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18x23 - Talbot

Posted: 03/28/22 07:25
by bunniefuu

And starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.

I'm going to Dodge
tonight and look around.

Take a few days, maybe a week.

Well when are we comin'?

When I tell you to.

- Well look, we wanna...
- We do this my way,

or we forget it.

We ain't forgettin' nothin'.

We got our last $500 in this,

and we're goin' through with it.

Back off.

Talbot brought us
in, and he calls it.

Go on.

Dodge isn't a cow town.

You don't just ride in
and hold up the bank.


Yeah, Dillon.

How you fixin'
to get rid of him?

I'll let you know.

In the meantime...
Put your g*n away.

Sorry, miss.

Comin' up on us like that

through the brush
kinda spooked us.

I am sorry.

I did not know anyone was here.

Well, it's a nice
morning for a bath.

That water's a mite cold,

but I figure two
warm-blooded and willin' bodies

can heat it up in just no time.

Just volunteering for
the little lady, Talbot.

She might like somebody
for a little back scrubbin'.

You live around here?


Well I hope we didn't
scare you ma'am.

We was just pullin' out anyway.

I will come back later.

Well maybe I'll just
stick around for a while.


Now you made sure
she remembers us.

You think she heard anything?

I don't know. Find out.

Why'd ya do a stupid
thing like that for?

She ain't much.

What the hell, it's only
8:00 o'clock in the morning.

Get your gear packed.


I'm sorry the way
my friend acted.

You see, we've been
on the trail a long time,

and it's been a while since
he saw a woman, and well...

you fixin' to take
a bath and all.

Well I just, I just
wanna say I'm sorry.

It is all right, Mr. Talbot.

We're fixin' to pull out,
so the lake's all yours.


I was just goin'
down to the lake.

Who're you, what d'ya want?

Just passin' through.

Get to the house.

- Mr. she...
- No need.

- You's just passin' through.
- Yeah.

Well, if I ever catch
you around her again...

She's your wife.

Must be hell.

You're awful quiet,
what's wrong with you?

Well there ain't nuthin'
wrong with me, Doc.

It's old Ruth, it's just...

well he's just a sufferin'
away somethin' powerful.

Well what is it,
what's the matter?

Well, for one thing,
he ain't eatin' enough

to keep a blamed 'squiter alive.

No, it's probably
just a sore tooth.

No, it ain't no
sore tooth neither,

'cause I went to work
and looked in his mouth,

and his teeth is every
bit as good as mine.

You can't tell whether
he's got a sore tooth or not

by lookin' in his mouth.

I can too.


By watching the way he chaws.

What I think it is, Doc,

I think his mass-eaters
are botherin' him.

Wait a minute, say that again.


It's not mass-eater,
it's masseter,

that's the way you say it.

Well I know that
everybody and everything

that chaws has got one.

You see what it is is that
there muscle, what, wah.

I know what it is,

the question is, how in
thunder do you know?

You blamed ol' scudder you,

that's the only-est
trouble with you,

you think that nobody
else don't know nothin'

more complexicated but you.

Oh I'm beginning to see
through all of this now.

I know what it is.

Old Hank's got a
vet book down there,

and you've been readin'.

No, that can't be.

He's been readin' it to you,

that's what it is.

Hah, you're beginning
to think you're half-smart.

Oh hush, you blamed
ol' quack-quack.

You wouldn't even
give a fella credit

for sayin' it's a nice day.

Well let me tell you something,

anybody that gives you
any credit for anything

is gonna wind up with a big bill

at the Long Branch.


Big bill at the
Long Branch, pfft.

Whoa, Buttercup, whoa.

- Eli.
- You know where I'm goin'.

You finish with your
grocery shoppin',

load the wagon, and
come and fetch me, y'hear?

Mr. Bodkin?

Frank Willis. You
receive my letter?

Mr. Bodkin is away on business,

but he gave me your
letter, my name is Dofeny.

Ah, nice to meet
you, Mr. Dofeny.

- Please sit down, Mr. Willis.
- Thank you.

You just rode in?

Right, here's a
letter of introduction

from my bank in St. Louis.

Very good, Mr. Willis.

I hope I can be of some
assistance to you here in town.

You let me know.

Well I'm sure you can
be of help in arranging

for bank drafts when I
make my cattle purchases.

And of course, arrangements
will have to be made

to ship the cattle east by rail.

We have a clerk who
does nothing else.

I'm sure you'll find him very
knowledgeable in these matters.

Would you mind
putting this in your safe?

It's a bank draft for $10,000,

and I don't like to
carry it around town.


I'll put it in our safe
until you're ready for it.

It's nice to do
business with you.

I'll need some expense money.

Mr. Dofeny, would
you mind awfully,

cashing a certified
check for $500?

I'd be glad to.

Step right over here.

Thank you, Emma.

I can handle the rest.

All right.

Oh, I am sorry.

I did not see you.

It's all right, no harm done.

It is my fault, I was...

It is you, the man down
by the lake, Mr. Talbot.


You look different.

I am so clumsy.

I don't know what to say.

Well, I'll give you a hand.

I'm gonna call.

Just not your day, Eli.

You talkin' or dealin'?

Looks to me Snider got up

on the wrong side of
the bed this morning.

Every morning.

Hey, Eli.

Your woman's making
quite a stir out there.

What're you saying?

She's got packages
all over the street.

It's all right though, she's
got a good lookin' fella

givin' her a helpin' hand.

Thank you.

It's my pleasure, ma'am.

I knew it, I knew it!


You said no more!

- Don't make nothin' out of it.
- Don't make nothin' out of it?

Caught you with her yesterday,

and now here you is again today.


There ain't nothin' between
her and me, plowman.

Nothin', so forget it.

Eli, Eli, no.

Get outta the way, woman!


He is dead.

You know all the folks
around these here parts

know that old Eli was
bound to get his-self k*lled

one of these days.

What makes a
feller act like that?

Just mean and fulla
snake blood, I reckon.


You know, you're
just blamed lucky

that Miss. Snider hollered
at you when she did.


Well, it looks like it
happened like you said,


Then I can go?

Well, I'd appreciate it if you'd
stick around a few minutes.

Mrs. Snider's comin' in,

I'd like to get her
version of what happened.

Are you from outta town?


Cattle buyer?

Yep, got into town last night.

I'm sorry about your
husband, Mrs. Snider.

I know it's a bad time
to be asking questions,

but I'd like to get your
version of why it was

that Eli tried to
k*ll Mr. Willis here?

My husband, Eli, tried
to sh**t him in the back.

I know, but why did it happen,
why did it come to that?

We came into town for supplies.

Eli had been drinking.

And when he was drunk,

I, I was loading the wagon,

and I bumped into Mister,

Willis is it?

Yes, ma'am.

He was passing, then
Eli came out and thought

something was
going on between us.

He thought I flirted
with every man around.

I never did.

You're free to go.


In case I need you for
anything, you'll be around town?

Yeah, a few days,
'til the herds come in.

Eli was in debt

to just about everyone
in town, Mrs. Snider,

didn't you know that?

No, I didn't.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Snider.

Thank you, Mr. Dofeny.


How is she?

Not good.

Poor woman.

She had hoped to sell the
farm and go back to Holland.

I just had to tell her
it didn't belong to her.

Eli had it
mortgaged to the hilt.

Well what's gonna happen to her?

I don't know.

She has no family, no friends.

I don't know.

Sorry, Mrs. Snider.

I just don't have any
need for extra help.

I understand.

Good luck.

Sure glad we got to know
each other, sweetheart.


I'll see you next payday.

Mm hm.

I would like to see
the owner, please.

That's me.

What can I do for you?

I would like a job.

A job?

You do hire girls, don't you?

Sorry, you're not right.


When a man comes in
here and spends his money,

he wants a warm smile,
some sweet talk, some laughs.

I don't think it's
in you, honey.

But, I could learn.

Well I'll need some help
with the herds due in.

We'll give it a
try, a day or two.

A little w*r paint
and the right dress.

Smile, will ya?

Uh huh.

Well, we'll work on it.

What's your name?


Hm, make it Kate.


Because they'll ask yah.


Tell 'em you're Kate.

Katherine sounds like
you're a school teacher.


Take her in the
back and fix 'er up.

She's startin' work tonight.

You're kiddin?

Go on.

Come on, honey.

Thank you.

Yeah, sure.

Twinkle twinkle.

Give me a whiskey.

And there I was,
wandering around

like I'd been snake-bit
between the eyes.

Hey, come on honey,
you gotta catch up.

We got ourselves a
semi-full bottle here.


Hey, you're sippin' that

like it was tea at
a church social.

Come on, honey,
drink up, drink up.

Hey, what's your name?

- Kate.
- Kate.

Oh, that's a pretty name Harkey.

It's kinda like a leaf,
falling to the ground.

Ain't he a
smooth-talkin' booger?

Hey, she's still
a little skittish.

That's 'cause she's seen
guys like you before, Harkey.

Relax, honey, we got a
whole night to spend together.

So you might as well
start gettin' used to it.

How long you
been saloonin', girl?

Not too long.


What's the matter, I thought
we was gettin' to be friends?

I am, I don't feel very well.

Well here's the
cure, right here.

It fixes everything from
snake-bite to the droops.

No, I don't want
any more to drink.

What's the matter
with you, anyway?

I think she's makin' eyes
at that fella at the bar.

It don't look like you're
doin' too good, Harkey.

Well she's with us.

Look, now we been
payin' for your time all night.

Don't start gettin'
no rovin' eye.

You're drinkin' with us,

and you ain't pretty
enough to be choosy.

Come on, I'll buy you a drink.

She's busy.

Let her go.

Sit down, friend.

If you want to
enjoy good health.

They fired you, huh?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

You know somethin'?

Trouble follows
you like a whirlwind.

You are angry?

- Yeah.
- Why?

Because you keep getting
me involved in it, that's why.

Then leave me alone, I
can take care of myself.

What're you gonna do?

Sleep in the street?


I got a room at the Dodge House.

It's yours for the night.

I'll get myself another room.

You are a strange man.

Yeah, you could say that.

What happened to those
two men I first saw you with?

They went their
way, I went mine.

You came here to Dodge?

And you call yourself Willis?


Look, I'm a cattle buyer.

I carry lots of money.

You meet somebody on the trail,

sometimes it's not a great idea

to let them know
everything about you.

So I told them my
name was Talbot.

When I first saw you,
the way you talked,

I thought you were a cowhand.

It's room 21.

The second floor,
top of the stairs.

Thank you.

For everything.

It's all right.

Um, Mrs. Snider,

look, since you're not
cut out for saloon work,

this is a trail town, there's
not much left for a woman.

There's an eastbound
stage in the morning.

Be on it.

And go to something
meant for you.

And what would that be?

Well, a good settled man?

A woman like you
should be having kids,

making bread,
sewing memory quilts.

I will take your
room for one night.

But not your money.


You've been killin'
'em for two days.

What're you gonna do
when you get 'em all?

I don't know.

Talbot, good to see yah.

It's about time.

How's it look?

Not good.

- What's the matter?
- I had to k*ll a man.

In Dodge?

Yeah, broad daylight,
the middle of town.

Well why'd you do that for?

Because they'd be
putting me in the ground

instead of him.

- Who's the man?
- A farmer.

Dumb, bull-headed farmer.

I think we oughta call it off.

We can't.

We've been counting on this job.

We don't have any money.

All the money we had
you've been spending

to scalp that bank.

Livin' in a nice
hotel, eatin' good.

Shut up.

If we don't go through
with this, what'll we do?

Talbot, I'm almost 60, this
could be my last chance.

Well, everybody in
town knows my face now.

Including the law.

So we'll work out
some other way.

I don't know how.

Well you'll think of it,
Talbot, you always do.

We depended on you.

At least I did.


I'll work something out.


It'll take a few days.

Oh for...

There's a Wells Fargo
shipment comin' in.

Cattle money.

It'll be worth the wait.

That bank should
be bulging with cash.

The town will be filling
up, buyers, brewers.

You oughta be
able to go unnoticed.

Come into town the day
after tomorrow and get a room.

No drinkin' or women.

We'll go over the details then.

Miss Kitty?

Mrs. Snider wants
to talk to you.

- Mornin'.
- Miss Russell.

You want to see me?

I need a job.

With the cattlemen coming in,

I wondered if you
could use some help?

Serving drinks?


I heard what happened
at the Bull's Head.


Well, thank you.

But I could use some help.

Doing what?

Well the girl's dresses.

Taking 'em in, letting 'em
out, keeping them clean.

Do you happen to sew?


Well then the job's yours.

Oh, Miss Russell.

Come on, I'll show
you where to start.

Mr. Willis?



You changed your mind?


I just came to give you this.

The clerk told me it
was two dollars a night.

Where'd you get the money?

Miss Russell, she
owns the Long Branch.

She gave me a job.

Ma'am, I told you,
work in a saloon...

I am not serving drinks.

What're you doing?



She gave me an advance,
so I am paying you back,

and putting the
rest in the bank.

Take it.

It's not necessary, Mrs. Snider.

I insist.

I do not like owing.


You don't have
to worry about me.

I will be all right.

I am sure you will
be, Mrs. Snider.

Do you have a place
to spend the night?

Miss Russell arranged a
room for me at Ma Smalley's.

Goodbye, Mr. Willis.

Mrs. Snider.

Oh, that's old news
you're lookin' at Mr. Willis.

These are the
latest cattle prices.

If you're looking for a
place to put your money,

word is the Bar K
out of Omaha has got

the best ramrod in the business.

They're bound to get here first.

It's tough to buck
that Eastern money.

They come in, buy
off all the prime cattle.

All that's left for
a fella like me

is steers with their
ribs stickin' through.

A small rancher
like me needs help.

You don't suppose
their herd will get here

before the money
stage arrives do yah?

No, I don't think so.

You see, the stage is
gonna arrive on the 16th.

Yeah, but that's two days off.

That's right.

Bar K isn't due to
arrive until the 20th.

Rough life.

Yeah, well, thanks anyway.



Out for a stroll, Mr. Willis?


That's a new dress.


I'll bet it's been a long time

since you've had on a new dress.

A long time.

It's nice evening.

Yes, it is.


Um, excuse me.

Mrs. Snider, would, uh,

would you care to
join me for dinner?

You sure you don't
have other plans?

No, no no, no other plans.

We came from
Holland when I was 15.

My father was a watchmaker.

But where we settled
it was mostly farmland.

So there was no
need for a watchmaker.

He became a carpenter.

He died almost five years ago.

And your mother?

She died soon after.

Their marriage was arranged.

She was convinced she
was going to be very unhappy

married to a man
she hardly knew.

She learned to
love him very much.

Mm, how'd you end up in Dodge?

I was a mail order bride.

A catalog woman.

I did not like being alone.

You were right about me.

I wanted a family.


Eli and I corresponded
for a year before I came.

His letters were
gentle and sincere.

And that's what I wanted.

But, it turned out he hadn't
written the letters at all.

He paid the schoolmaster
to write them.

All he wanted was
someone to cook for him.

Clean his house.

A woman.

It's crazy, three days ago
my husband was k*lled.

And today I'm having dinner
with the man who k*lled him.

Don't cry.

I am sorry.

Well, if aint the little
lady from the lake.

You taken any baths lately?

Drink your drink.

You know, she's gettin'
better lookin' all the time.

You're awfully quiet today.

Oh, my nature, I guess.

Here we go.

Oh, it's a great sound.

What's wrong?

Oh, nothing, just that...

those two men who were
with you down by the lake,

they came into the
Long Branch today.


They say anything?

No, just rude.

Who are they?

Like I told you, just
drifters I met on the trail.

You have told me
nothing about yourself.

Katherine, I don't want
to tell you about me,

because there's nothing
I want to remember.

As far as I'm concerned,

you and me, we were just born.

Let's play it that way.

Let's drink to it.

Just born.

I still want to know about you.


Will there be a someday?

Well, I've been saying
someday a long time.

Someday it'll change.



Katherine, when I
leave, come with me.

Where to?

I don't know, it doesn't matter.

This is so fast, and I am
afraid I know nothing about you.

I need time.

Well, I leave tomorrow.

You've got until
then, Katherine.

Sally, I have a question to ask.

Ask away. Pull in
the waist a bit more.

This man I've been seeing,

he's asked me to
go away with him.

Oh, I've heard that before.

No, he really means it.

Well, what's your problem?

I don't know anything about him.

What d'ya have to know?

Look, do you love him?

I don't know.


I think I do.

That's close enough for now.

He is good man, Sally.

And he wants me.

Does it make any sense?

No, but anything having to
do with a man usually doesn't.

Look, you want him,
and he wants you.

Now that's a tough act to beat.


Just do me a favor.

If you decide not to go
with him, toss him my way.

Good evening, Howie.

Evening, ma'am.

Well as far as the
strong box, we can wait.

The thing is, it'll sweeten
the pot by $25,000.

When do we hit?

Tomorrow night, as
soon as the banks close.

How do we get in the safe?

The manager, I
get him to let me in

and give me my bank draft.

And then after the
safe's open, we walk in?


What time?

9:00 o'clock.

Now what do I do?

There's a farm five
miles outta town,

8:00 o'clock you set fire to it.

The marshal and his deputies will
take a couple of hours to clean it up.

By that time we'll be long gone.

And rich.

What about your cut, Talbot?

Meet me at Granite
Junction in three days.

Be there.

Go on, see you tomorrow night.

So, your name
is Talbot after all.

What're you doing here?

I just came to tell you
I've made up my mind.


Now I don't have to
wait to know about you.

I just heard.

It's buying us a life.

We don't need it.

Why? Because we have each other?


Dreams are nice.

They cost money.

Don't do it.

I can't pull out, it's too late.


I'm in too deep.

If you do go through with it,

you leave without me.

Talbot shoulda been here by now.

He'll do it the way
he thinks it's gotta go,

and he'll be here
when the time's right.

Well I don't like he way
he's been actin' anyways.

Who is it?

It's Talbot.

Where you been anyway,
we were just saying...

How's it look?

I'm pullin' out.

Now we've been
through that before.

This time I'm stayin' out.

You can't.

We need you.

You'll get by.

You got a good reason?


I've got a chance
at something better.

There's over
$100,000 in that bank,

now what's better than that?

I'm leaving Dodge today.

I advise you two to do the same.


Now we're goin'
through with our plan.

You brought us into this.

And you're not gonna walk
out and leave us high and dry.

He's right.

We got everything in this.

You walk out, we
has nowhere to turn.

You owe us, Talbot.

There's four
hundred dollars left.

Take it.

Talbot, it ain't enough.


You'll bring in the law.

Well I'm not settlin' for
any four hundred dollars.

When are we gonna get
another chance like this?

Fat bank just waitin'.

I reckon... now.


I'm pullin' out.

I'm not going through with it.

What made you change your mind?


All my life I've wanted things.

Some things I just took.

Some things I had to work for.

But the things that
meant most to me,

that lasted the longest,

didn't come easy.

Well, anyway.


Don't make me more soft-headed.

I'm leaving. Are you coming?


Well, how long will it
take you to get ready?

I have a few things to do,
I'll be ready in about an hour.

All right.

Marshal Dillon, get the
marshal, quick, Marshal!

What's the matter?

You better come quick, Marshal,

it's the Jackson
place, it's on fire.

What about Jackson?

He's dead, somebody's shot him.

All right boys, mount up.

Well, all set.

I'll have your bill in just
a moment, Mr. Willis.


Well if it ain't the bath lady.

Over there.

You Dofeny?


Open the safe.



Give me a hand, Red.

Let's get outta here.

Drop the g*ns!

Throw your g*ns out.

Either you let us ride
out or the lady gets k*lled.

Well, what's it
gonna be, Deputy?

Do we ride out or does she die?

Leave the lady alone
and you can ride out.

No, she stays with
us until we ride clear.

I can't let you do that.

Well you got no choice.

I'll blow her brains out.

Now you got one minute, Deputy.

Keep back, mister.

Talbot dropped the Deputy.

And he's coming in.

Let's get outta here.

She stays.

No, without her,
they'll cut us down.

You're right.

Come on lady, you first.

Get outta here.


Hold it!

Don't move!

Get inside.

Are you all right?

Well, this changes
our plans a little.

You are the crying-est woman.

What's going to happen?

Well, nothing's changed.

I'll just give up
cattle buying is all.

We'll go into ranching, huh?

You like ranching?

Sounds good.

Some day.

Some day.

Stay tuned for exciting scenes

from our next Gunsmoke.