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Clifford (1994)

Posted: 03/28/22 07:29
by bunniefuu
Hi, Leonard!
How are you doing?

Ricardo, I see you're feeling
better. Good for you.

Father Cliff.

Hello, Victor,

What's the story
on Roger?

Is he getting
booted out of here?

I hope not.

But he's a bad kid.

You weren't exactly
a saint when you first got here, were you?

Lest we forget.

Got me there.

Good-bye, boys.

...Was a little, little man

And a little, little man
was he

He climbed up
to a sycamore...


I say,
who's throwing...

Father Clifford.

What are you doing,

Are you running away?

Who, me?

No, no.
What would make you think that?

I just,
I lost my balance

while cleaning
my outside windows.

Cleaning your windows
with a suitcase, were you?


My heart...

It hurts.


who's recovered!

Let go of me!

Now, now, now, what
seems to be the problem?

Now, now,
now, now, now...

Whenever there's
something I really, really want,

there's always some adult
who comes along and says, "No,"

like Mr. Byrne.

First he said I could be
on the basketball team,

then he said I couldn't.

You thought
blowing up the gymnasium

an appropriate response?


But your parents
told Mr. Byrne

they didn't want
you playing any contact sports.

My parents say no
to everything I want.

The other boys
are very angry at you, Roger.

I don't care
what they think.

Then why are you
running away?

your IQ, son?


My, you're
a real genius.

Mine's 190.

Wait. I forgot.

Mine is 195.

I forgot.

Mine is
almost 200,

but that's
not really the point.

The point
is that people like you and I,

when we get
very frustrated,

can cause a lot
of damage.

You're not like me.

Why? Because I'm
all grown-up?

That's true.
I've changed,

but when I was
your age...


Let me tell you
a story about when I was your age.

I was traveling
with my parents to the island of Hawaii.

Weather conditions seem
vastly improved, Steffen.

I think now
we can safely proceed

with the scheduled lift-off.


Would you please
stop hitting my chair?

I am trying
to sleep.

I'm sorry,
Miss Nice-Older-Person,

but I don't know
what you're talking about.

Perhaps you were
just having a nightmare

about your early days
in the circus.

One more word,
I'll call the flight attendant.

It wasn't very nice
of the mean old lady

to smash your collar-bone,
was it, Steffen?

Ladies and gentlemen,

we'll be passing
over Los Angeles

in about 10 minutes.

The skies
are crystal clear.

It should be smooth sailing
all the way to Honolulu.

Damn it! Clifford,
why did you wake me?

I didn't.
Steffen did.

Why wouldn't you
let him sleep?

Now that
you are awake, my Papa,

when we land
in Los Angeles,

can we then
immediately go to Dinosaur World?

I've told you,
the plane doesn't go to Los Angeles.

It goes directly
to Honolulu.

How can that be?


That on my birthday,

I can be so close
to Dinosaur World and yet so far away?

Your birthday
was six months ago.


Daddy is
on a business...

A business trip,

and this is not
a vacation.

Drop this Dinosaur World thing
for five seconds.

Would you
do that for me?

driving me crazy!

Looks like Daddy
is going to have a big stroke,

and then he'll be
talking like this.

-I swear to God...

Would you
just stop?

Whatever you say,
sweet one who birthed me.

May I visit
the Captain?

I imagine he would be
very brave and wise,

possibly with
a cleft in his chin.

All right.
Just be back for dinner.

Whatever you say,
my Papa.


Captain, we have
a young man here who has a request.

Hi. What's
your name, son?


I think you're the bestest captain
in the whole wide world.

Well thank... You, Clifford.

I was wondering
if we could land in Los Angeles

so I could go
to Dinosaur World.

The only way
we could land in Los Angeles

would be
for an emergency.

Whatever you say,
my captain.

It's awful quiet
in here.

Where's Clifford?

He shut
the engines down.

I don't know why
Steffen did that.

Are you out
of your tree, sir?

Steffen, hang in!

I've regained control
of number four, Los Angeles.

Request permission for
emergency landing procedures.

Roger, flight 43.
This is LAX.

You're cleared for immediate
landing on runway 23.

What an amazing story.

You liked that,
did you?

You got them
to land the plane.

You got what
you wanted.

But I risked
the lives

of a couple
of hundred people.

But no one got hurt.

-But they could have.
-But they didn't.

That was a truly
wonderful story, Father,

but I have to
get going now.


Son, that's not
the whole story.

It's just
the beginning.

Sorry, Father.

all right.

Sit down and get

Would you
like a mint?

No, thank you.

I guess we have to
begin the story earlier that day.

You see...

Yes. I'll save this
for later.

You see,
I had an uncle named Martin

who was a famous architect,

and he had two dreams.

One was to build a great
mass transit system

for what was known
at that time

as the city of Los Angeles,

and his other dream
was to marry Sarah,

the love of his life.

Sarah was a teacher
who operated a daycare center

where he worked.

She loved him very much.

In fact, they were engaged
to be married.


You look
so handsome.

You look
so handsome.

I'm in a very
good mood.

How come?

I'll tell you

Tell me now,
right now.

You will love this.
It will literally be

the biggest surprise
of your life.

-We're here?
-We're here!

I'm excited!
Don't peek!

-I'm not!
-Don't peek!

-Are you excited?

I'm so excited.



don't peek.

-I'm not.

All right.

Okay, look!

Are you stunned?

What am I looking at?

The house!
I bought it!

It's on a cliff?

That's what
you want... A cliff.

It's incredible,
isn't it?

It's very

but it's got a quiet intensity,
doesn't it, honey?

Doesn't it?

It's very warm.

There was, however,
one slight problem.

Sarah wanted children
very much,

but Martin, it seemed,
was in no hurry.


How many bedrooms
in this house?

One, honey.

One bedroom, honey.

But look
at this view. Look at this!

The ocean!

You can see Catalina
out there.

It is quite a drop!


I can't believe
I let this happen again.

what's wrong?

I can't marry you.

You're just like
my first husband.

He didn't want
kids either.

When did I say
I didn't want kids?

It's so obvious.

What are you
talking about?

I'm talking about
this bachelor pad with one bedroom.

Where's a kid
supposed to sleep?

Have you ever
heard the word sofa-bed?

Have you ever heard
the word stupid?



Are you saying
this house couldn't work for kids?

it's just perfect.

"Where are the kids, honey?"

"The kids are just out back
playing on the cliff."

I love kids.

No, you don't. I saw you
at the daycare today.

You should see me
with a kid I know... My nephew.

You never mentioned
you had a nephew.

I love my nephew.

What's his name?

I want to say Mason.

Little Clifford.

How old is he?

I haven't seen him
since the Christening.

He'd be older now...
Like, 10.

My brother Julien
and I don't speak

as much
as we'd like to.

I have heard
that Clifford is a very special boy.

Where is that
little monster?

Julien, please!

You did it,
didn't you?

You did it again,
didn't you?

-You're banned from the flight.

They won't allow you
back on the plane.

I'll miss
the convention tomorrow

and lose thousands of dollars
in speaker's fees.

Do you understand me?

Where did you
get that Walkman?

-Did you steal it?

Is there no end
to your madness?

A kindly old priest
gave it to me.

-You're lying.

You're lying
to your own father's face.

I should leave you here,
you little animal.

What a terrible thing to say
to such a sweet child.

I'm sorry,
Mrs. Extra-Wide-Load.

What are you packing in,
two dozen doughnuts a day?

Julien, calm down!

Your heart...

it's coming...


what am I going to do?

I... I got to
be on that plane.

Pappy, Pappy.


Doesn't Uncle Martin
live in Los Angeles?

Maybe I can go
to his house,

and then you could
go to Hawaii,

and I could go
to Dinosaur World.

Wait. Sarah?



Martin, it's Julien,
your brother.

Your brother Julien.


I haven't made
much of an attempt to keep in touch.

I wouldn't blame you
if you hung up on me,

but don't hang up, okay?

I'm in a terrible dilemma.

I have a tremendous
favor to ask you.

I can't believe it.
He went for it.

I'm going
to Dinosaur World!

I told him I had
this speaking engagement

and that Clifford
gets airsick.

Dinosaur World
I'm going to!

He almost seemed
excited about it.

I'm Martin Daniels.

I'm here to pick up
my nephew Clifford.

Do you have
any identification?


All right.

He's in the back room
resting. Come with me.

Thank you.


This is so cute.

Come here.

La la la

La la la la

La la la la

La la

La la

La la la

La la...


Don't reject me!

La la la la la...

Uncle Martin?



I'm going to go big.

La la la

La la la

La la la la

La la la

Dearest Uncle Martin,

can we go
to Dinosaur World now?

Dinosaur World?
It's closed.

It's 10:30,

I'll let you in on
a little secret.

I've got a lifetime pass
to Dinosaur World

because I designed
Larry the Scary...

Scary Rex? You designed
Larry the Scary Rex?

I'm Larry
the Scary Rex

I'm a scary dinosaur

But don't be scared
of my sharp, sharp teeth

And my mighty, mighty roar

Boy, you're
some sort of hero.

Let's go
get your bags.


Somebody stole
my dog, Sneakers.

Calm down!

Have you unloaded
everything off flight 791 yet?


So far I'm missing
a mountain bike,

a stereo,
a surfboard,

and a big
brown dog.

You brought
a lot of stuff.

Dad's scared
of burglars.

He makes us
take everything when we travel.

And your dog.

I couldn't leave
my Sneakers at home.

Of course
you couldn't.

Sarah will
be so excited.

I told her
how special you are to me.

We've never met before.

I was with you
at the Christening.

I spent the better
part of a day in your company.

I have the utmost
admiration for you.

Uncle Martin!

you can let go now.


Okey-dokey. Okay.

Sarah loves dogs.

Come on, sneakers.

Come on, Sneakers.

Come on, Sneakers.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on, boy.

Come on,

Please, boy.
Get out of the car.

Just face it, Sarah.

You'll be alone
the rest of your life,

just like that maid
on the Brady Bunch,

faking enthusiasm
for other people's happiness.

And there's, of course,

the pity of others
to look forward to.

"Isn't that Sarah Davis?

"My! She's aged.

"She drove off
every man she ever had,

"and then
she just withered up

"like an old prune
who couldn't..."


Don't judge me.
It was Steffen's fault.

Shame on you.
Shame on your eyes.

What? Sarah!


Are you okay?

That was
a lousy trick to play.

What trick?

Your stupid dinosaur
in the shower.

No, no.
That was Clifford.

Who is Clifford?

My nephew. Remember?
I was telling you about him.

Your nephew's here?

My brother Julien called.
He was flying to Hawaii.

Julien said would I
look after him for a week.

I said, "Of course."
He's a wonderful kid.

Come on,
meet him.



Uncle Martin, I hope
your friend doesn't mind

that I helped myself
to a snack.

That's okay.


this is Sarah Davis.

La la



Hello, Miss Sarah Davis.

Whew! That's a lovely
bathrobe you're wearing.

I'm sure on anyone else
it wouldn't look half as lovely.

Thank you.
What a sweet thing to say.

Isn't he
everything I said he was?

I love you,
Uncle Martin.

And I you,


Isn't there
an incredible family resemblance?

I guess so.

I'd like to see more
of you, Clifford.

Perhaps you can
convince your uncle

to make sure
of that.

But right now, sleepyhead,

we got to
get you to Uncle Martin's.

I would despise

when someone ruffles
my hair like that,

but not when you do it.

Isn't he

He certainly is.

Okay, honey,
let's go.

Good night, darling.

Good night.

Okay, Clifford,
come on.

Good night.

Good night
to you.

Good night,
sweet Sarah.

May all
your dreams be pleasant ones.

May the rainbow

Come on, sweetie.
Time for bed.

Like other native peoples,

the lake girls
copy the movement of animals.

Since the beginning of...

Allow them to enter
the prayer land.

There has been
mutual respect.

This dance,
called the...

Time to turn off
the videos.

Is an expression
of their culture.

Okay. Time to go
to sleep.

Steffen felt that was a very
cruel action, Uncle Martin.

You tell Steffen...

That it's 2:00
in the morning

and we have to
get up very early

because tomorrow
we're going to Dinosaur World.

You're the bestest uncle
in the whole wide world!


Good night,

Good night,
Uncle Martin.

Good night,

Good night,
Uncle Martin.

You wouldn't lie to me,
would you, Uncle Martin?

If you lied to me,
I'd be so angry,

I don't know
what I'd do.

No, I wouldn't
lie to you.

Get in the bed.

Cozy, cozy.

Uncle Martin,
whose ring is this?

Where did you
get that?

On the dresser.

-Give me that.

That's my grandmother's
wedding ring.

Then wouldn't she be
my great-grandmother?


Then wouldn't it be
just as much mine as yours?

What's your point?

I want to marry Sarah
and give her this ring.

That's very sweet,

but it's, it's, it's
very unrealistic.

I still
want the ring.

You can't have it.

I, I... Give it...

But it sparkles.

I like sparkle
as well.

I will give Sarah
this ring someday.

How exciting!

Ring bearer?

We'll see.

This is smiling,
isn't it?

Hi, Martin.
Hi, Clifford.

Miss Sarah Davis.

I didn't know
you were a teacher.

Had I known,
I would have brought you an apple.

What a charming thing to say.
How very thoughtful.

I'm taking Clifford
to Dinosaur World.

Then I've got
a meeting with Ellis.

This deadline is really
closing in on me.

It'll be okay.
Your ideas are great.

It's a little odd

that this daycare center has
been here for over six months,

and Mr. Ellis hasn't
even dropped in once.

I'm sure he hates kids.

What makes me nervous
is that if I don't talk fast enough

he snaps
his fingers at me.

I hear he's a womanizer
and he's obsessed with himself

and that's supposed to be
a wig that he's wearing.

Ellis wears a rug?

Mr. Ellis,
how are you?

for coming in.

I don't believe
we've met.

This is
Miss Sarah...

Sarah Davis,
of course.

I want to thank you
for the wonderful job you've done.

Thank you.

Isn't that

You know,
I don't think

there's anything
more meaningful to me

than the welfare
of our employees'...

This is my nephew

Say hello
to my boss Mr. Ellis.

Isn't he a cute
little fella?

Hi, sonny.

My! That's the bestest-looking
wig I've ever seen!

No, no, no.

that's not a wig.

You said
it was a wig.

You called it
a rug, too.

You misunderstood me.

I never
said that, sir.


What are you looking at?

It's not a wig.

It's not a rug

Just don't worry about that.

Right. Don't worry
about that.

I guess
we have work to do.

I was
wondering one thing.

Later on,
could I give you a call?

-No. Her.

There's something
I would love

to talk to
you about.

That'd be f... Fine.

Su... Okay.

Good-bye, sir.


You want me
to redesign the entire model

in two days?

The bottom line is,

you've got to move
the train line.


Yeah. Two miles.

That's impossible!

That'll put
the train line

right through
the Sepulveda Dam.

That's not good.

You'll come up
with something.

You'll hole up
for a few days

and drink
a lot of coffee.

You being
the professional I know you are,

I know you'll hit
another home run for us.

-You all right?

Good man.

If you're a visitor,
would you do me a favor?

Enter your
visitor card number.


Hello, Uncle Martin.

Are we ready to go
to Dinosaur World?


I've got
some bad news.

I can't take you
right now!

The freeway
to Dinosaur World is back there.

You're going to
make us crash!

Steffen, make it all
better somehow.

Get ahold of yourself!
You're out of control!

What? What?

A whole g*ng of chocolate,
I need it badly.


Okay. All right. Okay.

Wait one minute.
I'll be right back.

Don't... Don't
breathe so much.

Okay. Excuse me.

Okay, kids,
next stop... Dinosaur World!

Who's excited?

I have to go
to the bathroom.

You're out of chocolate?
How can that be?

wants chocolate.

I need chocolate!

I might have
an Easter Bunny left over.

Get me the bunny!

Thanks for making
us wait, you dork.



did you get those clothes?

This kid bought
my dinosaur costume.

What's the matter
with you?

Are you crazy?

I'm terribly sorry.

Where's my son?

He was counting
the money

he was given
in the men's room.

You pervert!

My ear!
You hit my ear!

Tell me where he is!

Mom, I'm over here!


You're all right!

What in
the world is...


Any luck
with that chocolate?

"Any luck
with that chocolate?

"Any luck with
that chocolate?"

Bad boy, Clifford!
Bad boy!

I don't know
what to say to you.

You could have
given those parents a heart attack.

If they press charges,

you could
end up in prison.

And the wasted time!

I happen to be
very busy, young man.

The city of Los Angeles

is relying on me
for public transit.

My boss is breathing
down my neck.

That was so embarrassing
with Mr. Ellis.

Don't tell someone
they have a nice wig.

I said,
"The bestest-looking wig."

It was a compliment.

He says he
doesn't wear a wig.

People don't take it
as a compliment

if you say,
"nice wig."

I didn't say,
"nice wig."

I said,
"bestest-looking wig."

There is a difference.

Why are you such
an authority on wigs?

My teacher
Mr. Cavanaugh wears one.

He lets us
play with it.

He lets you
play with it?


Miss Gathecold,
the art teacher,

borrows it as well.

That would be
for different reasons.

Let's just forget
about the wig.

I've got
to punish you,

and that means
Dinosaur World is out.

I don't understand.

I've got
a bombshell for you.

I'm the boss
in this house.

You cannot
fight city hall.

Surely someone
as wise as you

would realize that breaking
a little boy's promise

and punishing him for it
would be a terrible thing.

That little boy
wouldn't be responsible

for what he was
going to do next.

I don't like threats.

You're going to spend
the day in your room.

Now you march,
young man!


It's not fair, Steffen.

He was the one
who broke his promise,

and now I'm the one
who's being punished.

It isn't fair.

They're never fair.

I am going to go
to Dinosaur World.

I don't care
what he says.


Hi, it's me.
How was Dinosaur World?

I postponed it.

Ellis hit me
with a hundred changes

to make on the model.

You poor thing.

How's Clifford?
He must be heartbroken.

No, he's fine.

We're in the kitchen
making popcorn.

Use a potholder,

I was calling
about tonight.


My parents'

Did you forget?

No! Are you kidding?

I can't miss your
parents' anniversary party!

It's 7:00.

I can't wait
for my folks to meet Clifford.

-See you then.

Isn't that something,

Too busy for
a boy's dream,

but not too busy
to go out to dinner.

Punish you,

and that means
Dinosaur World is out.

I've got a bombshell
for you.

I'm the boss
in this house.

You cannot
fight city hall.

Steffen, do you
like Uncle Martin?

So do I.

This is
Martin Daniels.

I've got a b*mb.

Is this house
ever huge!

Uncle Martin,
do they live in a hotel?

You're not
still mad at me

for grounding you,
are you, Clifford?

Of course not.

Whatever would make
you think that?

There they are.

Now, Daddy, be nice
to Martin for me.

If I have to,

I don't understand
a man at his age

and still
not married.

Hi, honey.

Hi. Daddy, look.
It's Martin.


Congratulations, sir.

Happy anniversary.

I hope you have
many, many more.

Daddy, this is
Martin's nephew Clifford.

Now, look
at this big fella.

What do you want to be
when you grow up?

A dinosaur.

Do you like
dinosaurs, Miss Sarah?

I adore

Would you like
some punch?

I would like that
very much.

Bloody Mary?

Thank you.

You have a most
exceptional daughter.

Thank you
for letting me know.

You must be having
the time of your life.

Why do you say that,
Miss Sarah?

Getting to spend time

with your uncle finally
and everything.

Uncle Martin.


Scary Uncle Martin.

Hello, darling!

How fabulous
you look!

I always loved you
in that dress.

It's new, Julia.

Of course it is.

and meet Raweejni.

I'll be back soon.


Hi, Clifford.
Have you seen Sarah?

She was taken
by a lady who looks like this...

What makes her face
look like that?

They call that
a face-lift.

What's a face-lift?

Let's not
shout so much.


I believe your drink
is right there.



Mrs. Davis.

I knew you'd come.

Parker said you'd try
to weasel out of it.

I knew better.

Not to come
to your 35th anniversary,

that would
be unthinkable.

Is this Clifford?

Yes, I believe
it is me.

I'm Sarah's mother.

I'm Annabelle.

If you're
Miss Sarah's mother,

you must
be the most wonderful person

in the whole
wide world!

What a gorgeous,

gorgeous child!



Wait. No.


I believe
Uncle Martin

would like
to offer you a toast.

How sweet.

Parker. Sarah.

Everybody, come on.
Gather around.

Sarah's Martin
is toasting.

Come on. Quickly.

Here we go.

It's a toast.

We raise our glasses

first to Parker Davis,

the patriarch
of the Davis family,

for 35 years,
a devoted husband

and a loving,
loving father.

We love you
very much, sir.

Hear. Hear.

Hear. Hear.


Aren't you going to

say something about
Sarah's mother?

g*dd*mn it, Daniels!
Get on with it!

Are you feeling okay?

Excuse us.

I would like a word
with my nephew.

The paprika sauce
was the talk of the party.

You're trying
to punish me

because I haven't taken
you to Dinosaur World.

You put something
in my drink.

-In your drink?
-In my drink!

My mouth was
going to burn off!

You think
it's funny?


It was funny,
Uncle Martin,

because you made
a toast,

to Parker Davis.

"We love you, sir."

And then you
held up the drink...

Everyone was
staring and saying,

"What a goof!"

You ran
to the punch bowl.

See, when
you are looking at the baseball,

look at it.

I see now.

Keep your eye
on the ball.

Tricky to remember,
uncle. Thanks.




They're starting
to serve dinner now.

is served.

Hungry boy
am I.

Clifford, maybe you'd
like to wash your hands.


Bye, captain.

You'd tell me
if you were having

a nervous breakdown,
wouldn't you?

Nervous breakdown.

He wants me to fly
to San Francisco with him tomorrow

to open
a daycare center.

What did you say?

I said yes.

It's only
for one night.

You're spending the night
in San Francisco with Ellis?

He is my boss.
Was I supposed to say no?

What's wrong
with you tonight?

Clifford, what
are you doing?

I just wanted
to borrow

your lip-thingy

My lips are
somewhat parched.

You can't put your hand
into somebody's pocket.

No. You cannot borrow it.
It's not sanitary.

Whatever you say,
Uncle Martin.

Here are
your pickles, sir.

Thank you
ever so kindly, sir.

What a nice, polite
young man you are.

He said even though
you're a worrywart,

he has confidence
you'll come through in the end.

Then maybe he'll take
me to San Francisco.

Because I'm in a good mood
and you're not,

you just can't stand it.

I can stand it.

Just forget it.



What the hell do you
think you're doing?


you are


Go like this...

Martin, go to the bathroom
and wipe it off.

There's a bathroom
on the second floor, madam.

Are you
Martin Daniels?


May I sleep
at your house?

Madam, come
quickly, please.

You're making
a terrible mistake.

Stop this.
I'm the fiance of...

I'm Miss Davis' fiance!


Sorry, ladies
and gentlemen.

We are police officers.
Don't be alarmed.

This gentleman is suspected of
planting an expl*sive device.

What? No!

I'm with the city!

I'm designing
a public transit system

for the entire city
of Los Angeles.

this is insane!

You've made some
sort of mistake.

We don't think so.

It's not as if
I didn't warn her.


Uncle Martin!


In the name
of all that's holy,

somebody help my uncle!

He's an innocent man,
I tell you!

An innocent...


Mission accomplished,

Why don't you tell us
where the b*mb is hidden?

What are you
talking about?

Do I look
like someone

that would
put a b*mb under city hall?

You're trying to get
a confession from me

by grilling me
under hot lights.


You know,
now I can't see anything.

That's... No.

Is that better?

I don't want
to make this about lighting.

Let's move on.

You wanted
to get caught. You called us.


Hi. This is Martin Daniels.
I'm not home right now,

but I've got a b*mb
under city hall.

Talk to you later.

This is part of my
answering machine message!

This is a prank!

You don't have
to believe me!

Call my home!

Speaker's on.

Hi. This is Clifford.

I can't tell you where
my Uncle Martin is,

but I'll give you
a hint... Kaboom!


I didn't mean
to scare you.

Morning, Miss Sarah.

You're all dressed up
to go dreaming.

Don't say I'm wrong.

Thank you.

I didn't
hear you get up.

I've been up since 5:00.

I don't sleep as much
as one might assume.

I see you
found something to eat.


It's the jailbird.

I've been so worried!

You've been worried.

There he is.
Hi, Clifford. You okay?

Hi, Uncle Martin.

How was your stay
in penitentiary?

Did you meet any
interesting hoodlums?

Are you really
in trouble?

I've told you about
Larry Gould, right?


You know,
Mr. Practical Jokes?

The whole thing
was a setup.

No! I don't believe
what I'm hearing!

I don't either.

Honey, be careful
how you eat your cereal.

This boy
and his cereal.

Explain to me
what happened.

Larry tapes my
answering-machine message

and my phone conversation.

He edits them together.

The police
play it for me,

and I think
I'm going insane.

That's sick!

It gets better.

The two cops
who arrested me?

Larry's cousins.

No! I don't think
that's funny at all!

I didn't either,
and then I started thinking about it,

and I got to laughing.

It is funny.

Those guys
are certifiable.

Tell me about it.

I'm so

Clifford, see?

Didn't I tell you
that everything would be just fine?

Yes, you did,

but I don't
like those men.

They're liars.

Everybody knows
that liars

get caught.

That's right...

You little pecker-head.

Okay, I'll see
you tomorrow.

Try to get
some sleep.

I got a lot of work
to catch up on.

I'm sorry I was a jerk
about your trip with Ellis.

I know, sweetheart.
I know.

I'm staying at
the Wemberton Hotel.

You can phone
my suite.

-You have a suite?

Bye, Clifford.

Make sure
by the time I get back

your uncle's
not working on a chain g*ng.

That's very good.

Okay. Bye.





Get in the car.

I am now out on bail.

Are you
listening to me?

Are you?

Yes, I am.

I have
a criminal record,

but you know what
you're going to have?

A one-way ticket
back to your parents.

No! They hate me!

Not as much
as I do!

Stop with
the fake tears!

I'm not faking!
I'll admit anything!

Just don't send me
back to my parents.

I'll tell Miss Sarah
I put the lipstick in your pocket,

which I didn't.

Her father did it!

He wanted to
embarrass you.

He said you were
a simple-minded moron.

He called me a moron?

A simple-minded moron.

And Sarah's father
put the lipstick in my pocket?


Why would he do that?

he hates you!

I don't know why.

I certainly think
you're a nice enough sort.

I suppose that
Sarah's father

also put the hot sauce
in my drink.

That I don't know.

-You don't?

You have no idea
who did that?

I would suspect
the bartender. Theory.

You know, I would
suspect someone else.

Now, who
could that be?

If you're about
to say what I think,

then I don't
want to hear it,

because Sarah Davis
loves you.

She wouldn't
do that.

She has problems
with you,

but every relationship
goes through that.


You don't think
it was me?

-Uncle Martin!

I had to be made
naked in the jail!

I was strip searched!
I was humiliated!

I know.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that
I made the tape.

it was wrong!

Why did I do it?

I think I know why.

Because I was angry at you
for having promised

that you would take me
to Dinosaur World

and then breaking
that promise!

What is it with you
and Dinosaur World? It's sick!

You're obsessed with
this Dinosaur World!

I believe Dinosaur World
is the only place

where a boy like me
can be happy.

Listen to me.
Listen to me. Shut up a minute!

Will you listen to me?

I'm listening.

Don't put the dinosaur
on me like that.

Just leave the dinosaur
over there like that.

I'm trying to
tell you something.

When I,
when I was a little boy...

You touch the dinosaur,
I'll k*ll you.

Steffen wanted
to stand here.

Give it to me!
I'll rip its head off!

God Almighty, boy!

Listen. I'm trying to tell
you something to help you.

Clifford, I'm trying
to tell you something

about when I was
a little boy in Chicago.

-All right?

There was a great
amusement park called Riverview.

Did your father
mention it?


I thought that was
the only place I could be happy,

but my father
never took me.

And then one day...

They tore it down,

before I ever got
to go there.

I understand
how you feel.

-You do?

Does it ever get easier,
my Uncle Martin?

Not really.

Now listen to me.

Here's the deal.
You go to your room,

write a confession that
I'll take to the police,

and I won't send you
back to your parents.

You tell Sarah
that you and I are best friends.

-We are, aren't we?
-Shut up.

But if you even
look at me funny,

if you do one thing
I find weird,

which is, like,
your middle name...

You're doing it now.

Can you act like
a human boy for one minute?

Look at me
like a person.

You can't do it.

Look at me like
a human boy!

Don't mess around
with me,

or you'll be back
on that plane.

You understand me?

I understand
that I love you.

All right. All right.
Let it go. Let it go.

Steffen walked back.

Give me that!
Give me that, Clifford!

Please don't
hurt him.

He's the only one
left in his family.

Take the dinosaur
and go to your room.

You take the dinosaur.
Write your confession.


Pretty soon, there won't be
anyone left in his family!

Okay, I've got 20 hours.

I can do it
if I don't panic.

Clifford, come on down
and get some lunch.


My dearest Uncle Martin,

I've failed you
in so many ways.

I have taken
45 train to San Francisco

to find Sarah Davis.

With all the love
in my little heart,


My God.
What have I done?




Have you seen
this boy?

No, sir.

Have you seen
this boy?

No, I haven't.

San Francisco

Open your golden gate

You'll let nobody wait

Outside your door

San Francisco

Here is your wandering one

Saying I'll wander no more

Other places only
make me love you best

Tell me you're the one
in all the golden west

Would you like
a hunk?

San Francisco.


Who's this?

This is Brian.
Who's this?

Whose house
is this?

It's the kid
who's throwing the party.

I think his name
is Clifford.

Is Clifford there?

I saw him
in the back

bashing the shit
out of a pinata.

He said we could party
if we took him to Dinosaur World.

Should I get him?

I'll get him later.

-Where you going?
-The airport.

Swing by
the Wemberton Hotel.

Driver, let's just
forget about the hotel.

Let's go to the airport.
What am I doing?

Wait a minute!
Wait a minute! Stop the car!


I'll get out here.

You'll get hit.

This is not
just from me.

This is from us
at the company.

Here, let me
help you with it here.

I saw you eyeing it.

There you go.

Little tight.

You like it?

I don't know what to say.
It's very beautiful, but I...

What's the matter?

it's I'm so excited.


I thought
you would be.

I'd like to go
see how it looks on me.


I'll be right back.
Excuse me.

What are you doing
spying on me?

What am I doing?
What are you doing?

What's with
the necklace?

The company gave
this to me.

I have no intention
of keeping it.

You are such a baby.
Clifford should be baby-sitting you.

I prefer baby-sitters
who aren't affiliated

with the Manson family.

What are you talking about?
Where is Clifford?

Don't worry
about Clifford.

He's happy with
a ton of sugar and a book about Hitler.

What's that
supposed to mean?

I mean Clifford
tricked me into coming to San Francisco.

Why would
he do that?

Why? Because he wanted
to throw a party.

You don't know anything
about Hitler... Clifford.

He's a lying, conniving,
evil little monster.

You see, Martin,

that is the reason
you and I can never get married.

If Clifford were your own,
you'd be talking the same way.

It was all
a big act, wasn't it?

The special
relationship with Clifford.

The loving uncle.

Let me
tell you something.

You're a phony.

Believe me,
I can spot a phony.

Excuse me.

Have you seen
a collie?

No, ma'am,
I haven't.

That's why I feel sorry
for you, Martin,

because you're going to
end up one lonely old man.

I feel
sorry for you.

Don't think
you won't age.

Don't call me
a lonely old man and a phony.

I like the way
you move, yeah

I like the way
you move, yeah

I like the way you move


You creep!

I think you
broke a rib.

I'll break more than that
if you try that again.

As for this
stupid thing,

which I had no
intention of keeping...



Don't think
I don't know what you're doing

with your
romantic little dinners

and showering me
with gifts.

What is this thing,
soldered on?

Shut up!

-I'll help.

but no thanks!


If you
think this

frightened little high school virgin
act is turning me off...

-You're wrong.

My God!
It's true!

Put that back.


Put that back
on my head.

No, no...
No, you don't!


Uncle Martin!

Uncle Martin,
I'm so glad you're here!

I got on a train,

but a person tried to touch
my no-no place!

There were
bikers here,

and they tied me up,
Uncle Martin!

And then they
told me stories.

Some were fun,
but some were scary!

This is Clifford.

I can't tell you
where Uncle Martin is right now...



Miss Sarah Davis?

How are you?

Not very good.


Uncle Martin
is becoming nuts.

He went away for the longest time.
He came back crazy.

I know, Clifford,
but I think he's just overworked.

I'll get the first plane
home in the morning.

I love you,
Miss Sarah Davis.

I love you, too,

I scare myself.

Aren't you a sight
for sore eyes.

Miss Sarah Davis,
my little mouth is parched

from my long night
of bondage.

You poor,
dear darling.

Are you okay?
What has he done to you?

Ask him how
he got tied up.

Tell about the bikers
and your damn no-no place.

You stay away
from him.

Larry Gould didn't make
the b*mb threat, he did.

I don't know
what he's saying.

Why is his face
twisted so?

You need help.

He needs help.

Good. Take him away.

But don't blame
me when his head starts spinning around.

Watch out for the green vomit!


The cassette.

My model cassette.
Where is it?

How did it get out?

I don't like him.

We live in an age
of gridlock.

Our projections
for the year 2000

indicate that
the average speed...

Where have you been?

You should
have been here an hour ago.

I've been listening
to this idiot...

What are you looking at?


Did you make
the changes?


but you didn't shave.

The press is here.
You look like shit.

I look like shit?

You look like
Willie Nelson.

Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like
to introduce

the man who was
the chief designer

of this entire
mag-trans project.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. Martin Daniels.

Marty, come on up,
you son of a g*n.

Come on.
They love you.

Go get them.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Thank you very much.

I just want
to say that...

Fire extinguisher!

Look out!

Congratulations, Clifford.

Who the hell
is responsible for this?

I am.

Then you're fired.

Of course I am.

And by the way,
I love Willie Nelson.

This is his...

I underestimated
the evil one.

what shall we do?

Whatever shall we do now?

I'm Larry the Scary Rex

I'm a scary dinosaur, but...

Don't be scared
of my sharp, sharp teeth

Or my mighty, mighty roar

I love kids, and kids
love me, even...

Shut up!

There it is,

Dinosaur World.

Are you happy?

I'd say I'm the happiest boy
in the whole world, Uncle Mental Case.

I'm the mental case?

You're in the strait jacket.

I imagine when they
put you in yours,

they'll need
a much larger one, sir.

That's cute.

Hi, Mitchell.

Hi, Mr. Daniels.

He's crazy
about dinosaurs.

I'd like to take him
on a tour.

I'll take full

Yes, sir.

And throw some light
on the Rex, would you?


Climb aboard, Clifford.

Are you excited, Clifford?

Yes, 'cause this has
always been my dream, Uncle Martin.

The same way as building
a transit system was always my dream.

Was? Has something
happened to it?

"Has something
happened to it?"

We'll see how you feel
about your dream

after being
on the ride for 10 hours.

I'd like it
even more!

Then we'll see
how you feel after 100 hours.

Hello. I'm Terry
the Pterodactyl.

I'd turn back
if I were you.

Larry is in
a horrid mood.

Things haven't
been going well around here.

An earthquake!

You'd better
get out before it's too late.

Save yourself.

No one has ever
wandered into Larry's lair

and lived
to tell the tale.

You're big.

Use your laser.

It's the only chance
of surviving.

Lady luck,
you owe me.

Steffen, we did it!

We k*lled
that big lug.


And don't forget
our new frozen-yogurt bar.

Larry the Scary Rex

He's a scary dinosaur

But don't be scared
of his sharp, sharp teeth

Or his mighty, mighty roar

He loves kids, and
kids love him

Even though his...

Was that scary?

That was fun!

How many years
will you get for kidnapping me,

Uncle 10-Most-Wanted?

Life. Let's go
a little faster, shall we?


Was that scary?

Not at all.

A thought
occurred to me.

Do you think
that Miss Sarah and Mr. Ellis

perhaps would name
their first child Martin?

That is so cute.

You know, Clifford,
I really shouldn't put this in hyperdrive,

but I just can't seem
to help myself.


Hello. I'm Terry
the Pterodactyl.

I'd turn back
if I were you.

I'd turn back
if I were you.

Someone help!

Uncle Martin,
save me!

Uncle Martin?

I'm thinking it over.

Please. I'm scared.

I'm scared of
what might happen if I save you.

Maybe I should do mankind
a tremendous favor...

Let that dinosaur eat you.

What horrors
you might unleash!

What if you
got your hands on some plutonium?

"I just made
the bestest nuclear b*mb

"in the whole wide world."

Uncle Martin!

Take my hand.

Come on!

Help me, please.

Come on!

I'm sorry.

No, Clifford, don't!

I don't want
to hug you.

I can't imagine
anyone ever wanting to hug you.

But I really
am sorry.

You really
are sorry?

You know, sorrow
is a human emotion.

As we know, you're
not a human boy.

You're just
this, this destructive thing.

everyone just gets to hate you.

Let's go.

If that's how you feel,
why should I go with you, then?

Then don't
go with me.

It's your choice.

For the first
time in my life,

I felt very confused.

I had thought
that I didn't care

how Uncle Martin
felt about me,

but I was wrong,

and his words
had devastated me.

And I thought
I was so clever...

And yet I hadn't figured out
until that moment...

That if you
destroy everyone

who stands in the way
of your dreams...

Then you end up alone...

With no dreams at all.

Is that what
will happen to me?


No. You're much
too intelligent for that.

Did your uncle
ever forgive you?

I begged him to.

I sent him
over 287 letters of apology,

all of them
returned unopened.

You're improving,

Whatever became
of his girlfriend?

Miss Sarah Davis.

One day,
out of the blue,

which is an expression
we used to use back then,

I received
a phone call from her...

With the bestest
request in the whole wide world.

Uncle Martin
had forgiven me,

and that single
act of kindness changed my life.

Thank you, Father.

You're welcome, Roger.


You were some kid.

I'd really have
to go a long way to match you,

but I won't.

Why is that?

I want people to like me.

How will you
do that, Roger?

I'm going to write
287 letters of apology.

See you next week,


Mission accomplished,
old friend.

La la la

La la la la

La la la la la

La la

La la la la la

La la la la

La la la la la

La la

La la la la

La la la

La la la

La la la