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06x05 - The Road to Hell

Posted: 03/27/22 20:31
by bunniefuu
And since you have proven your

Boston is now officially open for
the importation of your merchandise.

Jack says just a few more weeks and
you will be free.

Stories about you come up the canal.

Once you walked fine alone,
now you need a stick.

You stay clean for two weeks,

I'll write Linda another letter.

Have you recently suffered seizures?

It is Tuberculoma, I am
afraid it is inoperable.

[MUSIC: Lawman by Girl Band]

Mr Shelby.

I only gave opium to your brother

because he give me big trouble.

He att*cked my wife.

I would like a pot of green tea, please.

It has taken me ten years
to build this business.

Your business will be safe,
if you do what I say.

How much opium do you have in
your cellar?

Five pounds.

Bring it to me.

Four minutes against the clock.

As member of Parliament...

...for this constituency... is my duty to take
responsibility for the welfare

- of my constituents.
- Mr Shelby, the clock is still ticking.

The consumption of opium is very
prejudicial to health.

Women give it to their children
so they can leave

them untended while they work
in the factories.

Men lose their jobs when they
become addicted.

From now on, you will sell

only cigarettes, cake and tea.

If I hear that you are selling
opium again,

time will indeed run out very
quickly for you. Do you understand?

Yes, I understand, I will stop.

Mr Shelby, the clock is still ticking.


Please tell...

...your suppliers and your customers...

...that from now on...

...there will be no more opium... Small Heath or in Bordesley.

Thank you for the tea.


You can let them through now.

Yes, sir, Mr Shelby.

You tell the pub and cafe owners
in Montague Street...

...if there is any further trade
in powder,

there will be no more Montague Street.

I will have it demolished
and replaced by apartments.

By order of Birmingham Urban
District Council.

Synced & corrected by -robtor-

Sorry I'm late, they closed Montague

There's a gas expl*si*n or...

Right. Well, it would be nice if
just one thing

could happen in Birmingham that
wasn't our fault.

I have gathered you all here today
because there is news

and it is of interest to the whole

First of all,

I would like to welcome

Finn's new wife Mary to the family.

Right. Well, I'm very glad I dragged
myself out of bed for this.

There is... more item of business.



Come on, come on, hurry up.


...this here is Erasmus.

Nobody calls me that.

They call him Duke.

years ago, at Apple by horse fair...

...I met a girl.

We shared the shade of a hazel tree.

Nine months later this lad was born.

This is my son.

His mother died on the road.

Up until now I never tried to find him.

But I am trying to look at life in a
different way.

A child is a precious thing.

So I am bringing him...

Into the f*cking family with
a snap of his fingers.

No, I am bringing him into the fold.

He'll have to earn membership of
the family.

For the moment, welcome, son.
You have a seat.

Go on, sit down here.

There are some mistakes I've made...

...that I can never address...

...and some I can.

Some wounds I can try to heal.

And new wounds you can open up.


...that's the business of the day.

Is it too early for whisky?

There you go.

Shelby breakfast for you, son.

I don't drink.

And I'm not a Shelby, all right?

I'm a Duke.

Ooh, hoo, hoo, hoo.

You're a f*cking Shelby, all right,

don't worry about that.

Mm, I think we will need Curly

and a strong rope to break this one
in, Tom.

Arthur, open up the shop,

put the kid here on the blackboard,
writing up the odds.

I can't write.

Put the kid on the blackboard,
wiping off the chalk.

Go on, son.

Come on then.

Lizzie, come on.

My father was the Duke of the Saxon

My mother was a Romany Queen.

Who told you that, your mum?

I don't allow people to talk about
my mother.

Good for you.

So let's get this right then,
you can't read,

you can't f*cking write,
there's nothing wrong with that.

What can you do, eh?

I can tell the time.

You can tell the time.

Here, he can tell the time.

Ain't that clever.

It's a lot more than you can f*cking do.

What did you just say to me?

What time is it, Mr Shelby?

That's what I can do.

You little bastard.

Here, keep it.

Stop you from being late in the future.

Is there forgiveness in your heart
for Arthur Shelby?


But maybe there will be forgiveness
from God.

And you will do God's work?

God is interested in you as well, Tommy.

And God will be with you on your
journey every step of the way.

He may not need to take many steps.

Tell me this, Linda... God interested in me...

...or in my money?

I believe you run a foundation

and that your foundation has many
missions across the world

but in these times of financial crisis,

funding is hard to come by.

So perhaps your God's plan is
a practical one.

Perhaps he would like me to make
a donation

to your foundation, and in return,

he would like you

to help my brother on his road
to redemption.

Now, I know that in a place of
worship such as this,

you would never ask how much.

So I will tell you plainly.

I will write your foundation
a cheque for £ , ...

Praise the Lord.

...if you agree to look kindly on
Arthur and to help him.

I need to look after everyone in
the family.

Do we have a deal?

Your money will be spent to do good
around the world.

And a mission will be named after you.

But I am only agreeing to help him...

...not sleep with him.


Now, I imagine the negotiation for
that particular favour

would take a considerable amount of

...and I have an appointment.

God bless.

Apologies for the initial

My brother dealt with it.

For the care you took.

Even though I succumbed to temptation.

Part of the reason my brother is
back dealing with it,

is down to you, you spoke to him.

As a comrade.

The beating is still owed to you.

Do you still do that kind of work

yourself, Thomas Shelby, MP?

Mr Stagg, see, I can use men like you.

I have friends that are in need of g*ns.

Soon, there will be a shipment

of Thompson sub machine g*ns
coming here from Boston.

And I need you to unload
and store those weapons.

There will also be amm*nit*on... this.

You have a good look.

And I need you to take better care
of the g*ns and amm*nit*on

than you did of the powder.

You understand?


all of my import and export
went through Belfast docks.

Now we're dealing with Boston...

...I am considering shifting
my supply line to Liverpool.

You'll be a very rich man.

Don't you ever say thank you?

Thank you.

Is that why you do it, Mr Shelby?

Is that why you keep all this going?

To have people say thank you?

You could close all this down.

You could leave the sport behind.

You could live like
an ordinary mortal man.

On your gravestone,

"an ordinary mortal man".

But, instead,

you still go round collecting
"please" and "thank you"

and "sorry" and "forgive me, Mr Shelby."

Is that what it's all for?

You want to know?

You want to know why I've carried on...

...all these years?

It's so I can do this.

And then... this.

Feel it?

I feel it.

Junk doesn't even come close.

Soon, Mr Stagg...

...when my last piece
of business is done...

...I will indeed... an ordinary mortal man.

You have a good day.

we've got a problem with a referee.

He's not taking the money.

He's f*cking religious or something.

Jesus Christ.

With Tommy away, you're in charge
of gambling, Arthur,

what shall we do?

"And this they said to him,

"that they may have some charge
to bring against him."


this referee, he's threatening
to go to the police.


"..bent down,

"and with one finger,
he wrote on the ground..."

Arthur, brother...

...people are laughing at you.

So I just phoned
our Holy referee, again.

He basically told me to f*ck off.

Not even basically, actually,

he literally told to me to f*ck off.

Is that right? So, do you know?

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Do you know what he wrote
on the ground? Hmm?

- No. No.
- Do you know? You don't know, do yer?

No, I don't.

do you know what he wrote on the ground?

- I...
- Hmm?

Do you know what Jesus wrote
on the ground?

He bent down,

and with one finger,
he wrote on the f*cking ground.

You know? Do you know what he wrote?

- Come on, Billy.
- No.

Arthur, what should we do?

Go and get me the referee.

Bring me the f*cking referee.

I know she's here with us.


But still, it's just you and me.

I thought it would be good
if we were in a different place.

I hate that house now.

I wish I could blow it up.

There was a time when we'd say
nothing afterwards

because we didn't have to say anything.

But now we've got nothing left to say.

There's business.

What business?

The American.

He's coming to Birmingham.

He's stopping over
on his way to Liverpool.

He is staying with us tomorrow night.

Frances knows.

She's making up a menu.

And then...

...we have to make a move.

Do you want to know
what that move is, Lizzie?


I know enough.

Your book of regrets.

, ,

, .

The combination to the safe.


And I'm on there.

I'm on the list.

On the very top of the list.


Yes, you are.

I regret marrying you, Lizzie.

Cos I've put you through so much.

I've put you through all of this. Ruby.

Everything that is to come.

When you married me, you married
a man and you married a curse.

You have shared my fate.

That is my regret.

But know this, Lizzie.

In this moment,

in this room...

...I love you.

You sound like
you're ticking a f*cking box,

and I don't know what's inside the box.

Never have you let me in.

Even though I know
the combination to the safe.

Oh, this is him, is it?

The one who likes
to be f*cking difficult, eh?

When I leave this place,
I am going straight to the police.

- You are?
- This man pointed a g*n at me.

- Who, him there?
- Yeah.

Well, let's phone the police, eh?

Don't worry. We'll have this
sorted out for you.

Hello? Yes, get me the police.

Reports of a man with
a revolver on Watery Lane.

There you go.

And you ask for Inspector Moss.

Chief Superintendent Moss.

He's in charge of Watery Lane
and Bordesley Green.

That's right.

And you see this?

That's his betting credit with us.

He makes a lot of money
from football matches.

Because we give him
the results before the match.

On Saturday afternoon,

you take this whistle, and you blow.

You give a penalty to
Birmingham City in the final minute.

The goalkeeper will let
the penalty go by him,

and Birmingham City will win - .

All you got to do is...





I won't do it.

If the police won't listen,
I'll go to the newspapers.

I'm not afraid.

I was in France.

Phone Tommy, Arthur.

You shut up.

I am not phoning f*cking Tommy.
I am dealing with this, OK?

- I'm leaving.
- You are going f*cking nowhere.

It's time one of us stood up
to you people.

It's not right what's been happening.

I will not take money to cheat.

f*cking hell.

In France, I ran at the wire.

And I was not afraid.

I am not afraid.

I won't do a bad thing.

I have seen too many bad things.

A beating will make no difference.

I know that,

cos I can see it in your f*cking eyes.

- f*ck.

In the bleak midwinter...

Holy Mary, mother of God.


Right, Billy Boy.

You've been in the family long enough.

Yeah. It's time for you to get bloodied.

- Arthur, you can't.
- Arthur, please.

You've been with us long enough.

Arthur, f*ck, Jesus Christ.

I can't be that man. Arthur, please.

Either two men die today, Billy...

...or one. You f*cking decide.

You hate him, Billy. You hate him.

You don't know him Billy.

He's f*cking laughing at you.

Come on, hate him.

Look him in the eyes, man.

Look him in the eyes.

- I can't. I can't.
- Look him in the eyes.

I'm sorry... sorry.


A a a a ah!


Enough. Enough, enough, enough.


All right. Billy B, come on.

Come on, sh...

Sh, sh...

It's all right. It's all right.
It's all right. It's all right.

Look at you. Look...

Look at you, look.


You're bloodied now, Billy.

You're bloodied now.

You're not going to heaven no more.

They won't let you in.

Isiah, you take him to the foundry.

And you ask for Mr Patches, all right?

You tell him
we got some fuel for the furnace.




Who the f*ck are you?

Ah! Ah!

- I hear...
- Please.'re the informant
inside the Shelby organisation.

And who the f*ck I am... the man who you now work for.

Please, please...

I have some things I need you to do,
and I want to impress upon you...

- Ah! Ah!

...upon you
the seriousness of my intent.

Cos, you see, I used to do
this kind of thing for a living.

And sometimes I kind of miss it.

Just like Mr Shelby,
I miss the... the wave

of electricity you get under your scalp.

I miss the taste like metal
on the tip of your tongue.

I am about to give you an instruction.

You do as I say,

you stay a man.


and I will send people to serve
your balls to you on a china plate.

I'll do what you say.

A decision has been taken.

My associates are going to take care
of Tommy Shelby.

And you are going to give us up
his brother, Arthur.

- Do you understand?

Yes... Yes. f*cking yes. Please.

Only information leading
to the m*rder of Arthur Shelby

will save you from an Italian death.

Cos it was the Italians
that taught me that

above God, above children,

above his wife and above his mother...

...most of all, a man loves his balls.







Hello, Arthur.

I think we should pray.

That's how we begin this.

You'd like to pray?

The prayer I have chosen is
the Act of Contrition, version two.

So, you're Catholic now, Linda?

You're Catholic. Quakers don't pray.

Bow your head, Arthur,
and close your eyes.

And recite the prayer.

You know it well from when you were boy.

Oh, my mind's all dried up
with junk, though,

and shot full of f*ck...

Shot full of holes.

Linda, please.

It's in there somewhere, Arthur.
It's like a song.



Together, we'll find it.

Digging for the words
will help clean your soul.

I'll begin it.

Forgive me my sins, oh, Lord,
forgive me my sins.

The sins of my youth.

The sins of my youth,
the sins of my age,

the sins of my soul.

The sins of my body.

The sins I know, the sins I know not.

The sins I have concealed for so long.

For so fu...

For so long.

I caught him stealing a car.

And he's got a stack of cash
from the betting shop.

Steal from who you want,

but don't steal from me.

Here you are.

Get a train to wherever
the f*ck you want to go. Get out.

- I don't ride trains.
- Is that a fact?

Well, Curly has a two-wheeled wagon.

What am I, a tinker?

I need four wheels.

And a horse for the hills.

Which hills?

All of them. All the hills of England.


Why do you want to leave?

I didn't take to that work
in the betting shop.

Well, you heard him, Charlie.

Get my dad's old four-wheeled wagon
and two strong ponies.


Curly! Get here.

Before you go,

do you want to know the truth
about yourself?

No. Who does?

Well, I am going to tell yer.

That spring at Apple by Fair,

your mother stole my watch and chain.

You're from a long line of thieves.

The watch had the words
"Saxon Shore" carved in it.

I stole it myself
from a drunk when I was a kid.

I imagine she told you

your dad was
the Duke of the Saxon Shore.


...I am the Duke,

it was my watch.

I am your father.

That's the truth.

When her dad found out,

he shot me in the chest
with a squirrel g*n.

A scar and a stolen watch
and a story she made up.

That's all you need to know
about yourself

before you get on the road.

Esme told me the spirits favour you.

That the spirit is in you.

She tried to sell me like one
of those horses, didn't she?

How much did she pay for me?

I have no use for gold any more.

But if you're a horse,

you're in the right place.


Curly. Hurry up.

This boy has hills to climb.

I remember that watch.

Oh, yeah?

She used to wear it over her heart.

We buried it with her.

Tom. The old wagon's
right front wheel is f*cked, Tom.

It's standing in the wet.

Put a new one on, Curly.


They fix wagons here.

Good families come from the New Forest

to have their wagons fixed

and get fresh horses before the fairs.

Yeah. Yeah, I like it here.

I like it better than that betting shop.



People piss me off.

There are a lot of people
in that betting shop.

So far, here I've only counted two.


Charlie and Curly,

the rest is dogs and horses.

Curly's half horse himself.

Dogs are OK.

Horses are better than people, mind you.

There's work here
for a man who knows horses.


I want to remain completely unknown.

Well, you'd be in the right place
for that as well.

No-one knows anyone here.

Hey, mister. Save that wheel a minute.

Where would I stay?

Stables, with the other stallions.

Now that Finn is married off,

there are plenty of girls round here.

Their fathers are mostly unarmed.

I have a future for you, Duke.

You already have a son.

My business has two sides.

Light and dark.

I'll need someone for each.

And I'm dark, am I?

I have realised we don't get
to choose which one we are.

Dark knows dark.

And my affairs, both light and dark...

...will need settling soon.

Curly? Find a shovel for
the Duke of the Saxon Shore here.

Get him shovelling shit.


And put some petrol in the boat.

I'm off to meet a lady in Solihull.

♪ One silver dollar ♪

♪ Bright silver dollar ♪

♪ Changing hands, changing hands ♪

♪ Spent for a beer he's drinking ♪

♪ Worn by a gambler's lust ♪

♪ Pierced by an outlaw's b*llet ♪

♪ And lost in the blood-red dust ♪

♪ One silver dollar ♪

♪ One silver dollar... ♪

Take a look at her.

Now imagine ten people living on side.

Step on. Have a look inside.

I've had a response
from the Guinness Trust

about building charitable housing
at two sites

along the canal network between London,

Birmingham and Liverpool.

This lock here would be
the one of the sites.

I have the permission.
We just need the finance.

I know that you and your husband,
Bryan Guinness, are estranged,

but I understand
you still have influence

in the Guinness family.

Your support might help them
make their decision.

Will you help me?

I've booked a suite in a hotel
a mile from here.

My chauffeur will take us there.

You look quite the thing
dressed like that,

dressed like a working man.

They'll probably show you
to the coal house

to make your delivery.

Yep, they probably will.

Oswald has f*cked your wife,

so my suggestion is
about balance and proportion.

It would be only fair.

Can I assume...

...I have your support?

This isn't about charitable housing,
this is about changing the world.

It's about a different kind of trust.

Absolute trust.

We have important work ahead of us.

It's much harder to lie

with your body than with your words.

This, I have learnt.

Mostly, I do whatever I want to do.

Sometimes, I do things for the cause.

In this case, it's both.


In the interests of absolute clarity,

that is simply

the English aristocracy's way
of shaking hands.




♪ Come under my wings, little bird ♪

♪ Come under my wings, little bird ♪

♪ Come under my wings... ♪


♪ Unmade ♪

♪ Unmade ♪

♪ I swear that there's nothing ♪

♪ Up my sleeves ♪

♪ And then back again ♪

♪ I swear there's nothing ♪

♪ Unmade ♪

♪ There's no faces ♪

♪ Won't grow back again ♪

♪ Broken pieces... ♪

POLLY: If you do this thing...

...the possibility of w*r,
you have to consider.

MICHAEL: It was the ambitions

and strategies of one man
that caused this.

POLLY: There will be a w*r
in this family.

And one of you will die.

♪ I swear there's nothing ♪

♪ Won't grow back again ♪

♪ I swear there's nothing... ♪

We need to leave early to catch
the first train to Liverpool, yes?


So eat early, finish early.

You changed the combination of the safe.


Have you got new secrets?

With the new business at hand,

there are some things

that I cannot share.

What things?

What are those tablets?

The doctor gave them me.

Pain K*llers?

- Yeah.
- What pain?

Any pain that comes, Lizzie.

When you're ready, I want you
to tell me everything

that's going on.

It's like the clock's stopped ticking

and I'm waiting for the b*mb to explode.

We are in that quiet minute.


That's where we live now.

When I know everything...

...I will tell you everything.

Oh, no, Gina's running wild, y'see.

Harrods, dope, amphetamines,
lords and ladies,

you know, the whole
English aristocracy thing.

f*ck wine, whiskey.

Shelby, you having whiskey?

I'll stay on wine.

f*ck wine, more whiskey.
I'm celebrating.

Celebration, you know.
Getting off this f*cking island.

You see, the thing with England,

the currency here, it's not money.

Nah. You got bored of money
a long time ago.

Cos you know anyone can have money,

you can f*cking... can f*cking find money
in the mud.

You can forge money.

Mr Shelby, you can steal money,
am I right?

The currency here, it's blood.

And Mr Shelby knows that
better than all of them.

Blood here is like wine,

like the vintage wine
in that bottle. It's the label,

it's the terroir,
it's the grape that makes the wine.

Who f*cking cares
about the glass around it?

And you, my friend, you're an American.

You f*cking smash the glass,

you spill the blood

and you spend their currency
to get what you want.

Am I right?

When you come to America,

I will show you things.

You're going to America?

To Canada, Lizzie,
to collect payment for the shipment.

I need to do it myself.

And who will be going with you?

Michael will be there to watch his back.

Another journey, Tommy?

$ million, Mrs Shelby.

It's worth a little cruise,
don't you think?

You know whiskey does talk, Mr Nelson,

and sometimes
whiskey is... very eloquent.

But $ million, Mr Nelson...

Now, that is a legacy.

And when I come back,
I will know everything.

I see myself so clearly
in you, Thomas Shelby.

You are a man with a bright
and glittering future.


Mr Shelby,
there's a car coming up the drive.

A Rolls-Royce.

Were you expecting more guests?


Excuse me.

We were on our way
to my constituency in Smethwick

and I heard our American friend
was in Birmingham

and that he was coming here,

so we came to say one last farewell.

Champagne. We have much to celebrate.

It isn't that I wasn't sure
Mr Shelby would give you

an excellent send-off, I just felt,

since telegrams and wires

and letters can so easily
be intercepted,

we might confirm all that
we've achieved during your visit

over champagne.

It is remarkable how quickly
our relationships have developed.

So many triangles in this room.

Everyone except from Mr Nelson
is the point of a triangle.

How am I part of a triangle?

Mr Nelson,
you have all that you came for?

I have confirmation
that the future of Europe is in

the hands of men like yourselves.

And that urgent conversations
between Washington,

Rome and of course Berlin can now begin.

A two-week visit that may have
changed the course of history.

We have all got what we wanted.


And I got what I have wanted
from the moment I set eyes on it.

Elizabeth, you are a very lucky woman... have each day
what I have only sampled once.

Forgive us, Mr Nelson,

that was a necessary bit
of housekeeping.


We do so hate to be indiscreet,

but we have told you many times,

if you are to seek power
in these days of shiny magazines

and society photographs,

sooner or later, you will have to
find a spouse who is more suitable.

A woman with Lizzie's past

and personal history
really isn't suitable.

She doesn't deserve you, Mr Shelby.

You know the thing is, Mosley...'re right.

You're right, she doesn't deserve me.

She doesn't deserve what I am.

She doesn't deserve what I will become.

What will you become?

The truth is, I belong here,
at this table.

With f*ckers like you.

She doesn't.

For all I try to hide it...

- ...I'm just one of you.

Could there be a sadder ending, eh?

♪ Take a little walk
to the edge of town ♪

♪ And go across the tracks ♪

♪ Where a viaduct looms
like a bird of doom ♪

♪ As it shifts and cracks ♪

♪ Where secrets lie
in the border fires ♪

♪ In the humming wires ♪

♪ Hey, man ♪

♪ You know you're never coming back ♪

♪ Past the square ♪

♪ Past the bridge, past the mills
and the stacks ♪

♪ On a gathering storm ♪

♪ Comes a tall, handsome man ♪

♪ And a dusty black coat
with a red right hand. ♪

I'm here on behalf of your wife,
Gina, and Jack Nelson.

Mr Nelson's prepared
to get you out of here.

But first he needs an answer
to the question.

If the answer is yes...'ll be released.

If the answer is no...'ll stay.

I have consulted my mother.

Your mother's dead.

Never the less, I have consulted her.

And yes.

When I'm released,

it is my intention to k*ll Tommy Shelby.

♪ He's a god, he's a man ♪

♪ He's a ghost, a guru ♪

♪ And they're whispering his name ♪

♪ Through the disappearing land ♪

♪ But hidden in his coat ♪

♪ Is a red right hand ♪

♪ You don't have no money? ♪

♪ Well, he get you some ♪

♪ You don't have no car? ♪

♪ He get you one. ♪