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04x18 - Empire State of Mind

Posted: 03/25/22 07:11
by bunniefuu
ZOEY: After four long years

of mind-blowing, life-changing,

gut-wrenching ups and downs at Cal U...

from an Addy addiction
to dropping out of college

to a faux marriage and a
very real arrest in Mexico,

and some fashion internships
sprinkled here and there,

I had finally reached the finish line

and made it to the end
of my collegiate journey.

And even though I had given
my parents plenty of reasons

to doubt I would ever get here,

I was officially poised
to walk across the stage,

shake hands with an old White guy,

and collect my diploma.

- DEAN HENRY: Zoey Johnson.
- Oh, okay.

- Ready, ready. Okay.
- All right. All right, guys.

- Here we go.
- All right.

- I'm good this way.
- Okay, babe.

Zoey Johnson?

- Where's my Zo-Zo?
- RUBY: Oh, my God.

Hey, guys, have you
heard from Zoey today?

- Not me.
- She's your daughter. I mean...

I texted her this morning,
but she didn't respond.


Her phone's going direct to voicemail.

DEAN HENRY: Zoey Johnson?

And I wasted my good bra for this shit.

Hey, that good bra ain't wasted, baby.

- Hey!
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.


Last call for Zoey Johnson.

But as it turns out,
my parents were right

to have those reservations after all.


♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

- [DING!]

Oh, look at Cinderella.

How is it that the
day before graduation,

she finally figured out how to
make herself useful around here?

Will you be doing this for Luca

when you move to New York with him?

Okay, first of all,

I'm not moving to New York withLuca.

I am moving to New
York to accompany Luca

to help launch a brand which,
by the way, I helped build.

But that's only if our investor
meeting goes good today, so...

It will. I said a little prayer.

Oh, well, send some
of that prayer my way,

because apparently, Phil's
been talking to a lawyer

about my potential cross-country move.

Turns out that a custody
battle is just what I need

to decide between Cal U and Yale Law.

Ugh. Cal U versus Yale?

That's like deciding between Idris Elba

and Chance from the Stallionaires.


- [DING!]

Okay, well, for right now,

let's just celebrate the fact

that Nomi is a single mom

who pulled off graduating on time,

which no one thought she would do.

So let's just let her
bask in her moment.

I wish I could bask with you guys.

Enjoy your moment.

I'm gonna go take my third shower today.

It's the only thing I have going on.

Poor little guy. You
know, we should really

try and do something to perk him up.

You could [BLEEP] him again.


- Hmm?
- I'm really sorry.

I put a little too much tequila

in my orange juice this morning.

You know, I'm trying to stay buzzed

for the graduation this weekend.

Okay, well, you know what?

I should finish getting ready.

Javi's introducing me
to my new supervisor

for the job he hooked me up with.

Um, I'll call you guys later to discuss

"Operation: Cheer Up Vivek."

- Okay.
- Okay.

It'd be a whole hell of a lot easier

if she just did "Operation:
Dome Up Vivek," right?

- So much.
- Absolutely.


♪ I got 'em all nervous ♪

So after four long years of
building my fashion career,

everything seemed to
come down to this moment.

So, what do you think?

I think...

it's amazing.

Obviously we'll have
to tweak a few things

to make it more
accessible for the masses,

but I see Macy's, I see
Saks, I see Bloomingdale's...


Seriously, you see our clothes in places

with their own credit card?

Places that even have their own parade?

[WHISPERING] Oh, my God.

Luca, this is gonna be huge.


Sooo, it's kind of official.

Your girl's gonna be a New Yawker!

Oh, my gosh. That is
so awesome. Thank you.

Also, be sure to use
that accent on the subway

and see what happens.

- Hey, guys.
- Ahh!

Uh-oh. I'm afraid to ask what happened

by the look on your face,

but how did everything with Phil go?

Okay, it went amazing.

Okay, he doesn't want to
take Luna away from me.

He wants to come with us to Yale.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

- I know.
- Oh, my God.

Wait. Nomi, you're going to Yale!

- I think I'm going to Yale.
- You're going to Yale.

Oh, my God! We're
gonna be East Coasters!

Oh! That is so exciting.

You're finally getting
your perfect little family.

I guess it does always
work out for White people.

- It kinda does.

Heyo! "Operation Cheer Up Vivek"

is officially in full effect, man.

- All right?
- Hey, dude!

You still riding high
from our meeting, too?

Uh, yeah.

I was kind of hoping we
could actually talk about...

- Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Um...

it'll just have to wait,

because Ana is less than
minutes away with Vivek,

so we gotta go set up the place.

Can you...


- Okay, be careful.
- Okay.

Well, this is weird foreplay,

but I've never been harder, so...

- Please stop talking.
- Okay, that's tight.

Stay. All right.


ALL: Surprise!

This is for you!

A special ceremony just for you

so you can bask in the glory of your day

on the roof of our freshman dorm

- where it all started.
- Wow.

I can't believe you
guys did this for me.

And, "Upon the
recommendation of The Crew,

V-Didge has been awarded
a Bachelor of Science

in 'Swag-Drip' with a minor
in 'Illegal Pharmaceuticals.'"

Hey, guys, I can't even put into words

how much this means to me.

I can only hope I find
friends as good as you

when I start classes again this fall.

Oh, my gosh. You actually
enrolled somewhere?

Why didn't you tell us before?

Because it isn't Cal U and
you guys aren't gonna be there.

- Aww!
- Aww!

But it would have made my dad proud.


- Aww!
- Aww!

- Let's get this party started!
- Let's go!


♪ Here's to the ones that we got ♪

♪ Cheers to the wish you
were here, but you're not ♪

♪ 'Cause the drinks bring
back all the memories ♪

♪ Of everything we've been through ♪

♪ Toast to the ones here today ♪

♪ Toast to the ones
that we lost on the way ♪

♪ 'Cause the drinks bring
back all the memories ♪

♪ And the memories bring
back, memories bring back you ♪

♪ Doo doo, doo doo doo doo ♪

♪ Doo doo doo doo, doo doo ♪

Hey, uh, can we finally talk
about that investor meeting?

Yeah, of course.

I mean, I left that meeting so pumped.

I can't believe I almost went to Africa

and missed out on the most
incredible opportunity ever.

Yeah, I just don't think

I want to pursue that opportunity.

Okay, wait,

what the [BLEEP] did you just say?

- _
- Okay, so, what the hell do you mean

you don't want to
pursue this opportunity?

I mean, when I left the
meeting this afternoon,

my head was all messed up.

I just feel like that's the universe

- trying to tell me something.
- Okay.

Hey, are you guys coming or what?

Hey, no, uh, we're gonna
just hang back a bit,

but I'll see you back at the house.


[SIGHS] I mean, when
I started Anti-Muse,

I never envisioned it being mainstream.

That just wasn't my goal as a designer.

What the hell was the goal then, Luca?

To just have a select few
people wearing your shit?

I mean, I thought we
were in this together

to launch a real business.

I upended my life for your company,

and now you get to decide
to just pull the plug.

Look, loss of creative control

to make it more accessible
for mass consumption...

that's selling out to me.

Mm. Bet.

So because that's what I want, I mean,

I must be a sellout then, huh?


Hey, I want to thank
you again for the party.

Had to hold a plank for
three straight minutes

to get that erection down,

but seriously, you guys are so sweet.

You're welcome.

Hey, how'd that meeting go
with your new supervisor?

Um... it was actually, um, really great.

Uh, he really loved me
and wants me to start ASAP.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

And then I turned down the job.

What? You turned it down?



You know, the thing is,
I-I-I get that this job

is a great launching pad,

and I'm sure that I would learn a lot.

But... I don't think I
wanna learn a lot clerking

for a conservative judge.

Honestly, I really just want
to take the summer and...

and waitress at home while I figure out

- what law I want to study.
- Hmm.

Just... Just something more
in line with who I am now.

God, a little bit of
time off sounds great.


Especially with me starting
classes again in the fall.


What if I drove you to Miami?

Are you serious?


I got a couple thousand
miles left on the G Wagon

- before they repossess it.

Could be fun.

Yeah, it could be.

All right.

But if there are any
planks or erections,

I am grabbing that wheel,

and I am driving off the nearest bridge.

Oh, there's gonna be erections.

Yo, isn't it crazy

how this whole experience
is about to be over?

I mean, it's surreal.

I'm just glad we reconnected

before we all went our separate ways.

- Yeah, me too.
- It's crazy,

'cause I remember I used
to say if we broke up,

one of us would have to transfer.

But, hey, look at us now... two adults

coexisting maturely and platonically.

I'm proud of us.

Yeah, well, it seems like I interrupted

some "non-platonic"
kicking-it the other night

when you was on your
little dating thing.

Is that your situation?

Uh, it is.

It's more of like a "work
in progress" situation.

But, you know, Des is actually
the first guy since you

that I've had real feelings for.

Kind of like you and Kiela.

You know, I guess we
kind of both got lucky.


Oh, me and Kiela are...

Yeah. Yeah, we both lucky.


'Cause you, Jazlyn Forster,

are a hard act to follow.

Thank you.


You know, for as much
of a genius as you are,

you are the most cowardly,

self-sabotaging human
being I have ever met.

This isn't about self-sabotage.

This is about setting boundaries

- for what I don't want.
- Mm.

Like how I set the professional boundary

that you're my creative soulmate,

but I have no romantic feelings for you?

God, Luca, is that
what this is all about?

Bro, you're the most
self-absorbed, narcissistic,

basic-ass person I've ever met.

If I recall correctly,
I'm the one that told you

to go follow your equally
basic-ass boyfriend to Africa.

I gave you my blessing when
it wouldn't even benefit me,

and apparently you can't do the same!

So you want my blessing.
That's all you want?

Well, fine. Here it is.

I wish you the best
of luck on your quest

for artistic integrity

and whatever the hell your
dumb-ass definition of success is!

You know what? Actually, screw you

and New Yawk!



After a long, sleepless
night of no phone signal

and a constant replay of
my blowout fight with Luca

playing over and over again...

I woke up on the hard cement
rooftop of the building

that started my journey at Cal U.


DEAN HENRY: Brent Hernandez.


♪ Are we in a dream? ♪

And I couldn't believe

this was how my journey
was about to end.


♪ Are we in a dream? ♪

Laurie Friedman.

♪ Are we in a dream? ♪


♪ Am I gonna wake up ♪

♪ Just to see that you're gone? ♪


♪ Gone ♪

Uh, what's up?


I know my parents are freaking
out so badly right now.


I mean, why do I just
have to keep screwing up

right until the very end?

Dude, you didn't plan on
getting locked up here.

Mm. No. No, I didn't.

But all the shit I did plan...

you know, us, New York, success...

was so far off from what you wanted.

You weren't off.

I just didn't know it was
something I didn't want

until it was presented to me.


And honestly, if you
really want the opportunity,

why don't you just... do it?

What? [LAUGHING] Okay.

Right, Luca.

I'm just gonna pack my things

and, uh, take all my little bags

and move to New York by myself.

I'm serious.

What's stopping you?

I mean, you are Anti-Muse.

You've been just as
influential to the brand as me.

Yeah. Think about it.

You chose every piece of fabric,

chose every button, chose every thread.

I mean, you even
designed that trench coat

that was the anchor to
our entire collection.

You revived the brand

when it was on the verge of death,

and I think you have the
vision to take it mainstream.


I know I always tease you

about being the anti-muse, but...

the truth is,

you're the muse to all of my work

and the entire company.

So what exactly are you telling me?

I'm saying...

Anti-Muse is yours...

if you want it.




Hey, guys, guys, guys, have
you guys heard from Zoey?

Because I got a weird call from her dad

that she missed graduation.

- Wait, what?
- Yeah.

No. I mean, I went into
her room this morning

just to wish her good
luck and she was gone,

but I figured it was
'cause she left early

'cause the Fashion School
graduation's up first.

Okay, so wait, when was the
last time anybody saw her?


LUCA: Finally.

Oh, my God. Thank you.



I can't believe this.

After all the blood, sweat,
the tears, the money...


... you didn't even walk the stage.

Yeah, I hear you, Dad. I
mean, how do you think I feel?

It was my graduation.

And now I'm not gonna get to see you

because you'll be off to New York.

Well, I mean, that's where
there may be a silver lining,

because I'm not sure I'm
going to New York anymore.

What happened?

I-I thought that was a done deal.

It was, until Luca decided

that he didn'twant his clothing line

in some mall store next
to a Wetzel's Pretzels,

and dude pulled out.

Are you kidding?!

The only thing that could
make my life bearable right now

- is a Wetzel's Pretzel.
- Right.

I'm sorry that your offer fell through.

It didn't fall through exactly.


I mean, the offer is still on the table.

It's just that I would have to go alone.

You know, and I'd have to
run the business by myself.

I-I just... I...

Dad, I-I just don't
think I can do it alone.


What the hell did Cal
U do to your confidence?

Look, baby, I didn't spend
all that money for you

to behave like Junior.

As much as I don't want
to encourage you to leave,

you can't let your fears
hold you back, baby girl.

You started this journey
all by yourself with nobody

to help you though it
and you figured it out.


At the top of the year,
you told me to trust you

because you had good instincts.

Well, now it's time
for you to do the same

and trust those instincts.

Don't bail on yourself or an opportunity

that you really, really want.

No. You're right.


Thanks, Dad.

And if you really want,

I could go to New York with you.

I have nothing keeping me here.

I think I can manage alone.


♪ Love never felt so good ♪

♪ So good ♪

♪ But I always knew it good ♪

♪ It good ♪

♪ Now I don't wanna let it go ♪

♪ No, no, no ♪

Four years had come and gone

in what felt like four minutes.

And in that time, we had each
done our own version of growing up

from that very first day
when we sat in a classroom

together to tell a
"truth" about ourselves.

And looking back, we found
that those truths had evolved

and so had we.

♪ It's just your turn, yeah, yeah ♪


Some of us went from living out loud

to living for someone else,

which coincidentally and happily

still shocked our parents.

Some of us found our own identities

outside of our siblings,
while also finding peace

and saying goodbye to an old love.

Some of us didn't succeed

in what we originally set out to do

but discovered that if we were
willing to humble ourselves,

a second chance is always possible.

Some of us came here knowing
absolutely for certain

who we were,

but left honest enough to admit

that the world can change you.

While some of us came here

knowing absolutely for
certain who we were...

and were absolutely right.

♪ It's a God thing ♪

♪ Keep it goin' on and on and on ♪

♪ And on and on, until
it's almost gone ♪

♪ Maybe it's your turn ♪

♪ I think it's just your turn ♪




And for some of us, who
had spent our journey

learning to embrace the
confidence and courage

that it would take to step
into the world independently,

it turned out that the
next part of that journey

was a little harder to bear all alone.

♪ 'Cause you're mines still ♪

♪ Oh, and I don't wanna
go unless you make me ♪

Um, Aaron!

Aaron? Ooh.

♪ But pretty taught me ugly lessons ♪

♪ Pretty had me givin'
more than I was gettin' ♪

♪ So if pretty don't
come with somethin' ♪

♪ Well, then I dead it ♪

♪ Ashamed to tell my friends
how much I'd do for you ♪

♪ 'Cause they know that
you would never do ♪

- ♪ The same for me ♪
- Okay.

♪ I wasn't lookin' for your secrets ♪

But luckily, we had learned
to trust our instincts

and to have faith that
just like at Cal U,

we would find ourselves,
find our people,

and eventually find our way.


♪ I wish that we can change places ♪

♪ Don't want no new, new faces ♪

♪ She got my heartbeat racing ♪

And maybe, just maybe,

love would find us.

♪ 'Cause you're mines still ♪



Love you.

That's my baby!




God, I really miss her.