14x09 - Railroad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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14x09 - Railroad

Post by bunniefuu »

Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

- Now get that pole out of there.
- You heard him. Do what the boss says.


Straight run to here,
and then into Dodge.

You put a bend in that track,
and you get one in your hide.


- We'll get rid of him.
- Yeah, that's no problem.

Nah, put it down.

Mr. Cameron said no
trouble if we can help it.

Get off my land!

All of you, get out of there!

Get off of my land!

Get off of my land, all of you!

And you're going to pay for that
fence, too, don't forget that, mister.

You old fool, this land belongs to
the Kansas-North Platte Railroad.

This is my land. I homesteaded it
when... when nobody else wanted it.

Paid for it in my sweat, and
it's mine legal and nobody else's.

Now, move.

Guess I don't have
much of a choice.

That's the most sensible
thing you've said, mister.

Well, don't just stand
there, get rid of him.

Look, old man, we don't want you on
this property. You don't belong here.

Now, you just get out of here,
you hear? Go on, old man.

Go on now. You
just get out of here.

All right, Mr. Cameron wants three
miles of route marked by sunset.

If that cabin's in the
way, knock it down.

You heard the boss! Now,
move that stuff up here!

You ain't heard the
last of this, mister.

There's laws, even for high
and mighty railroad men.

This is my land! Mine!

Now, you listen to me, squatter.

I'm going to give you just five
minutes to pack your belongings

- and get off of railroad land.
- It ain't your land!

You got five minutes, mister.

After that, we bury you here.

Move that wagon, let's go!

Let's go!

Yah! Ho! Yah!

- Pull up there! Pull up!
- Yah!

Yah! Ha!

Pull up, Mr. Graham!
What's your hurry?

Whoa! Whoa!

Hey, you're pushing that
horse pretty hard, aren't you?

Well, I got a good right to, too.
You get them out of my pasture.

They're trespassing,
that's what they're doing.

Cut my fence wire, throwed me in
the mud and run me off my own land.

- And you going to run them off for me.
- Now, hold on there.

- Who you talking about?
- The railroad!

Oh, I see. They're putting the
tracks past your place already, huh?

They ain't putting it past it,
they're trying to go across it.

I got this here stuff all over
me trying to do your job.

Now, you get them
out of my pasture.

Well, I'm afraid
they're not trespassing.

- I think there's some mistake here.
- Dadburn right,

and it's them that's making it.

No, you see, the railroad's
cleared all the land all the way down

from Nebraska to bring
that line into Dodge.

So the law is siding
with the railroad, huh?

No, I'm not siding
with the railroad.

Railroad flunkeys, that's what you are.
You don't care if they do take my land.

- Now, hold on just a minute here.
- Hold on, nothing!

They're stealing my land! At
least ways, they're trying to.

Well, by golly, they
ain't going to do it.

Well, we'll check into it. We'll
go on over to the land office,

but I think you'll find that
they've got a legal right.

And I'm saying they
ain't got a legal right!

- All right.
- All right. Giddyap! Yah!

- Oh. Morning, Miss Russell.
- Good morning, Mr. Lindsay.

Getting all ready for a
good piece of business?

I think we all can.

Well, the railroad workers
will bring money to Dodge,

but, uh, you just wait till
those tracks finally get here.

You're gonna have to double
the amount of them barrels.

I just hope I don't have to
double the amount of furniture

they're going to break.

Well, the marshal
will take care of things.

- Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Kitty.
- That's all right, Louie.

- Wasn't watching, I'm sorry.
- You've worked hard all morning.

- Why don't you take a rest?
- Oh, no. I'm not finished.

Oh, it's too hot to
finish it all at once.

Go have Sam draw you a cold
beer and then you can finish it.

If you need me, I'll be
down at the marshal's office.

Sorry, Mr. Lindsay.

That's all right, Miss
Russell. I'll see you later.

- She's some lady.
- She's patience personified.

There's some people that I
wouldn't put up with the way she does,

I can tell you that.

Festus. Newly.

- Morning, Miss Kitty.
- Morning, Miss Kitty.

All right. Now, I'll just
read her back to you.

Did I hear you
say "read," Festus?

Yes, ma'am, I'm sending off
a telegram for old Matthew.

Go ahead, Festus. Let's
see if you got everything.

All right. It says, uh,

"Marshal Matthew Dillon

to Marshal Bill Raines in Hays.

Big blowout when
Kansas-North Platte

railroad tracks
gets to Dodge City.

Come on over for a drink.

Signed, Festus Haggen, Deputy."

That's amazing.

I've been
a-practizing, Miss Kitty.

Well, I can sure see that.

Oh, there ain't nothing to
writing and reading, you know?

No, sh**t. All...
all you do is just...

just put down what
somebody tells you

and then you tell it back,
that's all there is to it. You see?

And different folks has
different ways of writing.

You know, like...
like the Chinese folks,

well, they got
their way of writing,

and the... and the Mexican
folks, they got their own way.

Of course, if a certain old
quack-quack was in town,

he'd have some smart-alecky
thing to say about the way I do it,

but I don't give a hoot.

Well, I can make out most
of it. Now... now, that's Matt.

And that's... that's
the railroad, right?

- Railroad, right.
- And, um... what's that thing?

Well, that's a haystack.

See, Bill Raines, he's the
marshal in Hays, don't you see?

See, and this here line, now
that there's Kansas, see, it's flat.

This here line, that's the
North Platte railroad tracks

gets to Dodge City,

then Bill Raines has got an invite
to come over and have some drinks.

Signed Festus Haggen, Deputy.

- Simple.
- Oh, it's easy.

It's sort of a surprise for
Doc when he gets back.

- Uh, let's see some more of this.
- Oh, of course.

Go ahead and
tell it to me, Newly.

Uh, Marshal Dillon
taking prisoner to...

Now, wait a minute.
Don't go too fast.

Oh, Miss Kitty. Newly.

I just dropped by to find out
when the marshal was due back.

Burke. Tarnation, you went
and made me lose my place.

Well, what's he doing?

Well, what's it look like I'm
a-doing, you knucklehead?

I'm writing some writing
so's that I can read it back.

You going to read
what you write?

Burke, you know why the
good Lord give you two eyeballs

and just one mouth?

That's so that you'll do a heap
more looking than a-talking.

This is ridiculous. Everybody
knows he can't write.

Hush. Just hush up, will
you? Go ahead on, Newly.

Marshal Dillon taking
prisoner to Deerfield.

Will return noon today.

Signed Festus Haggen, Deputy.

- But he can't write.
- Read it back, Festus. Go ahead.

Read it back.

"Marshal Matthew Dillon
taking prisoner to Deerfield.

Get back to Dodge
City noon today.

Signed Festus Haggen, Deputy."

He memorized it. He can't read.

Well, you saw it
yourself, Burke.

I mean, it's just a matter of
putting it down and telling it back,

that's reading and writing.
That's all there is to it.

Well, you got
something cooked up.

But I can't bother
to find out what it is.

I just came by to find out when
the marshal was due back, that's all.

Well, now you know, don't you? Didn't
you just hear me a-read it back to you?

And now that you know, just
go on, get out of here. Get! Get!

Festus, don't you think you ought to
send that telegram to Marshal Raines?

Newly, there you go a-telling me
my business again. Now, quit that.

I ain't going to do no such a-thing.
I'll tell you what I want you to do now.

I want you to take that over to
Barney at the telegraph office,

tell him to get it off to Marshal Raines
while there's still time, don't you see?

- Go on.
- Hm...

- Miss Kitty.
- Newly.


I tell you, Miss Kitty,

trying to run this here
"ocifice" when Matthew's gone,

- just getting me flat down.
- Oh, I know.

It's just go here and
go yonder and do this...

It's a terrible responsibility.

Marshal, I'm plain flabbergasted,
but darn if he isn't right.

You mean to tell me the railroad
doesn't own passageway across his land?

That's what I tried
to tell you, didn't I?

Well, it's right here. You
see, the Land Commission

granted options to every other
section along the right-of-way.

Now, if they complete this route
from Omaha to Dodge on schedule,

they're land rich.

Homesteaded land
like his, they had to buy.

Everybody figured
they had, them included.

- How'd they happen to slip up?
- Honest mistake.

Somebody assumed
something that wasn't so.

You satisfied? Now,
you get them off my land.

Now, Graham, I'll tell you something.
If the railroad's made a mistake

and they have to have that
right-of-way across your land,

they'll probably pay you
about five times what it's worth.

The price ain't right.

Mr. Graham, Dodge City needs
that railroad line from the North.

I don't give a hoot
what Dodge needs.

Now, look. Suppose
you... you figure out a price

and I'll go see if
I can get for you.

The way they treated me?
I don't want their money.

You're goin' to make an
enemy of everyone in town.

You going to do your job or not?


You back? Didn't
get enough, huh?

Go ahead, Marshal.
Bash his head in.

What's this all about, Marshal?

You're trespassing on this man's
land. You'll have to get off of it.

The Kansas-North Platte
Railroad owns this right of way.

Afraid they don't.

Now, look, Marshal, I haven't
got time to dilly dally about...

Mister, the railroad
made a mistake.

Now, they don't have any legal right
here and you can't lay any track on it.

Now, move your men out.

We drove that steel through
Kiowa country, over rivers

and around mountains,
ain't nothing stopped us yet.

Ain't nothing about
to stop us now.

You men get back to work!

And you get off our land.


All right, hold it right there
before somebody gets hurt.

Now, mister, unless you
want to spend the night in jail,

you better tell your
men to back off.

Marshal, you're buying
yourself a peck of trouble.

You best just better
ride on out of here.

Take him with you.

When you get the legal right to
cross this land, I'll see that you do.

If you try to come
across here before then,

I'll throw you
in jail, all of you.

Now, fix that fence
before you go.


- Larnen.
- Yeah?

Send a telegram to Mr. Cameron.

He ain't gonna like being
dragged out here, Forbes.

He's gonna like it a lot less when he
finds out we've stopped surveying too.

Oh, I'd give a month's wages just to
see him tangle with that cow-town lawman.

- Are you Matt Dillon?
- That's right.

Well, I'm Wes Cameron.

That name mean anything to you?

Yeah, I've heard it.

Well, you're going to
hear a lot more of it.

That so?

What's the idea of stopping my
surveying crew from doing their work?

The only thing I stopped, Mr. Cameron,
was their going across private property.

Well, I'm here to tell you now that
we'll be on the job in the morning.

You try that, the only place
you'll be is right here in jail.

- You're bluffing.
- You try me.

All right, Marshal.

You got guts.

In my book, guts
is worth hard cash.

I want Graham's
property and I want it now,

but I don't want to
buck you to get it.

- So?
- So... I want to hire you, Marshal.

The fee is $5,000, hard cash.

I want to pay for your services
in persuading Graham to sell.

Graham's already told you
how he feels about selling.

All right, then you find a way
for me to lay track across his land.

There's no legal way to do it.

Legality's a point
of view, Marshal.

That's why they got
courts, lawyers and judges.

But I've got no time for that.

If I don't reach Dodge in five
weeks, I forfeit a half a million dollars.

Now, uh, if 5,000 isn't enough,

you tell me how much it'll
take to get Graham's property.

Get out of here, Cameron.

Now, you listen to me, mister.

I've layed track
from Maine to Texas.

You name it, I've built it!

And I didn't do it by taking any
trouble off of cow-town marshals.

You cut yourself off a big
slice of trouble, Marshal.

But I'm going to cram
it right down your throat!

Help! Get away! Help!

- Lock them up, Newly.
- Yes, sir. Right this way.

That's two down, Marshal.
Only 40, 50 more to go.

Gets harder from here on in.

How big's that hoosegow
of yours, Marshal?

Ain't half the crew here yet.

Cameron, you'd better
have a talk with your men.

They're not my men,
Marshal. I had to lay them off.

Can't give no orders now.

All right, everybody! Drinks
on the Kansas-North Platte!

Well, you sure got
Dillon sweating, boss.

- Proving something.
- Huh?

That's between
the marshal and me.

You know, reading Dillon, I
think he's only a step or two away

from closing down
every saloon in this town.

Tell you what I want you to do.
You send a wire to Kansas City

and have them to highball a freight
out here loaded with enough booze

to float this town
into the next county.

Here's hoping the party
never stops, Miss Kitty!

Well, I'm sure glad
you're enjoying it, Louie.

- Hello, Red.
- Well, well, Mr. Cameron.

I've been waiting
for you to show up.

- You know who I am, huh?
- Don't take it as a compliment.

Well, you're sure
everything I heard you were.

The boss lady have a
drink with the customers?

The boss lady picks and chooses.

What's your pleasure?

- I don't think you can afford it.
- Name it.

Why don't you try harder
to keep your men in line?

Well, it's like I told the marshal,
they're not my men, I got no say.

Among other things,
Mr. Cameron, I think you are a liar.

Marshal. Marshal!
I've gotta talk to you!

- I'm busy!
- You've got to do something!

These men come to town,
they got money to spend,

you don't want anybody bothering
them. The minute they're broke,

you want to run them
out. Make up your mind.

- Marshal. Long Branch.
- All right, take these two down

and lock them up.

Hold it.

I said hold it!

The fighting's over.
The town's dried up.

Cameron, I'm holding
you responsible for this.

Don't seem hardly
right, Marshal.

You cost all these men their jobs
and then won't let them have any fun.

Yeah. Well, the fun's
over. Close the bar, Sam.

I think you ought to know that so
far we laid off the advance crew.

Got twice that many
back of the line.

I figure they'll reach Graham's
fence by tomorrow noon.

And I'll have to
lay them off, too.

They'll be in town by
tomorrow night, most likely.

I wonder how much Dodge will
take before folks make Dillon do right.

Look at 'em.

I used to have to dent their
heads four ways to Sunday

to get them to work that hard.

Doesn't nothing ever make
you happy, Mr. Cameron?

Yeah, driving that last
spike in that last foot of rail,

that's what makes
me happy, Mr. Forbes.

Nothing in any bank
account, no bottle, no woman,

nothing on God's green
earth quite measures up to it.

One job finished just
means another starting.

Let me tell you
something, Forbes.

When your job means only
the money you can take out of it,

you'd better look to yourself,
man, because you're in trouble.

Sorry, we're closed.

Like I said, we're closed.

All right, hold it, you two!

That's enough! That's enough!

Break it up here! Break it up!

That's enough!

You two are going
to jail right now!

- What's wrong with the jail?
- It's all filled up.

This is gonna have to do.

We're getting out of here.

I been thinking on something.

Yeah, like maybe some food, huh?

Larnen, what do you
figure the railroad can lose

if they're kept from
laying track indefinitely?

Hm... Cameron said
about 5,000 a day.

I figure that for low.

I heard him say with the options
they could lose on trackage,

they can drop a half
a million. Maybe more.


What would you say to
us cutting up $40, $50,000?

What are you talking about?

No more breaking
our backs driving iron.

Well, uh, how?

Get ourselves a hold of Graham.

Get him to sell his place to us.

We turn around
and sell to Cameron.

Oh, that old sodbuster
ain't going to sell his land.

Maybe, uh, nobody ever
asked him the right way.

Ever think of that?

- What's the matter?
- I ain't hungry.

I'd lose my own appetite
if I had to eat that slop.

It ain't of my choosing.

Well, what'd you order it for?

Because the county ain't
a-paying for my supper, that's why.

Go on and eat your
blamed old steak.

- Evening, Festus. Mind if I join you?
- Well...

Well, I guess one bad feature
about being a peace officer, Festus,

the kind of people
you got to deal with.

See you later.

Here old Matthew's went and
set you up like some rich rager,

and the town folks is avoiding
you like you was a swamp.

Well, they can all go
scratch, far as I care.

I'll tell you something.
Now, the folks around Dodge

has been a-counting on
that railroad for quite a spell.

And then some stubborn, old,
sour-tempered knothead like you

comes along and spoils it for everybody.
You don't want to be ashamed of yourself.

Besides that, that old homestead of
yours ain't worth a pinch of sawdust.

Pass the bread.

You old clod stomper, you.

Free vittles, free bed!

Well, you ain't never had it so
good in your whole born days.

Marshal's idea putting me up.

I know it is, and you
know why he done it?

'Cause them railroaders just liable to
lay some track across your smelly hide.

Not to say nothing about what
the town folks is liable to do to you.

Mighty good. Mighty good!

Mighty good. Mighty good!

It ought to be mighty good,
it cost pretty near a dollar.

I think I'll head down to the
Dodge House when I get done here.

There ain't nothing like a good
nap after a filling. Just nothing.

Yeah, you'd be getting a filling if
it wasn't for me and old Matthew.

A filling of lead,
more than likely.

Well, go on, just
eat it all. Eat it all.

I'll eat what I want,
don't you worry.

We want out! We want out!

Hold it down! I
said hold it down!

Now, I don't want to hear
any more out of you, you hear?

All fed up all hours of the night,
you'd ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Aw, there's nothing
like a bedtime eat,

especially with roast turkey and
lots of good gravy for sopping.

Oh, how would you
know, bucket mouth?

Probably the onliest time
in your whole blamed life

that you've ever went to bed
with your belly full of vittles.

Festus, Burke tells me they're
selling whiskey up at the Bulls-head.

Could be trouble.
You'd better come along.

You betcha. You go on to bed.

Hey, fuzzy beard!

What time's breakfast?

I'll come and get you
when it's time for breakfast,

you scrubby little hog.

- Came in last night.
- You sure it was for Cameron?

Well, according to the manifest.

I would have let you
known sooner, Marshal,

but Jennings was
on late last night

and I didn't know about it
until I come in this morning.

Well, there it is. Looks like he
was planning to go into business.


Good morning, Marshal.

- What are you doing in there?
- What am I doing in where?

That's private
property, Pheeters.

Aw, it's all right, Burke.
Come down out of there.

All right? It looks like he's stolen
half the goods that are going in...

Wasn't stealing
nothing, Marshal.

The keg, it'd leaked dry by now.

I just took care of the seepage.

Marshal, this shipment's under my
care until the proper authorities can...

Burke, let me ask you something. Now,
do these kegs look like the same type

that they bring down
to the Long Branch?

Hm... By golly, they don't,
do they? Secondhand kegs.

And without government
tax stamps on them.

That's right.

- Making it illegal whiskey.
- It tastes all right, Marshal.

Boys, stand back here.

Marshal, please! That's
a crime against nature.

Matthew, what is all this?

Mr. Cameron's whiskey
didn't have no tax stamps on it.

Well, that ain't all of
our troubles, Matthew.

- What's the matter?
- That chowder-headed old Graham

ain't in his room. Didn't
come in last night at all.

Howie says his
key's still on the hook.

- Festus.
- Louie, wait a minute now.

Here it is breakfast time and he
ain't a-fixing to miss a meal, you know.

- I seen him.
- Louie, will you...

- Seen who?
- Graham.

Last night with a couple
of them railroad fellas.

I started following,
but... something came up.

Festus, take care of the
rest of those barrels, will you?

Come on. Sign it!

You want some more, you
hothead? You're going to get it.

- I ain't going to sign it.
- Stubborn old fool.

I'm gonna ask you one
more time. Where's Graham?

And I'm gonna tell you just
one more time, I don't know.

Your men took him last
night. I got a witness.

- What?
- You heard me.

- It wasn't on my orders.
- All right. Maybe not, Cameron.

But you keep lighting fires long enough
and somebody's gonna get burned.

Now, do you got any idea
where they might have taken him?

Well, they got no money, no job, only
one place they could go, the railhead.

Dillon! I'm coming with you.

Dillon, I'm a man who
likes to drink his whiskey

and build his railroad
without interference.

After we get that old cuss back,
I'm going to teach you a lesson.

Well, that's good.
I'm glad to hear that,

'cause there's no
way you can avoid it.

I remember once I tried
to get a tree stump out.

Had to use dynamite.

I ain't going to sign.

We keep this up,
he ain't gonna live.

Don't try it.

- Now, Mr. Cameron, we were only...
- Get out.

Didn't figure you
siding with the marshal.

While longer we would have had
that property for you, Mr. Cameron.

Since when does anybody on one
of my railroads start making plans

without talking to me first?

Cameron, do you ever do anything
without swinging from the heels first?

That's always been my style,
Dillon. You figuring on changing it?

- Come the time.
- Marshal...


Mine. Still my land.

You bet it is, Graham.
Now, don't you worry about it.

You mean to tell me he just stood
there and shot these barrels full of holes?

Well, they didn't have any
government tax stamp, so he...

When I get through
with your Mr. Dillon,

he won't know the difference between
a tax stamp and the hind end of a duck.

Oh, my goodness.


You got to run!

- Marshal, you got to!
- What's the matter, Louie?

He's coming, Marshal,
down Bridge Street.

Mr. Cameron and half
the railroad behind him.

Well, I wondered how
long it would take him.

Don't leave your g*n.
They're out for blood.

What are you fixing
to do, Matthew?

Well, Festus, unless I
read Mr. Cameron wrong,

there's only one
way to deal with him.

Well, I wouldn't leave
my p*stol if I were you.

Oh, my goodness.

Looks like they're gonna
meet on Bridge Street.

How do you want it, Dillon?

Rocky Mountain free-for-all
or rough and tumble?

You name it. When it's over, I want
you and your men out of my town.

When it's over,
it'll be my town.

All right, I want you men to stay
out of this, and no interruptions.

Not that I'm going
to need any help!

Come on, get him!


Get him, Marshal!

Cameron, three to
one. I'll take the marshal!

Miss Kitty, I need the
loan of a few dollars.

I don't have my revenue
with me. Sam, help him out.

Festus, you make
all the bets you can.

You know I will.

Go on, Marshal.

- Time out?
- Time out! Come on!

All right.

Go on, get him!

Aw! Oh!


I was just beginning to
get where I kind of liked you.

Too bad I got to beat you.

You had enough?

Man, I'm just getting
my second wind.

Get away!



All right, Cameron.

Now, I'm going to tell you
how to get that right of way.

- Well?
- He'll be here.

Say, how about us all having
supper over at Delmonico's

- quick as this gets done?
- That sounds wonderful to me.

- What's on the bill of fare today?
- Oh, I wrote it down, Miss Kitty.

They're having peas,
carrots, rumproast.

But the mainest course is crow.

Here comes your man.

Morning, Graham.

- Mr. Graham.
- Morning, Cameron.

I, uh, represent the Kansas-North
Platte Railroad Company.

- Oh?
- Uh, yes. Well, uh,

you have a piece
of land that we need.

- Is that so, Mr. Cameron?
- Yes.

Well, you see, uh, we've
got to have that land

before the railroad
can come into Dodge.

Well, go on, go on, go on.

Well, I'd, uh, just like to
ask you one more time

if you'll sell us that right
of way to cross your land?

We're willing to pay
any reasonable amount.

The amount ain't important.

The thing is...
how you're asking.


Well, uh, yes, politely.

That mean you're
saying please, does it?

Yes, that... that means
I'm saying please.

Please what?


Please, Mr. Graham, will you sell
us that right of way across your land?


Now they're asking
public and polite like.

But I'm still not going to
sell, not for just no $5,000.

Well, you just name your price.

The price is $5,000,
and an apology.

- Apology?
- Yeah.

For treating me like I was
something you found in a trash barrel.

And for throwing
me in that mud hole.

And them indignities I took
'cause I wouldn't stand for you

to push me around like you do
them muscle heads that work for you.

I apologize.

I really do apologize.

Then I guess we've
got ourselves a deal.

Much obliged, Mr. Graham.

Can we open the
bar now, Marshal?

Well, I don't see
why not. Graham?

Well, I'm going to buy a
round for the whole town!

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

And then, for a certain scrawny,

underfed, fuzzy-bearded

I'm going to buy the
biggest steak in town

with lots of good
gravy for sopping!

- Much obliged, Mr. Graham!
- Hold on there!

- Where do you think you're going?
- We're going to get that free drink.

Well, not this week you're
not. You got iron to run.

I haven't got no time for
any lollygagging gold bricks.

I want those tracks to reach the foot
of Main Street in Dodge in 23 days.

Now, let's get going!

How does it feel to get yourself
whomped, Mr. Cameron?


Well, what you don't know
is that I would have paid

$30,000 or $40,000
for that land.

And all you good people
got it for me for five.

Been nice knowing you, ma'am.

Dillon, we got to have
another go around sometime

when I don't have
a railroad at stake.

- So long, Cameron.
- So long.

Why, that big mouth,
cheating, weasling,

fast-talking crook.

Is he trying to say he
lost that fight a-purpose?

Well, I'll tell you, Festus. I think
that's what he'd like us to believe.

Say, Kitty, you don't have...

something to fix up a
couple of loose teeth, do you?

Come on, cowboy.
I'll see what I can find.

Stay tuned for scenes
from next week's Gunsmoke.
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