10x04 - The Violators

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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10x04 - The Violators

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

(piano playing,
crickets chirping)

(lively chatter)

Yeah. Hi, sugar.

Oh, uh... I wouldn't turn
your nose up at him, honey.

I hear tell he's a real
devil with the ladies.

- And that's for sure.
- Yeah, fact is, you don't know

how much of a devil
he can be. (laughs)

Cut it out.

What's the matter, Willie?

You know.

I don't want to talk about
it; it gives me the creeps.

Come on, relax. I told you
there's nothing to worry about.

Harv's right, Willie,
nothing'll ever come of this.

I'm saying I don't
want to talk about it.

Okay. Okay, now, come on.

You drink up, and
we'll go on home.


Come on, Willie. Let's go.

Now you just relax, boy.

Listen, I'll tell you what...

I hear tell there's a new
girl down at the Lady Gay.

We'll get on down there
tomorrow night, okay?

Yeah. What about now?

Oh, no, no. It's getting late.

You better get on
home, where it's safe.

(men laughing)

Hey, what's the matter,
Willie? You afraid of Indians?

Say hello to the chief, Willie.

- (laughs)
- It's not funny.

Oh, what's the matter, Willie?
Where's your sense of humor?


Hey, speaking of Injuns...

look who's coming.

Hey, Asper.

This here Indian
a friend of yours?

What do you mean?

Well, I hear tell you
lived with the Comanche.

Lived with them?

He's half-Comanche hisself.

Can't you tell?

(sniffs) Sure can, can't you?

(men laughing)

Hey, Asper.

I hear tell Comanche
eat dog. That true?

I guess it is.

(men laughing)

Hey, Willie, come
on. That's a joke.

Look, let's go down
to the Lady Gay, huh?

Nope, nope. I'm going on home.

And you... don't you shy from
no more wooden Indians, hear?


And make sure they
are wooden Indians.

(men laughing)



Caleb Nash.


(men chattering)

Marshal, what are you
gonna do about this?

(men clamoring)

All right, boys, I want you to
break it up, move along now.

Go on home, all of you.

(men grumbling)

Nobody but an Indian
would have done that.

Yeah, or somebody who wanted

to make it look
like an Indian did it.

Yeah, but why Willie Scroggs?

I don't know why
they'd pick on him.

I know he was a drunk and
no good and everything, but...

why him?

Doc, I still don't
think it was an Indian.

Well, you're about the only one

in the town that thinks
that way, as you can see.

Now, you know this is
the way trouble starts, Matt.

You-You've seen
it happen before.


(spurs jingling)

Quint's on his way down
with the wagon, Matthew.

Thanks, Festus.

We... we heard
about it, Marshal.

I understand you two
were drinking with Willie

last night at the
Long Branch, huh?

Well, yeah. Yeah,
th-that's right, we were.

And you left with him?

That's right.

What happened then?

Well, we left the Long
Branch, walked down the street.

He went one way,
we went the other.

Ain't that right, George?

That's right.

You know anybody
who'd want to k*ll him?

Of course not. Nobody.

He didn't have a fight, an
argument, with anybody?

Not that I know of.

Everybody liked Willie, Marshal.

When's the last time
you saw him alive?

It was... must have
been about 10:00.

I guess it happened after that.

Marshal, you don't
think it was us?

Course he don't.

It was Injuns who did it.

You know any Indians that'd
have any reason to k*ll him?

They don't need no reason.

They just like
to k*ll, that's all.

They just like to k*ll.


Give me hand, Festus?

- Quint.
- Matt.

Hey, wait a minute. Marshal.

Last night, when we came
out of the Long Branch,

we had words with him.

Then he came down this
way, just ahead of Willie.

You were drunk
last night, Foster,

but don't push me
today when you're sober.

All I'm saying is
you came this way

just ahead of Willie;
now can you deny that?

I'm not denying anything!

Quint, take it easy.

Why don't you and Festus
get this body out of here.

Hey, you gonna let him go?

That's right.

But it was an Indian
who done it, just like him.

And you better do
something about it.

Think those two had
anything to do with it?

I don't know, Doc, do you?

No, I don't.

Quint, I'm sorry about this.

Don't pay too much attention
to him, though. I don't.

I just remembered, Matt,

I did see somebody
down here last night.

I thought I recognized
him, but I guess I didn't.

Well, who'd you think it was?

I thought it was old Caleb Nash.

I knew him when I lived
with the Comanches.

Caleb Nash is that old
mountain man, ain't he?


Well, what would he be
doing in town this time of year?

He's the old fella got the
Comanche wife, ain't he?

Well, he did have; she
died about a year ago.

Well, he wouldn't
do a thing like this.

I don't know, Matt, but I
sure thought I saw him.

Well, I always thought he
was a harmless old fella.

And besides, I...

What could he
have against Willie?

I'll tell you one thing...
If there is gonna be

any Indian trouble,
he'd sure know about it.

Yeah. And I know where he
camps when he's around Dodge, too.

I think I'll go have
a talk with him.



MAN: Just stand right there.

Oh, hello, Caleb.


Matt Dillon.

Well, Caleb, this the way
you always greet your visitors?

That depends on
what they come for.

Well, I came to ask
you some questions.

Might have figured that.

Ever since you
took up with the law,

you're always asking questions.

Help yourself to
some coffee... it's hot.


Doing a little washing, huh?


Polecat rummaged
through my camp last night.

I can't stand the smell of them.

Where were you?


Yeah. Quint said he
thought he saw you.


Yeah, the young
fella that lives in town.

He used to live
with the Comanches.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

The young one.

Seen me, did he?

Well, didn't see him.

Course, my...

my eyes ain't as good
as they used to be.

What were you doing
in Dodge, Caleb?

I was getting supplies.

Just got down from
the Nations yesterday.

Plum out of everything.

You, uh, didn't, by any chance,

get in some kind of
ruckus last night, did you?

Somebody say I did?

I'm asking you.


how's come you to take
up with the law, anyway?

You're always...
pestering a body.

Well, Caleb, I only
pester somebody

when I figure maybe
they broke that law.

What law have I broke now?

Showed a g*n in
the wrong saloon,

drank the wrong
kind of firewater

and assaulted some dude,
something desperate like that?

Well, I don't know that
you've broken any law,

but if you have...

it's one a whole
lot worse than that.

What are you driving at?

You ever know a man by
the name of Willie Scroggs?

No, don't reckon I
ever heard of him.

What's he done?

Went and got himself
k*lled last night.

Indian style.

You mean somebody
lifted his hair?

Right in Dodge.

Hey, that is something.

Probably done it wrong.

It's a lost art, you know.

Not many people know how
to do that, not even the Indians.

Most of them
never done it before.

Yeah, but you have.

Yeah, well, I...

lifted some hair in my time.

Been a while.

You sure, Caleb?

Spit it out.

You're usually out hunting with
the Comanches this time of year,

not hanging around Dodge.

Well, I'm... I'm
getting old, Matt.

Ain't much hunting no more.

Ain't like it used to be.

Comanche can't go far.

They got to stay in the Nations.

Ain't like it used to be at
all, not at all since, uh...

Elk Woman.

Yes, I heard your wife had died.

I'm sorry about that.

Things ain't the same
down there no more.

Ain't much to keep
me there, so I...

thought I'd come on up here

and maybe find me some
dude that I could guide for.

Can't tell. Might scare up
a lone buffalo somewhere.

That was your only reason?

Matt, you, uh...

you ain't thinking I served
this Scroggs fella, are you?

You're capable of it.

Sure, if I...

if I had the hate,
but, like I say,

I never heard his
name till just now.

Have you heard anything

that might have
something to do with this?

Has there been
any Indian trouble?

Ooh, no. Never heard
nothing down in the Nations.

Uh, nothing at all.

Well, all right, thanks, Caleb.

You hear of anything
that might be of help,

I'd sure appreciate
it if you let me know.

Me help the law?

It's your polecat,
Marshal; you skin it.

So long, Caleb.


Good morning, George.

Just want a can of baking
soda. That's all I need today.

All right.

Say, wasn't that perfectly awful

what happened to
poor William Scroggs.

He was a friend of
yours, wasn't he?

Yes, ma'am.

Ah, frightens a
poor body to death

to think a thing like that
could happen right here

on the streets of Dodge.

Well, nobody's safe.

Do you really think
it was an Indian?

Well, Mrs. Bell, it's,
uh... it's almost got to be.

That's what everyone
says who saw.

Did you?

Yes, ma'am.

Poor Willie.

Well, I told my Samuel he's
got to be home before dark.

I don't want him
taking any chances.

You never know
who's gonna be next.

- Bye, George.
- Good-bye.

What's the matter,
George? You sick?

Oh, no, no. I'm just a little
off my feet this morning.

Maybe you need
a dose of calomel.

Oh, I'll be all right.

You sure look like
you need something.

(crowd clamoring)

All right, all right. Any
one of us could be next.

Who knows? The whole
town could be att*cked.

And what's the
marshal doing about it?

- Nothing that I can see.
- (crowd murmuring)

Why doesn't he call out the Army
and send 'em down to the Nations

and teach those redskins
a lesson they won't forget?

Well, why wait for the Army?

What's the matter with us?!
We lost our guts or something?

No, sir, not so
you could notice it.

I heard talk there
was gonna be a posse.

Sure. Sure, why not?

A little hunting party.

A little Injun hunting party.


Yeah. You yahoos liable to
get more than you bargained for

down yonder in the
Nations, I'll tell you that.

What's the matter
with you, Festus?

You one of these Indian
lovers or something?

I ain't got no
special love for 'em

or no special hate neither.

But it sure don't
call for no w*r,

even if it was did by a
Injun, which it ain't proved yet.

How much proof do you and
your marshal friend need anyhow?

Everybody else knows for sure!

Hey. Looky there!

He's got some nerve coming
into town at a time like this.

Well, that's Old
Charlie Lone Horse.

He could've been
the one that done it.

He's brazen enough.

That's right. Well, what
are we gonna do about it?

Wait a minute.

Everybody in Dodge knows him.

He wouldn't harm a fly.

He's an Injun, ain't he?

That's good enough for me.

Whoa, you better
back off, Talbot.

Get out of my way, Festus.

Maybe you'd ought to put me out.

You think I can't?


(bystanders shouting)


What's going on here, Festus?

He was after Old
Charlie Lone Horse.

Talbot, you done a lot of
talking around this town.

But if you lay a
hand on Old Charlie

or any other peaceable Indian,
you're gonna be in trouble.

Marshal, you think we're
just gonna stand around here

and wait for the next
one to be scalped,

you got another think coming.

You leave Scroggs' m*rder to me.

Maybe you can tell
which Indian is which,

but not me.

They all look the same to me.

All right, folks, break it up.

Move along.

Festus, maybe you can get
Old Charlie out of town safe, huh?

All right, Matthew.

By golly, Matt, I'd say
it's getting kind of serious.

There's a lot more folks
sh**ting off their mouth

other than that
Talbot, you know.

Yeah, I know it.

You got any suspects at all?

Well, I got one, Doc, and
that's all it is, is a suspicion.

- Who is it?
- Caleb Nash.

Why would he do it?

Well, it's just that; he doesn't
have any reason that I know of.

I don't have any
proof against him at all,

and I can't arrest a man
on suspicion, you know.


- Hello, Colonel.
- Marshal.

What brings you to Dodge?

I think you'd be
able to guess that.

You know the talk going
around about a posse

invading Indian territory... You
know what that would mean.

Well, nothing's
happened so far, has it?

It had better not.

But, Marshal, I don't mean
to interfere in your business,

but I want to impress on
you the need to get this settled

as quickly as possible.

Now, Colonel, you don't think
I want to drag it out, do you?

No, of course not.

Like a cup of coffee?

No, thanks.

You have a suspect?

Well, no, not really.

What do you mean, "not really"?

If you have one at
all, anyone, arrest him.

That might be enough.

Now, Colonel, I
can't arrest a man

without some pretty
good proof, you know.

m*rder's a serious charge.

Well... that's your business.

But if it comes to
preventing an Indian w*r,

I should think you
might be willing

to compromise
your scruples a little.

Colonel, I'll just
have to do as I see fit.

All right.

One more thing.

Don't know if it
means anything or not.

I just received a letter
from the Comanche agent

down at Darlington.

He mentions a rumor
about an Indian being k*lled

by some white men down
there in Indian territory.

When was this?

Oh, the letter was written
about two weeks ago.

He said he'd check on
it and report to me later.

There's no telegraph
down there either, is there?

No. Even if I send an express,
it would take maybe three days.

We don't have days.

Colonel, until somebody
crosses that line down there,

it's my job and I'll handle it.

All right.

Good luck.


(crickets chirping)

Mrs. Hewitt, George home?

Oh, no, Marshal, not yet.

Is anything wrong?

No, I just wanted to ask him

a few questions
about Willie Scroggs.

Will he be home soon?

Well, I don't know.

Sometimes he has to work late.

Well, maybe I can catch him
down at the store. Thank you.

(lively chatter, piano playing)


You stop your shaking.

I can't help it.

Every time I remember
what happened to Willie...

Listen, I keep telling you,

it was probably no more
than just a coincidence.

It happened to Willie; it don't
mean it's gonna happen to us.

Don't it?

You saw what was done;
that wasn't no coincidence.

It could be you and me next.

That's crazy.

How does anybody know?

Buffalo Calf saw us.

Listen, now you stop
stewing yourself over nothing.

Nothing's gonna
happen to you or me.

Now, you just
drink up and relax.

But, Harv, whoever
did it is still around.

Now, we just knew who it
was, we could protect ourselves.

You think maybe
it's Quint Asper?

Well, then maybe we
better k*ll him to make sure.

I couldn't do that.

Listen, you've already
got one mark against you.

One more ain't gonna
make no difference.

Well, you did
the k*lling; I didn't.


(quietly): Now, we're
both in this together.

If anybody finds out about it,

you're gonna hang
just as high as me.

Besides, you did
the other thing.

TALBOT: Hey, fellas.

You ain't signed up yet?

What for?

To go with the posse
down to the Nations.

We're gonna learn them
Injuns once and for all

to stay out of Dodge.

Yeah, well, uh...
we probably will.

TALBOT: Probably?
I should hope so.

You call yourself
friends of Willie's.

Well, sure.

Sure, we'll go along.

All right.

I ain't ever going down
there again as long as I live.

Well, you just may have to.

Now, come on.

You take another drink
and pull yourself together.

Oh, I'm going home.

I don't like to be out
on the streets after dark.

Look, I'm scared.

Beside, the wife will
be looking for me.

You coming?

No. You go on home to the wife.

Gonna sit here and
have me another drink.

(crickets chirping)

(footsteps approaching)



MRS. HEWITT: George?

George, what's the matter?


Oh. Is something wrong?

The marshal was
here looking for you.

The marshal?

Said he wanted to ask you

some questions
about Willie Scroggs.


I'm sorry you ever got
mixed up with that man.

I never did like him.

God rest his soul.


Just leave me alone.

I had a hard day.

I want to rest.

(chickens clucking)

What's that?

(sighs) It's the chickens.

It's probably the Wilcox's
dog got into the chickens again.

George, I wish you'd do
something about that animal.


All right. All right.

(dog barking in the distance)

(chickens clucking)

(brush rustling)

Oh, you.

The Comanche call me Dog k*ller.




(chickens clucking)





Thank you.

Can I talk to her now?

Yeah, for a little while, Matt.

- Mrs. Hewitt?
- Yes, Marshal?

I know how you feel right now,

but I'd like to ask
you a few questions.

Course, I understand
you've got to.

Mrs. Hewitt, did you
see anything or anybody?

Well, when I
first came out, I...

I-I thought I saw a
figure crossing the yard.

Well, did you recognize him?

No. No, it was too dark.

I see.

Well, did your husband
have any enemies?

No, none that I know of.

Did he ever mention a man
by the name of Caleb Nash?

I-I don't think so. I
never heard that name.

Old mountain man, used
to live with the Indians?

I don't think he ever
knew anyone like that.

Well, did he ever
know any Indians?


No, he didn't like Indians.

He was afraid of them, I think.

Did he ever travel down
into the Indian territories?

Well, not that I ever heard of.

George wasn't very
brave, you know.

Had he been anywhere
with Willie Scroggs lately?

Yes, uh, they-they went
hunting with Harv Foster.

It was sometime last month
about three weeks ago.

And they were gone four days.

Did he say where
they went on that trip?

No, George never
told me very much.

But... he acted sort of
funny when they came back.

He, uh... He-he was
moody and upset,

and he-he didn't want
to talk about the trip.

Said they didn't have any
good hunting luck, and...

(crying): they didn't
bring much back.

Why, Marshal?

Well, I'm not sure
yet, Mrs. Hewitt.

But thanks very much.

See you later, Doc.



Who is it?

Matt Dillon.

Oh, I see you heard
the news, huh?

It's already all over town.

Look, Marshal, you
don't think I did it?

I don't think you
did it, but I think

you may be next in line, and
you're worried about it, too.

Now, you gonna
tell me the story?

I don't know anything.

All right, then I'll tell you.

Month or so ago, you
went on a hunting party

with George Hewitt
and Willie Scroggs

down to the Indian Nations.

Now, something
happened down there.

What was it?


Honest, Marshal, nothing at all.

I don't believe you.

Well, it was nothing
to get sore about.

It was nothing to
get sore about at all.

All right, what was it?

We just had a run-in with that
Comanche chief, Buffalo Calf.

What kind of run-in?

Well, it was no
reason to k*ll a man.

We was just down there hunting.

He caught us. He told us
to get off the reservation.

All right, that was the
law, and you knew it.

Well, he threatened to k*ll
us if we didn't get off pronto.

- Well?
- Well, so we did.

Well, he didn't have
to come around here

k*lling Willie and George or me.

I heard there was an Indian

k*lled by a white man down
there just about that time.

Well, if there was, I don't
know anything about it.

He can't blame us.
They got no proof.

Now, if that's why they
come k*lling Willie and George,

Marshal, it ain't
right; it ain't right at all.

And you got to do
something about it.

It's that Buffalo Calf
who did it, that's who.

And you got to get him, Marshal.

You got to get him
before he gets me.

Now, I didn't do nothing!

Did you ever hear of man
by the name of Caleb Nash?

- Who?
- An old mountain man.

Did you see anybody of that
type down there with Buffalo Calf?

I didn't see nobody but redskin.

That's all, Marshal.

All right.

You better stay
here till I get back.

Listen, Marshal,
you better get him.

You better get
that Buffalo Calf.

I'll tell you, he's the one.

You hear me, Marshal?!

- Doc.
- Learn anything?

Well, it's taking shape.

Caleb Nash, huh?

Well, maybe and maybe not.

I don't know yet, Doc,
but it won't be long.

Are you going somewhere?

Out into the Nations, Doc.

Well, what for?

Well, I got to talk to an Indian

by the name of Buffalo Calf.

He's supposed to be the k*ller.

Well, you shouldn't
go down there alone,

especially if he's the k*ller.

Well, Doc, got to get it
settled one way or another.

You've been over at
the Long Branch tonight?


You ought to hear
the talk over there.

They're planning to have up a
posse by sundown tomorrow.

Well, if they do,
there'll be a fight,

and you'll be right
in the middle of it.

I might have the answer by then.

Well, my gosh, Matt, ain't
you taking somebody with you?


Caleb Nash.




Come on up, Matt.

Oh. You expecting me?

I heard about that other fella.

You think I slit his throat?

I came here to ask you for help.

Help? I don't care
nothing about the law.

Well, you care about the
Comanches, don't you?

At least, you used to.

Caleb, there's gonna
be a lot of big trouble

unless we can get
it stopped right now.

What do you expect
me to do about that?

Just one thing: take
me to Buffalo Calf.

You can find Buffalo
Calf on your own.

I got business here.

Caleb, it won't take you more
than a day or two at the most.

Now, I'm asking you.

Seem awful set on this.

I am. I want you with me.

For protection or
for something else?

Let's just say for support...

Buffalo Calf's a friend of
yours... in case there's trouble.

All right.

Think we can find him?

Won't have to.

We just cross that
line, he'll find us.

Come on and help
me with my stuff.

I don't see any sign.

You won't. He don't leave any.

Well, maybe he's out
hunting somewhere.

No, he's around somewheres.

We'll make camp up
here at the next water.

(crickets chirping)

Caleb, your coffee is
almost bad as mine.

Well, cooking
ain't my specialty.

Elk Woman always
took care of that.

How'd she die, Caleb?

Oh, I don't know.

She just took down
with something.

I don't know what.

Ain't no doctors out here
in the Comanche country.

You know, I was
sorry to hear about it.

Happens to all of us sometime.

It ain't so bad when it
comes your time to go.

You didn't hear anything
about these rumors

of some white men
k*lling an Indian?

Hear a lot of rumors;
don't pay 'em no heed.

Well, you did know
about this, then?


But you didn't connect it up

with any of those
killings in Dodge?


Didn't you stop to think that
it might lead to a lot of trouble,

maybe an Indian uprising?

Like I told you, Marshal,
that's your polecat.

Yeah, but you could help
me skin it, if you would.

(cooing in distance)

Well, you got your wish, Matt.

Buffalo Calf's here.

But maybe you ain't
gonna like him so good.

Just sit.

You might try pouring
yourself some more coffee.

That's him.

Tell him who I am.

He knows who you are.

Then maybe you know
why I'm here, Buffalo Calf.

The k*lling.

Two men were k*lled in Dodge.

m*rder*d and scalped.

Do you know anything about it?

Only two?

The other's still alive.

Were they the three men
that you turned back from here?

They asked to die.

Other man will die, too.

You know who did it?

Not know.

But you can guess.

You cannot save
life of other man.

It's my job to find
out who he was

and bring him back, so he
can be punished for what he did.

Kin of dead do
that... Our custom.

Your custom has to
change; it's against the law.

Our ways! Our law!

But you're living under
the white man's law now.

Revenge k*lling is bad... It
only leads to more trouble.

It's better to let
the law punish.

There ain't no law
for some crimes.

Tell me about the Indian
that was k*lled down here.

You not know?


Buffalo Calf has
some blame for k*lling.

Did not drive white
man out of Indian land.

You mean the same three men?

Did not drive them
out, did not k*ll them.

What happened?

They find Indian girl.

Young, pretty, alone.

Pick berries.

Girl fight, but they
three men strong.

They take her.

I see.

But they not know... two girls.

Other girl see, run, get help.

Help come, too late.

Girl fight hard, but they k*ll.

Help come, she already dead.

But the other girl
saw who it was?

Girl saw.

Did anybody else see?

I cannot say.

Buffalo Calf, you've got to say.

It wasn't any girl that
k*lled those two men.

Now, you've got to tell me.

You must learn from another.

Buffalo Calf, do you
realize how serious this is?

Could lead to a w*r
with the bluecoats.

Now, you've got to
help me prevent that.

I told you you might
not like him so good.

All right, then I'll tell you.

It had to be a man
who'd spent a lot of time

living with the Comanches.

And yet a man who
could come into Dodge City

without attracting
too much attention,

find his men and k*ll them.

A white man.

You was a fool to
come down here, Matt.

Expect him to be on your side.

He's a Comanche.

So was she.


And so are you, in a
way, too, aren't you?


But you weren't thinking about
the Comanches very much

when you m*rder*d
Hewitt and Scroggs.

You weren't thinking
about what might happen

to the whole Comanche Nation.

If you'd have had any sense,

you'd have come
to me with this thing,

identified this man
and let me handle it.

This way, you're gonna hurt a
lot of people... your own people.

My people?

Maybe, in a way.

Then why didn't you come to me?

There's one thing you
didn't ask: who was the girl?

Ask him what her name was.

Little Elk Woman.

Your daughter?

My only child.

Now you ask me why I done it.

I'm sorry, Caleb.

I saw the men.

But they was on their
horses and running.

But I got a good enough
look at them to know

that I could find them someday.

That's when I headed for Dodge.

You should've still
let me handle it.

Whenever has your law

convicted a white man
for k*lling an Indian?

I don't trust your law.

And what need is there for
law in something like this?

Any man that didn't track
that scum down and do them in

doesn't deserve to
call himself a man.

Don't you understand
what you've done?

You've started
something that can lead

to a lot of bloodshed and
misery for your own friends.

I didn't start it.

They did.

You're a man, Matt.

I ask you to judge me as
a man... Not as a lawman...

But as a man.

You tell me that I
did wrong if you can.

Yes, Caleb, you did wrong.

And you're gonna pay for it.

Not just yet.

There's one more fella to serve.

You, uh...

you shouldn't have come
down here with me, Matt.

I came down here to
get the truth, and I got it.

But what you gonna do now?

You think he's gonna
let you take me in?

He will if he's as
smart as I think he is.

If he cares as much for his
own people as I think he does.

'Cause he knows
I speak the truth.

Unless I take this man back

to Dodge and explain to
people what's happened,

there's gonna be more trouble.

Maybe even a w*r...

with white men coming
down here to k*ll Indians.

And do you think you're
gonna take me back to Dodge,

stand trial under your law?

DILLON: You felt justified
in k*lling those men.

Why worry about the law now?

You think I'm crazy?

Do you think they would
show me any mercy

after the way I
done them two in?

Maybe if I'd have just put
a b*llet between their eyes,

but now... now I'm an Indian.

Or even worse.

I'm not going back
with you, Matt.

I'm going back by myself,

and I'm gonna get
that... that Foster fella.

He's the worst one.

Foster's gonna
answer to the law.

Sure. Might even do
a few years in prison...

If they convict him.

I'm gonna take
care of him myself.

Hold it.

Caleb, you're under arrest.

You're going back
to town with me.

You think he's gonna
let you sh**t me down?

I'll find out if I have to.

Then you're gonna have to.



It was written in treaty:

no more k*lling.

Now it must be white man's law.

Then I'm glad.

I'm glad it's done.

I'm sorry, Caleb.

But I'll promise you one thing.

Foster will be punished
for what he did.

(crowd murmuring)

- That's Buffalo Calf!
- Marshal!

I tell you, that's him!

You got a lot of gall
bringing them redskins here!

That's him. That's the one
Foster said did the killings.

Well, what are we waiting
for? Come on, let's string 'em up!

- (crowd clamoring)
- Now, hold on a minute here.

So happens he's not the
k*ller, but I know who is.

- Who? Where is he?
- He's dead and buried.

Buffalo Calf here k*lled him.

It was Caleb Nash.

Nash? How do we know
you're telling the truth, Marshal?

How do we know you're
just not putting us off?

Buffalo Calf,

any of these men the
ones you turned back?

That one.

(crowd murmuring)

Buffalo Calf, ask
her if she recognizes

any of the men that
k*lled Little Elk Woman.

(crowd murmuring)

Marshal, what's this all about?

Well, Foster,
you're under arrest.

What for?

For the m*rder of Caleb
Nash's Comanche daughter.

Well, she's lying, Marshal.

I didn't have
anything to do with it.

Well, you're not gonna
take the word of a...

of an Indian over a
white man, are you?

Let's go.

No, Marshal, you can't do it.

It was only an Indian.

You can't hang a white man
for that; it was only an Indian!

Marshal... Marshal,
no, it was only an Indian.

Marshal, they can't
hang me for that!

You can't hang a
white man for that.

No, Marshal.
Marshal, listen to me!

It was only an Indian!

They're not even human, Marshal!

Marshal, you can't
hang me for that.

Marshal, it was only an Indian.
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