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02x05 - An Unthinkable Fate

Posted: 03/25/22 07:00
by bunniefuu
[deep breathing]

[heartbeat quickening]


[door opens]

Miss Sharma.

[Queen Charlotte] Viscount Bridgerton.

We thought perhaps
you'd not be joining us.

[Anthony] Your Majesty.

Nothing could keep me
from my beautiful bride.

[sighs deeply]


tell me of your wedding plan.

There is no talk
of a special license, I would hope.

- [laughter]
- Of course not, Your Majesty.

I believe a modest family affair
would be most fitting.

Perhaps back in the country,
at Aubrey Hall.

[Queen Charlotte] In the country?


No, that will not do.

You must have it here in town.

In fact, I shall host the nuptials myself.

- [Mary gasps] Oh.
- [Edwina laughs happily]

- That is most generous, Ma'am.
- Most generous.

- But not at all necessary.
- [Queen Charlotte] Nonsense.

She is my diamond, after all.

It is only right that I give you both
a wedding worthy of that title.

Besides, one could almost credit me myself

with bringing about
this most illustrious match.

I shall oversee every detail.

[quietly] Let that gossipmonger
try to get the better of me now.

Can you believe it, Didi?
It is like a fairytale come true.

[chuckles] You deserve nothing less, Bon.

Nothing less for a true love match.

[dishes clattering]

My apologies, Your Majesty.

[Lady Whistledown]
The frenzy of competition.

The thrilling delight
of hazarding your all.

I am referring not to the lure
of London's luxurious gaming halls

but to a gamble with far higher stakes.


For once that particular wager is placed,

it cannot easily be undone.

A fact which, I am sure,

is met with both regret

and sheer relief.

...and I shall sing between each one.

For goodness' sake.

Anyone would think our siblings had beaten
Napoleon himself on the b*ttlefield

instead of finding someone with whom
to dutifully march down an aisle.

Indeed. With all the hubbub
about Prudence's engagement,

my mama has rather forgotten I exist.

She is quite happy Cousin Jack
has ensured our family's future.

I must admit, so am I.

[Prudence laughs]

Mm. Don't touch. You can look at it.

[Penelope laughs]

And the baker is still awaiting payment.

As is, apparently, the coalman.

The new Lord Featherington was
supposed to restore our fortunes, and yet

here I am, unable to scratch together
sixpence yet again.

Our financial predicament is entirely
your doing, Lady Featherington.

If you hadn't forced me
into this ill-starred engagement,

we'd soon be living comfortably
on Miss Cowper's ample dowry.

Oh, go on.
Blame me for taking you at your word

when you spoke
of your great fortune in rubies.

Had you thought to confide your plans,

then I would not be considering dismissing
the servants that I have just rehired.

All of that would be solved
if you would simply call off the wedding

and allow me to set my cap
at Miss Cowper again.

And leave my poor Prudence jilted?

When her reputation's already
been called into question?

No, it is far too late for that, my lord.

No, you must continue in this engagement.

I will think of something.

Well, you'd better think fast.

You must be one of our new fellows.

Is it really so evident?

Conserve that youthful vigor.

Soon you shall be
just as jaded as the rest of us.

After all, one form is much like another,

do you not think?

[lilting classical music plays]

It is not yet right.
See how the cuffs are an inch too short?

Very well, sir.

[Violet] Hmm.

There is plenty of time
to adjust it to your liking.

The wedding is not for another month.

- There is still much to do.
- Will Miss Edwina live with us?

Indeed. After the wedding,

she'll be the lady of the house
and responsible for you all.

Lord, help her.

Which reminds me, our carriages
must be polished to a shine,

and the horses' manes braided.
We should bring out the finest silver.

The queen may be hosting
everything at the palace,

but we must be ready to entertain here.

And what of us, Brother? Should we also
be polished and braided for the big day?

[Anthony] We'll all be on display.

Perhaps you might even
scrub your hands for the occasion?

I've been occupied at the academy.

- What about Miss Edwina's sister?
- What about her?

Will she come to live with us, too?

Oh, I do hope so. It'll be a boon to have
another intelligent woman in the house.

Another? Mm. You're overcounting.

Eloise, I shall need your help today.

There is the dinner
to plan with Lady Danbury

to welcome the Sharmas into the family.
And then the engagement ball next week...

I am sorry, Mama, but, uh,

I am attending a lecture
this afternoon. Flower arranging.

[Eloise chuckles]

Penelope's mama is forcing her to go,

and you've wanted me
to find more ladylike pursuits.


For how long have you cared
about flower arranging?

I am an open-minded woman.
I can care about many things.

I do wonder about the trim.
Is it too much?

Nothing is too much
now that the queen is hosting.

Let me show you the French tulle.

[quietly] Oh yes.

[exhales deeply]

[breathes deeply]

Did I tell you we will be married
by the archbishop himself?

Several times.

[sighs] We must find you a dress too.

- I have plenty of dresses.
- [Edwina] This one must be special.

After all, this wedding
is as much your triumph as mine.

Whatever you said
to the viscount at Aubrey Hall, Didi,

it clearly swayed him to declare himself.

I... [chuckles]

- I cannot claim credit.
- [Edwina] I shall bestow it, all the same.

It will be so exciting living in London.

The viscount said
there might even be snow this winter.

- Won't that be exciting?
- You must enjoy it without me, Bon.

Recall I am to set sail
soon after you wed.

But you will return to visit, of course.

[chuckles] And when the viscount
and I are blessed with children,

you shall be
their favorite aunt. [chuckles]

Think of us all together as a family.

[Kate exhales]

I do not know why
Miss Edwina's betrothal is so special.

She's quite overshadowed my happy news.

A fact we may well be glad of.
Put those silks down.

Cotton will do for your trousseau.

Has my maid yet delivered that dress
that needs altering, Madame Delacroix?

[speaking French]


[in English] I received your latest.
It's been a busy week, has it not?


The ton are quite ravenous
for news of the upcoming nuptials.

Perhaps Lady Whistledown will report

that I have been entrusted
with our diamond's wedding ensemble.

Tell me, are my musings
not offering you sufficient business?


But why should there be limits
to a woman's ambitions?

I would think you,
of all people, would understand.

There is always more to be achieved.

Thank you, Clara. That will be all.

Lord Bridgerton?

Miss Sharma.

Lord Bridgerton and his guest are waiting.

I see that. Thank you.

This is the jeweler.

We are here to have Miss Edwina's
betrothal ring altered to fit.

[chuckles softly] My apologies,

but my sister and my mother
have not yet returned home.

Of course.
Then we shall trouble you no further.

Is that cake?

[Kate] It is indeed.

- Lemon?
- [Kate] Pardon?

I fancy a good lemon. [chuckles]

[Kate sighs deeply]

Might I offer you some refreshment, Mr...

Brookes. Only if you insist.
I mean, it would be churlish to refuse.

Tea, three spoons of sugar, and perhaps
some sandwiches too, thank you.

[dish clattering]

[Anthony breathes deeply]


It is fine weather
we are having, is it not?

You wish to speak to me of the weather?

Is there another topic of conversation
that'd be more appropriate?

[exhales sharply]
There is nothing appropriate

about what you're doing
proceeding with this engagement.

On the contrary, I believe it is
the most proper outcome for all.

Oh. And what of everything
that passed between us at Aubrey Hall?

[Anthony sighs]

Nothing passed between us.

I am a gentleman.

Is that so?

Need I remind you, sir,
if anyone other than your sister

discovered us in the library that night,
then we, too, would be obliged to wed.

Nothing happened.

Would the two of us being obliged to marry
be the outcome you desire?

Of course not.

Then let us both be... glad
we have avoided such an unthinkable fate.

[Mr. Brookes] I say, Miss Sharma,

do you and your sister
happen to share gloves?


Yes, on occasion.

I knew it.

I can take the measure
of a hand at paces.

We may use your finger to size the ring.

- Oh, I beg your pardo...
- That shan't be necessary.

[chuckling] Nonsense!

Thank you. [chuckles]


[slow classical music plays]

It is a beautiful piece.

It is the ring my father gave
to my mother before they were wed.

[footsteps approaching]

- Lord Bridgerton?
- They came to, uh, alter the ring.

Uh, Mr. Brookes insisted.

[sighs sharply] Just a moment.

It appears to be stuck.

- Well, Edwina is here now.
- Yes.

- [Edwina] Kate, are you...
- Yes, almost.

[Kate grunts]

[Kate sighs]

[grunts] Just, uh...

Just another... [grunts]

[chuckles] There.

- All yours.
- [Lady Danbury] Ah.

Here you all are.

I have news.

Lord and Lady Sheffield sent word

they are in London.

Our grandparents?

Indeed. It seems they read
the engagement announcement

and wish to make your acquaintance.

And, uh, that of
your future husband, of course.

- I should be delighted to meet them.
- They are already in town?

They arrived... last night.

- [Anthony] Is something wrong?
- Not at all.

I shall invite them
to the engagement dinner tomorrow.

I'm sure it will be a most joyous reunion

after all these years.

Yes, Lady Mary?


- Hmm. I shall look forward to it.
- [Lady Danbury] Ah.

- Are you ready to promenade?
- I am, my lord.

I suddenly feel a headache coming on.

Lady Danbury, would you be so kind
as to chaperone my daughter?

Of course.

Miss Sharma and I
would be glad of the fresh air.

Oh, I should really stay with Mama.

You will escort me.


[indistinct chatter]

[children laughing]


[dog panting]

I wish you every happiness.

How could you invite
the Sheffields to dinner

when you know full well

the pain my mother has suffered
after their rejection of her?

Indeed. Which is why I shall not
answer their impoliteness with my own.

And besides, is this not
the reconciliation you wished for?

Edwina returned
to the bosom of the Sheffield family

to reclaim the fortune
you so desperately need?

Yes, but not until after the wedding.

Edwina is still in the dark
about the conditions of their favor.

And if the Bridgertons
were to learn of it, they might feel...

As if you contrived a match
for your own concealed ends

and might call off the wedding?

I have to wonder if you might not secretly

rejoice were the viscount
to break the engagement.

Why would you ever say such a thing?

They are betrothed.

The viscount made a charming proposal,

your sister gave her giddy acceptance,

and in the eyes of society,
and, might I add,

the Queen of England herself,
they are as good as wed.

Only a very great scandal

would prevent this marriage
from proceeding now.

The kind of scandal that would
send alarms through the entire ton

and be a stain from which
the penniless Sharma family

would never recover.

Only a fool
would jeopardize the marriage now.

So I ask you,

Miss Sharma,

are you that fool?


I did not think so.

[Thomas] Lady Danbury.

Mr. Dorset.

- What a pleasure to see you here today.
- [chuckles]

Miss Sharma, perhaps you would be so kind

as to accompany me
on a turn around the lake?

I am rather tired.

She would be delighted.

You're still angry with me
over that business at the races.

I wish to apologize

and throw myself at your mercy.

Very well, my lord.
A turn would be most pleasant.

[chuckling and indistinct chatter]

[Edwina] What a handsome couple they make.

[Violet chuckles]

Pardon me?

Mr. Dorset and my sister.

I noticed that he was quite smitten
with her the last time they met.

Perhaps he will convince her
to stay in England, after all.

She barely knows the gentleman.

Nor did I you, at first.

But love moves swiftly, does it not?

Miss Edwina,
you must tell me your favorite colors,

so I may plan to incorporate them

in the ornamentation
for your engagement ball.

[Edwina, fading] You are too kind,
Lady Bridgerton.

[slowed] I am certain
your taste is superb.

[Kate laughing]

[laughter echoing]

[Violet] honor both
Bridgerton and Sharma families,

now that we are to be joined.


- [fading in] Is that not so, Anthony?
- [normal] Absolutely.


[Prudence calling out]

Look at me!

Your sister seems... happy.

That is one way of putting it.

The new Lord Featherington
seems an interesting fellow.

A man of commerce, is he not?

Yes. He has ruby mines in America.
They are flourishing, I hear.

Perhaps I should introduce myself.

After all, everyone else
is finding some purpose to their lives.

Anthony is to be married.

Benedict has his artistic pursuits.

And, well,

here I am... feeding the ducks.

- [quacking]
- I am sure the ducks are most grateful.

You have a good deal of time and
plentiful opportunities to make your mark.

As Eloise would no doubt remind me.

Where is your sister?
I have not seen her out today.

She mentioned something
about flower arranging

with you today, in fact.

Indeed. I am meeting her later.

- Mr. Bridgerton.
- [Penelope] Mm.

- [horse snorts]
- [Eloise grunts]

This is the place.

Doesn't look like
a place for shopping to me.

[Eloise] I am collecting a unique gift

for my brother's wedding.

[woman] Miss? Miss!

It is our right to be treated
not merely as chattels.

Surely talk of rights
must draw on Locke's Treatise.

You and your treatise!

If you've ever worked
an honest day's labor,

you know how little
such grand talk serves the working man.

Now, if I may be permitted to continue,

I should like to propose to this assembly

the radical idea
that it is not best for women to rely

for their education

on what falls to them by chance
from their husbands and brothers.

[crowd] Hear! Hear!

[crowd murmuring indistinctly]

Is it not thrilling?



I told you, I don't know anything
about your Whistledown gossip.

It is not her I seek today,

but the exchange of ideas
with like-minded men and women

on subjects beyond
the trivial concerns of polite society.

Ideas that you yourself
invited me to consider.

So, you're an admirer of my work?

I would not go so far.
It is serviceable, I suppose.

And yet you have come far.

You're a long way from Mayfair
for writings that are merely serviceable.

Luckily for me, there is
a thrilling invention called a carriage

that may convey a lady
from one place to another.

It is a marvel, to be sure.

What's your name?

[speaker continues indistinctly]

- Eloise Bridgerton.
- Pleased to meet you, Miss Eloise.

I'm Theo Sharpe.

I know.

You know?

As I know, there are
several errors in your arguments

that I must bring to your attention.

Have you a pencil?
Never mind. You may borrow mine.

[speaker] marry you, did she not?
Allow me to continue.

It is most refreshing on the water.

These days, it is hard to find
even a moment of peace.

One of the things
I enjoyed most when I visited India.

Many think it a bustling, noisy place,

but I found the country
most tranquil in nature.

There's a river just outside
the home where I grew up.

On hot days,
I would sneak away to soak my feet.

The turtles and I
became quite good friends.

Sounds idyllic.

[Kate] It is.

Which is why I'm counting the days
until I may return home.

I had assumed you would remain in England
now that your sister is to be viscountess.

My mother and Edwina will remain here.
I shall journey back alone.

An adventure, indeed.

You have plans for your arrival?

I shall teach.
Become a governess, as you call it here.

It will be most fulfilling.

Enjoying an independent life,
running my own household.

And perhaps playing host to old friends?

I've long thought
to return to India myself

since there is much to be learned
from their medical practice.

[chuckles softly]

If your travels do lead you there,

then I would be most happy
to show you the places I know.

I should be working at the club, Alice.

Not taking a stroll.

This is work.

We need more gentlemen members,
and here they are.

Mr. Mondrich.

Word of your prowess crossed the Atlantic.

You got the better of McKellan
in just two rounds, is that not so?

That was a long time ago.

I've been known to plant
a few facers in the ring myself.

Ah, but not up to your abilities,
I'm sure. [chuckles]

You must pay a visit
to Will's club and talk more.

You'll find it enlivening
and has a warm welcome for all.

That may be the most
tempting invitation I've had in some time.

Uh, Lord Featherington, a word?

[Jack] Excuse me.

Need I remind you that
the answer to our family's predicament

will not be found disporting yourself
in places of public resort?

Nor will it be solved by running up
yet more bills at the modiste.

I just saw the latest accounts.

You are supposed to
be finding a way out of this mess,

not drowning us even deeper in debt.

[quietly] Keep your voice down.

Are you trying to ruin us all?

Not when you are already
making such fine work of it yourself.

[laughter and chatter]

I see you are smiling, Didi.

See the amusements London has to offer.

There's water, too, in India.

My sister spares no opportunity
to find reasons for me to stay.

I may well join her in her endeavors.

That knot will never hold.

It is perfectly adequate.

Then I must question
your nautical skills, Dorset.

Allow me.

- [sighs]
- [clattering]

[Anthony] Pardon me.

[dog barking]

Miss Sharma.

Lord Bridgerton.

- [dog barks, yelps]
- [both shouting]

[people gasping]

- [shouts]
- [laughing]

Oh my! Are you hurt?

[laughs] Not at all!

The water is a rather
welcoming refreshment,

is it not, Bridgerton?

Whoo! [laughs]

[sighs] Refreshing indeed.

Come now. It is not proper to stare.

[grunts softly]

Penelope, what are you doing here?

I thought we were to walk,
as we usually do.

My apologies. I had quite forgotten.

Uh, well... you missed quite
the scene at the lake yesterday.

My brother's impromptu swim?
I heard about it.

[laughs] Where were you?

Alas, I was forced to occupy my day
with tedious wedding errands,

which Mama has listed me for yet again.

I'm sorry,
but I cannot stroll with you today.

- I shall see you tomorrow, then.
- Of course.

Pardon me. Miss?

Miss Eloise seems to have misplaced
her reticule when she was out yesterday.

I'll be happy to retrieve it.
Where exactly did she visit?

You'll not find it again, miss.

I warned her, the streets
of Bloomsbury aren't fit for a lady.

- What are you doing?
- Ah, Lord Featherington.

Mr. Brookes here is just
taking a look at some jewelry for me.

It is a fine piece, is it not?


Uh, this is not a good time.

- He should return at another date.
- Nonsense. He's here now.

And it is no trouble, is it?


I was only planning
to have the jewels cleaned,

but tell me, what might
a necklace such as that fetch?

If it is of great value,
I shall have to take more care.

Well, I would require my proper tools
for a definitive valuation,

but I'd say you should
take very great care, indeed.

It is rare to see stones this fine.

Now, is that not something?

Thank you for your expert services,
Mr. Brookes.

I shall be in communication with you
should I require anything further.

No cake, then?

- Another time.
- Mm-hmm.

Need I remind you, those are
as counterfeit as a two-pound note.

Quality counterfeits.

If they're good enough to fool
that nibbling owl of a man,

then we may well make it
through the season yet.

I do hope you know
what you're playing at. [scoffs]

Well, there is no need to dismiss
any staff, after all, Mrs. Varley.

Mm. Let us pray he's got
a whole trunk of them, ma'am.

One bauble does not a fortune make.

I declare, that's rather good.

I am skilled at more
than simply standing naked,


Bridgerton. I do not doubt it.

Then perhaps inform the academy.

Although two
of the founding members are women,

we are still not yet allowed
to enter the classroom.

At least, not while we are clothed.

So you work as a model

as a way of learning from the lectures?

- Ingenious.
- Care to take a turn?

It is harder than it looks.

[Benedict inhales] Mm.

[inhales sharply] Like so?


[Benedict sighs deeply]

How long must I stay like this?

That depends.

What I really need
is a study of the male form.

The naked form.

What say you?

[water babbling]

It is a lovely spot, is it not?

It reminds me of the courtyard

at the palace where we used to live.

So calming.

[exhales deeply]

- Calming, yes.
- [chuckles softly]

Nobody would blame you
if you were to take sick, Mama,

and send apologies
for missing the dinner tonight.

Lady Danbury has made it quite clear

that it is necessary
for all of us to attend.

When was the last time you saw them?

The night your dear father asked
for my hand in marriage, I believe.

Lord Sheffield made it clear,

in no uncertain terms,
that he did not support the match.

So I had a choice to make

between my family

and my heart.

And did you ever regret that choice?


From the very first moment,

your father and I were drawn together.

It is a very powerful thing

to meet someone
and feel that you know them.

In a way unlike any other.

[chuckles softly]

Still a rather high price
to pay for love, I would think.

Do not fret.

Even my parents' presence cannot mar
the happiness that is the occasion.

I had always hoped that you and Edwina

would be spared the choice
between affluence and love,

and now you shall.

Edwina is to wed her heart's desire.

And you have always wanted
nothing more than your freedom.

[chuckles softly]

Of course, Mama.

We shall all be perfectly happy.

- [knocking]
- [door opens]

Lord and Lady Sheffield's return
is certainly a surprise. [chuckles]

But it shall be pleasant to see
the family reconciled, will it not?

I will be finished in a moment, Mother.
We shall not be late.

It is not that.

[sighs] I have been watching you all week.

I... I told myself
I would support your choice,

but I must admit,
I am finding it quite difficult

to continue to stay silent.

You have been anything but silent.

This is your betrothal, Anthony.

Your marriage.

To the woman that shall replace me
as head of this household, might I add.

You question Miss Edwina's
suitability for the role?

I question the example
you are setting your siblings,

marrying a woman for whom you clearly
hold no great tenderness or love.

Why will you not accept that
the love match between you and father

was the exception, not the rule?

Because I wish for you two to know
the joy of an exceptional marriage.

You should be excited to wed Miss Edwina,

but for all I have seen, you act as if
you are approaching the gallows instead.

If this is not what you want,

you must say something now,
Anthony, before...

What I want is beside the point.

I could never dishonor
Miss Edwina by begging off now.

You are right.

A gentleman cannot take back his word.

But a woman may.

It happens all the time with young ladies,

swept up in the dizziness
of receiving a proposal

before the reality
of marriage becomes clear.

If Miss Edwina were
to call off the engagement,

no one would find fault with her.

And you would not be dishonoring her
in the slightest,

releasing her from the obligation
before any vows were exchanged.

She does not wish to end the engagement.

But does she know
your true feelings on the matter?

My feelings are of no concern.

What matters is my responsibility,
which has always been to wed.

[softly] My darling...

If you have doubts,
do not simply set them aside.

This is the most important choice
you will ever make.

And it would break my heart

to see you spend
the rest of your life in regret.

I dare say it would break
your father's heart too.

You seem distracted, Didi.

[Kate sighs] Oh.

It's, uh, just a headache.

From, uh...
From all the excitement these days.

Is that all that ails you? I have seen
how ill at ease you are with the viscount.

I was hoping we had put all that behind us
now that Anthony is to be my husband.

He's asked you
to call him by his given name?

No, not yet.

But it sounds fine, does it not?

[sighs] Do you think
the Sheffields will like this dress?

[giggles] My stomach is in a knot,
I am so excited to meet them.

Before you do,

there is something I must tell you

about your grandparents,
and how they have, in fact,

influenced our trip...

Our guests have arrived.

[giggles nervously]

[Lady Danbury chuckles]

You may spare me
the instruction, Lady Danbury.

I know I am to be on my best behavior.

You think me an unfeeling harridan,

but perhaps it would surprise you to learn

that I am hosting this dinner

for your sake.

Your sister's betrothal may be the end

of certain hopes
you harbored regarding the viscount,

but access to the Sheffield fortune

would certainly be
a fine reward, would it not?

A life of independence

is no mere consolation.

Indeed, many would think it
the better prize.

After passion cools and fate intervenes,

who else is a woman left with

but herself?


Come along.

Our guests are waiting.

[Kate] Hmm.

[Lady Danbury] Hmm.

Ah, Lord and Lady Sheffield,
it has been too long.

May I present Miss Sharma
and Miss Edwina Sharma.

Oh, my dear, look at you.

Isn't she quite
as lovely as the report said?

[Edwina] You are too kind.

I'm most happy to make your acquaintance.

We have been waiting
so many years to meet you.

I wish to know everything about you.

Do you enjoy dancing? Music?

You must accompany us to the opera.

We have a fine box
which has been gathering dust.

Indeed, it has been too long
since we've seen you both in town,

Lord and Lady Sheffield.

- Yes.
- [Lady Sheffield] Yes, indeed, it has.


- Father.
- Mm.

I do enjoy the opera.

My sister Kate is the one
who introduced me to it.

Ah. Shall we go through to dinner?

Oh, yes. Come with me, child.

[Edwina giggles]

- [laughter]
- [silverware clinking]

And, of course, you must be
our guests at the Sheffield manor.

It is nothing compared
to the estates at Aubrey Hall,

to be sure, but I think it
a most pretty part of Hertfordshire.

Do you sh**t? We have a fine stock
of birds, and you are always welcome.

[Anthony] Thank you for the invitation.
I do enjoy sh**ting.

[Lord Sheffield] Well...

As does Kate.

The two of them almost bagged a stag
on our trip to the country.

[chuckling] How... unusual.

Do they teach
young ladies to sh**t in India?

Only the fortunate ones.


Uh, Lord and Lady Sheffield,

how long do you plan to remain in town?

Oh, we shall stay for the wedding.

Imagine. The queen herself

overseeing my granddaughter's nuptials.

Her Majesty is kind to be so forgiving
after everything that has happened.

[Lord Sheffield] Now, now.
We are all family here.

Oh, yes, of course we are.

Even after our daughter
so callously rejected

the match we had found for her.

- [Lord Sheffield] My dear, we agreed...
- An earl, no less, with , acres.

Any other young lady

would've fallen to her knees in gratitude
that her parents were showing such care.

This sauce is delicious, Lady Danbury.
Have your cook give mine the recipe.

It is the gooseberry, I believe.

Lady Sheffield, you've got
quite the sweet tooth, I do recall?

And all for what? A mere clerk, was he?

And with a child
from a previous marriage to God-knows-who.

My mother has a name.

Lady Sheffield, I must ask...

We could not show
our faces in society for years.

Not that she should care.

She simply sailed away
from all of us with that man,

robbing us of our grandchild.


I have two daughters

with whom you have had
every opportunity to form a connection.

But the choice to shun us was yours alone.

I beg your pardon...

And do not think I took it lightly,

being cast out
by the only family I had ever known.

I was heartbroken, indeed.
But in time, I came to see

that, in your cruelty,
you did us all a great service.

I hardly think this
a proper dinner conversation.

I quite agree. Please, collect...

When you cast me out,
what you did was set me free.

Free to raise my daughters
far from your constant judgment

and craven demands
that they should chase wealth

and titles above all else!

[scoffs] You are a fine one to talk.

You speak of scorning riches,
and yet you have come crawling back

to snatch at our fortune.

- Lady Danbury is right...
- Believe me, I want nothing from you.

Oh, you may not,
but your daughter certainly does.


The trust fund we have set up for her.
The condition of which clearly states

that she must marry a man
of good English breeding to inherit.

You did not think we would allow
another generation to pollute

the Sheffield name, did you?

Didi, what are they talking about?

- What have you done?
- Anthony, did you know about this?

I shall explain everything.

I see this one has inherited
your penchant for avoiding the truth.

Or that's something
she inherited from her father.

[Anthony] That is enough.

I can only think
you've been exiled from good society

because of your deficient manners
rather than any other sin.

Since the moment you arrived,
you have failed to show the proper respect

for the Sharma family,
and I will not stand for it.

- I declare...
- I will not... stand for it.

Lady Mary has done admirably
in raising her daughters.

They are intelligent, kind, loyal women.

And a credit to both their parents.

And since you clearly do not wish
to jeopardize your social standing

by associating with such company,
I suggest you do not.

You may leave at once!

You cannot be serious!

Please send for Lord
and Lady Sheffield's carriage.

They can wait outside.

And do not trouble yourselves
for an invitation for the wedding,

for you shall not receive one.

This is beyond the pale.

And if you think
you shall inherit a single sovereign now,

you are sorely mistaken.

Lord Bridgerton, Lady Bridgerton.

- I must apologize...
- We should take our leave.

[Violet] Yes.

Thank you for the evening, Lady Danbury.

It was quite enlightening.

[grunts] My lord...

Good evening.

- You lied to me.
- Please, Bon.

Lord Bridgerton!

Lord Bridgerton, I beg a word!

- We must be going.
- Please.

[breathing heavily]

Mother, I shall meet you at the house.

You must know. Edwina is innocent
in all of this. She had no idea.

Coming to England, finding her a match.
I only wished the best for her.

- You cannot be angry at her.
- I am not.

It is clear she was as much in the dark
as I was about your schemes.

- They were not schemes.
- I take it there'll be no dowry.

Now that the Sheffields
have withdrawn their support.

You care about a dowry?

It is because of what you just did
that the Sheffields withdrew it.

It is regrettable, to be sure.

But clearly, both Miss Edwina
and I have been misled,

and it is best to call off
this doomed engagement

before it is the cause of any more strife.

Of course, I'd never
besmirch her reputation.

My mother and Lady Danbury
will make a plan...

There shall be no plan.
I do not understand.

Why are you suggesting this?

All along, you have been set
on marrying my sister,

despite my every objection, might I add,

and now you intend to cast her aside.


And do not talk to me of dowries, sir,

for we both know you have no need of it.

So, tell me, what has she done?

She has done nothing. It is you.
You have made this match impossible.

- But I am leaving for India.
- And it is not far enough!

Do you think that there is
a corner of this Earth

that you could travel to far away enough

to free me from this torment?

I am a gentleman.

My father raised me to act with honor,
but that honor is hanging by a thread

that grows more precarious
with every moment

I spend in your presence.

You are the bane of my existence.

And the object of all my desires.

[quietly] Night and day, I dream of you.

And what I... [exhales]

Do you even know all the ways
a lady can be seduced?

The things I could teach you.

[both breathing heavily]

[quietly] I did not ask for this.

[sighs] To be plagued by these feelings.

Hiding from my sister.

Being driven to distraction
every time you enter the room.

Then you agree.

It is insupportable.


[heartbeats thumping]

[Kate exhales]

If I wed your sister, it will bind me
and you together for eternity,

and I will spend every day of my marriage

wanting you,

dreaming of you,

dreading the day when my last thread
of honor finally snaps.

Is that the future that you want for us?

For your sister?


[distant chatter]

I must go.

[exhales sharply]

[sighs] Must we sit around like statues?

I wish to be at a ball,
showing off my new fiancé.


Are you certain we've not received

any invitations you may have
overlooked for the evening?

No, ma'am. There's been nothing.

Perhaps the circumstances of Prudence's
engagement has us on the outs yet again.

So this is my fault?

I did not say that.

It's not as if you arranged to meet
Cousin Jack in that orangery, did you?

We should merely be happy we still have
a cook and a lady's maid each, yes, Mama?

Not a single invitation
since arriving back from the country.

I shall alert the postal clerk.

This is no joke.

We are meant to be a distinguished family.

But for years, I have suffered
the indignities of the ton's disdain,

for one reason or another.

They liked us well enough
when they thought you a plum catch,

but now that you are spoken for,
ah, we are outcasts again.

All the more reason to end
this sham of an engagement.

It is not an option.

Lord Cowper.

What business did he have with you?

He wishes to invest in the mines.
Several of them do.

Bored gentlemen with too much time
and money on their hands.

- Take it.
- The mines are worthless.

There are no rubies to be found.

How are they to know the difference?
Board a ship to the Americas?

[chuckles, inhales]

You are serious.

The future of this family
hangs in the balance, my lord.

I've never been more serious in my life.

Get them to invest.
Take every pound that they offer.

Our fortunes will be restored.

Prudence shall have a fine wedding,

and I shall never have to suffer
the disdain of the ton again.

- [knocking]
- Edwina?

Ever since the viscount
has been courting me,

I have sensed
you were not being entirely truthful.

And now I know I was right.

This business with the Sheffields
and their fortune,

you did not trust me enough
to tell me what was really going on.

I am truly sorry, Bon, for keeping
both you and Mama in the dark.

After Appa d*ed,

I took it upon myself
to manage our affairs.

I wrote to the Sheffields,
and after learning of their stipulations,

I saw an answer to all our troubles.

I thought I was doing the right thing

by keeping you free from this burden.

But you must know,

it has weighed on me every day.

I am not a little girl anymore, Kate.

I am a grown woman now,
ready to be a wife.


Yes, I know.

[sighs softly]

If Lord Bridgerton does not wish
to end our engagement...

then the Sheffield fortune
would not matter, would it?

Once I am married to the viscount,

there will be ample funds
to provide for all of us.

He is as generous as he is wealthy.

I am sure the viscount
will provide for you and Mama too.


He might.

But... But, Edwina,
this should not be your burden.

What burden would it be
to marry the person I love?

You love him?

Watching how nobly he defended us
at dinner tonight, how could I not?

I want nothing more than to be his wife.

His viscountess.

But he will have to forgive us.

Do you think he will?

That I do not know.

I shall not be long.

Do not tell me
you've traveled at this ungodly hour

to offer more corrections of my writing?

It was the only time
I could leave without being seen.

And, on the contrary,

I've come to ask for your discernment.

Is that so?

Do not look so pleased.

It is a rare occurrence
that I doubt shall be repeated.

[sighs] I have questions
about the writings in this pamphlet.

Well, the ideas can tax a fragile mind.

Or perhaps your means of communicating
them leaves much to be desired.

Or perhaps you have not seen enough
of the world to make sense of them yet.

[Eloise chuckling] Ah.

[Lady Whistledown] Duty.

More than laws or faith,
I have often thought it the bond

that holds our fragile society together.

Duty to rank and title.

Fidelity to one's family name.

It demands both utter obedience

and total sacrifice.

But what happens

when such duty

is in conflict
with the heart's true desire?

Why, then, there is the potential

for a considerable scandal, indeed.

The only question is,

will the parties in question
heed my warning?

Or is it already too late

to turn back to duty

and away from desire?

[classical rendition of
"You Oughta Know" plays]

[breathing deeply]

[horse snorts]

Miss Sharma.

I see you continue here
with your morning rides.

As do you, it seems.

I couldn't sleep.

[quietly] Nor could I.

Have you decided what you will do?

Long have I wrestled with it,
but I see no other option.

I will talk with Miss Edwina today...

and see my way to ending things.

It is the only way to ensure

that the two of us can be rid
of this impossible situation.

Once the engagement is over,
our paths need never cross again.

It will be as if we had never met.

You cannot. You cannot do that.

- Miss Sharma...
- You cannot break my sister's heart.

She is all things good and true.
A kinder soul you will never find.

She has loved me
as well as any sister could,

and I could not live with myself

if I robbed her of her happiness
and the future she deserves.

I... I do not understand.

You have been
against this union from the start.

I was wrong! I will not be
the cause of you losing your honor

any more than I can stand
to see Edwina in pain.

You once saw her as your perfect match.

You will find your way
to believing it again.


Please, Lord Bridgerton.


You must keep your word.
You must marry my sister.

You must marry her as soon as you can,

because this feeling
that plagues us so, it will pass.

It will become tenable,
it will become bearable,

and soon enough,
it will be as if we never felt it at all.

Mere passion. It must because it has to.

[classical rendition of
"You Oughta Know" continues]


Very well.

I shall see that the wedding
shall take place as soon as possible.

[sighs deeply]


[exhales sharply]

[breathes deeply]