Well, I suppose it
could be worse.


(Clears throat)
you mean like that?

Care bears:

Tenderheart bear:
oh, I think our new neighbours

Are so busy thinking
about wishing,

They haven't noticed
what's happening to care-a-lot.

Wish bear:
(sighs) this is all my fault.

Friend bear:
oh wish bear,
don't blame yourself.

But... (Sighs)

I wished for some neighbours
to move into care-a-lot

Who loved wishing
as much as I do.

On second thought,

Maybe you should
blame yourself.

Wish bear:
I'll just go tell them

They need to do less wishing

And more caring.

Cheer bear:
that's the spirit!

Maybe I can just wish
for them to wish less

And care more!


Wish bear:
I guess that would be missing
the point, huh?


(Hysterical laughter)

Wish bear: less wishing
and more caring.

Too-loud bear:
that's the funniest thing
I think I've ever heard!

We love wishing too much?!


Yeah, I know,
it sounds silly,

But there has been
an awful lot of wishing

Going on around here,

And it does seem like
the more I wish for things,

The worse things get
in care-a-lot.

Too-loud bear:
well then,

I know the perfect solution.

You've got to stop wishing...

I knew you'd-

Me bear:
and let us handle
the wishing from now on.


Too-loud bear:

If you're having trouble
controlling "tuttles",

Maybe you should
let us have him?



No, twinkers and I

Are supposed to be
together forever.

Me bear:
but I had some more things

I wanted to wish for.


Wish bear:

Too-loud bear:
and I was thinking about
wishing up a motorcycle -

A nice loud one!

Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom...

Vroom, vroom, vroom...

And I had some things
I wanted, too.

(Sinister chuckle)

Like hot dogs and hamburgers,

And cupcakes.

Oh yummy.



Wish bear:



Too-loud bear:
c'mon wishy,
just a few more wishes.

Wish bear:
I just can't.

(Disappointed grunts)

Look, I wish it was as easy
as saying

"I wish you all had twinkers

So you could all make
all the wishes you wanted",

But that's not going
to help care-a-lot.


What are you doing?

(Gasps) oh no.

Oh me.

Oh my.

Oh boy!


Oh! (Chuckles)

now I've seen everything.


When I said
"I wish you all had twinkers"

I didn't mean for it
to happen!

I accidentally
wished you away! (Sobs)

Too-loud bear:
hey, that's okay.

Honest mistake.

We'll just wish him
back to you.

Won't we?



Oh, thank you.

Too-loud bear:


I missed that last part.

"After" what?

After we make just
a few teeny-tiny wishes.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Me bear:
why don't you swing back here
tomorrow around four-ish,

And we'll wish him
back to you then?

C'mon twinkers,
we've got some work to do.


Better make it five-ish.



Uh... Wish bear?

I came to see
how it went with...


Don't look at me!
I'm hideous!

Wish bear!

What happened
to your tummy symbol?


I accidentally wished
twinkers away

To me bear, messy bear,
and too-loud bear.

They said I could
have him back today

Around five-ish.


Funshine bear:
that explains what's going on
with the care-o-meter!

The care-o-meter has moved
from "mostly caring"

To "not caring enough".

Care-a-lot is getting
into big trouble!

I know,
and it's all my fault.

I thought I knew how
to control my wishing,

But I didn't.

And without twinkers,

I'm not sure I even know
how to care anymore.


Tell me about "caring".

Wish bear:
I can't.

I feel all empty inside.


Tell me about
"empty inside".

"Empty inside"

I need twinkers back.

He's my best friend.

Well, I think you should
go over there

And ask for him back - now!

Don't wait for five-ish!

Do you really think
that would work?


Our new neighbours may be
different from us,

But they're still nice.

I'm sure if you ask

They'll wish twinkers
back to you right away.

All right!

I'm going to do it
right now!

Thank you, funshine.

You're welcome.

You know, while you're here,
I was wondering

If I could talk to you
about something else.

time's up.

Wish bear:

(Thunder rumbles)

This is getting really bad.

Oh no!

What have they done now!

This is awful.



(Bike horn blares)

How do you like it?

I just wished this baby up!

Isn't it great?!


What was that?!

(Revs the engine)

It's so loud,

It's blowing the colour
right out of care-a-lot!

Blowing the colour
right out of care-a-lot?


I gotta tell you,
you care bears?!

Always making with the jokes.

Wish bear:
I'm not joking.


You sure those weren't
like that before?

Yes, I'm sure!


Too-loud bear:
what's with the clouds?

The travel agent said

Care-a-lot never gets rain
this time of year.

It's all the wishing
we've been doing.

Please, I've got to find

Where is he?

I think he's out back
with me bear.

She wanted to do some

♪ Me-me-me-me-me-me me
me-me-me me-me ♪

Wish bear:
you call this "redecorating?"

Me bear:
greetings visitors!

And welcome to "me bear world",

An entire amusement park

Dedicated to the celebration
of, well, me!

Too-loud bear:
me bear!

Look at all of this.

Me bear:
beautiful, isn't it?

It's all me,
all the time.

Wish bear:
but me bear,
your smokestack.

The smoke coming out of it
is blocking out the sun.

Oh, that's just
the factory.

The factory?

For the gift shop.

I manufacture all of my own
trinkets and souvenirs.

Helps control costs.

♪ la-la-la-la-la-la



Don't you understand?!


Wish bear:
a whole amusement park
all about you

Is no way to show
that you care.

Me bear:
it shows that I care about me.

Doesn't that count?


Where's twinkers?


I saw him inside the house
with messy bear.


What happened to the sky?

(Too-loud bear revs engine)

Me bear:
hey, wait for me!

I wish for a dozen eggs!



I meant to say

That I wish for a dozen eggs
all cracked into a bowl.

Oh, and no shells this time.


And now, I wish for some
chocolate powder,

Milk, and sugar.

And a mixer to really
beat it well, okay?





Messy bear:
all right, all right!

Now we need a big pie plate
so we can...

Wish bear:

(Crys out)

Oh, twinkers!

Look at you!

Oh. Is it five-ish already?

Messy bear?

What are you doing?

I am making myself
a "mud pie".

"Mud pie?"

It's just an expression.

They're really tasty.

It'll be ready in a minute.

Uh, pull up a chair.

Oh, uh, well...

If you can find one.

Uh, oh never mind,

I'll just wish you up one.

Wish bear:
that's it!

No more wishing!

Don't you care about
the mess you're making?

Of course not.

I'll just get twinkers
to clean up the kitchen

After I'm done.

It's not just the kitchen,

It's all of care-a-lot.

What are you
talking about?

Harmony bear:
oh, wish bear!

I'm so happy we found you
I could sing!

Have you seen
what's happening?

Bedtime bear:
all of the colour
is leaving care-a-lot!


Cheer bear:
look at the rainbow.


Too-loud bear:
did we really do that?

Grumpy bear:
we think so.

We didn't mean to.

Friend bear:
oh, we know.

It's just you've been so busy
wishing up things,

You've forgotten to take
the time to care about others.

Champ bear:
the important thing right now,

Is to figure out how to make
care-a-lot better again.

Messy bear:
I know how - twinkers!

I wish that all
of this was gone.

Wish bear:
I don't think wishing's-

(Gasps) twinkers, no!

Whoa! You made
everything too gone.

Messy bear?!

Wish bear:
I really think
it's enough wishing-

Messy bear:

I wish for everything
to be back how it was,

But with more colour.

wow! Oh my!

Funshine bear:
actually, this is
a good look for us!

Wish bear:
please, no more...

Messy bear:

I wish for less colour!

Friend bear:
that's better.

Grumpy bear:
speak for yourself...

Too-loud bear:
ooh, very retro.

Me bear:
messy bear,

I really think you should
listen to wish bear-

Oh, twinkers?

I wish for everything to be
like it used to be!


I meant how it used to be,

But not this long ago.


Wish bear:

He can't take any more.

Tenderheart bear:
poor twinkers.

(Loud thunder)

Me bear:
poor us!


Champ bear:
please wish twinkers back
to wish bear

So she can help care-a-lot!

Uh, um... Good idea.

Uh, twinkers!

I wish you back to wish bear.


What's wrong?

It's like he's been
all used up.

Oh... Oh, twinkers!

I'm sorry!

What are we going to do?


Grumpy bear,
come with me!

Grumpy bear:
whoa whoa, whoa.

Where are we going?

Wish bear:
to help twinkers!

Messy bear:
can I come too?

I'm afraid I've made
a mess of things.

What should we do?

Wish bear:
wait here.

If this works,

Everything is going to be okay.

Come on, messy!

Share bear:
what if it doesn't work?

ignore me...

Ready, grumpy bear?


All I need to know
is which way?


Count us down,
messy bear!

T-minus five,
four, three, two,

Ah-ah-choo! Lift off!


Messy bear:
grumpy, can't this thing
go any faster?

Grumpy bear:
well, I put high octane bubbles
in it.

Messy bear:
hey! What's that?

Wish bear:
good eye, messy!

That's big wish.

She's the source
of all wishing power.

She can make twinkers
better again.

I just know it!

slow us down!

Brace yourselves.


Wish bear:
keep it running, grumpy.

I'll be right back.

Well, bless my stars!


Look how big you've grown!

And I know you.

You're wish bear,

Twinkers best friend!

I-i thought I was
his best friend,

But I didn't take
good enough care of him.

too much wishing.

and now look at him.

He's so weak.

Is there any way
you can help

Make him better?

Big wish:
that depends on you.

Wish bear:
if you mean,
did I learn my lesson?


Wishing is fun,

But it's more important
to work hard

To make your dreams come true.

And if you can do it
with your friends,

That's the best way
to show that you care.

Very good.

In that case...

(Squeals of delight)

Ta da!


Twinkers! Oh!

(Sigh of relief)


Thank you, big wish!

Big wish:
you're welcome,
wish bear.

And now, I think your friends
back in care-a-lot

Need your help.

(Loud thunder)

It's them!


Too-loud bear:
wishy! Twittles! Messy!

You're back.

What am i,
chopped liver?

You too,

Friend bear:
twinkers! He's all better.

Oh, that's great!

Wish bear,
wish everything better.

You're the only one
who can fix things!

I never thought I'd say this,

But wishing is definitely
not the answer.

Funshine bear:
this is no time for jokes!

Trust me, I know.

Wish bear:
I'm not joking.

We have to save care-a-lot
ourselves without wishing.

But how?

Wish bear:
share bear,

Do you have any
of your rainbow syrup left?

Do i!

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Working in harmony

♪ Caring for the things
we love ♪

♪ There's a change
in the air ♪

♪ Something right,
something new ♪

♪ A feeling so good

♪ I want to share it
with you ♪

♪ I'm sorry for the things
I've put you through ♪

♪ A lesson learned,
is a wish come true ♪

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Working in harmony

♪ Caring for the things
we love ♪

♪ Caring for each other

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Yes, caring is everything

♪ We've got to take care
of each other ♪

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Working together now

♪ To make our dreams
come true ♪

♪ Helping each other

♪ Is what we're meant to do

♪ Side by side
we'll make a better day ♪

♪ Together chasing
the storm away ♪

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Working in harmony

♪ Caring for the things
we love ♪

♪ Caring for each other

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Yes, caring is everything

♪ We've got to take care
of each other ♪

♪ It takes you and me

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Working in harmony

♪ Caring for the things
we love ♪

♪ Caring for each other

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Yes, caring is everything

♪ We've got to take care
of each other ♪

♪ It takes you and me

Release the syrup!

♪ Because a wish
is just a dream ♪

♪ That takes the work
of a caring team ♪

♪ Together, me and you

♪ Will make this dream
come true ♪

Grumpy bear:

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Working in harmony

♪ Caring for the things
we love ♪

♪ Caring for each other

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Yes, caring is everything

♪ We've got to take care
of each other ♪

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Friends we will always be

♪ Caring for the things
we love ♪

♪ Caring for each other

♪ It takes you and me

♪ Because friendship
is everything ♪

♪ We've got to take care
of each other ♪

♪ It takes you and me

♪ We've got to take care
of each other ♪

♪ It takes you and me




Oh, no! Not again!

You wouldn't want
to get all messy, grumpy.

(Everyone chuckles)

Friend bear:
what a beautiful day!

Care bears:

Champ bear:
we did it - all of us!

Me bear:

And you wanna know
the best part?!

We did it without wishing.

Me bear:
you know...

Working hard to make care-a-lot
this beautiful,

Actually feels better
than if we wished for it.

Did I say that?


There's still one wish
we gotta make.

There certainly is.

Messy bear?

Sure thing.


We wish that you
and wish bear...

Me bear:
will be together...




Wish bear:


Nice wishing,
messy bear.


Only... Would you
mind calling me

"Neat bear"
from now on?

I'm going
for a new image.

You got it!

Too-loud bear:
care bears, we're sorry.

We learned our lesson:

Only caring about ourselves
isn't really caring at all.

Me bear:
that's right.

I know we kinda got off
to a rough start here

As your neighbours,

Would it be okay

If we still lived here
in care-a-lot

With all of you?

Share bear:

Care-a-lot is a place for
anyone and everyone who cares!

Yippee! Hooray!

Well, everything's
back to normal!

Now what?

Well, in situations like this

There's only one thing to do.


Champ bear:

Road trip!


Share bear:
last one in the air
is an exceptionally clean egg!

(Helicopter rotors whir)


Too-loud bear:
hey, me bear,

Did you see
how happy twinkers was

When he went back
to wish bear?

Did you hear?

Too-loud bear finally
got your name right!

