13x25 - A Noose for Dobie Price

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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13x25 - A Noose for Dobie Price

Post by bunniefuu »

Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.


Awful waste of sweat
out there, old-timer.

Ah, quit your stalling.

- Here's your vittles.
- Jabez.

That raunchy looking
skunk's back again.

I'll make you think raunchy,
you mutton-headed...

You been taking awful
good care of us here lately.

Well, that ain't no choice of
mine, I'll guarantee you that.

Did you get somebody
to handle the noose?

Oh, hush your mouth.

- Hey, I'll make you a promise.
- What's that?

Before we leave,

I'll get the one
that takes the job.

You couldn't bust a bird's
egg with a ball-peen hammer.

- Something's the matter with you.
- Huh?

Who were you talking to?

Talking to myself.

That's proof right there that that
Dobie's starting to get under my hide.

Can see that all right.

Doc, I haven't never saw a feller
as close to getting himself hung

and just acts like he's
a-waiting for a Sunday social.

That partner of his in yonder
is just sleeping as peaceful

as one of Maggie
Carter's young 'uns.

Why don't you get Matt
to have Newly relieve you?


You're starting to have
a nervous breakdown.

Oh, hush.

Just trying to pull a bluff
on me, is what he's doing.

It's just the idea them
fellers are getting themselves

loosed again that bothers me.

They're through now for good.

There ain't a person on earth
that's going to be sorry about that.

I'll guarantee you.

The thing is, Doc,

they just act like they know
something we don't know.

Hank, how's it coming?

Oh, hello, Marshal.
It's about done, I'd say.

Uh-huh. Hank, uh, how
about you taking the job?

What, hanging them
two fellers up to dry?

Oh, no, not me.

No, I ain't too
happy doing this.

Well, you know it
pays a hundred dollars.

I know what it pays, all right.

I ain't saying I
couldn't use the money,

but from what I hear, them two
fellers have awful good friends.

- Barkeep?
- Yep?

Will you extend my felicitations
to that lovely lady over there,

and ask her to have
a libation with me?

- Liba...
- A drink.

That feller there at that table there
asked me to convey his "felicication."

"Felicication..." Hm.

Well, he wants you to
have a drink with him.

- Looks like a preacher.
- Some.

- Well, now, Mr...
- My name's Gorman, Elihu Gorman,

at your service.

Just passing through?

In a manner of speaking,
you might say that, Miss...

Russell. Kitty Russell.

You're quite the quintessence of
feminine loveliness, Miss Russell.

Dodge, a most salubrious town.


Not to some, though, I've heard.

Oh? Just what have you heard?

- That there's to be a hanging.
- Yeah.

I suppose you're here to
say a few prayers over them.

Prayers? Heaven forfend,
Miss Russell, I'm not a preacher.

I've heard this town
needs a hangman.

How would a man go
about getting that job?

Well, if a man had stomach
enough for it, he'd ask the marshal,

Matt Dillon.

- Matt?
- Kitty.

Morning. Uh, this gentleman
is interested in the hanging.

- Oh.
- Excuse me.

- Sure.
- She's a lovely lady.

- My name is Gorman.
- What can I do for you, Mr. Gorman?

I came to Dodge to see a man
die, a man named Dobie Price.

Is that so?

I'm not one to take
to disappointments.

Many years ago, Dobie Price,
my cousin, Dobie Price, did me dirt.

- A heap of dirt.
- I see.

So now you... you'd like
the chance to hang him?

With the greatest of pleasure.

No, I'm afraid not, Mr. Gorman.

- I'll do it for half price.
- Sorry.

Hang him for you for nothing.

Forget it, Mr. Gorman.

Mr. Dillon, can I see Dobie
Price when he's hanging?

I mean, like, real close up?

Marshal, it's the prisoners!

Come busting in before
I could get my p*stol out.

- Get Doc, will you?
- I'm all right.

I'm just dumber than
any man ought to be.

"X man..."

- Thought you'd be back before now.
- You did, huh?

- Any luck with your prisoners?
- No. We lost them in the rain.

The Walden boys sprung
them. Don't surprise me.

- I thought the Waldens had busted up.
- They're back together again.

Marshal Dillon, I ain't
going to lie to you.

I served my time for
what I did, five long years.

I've caught up with society,
thanks to Cousin Dobie.

You telling me you
know the Waldens?

Used to ride with them. Mm-hm.

Skeets, Brother Harry, Cousin
Dobie, Jabez, couple others.

Say, it would be quite a feather
in your bonnet if you caught them.

But it'd be a bigger one if you
caught Cousin Dobie and Jabez.

That's right.

I know where they're heading. I
know where they're going to hole up.

- Go on.
- You'd never take them, Marshal.

Not if you use the whole town
for a posse. Not where they're at.

Take an army regiment to try and
they might be in for mite bit of trouble.

You talking about
the Big Basin country?

Mm-hm. But which part?

Now, two men, say you
and me, we'd stand a chance.

How do you figure?

Power of words. I
think I can talk them out.

Mr. Dillon, this is a
personal thing to me.

Uh-huh. Your Cousin Dobie?

Cousin Dobie.

I'll never be able
to sleep comfortable

till I know the grass
is waving over him.

Mm-hm. Two men could do
it, if one of the men was me.

Marshal, I... I got to confess
to an impecunious state.

You see, my travels have
depleted my resources.

I'm busted, I'm tapped out.

There you are. Deputy
pays two dollars a day.

Looky here.

We used Big Basin for a hideout
when I was riding with the boys.

Don't you fret one bit.

That old badge and them
two dollars a day wages

says I'm going to talk them out.

Mr. Dillon, I'm going
to need my own p*stol.

Look at that, a six-sh**t.
Got a hair trigger on it, too.

sh**t them out and
then chuck rocks at them.

Looks like Mother Nature's going
to put us in for a wet ride. Huh?

- We're never going to get across that!
- Trail's washed out.

There's a line
shack back that way.

Well, we sure appreciate
getting in out of the rain.

- Come on in, fellas.
- Ah! Thank you.

Thank you. Howdy, howdy.

We're mighty grateful to you.

Well, a grateful man is usually a
friendly one. Help yourself to coffee.

Oh, sounds good.

You was mighty lucky to find
this place. Only shelter for miles.

Yeah. This is
Narramore Range, isn't it?

That's right. You know my Pa?

Well, I've met
him a time or two.

We thought maybe you boys
would put us up for the night.

- Be a mite crowded, but you're welcome.
- Thank you.

Well, make yourself to home,
boys. Say, you play poker?

Poker? That's one
of my weaknesses.

Poker and women, I ain't got
a moral bone in my body, boys.

- How about you, mister?
- No, thanks.

This here's a friendly
game, now, dollar limit.

That's about my speed, as
long as you boys don't slicker me.

My name is Gorman, Elihu
Gorman, my friends call me Huey.

Well, Huey, I'm Corny Tate.

This there is Jackson
Narramore, Duff French.

- Howdy.
- And Billy Crow.

Bill. Good looking old boy back
there, his name is Matt Dillon.

- Marshal of Dodge?
- You betcha.

So you boys better start
minding your manners

or we'll all end up in
the pokey over at Dodge.

Ante up.

- This game's draw, Jacks or better.
- Mm-hm.

♪ So she took me in the parlor ♪

♪ And she cooled
me with her fan ♪

♪ And she whispered
low in her mama's ear ♪

♪ How she loved
this gambling man ♪

Did you ever see the beat of
that? Did you ever see the beat of it?

I figured you had enough
luck just finding a dry spot.

No truer words
was ever spoke, boy.

No truer words was ever spoke.
I think it's my deal. Give me that.

I wouldn't mind a good enough
hand so I could stay in this here game.

Seeing you donated
so generously, boy,

I'm going to take a Sunday
punch at that. Set 'em.

Thank you.

Hold on!

Oh, Marshal, these boys
started out like my very own.

- He's cheating!
- That's a lie!

- I been cut clean to the bone!
- You just stuck an ace

- in the top of his boot!
- He's been cold-decking us all along!

Are you going to
listen to these pups?

One sure way to prove it.

Now, wait a minute,
that's a flat insulting!

Besides, I shouldn't
be trashing around

with these sharecropping
cowboys, anyway.


- Huh?
- The boot.

The other one.

Smart aleck.

How'd that get there?

You know what they say...

Standing out here
underneath this oak tree,

when we could be
back there, high and dry.

- That's right.
- Oh, you talk like that it's my fault.

You present a puzzlement.

Why ain't you back there with
them cowboys out of all this wet?

Because you're going to
talk to your Cousin Dobie

- out of Big Basin for me, remember?
- That's right.

I can just see old Dobie swinging
on the end of that rope, oh, yes.

Which proves one thing, Marshal.

There's always silver linings
up there if you look hard enough.

Oh, yeah, there's a
silver lining, all right.

Old Cousin Dobie,
I just can't wait.

♪ I hadn't been in Washington ♪

♪ Billy Moore
across the street ♪

♪ Till I fell in love with
a pretty little gal... ♪

It's a pretty good
place to cook a meal.

Yeah, especially with all
this firewood laying around.

See any others?

No, but we better
between here and there.

We could always
tuck our tails and run.

Yeah, and we could
always get cut down.

- There's one high on the left there.
- Mm-hm. Right, too.

- Yeah, I see him.
- What them two cooking up there?

- Smells good, doesn't it?
- Sure does.

I got a hunch they're going
to offer us some of that food.

Yeah, I got the same hunch.


Jabez, you chicken-livered,
dog-eating breed!

You varmint!

You going to come out or
you going to tuck your tail

and run like you always do?


Do you think he'll try again?

Think he will now.

All right, Amy.

When I get him lifted up, you get
that barrel under there, you hear?

I'll try.

Hello, folks.

Folks, can we give
you some help?

Thought we was in a hurry
to get where we is a-going.

We'd sure be much
obliged to you, mister.

My name is Gorman. Elihu
Gorman at your service, sir.

My name's Katcher. My wife, Amy.

We're headed for Wyoming.

Oh, that's the darkest part
of the world. Beautiful country.

I lost a burr on the
way. I got another one,

but I just couldn't get that
wheel back on by myself.

Well, maybe we can give
you a hand with it here.

Why don't you get the wheel
and... Come on, Gorman.

Yes, sir.

All right...

Now, let's get our
backs into it here.

Let me put these
rocks underneath.

On top... there we go.

A man could bust a gut
doing something like this.

Why don't we unload that wagon?

Little more. Little
more will do it.

'Cause we're in a
hurry, remember?


Sure am in your debt, gents.

We're always
glad to oblige, sir.

I ain't got all that much, but I do
want to say thanks other than by words.

Oh, no, thanks. You'll get
a chance to return the favor

for somebody else
one of these days.

Well, I'm obliged to
you. Much obliged to you.

You know, we ran into
Indians a few miles back here.

- Indians?
- Yes.

But I think you folks will be safe
enough if you head over this way.

- There's a town just a few miles.
- Oh, dear, Indians.

Well, they'll catch
them soon enough.

But, in the meantime, I'd
kind of keep out of this area.

- Gorman.
- Be right there, Marshal.

How far is that town, Marshal?

Well, you folks ought
to be there by dark.

Thanks for the advice, Marshal.

- Will?
- Mama, we faced floods

and sandstorms and
drought getting this far.

We can face a few Indians.

Thought he'd throwed a shoe.

We sure come a fair
piece today. Phew!

Little warm, though, ain't it?

Gorman, you got less conscience
than any man I ever knew.

Marshal, I got a conscience, it's just I
don't use mine the way you use yours.

- All right, we're taking this back.
- What?

- You heard me.
- Oh, come on. It ain't that much.

- It's every cent they had.
- What?

Upon my word of
honor, that ain't so.

Marshal, split that with you.

Marshal, I know you're a charitable
man, and I respect you for it.

And I know you got
them philanthropic ways,

but I ain't, just
ain't got them.

- Get mounted.
- Look here,

we got us a
hanging to attend to.

You're going way back over yonder
and miss catching Cousin Dobie?

Well, you haven't
given us any choice.

Mr. Dillon, I'm going
to the Big Basin.

No, you're not.

You've gotta see
it right, Marshal.

Remember, you're
going to need me.

Much obliged.

I'm getting to like you.

You're a pretty
good old boy. Phew!

Why didn't those folks
listen to you, Marshal?

I would have thought you'd seen so much
death out here, it wouldn't bother you.

No, it still bothers me.

Look around, see if you can find
something to bury them with, will you?


Here's a word
for you, Marshal...

Salutiferous. You
know what that means?


Promoting health.

I reckon this ain't going to
be no salutiferous evening

for some certain breed
that I could mention.

Well, wonder how many
of them there is out there.

I don't know, but
don't you get greedy.

You leave a couple for
the old man, will you? Hm?

Yes, sir.

You know something?

This is amazing, true
perfectly amazing.

- What's that?
- The power of words.

You know, a man could pretty
near move a mountain with words,

if he knowed how to say them.

I once owned a mountain,
Mr. Dillon, a mountain of gold.

I could have been a wealthy
man, a powerful wealthy man,

but I met a friend...

He made me sign a paper,

and I couldn't read it, and
so I lost that mountain of gold.

What happened to your friend?

Well, he looked kind of
clean and nice all stretched out

in that expensive casket
out there in Colorado.

Then I hired myself
up to St. Louis.

I went in front of one
of them new libraries.

Had two big old
stone lions setting by it.

I took off through them swinging
doors and I got hold of a dictionary,

a big one, big enough
to choke a horse.

And I started thumbing
my way through it,

looking at words, words, words.

There must have been a million
of them, or a billion of them.

I reckon it could take a man
a lifetime to learn them all.


Jabez, you ignorant breed!

Marshal, you'd
have to go a long way

to get somebody to mourn
over the likes of this one! Huh?

Marshal, I'm going
to cut out, ride alone.

- Why?
- This is the part of the Big Basin

where them boys are holed up. I
reckon they got their trails covered.

Gorman, how do you know
they're not going to just sh**t you?

Sir, I ain't too sure of that.

When I go around that big bend up
there, if you hear a slight commotion,

you just stay put.

If you hear a big one, you
better start making tracks,

because I'm afraid
I'm going to need you.

Be careful, now.

Mr. Dillon, I have a natural
propensity for carefulness.

- Gorman?
- Yes, sir?

- Your badge.
- Excuse me.

That was a slight oversight.

Marshal, you still got
your mind made up

that you ain't going
to let me hang Dobie?

I reckon there ain't
no harm in asking.

I'll still do it for
you for nothing.

Gorman, get going, will you?

Why, that's good money going
after bad, paying somebody to hang.


Trigger-happy smart aleck.

Look, you varmint!

Gorman! You old mossback.
When did you get out?

About five or six months.
Been a long winter, son.

What are you doing up here?

Up to see you,
Dobie, and the boys.

Well, if you ain't the one.
It's good to see you again.

It's good to see you, too, boy.

Hey, who throwed that pot-shot
at me up the road apiece?

- Smith.
- Cuts a little close, don't he?

Look here, boy,
somebody's been tailing me.

I don't know who it is.
But I'd sure like to find out.

So you keep your
eyes peeled, will you?

You go on in. I'll go
back and have a look-see.

Good boy.

Take care of yourself, hear?


You bunch of
skunks! You varmints!

I'll be a suck-egg
coyote, if it ain't Huey!

Harry! You old varmint, you!

- Well, looky here.
- Hi, Cousin Huey.

Dobie, boy, how you have growed.

- You're looking fine.
- Never felt any better.

How come you to be
making tracks this way, Huey?

I come up here to see you boys.

Wasn't here, I thought
maybe I'd rest up a spell.

Skeets and the boys busted
Jabez and me out of the Dodge jail.


Jabez hung back and
got some of his people

to handle them in
case they followed us.

- Mercy, mercy.
- Old hoss. You running, too?

Not scared, but there's been
a couple of them tailing me.

Ah! It's like old times having
you here with us, Huey.

Thanks, Skeeter.

Place never was much for digs.

There's some tolerable
scamper juice and vittles.

- Go get him some grub.
- That sounds good.

Come here, Dobie. Sit down, boy. I
want to take another good look at you.

Yes, sir. Tell you something.

How many years it's
been since I've seen you?

That's far enough,
mister. Mick, get his g*n!

Skeets, Smith, come
on in, we got him.

Here's to you, Huey.

Boys, here's
painting your tonsils.

- Cousin Huey?
- Hm?

I'm right sorry about you getting
caught back there in Colbyville.

Dobie, what's done is done.
Let's drink to better days.

Well, that was just
plumb bad luck, Huey.

We all felt real bad about
that. Didn't we, boys?

What do you say, Huey?

How about joining up with us
again? Cut you in same as before.

We got ideas.

Oh, Skeets, I'm kind of
getting long in the horn.


You old devil. Why, you'll
live to see all of us planted.

- Ain't that right, boys?
- Yeah. And then some.

Think on it, Huey, about
joining up with us again.

Treat you right.

Oh, them five years, they
kind of aged this old boy.

Besides, I like being alone.

I could always pick
up enough to get by.

That's not much of a way
for a man to make a living,

picking up enough to get by.

You keep talking
like that, Skeets,

and we might get ourselves
something going for ourselves again.

But... I suspect maybe I'd be too much
of a heavyweight for you boys to carry.

You reckon?

Oh, sh**t, Huey.

All you need's a job or two.
You'll be your old self again.

Dobie, I got something for you.

It's the marshal.

- What marshal?
- Dillon, the marshal of Dodge.

Is that a fact?

You were right, Gorman,
he was following you.

I had a feeling.

You been following me, stranger?

Uh... do I know you?

I'm afraid you're mistaken.

You ain't been following me?


Harry, Smith, get back on watch.


You ain't with him,
are you, Huey?

Me trashing around
with a law-dog?

You out of your mind, Skeets?

I would hate to think that Dobie
running out on you in Colbyville,

or even five years in
prison, would do that to you.

What's the matter with you,
man? Dobie's my cousin.

He's my blood-cousin. Do you
think I'd turn him in to some lawman,

or you either?


What you aiming
to do with that fella?

I figure he's going to have a
accident. Fall off one of the ledges.

Might be pretty good.

You take care of
it for me, Huey?

sh**t the feller
if you want me to.

- Huey.
- Yeah?

On second thought,

he might make for a bit of
bargaining if a posse got too close.

Hey, he would, wouldn't he?


I see no harm keeping
this old boy alive for a while.


If there is a posse,
where are they at?

Looking for him, as well as us.

If they know he's in here
and he don't come back...

No need to panic.

That's easy for you to say. There's
a rope waiting for me in Dodge.

Last time I saw you skittery,
I got leg-irons put on me.

You hush, Dobie.

- I say let's k*ll him.
- You say?

Well, what you say
don't count all that much.

Now, what I say...

we wait until Smith and
Harry finish checking outside.

Be a joke on us if
there ain't no posse.

If he trying to be a
hero all by his ownself.

Dobie, you take that
marshal a plate of grub.

Let him starve. He's fixing
to hang me, remember?

Dobie, if I held
grudges like you,

you'd been dead by now.

I'll put the feed
bag on that law-dog.


Matt Dillon.

One sound and you're dead.

- Now, Marshal, this is old Huey.
- Just stand still.

Been sweating it out
trying to get in here to you.

I'll bet you have.

I figured if we got in here together,
we could take them by surprise.

Why did you turn me in?

I wanted us both to get in here
together so we could take them.

You were going to talk them out.

Marshal, you want
to know the truth?

I don't think you know
what the word means.

I sure do. And all along, I
figured you didn't trust me.

You know, I knowed you
was going to follow me.

I figured if you got yourself
caught, we'd both be in trouble.

I wouldn't have got caught if
they hadn't been waiting for me.

I know it. But when
you did get caught,

I tried to fix it up so
it would like that...

one of us would
be on their side.

Yeah, and I'm still
wondering if one of us isn't.

There you go again.

Dillon, you got to
trust me, implicitly.

- Why?
- Huey!

Wonder what's keeping him.

- Huey!
- Six-sh**t...

Hey, boys, I'll be right there!

Be quiet.


Watch out, Skeets,
the marshal's free!

Marshal, give me that
six-sh**t, will you?

- Get back over there.
- No, they don't think I'm with you.

I... I want to try
out something.

Give me that g*n.


- All right.
- Cousin Dobie!

Skeets! It's old Huey!

Don't sh**t!

Let's get out of here. There's
going to be b*ll*ts flying all over here.

Let's get out of here.


Come on out, Huey.

You come on in!

That just leaves
you, Cousin Dobie.

Cousin Dobie, I guess we gonna get
to attend your necktie party after all!

- Cousin Huey!
- Yeah, Cousin Dobie?

I can get a hold of some money.
You take care of that marshal.

Gorman, get out here
where I can see you.

- How much money, old Dobie?
- Gorman.

Five hundred, maybe more!

Phew! That's more than
that marshal's paying me.

He's just paying
me two dollars a day.

- Gorman, get out here, I said.
- Mr. Dillon, you hear that?

Cousin Dobie wants to give me
$500 to put some daylight through you.

Think on that, $500!

Wait a minute.

I wouldn't get the pleasure
of seeing old Dobie

swinging on that rope, would I?

No, but $500. Phew!
That's a heap of money.

Don't move,
Marshal. I never miss.

The money's over at
Fort Hays, Cousin Huey.

I can get a hold of it easy!
There might even be more!

Marshal, I sure hope you'll
excuse my procrastination,

but you folks got
me 'twixt and 'tween.


All right, easy now. Easy.

At least I did that last thing
right, didn't I, Marshal Dillon?

You sure did.

Doesn't look like
you're hit too bad.


Reckon there's a
word in here for this.

Bet you there's
a million of them.

Got it. Here it is.

that's the word for it.

- I reckon it is.
- You know, Miss Kitty,

when I was a young feller, I
bought myself a stolen horse.

Feller gave me
a fake bill of sale.

Well, sir, that's the
first time I went to jail.

I decided I was going to
get me some reading done.

I bought this dictionary here.

I had this old book for a long time.
Always carry it right next to my heart.

You ain't got no heart.


I can see your jaws a-flapping, but
I can't hear nothing out of my ears.

You know, it is just totally
incomprehensible to me

that you wouldn't have
considered the rare possibility that...

Doc? I'll look that one up.

Of all the chicken-headed
scatter-wampuses I've ever saw,

you frost the cake.

Now, just supposing they hadn't
of brung Matthew into that cave.

Supposing they just shot him out
yonder in the canyon. What about that?

Phew! I never thought of that.

- You never thought?
- Uh-uh.

It would have been
terrible, wouldn't it?

As a matter of fact,
it would have been.

You know, I just
wouldn't have believed it.

What's that, Doc?

That I would see two living,
breathing troglodytes, right together.

- Mm-hm.
- One of them mental,

and the other one physical.


That's the physical
one right there.

Now, I don't know what
you're talking about,

but I don't want you linking
me up with the likes of him.

Here, Doc. Troglo... troglodyte.

A primitive people
who dwell in caves.

A primitive people who
are thought to resemble a...

- A what?
- Anthropoid ape.

A what?

Well, all you got to do
is just look in the mirror.

Why, you ornery,
old blabbermouth.

Matt, it's getting a little bit
late. I'll see you in the morning.

- All right, Doc.
- Night, Kitty.

Night, Doc.

Just one thing I want to know.

How's it come that everything
we start to talking about,

you can always twist it
around so it's a insult for me?

Tell you the truth,
it's not very hard.

You wouldn't know the truth if
it come up and hit you in the...

The main most thing, we got Dobie
and that g*ng. Didn't we, Marshal?

Yeah, we sure did, Gorman.

Thinking on that, I got something
I want to propose to you.

Yeah? What's that?

That I become your permanent
deputy. Now, think on that.

Yes, well, I'll do
that. Good night, Kitty.

Good night, Matt.

Reckon I jumped him
too soon with that, huh?

I reckon.

Better talk to him tomorrow after
he's had a little bit of shut-eyes.

Maybe you'd better.

Yeah, I sure would admire
settling down in this Dodge town.

It's a salubrious town.

I mean, get hooked
up with the marshal.

Miss Kitty, maybe you'd
consider employing me.

You know, I could keep this rabble
rough g*ng down around the saloon for you.

Nothing like grabbing a hold
of a drunk and swinging him

and throwing him through
a pair of swinging doors.

Yes, sir, it has a sobering
effect. It sure does...



Stay tuned for scenes
from next week's Gunsmoke.
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