17x06 - The Legend

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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17x06 - The Legend

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

I never give any man a
"take it or leave it," Billy, but...

I'm under the same
price squeeze you are.

Oh, I'm taking it, Mr. Slater.

- Good.
- Got to.

Just sayin' two dollars a ton

don't even allow for
decent drinkin' money.

Well, we'll include
a bottle on me.

Bring you back smiling by the
time we get that wagon unloaded.

Thanks, Billy.

- Mr. Slater.
- Yeah.

- Paper says you need a man.
- That's right.

You look like you got the
shoulders for a good day's work.

What's your name, son?

Travis. Travis Smith.

All right.

Pay's $5 a week.

Now, that includes a half a day
Saturday, but quittin' time's at 4:00.

It's Colter.

I said my name was
Smith, but it's Colter.


Well, yeah, I'd heard
you and your mother

moved into Dodge a while back.

Well, all right, Travis. Where
can I get in touch with you?

Over the roomin' house
behind Ma Smalley's.

All right, uh, got some interviewing,
as the newspaper might say.

Other fellas comin' by to...

Yeah. Yeah, thanks.

So that's the
youngest of the Colters.


Doesn't seem like too bad a boy.

Always something in the way.

Can't just reach in
and grab one, can ya?

I think that peppermint's about
a penny a stick, I remember right.

There may as well be
one of us has a good day.

You go get yourself the
biggest stick in the jar, huh?

Hey, you give it back here.

Well, hey, Mister, there ain't no harm
in him having a candy stick, is there?

Wasn't talking to you, Colter.

Remember you from Haynesville.

Don't need you or your
kind giving nothing to my kid.

My kind?


You, that brother of
yours, your old lady.

We don't need that
kind of garbage...

What's going on here?

They belong in cages.
That's what's the matter.

Shouldn't be allowed to
mix around decent folks.

Who started this?

I didn't like his
mouth. That's all.

Just tellin' him what I thought
of Colters living in this town.

Speaking my mind.

Anybody's got a right
to live in this town, Daley,

as long as they mind their own
business and stay within the law.

Now, that's a good idea
for you to think about.

Get movin'.

All right, folks. Break it up.

Let's move along now.

You're just gonna
have to learn to smile.

No matter what
people say to you.

We ain't garbage, Ma.

Yeah. So long as we know that,

I guess that's all that matters.


I'll get my cap.


John Chapman.

Been a long time, Bea.

Well, for the life of me.

You're the last soul I ever
expected to see in Dodge City.

That name still follows you around
everywhere you go, doesn't it, Bea?

You ever think about
changing it? Might be easier.

Too many people
know me and my sons.

The Colter legend's got so
big, there's nowhere left to hide.

That was Travis
I saw, wasn't it?

I haven't seen that rascal
since he was 12 years old.

Seems like a good boy, Bea.

They were all good boys once.

Now Amos is dead. Clayt and
Virgil have a price on their heads.

And Travis is getting restless.

Matthew, maybe you and
Newly ought to have yourselves

a couple of beers before
you go off over yonder.

You know it's gonna take
a tolerable lot of patience

of divvying up all that grazin'
land for all them herds a-comin' in.

Well, I think we better take advantage
of what daylight we have, Festus,

but, uh, thanks
for the invitation.

Oh. Well, I wasn't
exactly inviting. I...

We'll keep in mind the first
one's on you when we get back.

If you need to find me, Festus, we'll most
likely be camped down by Tillson's Bend.

Well, don't you worry
none now, Matthew.

Whilst you're away, I'll
be holding things down

to the best of my liabilities.

I, uh, I hope you're not gonna let
that big mouth of Daley's get you down.

No, I... I suppose I got some more
important things to worry about.

How old are you, anyhow?


Matter of fact, just today.

Well, congratulations.

Let's call that
beer on the house.

Well, thanks.

Thanks, and, I, uh...

I appreciate the thought.

See ya later.

Howdy, Travis.


- Miss Kitty.
- Hello, Festus.

Believe I'll have
me a beer, Sam.

Sam: All right.

That Travis is sure having
himself a rocky time of it, ain't he?


He's been tarred with the
same brush as his brothers.

Seems like everybody's very
happy to swap stories with him

or buy him a drink, but when it
comes to giving him a job, it's...

Yes'm. I've heard the very
same thing, Miss Kitty, and...

You know, a man's name hadn't
ought to make no difference.

Whether it's Charlie Smith
or Fred Whatchamacallit,

don't mean that he's
gonna do a heap more work

or a heap littler
work. Don't you see?

Hadn't ought to
make no difference.

Who says a man's name
counts in the way he works?

Well, that's right, Burke.

You ought to know
a lot about that,

running that freight office and
handling all those men, and...

And hiring all those men.

Well, of course
he does, Miss Kitty.

See, old Burke
here, he's a big chief.

A high mogul of that whole
blamed freightin' operation.

Well, I do have
some responsibility.

Uh, uh, Sam, uh, how about a
beer on the house for Burke here?

This seems to be the day for it.

Well, that's awful kind of
you, Miss Kitty. Thanks a lot.

Uh, you know, I seem to
remember here a while back

that you were looking to hire
somebody to replace Jim Bauers.

Yeah, well, that Jim Bauers,
he never stuck to the job.

He went off to sign up with
one of them Texas trail bosses.

And of course you'd want to be
hiring the very best man you could get

and it don't make no never mind
whether he's your brother or your friend

or what he looks like or what
his name is, wouldn't you?

Well, ambition, like I had.

Willing to use a little muscle like I
did before they put me in charge.

Well, that's fine, Burke.

Travis couldn't work
under a better man.

And I'll get him over
to you right away.

- Well, Travis...
- Colter.

Oh. Yeah, well, I'll
get in touch with him,

Miss Kitty and Festus.

No, no, no, there ain't
no need for that, Burke.

I'll see that he gets
over yonder to you.

See, you're too busy to piddle
around with them little old things.

I'll see that he gets
over yonder to you.

Yeah, well, thanks
a lot, Festus.

Miss Kitty.

Well-managed, Festus.

Uh, Sam. Uh, as long
as the house is buying,

give Festus another one here.


I got a job at
the freight office.

Oh, Travis. That's wonderful.

Yeah, $7 a week,
and it's a real good job.

Mr. Burke says that
if I learn the business,

I'll be up to $10 in
just a couple years.

Eighteen years old
today, and a good job.

It's a real special day.

What's this?


- This.
- Oh.

It's nothing.

Just came in the
mail a while ago.

They got no right to
print trash like that.

And you... Why, Ma?

I'll tell you why.

I've been a widow alone
with a boy to care for

and no one to provide.

And so you sell us to liars
who'll print anything they want?

All right. But it got
us out of Galveston.

Got us away when
there was no way left.

Nothing there to live on.

I ain't ashamed. I
done what I had to do.

And them saloons.

You don't gotta work
saloons like that no more.

Colters is worth more than that.

We used to stand for
something when Pa was alive.

And Clayt and Virgil,
maybe they're wanted,

but at least they ain't eatin'
dirt because their name's Colter.

Look here, it's the
same as that book, boy.

It puts food on the table when
there's no other way to get it.

Well, there is now.

I've got this job, and
I can make it for us.

Both of us.

I understand, Ma.

Took care of me all those
years doing what you had to do.

Let's just call it my turn to
take care of you from now on.

It's a real special day.

Hey, Travis!

Hey, Clayt and
Virgil! How you doing?

- Hey, Ma! How are ya?
- Hey, come here, boy!

Your ugly brother
come to give you a party.

- Come on in.
- Look at this boy.

He done growed and
growed and growed.

How you doing, man? How you be?

Good to see ya. All right.

Hey, you stay out
of jail, kid, huh?

- Sure. Sure.
- How you been, Travis? You been okay?

Real good. Good. Real good.

Hey, Ma.


Never meant nothin', Ma.

We was just travelin' through, and
remembered Travis was havin' a birthday.

Sure. Sure is.

Brought you a
present, Travis. Here.

- Present?
- Yeah.

Look it there, Ma. They
brought me a present.

Aw, Virgil, Clayton, thank
you very much. Look, Ma.

- You like it?
- Sure.

Ma, you're looking like the
downhill side of a thunderhead.

We'll move out of
here, you want us to.

Move out? No, no.
You just got here.

Ma don't mean
nothin'. Do you, Ma?

Your supper's about ready.

- You're welcome, boys.
- Sure, come on, sit down.

Tell me all where you been.

Oh, we've been all
over, we've been.

Last I heard, you was
headin' for Mexico, I think.

- We was there.
- About three years ago.

Yeah, we been there. We been...

That's you ended up, in
Sonora, at Perez's Hacienda.

And, boy, when
you're at Perez's, man,

I mean, everything's
right at your fingertips.

Best food, fancy
wines, and the senoritas.

Shoulder-deep to
a tall Indian, boy.

You know, Clayt took a gambler
for 2,000 just before we left.

He thought Clayt was too
liquored up to read his cards.

Yeah, it was a good year.

Yeah, sure was.

Sweet whiskey and bad pasture.

Hey, Ma, about ready
for that birthday cake.

Can't tell me you're still not
hiding them for a surprise now.

Where you boys
gonna head to now?

Oh, I guess we'll rest up a bit.

Fatten up the horses
before we move on.

We got all kinds of choices.

We can go back to Perez's
or maybe into East Texas.

Fat amount of money down yonder.

Me and Clayt draw down
500 a month and better

just sniffing out land trouble.

500 month?

- Uh-huh.
- That's right.

Take me two years to
earn that kind of money.

Clayt: Well, hey,
now, it's easy money,

but you gotta keep the
covers off your eyes.

I mean, the honey do draw flies.

Virgil: Yeah.

Clayt: Hey! Happy birthday,
Travis. Many more of 'em.

Yeah, run 'em ragged,
and don't look back.

Hey, 18 and one to grow on.

Sixteen was the last one
I seen. Remember, Ma?

Yeah, I remember.

And your brother
Amos too. His last one.

Five months before
he was hanged.

Well, come on, get
to it, brother. Come on.

Make a wish, blow
'em out, and let's eat.

Come on. Come on, Travis.

Hey, hey, that's good.

Hey, that one's yours,
Ma. Wish and blow.

What'd you wish for, Ma?

Maybe that my youngest son would
never have to sneak into any town.

Come on, Ma. Now,
come on, will ya?

Hey, no Colters
sneak in any place.

We take care of our own.

Oh, yes, I've been listening.

The big money, the
fancy wines, the girls.

Tell me, where are you
two sleeping tonight?

We're campin' out, Ma.

We took over an abandoned
shack about five miles west of town.

Stuck in the trees, out
of sight, sweet water,

and you can see
anybody comin' for miles,

so there's no need
to worry about us.

Worry? Until the day I die.

Or until the day you do.

No, I... I was
talking about a bed.

A pillow instead of a saddle.

Aw, Ma, come on. They
just came for my birthday.

Yes, they did.

Bearing tales of
their good lives.

I just wanna
hear about it is all.

Mother likes to hear
about her children.

I heard you were in
Dry Wells last winter.

Something about two
deputies up that way

being wounded, I seem to recall.

Your names were mentioned.

Ma, we ain't never done
nothin' that wasn't done to us first,

starting that night with Pa
under the heel of that railroad.

But you never stopped
with the railroad.

When was it you found it easier
to make a living with a g*n?

You of all people got no call to
dress us down for doing what we done.


It's time we was
getting back to the shed.

It's not that I don't
wish you both well.

It's all right, Ma.

So long, Travis.

Ma, look, uh, I, uh...

Well, take care of yourself.

We'll be seeing ya.

See ya, Travis. See ya.

Thanks for the present.

What'd you run 'em off for, Ma?

They're your sons.

It's been three years since you seen
'em. You might never see 'em again.

Look, I didn't mean it that way.

Look, I had four sons once.

I... I just don't wanna
lose the last one.


Travis. Weigh this.

Weigh it and put it outside in
back with the Denver crates.

It'll be going out
this afternoon.

Yes, sir. I'll do
that, Mr. Burke.

Your books are
in order, Mr. Burke.

As for those extra
wagons you asked about,

I will have to check
with Division about it.

Very well, Mr. Palmer.

Is that a new fellow
you have there?

Yes, he just started
the other day.

All in the records, I suppose.

Well, right there, sir.

All right.

Let's see. Colter.

Travis Colter?

Yes. The, um, the boy
there, well, he's related.

Mr. Palmer: Related to the
Colters and working here?

Burke: Well, he seems
like a nice young fella, sir.

I... I couldn't hold
his name against him.

Mr. Palmer: Oh, neither
could I, Mr. Burke.

Neither could I.

But it is a bit sticky.

It will be a little difficult
to explain to Division.

We are a public trust.

Many people deposit
a lot of money with us.

Appearances, Mr. Burke.

After all, you don't leave the cat
to guard the cream, now do you?

Burke: Maybe you've got a point.

I'm sure I do.

You're home early.

I got fired.

They didn't want the
cat guarding the cream.

Travis, I'm sorry.

That sounds like something I
should have been in on, Carrot.

Oh, Ma, now, that's
not for your tender ears.

Say, Ma, you
remember me? Abilene?

Oh, I don't see nothing
much there to remember.

Well, I played the
harmonica for you one night,

and we sure packed 'em in.

You did, I mean,
with your singing.

Oh, yes.

Seems to me I used
to call you Blowhard.

That's right.

Come on, Ma, you name it.

Oh, no. My singing
days are long passed.

Hey, how about singing
"Aaron at the Gate"?

Yeah! Aaron. Huh?

Come on. We come a long
way to hear you sing that.

"Aaron at the Gate," huh?

Well, I guess that's one
song everybody knows.

'Cause it says what
really happened.

There've been so many
stories about the Colters.

You read them penny novels,

we're the Devil's own
emissaries here on Earth.

Well, I don't have horns.

Don't breathe fire.

Don't really eat little
children for lunch.

And lookie here. Just
one head. Not two.

The Colter boys...
Amos, Clayt, and Virgil,

well, maybe they made
their mark on this world

in ways not to gladden
a mother's heart, but...

there was a time when
they were just my boys.


As maybe some of
you have of your own.

Uh, I'm not calling
them angels...

but you should know
that the Colter boys

didn't just spring out of
some dark hole in the earth,

sh**ting their way
into being hunted men.

No. No, it all had a beginning.

And it all began
with the father.

Aaron. At the gate.

♪ It was a proper dark night ♪

♪ For such a deed ♪

♪ The moon must have
hid so's not to see ♪

♪ That man named
Aaron standin' at his gate ♪

♪ Sayin', "This is my land" ♪

♪ They knew this man,
those riders of the night ♪

♪ Knew he wouldn't be pushed ♪

♪ Knew he'd stand and fight ♪

♪ So they put on a smile ♪

♪ And held out a hand ♪

♪ And then they shot Aaron ♪

♪ Shot him for his land ♪

♪ That fine man lay dyin' ♪

♪ His widow a-cryin' ♪

♪ His boys lookin' on ♪

♪ Three boys, strong and true ♪

♪ The fourth just a
babe, but he saw it too ♪

♪ They swore that night ♪

♪ Made a vow you'd say ♪

♪ The railroads,
they'd rue this day ♪

♪ Their papa lay a-dyin' ♪

♪ Their mama a-cryin' ♪

♪ The railroad would
pay or they'd die a-tryin' ♪

♪ The boys were named Colter ♪

♪ And before they
were through... ♪

State your business, Mister.

Virgil? It's me.

What are you doing here, kid?

Oh, I just figured I'd
ride out and talk a bit.

About a hundred yards on.

Trail leads up here.

Well, Travis.

You ain't doing much talking.

Well, I'm feeling
kinda mixed up.

I had about all I can
take in them towns.

Yeah, it's tough, kid.

Ma singing songs for a
bunch of barroom drunks.

Even sold Pa's story
for money to live on.

And I don't seem to be
able to help her much.

Folks turn me down before
I even get the name out.

Then she's gotta go
back working them bars.

So what are you saying, kid?

Well, I'm saying maybe
you got the answer we need.

How's that?

Oh, you fellas, you
got the life, the money.

Ma and me, sometimes we...

been talking
about a little farm.

I could work a farm.

That's a good idea. Real good.

We been looking at this
little place over near Dodge.

It ain't bad for
what they want for it.


We figure, well, another 200,

put some stock on the place,

another hundred more would
see us till we get things set up.

That sounds pretty good,
boy. Sounds pretty good.

Yeah, I don't like asking
you fellas for money,

but, well, $700 would
kinda see Ma settled.

You askin' us for money?

Well, I'll pay you back.

Besides, you fellas
get money real easy.

How about that 2,000 you
took off that gambler, huh, Clayt?

Well, yeah, kid, but,
uh, that ain't all the time.

I mean, uh, it don't rain
money on no one, huh?

Costs more than some to
travel the way we do, Travis.

You ain't got it, have ya?

Well, we get it,
and we spend it, kid.

You know, good times,
and not so good. You know.

We're gonna have it
again. We'll be rolling in it.

And when we do, we're gonna
set you and Ma up right. You watch.

What happened today,
Travis? Bringing you out here.

Oh, I lost my job.

Over at the freight office.

Ma had to go back working in a
trash bin called the Bull's Head.

Well, that's tough to hear, kid,
but we ain't got no answer for you.

Well, maybe I got an answer.

That freight office, there ain't
no bars on the back windows.

And them iron shutters,
they need fixing.

They come right
open in your hand.

I figure serve 'em
right, we rob the place.

Boy, no one even knows
we're in these parts.

We're gonna keep
it that way if we can.

Well, maybe I
could ride with you.

Send Ma some money.

Now, you get that stuff
out of your head, Travis.

You ain't cut out for that.

Answer's flat out no, Travis. You
gotta stay and take care of Ma.

Look, I done tried everything.
There just ain't nothing else.

That's it now, Travis. That's
how she stays. You understand?

Now, come on. You
best be gettin' back.

Come on.

You know, you
fellas, you've got a life.

Ma and me, we ain't
got nothin' but a name.

Hey, Travis?

Wait a minute, boy.

Listen, the next time we're up this
way, we might have a good stake.

We'll talk again
about that farm.


Yeah. Sure. Next time.

He, uh, he makes that freight
office sound real easy, don't he?

We owe that lady.


All these years, we ain't
never given her nothin'.

Kid's got salt. He ain't cryin'.

You figure...

suppose we hit
that freight office.

Dillon's town?

Yeah, but suppose
we hit it anyway.

I mean, at night, on the quiet.

Cut off, and send
all the money to...

To her?

How are your brothers?

They're all right.

Uh, I met Mr. Burke.

It was out of his hands.

I wasn't blaming him none.

I guess the world is just
asking more patience from you.

More than maybe should be asked.

Oh, we got patience.

Had it in New Orleans.


In Baton Rouge.

Why did you wanna
see your brothers tonight?

To ride with them?

Well, that's sure better
than what I'm doing.

They've only got a grave
ahead of them, Travis.

You've got a life.

I've got nothing,
and neither have you.

And whatever Clayton
and Virg have got,

they're not getting walked on.

They're just taking
what's owed 'em.

I'm not sleepy.

I'm going for a walk.

Travis, you ever had
any hard liquor before?

You got my dollar, ain't ya?

Look, son, your mother finds
out you got drunk in my place,

I'll never hear the end of it.

Help! Somebody blew
up the freight office.

Somebody fetch the doctor.

How much they get, Burke?

Me and Palmer put every
nickel in the bank this afternoon.

All right, move aside.
Move aside. Let me see.

Bea: What happened?

I don't know, Bea.
I just don't know.

Some of you men
pick him up, please.

Take him into my office.
Now handle him gently.

Pick him up gently.

All right, easy, Burke. Easy.

Easy, fella.

I don't know...

That's a strong boy you
brought into the world, Bea.

I mean, he's all right. For now.

That's something of a wonder
considering the shock to his system.

Thank you, Doctor.

Well, no, I'm not finished with him
yet. There's some surgery to be done.


Bea, he has a
piece of glass in him.

When I probe for
it now, it breaks off.

I wanna wait until he
regains some of his strength

and his body starts to
push the glass back out.

Well, how dangerous is it?

Well, as long as he
doesn't move around,

push it in further,
he'll be all right.

Can I talk with him?

Sure, as soon as he wakes up.

I'm almost afraid to
ask the question, Doctor.

Bea, you and I go
back a long way.

Since before Travis was born.

I guess maybe I know you
'bout as well as anybody.

Knew your husband.

Your boys.

Now, here.

I want you to do
a little favor for me.

Here, I want you to drink that.

Doctor's orders.

What I'm working my
way around to, Bea,

is that I see a lot
of you in Travis.

Plenty of character.
Plenty of strength.

But he has something
else he has to overcome.

This resentment at
being branded an outlaw.

I know.

Gets harder for
him all the time, Bea.

He's a young man full
of pride, full of strength.

But being rejected for a
reputation he didn't want,

doesn't deserve.

He's the last of the Colters,

and... and yet he's
not a part of the legend,

but being forever
reminded of that.

You talking about my
singing at the Bull's Head?

Bea, girl,

I'd never in this world try to
tell you how to live your life,

but I do believe that every time
you sing "Aaron at the Gate,"

you're driving Travis away.

Like Virgil and Clayton.

Travis, don't worry.
Here, cut that out.

Don't move around like that.

You lie back there.

You want anything,
you just ask for it.


Just take it easy.
Just... take it easy.

- Had enough?
- Yeah.

All right.

How do you feel, Travis?

Like a... Like a wall of
that freight office hit me.

Here, I'm gonna... I'm
gonna leave these two pills

right... right beside
your bed now.

You have any trouble getting
to sleep, well, you take 'em.

Why did you do it?

Even you think that, huh?

You trying to tell me it wasn't your
brothers inside that freight office?

No, it was them.

The utter stupidity of it.

You were helping
them, weren't you?

Oh, what difference
does it make?

I'm a Colter, aren't I?

You didn't answer my question.

I saw their horses, and I
knew they were in there.

And I wanted to warn 'em
about the deputy in the street.

That's not helping them.

Ma, it's just us Colters
against everyone.

And it's been that way since
Pa stood up to the railroad.

Now you gonna tell
me it pays to be honest?

He'll be sleeping now, I guess.

Well, now, Bea, I can give you
something to help you sleep if you want.

No, thank you.

I've got some
things to think about.

All right. You can think
as much as you want to,

but I don't want you to worry.

I don't want you to get back
in your room and start to fret...

Hello, Mr. Burke.

Uh, Festus deputized me
before he rode out, Doctor.

He wants me to
keep watch up here.

Mr. Burke, couldn't you have
found something bigger than that?

A Gatling g*n, maybe?

Oh, yeah, but I don't
have a handgun, Doctor.

Well, never mind. Just step in.

All right, Bea. Now, rest.

Want you to rest.

Where is Festus?

Well, he rode out
to fetch the marshal,

let him know the Colter
brothers are up this way.

Paul Sorenson's
missus is expecting.

I told him I'd sit
up with her tonight.

Oh. Here. Here's
some reading material.

You might enjoy that.

Just, uh, sit down,
make yourself at home.

Thank you, Doctor.




The doctor's not here, Travis.

He's tending Mrs.
Sorenson down at River St.

She's expecting.


Get me the doctor.

Look, Travis. Travis, you hold
on. I'll get the doctor right away.

- Get the doctor! Quick!
- Now hold on.

Dr. Chapman: Bea?


Are you in there, Bea?

What's wrong? Is Travis...

Travis is gone. He slipped
away from Mr. Burke,

but I've got to find him
before that glass moves.

Now, you have any
idea where he could go?

He'll be with his brothers.

Where are they?

I can't bring the
law to my sons.

They'll be riding. Maybe they'll take
Travis to a doctor in another town.

Bea, your boy has a piece
of glass in him this long.

Now, if that moves
into his lung...

We'll... We'll have to go alone.

Nobody goes with us.
You'll have to promise.

Festus has already taken word
of your sons to Marshal Dillon.

He needs no help from me,

but Travis may need me badly.

Now, we're wasting
time, girl. Precious time.

Well, Clayt and Virgil talked...
a shack hidden in some trees

about five miles west...

Be right with you, Clayt. I'm...
I just been resting a minute.

How you feelin'?

Well, I guess I had better days,

but I'll be makin' it just fine.

You're sweatin'.

Well, what do you expect?
This shack's a hotbox.

It ain't that hot, kid.


I made it here, didn't I?

Sonora's a long
ways. You up to that?

Clayt, I got no
place else to go.

All right, just so's
you understand.

Brothers aside, there's gonna
be no stopping, no fallin' back.

There's no percentage in
three being k*lled for one.

You understand that, kid?

Virgil: Hey, Clayt!

You sit tight while
we're getting saddled.

Be the last rest you're getting
for a while, so make it count.

Look at that. A buggy
coming this way.

Ma coming in with somebody.

No one's following 'em.

Leastways yet.

But buggy tracks. Like a
map. Right to our doorstep.

Let's get going.

Thought you had better
sense than that, Ma.

What are you trying to do?
Put a rope around our necks?

Hey, Doc Chapman,
how far behind is the law?

That doesn't happen
to be my concern.

Travis, you need surgery.

You have to go back
to Dodge with me.

I'm riding with Clayt and Virg.

Not far you're not, son.

I can guarantee that.

Hey! Hyah!

You make it, kid, you
know where to find us.

All right, Bea, help
me get him back to bed.

Come on. All
right. Just be easy.

Easy. Easy. Easy.

Lie back down.
Lie back. Lie back.

Once they get out of the hills,
they'll probably head for the river.

We'll swing around,
come in from the east.

There's a little bit of advice that
goes with this doctoring, Travis.

'Course your mother
said it before, but...

it bears repeating.

Son, why don't you come
back to town with us?

Tell your story.

Put a little trust in people.

You tell 'em I was
warning my brothers.

That story ought to get me
about two years in prison.

Maybe even five
considering my name's Colter.

Oh, yes. Oh, yes. That's
right. Colter. Travis Colter.

In a hurry to catch up.

So what do you mean by that?

His brothers,
gatherin' in all the glory.

Written about in the newspapers.

Talked about in the saloons.

And poor Travis.

He hasn't quite made it yet.

So he's a man in a hurry.

Oh. Correction.
A boy in a hurry.

Well, you think whatever
you want, Mister.

You like thinking that you've
been mistreated, don't you, Travis?

You ask my Ma
who's been mistreated.

Who's had her life ruined.

Talk about putting
trust in people.

It was people took it all
from us in the first place.

Took my pa. Took
our land. Her sons.

The Colter legend.

Call it that. Call it anything you
want, but don't you preach to me.

I saw my pa dyin' in his own
blood at the gate to our house.

- I saw...
- You saw a drunk being shot to death

over a saloon girl.

"Aaron at the Gate."

He used to stumble
over that gate every night

after getting
himself blind drunk.

And who was following
behind that night with a g*n?

That girl's husband.

Ma, what are you sayin'?

I'm telling you your father
was shot over a saloon tramp.

I'm telling you I
had to sell our land

to pay off his gambling debts.

Everybody knows what
kinda man my pa was.

Oh, yes, even wrote songs
about him, didn't they?

Probably written by the same hand
that wrote "Ma Colter's Revenge."

My brothers'll tell
you what happened.

What's been told them.

By me.

I was a widow
left with four sons.

I tried to give you boys a
father you could look up to,

instead of one you
had to live down.

I told the lie so often, I
began believin' it myself.

Well, my mistake.

I wanted you boys
to have a father,

but what it was was an excuse.

And you've been using it
as a crutch ever since, Travis.

Well, what are you waiting for?

There'll be Colter
bodies down there,

but the last Colter
still has to prove...

prove what, Travis?

Prove what?

Travis has a lot of
laudanum in him,

but he's gonna be awake long
enough for you to talk to him.

Um, Marshal pinned
Clayt and Virgil down.

They gave themselves up.

Taken off to Hays for trial.

Well, I sure do
wish 'em the best.

I guess it's all we can do, huh?

I suppose that...

I'll be going the same
place they do, huh, Ma?

You're cleared, son.

The deputy testified you had
nothing to do with that business.

Well, ain't that something.

A deputy standing
up for a Colter.

You just sleep.

There's lots to do tomorrow.

To think about.

Well, I hope it's more than
laudanum holding Travis here tonight.

I'd bet on it.

Any plans, Bea?

Well, I guess I'll be moving on.

Hoping Travis'll be with me.

I have a hunch he will be.

Oh, Beatrice.

Girl, I know how much
it hurt you to tell him that.

Aaron was a fine man. I
never knew a better one.

He'd be proud of you.

Look, a boy shouldn't
think bad of his father.

Someday soon I'll tell him true.

Then Travis'll know
you lied to him this time

but for the best
reason in the world.

Well, legends are kinda
hard to put down, Doctor,

but I won't be singing
"Aaron at the Gate" anymore.

No harm in remembering
the words, though.

None that I can think of.

Announcer: Stay tuned for exciting
scenes from our next Gunsmoke.
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