14x07 - 9:12 to Dodge

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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14x07 - 9:12 to Dodge

Post by bunniefuu »

Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

Well, let's see. All we got left
here is... ham and boiled beef.

Oh, anything's fine for me, Doc.

- I'll take ham.
- All right.

Uh, how about it, Marshal?
You afraid I'll get away?

All right, hold your hands up.

Well, nothing like traveling
to your own hanging in style...

if you have your way, huh?

It's not my way, August.
It's a judge and jury's way.

Must have gone to a
lot of trouble for me.

Must have cost more
than a couple of dollars.

State of Kansas is glad
to do it for you, August.

Well, that's not the
friendliest way to talk, Doc.

- Do you want some coffee, Matt?
- No, thanks, Doc.


Got it?

- How about it?
- Just routine traffic out of Fulton.

Turning cold.

Hey, this is it.

Special train,
arriving Bensonville.

- When will they get here?
- About four hours.

I can just see the look on old
Johnny's face when we come bustin' in.

I wanna see the
look on Dillon's face.

I get him,
understand? He's mine.

Fine by me. Course, Johnny
may have something to say about it.

Well, if he don't,

I'm gonna blow that marshal right
out from behind that badge of his.

Awful lot of people.

You better go in and grab that
left rear seat right away, Doc.

Conductor. What are all
these people doing on board?

Marshal, I don't understand.

I was told we were gonna
be the only passengers.

I'll find out what I can.

- Get back there.
- Oh.

Well, I tried.

They've been piling
in on us all day.

Some of 'em have
been here since morning.

Probably be more up ahead.

Oh, are you carrying
a Marshal Dillon?

Yeah, him and his
prisoner and some doctor.

They're supposed to
be my only passengers.

Well, give this to him
right away, will you?

It's supposed to be important.

Now, what do you wanna
do about this slow freight?

- What freight?
- Coming in on the Fulton spur.

If you don't get past
by about ten o'clock,

you'll have to follow that
thing all the way to Dodge.

Oh, I'll have time
if I keep moving.

Wonder where they all came from.

- You ask her.
- You ask her.

Howdy. Hey, let
me make more room.

Excuse me, Officer.
May I sit with you?

- Certainly, ma'am.
- Oh, thank you.

Who have you got there, Marshal?

Nobody that concerns you.
You men get back to your seats.

Yes, sir, Marshal,
sir. Yes, sir.

Looks pretty good, considering.

It's the marshal
I'm thinking about.

Oh, we got us a sizeable
crowd to get lost in.

No, he never figured a thing.

I sure got to hand
it to you, Leitner.

It's working out just
like you said it would.

How far are you
going, Mrs. Devon?

Oh, I'm going to Fort Larned.

- Meeting my husband there.
- Oh, he's in the army?

Huh? Oh, no. No, he was just
appointed the territorial governor.

And we're going to continue
on to... to Denver together.

Do you happen to know how it is
that all these people are on the train?

Oh, the stage
road is impassable.

We were told that the... that
the bridge over Signal Canyon,

it was burned down last night.

Is there... Is there something
the matter, Marshal?

No, nothing that need
concern you, ma'am.

We weren't expecting
a train until the morning.

This is a special car.

What he really means, ma'am,

is that they had this car
put on especially for me,

and the marshal's not too
happy about all this company.

John August, ma'am.

What's he done?

He's being taken to Dodge
City to stand trial, ma'am.

May I ask for what?

For m*rder.


You have nothing to
be afraid of, ma'am.

Oh, I'm not afraid, Mr. August.

In Chicago I was the chairman of
the Ladies' Reform Commission.

We worked with the
poor and in the prisons.

So I've had some experience
with unfortunates like yourself.


Oh, it's merely a
figure of speech.

Tickets, gentlemen.

You see, I am convinced
that poverty and deprivation

is at the root of all crime.

You being a lawman,

you must have seen the
inside of some prisons, Marshal.

I have, ma'am.

Well, then, you are aware of
how appalling conditions are.

There's room for
improvement, I'm sure, yes.

From what I saw in Chicago and
other places, it was bad enough,

and only heaven knows
what was concealed from us.

The men are treated
like absolute animals.

Mrs. Devon, you may
be right about that,

but I'm afraid you're
talking to the wrong man.

My job is simply to
bring in the prisoners.

You're right, ma'am. My old
man was foreclosed off his land...

That's enough out of you.

I don't mind if he talks to me.

I do, Mrs. Devon.

Nice to see you again, Ben.

Say, I never did ask
you, who you travel for?

Doctor Detweiler's Bitterroot.

- Oh, how's it been going?
- I've had better.

What about you, Stallcup?

Oh, I'm with Red Tiger Tobacco.
Cut, plug, snuff and cigars.

Snuff doesn't move around here.

You a traveling man, friend?

That I am, sir.

Have the finest line of household
wares west of the Mississippi.

Now, Mrs. Devon, you see, this
state and most of the territories beyond

ten years ago
were a b*ttlefield.

Now, that v*olence
loosed a lot of violent men,

and we still have our
share of incorrigibles.

- Incorrigibles?
- Well, what would you call 'em?

Well, I may be wrong, but I don't
believe that any man is an incorrigible.

Even a man like this.

Thank you, ma'am.

I guess every man who ever got in
trouble wished he had another chance.

You bet. You bet he'd like another
chance. To k*ll somebody else.

You see? That's exactly
what I'm talking about.

He hasn't even been tried yet and
already you've got him convicted.

- No, no.
- Mrs. Devon.

It so happens that there were
eyewitnesses to the crime.

Yes, but the extent of the crime shall
be determined by the jury, will it not?

That's right.

And that's why it's my job to get
him to that jury just as quickly as I can.

Yes. Well, I'm sorry, Marshal.

It's just that I believe that
every human being has a...

What's the matter?

Oh, he's been shot in the leg.

And you're moving
him in that condition?

There's nothing wrong
with his condition.

I've examined him and
I've certified him fit to travel.

- You're a medical doctor?
- Yes, ma'am, I am.

I see.

Are you in pain?

You don't have to
be afraid to tell me.

Well, isn't there someplace
where he could lie down?

- Mrs. Devon...
- Yes.

There's an empty seat
just up the aisle here.

I beg your pardon?

Would you mind? I'll see
that nobody bothers you.

Oh, I see.

- Excuse me, please.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Nothing in this whole green earth
worse than a crusading female.

Oh, Marshal, in the confusion
I forgot. This is for you.

Read that. It's from the
federal marshal in Topeka.

- He could be wrong.
- Not likely, Doc. He's a reliable man.


This telegram got
on at Bensonville?

- Yes, sir.
- It says immediate delivery.

I'm sorry, Marshal, but what
with all these passengers

and trying to make up
time, it slipped my mind.

- Any other stops tonight?
- Two flag stops ahead. There's Colby.

We'll be getting to that pretty quick
now. And after that there's Fulton.

- Do either of those towns have a jail?
- No. No, Marshal.

Places like that don't have
much more than a name.

Marshal, I'd like to help you,
but tell me what the problem is.

Well, the problem's very simple.

According to this telegram,

some of his friends are gonna
try and take him off of this train.

- Tonight?
- Tonight.

Something's up.

Ben. What's going on, Ben?

Well, come on, you can tell me.

Well, we're gonna get a
wire off at the next stop,

get the sheriff at Big Falls
to meet the train at Fulton.

Colby coming up, Marshal.

You don't think they'll
try anything there, do you?

Not likely. They'll probably wait till
we're out in the open somewhere.

Maybe between Fulton and
Dodge. That's a long stretch there.

You'll have to hurry
with that telegram.

There's a freight coming
in at Fulton we have to beat

or we'll go five mile an
hour all the way into Dodge.

I know. I heard him. Do you think they
might try to put some help aboard here?

Unless burning that
bridge has already done it.

Conductor, if any passengers get on
here, have 'em come through that door.

Yes, sir.

That'll give me a chance to cover
both of you at the same time, Doc.

You figure the marshal's
onto something?

I don't know.

We could try to
spring Johnny now.

Unless he's being taken off
here, we'll do it like we planned.

Marshal, could you slow
it up? This leg is k*lling me.

Get your hands up.

What are you
doing this to me for?

Well, the flag's up. There'll
be passengers all right.

Dispatcher at Bensonville
said there would be,

account of the bridge being out.

Can't give you more than a
couple of minutes, Doc, no more.

Mrs. Devon?

The work you're
doing, it's a fine thing.

I wish I'd met you, or somebody
like you, a long time ago.

Would it have changed anything?

- Like m*rder?
- Mrs. Devon, I never k*lled anybody.

I got no call to lie to you.
There's no way you can help me.

Right this way, folks.

The charge against
you is m*rder?

Yes, ma'am, with witnesses.

You know how it is, ma'am.

You get a bad name and
they put everything on you.

Besides, it's an easy way
to clear a case off the books.

It's hard for me
to... to believe

that a man like Marshal
Dillon could be a part of a...

Ma'am, things are
different out here.

Sometimes it's hard
to tell the difference

between the man wearing the
handcuffs and the man wearing the badge.

Just check how many times a prisoner
is k*lled before he ever comes to trial.

They just claim
he's trying to escape.

If you like, when
we reach Dodge City,

I'll help arrange for a lawyer.

A lawyer?

Mrs. Devon, I'll be satisfied
just to get to Dodge City alive.

Ma'am, I'm gonna ask
you to do something for me.

- So that's it.
- Oh, no, nothing like that.

But if it wouldn't be too
much trouble or bother,

could you stay close to
me till we get to Dodge?

As long as you're nearby, the marshal,
well, he wouldn't dare try anything.

Come on, Doctor.

- Get it sent, Doc?
- Yeah.

Mrs. Devon, I thought I told
you to stay away from him.

Sergeant, I could use your help
for a while if you wouldn't mind.

- What for?
- Help me guard that prisoner there.

Well, uh, I don't
think it'd be quite right,

you being a civilian with
no proper authority... sir.

Can I see your papers, Sergeant?

Michael Drennan, Sergeant.
Peter Frye, Private. Fourth Infantry.

You trying to tell me that
you're refusing to help?

No, no, sir. But, you see, the kid
and I, we don't have any sidearms.

You know how it is.

Marshal, I've got a man for you.

That's lesson number one.

Never get mixed up
in a civilian's business.

- Right?
- Yes, sir.

- Do you have a g*n, Mr. Stallcup?
- In my bag.

- And you know how to handle it?
- Sure.

I mean, all you want me to do is
stand guard, that's the idea, isn't it?

All right, come with me.

- Hey, what are you doing?
- I'm gonna give the marshal a hand.

Don't look around now, but
those three men up front there...

- Yeah?
- Where are they ticketed to?

Straight through.
Next stop's Fulton.

Mr. Stallcup, this
is Dr. Adams here.

- Pleasure, sir.
- Hello.

What's he doing?

Getting him some
help, looks like.

It won't make no difference.

But I'd heard you'd
sent for the sheriff.

Well, it's a long way
over here from Big Falls.

Now, he might not be
able to make it in time.

If he doesn't, I'm not gonna be
able to take this prisoner off at Fulton.

I see.

But I'll see if I can get
some extra help, Mr. Stallcup.

I'm game.

You're just buying
yourself a pack of trouble.

That's enough out of you.


He didn't make it.

What you gonna do,
Marshal, on or off?

Mr. Chamberlain,
would you come with me?

I can't wait any longer.

Well, you can wait
just one more minute.

All right, folks, I'd like
your attention, please.

I'm the federal marshal
from Dodge City.

Now, there's been some
talk going around the train

about what's happening here.

Well, I'm gonna make
it official right now.

There's a good chance we're
gonna run into some trouble up ahead.

What kind of trouble?

- Something to do with him?
- That's right.

There's just as good a chance
there won't be any trouble, right?

If you like bad odds.

Now, this town is Fulton.

It's the last chance you're
gonna have to get off

before we get to Dodge
City tomorrow morning.

Now, my recommendation is
that you all get off right here.

Marshal, I ain't getting off this train.
I got a job waiting for me in Dodge.

All right, but
I'll tell you this,

anybody that stays aboard the
train does so at their own risk.

Marshal, you have no right to
order these people off this train.

I'm not ordering anybody off,
but I strongly recommend it.

- Now, just a minute.
- Mrs. Devon.

Now, look, you might very well be
right, there could be danger ahead,

but... but why should all
these people get off the train?

Mrs. Devon, you've
got one minute.

Mrs. Devon?

- I'm staying.
- All right. How about the rest of you?

Marshal, that train will be
coming off the spur in one minute.

- Now, we have to move on.
- Hold it, hold it. I'm going.

I'm going.

All right, folks.

Hurry it along, now.

All right, conductor, let's go.

If they get hurt,
it's their own fault.

All right.

What the devil
did he do that for?

This is very irregular, Marshal.

We carry mail in here. That makes
this coach under government control.

All right, sit right there.


Let me in.

Mrs. Devon, why don't
you go back in the other car?

- Look, I have a perfect right...
- No, you don't.

I want you to turn around
and go back out of here.

That man was wounded before,
and I demand the right to stay.

Why is that? We
have a doctor here.

Why? Because
Mr. August asked me to.

And after seeing what
you did a moment ago,

I wanna make sure that he is alive
when this train reaches Dodge City.

I'm terribly sorry, but you're gonna
have to leave the car right now.

- Well, I am...
- Come on, let's go.

Find your way out.

You gave me a pretty
good lick. I won't forget it.


I think I'd better go in
the back car and sit down.

I mean, I don't... I don't
feel too good, you know.

It's all right, Mr. Stallcup.
I understand. Thank you.

- Conductor, I'd like to have your keys.
- Marshal, I'm not...

It's all right. I'll take
full responsibility.

Now, I'd like to have you
go and tell the engineer

we're not gonna make any more
stops between here and Dodge City.

We're gonna stop at
Twenty-Mile Grade, take on water,

or we may run dry
before we get to Dodge.

- No more stops.
- But, Marshal...

He may have his men
waiting anywhere along the line.

- Do you wanna take a chance on that?
- All right, no stops.

Doc, lock this door as
soon as I go out, will you?

And then when he comes
back through here, lock that one.

What are you gonna do?

I'm going back in the other car

and try to find out if any
of his friends are aboard.

Sergeant, I'm gonna
call you in just a minute

and I want you to
come down there.

All right.

I expect he's trying
to get more help.

- What if he asks us?
- Sure, but don't look too eager.

Evening, Marshal.

Boys, I'll have your side
arms, slow and easy.

- What's this?
- Put 'em on the floor.

Drennan, Frye?


All right, go on.

All right, there's
your sidearms.

All right, pick 'em up.

I want you to give me a hand.
We're gonna disarm the rest of the car.

All right, boys, let's
have your sidearms.

They'll be returned to
you when we get to Dodge.

All right, let's go.

Doc, let me in.

You two men cover
the front door up there.

Yes, sir.

Frye, did anybody
ever call you blue-belly?

- No, sir.
- Well, civilians.

You let 'em get in trouble,
then they're glad to see you.


Afraid they're not gonna
be much help to you, Matt.

Well, Doc, as long as nobody
else knows it, that's something.

You're in charge of
this train, aren't you?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, then, it is up to you
to exercise your authority.

Ma'am, please, stay out of this.

All I want to do is just to see that
that young man is all right, that's all.

Take my advice, ma'am,
and leave the marshal alone.

Let's get...

- Gentlemen.
- Ma'am.

I'd like your names,
if I may, please?

I intend to lodge a protest
against Marshal Dillon

when we reach Dodge City

with the proper authorities
with you as witnesses.

- For what?
- For brutality against his prisoner.

No, I'm sorry, ma'am.

The marshal's done
what's expected of him.

Now, his ways may seem tough
and a mite hard to you eastern folks,

but he's just doing his job.

- Oh...
- About says it for me too, ma'am.

Gentlemen, I'd like to have
your names, please, if I may.

What for?

Well, I intend to protest
Marshal Dillon's actions.

Well, now, it sure takes
courage on your part, lady,

to stand up against
a US marshal.

A badge is not a
license for brutality.

Oh, you got a point there.

- If you...
- Looks to be about that time, Leitner.

Well, gentlemen? Here.

No, I don't think so, ma'am.

- You have nothing to be afraid of.
- It ain't that, ma'am.

I just don't think
it'll be needful.

OK, boys, move it.

Wallet, ring, watch, money,
anything you got, right in there.

Get back there
with the rest of 'em.

What is this? What is going on?

We'll be leaving this
here train shortly, ma'am.

- Why, you're thieves.
- Yes, ma'am.

Just friends of Johnny
August. Passing the hat, ma'am.

- Anything you care to give?
- You get away from me.

- Well, now, what we got here?
- Take your hands off me!

- How much longer to the water stop?
- 20 minutes.

Anybody got any idea
about this train not stopping?

I asked you if anybody
had any idea about...

Marshal Dillon.

And how about that, him
telling you what to do?

Barstow, go up there and tell the
engineer we are stopping after all, huh?

- What, through the mail car?
- Up and over the mail car. Now, go on.

- Fox, give him a hand.
- Right.

You were right about
that marshal, ma'am.

He sure is a mean one.

Marshal? You hear me, Marshal?

Now, why don't we do
this the easy way, huh?

You're outnumbered now, and
there's more at the water stop.

Be good sense for
you to just give it up.

- More at the water stop?
- That's what he said, Sergeant, but...

But? There's no
buts? I'm pulling out.

We're not gonna stop. I told
the engineer to keep going.

Well, maybe they've
got some other ideas.

Maybe you can make
things stay just like they are.

But I'm not gonna
stay around to find out.

- Frye, put your g*n down.
- Sarge...

You do as I said.

I wish you all the
luck in the world.

We're pulling out, unless, of
course, to aim to kind of make us stay.

I'm not gonna make
you stay, Sergeant.

All right.

Come on, Frye.

Let 'em out, Doc, will you?

Hey, hey, outside. This is
Sergeant Drennan. We're coming out.

Things are looking blacker
every minute, huh, Marshal?

Well, now, you soldier
boys showed good sense.

That means just Dillon and the
sawbones between us and Johnny now.

And only a few minutes
between here and the water stop.

Doc, give me the keys.

Here. I don't want
a sound out of you.

Doc, you better get over there.

Hold it.


- Barstow?
- Dillon shot him.

- What happened?
- Dillon k*lled Barstow.

Now, that means no stop
for the others or the horses.

And how far do we
get afoot on that prairie?

If we don't get Johnny before we got
to that water stop, I'm jumping this train.

No, we can't cross Johnny.

There's only one
thing we can do.

Come on.

Marshal? One time.

Now, you let Johnny go
and there'll be no trouble.

Don't even have to stop this
train. We'll jump at the water stop.

Sounds like he's trying to make a
deal. He's not so sure as he was.

Well? How about it, Marshal?

I'm taking him in.

Johnny... take cover.

Stop it!

Stop it. Stop it.
I can't stand it.

Lady, don't bother me!

Let me talk to him, please.
Let me talk to the marshal.

What makes you think
you can talk to him?

How many people
have got to die before...

Nobody has got to die.

Well, then, let me
try to reason with him.

Come on.

Marshal, hold your fire.

The woman wants to talk to you.


Now, think twice on it, Marshal.

She's been hit. Should be
looked at by your friend, the doc.

Marshal, please.


Come on. Mrs. Devon?

- Mrs. Devon?
- Yes.

- How bad are you hurt?
- Oh, I'm all right, Marshal.

This k*lling has got to stop.

There are innocent
people back there.

Please, Marshal, let
him go. Let August go.

How many people are you going
to k*ll just to see August hang?

Let him go, Marshal,
please. Please, let him go.

Mrs. Devon, I want
you to turn around

and go back to the back of the
passenger car and get out of the way.

- Marshal.
- Marshal.

If you don't open this door, I'm
gonna blow the top of her head right off.

Now, open up and drop your g*ns.

Now, both of you, keep your hands
up and move to the front of the car.

You sure cut it close, Leitner.

We had us a bit of trouble,
Johnny, but it's all taken care of now.


Well, Marshal, I can't say it's
been the pleasantest trip in memory,

but... but I guess we'll
be parting company soon.

Hey, they ain't stoppin'.

- What happened?
- What do you think happened?

What, Dillon?

There were five
boys on that train.

- I know how many there were.
- He couldn't have got all of 'em.

You wanna follow the train
into Dodge and find out?

Not me.

You're the one that said you
wanted to get Dillon. Let's go get him.

You go right ahead. All of a
sudden I don't like the odds.

- You gonna leave Johnny with him?
- I don't know if Johnny's even alive.

Come on, let's get out of
here before we freeze to death.

It's all right, conductor.

There you are, Mrs. Devon. That'll
be all right till we get to Dodge.

Thank you so much, Doctor.

- You know, I'm so sorry.
- Sorry? What about?

Oh, for being so
weak at such a time.

Mrs. Devon, one thing I'll
guarantee that you're not is weak.

Well, I'm certainly a bad
judge of character, I'll say that.

Marshal, I apologize.

You got nothing
to apologize for.

I'm going to venture to say that
Chicago's loss will be Colorado's gain.

Thank you, Doctor.

I mean it, you're a
very remarkable woman.

If there's any... anything
that the governor or I can do

for either one of you,

you be sure and let
me know, will you?

You know, now
that you mention it,

there certainly is something
that you might be able to do.


There is one thing, Mrs. Devon,

that this part of the country
needs more than anything else.

- What's that, Doctor?
- Hospitals.

Just think what it would mean

if someone like yourself
and your husband,

someone with the gumption
and the wherewithal,

would start a campaign
to build hospitals

all over this part
of the country.

Think how many people that
would benefit. Just think of that.

Now, there... there's a project
someone could really get their teeth into.


Yes. Hospitals.

Stay tuned for scenes
from next week's Gunsmoke.
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