11x06 - Kioga

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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11x06 - Kioga

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

(slurping, smacking)


It's all I got left.

Go ahead.

Take a look.

Look, I told you
there's nothing else,

and I want them furs.

The r*fle? (laughs)

Why, you filthy
old bag of bones.

You think I'd give you something
worth that much money?

Tell you what I'll do.

I'll give you the r*fle for her.

Even trade.


Have it your way.


Suit yourself.

That's all you're gonna get.




(theme music playing)



(water gurgling)



There you are, ma'am.

Well... now I know
what I've been missing.

What's her name?

I don't know, sir.

Listen, mister, I just spent
four months in Pawnee territory,

where they eat little
fellas like you for breakfast.

Now, what's her name?

Miss Gregory.

Linda Gregory.

Now, see how easy it
is, once you learn how?




Uh, uh, Mr. Botkin.

What is it you want?

Well, let me see it.

It's worth $110,

but I can't pay you.

Now, let's have no trouble here.

I have to hold this until I
check with the marshal.

Go get the marshal.

Hold him. Hold him
tight! Hold on to him!

- MAN: Here, what's up?
- In there.

In the closet.

Put him in there.

Will you quit that, Fred?

There ain't no
eight-year-old young'un

gonna tell me how
to play checkers.

I know that.

Now quit.

(Festus scoffs)

See what I'm telling... Why
don't you get on home now.

The jailhouse ain't
no place for young'uns.

Now git.

Freddie, maybe you'd
better go on home.

Your mom might
be looking for you.

We'll see you again later.


this here's the
onliest piece I got left.

Do you want it?

Thanks, Festus.

Uh, it's a funny thing, Matthew,

how both of us has got such
a way with children, ain't it?

How's that?

Well, uh, you and me, now,

anything ever strike
you about you and me?

Well, now, not so's
I could recollect.

Well, we're just as much
alike as two peas in a pod.

- We are, huh?
- Course we are!

You ain't married.

See? And I ain't married.
I ain't got no house,

no wife, no children.

Neither have you.

No belongings, no nothin'.

We're just like two
old tumbleweeds,

a-kind of... bobblin'
and a-bumblin'

out across the prairie.

Directly we'll hit a
barbed wire fence

and we'll just...

kind of hang up
there and just...

nothin' away.

Hmm... well, maybe before
we "nothin' away" altogether,

I better just have
another cup of coffee.

Marshal, Mr. Botkin wants
you over at the bank right away.

All right.

How much is it
worth, Mr. Botkin?

- $110.
- I see.

Where is the boy?

I locked him in the
broom closet there.

He became violent.

I thought maybe it was stolen.

After all, he was wounded,
as though he'd been in a fight.

He's been wounded, all
right. A couple of you men

get him up to Doc's
office, will you?

Festus, go get Katawa.

Here, Mr. Botkin...
I'll take the $110.

I'll give it to him.

I'll tell you this, he sure
has came a long ways.

I'd bet Pappy a mule
that he's been a-runnin'

the best part of
three or four days.

Well, you know, there
is a Pawnee village

up on the Canadian River,
but that's-that's over 200 miles.

What do you think, Doc?


he's exhausted and
he's half-starved.

He sure lost a lot of blood,
and he's got a b*llet in here, too.


ask him a couple of questions,

see if you can find out what his
name is and where he came from.

(speaking native language)

KATAWA: He will not speak.

Try him again.

(speaking native language)

Listen, young man, I don't know
who in thunder you're mad at,

but it'd sure be easier on
you if you'd help us a little.

What do you reckon he's
doing in town, Matthew?

I don't know.

Let me tell you something, if
old Doc gets him patched up

and he goes down yonder
on the street in them duds,

he ain't gonna last
very long in Dodge.

Here, here, wait a minute...
You're not going anyplace,

not till I get that
b*llet out of there.

Why don't you all
just get out of here.

DILLON: G'night, Doc.

I'll tell you something.

It's gonna hurt you quite a bit.

I guess you don't even
care about that, do you?

(quiet groan)

Well, I told you it'd hurt
you if you'd move around.

Now, what do you
want to do that fer?

All right, there's your change.

Now, get back over
there and lie down.


if you're bound and
determined you're gonna go,

I can't keep you from it.

But I'll tell you something,
you sure need some rest,

and that plate of soup's
not gonna last you very long,

but there you are.


(no voice)



I'm tellin' you,
Doc, if you'd-a had

one of my machines,
before you started to whittlin'

on that poor boy, you'd-a
knowed where that b*llet was at.

What in thunder are you
talking about, anyway?

I got me a idea for a new
machine to find b*ll*ts with.

Doc, I'll just bet you a pretty
that half of your patients

would be alive today,
if you'd had something

to show you what to look fer,
instead of doin' what you do.

What do you mean, what I do?

Oh, you go to prodding and
jabbing and poking around

inside of them,
a-lookin' for something

that you ain't got
no idea where it's at.

If you're gonna start
inventing something,

it's my personal considered
opinion that you ought

to stick with something that's
slightly more commensurate

with your mental capabilities,

like inventing a-a-a buttonhole
or a toothpick or something!

- Good evening, Doc.
- No, it ain't.

(chuckles) What's
wrong with him?

Oh, nothing.

Festus was trying to explain

a new machine of his,
and he just got all upset.

Why, he just flew all to pieces,

just throwed a
regular ying-yang.

Now, what it is, you see...

Uh, Sam, uh, would you
bring the marshal a beer?

Yes, ma'am.

Anything new on our
young Indian friend?

No. I haven't seen hide
nor hair of him, Kitty,

since he went
shopping this afternoon.

KITTY: Shopping? I
thought he was wounded.

FESTUS: He was.

But after old Doc took
the b*llet out of him,

he went down to the store,
bought hisself a new hat

and a new pair of britches
and everything, got all duded up.

KITTY: Is it true that he
came nearly 200 miles on foot?

Well, we don't
know for sure, Kitty,

but the nearest Pawnee
settlement I know of

is down on the Canadian
River, and that's 200 miles.

Got any idea what
he's doing here?

Well, it seems like he's after
somebody, but he-he won't talk;

he won't open his mouth,
so we don't know who it is.


Take out for the drinks.

What happened? I-I thought we
were gonna have a big evening.

I changed my mind.

(jaunty piano music
begins playing)

(jaunty piano music
continues in distance)

(jaunty piano music
continues in distance)

(floorboard squeaks)

(jaunty piano music
continues in distance)

(jaunty piano music
continues in distance)

(crickets chirping)



(sudden click)

(excited chatter in distance)

CLERK: Oh, I'm glad
you're here, Marshal.

McCAW: What kind of
a hotel is this anyway?!

- What's happened, Mr. McCaw?
- What happened?

A thief tried to break in my
room, that's what happened.

- Thief?
- Yeah, that's what I said... a thief.

Somebody that knew I
sold all those furs yesterday.

Now, you're the
marshal around here.

Why don't you do something
about things like this?

You give me a description of
the man; I'll see if I can find him.

I ain't got no description.

All I saw was a
shadow at the window.

You mean to tell me
you were taking sh*ts

and throwing chairs at a shadow?

Well, now, a man's got a
right to protect himself, ain't he?

Especially since the law
don't seem to be doing its job.

Well, now, maybe since
you're so set on protection,

I'll just take you and throw
you in jail for the night.

You sure got a smart
mouth, ain't you, Marshal.

Don't push your luck, mister.

Well, why don't you
just keep standing there

making smart remarks
at me a little longer.

Maybe the thief will
get clean out of Dodge.

All right, let's go.

All right, get going.

(door closes)

(door closes)



(crowd chatter)

(woman shrieks)

Hey, hey, now,
what are you doing?

(Festus grunting)

Hold on here!

All right, that-that's
enough out of you.

Now, just hold back.

What's going on, Kitty?

I don't know.

He just came in here and
started breaking things up

and throwing things around.

He did, huh?

All right, what do you
got to say about that?

All right, maybe a night
in jail will just cool you off

a little bit, young
fellow... Let's go.

If that don't take
a rag off of a bush.

What do you reckon got into him?

Oh, don't ask me.

But after all the energy
you've expended,

I-I think we better get
something into you.

- What...?
- Sam...

- Yes, ma'am.
- Let's have a double over here.

It's mighty thoughty
of you, Miss Kitty.

Guess a swallow
wouldn't hurt none, right?

(Kitty laughs)



(blade scraping)

- (clank)
- What...?!

(distant clattering)

All right, that's enough.

Come on, let go of him!

Let go.

What's going on here?

You little red snake.

Where did you get this knife?

What's going on, McCaw?

How do I know what goes
through the mind of a crazy Indian?

What have you got against him?

All right, come on,
let's get out of here.

(Dillon grumbles)

(cells door shuts, keys jangle)

Sit down.

Now, look, I know that
you understand English.

You're not fooling anybody.

You might as well sit down.

I'll tell you something else.

You're making a criminal out
of yourself by acting this way.

You may wind up
spending more time in jail

than your friend McCaw.

You better think about that.

(sighs deeply)


Well, here they are, Matthew...

Hot cinnamon rolls, right
straight from the bakery.

You two made up, did you?

Oh, he tried to stick a
knife in McCaw last night.

I had to keep 'em separated.

Stick a knife in him?

And here I thought he'd
give up on them savage ways.

Yeah, if you're, uh,
figuring to fix coffee,

why, just fix it for yourself.

I'm going to take him to
Delmonico's to breakfast.


You mean you're fixing to
take that heathen over yonder?


Well, didn't you
just now tell me

that he tried to stick a
knife in a defenseless man,

right yonder in the jail cell?

That's right.

Matthew, I... I
wouldn't want to tell you

how to run your law
and order department,

but if you was to ask me...

Well, now, Festus, you
remember the other day,

you were saying we're
alike in some ways

and different in some ways?

Well, maybe that's
one of the ways.

I got to say this.

He sure has gentled down a heap

to what he was last night.

What did you do to
change him like that?

Well, maybe I just gave him
the idea that I trusted him.

Oh, say, by the way,
long as you're here,

maybe you could give
McCaw something to eat.

Fix enough coffee
for the both of you

and give him
some of those rolls.

You can take 16 cents to pay
for 'em, out of the petty cash.

Well, golly Bill,

I sure get the big end
of the bargains, don't I?

(Festus scoffs)

Let's go eat.

By golly, this floor
sure is in bad shape.

It could stand a good scrubbing.

(quietly): Foot.

Sit down.

- Morning, Marshal.
- Hello, Wally.

Uh, I guess I'll have some
eggs and a couple of pork chops.

The pork chops are
very good this morning.

What about your... your friend?

Oh, give him a steak, I guess.

(Dillon sighs)

My name is Kioga.

How do you know I
speak your language?

In the doctor's
office yesterday,

Festus mentioned you
looked conspicuous.

You went right out and
got yourself a haircut

and bought some clothes.

Kioga, what are you
doing here in Dodge?

Why are you after
this man McCaw?

I am your prisoner?

Well, no, you're not.

I can't hold you
unless McCaw wants

to prefer charges against you,

and I don't think
he wants to do that.

I am free?

Well, right after
breakfast, you're free, yeah.

Right now, I want to know
what you're doing here in Dodge.

I cannot tell.

You mean you can't or you won't?

Look, Kioga, I'm not
trying to force you to talk.

I'm asking you.

You are my friend?

I'd like to be, yeah.

Between friends, there is
need for understanding, not talk.

Well, that's a good point.

But, you see, Kioga,
I'm your friend, yes,

but I'm also a lawman,
and it's part of my job

to find out why you
want to k*ll McCaw.

He is an evil man.

Well, yes, I can
believe that, all right,

but what have you
got against him?

What did he do to you?

If I told you, you would
keep him in your jail?

That's right.

I do not want him in your jail.

I want him out.

Out where I can k*ll him.

Out where I can make
him afraid of every shadow,

where I can give him back
the suffering he has given.

You know, you talk like that,

I'll have to keep him
in protective custody

and send you away.

You know he is an evil man,

yet you would protect
him against me?

I have to.

It's part of my job.

I will take nothing from you.

Kioga, I can't help you,

unless you bring charges against
this man... tell me what he did.

That's the law.

I do not care about your law!

All right... but I want you
to promise me one thing:

I want you to promise
me that you won't try

to take matters into
your own hands anymore.

- There.
- What's that for?

Well, it's to clean
up your cell with.

Marshall kind of
cottons to jailbirds

that tries to make
a good imprint,

you know, and keep
everything clean.

If I was you, I'd just
scrub this thing to a...

All right, McCaw, I'm
going to turn you loose.

Can't seem to stop that
Indian from wanting to k*ll you.

You can't, huh?

You want to stay here,
in protective custody?

You're pretty clever, Marshal.

No, thanks.

I ain't admitting to nothing,
not even that he's after me.

Yeah, I kind of figured that.

Has he, uh, got a horse?

Not that I know of.

All right, then,
I'll ride out now.


(Festus mutters,
grumbling indistinctly)

Here we go...

How much?

Thirty dollars.

Where put b*ll*ts?

Right here.

I buy.

You put in b*ll*ts.

All right.

There you are;
that'll be five dollars.

And I can pay the
Dodge House, too, for you,

if you're in a hurry.

He's in a hurry.

How much is the Dodge House?

Three dollars.

You mean to tell me it
costs more for that horse

than it does for me?

Well, maybe he's
worth more than you.

(McCaw goads horse)

No, no, no... not like that.

Hold it tight against
your shoulder,

or the recoil will hurt you.

That's better.

(horse whinnying)

(g*nf*re continues)


Drop that g*n!

Go on, put it down, now,

before you k*ll somebody.

Drop it!

Doggone kid.

Now I gotta go after him.


(r*fle cocks)

(horse whinnies)

(whipping air)


(r*fle cocks)

(r*fle cocks)





You will die very slowly.

No. No!



(hoofbeats approaching)

Get me out of here, Marshal.

DILLON: Take it easy, now.


Now, get over here.

Howdy, Matthew.


You got 'em both at
a time, alive, all right.


What you got him
tied up like that for?

The only way I could
get him back here.

He'd die rather than come here.

Bet his whole wrists are
sure sore and raw, ain't they?

I guess he likes to suffer.

What will you do with me?

You're going to jail.

And that one,

he is free?

That's right.

Unless you've got
something to say.

What's left to say?

You brought me to your
village on rope like dog,

for men to laugh at.

Kioga, I'm getting a
little tired of your pride.

I brought you here this way

'cause you wouldn't
come any other way.

You're not man enough
for me to trust you.

"Trust." It is a word.

While we stand
here and talk of trust,

that man, with the blood of my
father and sister on his hands,

is free.

Well, now, that's
a little better.

Now you tell me the rest of it.

If I tell you, you will
put him in your jail.

He'll be tried by your people

and given your justice.

But it is I and my people

who have suffered, not yours.

Isn't it better for him to get
my justice than none at all?

He came to my
tepee to trade for furs

but offered only trinkets.

When my father refused,

he took the furs anyway.

We tried to stop him.

He shot me

and k*lled my father.

You're a liar.

My sister had no
one to protect her.

I say you're a liar.

I've never been anywhere
near Pawnee territory.

Well, now, that's
not true, Marshal.

He told me when he
checked in the Dodge House,

he'd spent four months
in Pawnee territory.

Well, all right.

I was there.

But I never seen his
sister or his father.

I don't know what
he's talking about.

McCaw, you're gonna
stand trial for this,

and I hope you hang.

Are you gonna take the
word of a dirty redskin?

(grunting, protesting)

- Get off me.
- That's enough.

Get him out of here
before I k*ll him myself.

FESTUS: Come on, get out...

All right, folks, it's all over.

Break it up and go on home, now.

Go on, all of you.

You would have k*lled him?

No, I wouldn't, Kioga.

Perhaps not, but I
think you would have

liked to k*ll him.


I'm sorry for what
happened to your family.

I can understand how you feel.

But, you see...

you would've k*lled
him; I wouldn't...

That's the difference
between us.

That makes me wrong?

No, no, I didn't say that.

Just different.

He will die anyway?

He'll die.

He knows he will die?

Yes, he knows it.

It is enough.

It is not Pawnee way,

but it is enough.

Your way, nobody would
have known about it.

My way, he'll be an
example to all men.

Now, don't you think
that's worth something?

It may be so.

Good, Kioga.

I think you understand.

I'm gonna let you go free.

You are not going
to put me in jail?

Not if you'll promise

to come back in two
weeks for the hearing.

I... I thought you
did not trust me.

(wry chuckle)

"Trust" is just a word.

What's needed between friends
is understanding, not words.
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