13x13 - Rope Fever

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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13x13 - Rope Fever

Post by bunniefuu »

Gunsmoke, starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.


- That posse ain't far behind.
- I'm hurt bad, Luke.

Get on your horse, Zeb. Move!

I need doctoring.

Well, I ain't gonna let
no posse cut loose at me.

Half that bank money's mine.

A dead man ain't
got no use for money.



Looky here, Sheriff. I told
you I put a b*llet in one of them.

Come on, let's get
to tracking, boys.

Don't be so all fired anxious
to sh**t 'em down, Gruber.

Now, listen, you're wasting time,
giving them two running room, Sheriff.

- They won't get far on one horse.
- I don't think they'd double up.

We're too close on 'em.

If you're scared of getting shot at,
best you stay here where it's safe.

- Come on.
- Let's go.

Go on!

Here. Take it easy.

Now, just...

Quit your thrashing around,
now. I ain't gonna hurt you.

Let me take a look here.

Mister, you've been shot bad.

I don't even believe old
Doc could help you none.

Hold it.

Hold it right there, mister.

Put that p*stol down,
Sheriff. This feller's hurt bad.

- Don't move.
- Well...

What in the tarnation
did you do that for?

He wasn't in no fit shape...

Mister, that bank
teller you two shot died.

There's a rope waiting
for you back in Pierceville.

- Hey, still ain't back yet?
- No, I ain't seen hide nor hair of 'em.

It's gonna be a miracle if old
man Bassett gets hisself back alive.

- Hey, here they come.
- Hey, they're coming in.

- Hey, they're coming in!
- Coming in!

Looks like your
husband got 'em both.

I never doubted for a
moment he wouldn't.

- Hey, Gruber, what you say there?
- Here they be.

- Hey, hey, both of 'em dead?
- No, just the one.

And I shot him when
he came out of the bank.

It was the sheriff
tracked 'em down

while the rest of us was all
off on a wild-goose chase.

Well, I'll be doggone.

Hey, Sheriff, is that true?

Get that man inside.

- You sure enough shot him, Sheriff.
- I had no choice.

That ain't all. That
feller had his g*n out.

The other one didn't even
have a chance to clear leather

before the sheriff
put him to sleep.

You sure didn't need no
help from us, did you, Sheriff?

I knowed you
still had it in you.

Well, that's what I was just saying.
Isn't that what I was just saying?

- Sheriff, how'd you do it?
- Yeah, tell us about it.

There really ain't much
to tell. Maybe later.

Come on. Come
on. It's all right.

- Wait a minute.
- Get in there.

I said get!

What's the matter? Sheriff
Bassett steal your thunder.

You open up this door and I'll smash
your jaw through the back of your head,

you stumpy little...

Hey, now, there's no call
for that. The man's locked up.

He's in the wrong pair of
shoes to bad-mouth me.

I wanna know what Sheriff
Bassett done out there.

Come on, now, come on.
Hold on. Let's hear the rest of it.

Now, what happened when that
yahoo in there went for his g*n?

I rapped him over the head.

I've heard enough of this.

- That villain never had no chance.
- Bates, listen to 'em.

They're sweet-tonguing that old
man like he done himself proud.

Well, I figure he
done just that.

Well, it were my b*llet
that slowed that feller down.

Nobody doubting that.

The town is wrong in letting
that old man wear that badge.

He too old for the job.

I wouldn't have
said so yesterday,

but now I feel this town
owes him that badge.

He's earned the right to
wear it for as long as he likes.

Listen, I think our sheriff's
due some congratulations.

How about what old
Sheriff Bassett done?

- I've heard enough of this.
- That villain never had no chance.

Not against old Sheriff
Bassett, he didn't.

- Oh, Sheriff, what about the money?
- Yeah, Sheriff, how about that money?

We've covered every
inch of that section.

Couldn't find a thing.
No telling where it is.

There's lots of folks in this town
gonna be hurting less that money's found.

We're all well aware of that.

That prisoner in there, he
sure enough knows where it's at.

Boy, I'd say a noose around his
neck'd sure enough loosen up his tongue.


No man has ever hung without
a trial as long as I've been sheriff

and that ain't gonna change now.

He don't deserve a trial.

If you ever plan on
wearing this badge, Gruber,

you'd better change
your thinking on that.

Well, now, I mean
no disrespect, Sheriff,

but old Will Turner over at the
bank, he didn't deserve to die neither.

That's a mortal fact, ain't it?

That ain't no argument for
a lynching and you know it.

We don't know which one
of them two did the sh**ting.

If you ask me, it don't matter
which one pulled the trigger.

- They're in it together.
- Nobody's asking you, Shad.

Now, I don't wanna
hear no more about it.

The circuit judge'll be here next
week. We'll leave any hanging to him.

Now, you all just leave this
to me. I'll get that money back.

And that feller in there'll pay
for what he did. That's my word.

Well, the sheriff's word's
good enough for me.

Now you all go on
about your business.

Come on, let's get a drink.

Gruber, you go get yourself
something to eat and then come back.

You'll watch over
the prisoner tonight.

Reckon you and me's got
some talking to do, mister.

It appears to me the only kind of
talking the law does in this town

is hitting somebody over
the head with a p*stol.

Where's the money at?

What money?

Don't make it any harder
on yourself than it is.

Sheriff, you went and treed
yourself the wrong possum.

Mister, that bank robbery
busted a lot of people in this town.

Well, much obliged
for the little tip.

Least wise I know what the money
is that you been a-jawing about.

Well, then, know this.

A jury, if this thing
ever gets to a jury,

ain't likely to set
aside its feelings

about the siwash that
sent 'em to the poorhouse

and k*lled a man who was
a good friend to all of us.

You want my opinion,
they'll hang you.

Well, then, they'll be
hanging the wrong man.

Tell me where the money's at and I'll
do my best to see they go easy on you.

Sheriff, you ain't
a-listening to me.

Chances are, you'll be a free
man in say, seven, eight years.

You lop-eared mule.

I'd do just as well
a-talking to these walls.

Now, you dig the
wax out of your ears

and you listen to me
and you listen good.

My name is Festus Haggen.

I'm on my way up to Holcomb

to pick up some stock for a feller
in Dodge City where I come from.

I've been jobbed and poked at

and thumped over the head
with a p*stol and throwed in jail

just because I tried to help
some feller with a b*llet in him.

And I'm telling you for the last time,
you got the wrong man, and I mean it.

- Can you prove that?
- You bet your big foot I can prove it.

Just send off a telegraph to
Marshal Matthew Dillon in Dodge City.

He'll tell you about
me. He's my friend.

Write out your telegram.

Forget his name, did you?

No, it ain't that at all.

Well, get on with
it. I ain't got all night.

It appears like it I've...
I've lost my writing specs.

I'll set them words
down for you.

Much obliged to you.

Just can't figure out
where them things went to.

- I had them...
- Well?

Send it off to Matthew Dillon.

- He's the marshal.
- I know who he is.

And tell him...

Reckon you can go home now.

I've been looking through them posters.
Can't find a single one on the prisoner.


Sheriff, I reckon you know
what some of the folks...

what me and some of the others
have been saying about you.

That I've reached the end
of the line as a lawman?

Truth is, we was
all wrong about you.

You're every bit as good
as you was ten years ago.


And what I said out there
about you being scared and all,

well, I was wrong a-thinking
that and I'm right sorry for it.

After what you done tonight, ain't
nobody ever gonna doubt you again.

If you need me for anything, I'll
be over getting something to eat.

I wish gunsmithing did as well
as you seem to do, Miss Kitty.

- How's business been, Newly?
- Oh, pretty good, I guess.

It'll take time to build, though. I was
thinking about making a bigger sign.

Don't get it so clean.
The evening's young.

I'll tell you, this is a
night to remember, Kitty.

- Why?
- Festus is out of town, that's why.

Can't you just feel the peace and quiet?
Sam, send a round of drinks over here.

Coming right up, Doc.

By golly, Festus is out of town.

- Well, I feel sorry for Festus.
- Why?

Well, running stock from
Holcomb isn't the easiest job I know.

Well, maybe not, but he didn't
need any help, 'cause I sure offered.

Well, of course he
didn't want any help.

You know, it was kind of funny.

I've never seen Festus so anxious
to go to work. That isn't in his nature.

Especially for the money
that Hank's paying him.

I can tell you all about that.

I know exactly why he took that job
and I'll tell you in one word. Fishing.

- Here you are, Doc.
- Oh, thanks, Sam.

And just pour yourself one too.
And pour old Rudy one there too.

- Well, thank you.
- Thanking you.

- Fishing?
- Fishing, of course.

He's got himself a little place
picked out right near Pierceville there.

You figured he took that job
just to get in some fishing?

Well, sure. Pierceville's right
between here and Holcomb.

That's the first time I ever heard
of anybody getting paid for fishing.

I'll tell you who I feel
sorry for is old Hank.

He figures Festus'll be back
with those horses in three days.

I'll tell you, it'll be
more like four or five.

I see you've got
this all figured out.

Of course I have.

- Why don't you tell me the truth?
- What?

Wouldn't you just love to
be up there fishing with him?

No. I'd just love to be up
there fishing without him.

But right now I'm gonna settle
for all this peace and quiet. Sam.

Don't you go away, and when these
are finished, you fill 'em right up again.

We may be here
for four or five days.


- You look tired.
- I am all of that.

Not surprising, riding with
that posse half the night.

Kind of hungry too.

I thought you might
be. I kept a plate warm.

Caught 'em a few
miles east of town.

Had to sh**t one of 'em.

Name is Zeb Butler.

Hope it's not too dried out.

Looks fine.

- Amy?
- Uh-huh?

Think you could put up with being a
lawman's wife for another year or two?

Why, you... you thinking
about running for sheriff again?

Been a lawman almost 40
years. I don't know nothing else.

Well, now, it's not gonna sit too well
with Charlie Gruber if you don't retire.

Gruber's young and hot-headed.

Won't do him no harm to
wait another year or two.

That is if you
can abide it, Amy.

I've abided it all these years. I
reckon another couple won't hurt none.

- You're a caution.
- I am, am I?

After all the talk we
done about my quitting,

I tell you I'm gonna stay on
and you take it calm as cotton.

Dan Bassett, I never knew you
do anything without thinking on it.

- It's just that...
- I know.

I ain't as young as I once was.

Gotta admit I was kind of
itchy going after 'em alone.

- Alone?
- Posse got all steamed up.

I couldn't stop 'em from
riding off in all directions.

Then you shot both them robbers?

Just the one. Other
one says he's innocent.

He says he's from Dodge City.
Friend of the marshal's there.

Well, now, being a
friend of the marshal's

don't necessarily
mean he's not guilty.

The way I figured it.

Still I... I suppose
you had to check.

I thought about it.

Decided against it.

My job is bringing
'em in, no more.

It's up to a jury to decide
whether he's guilty or not.

But, Dan, surely his friends have
got a right to know what happened.

I reckon they have, and
they will... come trial time.

Can't take no chances on
anybody pulling strings to get him out

before the judge arrives.

I see.

Been a spell since I
felt myself a whole man.

You know, town's been
talking for some time

about me being
too old for sheriffing.

I never did pay
much attention to talk.

Till tonight I been kind of wondering
myself if maybe they wasn't right.

Well, I don't know what more
proof we need. He's not back yet.

Well, he isn't due back
till some time tonight, Doc.

I wouldn't blame Hank if he took a
horse whip to him when he gets here.

You sure are concerned
about Hank's stock.

Well, no. Hank hired him to
do a job and what does he do?

- He goes fishing.
- Exactly.

Without asking an old
friend to go along with him.

- Hmm.
- Is that it, Doc?

Are you upset because Festus
didn't ask you to come along?

Oh, upset nothing.

He's just irresponsible,
that's what irritates...

- The marshal weren't in his office.
- No, sir, he's over in Cimarron.

Well, somebody better
take a look at this telegram.

- Something wrong?
- Well, I ain't sure, Miss Kitty.

- When did you get this?
- Less than five minutes ago.

What is it, Doc?

That rancher over in Holcomb.

Wants to know why Hank
hasn't picked up the stock yet.

Well, Festus ought to have
been there long before this.

Sure had, fishing or no fishing.

Well, where can he be?

Well, somewhere
between here and Holcomb.


- Well, I wish Matt was here.
- Well, maybe I'd better go get him.

Cimarron's on the
way to Holcomb.

If I caught Mr. Dillon before he
left, I could save him a trip back here.

- You do that, Newly.
- Thanks, Newly.

And don't worry,
we'll find Festus.

Morning, boys.

How's the prisoner?

Oh, he's been kicking up
a ruckus now and again.

He keeps asking for you and
some wire you sent off for him.

Bates'll be along
shortly to take over.

Well, ain't you
gonna talk to him?

In time.

Well, Sheriff, I
was just wondering

about when you was gonna
get around to talking to him

and find out about
that stolen money.

Like I said, in time.

Well, now, a few folks have been
asking me when you was gonna get it back.

Gruber, there's times to let
things simmer. I figure this is one.

Well... you're
wearing the badge.

Tell Bates I'll stop by
on my way to dinner.

Oh, Sheriff, is that you?

- Shut up in there.
- Sheriff?

You shut up in there.
I said just shut up.

You shut your mouth in there!

You shut up.

You go tell that sheriff of
your'n to get hisself in here

or I'm gonna scratch my
way out of this chicken coup

and hind-end both of you
with a load of buckshot.

Well, he ain't
ready to talk to you.

Oh, he ain't ready, huh?

Well, I've been a-eyeballing these
walls for two days now, and you tell him...

Mister, I'm getting plumb
wore out listening to you.

He just plain old plowed me under
with his lying, that's what he's did.

Yeah. But you
ain't the only one.

Half the town is talking about
how he outdrawed your partner

and brung you into
town all by hisself.

Now, you looky here.

I reckon that sheriff
done what he had to do,

but it wasn't no
gunfight by a long shot

'cause that feller that he
k*lled wasn't in no fit shape

to make no kind of a fast draw
and I didn't make none at all.

I knew it.

I knew it. I knew it all
the time. It was a fluke.

That man ain't got no more right
to wear that badge, no more right.

You and your partner,
you show up in this town,

you... you rob a bank and you
make a great big hero out of him.

That feller wasn't
no partner of mine.

I've told you a hundred
times, you knucklehead.

If he was all that much, he'd have
found out where you hid that money.

Money. Of all the...

Two minutes with you, mister, and I
would have found out where you put it.

Not on your old tintype you
wouldn't, 'cause I don't know.

You ain't all that
tough, mister.

And you ain't tried me yet.


You know Bassett don't
want no talking to the prisoner?

- Yeah, I know.
- Well, leave him alone.


You ever wonder why Bassett hasn't
been to see him since we've been back?

I don't wonder about
nothing, Gruber.

I leave things to Sheriff Bassett. I
figure he knows what he's about.

That's why he's sheriff
and we're just deputies.

- Deputy?
- Yeah?

Now, I want you
to go tell that sheriff

that I wanna talk to him and
I wanna talk to him right now.

You sit on down there.

When the sheriff's ready to
talk to you, he'll let you know.

Oh, he will, huh?

Well, I've been trying
to tell him and you

and that stumpy little muttonhead
and whoever'll listen to me

that you got the
wrong feller in jail.

No, you're... you're too busy a
hoo-rawing and a hoo-hawing

and a-chomping your jaws
'cause you got me behind bars,

and all the time the real
robbers is a-running loose.

Don't you know that?

It's gonna be a little hard

you explaining me being
dead in my cell, ain't it?

Especially during your guard.

I ain't planning on sh**ting
you... unless I have to.

I ain't that dumb. I ain't
gonna give you no cause.

That's fine.

That's fine.

Now, come on, you step out.

You fixing to go
someplace, are you?


You're gonna take me
where that money's hid... now.

I'd just as leave take
a b*llet right here.

That'd suit me
just fine, mister.

Except I'm set on getting
my hands on that money

and bringing it
back to this town.

I'll just bet you are.

You got a choice, mister.

You take me where that
money is and I'll turn you loose.

But if'n you don't, you're as good
as buried for trying to escape jail.

Now, what's it gonna be?

I reckon we'll take a ride.

I figured you'd see it my way.

Go on.

Now, you hear me good, mister.

You take me where that money
is first time, you hear me, first time,

or so help me I'll put six
b*ll*ts in the back of your head.

Now, get.

Prettiest time of day, dawn.

Been a lot of dawns
I've seen, an awful lot.

You've been up all night.

- Most of it.
- Why didn't you wake me?

I wanted to.

Had some studying to do.

I'll make some coffee.

No, just come on over here
and sit by me for a minute.

Amy, we come a long
road together, you and me.

It's been a good road, Dan.

I've been studying about that.

All the time we've been together,
I don't think I ever lied to you.

Well, there's been a time or
two when you shaded the truth.

A time or two.

I figure I done more
than that this time.

It's that prisoner you
got in the jail, innit?

How come you always
know what I'm thinking?

But how did you lie to me?

I told you it wasn't my job to figure
whether a feller's guilty or innocent,

all I had to do
was bring him in.

That just ain't true, Amy.

A lawman's job's a
lot more than that.

It always has been, Dan.

Leastways it always
has been with you.

Long as I've known you, you've been
interested in justice, not just the law.

I ain't been acting
much like it lately.

On account you... you never
checked that prisoner's story

about him being a
friend of the marshal's?

That's only part of it.

I'd no right tearing
up that wire.

But it goes deeper than that.

There's lots of things
that don't add up.

Like what?

The fact that there was a fire burning
in the clearing when I found 'em,

signs of a meal
somebody had cooked.

Man robs a bank, it
don't hardly seem likely

he'd ride back and set hisself down
to dinner with a posse on his heels.

Not unless he was smart
enough to have the campsite ready

so that you'd think it'd
been there all along.

I thought of that, but you
gotta admit it ain't likely.

Then there's the story that
he was on his way to Holcomb

to pick up a string of horses.

I should have checked that, Amy.
He could have been telling the truth.

- But you ain't sure?
- No, I ain't sure.

But I should have done
everything I could to find out.

The thing that scares me is
why I didn't face right up to it.

What are you gonna do, Dan?

What I should have
done in the first place.

Get that marshal up
here from Dodge City

and try and find out if there's any
cause for putting this feller on trial.

- The prisoner's broken out of jail.
- What? When?

A few minutes ago. Larry Culvers over
at the stable seen him and Gruber take off.

- Gruber?
- I figure he's taken him as a hostage.

- Get some men together.
- The men are saddling up now.

- They'll be waiting at your office.
- Which way were they heading?

They were heading
east, out the old back trail.

East, Amy. Back to
where he hid that money.

- I've got your horse outside, Sheriff.
- I'll be right along.

- I lost a lot of sleep for nothing.
- Dan...

Come close to throwing
the whole thing away.

Dan, I'm remembering
something you once said.

You said an innocent man will run
just as hard and fast as a guilty one,

even faster if the law
turns its back on him.

Hey, yonder they come.

- Posse's ready, Sheriff.
- Yeah.

Yeah, we're ready.

Get rid of that bottle,
Shad, or stay behind.

Oh, Sheriff, it's liable to
get a mite chilly out there.

Hard riding'll warm
you up. Get rid of it.

All right, let's go.

Festus has got a spot up
here he likes to go fishing.

If he's not there, we'll have
to look for him in Pierceville.

Let's hope nothing happened
to him before he got that far.

- It's Luke Summers.
- You know him, Marshal?

Yeah, him and Zeb Butler both.


You hold up.

Now, just how much
farther we gotta go?

Well, as I recollect, it ought to
be right over this here rise here,

close to where you caught
up with me that first time.

Well, you're sure taking
your time about getting there.

Now, you come on. You
push that mule of yours faster.

Now, you come on. Get.

Well, they're
still heading east.

He's heading back to
that stretch of woods.

That's the only chance he
had for hiding that money.

Let's ride.

The man they're after,
what did he look like?

Afraid I can't help you,
Marshal. I never saw him.

Well, I think I have
an idea who he is.

We found Luke Summers
shot outside of town a few miles.

Now, he had this
stolen money with him,

and he used to travel with
a man named Zeb Butler.

Zeb Butler?

Why... Why, that's the man they
brought in dead three days ago.

- I remember the name.
- Well, then, who are they after?

I don't know.

I don't know anything about
him except... he rode a mule.

That's Festus.

Ma'am, which way
did the posse ride out?

East, out the back road.

Mrs. Bassett, would
you see that this money

gets into the right hands
as soon as possible?

- Hurry, Marshal. Hurry.
- Thank you.

Mister, you've been stalling
me for more than an hour now

and I'm running
short of patience.

- Now, where's it at?
- Just hold your taters, now.

You know, it was pitch dark
when we rode into this place.

Why, there ain't nothing that
looks the same in this here daylight.

You gotta wait till
I get my bearings.

Well, you got just about one
minute to find 'em and get that money.

What guarantee have I got
that you ain't a-fixing to sh**t me

once I turned that over to you?

What's the matter with
you? You got one minute.

It's gonna be a mite hard for
you to explain to that sheriff

what I'm doing way out here

instead of back yonder in
that jail cell, now, ain't it?

It ain't my fault that fool Bates left
your cell door open and you broke loose.

Course, you took me hostage.

And while you was finding
your bearings, I jumped you,

had to get my g*n back, had
to shot you to save myself, huh?

What, do you think I'm
in this to lose, mister?

You got it pretty well
figured out, ain't you?

Yeah. Now, you come on,
'cause your time is running out.

Come on.

Let me see here.

Now, if I recollect...

it's right yonder,
behind that bush.

That shot come from over there.

Come up easy, mister.

Drop it!

I've just had me a bellyful
of your kind of law, Sheriff.

He brung me out here, thought I'd
show him where that money is at.

He wanted it for hisself.

There's a lot of things Gruber'd do.
Stealing from his town folk ain't one.

Listen to me. I'm
telling you the truth.

He was a-fixing to
put a b*llet in my back.

Or the other way
around. Gruber's dead.

It was him or me.

You almost had
me fooled, mister.

Listen to me, Sheriff!

- Me for one, I'm tired of listening.
- What about that telegraph you sent?

There you go. Get.

You never even
sent it off, did you?

You good-for-nothing little
scamp. You never even sent it off.

Turn me loose. I ain't
did nothing, I tell you!

Get your stinking hands
off of me and turn me loose.

Well, tell these yay-hoos
about the telegram.

We'll get your friend up here,
but he ain't gonna help you.

Whatever it is you're
talking about don't matter.

Gruber's dead
and you k*lled him.

Hey, Shad! I got it right
here, Shad. I got it right here.

- Heave it right on over that limb.
- Hold on there.

Come on, get to it, Gino.

Shad, I don't reckon any
of us likes this, Sheriff.

- But it's gotta be.
- He's right.

Gruber wasn't much of a
lawman, but he was one of us.

Yeah, he give his life
trying to take that feller.

We owe him for that anyways.

All right, come on, mister.

We're bringing him in,
holding him over for trial.

If he's guilty, he'll
hang just as easy then.

He's guilty all right. He k*lled Gruber.
That's all the evidence we need.

I can't see him deserving
your protection, Sheriff.

I've had enough of this
jawing. Let's get on with it.

Get your grubby hands off.
You're hanging the wrong man!

Look here, mister, how easy
this is gonna be is up to you.

Sheriff, do something! Don't just
stand there with your jaws open.

Could be I made one mistake, but I
sure as blazes ain't making one now.

Back off.

You ain't gonna use
that g*n on us, Sheriff.

Not unless you force me.

- I'm putting this noose on him.
- Stand back.


You know...

Get back here.

Hold him. Hold him.

All right, come on.
Let's get on with it.

Come on, Shad, let's give it up.

You don't wanna do it, get
off that mule. I'll do it myself.


- Turn me loose!
- All right, pull that noose on him.

- Shad.
- All right, hold it right there.

- Glad to see you fellers, Newly.
- I can imagine.

Hey, I'm all right. You'd be
Marshal Dillon from Dodge.

- Sheriff Bassett?
- That's right.

Guess I got here about
the right time, didn't I?

You stopped a lynching, Marshal.

But your friend here
is in serious trouble.

That so?

He's one of two men who
held up the Pierceville Bank.

Oh, no, he isn't, Sheriff.
No, that man's dead.

We buried him out
by Martin's Pond.

The money he and his
partner stole is in your office.

I reckon we've done
you an injustice.

Just get out of here, you
mangy bunch of dang...


- Matthew.
- He says the fishing's been lousy.

It got pretty close
there, Matthew.


I'll go fetch Doc Collier.

I'll be all right. We'll go by
his place on the way home.

That was an awful
thing I did, Amy.

I'd say you done a whole
heap towards righting it, Sheriff.

Where's the money?

Mr. Potter over at
the bank picked it up.

Then it's all done.

I'm truly grateful you came
when you did, Marshal.

It all worked out, Sheriff.

Only one thing wrong
with wearing one of these.

What's that?

Not knowing when to take it off.

Let's go home, Amy.

A badge can get to be
a big part of a man's life.


Yeah, I wonder if I'll know
when to take this one off.

Help! Doc!

Stay tuned for scenes
from next week's Gunsmoke.
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