10x15 - Double Entry

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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10x15 - Double Entry

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

(lively piano music playing)

- Everything all right, Pete?
- Fine, Mr. Bookly,

- no trouble at all.
- That's good.

- That brown bag.
- Right.

- Got much for me?
- There you go.

- Huh?
- Thanks.

(indistinct chatter)

(dog barking in distance)

(men speaking indistinctly)


(quietly): Reach, mister.

What's the game?

Your money, greenhorn.

All you got.

Well, I'd certainly
like to oblige.


Get up.

I thought you was a tenderfoot.

Well, you thought wrong.

What's your name?

Yuma Joe.

What are you fixin' on doing?

Nothing this time.

You ever try that again,
I'll break you in two.

Uh, pick up my bags,
would you, please?

Thank you very much.

Hey, mister.

My g*n?

You just lost it.

That g*n cost me eight dollars.

Well, that's the
price of crime, Joe.

Doesn't make any difference
how much you stall around,

you got to make up your
mind one way or the other.

- I haven't got all day.
- Well, golly Bill, Doc,

this ain't the kind of a
decision that a man can make

without stewin'
on it a little bit.

A man's whole day can depend
on how he gets it started off.

Well, if mine depended
on how you started it off,

mine wouldn't
get started at all,

and I'm getting
ready to start mine.

- Wait a minute.
- Keep your hands off of me.

You're gettin' awful edgy,
Doc, you old scutter, you.

I'm just trying to give you
the benefit of my experience.

Now, the coffee at
Matthew's jail is free,

I'll grant you that, but it's a
mite puny by Haggen standards.

And, uh, you figure
that the coffee, uh,

at Delmonico's is just
right by Haggen standards,

is that right?

There ain't no doubt about that.

The only thing is,
is it enough better

for a man to lay out
cold hard cash for?

Oh. So it's got down to a
matter of cold hard cash?

I tell you what I'm
gonna do with you.

I'm gonna buy you a cup
of coffee at Delmonico's.

Now, is that all right?

Well, that's mighty
thoughty of you, Doc.

Much obliged.

Well, let's go. Come on.

- There's Matt.
- Matthew.

- Well, there you are.
- DOC: How are you?

I was wondering how
come you two hadn't been by

for your usual free
coffee this morning.

Funny thing, Matthew,

we've just came to an
understanding about that.

Yeah, we've been discussing
it for about 20 minutes.

Uh-huh. Well, I'm
afraid you're too late.

I got to ride out to Owen
Brady's and take a deposition.

I'll see you later.

MAN: Throw 'em up, Marshal.


Hello, Matt.

I can't believe it.

Are you coming down here
or am I coming up there?

I'm coming down
there. Hold your horses.

That feller a friend of
your'n, is he, Matthew?

That's one of the
oldest friends I got.

I haven't seen
him for more years

than I like to think
about, though.

Used to ride with him on the
border of Texas down there.

I want you to meet him.

Matt, you old dog.

- Brad, I still can't believe it.
- (laughing)

Ah, been 12, 14 years.

Ah, you haven't changed a
bit... Just as lean and trim as ever.

Well, you might be getting
a little touch of gray there,

but, outside of that,
you haven't changed.

A little salt and
pepper. (laughs)

Brad, I want you to meet
a couple of friends of mine.

- Oh.
- Doc Adams and Festus Haggen.

- How are you? Nice knowing you.
- Brad McClain, Doc.

Nice to know you. Hey,
come on. I'll buy you all a drink.

- No, I can't.
- Much obliged.

Well, Brad, I was just
heading out of town

on a little business. Why
don't you ride with me?

I haven't got a horse.

Well, we'll fix
that easy enough.

Charlie, let me
borrow your horse

for a couple hours, will you?

- Help yourself, Marshal.
- Come on, Brad.

- Nice to have met you, fellas.
- DOC: See you later.

Well, we got 14 years
to catching up to do.

Well, get your horse
and get caught up then.

- Come on.
- Yeah.

Come on, slowpoke!

Well, are you
coming or ain't you?

Just hold your taters.
Can't you see I'm a-thinkin'?

Oh, yes, I can see
you're thinking, all right,

but can't you think
while you're walking?

Well, not good I can't.
When I'm a-thinkin' hard,

why, walkin' jostles my brains.

Yeah, well, I know

that what you're thinking
must be mighty important.

Well, it just might be.

And, again, it might not be.

Well, now, I'll tell
you, I was all set

to buy you a cup of
coffee at Delmonico's,

but if you want to stand here

and do all your
important thinking,

well, you go right
ahead. I'm gonna go.

Now, wait a minute, D-Doc.

I don't want you to thinkin'
I'm being ungracious or...

Oh, no. I don't
think that at all.

I wouldn't want
you to stop doing

all this important
thinking you're doing

just on account of
a free cup of coffee.

Let me tell you something
about thinkin', Doc,

it ain't like
buttermilk, you know.

It ain't like what?


It don't go bad on you if
you set it aside for a spell.

I don't think I can
stand any more of this.

Well, the old bunch
had all broken up...

Army did that... So
I drifted out west.

San Francisco,
Virginia City, Santa Fe.

Been drifting around
ever since, I guess.

What brings you to Dodge?

Just to say hello to you.

I had to see you wearing
that star to believe it.

(chuckles) Well, I've gotten
used to wearing the star,

but I don't think I can get used
to you in those dude clothes.

(chuckles) Well, I'm
a businessman now...

I got to look the
part. Matter of fact,

I'm thinking of buying a
business here in Dodge.

Well, you're in luck. Uh,

old Jake Bookly's
gonna sell out, I believe.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. Jake runs a real good freight line.

Does a lot of business with
the gold mines up in the foothills.

Sounds interesting.
I'll have to look him up.

Well, I'll introduce you to
him. He's a little standoffish

with people he doesn't know.

Well, a word from
you can't do any harm.

You're making quite a reputation
for yourself in this country.

- I've been lucky, Brad.
- Oh, more than luck to it.

We all had the same chance...

Too many of the old
g*ng took the wrong road.

- So I've heard.
- Ah, it was a wild and woolly bunch,

and we were just as wild
and woolly as the rest of 'em.

Well, those were pretty wild
times, and we were young.

- (chuckles) -Remember when
we were gonna make a fortune

up there working
that old silver mine,

- you and I and, uh...
- Uh, Willy Dales.

- Yeah, Willy Dales.
- (laughs)

He fell down the slump shaft,

and we couldn't get
him out for three days.

(both laugh)

And when we did, he
was covered with slime

and he smelled like
a houseful of polecats.

(chuckles): Yeah.

Hey, whatever happened to Willy?

He got himself k*lled in a
gunfight down in Amarillo.


Do you... you still ride
as good as you used to?

Well, I get plenty of practice.

Well, if this nag under me's
any good, I'll bet I can whip you.

Ha, you'll never
whip me in your life.

Oh, Matt, you got
a bad, bad memory.

Big tree?

You're on.

Go! Hey!

Hope you had a good ride, folks.

Watch your step getting out.

Well, you finally
made it, but you're late.

Yeah, I'm sorry, Mr. Bookly.

That off-wheel horse
appears a mite lame.

Oh, what's wrong with it?

Rock bruise, more than
likely. It ain't bad, though.

That's the sort of thing
you have to get used to,

Mr. McClain, if
you're fool enough

to get into this business.

Always the unexpected happening.

Well, that's true of most
things you do in this world.

You think you got
things figured out

and then something
different happens.

(chuckles) Sure does in
the freighting business.

Here, let me give you a hand.


Feels kind of light this time.

That's just the gold dust
from the Grey Goose Mine.

Yeah, they're gonna pool
their bullion at the junction,

- ship it all together next week sometime.
- Oh.

- Here's the invoice.
- Oh, good, good, good.

Oh, Mr. McClain, this is Pete,
Fred, two of my best drivers.

- Howdy.
- Howdy.

Oh, Pete, uh, you better
take a rest tomorrow.

You've beaten a
pretty hard week.

And, Fred, you go out with the
Cedar Flat run in the morning.

You do a lot of this kind of
hauling, bullion, gold dust?

Oh, sure.

There's a couple of dozen
placer mines out there

in the foothills
around the junction.

And mine's the only
line that runs in there.

Pretty profitable, huh?

Uh, you bet. (clears throat)

I charge 'em by value
instead of weight,

on account of the risk.



Some of them lodes
are mighty valuable.

The one that came in today
ain't worth much, though.

Around $6,000. (grunts)

But I've hauled bullion
lodes that are worth...

over $100,000.

Lots of times.

That's a lot of
temptation. (chuckles)

Much trouble?

Not very.

Last time was about
eight months ago.

Couple of fellas
took a crack at us.

But the marshal run
'em down, though.

Got the shipment back.

But there's always the chance.

(chuckles) You're
bonded, I suppose.

Oh, sure. The bonding
company expects you to take

due precautions, they call it.

Yeah, well, I
wouldn't hardly call

that old safe due precautions.

No. I don't use that
except temporary.

The small lodes like today

that's going out
east on the next train.

What other measures do you use?

Well, I deliver the
important lodes to the bank

to put into the vault.

And the express
cars pick it up there.

Sounds like it makes good sense.

Oh, I ain't saying there ain't
much danger by and large.

- We got a pretty good
lawman here, -Yeah.

As you ought to know,
being an old friend of his.

Yeah, they don't make
'em any better than Matt.


I guess I done know him
about as well as anybody.

Well, his word's the
only endorsement

a man needs around
this town. (grunts)

Yeah, I'm beginning
to find that out.


Well, we've pretty well gone
over the payroll, fixed costs

and maintenance
and what have you.

But there's something else
you ought to know about.

The routes and schedules.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more.

I guess maybe the best
way to learn the routes

would be to ride 'em.

Good idea.

I'll deadhead you out on
any run you want to take.

Well, I may have a
better idea than that.

I'm a pretty good driver.

Of course I don't
know these trails,

but I could ride
shotgun for you.

For free?

(quiet laugh) Sure.

Well, now, that's the
best offer I ever had.

The marshal's best friend
riding shotgun for me.

And me not paying a
cent for it. (chuckles)

How could I miss?

Mr. Bookly, I don't see any
way in the world that you could.

DOC: ♪ Now you buckle up
four in the middle of the floor ♪

♪ And around and around
and around you go ♪

♪ And you break it all
up when you do-si-do ♪

♪ Gents do-si and
the gals do-do ♪

♪ Chicken in the bread
pan pickin' out the dough ♪

♪ Hurry up, boys,
and don't be slow ♪

♪ One more turn and on you go ♪

- (man whoops) -♪ Now on you
go to the couple on the right ♪

♪ With a right hand cross
and a "how do you do?" ♪

♪ Now back to the left
and a "how are you?" ♪

♪ Well, pig in the
pigpen two rails high ♪

♪ Slop that pig in the
middle of the eye ♪

(man whoops)

♪ Now you buckle up four
in the middle of the floor ♪

♪ And around and around
and around you go ♪

♪ And you break it all
up when you do-si-do ♪

♪ Gents do-si and
the gals do-do ♪

♪ Chicken in the bread
pan pickin' out the dough ♪

♪ Hurry up, boy,
and don't be slow ♪

♪ One more turn and on
you go and you're home ♪

♪ Home you go, home you go ♪

♪ Everybody swing and whirl ♪

♪ Round and round
with a pretty little girl ♪

♪ Now, and allemande
left with the ol' left hand ♪

♪ And right your honey
in the right and left grand ♪

♪ Meet your honey and
you pat her on the head ♪

♪ Don't like that when
you feed her cornbread ♪

♪ There's your partner,
promenade her home ♪

♪ Everybody promenade home ♪

♪ Now you're home and
everybody swing and whirl ♪

♪ Hold it, gents,
you stop right there ♪

♪ Now you lead that girl to
an easy chair anywhere. ♪

(cheering, whooping)


Ah, there you go.


- Whoa! - Why... - Doc. - Yeah?

You call a dang good dance.

Well, thank you, Festus.

Oh, by golly, I... You
should've seen me dance, too.

I can do that.

Well, now, wait a
minute. Better not try that.

You're liable to wind
up needing a doctor.


That's a pretty fancy
leg you shake, Brad.

Thank you, Kitty.

Should have seen him
in the good old days, Kitty.

(chuckles) You know, all this
talk about the good old days

- is beginning to bother me.
- What do you mean?

Well, I keep thinking
I made a mistake.

I was born at the wrong
time and in the wrong place.

(Brad laughs)

Well, maybe the good old
days weren't quite as good

as we remembered 'em, huh, Matt?

(clucks tongue)

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

I'd hate to think I
missed anything.

Uh... We'd like to
have had you around

in those days, Kitty. It would
have made things about, uh,

nigh perfect for us. (laughs)

Oh. Say, I want to ask
you something, Brad.

You know, ol' Matt
here, for a long time,

has been trying to
make me believe that...

in his younger days he
was sober and reliable and...

Not a word of truth in it, don't
you believe a thing he says.

He was the wildest of the bunch.

He could out-ride us,
out-sh**t us, out-fight us,

out-drink us,
out-gamble us... (laughs)

Yeah, it's a cinch I
couldn't out-lie you, though.

(everyone laughs)

And I want to tell you,

this sure changes our
picture of ol' Matthew.

You never fooled
me for a minute.

Hey, you see, Brad?
You're undermining

respect for law around here.

Well, it could
work the other way.

You know that old saying...

It takes a thief
to catch a thief.

Oh, not that he
was ever dishonest.

No, he was sometimes a little
too honest for his own good.

Well, now, how could
a man be too honest

for his own good, Mr. McClain?

Well, now, a banker like
you, Mr. Botkin, can't be.

But the rest of us ordinary
mortals, I think we, uh,

ought to have a little leeway.

- Oh.
- (laughing)

Suppose you tell me
something honestly, Mr. McClain.

Are you gonna buy my
stage line or ain't you?

Well, frankly, I think I will.
But I want to take another ride

or two out to the junction,
have a little look around.

In that case, Brad,
welcome to Dodge.

Oh, thank you.

Of course I must say,
Kitty, after meeting you,

that I might have hung that
hat there for a while anyway.

Especially after eating
one of your dinners.

- Well, yeah.
- Oh, that was great.

Well, that compliment, uh,
goes to the chef at Delmonico's.

- I had food sent in.
- Oh.

How about, uh, a little more
to drink? Get some coffee.

- No, no, thank you very much, Kitty.
- No, no.

Doc? -No.

No, I've got to be
running along. I'm sorry.

I've got some work
to do, still, tonight.

- Yeah, I think I'll be running along, too.
- Good night.

Good night, everybody.

It's getting kind of late.

- Good night, Jake.
- Glad you could be here.

Brad, how about you?
Let's not break this party up.

Oh, no, I... I-I'd like
to, Kitty, but I can't.

I haven't enjoyed myself
at a party so much for years.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.

- Matt, I'll see you in the morning.
- Brad.

Hey, you know, by golly,
it's... it's getting late...

Doc. Uh-uh. Come on,
now, just have... just a little.

Well, uh, just a little one.


Oh, by the way, Festus,

where'd you learn to do
the square dance like that?

As quick as I get
this drink down,

I might be in the
mood to tell you.


Uh, Sam, could you bring
us some fresh coffee?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, Kitty, what'd
you think of Brad?

Well, speaking from a
woman's point of view,

I'd say he's quite a man.

Did you like him?

Sure did; he's charming.

He's just the kind of
friend I expect you to have.



What's the matter?

Oh, nothing.

Well, you don't
seem very convinced.

Well, it's...

Well, just, I guess, 14
years is a long time, Kitty.

When you... When you
haven't seen somebody.

Yeah, I... I guess it is.

Oh, good morning,
Marshal. Come in, come in.

Mr. Botkin.

It'll only take a minute,
Marshal. Sit down.

All right.

Marshal, you know,

you and I have known each
other for several years now,

and I've always had the
utmost respect for you.

And for your judgment of people.

Thank you very much.

This ain't easy for
me. It's about McClain.

I know he's a close
friend of yours.

Well, don't let that stop
you. What's on your mind?

Well, he's been in to
see me several times.

Asking a lot of questions about
the shipments that we make.

You know, the
stagecoach, the payroll.

Bullion, the gold dust.

He wants to know every
last detail of how we handle it.

Well, he's buying out
Jake Bookly, he probably

just wants to know everything
he can about the business.

Yeah, I told myself that,
too, until after last night.

What do you mean, last night?

Well, I came back here to
work after the party last night,

and by the sheerest accident,
I saw your friend McClain

in what appeared to be an
earnest and a very private

with an ex-jailbird,

who they call Yuma Joe.

Now, before this
meeting was over,

I saw McClain hand
Yuma Joe a g*n.

Now, this could mean
nothing, Marshal,

but in my mind

that's a mighty
suspicious happening.

Well, thanks, Mr. Botkin.

I appreciate it.



Well, I'd certainly say this was
a wildly enthusiastic greeting.

You two look like you lost your
best friend. What's the matter?

Well, read that.

That may give you a little
better idea of what's going on.

How long you known about this?

Oh, couple of years.

It's not the kind of
thing you forget about

too easily, you know?
When a good friend of yours

is involved in a bank robbery.

Well, it says he was
released for a lack of evidence.

That ought to
clear him, hadn't it?

Well, that's what I thought.

That's why I didn't
mention it before.

Well, I might not be as alert
as I should be this morning,

but I don't see anything
in that little document there

that would cause this
atmosphere of gloom.

What's the matter with you?

Well, I'll tell you
what's the matter.

I seen that friend of Matthew's

when he come in on the
stagecoach the other night.

He hadn't been in
town two minutes

till some yahoo
stuck a g*n in his ribs.

You know who it was?

Yuma Joe.

Well, this feller McClain just
got on him like ugly on a ape.

Just flattened him. Took
his g*n away from him

and sent him a-packing.

What in thunder's
wrong with that?

Well, ain't nothing,
I reckon. Except...

uh, he ain't told a
soul about it in town.

Don't that seem a mite peculiar?

Well, peculiar, maybe.

But you can't... Y-You
can't convict anybody on that.

Well, that's not the
whole story, Doc.

Seems that Mr. Botkin saw Brad

giving Yuma Joe the
g*n back last night.

Now, you couple that with
the fact that Brad's been

inquiring all over town about
buying in to this stage line

that handles gold
bullion and so forth

and it doesn't look too good.


I'll admit there's
some smoke there,

but I don't see any fire yet.

I hope you're right.

Don't you understand, Doc?

This McClain feller's a-fixing
to make a fool out of Matthew

and everybody else in town.

Well, I don't care
what it looks like.

As I recall it, the law
clearly states that a man

is presumed to be innocent
until he's proven guilty.

Now that's the
way I remember it.

I don't see what you
can do about it anyway.

There isn't a
thing I can do, Doc.

Except hope I'm wrong.

(fast footsteps)

(pants) I think one of my
stages is being held up.

What do you mean "you think"?

The sodbuster's kid
just come riding in.

Said he passed the stage
about three miles out.

Couple of minutes
later, he heard sh**ting.

He-he was too scared
to go back and look.

Anything of value on it?

About $8,000 for the
bank at the junction.

Your friend Brad was
riding shotgun for me.

Is that enough fire for you?

Boy, I'm sorry, Matthew.

Anything I can do to help?

Uh, no, thanks, Festus.

Marshal, look.

MAN: Whoa!



What's happened, Brad?

- Had a little trouble, Matt.
- Give me your hand, ma'am.

Fella tried to hold us
up and k*lled the driver.

The body's inside, Doc.

Oh, it was terrible,
Marshal. Just terrible.

- Just take it easy, ma'am.
- That-That bandit

had put some boulders
in the trail and...

and when the driver stopped,

the bandit stepped
out of the bushes and...

shot him, point blank.

It was terrible.

He get away?

No, the... the guard here drawed
and shot him quick as a wink.

Saved both of our lives.

Should have been faster, Matt.

I... might have been able
to save that driver's life.

Strongbox is all right?

Yeah, it's up on top there.

Do you know who that is?

Sure do.

You all right, ma'am?

Matt, there's two
bodies in there.

One of 'em's Yuma Joe.

You know that?

Of course I know it. I shot him.

It's a funny thing. I was
talking to him just last night.

He buttonholed me up
here at the head of the alley

on the way home from the
party, wanted to talk to me.

What about?

Well, it's kind of silly really.

He put a g*n in my back the
first night I was here in town.

I took it away from him.

He just wanted it back.

And you gave it to him?

Yeah, I did.

Sorry I did now.

The driver might
still be alive if I hadn't.

Don't blame yourself, mister.

If it wasn't for your quick
thinking and quick action,

we'd have all been dead.

He's a hero, Marshal.

Bless you.

♪ Cornbread, buttermilk
and good old greasy greens ♪

♪ Throw a chunk of
stove wood on the fire ♪

♪ Cornbread, buttermilk
and good old greasy greens. ♪

How come you quit singing?

(laughter and chatter)

FESTUS: I'll tell
you why I quit.

'Cause you ain't
a-playing in the same hall

that I'm a-singing
in, that's why.

Well, now, if I can find
what hall you're singing in,

I'll picket.

Well, that's harder
than I'd slam a door.

♪ Hall... ♪

(guitar plays notes)

♪ Hall. ♪
- (guitar plays notes)

That's the hall I'm singing in.

♪ 'Cause a pot of greasy
greens is my desire ♪

♪ Da-da, deedle-deedle, ee ♪

♪ Deedle-dee, dah, doo,
doo, dee, day-oodle, doo, dee ♪

♪ 'Cau... ♪

I don't know why I'm doing
this, but I am. I'm buying.

- Oh, Miss Kitty.
- Thanks, Rudy.

You'd ought to
give a feller warning.

A man could have a
seizure over a shock like this.

Well, if it bothers you all
that much, I'll just take it back.

Oh, hold on now. I-I couldn't
let you do a thing like that.

Why not?

Kitty, you ought to know by now

that a Haggen never looks
a gift horse in the mouth.

Well, it'd be a
downright insult to you.

And anyhow, I've done
made one mistake this week.

I ain't a-fixing to
make another one.

Golly Bill, it sure beats all

how wrong a feller can be
without ever a-knowing it.

I recollect back home one time,

I traded old Fred Gerstoncorn
three muskrat traps

and a jug of lightning
for a hound dog

that he guaranteed was
the pearl button bangle Billy

when it come to hunting.

You know, the first time
I took that hound out,

we run into the
biggest old bull badger

I've ever saw in my born days.

You know what that hound done?

Why, he liked to
broke all four legs

a-running away from that badger.

Yeah, I don't need to
tell you I was peeved.

I-I was a-fixing to go
over to old Fred's house

and crease his noggin
with the r*fle ball.

And up jumped the
biggest black bear

that you've ever
laid a eyeball on.

And you know what
that hound done?

Well, before you could
say, "rat run over the roof

of the house with a piece
of raw liver in his mouth,"

he treed the bear!

He was a bear dog all along.

Well, anybody south
of anyplace knows

that a bear dog's better
than a badger dog.

Here old Fred Gerstoncorn
was a-doing me right all along.

Oh, it sure does beat all

how a man can be too quick,

uh, jumping at conclusions.

You ought to be careful
about that, Festus.

Could get to be a habit.

I'll see you later, Kitty.

(Brad laughs)


Not a bad shot for a dude.

Oh, for a dude. Head-on shot.

Well, you know, I think
being toast of the town

and the big hero has
kind of gone to your head.

(laughs) Well, couldn't
happen to a nicer fella.

I'll tell you,

strangers stop you on
the street, give you cigars.

Women you never met
before introduce you

to marriageable daughters.

(laughs) You know, that's
not hard for a fella to take.

I guess not.

Done one thing for
me. Made up my mind.

I'm gonna buy out Jake Bookly
and take over that stage line.

- Well, Brad, I'm glad to hear it.
- Yeah.

I've written to my bank.

Money ought to be
here in about ten days.

Wish you luck.

(Brad chuckles)

We're gonna have a
pretty good feed tonight.


there's, uh, something
I got to get off my chest.

All right. sh**t.

Oh. Hmm.

Yeah, kind of figured
you knew about this.

(grunts softly) Nice of
you not to mention it.

Well, thanks, but don't
give credit where it isn't due.

Oh, you've been
checking on me, huh?

(chuckles) That
what's bothering you?

You knew it?

Well, I didn't know
it exactly, but figures.

You don't mind?

No. You got a job to do.

This was a mistake,

but you didn't have
any way of knowing that.

You must have had a
couple nervous moments

when Jake told you about
that stagecoach robbery.

Well, let's just say I
was a little relieved

when I saw you
coming back to town.

(Brad laughs)

Hey, tell me something, Matt.

What would you have done

if I had disappeared
with that strongbox?

Well, I'd just have to gone
out and brought you back, Brad.

(laughs) Guess if I
want to live in Dodge,

I'll have to stay honest.

(two g*nshots)

Nice sh**ting, Matt.

Nice sh**ting.

- Oh, good evening.
- Hello, Jake.

Hi, Marshal. Sorry I'm late.

Oh, it's all right, Jake.

I just got here.
Everything all set?

Set as she'll ever be.

Well, how much money
is involved in this?

Oh, around $100,000
in dust and nuggets.

(coughs) Four of the
mines are pulling in together.

It'll be here
tomorrow afternoon.

Uh, we're gonna hold
it in the vault overnight

until the railroad takes over.

What's the setup between
here and the pickup point?

Uh, the shipment's being brought
together at the Rainbow Mine.

The stage'll leave the
junction at the regular time,

and 20 minutes later,
it'll meet the guard

from the Rainbow at the cutout

where he comes
into the main road.

The gold will be
put aboard there.

That sounds all right.

Yeah. Pete Elder's the driver.

Handy man with a g*n.

Who's gonna ride shotgun?

Well, now, who do you think?

- Brad?
- Who else?

He's riding out to
the junction tonight.

He'll be ready to leave
with the stage in the morning.

Sound all right to you, Matt?

All right.

(sighs) Well, you know,

after that last holdup, I
reckon I'm kind of skittish.

I sure hope nothing
happens to this lode. (laughs)

Nothing will, Jake,
I'll promise you.

- Howdy, gents.
- Howdy.


Well, see you got
the shipment all right.

Got it and dang
glad to get rid of it.

- (laughs)
- Where do you want it put?

Uh, put her in there. We're
not carrying any passengers.

- How about a hand, Pete?
- Yup.

Yeah, treat 'em gentle.

You figure that bandit

that hit you last week's
got a friend sniffing around?

Well, everybody's
got at least one friend.

Oh, I knowed folks
that don't have.

(Brad laughs)

Hey, looks like we got
company, Mr. McClain.

(horse chuffs)

Well, Matt, just happened
to be riding way out here?

Well, I didn't just happen to.

I thought you might
want some company.

Glad to have you.

Valuable lode.

Yeah, it's valuable enough
to make me nervous,

I'll tell you that.

That the last of it?

That's it there, Marshal.

She's all your baby.

Well, we'll try to keep her out
of trouble and raise her right.

Say, Pete, take him
back to town, will you?

You bet.

- Good luck, men.
- After you.


Whoa. Whoa now.

(horse sputters)

- You all set?
- All set.

Well, here we go.

Here go. (grunts)

How did you ever get
to be so conscientious?

Sure didn't used to be.

- Grew up, I guess.
- (Brad laughs)

How much you make
a month on that job?

About as much as the
bartender at the Long Branch.

Yeah, but he don't
have to risk his life.

- You don't know the Long Branch.
- (Brad chuckles)

How long you
expect it to take you

to earn as much as we're
carrying in those strongboxes?

About 100 years, I guess,
if my health held out.

We could turn off this
trail, head south, you know.

Wouldn't work, Brad.

U.S. Marshal'd bring us back.

(chuckles) But
you're the marshal.

That's right.



Got 'em all right?

Yeah, I can hold 'em.

Well, you'd better
give a little more brake!


(wheel brake scraping)

(brake scraping)

I can't hold 'em, Matt.

(Brad grunts)

All right.

(brake scraping)

(soft grunt)

Sorry, Matt.

Hyah. Hyah.



(wind whistling)


Hey! Hey!

(grunts) Whoa!






(birds chirping)

(wind whistling softly)


(grunting, panting)



(grunting, panting)

(grunts loudly)

(exhales sharply)

(continues grunting, panting)


(exhales sharply)



(exhales sharply)


(water trickling nearby)




(water continues trickling)

(water continues trickling)

(water continues trickling)

(water continues trickling)

(water continues trickling)

(booming g*nsh*t echoes)

(g*nsh*t ricochets)



Brad, you're making a
mistake. Now, put that g*n down.

Your mistake, Matt,
for coming after me.

You k*lled Yuma Joe, didn't you?

His own fault. He
was only supposed

to nick that
driver, not k*ll him.

Matt... I'll make
a deal with you.

Give me the strongboxes
and a two-day head start.

I'll take your word.

No deals, Brad.

Are you gonna make
me put a b*llet in you?

You got another choice.

Yeah, sure.

Go back and hang.

That's some choice, ain't it?

Brad, what ever happened to you?

Some men take one
road, some take another.

Too late to worry
about that now.


(punch lands)


(Brad grunting)

(low groan)








M-Matt, please!

(Brad's scream fading)

(body thuds)


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