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01x04 - If Only You Knew

Posted: 03/21/22 07:21
by bunniefuu
♪ Ain't gonna do it ♪

♪ Do it, yeah ♪

SIMONE: Ooh, that is it.

All the duties Coach Loni assigned me

for the athletic alumni weekend...

- Are done.
- DAMON: Oh, my God.


Hey, do you play this weekend?

No. Coach decided that

the student/alumni matches
would only be upperclassmen.

I was just helping with arrangements.

Yo, Cam, do you gotta still
go to the football game

if you're on injured reserve?

CAM: No. I just gotta go to

- that stupid alumni dinner.
- Oh.

Do y'all two want to go see
some matches with me tomorrow?

KEISHA: I'm sorry, love.

A whole day sitting in the sun

on concrete benches is not really

my idea of a good time.

DAMON: What, you ain't got no love

for your friends
out here in the struggle?

KEISHA: Well, the struggle is also real

for those of us in
desperate need of gel tips.

What... what does that even mean?

You still haven't talked to your auntie?

I can't accuse my aunt of something

like giving a baby away

without some kind of evidence.

- Yeah.
- And your parents are

coming to town this weekend.

Can't you show them the
baby picture of Damon?

Find out what they know?

I've been looking forward
to this weekend for weeks.

Bringing up something like that is

gonna ruin it, no matter what they say.


So, we won't confront them for now.

Just learn what you can
while your parents are here

and I'll do the same with my aunt.



Y'all good?

BOTH: Yeah.

You got chips. Nice.

Let me get that.

J.R.: Yo, y'all don't get it.

My dad has been coming to the
student-alumni game for years.

I remember when he
took me when I was .

Best weekend of my life
and now I'm playing in it?

DAMON: OK, well, look, I know
you excited about your dad, but

we gotta make sure that we win this.

Can't have a bunch of
old dudes coming in here

embarrassing us in
front of our own house.

Will you two please stop
babbling about baseball?

It's not even a real sport.

sh**t, I can even play
that with my aneurysm.

OK, so, now I know you just is

talking out the side
of your mouth right now,

because baseball

is a supreme sport, my guy.

It's the perfect mix of athleticism,

strategy, and teamwork.

But you wouldn't know
about that, would you?

Dawg, I played.

I was the top
right-fielder in my league.

But then I became a man
and I found a man's sport...


- J.R.: Cap.

WOMAN: I'm sorry.

Did you say you guys play baseball?

Uh, yeah, I pitch for the Lions.

Damon Sims.

This is J.R.

- J.R.: How you doing?
- DAMON: That's my buddy.

Ha ha! That's so awesome.

I love baseball.

I've been meaning to check out a game.

DAMON: We got a exhibition
game this Saturday.

Students versus alum.

Come through.

Why don't you give me
a call with the details?

I'm Erica.

All right.

Boy, please tell me you
knew that was an act.

- DAMON: What, her?
- SIMONE: You poor child.

She knew exactly who you were.

No. She seemed legit.


Come on. She just wanted
to check out a game, right?

Oh, no, no, she trying to

check out something
and it was not the game.

Keisha. The girls'
bathroom is overflowing.

That is the fourth time this month.

Who is doing this?

J.R.: I gotta go, too.

My mom comes in the morning.

My room looks anything like it does now,

that's my ass.

I'm out.

So, what do you say?

Should we put a hour
work in on this essay?

Please. The only thing
I got written down

is a topic and my grocery list.

♪ You know it ♪
♪ We made it to the top ♪


Planning your escape, huh?

I can't, unfortunately.

As faculty, I'm expected
to attend events all weekend

to schmooze alumni for donations.

I hear you. Well, I got drafted
to play in a baseball game.


This'll be your first time suiting up

since leaving the Minors, right?

How are you feeling about that?

All good.

It's for a worthy cause.


WOMAN: Amara?

- AMARA: Candace?


I didn't know you were coming.

I signed up for the alumni track meet!

- Wait. Is that Marcus?
- Yeah, that's me.

Come here, girl. What's going on?

How you doing? What's up?

Desmond's gonna flip!

Amara, how could you not tell me

you two were back together again?

- AMARA: Oh.
- MARCUS: We're just friends.

I gotta head to work. Look, Candace,

great seeing you, girl, a'ight?
Tell Desmond I said what's up.

- MARCUS: All right.



♪ Enough is enough ♪

♪ Enough ain't never enough ♪

♪ I'm all gassed up ♪

KEISHA: OK, so, her room

is actually right through here.

Hey, this is not what it looks like.


Jordan, there was a
room full of us studying

and we fell asleep.

And how are you even here right now?

You didn't tell me you
were coming to Atlanta.

We had a bye weekend, Simone,

so, I thought that I'd
fly out and surprise you.

- Guess I succeeded.
- Come on. Nothing happened.

OK, I know, I know.

I believe you. I do. I just...

[SIGH] I don't like that Damon guy.

OK, well, then we'll
just redo the whole thing.

- OK? Look.

Oh, my... guys!

My boyfriend Jordan is
here on a bye weekend!

Oh, Jordan, you're here!

Oh, this is such a wonderful surprise.

I had no idea.

See? There's that smile.

Much better.

OK, so, right now I
have tennis practice,

but I was thinking that maybe

after, we can go to lunch.

And also,

Nate is out of town,

so, we have the entire
room to ourselves.

Well, actually, I booked us a suite

at the St. Regis, so...


OK. The St. Regis.

Now you are talking my language.

And this body could definitely

use a massage.

OK. Let me go

before Coach Loni kicks my butt.

Oh, uh, here's the card

if you wanna go to the gym.

I'mma get this practice in

and then I'm yours
for the whole weekend.


J.R.: Man, that's a whole
lotta messy for not even A.M.

It's not like nothing happened.

There's no reason for me to feel guilty.

And speaking of feeling
guilty, you was...

You was acting pretty
squirrely last night,

- whispering in corners.
- No.

No, I just had a lot of personal
stuff to deal with, that's all.

Hold up.

Personal stuff sound
kinda vague, my boy.

You sound kinda possessive over

a girl whose boyfriend
is in town, my boy.

MARCUS: All right, fellas, huddle up.

Now. Come on. Get in here.

Listen, now.

I just want y'all to know that
I will not be coaching today.

Instead, I'm gonna be playing

for the alumni team
against all you jokers.


Luckily, you'll have a more
than able replacement right here.

Yes, you, J.R. Step up.


PLAYER: Step up, boy, step up.

Hey, y'all thought
Coach Marcus was tough.

Look, he ain't got nothin' on me.

[LAUGHTER] Look, we
got your back, Coach.

- J.R.: My dawg.
- MAN: I hope you're ready

to get spanked, like
when you was a baby.

Oh, man! Pops!

- J.R.'S DAD: How you doing?
- J.R.: I'm good. How you doing?

- J.R.'S DAD: Good, good.
- J.R.: Yo, this is my pops right here.

Class of ' .

And -time member

of the student-alumni

championship baseball team, so,

you boys best come correct.

I'm talking to you.

Young man.

- DAMON: Me?


Hicks, you're not done.

- What?
- You and I are paired up

for one of the student-alumni
doubles matches tomorrow.

OK, wait, wait.

Coach Loni said I wasn't
playing in the alumni matches.

One of the alums who
is also a major donor

has specifically requested
to play against you.

So, grab some water and let's go,

because you're gonna
be here for a while.

Are you ready for this?

- Bring it, old man.

♪ Go ahead... Down... ♪

That's what I like to see.

More like that.

♪ 'Cause the secret's out ♪

♪ Feels good being
number one right now ♪

♪ Me and pass me around ♪

♪ I'll be right in, just
putting on my pound ♪

♪ It's the truth and I won't worry now ♪

♪ Can't hide, can't help it ♪


Ha ha!


That's real nice.

Marcus is pulling you boys into shape.

What time are we meeting Mom?

Mom had to work last minute.

We'll see her at the dinner.


Come on, Sims!

Let me see the arm that's
gonna save this program!

OK, now.

J.R.'S DAD: Whoo! What's that, , ?

J.R., come on, man. Lean in.

Come on, J. Come on, J.

DAMON: Whoo!

Whoa. Hey.

Hey, let's call it, man

I gotta save something
for these old guys.

Young man.

You got the potential

to bring this team to greatness.

So, we will back you
up any way you need.

People need to know we were here.



You still mad at me?

I feel like you've
been avoiding me lately.

Not at all. I have just been

living my life.

But just so you know, writing "my bad"

on a post-it and sticking it to my door

is not how you apologize

for throwing my issues
with my father in my face

and then kicking me out.

Do better.


How are you doing?

I know this whole aneurysm diagnosis
was kind of a kick in the teeth.

It's all good.

They're holding my scholarship.

I just gotta get this sucker clipped

and I'll be back next season.


You're... you're getting surgery?

Already got my surgeon
picked out and everything.

When did you decide to do this?

Your diagnosis was only
a couple of weeks ago.

I thought they said the
risk of rupture was low.

As long as this thing is in my head,

I can't play football.

Surgery's the best option.

There are complications to surgery, Cam.

Extended recovery times,

stroke, infection,

- seizures, bleeding.
- All right, Keisha, damn.

I thought you said you hated medicine.

Brain surgery isn't a
decision to make lightly.

Yeah, well, it's my decision,

not yours.

J.R.: Yo, Damon, where'd you get
that routine with the rosin bag?

You know, those hand tosses?

I don't know, bruh. I
just do what comes natural.


You know she's not reaching out.

Not with her man in town.

Man, ain't nobody checking for Simone.


You think Jordan will come to the
family dinner at Dr. Patterson's?

Bro, shut up, all right?

Look, man, I'm just
trying to look out for you.

You know, we need to have a signal,

'cause if I see you starting to
give Simone those puppy dog eyes,

I'm gonna throw a
dinner roll at your head.

Come on, man, I'm just joking with you.

I know, man.

I just forgot that I had a
lit paper due this afternoon.

I'll catch you later.

Hey, pops and I are
catching a braves game.

Don't forget.

We got another practice. P.M.

Tonight before the alumni dinner.


KEISHA: So, are you sure Jordan is OK

with all of these
drastic changes of plans?

Because going from the bacchanalia

to the cafeteria is kind of a glow down.

Well, I mean, he's not thrilled,

but you know, he's an athlete, so,

he gets it.

So, um,

you've known Cam for a while, right?

Yeah. Since junior year.

Has he always been this hard-headed?

I'm sorry.

What is this

deep dive into Cam's psyche?

Thought you two were just hooking up.

Well, I mean, yes, we are.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'm literally just curious.


That's funny.

See, 'cause I thought
you weren't into sports,

and all of a sudden, you are

catching feelings.

- I just find it very interesting.
- Oh, oh, really?

Because I could talk about you

catching feelings for a
certain baseball pitcher.

- Oh!
- But I'mma keep it cute.

Good. Because there's nothing going on.

Keisha, I'm serious.
We had a conversation

and everything's fine now.

Sure. Mm-hmm.

- J.R.: Yo, pops,

we gotta get going. Traffic
around the park is getting crazy.

J.R., I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have
to skip the game this time around.

- Skip the game? What's going on?
- This morning, I was talking to Marcus

and some of the dudes about old times

and we thought we'd hit
up Tito's, our old hangout.

Dad, we've been talking about
going to the braves game for weeks.

I'd bow out but everybody's
going and I said I'd drive.

Why don't you take one of
your friends to the game

and I'll see you tonight
at the dinner. Huh?

I guess. Um...

- See you tonight.
- OK.

♪ I don't do well with restrictions ♪

- SIMONE: Hey.
- DAMON: Hey, uh,

how you guys doing?


Erica, right? From yesterday?


♪ Whatever I want ♪

♪ Go wherever I want ♪

♪ Say whatever I want ♪

♪ It's all about freedom ♪

Hey, yo. You say y'all
going to the party?

J.R.: What's up, Damon?

You remember Erica, right?

How you doing?


Excuse me. Excuse.

Dang, Coach.

How are you still hungry?
You ain't fill up at Tito's?

Man, I ain't thought about
that place in years, J.R. Heh.

Didn't you go today with my
dad and the rest of the team?

Far as I know, them boys went home

and took naps, man.

They ain't worked out
like that in a minute.


Good minute.

I'll be right back.

history of HBCU athletics

traces back to the n*gro leagues.

For generations, black athletes

have sought out an environment
that nurtures their talents

both on and off the field,

including some of
Bringston's own shining stars.

Throughout the wider HBCU community,

sports greats such as
Walter Payton and Jerry Rice,

Andre Dawson and Althea
Gibson have graced the halls

and contributed to the rich heritage

of HBCU athletics.


Mr. Wells.


Here's a pleasant surprise.

I didn't know you'd be here tonight.

Yeah, well, I used to play point
guard on the basketball team here.

I'm glad you caught me.
I was just about to head out.


have you given more thought

to the article I pitched you?

About something being up
with Bringston's finances?

I think the school may
be in serious trouble.

Yeah, I think you might
be on to something.

I need to do more research.

Well, swing by the office next week.

Oh. Great. It's a date.


When I take you out on a date, Amara,

you'll know it.

Oh, I...

Don't... no, I...




- MARCUS: Hey.
- AMARA: This is my

editor at the "Atlanta
Daily News"... Ralph.

Ralph, this is Marcus Turner,

our baseball coach.

Wreck-it Ralph.

- What's going on, man?

When did you graduate, Ralph?

Ah, , actually.

Oh, OK. Young blood.

Slick suit.

I see you, player.

Um, I'll walk you out.

- RALPH: All right.
- AMARA: After you.

Yeah. OK.

I bet you didn't know I still had your

Minor League card.

What? That was you?


I really thought that card was
gonna be worth big money someday.

Look here, man, I'm sorry
to disappoint you, brother.

What happened anyway, man? I mean,

one minute you're
k*lling it in the Minors

and the next, you're just... out.

You know what happened.

I hurt my leg, Jesse.

You know that. Come on, now.

There wasn't anything they could do?

All these procedures out here?

That was a long time
ago, Jesse, all right?

I don't like to look backwards.

- Enjoy yourself, all right?


This is from that Thanksgiving

when you took me home to
your family in Brooklyn.

My dad had the best
time messing with you.

with them shoes in the house?

BOTH: You no have good sense?


Everyone in our year

just knew you and Marcus were
gonna be that forever couple.

So, what went wrong with you two?

Come on. Spill the real tea.

Jordan. It is so good to see you.

I wanna hear all about school.

It's pretty great, actually, even
with football kicking my butt.

Has your auntie shown you this?

Oh! No, and I need a copy.

Look how cute you are!

AMARA: OK. No need to overshare.

We were rolling to all the
parties with so much swagger.


CANDACE: When Amara took that
semester off sophomore year,

I didn't know what to do with myself.

Auntie, you didn't...

tell me you took a semester off.

It's no big deal. Just some
personal issues I needed to handle.


Uh, if you'll excuse me,

I'm gonna go to the ladies' room.

You know there's nothing

to worry about there, right?

Am I that obvious?

Look, long-distance relationships

can be tough,

but as long as the two of you

have trust and communication,
you will be fine.

She really does seem to love it here,

and you're a huge part of that.

She does love it here.

You know, she was
juggling a lot early on,

trying to adjust to everything.

Honestly, I think that panic attack

she had a few weeks back
was a blessing in disguise.

She realized she needed to
pause and get perspective.

Right. Um,

- would you excuse me for a second?
- Yeah.

His parents are Bringston
alum and the timeline works.

My aunt never mentioned that

she took a semester off, ever.

She took time off to give birth, right?

It is suspicious, but I don't know.

My pop's been acting weird, too.

At practice, he and Damon, it was like

watching Dad and his younger self.

The way they prep their hands,

their pitching stances.

They damn near mirror images.

Look. It's like they got a instant bond.

Almost like Damon is the
son my dad wished he had.

J.R., are you ready for the possibility

that Damon could be your brother?

I don't know.

I'm not ready to be in Damon's shadow

as a baseball player and a son.

Simone, can I talk to you?

Why didn't you tell me
you had a panic attack?

I handled it. It's no big deal.

No, Simone, it is a big deal, all right?

Something major happened to you.

I wasn't here and you kept it a secret.

Jordan, I didn't keep it
a secret from you. I...

I didn't want my issues
to bring you down.

I'm trying to be an adult

and I can't just lean on you
every time I have a problem.

Did you lean on Damon?

Jordan, he happened to be there.

Simone, what is going
on between you two?

And don't say nothing.

I can't tell you but I promise you,

Jordan, it has nothing to do with us.

- You have to trust me.
- Simone, I want to trust you.

I really do, but you're
making it really difficult.

- SIMONE: OK, well, j...

You know what? I'm tired.

And I'm gonna go back to the hotel room.

J.R.: So, you quit weight training,

skip out on practice completely,

and then you show up to the
dinner with some groupie wannabe?

Come on, man. Erica's cool, bro.

Come on, man. What's going on with you?

You know, I'm just dealing
with some personal stuff.

Yo, wait, this about Simone?

Dawg, she got a boyfriend.

That means she
unavailable to you and me.

Hell, for all I know,
she could be your...

She could be what?


You see, you keep saying that
you're not keeping secrets

but the math ain't mathing.

All the... the vagueness and dodging.

You know what that's telling me?

That you're hiding something from me.

Look, stop obsessing

and get your head in the game.

MARCUS: There may not be a game

today, y'all.

Desmond Stewart got
his drink on last night.

Now he's too hung over to play.

So, we need to find a ninth
man or we forfeit the game.

J.R.: Coach, are you serious?

There gotta be something that we can do.

Does the player gotta be an alum?

Look, I don't care if
it's the neighbor's dog

as long as he can get suited up

within the next minutes.

Follow me, fellas.

Yo, Cam.

- CAM: Yo.
- DAMON: Since you said that

baseball's so easy for you,

how about you play today?

The alumni game.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

All right.

My bad, fellas. I guess he's

not as good as he claims to be.


Hey, yo, Sims.

Let's suit up then, player.

There they are.

Hope you're ready.

Well, this seems like an easy win.

What she wants you to think.

Hey, Granny.


I missed you at the dinner.

The only student not there, apparently.

Yeah, I was resting up for the match.

And you, my dear.

I was very impressed by the clip I saw

of your queen of the court performance.

Oh, wow.

Thank you.

I like to compete against the best.

And today, that is clearly you two.


You failed to mention that
the special alumni donor

- is your grandma.
- Yeah.

Well, I didn't want you
to not take this seriously.

- Granny Mays is no joke.
- I'll be right back.


I'm glad you could make it.

I didn't think you would come.

I wouldn't miss this for the world.

- Look, about yesterday.
- No, no.

We can talk about it later.

All right? But right now,

go k*ll it.

All right? I love you.

- JORDAN: Go on.
- ♪ Power ♪


♪ Look, charged up... My bar's up... ♪

- Just follow my lead.
- ANNOUNCER: Good afternoon

and welcome to Bringston
alumni weekend tennis.

We have Ms. Hicks and Ms. Mays

versus Mrs. Mays and Mrs. Alberta.


All you gotta do is hit the ball.

We already know you're
good at running off.


♪ I got that buzz, I got
that... Adrenaline rush ♪

♪ I got that fire, I got that sound ♪

♪ I got that new kind of
power, new kind of power ♪

♪ I got that new kind of power ♪

♪ I'm turning it louder ♪

♪ Louder, louder ♪

♪ I got that new kind of power ♪

♪ That new kind of power ♪

♪ Power, power ♪

♪ I got that new kind of power ♪

♪ I'm turning it louder ♪

♪ Louder, louder ♪

♪ I got that new kind of power ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I got that new kind of
power, new kind of power ♪


J.R.: Pops.

If you hit this one, we
can go grab some lunch.

Heh heh. Maybe at Tito's.


- ♪ Power, power ♪

♪ Louder than earthquakes ♪

♪ Bass boom, watch the earth shake ♪

♪ Slide through on a swing beat ♪

♪ Hang the bars up watch the word play ♪

♪ Storm is coming, I
just let it brew... ♪


Can't be doing your job.

♪ Let me surf on it like ♪

♪ New kind of power ♪

- ANNOUNCER: Match point.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Louder, louder ♪

♪ Power, power ♪

♪ I got that new kind of power ♪

♪ That new kind of power ♪

♪ Power, power ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Louder, louder ♪

♪ Power, power ♪

♪ I got that new kind of power ♪

♪ That new kind of power ♪


Hey, hey!

Why do you keep waving
off all my damn signals?

DAMON: Your dad's not that young.

An inside fastball
can take him out, bro.

I'm sorry. I thought
this was a competition.

Whoa, hey. What...

You want to talk about competition?

How about we talk about how
trash your framing been, bro.

Like, come on... half them
balls should've been strikes.

And then Cam already hit
off of two of my sinkers,

and you gonna call for a third?

- Don't put your bad pitching on me.
- Bad pit...

You serious right now?

Real talk, bro, you been unfocused

and making bad calls all day.

You want to talk about my pitching?

You're the one that needs
to focus on your game.

What's the matter, boys?

Y'all need me to teach
you how to pitch, too?


ANNOUNCER: serving .

Thea Mays and Simone Hicks

are gonna try and hang on.

This will be for the match.

- Got it, got it!
- I got it!


ANNOUNCER: That's game, set, match

- for Mrs. Mays and Mrs. Alberta.


I don't know what's
got you all riled up.

Everything's all good.

So, tell me.

Why'd you lie to me?

- JESSE: I didn't lie to you.
- J.R.: Stop it, pops.

You've been hiding and avoiding since
you got here and I'm tired of it.

Look, I was so excited on
playing in this game with you.

Now I just wish you
would've stayed in Macon.


I owe you an apology, bro.

I said I'd have your back
out there and I didn't.

That's my bad.

I guess I've been a
little distracted myself.

Look, I don't know
what's going on with...

you and your pops.

But whatever it is,
you gotta talk it out

and work through it.

I can't talk to my pops about

nothing that's going on in my life, man,

and I wish I could.

But you can.

That's a blessing, bro.


I guess I blew it as being coach, huh?

It hasn't been your
shining moment. [LAUGHS]

Look, man, this game ain't over yet.

If me and you pull together,

I'm telling you we can
make some magic happen.

What do you say?

You in?

Come here.

All right, baby.

♪ Yo... ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Uh, duh, eh ♪

♪ It feels good to be bad ♪

♪ I'm the type of man ♪

- ♪ Make you probably leave fast ♪
- One down, baby, one down!

♪ b*ll*ts in my pocket, man,
you shouldn't reach back ♪

♪ Y'all just my kids,
feels good to be Dad ♪

♪ You can't outlaw an outlaw ♪

♪ Hit you up with the
right or the southpaw ♪

♪ But this ain't even about y'all ♪

♪ I'mma do it by myself,
time to bounce, y'all ♪

That's all right. That's all right.

Got one on first and one out.

♪ Now I'm badder than ever ♪

♪ Sold my soul to the Devil ♪

♪ Now I'm badder than ever ♪

♪ Me against the world ♪

♪ I was built for this,
I was built for this ♪

♪ Me against the world ♪

♪ Woke up and I just can't miss ♪

♪ Naw naw, what you tell 'em ♪

- ♪ I was built for this ♪


you were right.

I haven't been completely
honest with you about...


- JORDAN: Huh.

There's this chance that

my aunt had a baby years ago and...

That said baby is...

- Damon.
- Whoa. What?

I was trying to wait till I

found out more before I told anyone

and I didn't want to keep it from you,

but Jordan, if it is true,

it's my aunt and Damon's
secret to tell, not mine.

I mean, Damon doesn't even
know I'm looking into all this.


Jordan, this is not funny.

No, I know.

I know, I just...

I really thought you were about
to break up with me just now.

- SIMONE: Boy, please.
- JORDAN: Oh, come on.

You ain't getting rid of me that easy.

But I do need you to keep it

to yourself for a while.

Of course. For sure.


Simone, I don't know. I think
that you should tell your aunt.

I mean, if you didn't know
where baby Shay was, right,

and somebody close to
you had information,

wouldn't you want to know?

Of course I would.

But adoption, that's personal.

And Damon said he didn't
want to know the truth.

What if my aunt doesn't want to, either?

The best thing you can
do is trust your heart.

All right?

- SIMONE: Yeah.
- JORDAN: Yeah.

- Ahh.
- OK, what is so funny now?

Nothing. Nothing. It's just...

So, Damon might be your cousin.

- JORDAN: Huh?

- SIMONE: Shut... shut up.
- JORDAN: Your cousin. OK, fine.

SIMONE: Whatever.

Cam Cam. What you still doing here, boy?

If this is about losing the game, man,

you have nothing to be down about.

Nah, Coach, it's, um...

It's not about the game.

Listen, listen.

When Coach Mills cleared you to play,


he told me about your
whole situation, man.

So, I know what you're dealing with.

I don't know, Coach.

Today just reminded me how much

I miss playing, you know?

Like, I've played sports my whole life.

I don't know what I'd do without it.


When I was in the Minor Leagues...

I would've done anything, anything,

man, to stay in the game,

'cause I loved it.

I did some things that have...

That have lost me everything,


I didn't know when to walk away.

Word on the street is you cracked.

[LAUGHS] I cracked. OK.

Well, word on the street

isn't always the truth.

Look, man.

You need to figure out what
you gonna do outside of sports.

All right? And what's
really important to you.

All right, now, pick your head up.

Come on, now.

Thanks, Coach.

All right.

Because Damon's birth parents,

they went to Bringston,

and... and it was just the timeline.

Your timeline lines up perfectly

with your semester away,

and then the way you talked

how things went wrong
with Coach Marcus.

You were just...

Auntie, you were so tight-lipped,

- so, I just...


You need to sign up

for some creative writing classes.

Let me reassure you that, no,

I was not pregnant in college

and no, I am not Damon's birth mother.

Got it?

Got it.

- SIMONE: Whoo!

I really thought for a second there

Damon was family!


And how are things with Jordan?

We're good...



And speaking of the Devil, he's outside.

He's taking me to a
nice candlelight dinner.

OK, fancy. Have fun.

- SIMONE: Love you.
- AMARA: Love you, too.


- JORDAN: Hey.
- SIMONE: Hmm.

What are you thinking about?

Well, I'm thinking how

I'm gonna smuggle you out of here

so Keisha won't catch us.


In all honesty, I am thinking

about how lucky I am,

and dumb...

And how...

I almost lost the best thing in my life.

Well, first of all, you're not dumb.

- SIMONE: Thank you. [CHUCKLES]
- JORDAN: Come here.

All right. And secondly,

your auntie is right, Simone.

I mean, as long as we have

open communication and honesty,

we might just be able
to make this thing work.

Well, my auntie is wise.





or no cousin...

Damon is my friend.

And I need you to be OK with that.

I guess I'll have to be.


- Because I love you.
- Mm-hmm. Good. Yeah.

I love you.

♪ I'm in love, I'm in love ♪

♪ With you, with you, yeah ♪


What was all that with Ralph last night?

I was just checking the brother.

He seems a little
young, don't you think?

Why do you care?


Look, I...

I need a straight answer

from you about something.


AMARA: I need to know

what happened to us.

After you left for the Minors,

you just ended our relationship

and I never got an explanation why.

Amara, that was a long...

time ago.

Look, we were different people.

Can't we just leave
all that in the past?



Look, I just thought you should know

I decided to hold off
on surgery for now.

I think I need a little more time and...

maybe talk it over with my parents.


I'm glad that you got some sense.

But you were an ass to me, Cam,


when I was just trying to be helpful,

so, I don't think I want to waste
any more of my time with an ass.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

And to be honest,

I did really appreciate your help.

Your advice wasn't terrible.

And I was completely an ass.

So, do you...

Want to talk about it?

I thought we just did.


So, you sure you don't wanna spend

a little more time with this ass?

You're corny and you play too much.

Come here...

You get on my nerves.




I'll see you at the holidays.

Can't wait.

Call me when you land.

- JORDAN: I will.



Sneaking boys into the
girls' side of the dorm.


It's a serious violation of the rules.

Luckily, I didn't see anything.

It looks like everything
worked out, huh?


It did.


DAMON: Oh, what's up?


- how was the game?
- Um...

it was actually close.

- SIMONE: Mm-hmm.
- DAMON: You know, me and J.R.,

we pulled it out. [LAUGHS]

Of course. [CHUCKLES]


Man, it really sucked, like

not having you around
to talk to this weekend.

Didn't realize

how much I rely on you.


I rely on you, too.

On our friendship.


lay it on me. What's going on?


I don't know. It was...

a head trip, being surrounded by

all the alum.

Thinking any one of them
could've been my bio...

mom or dad.

I kept, like, looking in their
faces to see if I recognized

a nose or

a set of eyes or something.

Did you see anyone that
maybe sparked a memory?

Nah. Heh.

But this weekend...

It helped me make a decision.

I'm gonna start searching
for my real birth parents.

I... I didn't know that was something

you were even considering.

- I thought you didn't wanna know.
- Yeah, I, um...

I told myself that I didn't.

I tried to

ignore it 'cause I thought
it would hurt my mom.

But I can't deny how I feel anymore.

I gotta know, Simone.

For me.

Ready, Damon?

Oh, what's up? Yeah, let's do it.


I'll see you.


♪ I get nervous ♪

♪ When I'm around you ♪

♪ Mm ♪

♪ You hold my hand ♪

♪ The feeling of love
as they intertwine ♪

♪ I've never done this before

♪ But I know that I want to

♪ I've always been a
little bit insecure ♪

♪ Always telling
myself that I'm not... ♪

Hey, Dad.

Look, I called you 'cause I
gotta ask you a question and

I need you to tell me the truth.

You deserve the truth, J.R.

♪ Would you be happy to do ♪

♪ This for me? ♪

I didn't wanna

say anything until your
mom and I could talk to you


The truth is

things have been rough in our
marriage for a few years now

and we've come to a decision.

We're getting a divorce.

- J.R.: What?
- JESSE: I'm gonna move out,

- get my own place...
- Is this why Mom didn't show up?

And why you've acted weird all weekend

and why you skipped out on a game?

The Braves game was the only time
the divorce attorney could meet.

I know you probably
have a lot of questions.

- _
- I can't answer all of them but

I'll tell you what I...

- J.R.
- ♪ Say you don't want nobody else ♪

♪ Say I'm what you need the most ♪