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05x13 - Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire

Posted: 03/25/22 07:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Well, you just think that I'm ♪


♪ Some great survivor ♪


♪ You think that I'm just ♪


♪ Some great survivor ♪

Save some energy for the
actual meeting, mamita.

♪ You think that I'm just ♪


♪ Some great survivor ♪


♪ I'm afraid that the
weight of the world ♪

- ♪ Is catching up with you ♪


♪ I'm afraid to admit that
it's catching up to me, too ♪

- Good Morning.
- NATASHA: Hey, morning.

I need one of your Sully pep talks.

Oh, okay.

I have to deliver a lot
of bad news this morning,

and contrary to what many
in this department may think,

[SIGHS] I don't actually
enjoy doing that.

Alright, well...

you are Natasha Seo-yeon Ross.

You are powerful. You are impressive.

You are... inspiring.

You are... You're beautiful.

And all who meet you admire you.

You were put here to do a job,

because no one else can do
this job better than you,

and everyone sees it.

And if they don't, screw them,

because they weren't gonna
be of use to you anyway.


This is good. This is good.

Keep it coming.

SULLIVAN: Well, you are
faster, you're stronger,

you're smarter than most guys out there.

Who gives a crap
what's under your camis?

Look, if they want to cry and say

that's why Sarge picked
you as my spotter, let them.

In fairness to them, we
are close. People talk.

Look, Tash, the facts are these...

you earned your promotion

because you are better
than them, period.

But if they want to
give you flak for that,

it's because they're... sexist,

which means they're stupid,

which means they're not gonna
last long in the Marines.

Thanks, Lance Corporal.

You don't have to call me that.

Alright. Thanks, Sully.


- How long have we been out here now?
- Six hours, man.




It's just a delivery bike.


Is it true, uh, Chief
Ross is coming in today?

Yep, she is.

I'm obsessed with her.

Ex-military, first female chief of SFD,

and a Black woman.

Yeah, she is impressive.

It's just...

I don't know, s-seeing
female leadership

in the department is
important, you know?

It's... someone to look up to.

- Are you...
- THEO: Hey, Chief's here.

[CLEARS THROAT] Chief, good morning.

Hi, uh, so, before you
make any announcements,

can we revisit the conversation?

Look, it's... it's
a really good house.

Herrera, I try not to
make a habit of waffling.

You make a decision, you
stand by it, good or bad.


- Morning.
- TOGETHER: Morning.

I won't take up too much of your time.

I want to thank you
all for your hard work

and your dedication to this community,

but it pains me to inform you

that Station will be closing.

- What?
- What?

- Are you kidding me?
- We're closing?

Hey, hey. , your Chief is speaking.

NATASHA: I understand
this isn't great news.

You'll finish out the week,
then Stations and

will be absorbing your call district.

Some of you will be reassigned.

I know you have questions,
and I want to assure you,

the department is here for you.

- [SCOFFS] Here for us?
- THEO: Yeah, Chief, I have a question.

- Hmm?
- Why?


I'm sorry, folks. You
have done good work.

In the end, this is just about numbers.

Look at .

Their Crisis One program
and the new clinic

reduced low acuity calls
by an estimated %.

That frees up a lot of time,

and we found that we don't need
two stations so close together.

You'll be receiving your reassignments

or your severance notices
by the end of the week,

after the closing ceremony.

In the meantime, keep serving Seattle,

like you always have.

Thank you.


- So this is 's fault, huh?
- That's not what she said.

MAN: Are you kidding? Is this a joke?


VIC: Oh, Warren and Dr.
Bailey have that meeting

with the Millers today.

I swear, if we don't get
that baby, I am going to sue.

- You want some more coffee?
- No, I'm drinking... tea.

Glad to see you're handling
the breakup so well.

- Wait, they finally broke up?

Yeah, they did.

Is it a breakup if neither of
you say the words "break up"?

Mm, when's the last
time you spoke to him?

Three days ago, when he said,
"Don't ever call me again."

Yeah, that sounds
exactly like a breakup.


- Oh, my God. They're shutting down.
- What?

- Just like that? Shutting it down?
- They can do that?

This is all the information I have.

"Chief just showed up and shut us down."

TRAVIS: So... like, what now?

Does Herrera come back?
Does Theo come here?

Oh, God. I hope not.

Couples that work together
never work out. That's all...

That's not true! Michael and I.

Herrera and Sullivan?
Herrera and Gibson?

- Gibson and Bishop?
- Okay, I'm feeling a little att*cked.

- You and Emmett.
- Okay, those are good points.

- Yeah.

DISPATCH: Crisis One requested
to Birch Pond Street.

Great, speaking of Emmett.

See? This is why you shouldn't
work with boyfriends.

'Cause boyfriends become ex-boyfriends.


Hey. You're gonna do great.

I am great. I just need
the Chief to see it.


I thought you were going
to a meeting. I was.

And then I got drunk.

Well, I-I guess you
need another meeting.

This how it's gonna be now?

You keeping tabs on me every day?

You know got shut down, right?

Budget cuts?

Which means the
department is sniffing out

any little problem at a station,

and we are all under a microscope.

If you don't get your act right,

you're gonna get shut down.

By "department," do you
mean your lady friend?

She's not gonna do that to you.

You know, with closing,

there are two captains
who need new assignments,

and you're not well.

You need to get well
before you hit a bottom

- you can't come back from.



I mean, maybe we should
just report our relationship

to the department so they're
forced to keep us apart?

Hey, have you asked Theo

if he even wants to transfer to ?

Well, why wouldn't he? Everybody does.

- I called the police.
- Yes, we are Seattle Fire.

- I'm Travis, and you are...
- Virginia. There's no fire.

I just need a tenant kicked out.

Uh, okay, well, we have a-a
program called Crisis One

that handles special cases like this.

"Special case"? It's
just my bum tenant, Alan.

He didn't pay last month's rent,

and now he's late on this month's.

Okay.Been banging on his door,

but he's obviously dodging me.

- Oka... Well, have you tried entering?

Not allowed.

This state, I swear.

Hey, when was the last time
you saw him enter or exit?

A month or so ago, but he's smart.

He knows the minute that he leaves...

I am going to be changing the locks!

- Alan!
- Hey!

People are here to kick your ass out!

- You better either have a check

or your crap packed up
and ready to beat it!

Okay. Virginia.

- Thank you.
- Virginia, please.

We will take it from there.

Hey. Sorry, traffic.

Oh, now, who's this?

Uh, well, this is our
trained civilian responder,

- Emmett Dixon.
- Whatever.

- Just get his ass out of there.
- Okay.

- Hi.
- H-Hi.

Alan? Alan, are you home?

This is Seattle Fire!

We're not police, so you
don't have to be scared.

- Halligan?
- Oh, Halligan, yeah.



[CLEARS THROAT] I'm gonna, um...

Hey, Vic? Hey, wait up. Wait up, wait.

Look, I know everyone's
feeling punched in the gut,

but we have to remember...

we're still Station firefighters,

and until those doors are
chained up and we're locked out,

- we still have a job to do.
- MADDOX: Would you just stop?

You never wanted to be
here in the first place.

You've been trying to
jump ship since day one.

Hey, Cap. Any way you can
take me to with you?

- Duval.
- I... [SIGHS]

Look, I don't know where I'll
end up, same as everyone else.

- Ladder , Engine ,

and Aid Car requested
at Ryder Avenue.

You know, she probably
volunteered to give us the axe

so that she could go
back to her precious .

BARNES: Bet you're right.

You're an excellent
firefighter, excellent captain.

Stay calm. Be direct.

You're an excellent firefighter,
an excellent captain.

- Lieutenant Bishop?
- Uh, Chief Ross.

- Um, hi. Hello.
- Hey.

I'm sorry. I must have
lost track of time.

Oh, no. No, I'm early.

Uh, we cleared out the conference room.

It's right upstairs.

Here's fine.

Yeah, and feel free to keep working.

I find that moving around
helps me keep a clear head

when I'm making important
decisions. Go ahead.


- So, Bishop.

Your record is impressive.

An Olympian, a respected captain

prior to your demotion.

You've accomplished
a lot at a young age.

So let me ask you this.

What is your end goal here
in the fire department?

Uh, fire chief.

I know I have to work my way up,

but I am excited to do what it takes

to earn that position.

I like ambition.

And I appreciate a
work ethic like yours,

and I don't want you to
lose sight of that goal

despite the fact that I
will not be reinstating you

as captain of .

Chief, it was a matter of life or death.

That child is alive
because I prioritized

his life over policy.

- I don't
- Did you know I'm a Marine?

When I was on my second tour in Iraq...

we were ambushed one night.

One of our guys was injured.

He was way out of our range.

Against orders, this guy, Mikey,

he went out to save him.

He wanted to be a hero.

And he... he
blew our cover.

Mikey and that guy made it
out, but it cost the lives

of more than half of my team.

You cannot isolate the
fact that that kid lived

from the fact that you
openly defied the Chief,

who knew more than
you did in that moment.

Chief Ross, McCallister
demoted me for insubordination.

The captain he replaced me with

left the doors of our engine open

and got it stolen and destroyed.

Did he face any consequences?

I'm not defending
McCallister's leadership,

but I am upholding his demotion.

I believe he made the
right call on that.

McCallister did not care about the kid.

He had it out for me from
day one because I condoned

- supporting Black Lives Matter.
- Bishop.

You really want that allegation
on your record at this time?

Yes, McCallister was problematic,

but, Bishop, your inability
to do the job in spite of that

is the problem.

Your refusal to recognize
that, like it or not,

being in the fire service means adhering

to a chain of command,
that was and is the problem.

And frankly, the fact that
you have shown no remorse

for any of this behavior does
not make me feel confident

that you have any intention
of ever changing it.

- Ladder and Engine

requested at Ryder Avenue.

- That's me.
- Go.


I got it. This is the one.

- Okay.

And these, too.

There we go. Yeah.

- There we go there.
- Mm.

Don't let Dr. Wright see you like that.


Hey, look, i-it's not your fault

that your resident has the hots for you.

But you tell him next time,
keep his hands to himself.

It's not his hands
that were the problem.

- Yeah, well, his lips, then.
- Mm.


- Oh, they're here.
- Okay.



Hi, Randa.

[GASPS] Hello!

- Hey.
- Dr. Miranda Bailey.

- Pru has told me so much about you.
- Oh.

- You're...
- Oh, I'm Anna, the nanny.

- Oh. Okay.
- The nanny.

- Hi, Ben.
- Hey.

Are they not here yet?

They had a last-minute
doctor's appointment.

I guess it's running late.

They asked me to bring her
over and just meet them here,

'cause I have a hard out at...

now. [LAUGHS]

Bye. See you soon, buddy.

- Bye.
- Take care.

Good to see you both.

- Come on in.
- Mm-hmm.

BAILEY: You go with Grandpa?

Alrighty. [LAUGHS]


Um, can I, uh, get anyone coffee or tea?

I'd prefer it if we just get to it.

Okay, then, uh, w-why
don't we have a seat

while we wait for the guardian ad litem?

Tabitha will no longer
be joining us today.

My husband and I have
decided, uh, pending agreement

around certain visitation privileges,

that, uh...

the best arrangement would be for you

to take guardianship of Arike.




[SCOFFS] What the hell
are you doing to my door?

I'm trying to open it, Virginia.

Are you thinking mental breakdown?

A mental breakdown, incapacitation,

medical emergency,
recovering from a bender.

Who knows? It could be anything.


Oh, God.


- Mm!
- Alan!

[COUGHS] Alan!


Ugh! Alan!


- Ugh.
- Oh!


Oh, that's loud.

Oh, my God.


Oh, Alan.

- Saw Ross on my way out. How did it go?

What? The sit-down.

We didn't get to finish
because of the call.

Well, I'm pulling for you.

Remember, she respects
candor and conviction.

Yeah, thanks.


MAN: Heads up, .

This is a candy factory,
so there's gonna be

a lot of combustible materials inside.

Stay alert.


Alright, , I want the
ladder out front on standby.

Ladder is Search and Rescue.

Gibson, Sullivan, you're Fire Attack.

Let's get water on this
before it gets any bigger.

There are still people stuck inside!

- I haven't seen Stella!
- Do you work here? You look injured.

I work on the distribution
line, but I'm fine.

You have to find Stella!
She's... We're having a baby!

- What can you tell me about the layout?
- You gotta get her out!

I'll get her out. The layout will help.



This is what it looks like inside.

The generator is over
here by the conveyor belts.

Okay, this is helpful. Thank you.

- Bishop, take Aid . Start triage.
- Okay.

Sir, let's take a look
at these wounds, okay?

- Let's go over here.
- Please find Stella!

on scene. What's the assignment?

Herrera, I need you and Duval
to get a second hose line inside

to back up Fire Attack.

Ruiz, Barnes, help Ladder
with Search and Rescue.

We have a pregnant woman
inside, last whereabouts unknown.

Her name is Stella.


Hey, .

Sorry about your house.


JACK: Hey, why hasn't
the power been cut?

I guess this place
has its own generator.

Beckett, we gotta cut the generator!

BECKETT: Should be
on the northeast wall!


Okay, so, burning
sugar is worse than tar,

and sugar dust is basically TNT

once it gets hot enough,
so stay alert in there.

- Let's go!
- Yep!


Furthermore, nurturing
Arike's Nigerian heritage

is of utmost importance.


Uh, the Laus feel equally passionate

about her exposure to and nurturing of

her Chinese culture.

Yeah, and we're deeply
committed to both.

I mean, even our boys are excited.

Yeah, J-Joey found this,
uh, Nigerian grocery store

over on th, and he's become

very, uh, "MasterChef"-y about things.


Well, anyway, there
are a few other things

we'd like to get clear on
before this becomes settled law.

Bill and I propose that we have her

for Memorial Day weekends,
th of July, Thanksgiving,

Christmas, New Year's,
and we'd like two weeks

out of her summers with
the Laus to travel with her.

And... we're open to
alternating birthdays.

Okay, we a-absolutely
think it's important

for Pru to spend some
holidays with you, but...

But t-that's, um...

- Well, that's every holiday.

It's not enough that you have her

for the majority of her life?

We're allowing you to win here.

You get her for all of the time!

- And yet... [SIGHS]
- "And yet"?

And yet, you keep fighting
us at every turn.

I don't think that that's true.

I don't think that's what's happening.

- Okay, what you're proposing is absurd.
- Excuse me?

Okay... No. L-Let's just try to remember

that Pru is napping in the next room,

- so let's keep it all...
- No.

No, we do not accept.



- Ugh.
- Is he...

Yeah, for a while. I wouldn't
recommend going in there.

Oh, crap.

Did he stain my floor?

We're really sorry, Virginia?

[COUGHS] Yeah, he probably...
probably ran out of insulin.

- He... I guess he couldn't afford it.
- Oh, geez.

I didn't even know he was sick!

Wait, no one even noticed that
he was gone for a whole month?

No one... to help him
get his medication?

He just... had no one?

requested to Ryder Avenue.

Oh, that's us.

Oh, no, wait. You can't leave.

Who's gonna clean up Alan?

I-I'll wait until the police arrive

- and write up the report.
- VIC: Okay, thank you.

Um... Is he really dead?


I'm sorry. You seemed... close.



ANDY: Stella! Can you hear us?!

DEJA: Stella!

Where are all the Oompa Loompas?

Maybe they went on strike
and set the place on fire.

[GRUNTS] Cap, hold on.

The floor is mega sticky.

We gotta keep moving!

Come on, let's go. We
stay in one place too long

and we'll need rescuing.





JACK: There's probably
enough sugar dust in here

to bring down the whole building!

SULLIVAN: Then we need to cut the power

before those fans spread
it all over the place.


Hey, hey!

Does that look like a power box to you?

Yeah! Alright.


Go, go, go, go, go!




Incident Command, there's
no generator controls here.


And the air's starting to get spicy.

Have they found Stella yet?
Maybe you could go help them.

Okay, we have an excellent
team of firefighters in there.

We all have our jobs to
do. Mine is to help you.

Helping me would be
finding my girlfriend.

She's pregnant.

I didn't want her working,
but she kept saying

we couldn't afford for her not to.

Hey, Blondie, you almost
done with that Lifepak?

'Cause I need it.

Or does get all the equipment, too?

Maddox, I am sorry that
they're closing your station,

but that is not my fault.

- Right.
- They're closing a fire station?

What does that mean? Are
there enough guys inside?

There are enough people in there,

and they're all very good at their job.

BECKETT: Gibson, Sullivan.

The generator should be
on the northeast wall.

JACK: We're here, sir,
but there's no generator.

No, no, no, no, no,
no. It's on the left.

Southwest, in the basement.

- He's reading it upside down.
- Are you sure?

I've worked here for eight years.

I drew the map for your captain.


Captain, the generator
is on the southwest wall

of the basement.




I thought you said you
were good at your jobs!

ANDY: Incident Command, this is Herrera.

Duval and I are on the southeast wall.

We're looking at something that
looks kind of like a distillery.

BECKETT: That is the hopper.

Herrera, if you and Duval
can close the hopper chute

and stop the sugar flow,

that'll make 's job a lot easier.

Gibson, Sullivan, stay on Fire Attack.


We gotta stop this. Here.

Jam it.





Okay. [GRUNTS]

Alright, I need you to pull.

On three... one, two, three!


Is there somebody here?!

[COUGHS] Please help me! I can't see!

Duval, go help her until
Ruiz can get her out!


ANDY: Barnes, Ruiz!
We've located your victim!

She's on the southeast wall.




MAYA: Beckett!

Beckett! [PANTING]

Patient says that you
have the map upside down.


The generator is on the
southwest wall of the basement.

Gibson, the generator is on

the southwest wall of the basement.

[COUGHS] Oh, God, do I still have

the smell of rotting Alan
in my nostrils, or is...

- I think it's pixie dust.
- Triage.


- I think Theo's in there.
- He'll be outside soon.

Duval, I need you to get back here!

Ruiz, here, take over.

Go ahead, Duval. We got her.

I need you to find something

that's gonna give us some leverage!

Alright, I'm gonna put this mask on you.

It'll help you breathe better, okay?


- Yeah, that!


Ah, perfect. Alright, ready?

- Okay, you pull, I push.
- Okay.

One, two, three.





Incident Command, this is Herrera.

The hopper is closed.

Good work, Herrera. ,
knock down that fire!

Whoo! Good work, Duval.

Sullivan, abort generator mission.

Knock down that fire!


Roger that, base.

So, what are you gonna do when
you're done with the uniform?

When you get out, huh?

Get me a : to : , get married,

have five kids, kiddie
pool in the backyard.

- The whole package.
- Five?

Dang, I feel sorry for
whoever ends up with you.

What about you?

What are you gonna do when you're out?



This, I can do forever.

This is what I'm built for.

No, no. No, you're not.

Nobody is.

You see yourself as the marrying kind?


All the good guys want this
"whole package" business.

g*nf*re IN DISTANCE]

We got movement. Lights are on.


Target acquired. Give me a read.

Looks like . Mils.

- Roger that, . Mils.
- Mm-hmm.

Slight left-to-right wind.

Dial in . Mils.

Spotters up.

Ready to engage.

Your shot is clear. Send it.


Sullivan. Take the shot.

- Sullivan.

I'm not gonna blow the
back of this guy's head off

in front of his kids.

Sullivan, you got a clear shot.

- You got...




When I tell you to take
the shot, you take it.


Miranda, Miranda...

No, no, no, no. Ben, no. [STAMMERS]

I'm not gonna just sit there
and be talked to like that.

- I understand, but...
- This is not a deal, it's...

The fact that we're even discussing it

as if it is a deal is absurd.

I know, I know, but
we need to calm down.

Just listen to me, Miranda.


Miran... [SIGHS]

Um, your son put it in writing,

and you... are in no position

to care for this child on your own.

- Okay, Mir...
- And you both know it.

Okay, Miranda, let's just take things...

I know about your
health condition, Bill.


Now, I-I-I took an oath, and
I would never break my oath,

but I am Chief of the
most prestigious hospital

in the Pacific Northwest,
and information finds me.

And I know that you've
been having health problems.

And if the courts had
the information that I do,

none of this would
even be a conversation.

And even if by some miracle
the courts were fine with it,

you both know that it would
physically be too much.


Which is why you
came here today...

to act like you were doing us a favor

saying she can be with us full-time,

all while trying to
carve out some equation

where you... you have
her for all the magic,

and we're... functioning
as glorified nannies.

Hey, tell me if I've
got any of this wrong.


You have.


It's my heart.


I'm so sorry, I-Ifeya.

I d... I didn't realize...

I suffered a heart attack recently.

I have a pacemaker now that
they're still adjusting.

It's just really hard to keep up

with a toddler with that.

BEN: It's hard keeping up
with a toddler without one.

I mean, we... we understand
how frightened you must be.


W-We understand... you want to be there

for every single one
of Pru's celebrations.

And... And we
think you should be.

We want you to be. We just...

We'd just like to be there, too.

You know, I can get you an appointment

with Dr. Maggie Pierce.

She's our best cardiac surgeon.

Y-You'll be in good hands.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

She should be with you.

It's what's best for her.

Uh, we do have one
final request, however.


Uh, Pru lost her father to a fire.

He died on the job.

She cannot lose another father that way.


I-I couldn't save my son,

but if I can spare his daughter's heart,

it's my job, as someone
who cares about her, to try.


- ♪ They told me to be quiet ♪

♪ So I got comfortable with
silence to keep me safe ♪

♪ I didn't try to fight it ♪

♪ And my heart got a
little harder every day ♪


♪ The pounding in my
chest was getting louder ♪

♪ Like thunder before the rain

Hold this. Hold this on your...

RICARDO: Stella! Stella!

- Oh, my God. What happened?
- Oh, baby, is that you?!

It looks like the sugar burned her eyes.

She couldn't see where she
was going and she got trapped.

It was everywhere. The
air was like lightning.

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

I'm okay, baby.

We're okay.I love you.

I love you both.

♪ No matter what they say

♪ I will stand

- Ricky, where'd you go?
- Right here.

- Let's get married, baby.

♪ And I will stand up ♪

Okay, sir, we really need
to get her to the hospital.

Would you like to ride with her?

Yes! Sorry, sorry.

Baby, I'm right beside you.

[LAUGHING] Hell yeah. Let's get married!

- Okay, we gotta go.

♪ But my feet are feeling steady ♪

♪ And I know that I am
so much stronger now ♪

♪ The soundtrack of your lies

♪ No, they ain't never
gonna play against my truth ♪

- Sorry about .
- Hmm.


How'd it go with Ross?

She do you better than us?

We have a lot to drink about.

- Hmm.
- Thanks for the save, Herrera.

Yeah, what happened in there?

Beckett read the map he
was given upside down.

♪ I will stand up ♪

- What?



"Wow," yeah.

♪ I will stand up ♪


So, how you doing? You okay?

Not really.

- Hmm?

It's not not my fault got shut down.

I-I mean, these guys, they're...

they're boneheads, but
they're damn good firefighters.

Most of them.

And I failed as their leader.

I-I saw an opportunity to go back to ,

and... I sank them in the process.

[SIGHS] If my dad saw me now...

♪ No matter what they say ♪

I know the feeling.

You think you're doing the right thing,

but then it ends up...

costing someone their job.

Look, you're an excellent leader, Andy.

Just, um...

[CHUCKLES] Just learn from it.

I did.



Hold right edge. Re-engage.

Spotters up.

Clear shot. Now or never.





I lied.

I don't want to be a Marine forever.

I want to paint, and I want to travel,

and I want to learn to cook French food,

but I can't do any of that
until we finish this...

till this is over.

Do you understand me?

Then take the shot
and end this, Sullivan.




I'm calling in a drone strike.

Equinox, this is Thunder Spade.

We have a situation.
Target is not viable.

- Requesting...
- [g*nsh*t]



Scratch that, Equinox.

Ready for extraction.

Hey, you might want to
clear your lockers, B-shift.

Herrera's got us shut down.

DEJA: Captain Herrera.

You taught me a lot,

and you saved my ass more than once.

I'd follow you into any fire.

Alright, listen up.

Look, every single one of you
has proven time and time again

what amazing firefighters you are.

Budget cuts can't take away
what you've done for this city

and for this community.

Look, Station ... has a long history

of legendary firefighters,
and you all are

and always will be...
part of that history.

I mean, come on. You're
the last of the legends.

So take what you've
accomplished here into the world

and go make it less crappy.

You're all gonna land on your feet.

Well... most of you.


To Captain Herrera,

the last fire captain of Station .

- Yeah, Herrera.
- Captain Herrera!

MAN: Captain Herrera!





[CHUCKLES]What's happening here?

I'm trying to remove
the stench of death.

Bleh.You know, we see people
dead and dying every day.

- And yet, somehow...
- That was worse?

That was... not something

humans are meant to see or smell.

Only the worms and maggots and stuff

- are supposed to see that.
- Hmm.

Seeing that poor man, who died alone

with no one to even
notice he was gone...

Made you grateful for me?

It made me realize that...

I don't think I ever
really loved Emmett.

I mean, I think... I liked him a lot.

I liked being around him.

But mostly, I just...
didn't want to be alone.

So I told him what he wanted to hear

because it was easier
than hurting him...

which, in a way, kind
of makes me the one

that was acting like my dad.


- VIC: Oh...
- Hey!

Oh, my... Oh, my...

- Hey.



Sorry, sorry. That was...
I just really wanted to

- do that yesterday...
- Yep.

... when I saw you.

You know, if you want to
work at , it's totally fine.

I don't really think that's up to me.

- Oh.
- But thank you.


- Hey, man!
- [MUFFLED] Hey.

- Yep.


VIC: No, take it off! Take it off!


- No. No.

- Ooh! Ooh!

- Hey.
- Hey.

Um... I-I couldn't sleep

'cause all I could see
was Alan's bloated body.

- And, uh...

Look, I-I know I said that
I didn't want to talk to you

and that I-I didn't think
you loved me, but, Trav,

that was stupid.

That was unfair, and I
think we should be together.

I think we're great together,
and I know you love me, Trav.

This life is... is... it's
too damn short

to be this complicated,
so can we just pretend

like all of that never happened?

I forgive you.

I-I really, really forgive you.


♪ Oh, what a thing we've found ♪

BAILEY: We got exactly what we wanted.

And yet...

And yet.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know. I-I don't know.

But, uh, you realize you broke HIPAA

with the Millers yesterday?


I was fully bluffing.

I just took what the
nanny said and ran with it.


Oh, I married an evil genius.

I don't know what came over me.

I mean, I know exactly
what she's going through,

and I still went after her.

Yeah, well, you did what you
had to for your family, you know?

And I love you for it.

So does your resident, apparently.

- [LAUGHS] I'm sorry.
- Stop!

I'm sorry. Come on. It's too easy.

♪ I give everything I own

♪ To stay forever ♪

♪ Let's stay forever in paradise ♪


♪ Oh, what a world we've made ♪


I told you last night
that the Chief said no.

I know, but I had already
chilled the champagne,

so I decided we're still celebrating.

- There are so many things to celebrate.
- I can't.


angry and frustrated,
and I need to throw things

and get this out of my system.

And I can't do that when you
are being kind... and supportive,

so please... just let me be
pissed for a little bit.

♪ I don't wanna go home


♪ I give everything I own

I still love you,

and we're still making a baby, okay?

I just... need to get this out first.

♪ Let's stay forever

♪ Let's stay forever in paradise ♪

♪ Let's stay forever ♪

♪ Let's stay forever in paradise ♪




I know w*r changes you, but...

... I didn't think it
would change me this much.

- You haven't changed that much.

You're still a guy who won't
k*ll a man in front of his kids.

I don't think that merits a celebration.

You still see the human in your scope.

That matters.





- You're still afraid to cross that line.
- It's messy.

- It...
- I...

If I die out
there and if it...

- if you die out there, what will ha...
- If you die...

I'll grieve.

If I die, you'll grieve.

We are close.

We care already.

We already care too much.

We are already over the line.


Can we just enjoy it?


♪ Crash land ♪

♪ Out in the desert ♪

♪ Picking through the wreckage ♪

- ♪ With shaking hands ♪
- SULLIVAN: Chief Ross.

- Lieutenant Sullivan, Station .
- Lieutenant Sullivan.

- Yeah, good to see you again.
- Yeah.

How can I help you?

I am afraid it's a bit
of a delicate matter.


I know you're closing
houses, consolidating staffs,

but I think you should
know that as you look

at your leadership and decide what to do

with Herrera, Aquino, and Bishop,

that, um, Beckett has
a drinking problem.

♪ Cover

Look, I don't know for sure
if he's drinking at work,

but he's keeping booze
hidden in drawers,

so I'd bet money he is.

He's getting sloppy, and
he doesn't want to get help,

so it's just a matter of time
before he gets someone k*lled.

- Have you talked to him about this?
- I have done everything I can.

And it's complicated,
because he knows we...

well, he suspects we have history.

But he's putting my team at risk,

so I'm letting you know.

You know if I get into
it, there's no half-measure

for something like this
in this department, right?

I'm aware.


Thanks for letting me know, Lieutenant.

♪ And you are the sand ♪


♪ I am the sandstorm ♪

♪ You are the sand ♪