16x04 - Sam McTavish, M.D.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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16x04 - Sam McTavish, M.D.

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

Announcer: Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

(dog barking)


(barking continues)


(barking continues)

(clicks tongue) Giddup.

Excuse me. Can you tell
me how far it is to Dodge City?

Are you all right?

Just a little dizzy.

(sighs) Don't bother
me none, though.

I'm this far along. Blood's
all going to the baby.

Dodge is only a
couple of miles, ma'am.

Yes, you better let
me have a look here.

I don't understand...

You want I should go to fetch
the doc from Dodge, Ellen?

That's not necessary.
I'm a doctor.

Dr. Sam McTavish.

Well, what do ya know?

Wasn't no woman ever born with a
head straight enough to do doctorin'.

That's right, by jiminy.

Yes, I know.

I have my credentials.

I also have some pills I
think may help your wife.

Uh, you ain't givin'
nothing to my wife.

Mine neither.

Pa, Ma, something's
wrong with Esmerelda.

Ain't nothing wrong, Christina.

'Cept she's getting ready
to have her pups any day.

She's just naturally
tired like your mom.

Esmerelda's an
unusual name for a dog.


Ain't usual for a girl to be named
Sam, even if she is a doctor.

Are you a doctor?

Can you take care of Esmerelda?


Well, I'll have a look at her.

Hello, girl.

Gonna give her some pills?

(man laughs)

How long has that
squirrel been dead?

I don't rightly know.

Have any idea what he died from?

What difference does
it make? Dead's dead.

Maybe so, but I think you should
clean this place up around here.

And certainly bury any
dead animals you find.

Who give you leave to poke
your nose into our business?

- I'm only...
- Time to leave, ma'am.

That's right, by jiminy.

That dead squirrel is the third
dead animal I've seen today.

Doesn't that seem
unusual to you?

Got enough worries without
thinking about dead things.

Like you to leave us
to our own business.

Mind if I call on your
wife? See how she's doing?

I mind.

Yes, ma'am. I mind.

Woman doctor.

Only thing I'm saying is, Doc,

the folks here
about just ain't used

to getting their selves
doctored by no strangers.

Well, I just have to
make this trip, Festus.

I'm only gonna be
gone a couple of weeks.

You'll be in good hands.

Well, golly-bill, Doc.

You don't even know
who this here feller is.

For all you know, he could be some
kind of a quackety medicine man.

Only thing you done
was to advertise for him

in this here magazine.

Well, this here magazine
happens to be the medical journal.

Now, where in thunder
did... Oh, there it is.

And this here feller
that you talk about,

as you put it,

happens to have
excellent credentials.

Just excellent.

Doctor Sam McTavish is
a third-generation doctor

in his own family, and he
graduated with highest honors.

And that's considerably
more than I did.

- (knock at door)
- Come in.

- Dr. Adams.
- Yes?

I'm Dr. Sam McTavish.

(theme music playing)

Would you be a good fellow and
get my other bags out of the buggy?

- Yes.
- Hold on. Just a minute here.

You, uh, you better go
down and tend to the jail.

There ain't nothin'
needs tending to, Doc.

I was fixing to hang around and
you doctor these here twinges.

You never had a twinge in your
life. Now, go on. Get out of here.

That doesn't mean he
can't have them now, Doctor.

I'm surprised you don't
realize that twinges

could be a symptom of
something very serious.

If you don't mind,
I'll have a look at him.

Well, I most certainly do mind.

This happens to be my office.

And mine for the next few weeks.

I'm the replacement you hired.

I have our agreement in my bag.

Well, that agreement is not
worth the paper it's written on.

- Really?
- Really.

There happens to be a certain,
deliberate deception involved here.

- Is there?
- There is.

Woman pretending to be a man.

There was no pretense involved.

You didn't ask if I was
a man or a woman.

Well, certainly not.

Nobody in his right
mind would even suspect

that a Dr. Sam would turn
out to be a Dr. Samantha

or Samara, or
whatever your name is.

In this case, "Dr. Sam"
happens to be short for Samuel.

Obviously due to my father's
disappointment at not having a boy.

Mine too.

I didn't expect a doctor in a
town as large as Dodge City

to be still living
in the dark ages

where women are only allowed
to cook, sew, and have babies.

Well, this is certainly
not St. Louis.

When a man gets
shot around here,

he hasn't got time to wait until

the doctor is pulled up off
the floor out of a dead faint.

Blood is blood, Dr. Adams.

I've seen my share of it.

Well, I'm not
taking any chances.

Some of the people that get
shot here are friends of mine.

I expect they'll soon
be friends of mine.

I have every intention of
holding you to your agreement.

Don't appear to me like you got no
time to scratch up nobody else, Doc.

Just not going.

Well, you just been a-telling
us right along that you had to go.

You saying that you owed
everything to Doc Hudkins.

Dr. Hudkins?

Yes'm. It just don't seem fitting
that old Doc ain't gonna be there,

seeing as they're calling this here
new building after Doc Hudkins.

And he went and put old Doc
here clean through medicine school.

Right out of his own pocket.

Did you ever pay him back, Doc?

Oh, shut up.

- Dr. Adams.
- Yes?

Whether or not you decide
to disappoint a benefactor

of the stature of Dr. Eldred Hudkins
is a question of your own conscience.

Whether or not you choose to
break our agreement in this manner

is a question that
the law can decide.

I have every confidence
they'll decide in my favor.

Good day.


What about these
here twinges I'm havin'?

I suspect they're nothing more
than an acute case of curiosity.

And since you're my
first patient in Dodge City,

there'll be no fee for that diagnosis other
than helping me into the Dodge House

- with my bags.
- Yes'm.

Until the doctor leaves.

You goin', Doc?

No, I'm not goin'.

But you are. Get out of here!


Hello, Doc.

- Hi, Matt.
- Hello, Doc.

Well, I understand your
replacement got here.

Oh, I'm sure you've
heard all about it.

Yep. He's blabbed
it all over town.

All I done was to say that
the new doctor got to town.

That's all.

Well, tomorrow you can
say that that there new doctor

got out of town.

That's what you can say.

Dr. Adams, I've
been looking for you.


Dr. Sam, this here's
Marshal Matthew Dillon,

and this here's Miss Kitty.

She owns the Long Branch here.

How do you do?

Well, Doctor,
won't you sit down?

Thank you.

Welcome to Dodge.

Well, thank you.

Any helpful hints how I
can get him to say that?

How about a drink and, um,
we'll ponder that problem?

She is the problem.

- What'll ya have?
- Brandy, please.


It's very good for a
variety of ailments.

Taken in moderation, it's quite good
for the indigestion and for the nerves.

Judging from your disposition,
Doctor, I think you could use some.


Oh, you're gonna
be good for business.

Whose business?

Sam, brandy.

Right, Miss Kitty.

Oh, uh, Doc, if she
happens to be wrong

about the benefits of brandy,

would you do me a favor
and not spread it around town?


Well, Doctor, I understand
you're from St. Louis.

Yes, I shared a practice there
with my father until he died.

Thank you.

He was a wonderful man.

He never once in
his life broke his word.

By the way, Doctor, I just spent the
last few hours with Judge Brooker.

He tells me you're wrong
about our agreement.

It's perfectly legal.

You're liable for my room and
board until your quarters are vacated.

- I am not liable for any...
- Now, wait a minute, Doc.

You know, Judge Brooker was
always the best lawyer in Kansas.

Now, if that's his opinion, I
wouldn't exactly contest it.

Certainly not in his court.

I'll be out to Wytt Stevens.

Well, he isn't the first
man to resent a woman

invading the sacred
world of medicine.

Why don't you
have supper with us?

Sure, and maybe we can
figure out a way to thaw him out.

Sure. Like they say, four
heads is better than none.


Name's Barn Bascomb.

We're camped out of town a
ways in the old Johnson place.

- What's the trouble?
- It's my wife Ellen.

It's her time, Marshal.

Some of the other
women in the camp

say she's gotta have a
regular doctor real quick.

Well, Doc Adams is out of town.
He's out at the old Wytt Stevens place.

That's about five miles
south on the old road.

But we have a doctor right here.

I'd be happy to help
your wife, Mr. Bascomb.

Stop meddlin', woman.

She's only trying to help you.

I don't need that kinda help.

Mr. Bascomb, I realize
you don't like me.

I'm not sure I like you either.

But your wife
does need a doctor,

and I'm the only one
available right now.

May I please just
go hold her hand?

You can do whatever
comfortin' you want to, ma'am,

but don't do no doctorin'
till I fetch this Doc Adams.

I wonder if he'll
run me out of town

If that baby gets born
before he gets back.

They don't often wait, do they?

You know, I think it'd be a good
idea if Festus went with you, Doctor.

Oh, thank you, Marshal, but I
can assure you I need no help

delivering a baby.

Well, that wasn't exactly
what I had in mind.

You see, it's the fact that
you're new in town here and all.

I, uh, well, I'd just feel better
if Festus went along with ya.

If you don't mind.

- All right.
- I'll fetch your buggy.

I sure am glad it's a boy.

Pa's always wanted a
boy to go hunting with him.

Boys is nice, all right.

This one is a
buffalo hide he took.

They're real warm for sleepin'.

How's my wife?

(baby cries)

She was just fine, Mr. Bascomb,
until you woke everybody up.

I think you have a
nice surprise for you.

Doc, we sure had
us a busy night.

How many babies did you get
out at old Wytt Stevens' house?

You telling me there's twins?


Not exactly. One
baby, two puppies.

I don't expect any
complications, Dr. Adams.

Not from the Bascombs.

We better go check my
other patients, though.


You can see he's
gonna be a real man.

- Just listen to him.
- (crying continues)

He looks just like you, Barn.


There's a pair of lungs.

Doc: Here, here, here, here.

- How's the mother?
- Just fine, Doctor.

Things went real easy.

No problem?

Dr. Sam's so nice.

Is she ailin', Dr. Sam?

I'm afraid she is, Festus.
I only wish I knew why.

Well, I reckon it ain't too odd

for a dog to get to feelin'
peaked every now and again, is it?

No, except...

Festus, is it common
in this part of the country

to find dead squirrels
alongside the road?

No, I wouldn't say it's
common. No, ma'am.

Well, could be a
coincidence. Let's hope it is.

(knocking at door)

So you came to say goodbye.

The bill for my board.

- I told you yesterday...
- Shouldn't you be packing?

I'm not going anyplace.

I don't understand you.

You owe everything you have
to that sweet, old Dr. Hudkins,

and now you refuse to be
present in his moment of glory.

- I think that's shameful.
- I don't care what you think.

- I've got a sick boy to attend to here.
- If you'll just give me the direction...

Listen to me. Dodge City is no place
for a woman to practice medicine.

It's not safe out
there at night, I tell ya.

Dr. Adams, my
safety is no problem.

I've been a crack
shot since I was 12.

The answer is no.

Very well. Then I'll stay here and
take care of any patients who come in.

You just might possibly be

the first woman that I have ever
forcibly ejected from this office.

- I sincerely...
- No, no.

Don't try that, either.

Sincerity's the one thing a
woman always falls back on

when all other forms
of deception fail.

Very well.

Then I shall go
see Judge Brooker

and have him take the
appropriate legal action.

If you were a man, I'd whip ya.

If I were a man, you
couldn't whip me.

A little brandy for
your disposition.


Both doing just
fine, Mr. Bascomb.

I owe you my thanks, Dr. Sam.

- And some apologizin'.
- Not at all.

Where's Esmerelda and her pups?

Esmerelda died.


This morning.

Chris took it real hard.

She's kinda sitting by herself
out at the crick right now.

Could only keep one of the pups.

Had to give the other away.

Mr. Bascomb, can I
borrow Chris this afternoon?

I'm afraid this
puppy's going to die.

I'd hate to have her
go through it again.

Well, yes, ma'am.

I mean, I don't mind
her going with you at all.

I'll go get her.

Good heavens. Look at that.

That's beautiful.

What kind of a
fish is that, Kitty?

- It's catfish.
- Catfish?


Well, who caught that?

- Oh, woman we know.
- What?

And she didn't have to use none of them
fancy doodads to catch him with neither.

Just an old willow pole
and some worms. That's all.

Just a minute. What
do you know about this?

- Who was it?
- Dr. Sam.

She asked me where the good
fishing was at, and I told her.

Mm-hmm. You bet
ya did. You told her.

And I know what you told her.

You told her it
was Crooked Crick.

That's what you... And you
told her where that catfish...

I've been trying for five
years to catch that very cat...

That's my catfish.

Well, Doc, you know,
telling about it's one thing,

catching it's another.

- Hmm.
- And that there another thing

is something that you
ain't been able to do neither.

Oh, shut up.

I'll tell you what I'm
gonna do with you.

The next time you
come to my office

with one of your
imaginary ailments,

I'm gonna cure your biggest one.

I'm gonna sew up your mouth.

Here, Miss Kitty.

Thank you, Festus.

I'll bet she was mighty
pleased with herself over that.

Well, she just seemed
like her usual pleasant self.

Not like some other fishermen
that I know around here.

She didn't appear too
happy when I seen her.

Some kind of trouble
out at the Bascomb place.

Basc... What kind of trouble?

I don't know. Just pure
old worriment, I reckon.

Uh-huh. Just what I figured.

She's found out
she's got a handful.


- Here, Doc.
- No, no. No, thanks.

I... I don't want any.

- Why not?
- Well, I just don't want any fish.

I've, uh... Oh, good heavens.

There's some folks
I gotta see. I'll...

I gotta see some folks.

Old Doc is sure getting
skitterdy here lately.

You notice that?

That's one word for it.

(Christina crying)

You're all right now.
Just tell old Doc what is it.

My puppy died.

I hadn't named her
yet, and she died.


You can see your mother
and your little brother now.

Dr. Sam, you knew, didn't you?

You knew she'd die when
you took me off fishing.

It's bad enough when it happens.

It's worse to watch it happen.

When I grow up, I'm
gonna be just like you.

That's quite a compliment.

I'm the only other lady
she knows who likes to fish.

What are you doing here?

Well, Festus told me that you might be
having some problems out here, and I...

You immediately
assumed the worst.

Well... Yes, I'm...
I'm afraid I did.

Now, Doctor, I don't wanna
be unreasonable about this,

but the truth of the matter is

folks around here, well, they
just won't accept a woman doctor.

They won't do it.

Folks around here, or you?

How many folks have you asked?

I don't have to ask. I know.

Bet you my brand new stethoscope

there isn't a patient
you have I can't win over.

Let's make some calls.

Now, you come back
soon now, Dr. Sam.

We'll have a little time for
some coffee and gabbin', maybe.

- All right.
- If you ain't in a hurry.

- Bye.
- Goodbye.

- Who's next?
- Minnie Carver's next.

She's enjoyed ill
health for years.

Thinks she's got every
disease in the book.

You... You just wait.

And only this morning I
had this tingling feeling.

Right here.

And I could feel along
my right side this ache.

Now, not a tinglin', mind you,

just the ache kinda spreading
and making it hard for me to breathe

walking out to the hen house.

I tell you what, Mrs. Carver. I
think I have just the thing for you.


If you take one of these
pills after every meal

until the entire
bottle is finished,

your tingling and aches
will be a thing of the past.

You don't say.

I certainly do say.

Ah, isn't she wonderful?

What have you here?

Oh, it's my puppy.

Well, he looks like Chris's pup.

Oh, yes, the
little Bascomb girl.

I was passing by their
place, and she offered it to me.

Cute, isn't he?

He's a mite peaked, though.

He was frisky when I
first brought him home,

but he's awful quiet now.

Well, he's probably
just homesick, Minnie.

I tell you what. You
just keep him warm,

and give him some
milk when he'll drink it,

sugar and water when he won't.

Sam: What bothers me is that
they all seem to have the same thing.

Doc: Well, it wouldn't be unnatural for
the puppies to take it from their mother.

Yes, but where did she get it?

And what about all
those other dead animals?

I don't know. If it was
epidemic like anthrax,

we'd have heard about it.

One thing's sure.

Any news of cattle sickness
travels fast in Dodge City.

Doctor... something else
I wanna ask you about.

Those were sugar
pills you gave Minnie.

Now, don't you think that could
be considered malpractice?


Well, you...

'course you're not
gonna send her a bill.


I'll send her a bill,
she won't pay me,

and that'll make
her feel better.

Doctor, you up to a long night?

Yes, why?

I was just thinking.

There's a lot of my patients I think I'd
like to have you meet before I leave.

Before you what?

Now, don't get so surprised.

You're the one that's been doing
all the talking about me going away.

Yes, I know.

But I've been thinking about it.

You wouldn't spend a
single peaceful moment.

I'll take the stage
out tomorrow.

Tomorrow, if you make
one move to get on that stage

I'm gonna have Judge
Brooker haul you into court

for breaking our agreement.

I'd dearly love to see the rest
of your patients, Dr. Adams.

(clicks tongue)

Would you lookie there, Matthew?

Now, if that don't beat all.

Just looks for all the world
like a courtin' couple, don't they?


(horse whinnies)


- Mm.
- Doctor.

Sam? You awake?


You... You went sound asleep.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Well, we're home.


I'll walk you home.

Oh, thank you. That
won't be necessary.

Oh, I know it's not necessary.

You're perfectly capable
of taking care of yourself.

I understand that.

But, Doctor, tomorrow, after I'm
gone, you can start practicing medicine.

But tonight, you're a lady.

And I always walk a lady home.





Your ma can't come, Chris.


- (continues coughing)
- I'll fetch Dr. Sam soon as sun's up.

You're gonna
be all right, Chris.


Chrissy, you're gonna
be all right, honey.


Take a deep breath.

Let it out.

That's good. Now, take another.



I'm so sleepy, Dr. Sam.

You just close your eyes,
go to sleep. I'll be right here.

What's she got?

I'm not sure.

Had some kid once,

and the boy, he come down
with something they call typhus.

Before it was through, it
wiped out the whole family.

It's not typhus.

- You said you weren't sure.
- I'm sure of that.

And you weren't sure
that it wasn't catchin'.

No, I can't be sure of that.


Then before something
happens to 'em,

I'm moving Ellen
and the boy out.

You can't do that, Mr. Bascomb.

You've already been exposed.

If she's contagious and
you leave this house,

you'll expose the whole area.

Ma'am, all I know is
that they're healthy.

And I aim to keep 'em that way.

Now, I'm moving 'em soon
as I fix up a place to take 'em.

Mr. Bascomb.

Get back into the house.

Put that fool thing away.

Both know you won't use it.

What's the sh**ting for?

Dr. Sam!

Don't come any closer, Festus.

Back into the
house, Mr. Bascomb.

What's going on?

Festus, I need help.
Has Doc left town yet?

No, ma'am, he ain't.

I've came out here to invite
you to his goodbye party.

Tell him I need him, and hurry.


The rest of you folks get busy
and get this place cleaned up.

Haul that trash and garbage
out of here and burn it. Fast.

What's garbage got to do
with someone being sick?

Don't ask questions.
Just do as you're told.


Hurry and get some
rakes and shovels.

Stop scratching
them bites, Frankie.

Yes, Mom.

You'll only make 'em worse, son.

Get that pan.

Whoa. Whoa now. Whoa.

Better not come any
closer, Doctor Adams.

- What is it?
- It's Chris.

If I'm correct in my diagnosis,

if you come in here, I don't
think you'll be able to leave.

She has a very
high fever. Nausea.

Her eyes are inflamed, and
her lymph glands are swollen.


No complications there.

She has a cough.

Oh, Galen, one other thing.

I think you better
check on Minnie Carver.

Think you're right.

All right, this place
is under quarantine.

What is it, Doc?

It's under quarantine.

I don't want anybody
to go in that house.

All right, all of you?

Go on about your business.
Stay away from here.

(crowd murmuring)

Let's do like Doc says.

What is it, Doc?

Well, I don't know.

It could be almost anything.

Even a bubonic plague.

I want this house guarded.

- I can do that, Doc.
- All right.

Well, what about the Carver place?
You think it might have spread there?

Well, she has a good reason to
suspect it, and I'm gonna check on it.

Matt, this... this may seem
like an extreme measure,

but I think that you ought
to lock Dodge up tight.

Don't let anybody
in or anybody leave.

You think it's that bad?

Well, Matt, if it's the plague,
"bad" is an understatement.

You know, it almost wiped out the
entire city of London in the 14th century.

And the worst thing is,
nobody knows what causes it.

We do know that if we can
keep people from moving around,

we just might stop
it from spreading.

Well, I'll close the roads.


Open your mouth. Open.


(sighs) Well, at least
that's a beginning.

Woman: Dr. Sam! Dr. Sam!

What's the matter, Frank?

He's burning up with fever.

Oh, Doc, has he got it too?

He's all I got.

Dear God, don't
take him from me.

Be quiet. Don't panic.

If you do, they will. Help
me get him into the house.

Anything I can do
to help, Dr. Sam?

I wish there was, Festus.

I truly wish there was.

Well, you folks better just
get on about your business.

It's getting to be terrible.

Sure is, Harley.

(dog barking)

Heard what's been
going on out here, Festus.

We want these
people out of here now.

Well, you just hold
on here now, Joe.

They're squatters. Got
no right on this ground.

What's left when they
leave, we're burning down.


You just listen to me.

We're burning whether
they leave or not.

Pouring their sickness in the
same crick our cattle drink out of.

Oh, they ain't...

Festus, we're giving ya ten minutes
to move those people out of here.

My and my brothers got a lifetime
spent building up a cattle spread.

If you don't move 'em,
maybe some matches will.

Joe, you're fixin' to wind
up in that Dodge City jail,

if I hear any more of your
slack-jaw about burning.

I'll give you a chance to ride
out of here on your own, Festus.

No, I'll give you a chance.

Stop it!


Stop it!

Hold on to him, Joe.

Hold his arm, Doc.

Whoa. Whoa. Hold on!

- Doc.
- Hold on. What's going on here?

These knot-heads is trying
to burn everything, Doc.

Well, the only way to get
rid of pestilence is to burn.

Then you just better figure
on burning Dodge City

and half of Ford County.

You all know Minnie Carver.

She lives 15 miles from here,
and she's come down with it.

What do you want us to do, Doc?

Just stand back.

Keep away from me.

Beyond that, I don't
know what to tell ya.

'Less it's just go
home and pray.

Sam. Sam, what's
the matter with you?


Nothing a little
sleep wouldn't cure.

Are you sure that's it?

Doctors are indestructible.

Don't you know that, Galen?

Oh, much obliged to you, ma'am.

That smells plumb larrapin.

Say, that looks good. When
did you get time to do that?

I've been trying to tell you about
the advantages of female doctors.

They also cook. Your breakfast
will be ready in a minute.

Aren't you gonna eat?

Yes, as soon as I fix
the children something.

You know, if I was a betting
man, I'd sure put my money on you

to outman any
man I've ever seen.

I think that's a compliment.

You're the only woman I've ever
known that would recognize it.


- It's funny.
- What is?

I realize Sam is a
strange name for a woman.

But Galen?

Oh, well...

I think my parents were
sh**ting kinda high for me.

Although, I didn't... I didn't
realize it till I got in college.

First learned about
Dr. Claudius Galen.

You know, practiced
about 1200 B.C.

Of course.

You're very pretty.

You know, you actually
smiled when you said that.

I did?

I must be hysterical.

You're very handsome
when you smile.

Well, Doctor, your
patients are all doing nicely.

Mother and baby are
fine. Barn's with 'em.

Mrs. O'Reilly's looking
after her boy, and Minnie...

better keep an eye
on Minnie, I guess.

Well, you had a pretty
good sleep. You feel better?

A little groggy.

Minnie's puppy died, didn't it?


I don't understand it.

Whoever heard of a
dog carrying the plague?

Well, I don't think we're
too sure about that, are we?

No, but...

Dr. Sam, I'm thirsty.

Say, that's a good sign.

Just... don't you move.

You jump back in bed,
honey. I'll bring you a drink.

(woman moaning)

Just a minute. I
told you to stay put.

And I'm not used to being disobeyed
by other doctors. Just patients.

Then consider me a patient.

(crickets chirping)

Well, everything's
fine upstairs.

How's Minnie?

Oh, I think she's improving.

She's more worried about
losing her puppy than being sick.

There has to be some
connection between those animals

and the people.

All right. Right now,
you're gonna get some rest.

You're so tired, you don't
even know your own name.

Whoa. Wait a minute.

It's been dead a long time, but
there might be live things in it.

There you are.

Thank you, Dr. Adams.

Thank you, Dr. McTavish.

Well, Minnie, I'm sorry.
You can't go home yet.

Oh, why not?

Well, because you're just not
well enough to take care of yourself.

- (loudly) I been at death...
- Shh. Shh.

I been at death's door for
years, and I took care of myself.

I know, but, Minnie, this
time, you were very sick.

Sam. Sam.

- Here.
- (moans)


- Galen.
- Don't talk.

- Galen.
- Don't talk, Sam.

(sighs) First burn
the buffalo robe.

I did.

It's the fleas.

I know it's the fleas.

From Esmerelda to the puppies.

To the people.

To the buffalo robe.

It's the fleas.

Write about it, Galen.

You'll write about it, Sam.

Don't wait for that.

You write about it.

I know it's the fleas.

I know it too.

Now rest.

I'm so tired.

So tired.

(crickets chirping)

Sam, you're gonna
have some soup here.

It's awful good, Sam.

Made it yourself, you know.

Darn good.

Just about out too.

You're gonna have to get
up and make some more of it.

You still trying to get
me into the kitchen?

My kitchen, Sam.

Not very many...

Not very many cooks around
that can perform an appendectomy.

You make proposals the
way you give compliments.


I just never...

never practiced either
one of 'em very much.



Yes, I'll marry you.

I love you, Galen.

Thank you, Sam.

We're gonna have to find a
preacher with a sense of humor.

I, Galen, take thee, Sam...





He ain't said nary a word to us.

Three whole days now, he's
been going here and yonder,

doing his doctoring,
and when he gets back,

he won't even say maybe he'll
have a cup of coffee with us.

Well, Festus, I think Doc'll
get around to talking to us

when he wants to.

In the meantime, I think the best
thing we can do is just don't bother him.

I think he just wants to
be alone with his thoughts.

Well, if the old scudder'd
just growl at me once

or tell me I ain't got
a brain in my head,

I'd feel a whole heap better.

Well, I'll tell you something.

I've known Doc a long time,

and I'll bet you money right now

that he'll show up at the Long
Branch one of these mornings

for early-morning coffee.

Maybe not tomorrow.

But, uh...

Sam McTavish...


You bet.

You bet.

(theme music playing)

Announcer: Stay tuned for
scenes from next week's Gunsmoke.

(theme music playing)
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