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01x16 - The Sleepover

Posted: 03/19/22 21:23
by bunniefuu
ADULT DEAN: In the s,
there were so many iconic duos...

Ike and Tina Turner, Marvin
Gaye and Tammi Terrell,

Batman and Robin, and me
and my best friend Cory.

That's why I was so excited
to be going to his house

for a sleepover this weekend
with all of our friends.

This sleepover would be epic.

I'm gonna stay up all night.

I'm gonna stay up even later than that.

- How?
- [School bell rings]


[PA chimes]

PRINCIPAL: And it's now time
for the morning announcements.

- You mean the morning bummer?
- [Laughs]

We're excited to announce the recipient

of "Student of the Week",

because for the first time
here at Jefferson Davis,

the award will be going
to a Black student.

ADULT DEAN: To a Black student?

Oh, bring it on, baby.

If they'd given me a heads
up, I would've worn a suit.

Well, at least today's a good hair day.

PRINCIPAL: Congratulations
go to Cory Long.


Cory not only scored the winning basket

in last night's game, but also
received two A's and a B-plus

on three tests this week.

Keep up the good work, Cory.

ADULT DEAN: Needless to say,
I wasn't expecting it to be Cory,

but all that matters is that
one of us got it, right?

This must be how Jesse Jackson feels.

- I think it's cool.
- It is kinda cool.

I always knew you'd be
the first one to get it.

Congrats, Cory. Give me some.

Say, uh, what did you get on that
history quiz on Mesopotamia?

Oh, an .

I barely studied for that one.

Huh. I got a . Interesting.

[Sighs] Cory. Student of the Week.

Man, that's outta sight.

Do you think I can interview
you for the school paper?

I don't know, Hampton.
A whole interview?

There's not really that much to say.

You pretty much just did it.

I only get three lines under the
Tornado Warning instructions.

Ah, that English paper on,
um, Edgar Allan Poe.

That was a hard one. What...
What did you get on that one?

I don't remember.

An or something like that.

Really? I got a on that
one, plus the bonus question.

I don't know, that one was kinda hard.

- It wasn't hard for you?
- Not really.

[Sighs] But what matters
is that Cory was recognized

for his academics as
well as his athleticism.

Look at that smile. Gotta love it.

The answer to the bonus question
was "Annabel Lee," by the way.

Worth four points.

Even without it, still higher
than an . Just saying.

Looks like we got the house
to ourselves tonight.


You know what that means.

Mr. Williams, don't start
no fires you can't put out.

There's gonna be a bottle of
Burgundy calling your name later.


Ooh, and I'm gonna be listening.

[Pecan shells cracking]

We gotta put some bells on his shoes.

Aren't you supposed to getting ready

for the sleepover at Cory's tonight?

You guys probably heard about
what happened at school today.

Why would we hear about
the day-to-day happenings

at your little school?

We got grown folks things to talk about.

Cory got Student of the Week.

Actually, we did hear about that.

Tell him we said "congratulations"
when you get over there.

Now, go on and get ready.

I didn't realize that as much
as we were always trying

to get out of the house, my parents
loved us getting out even more.

I'm going to Brenda's for a sleepover.

'Cause it's her birthday.

We're gonna stay up
late, listen to records,

talk about boys, boys, boys. [Chuckles]

Wasn't Brenda's birthday months ago?

Isn't that why she's always wearing
that Sagittarius necklace?

Kim, we already figured you and
Brenda are going to that rally

- at the student union tonight.
- Rally?

- Student union?
- You know I work at the college.

I've gotten at least nine
fliers about it already.

- Well...
- Just call us when you get back to Brenda's

so we know we don't
have to post bail money.


Looks like they plan
to be alone tonight.

- Gross.
- I feel so sorry for them.

You and I get to go hang out
with our friends and have fun,

while Mama and Daddy are stuck
in the house with nothing to do.


♪ Love is haa-aa-rd ♪

♪ But oh, it's so easy ♪

♪ All I know is ♪

♪ All I know ♪

♪ Oh, through the highs and the lows ♪

♪ I'mma find my way home ♪

- Ow!
- [Laughs]

You touched the floor.


- [Laughter]
- [Indistinct chatter]

- That was close.
- Dang it!

Ha! You're in lava! You're dead!

Hey, uh, watch this.

Guys, I'mma do it, too.

- Wait!
- Don't do it, Dean!

- You'll hurt yourself!
- And they were probably right,

but for some reason,
I felt the need to outdo Cory.

You know what?

I'm gonna jump further than you.

Oh, come on, Dean. Are you crazy?

Come on. If you can jump from there,

then I'm sure I can jump to this one.

All right.

[Door opens]

- Ah!
- [Thuds]

Uh-uh! Not in my house!

Look, keep your feet off my furniture.

This stuff ain't even paid for yet.

Ah, come on, Dad.

We were just playing
around a little bit.

Put this stuff back where it belongs.

Rest of y'all, call y'all parents
and say good night

and go to bed.

Come on, guys.

Dean, you're not bleeding
on my carpet, are you?

N-No, sir.

Well, good. 'Cause it
ain't paid for, either.

Come in this house and
y'all jumping on my stuff.

[Busy signal]


What could they be doing
that's so important

the phone's off the hook?


Don't tell me you have to
use the bathroom again.

I just got comfortable.

I-I'm sorry.

Just hold it in. That's what I'm doing.

- You can die doing that.
- I hope not.

One of my biggest fears is pooping
at someone else's house.

- Just move!
- Ugh.

[Keys jangling]

Coach Long?

You're leaving?

Uh, y-yeah. Yeah, I'm...
I'm headed to work.

I-I thought you work with
my mom during the day.

You right. You right. Um, I do.

I just... I got a night job just
to make some extra money.

Oh. Uh, o-okay.

But do not mention this to anyone.

Sure thing. No problem.

All right.


D-Does that include Cory?

Especially Cory.

Look, I don't want him worrying
about the family's finances.

You... You understand?

The fact that Coach Long was
trusting me with a secret

he couldn't tell Cory made
me feel mature, special.

It almost made me forget that I
terrible at keeping secrets.

Why'd you buy paper plates?

For your surprise birthday party.

Thanks, Dean.

I can't wait to see
"Planet of the Apes."

Yeah, I heard it was good.

They were on Earth all along.

W-What? I said it was good.

Look, j-just go to bed.

All right.

[Door closes]

Coach Long telling me
not to reveal his secret

was like telling me not to
think about pink elephants.

I was sweating so much,
my jammies had pit stains.

Hey, Dean, what was up with all
that tossing and turning last night?

Yeah. What was all that
mumbling about last night?

You sounded crazy.

Who told you? I-I don't know anything.


We was just trying to see
if you got some sleep.

W-Well, actually, Cory,
uh, I ran into Dean

on the way to the bathroom last night.

Ooh. Oh, good.

Coach is coming clean and
letting me off the hook.

And I made sure he was okay
and we both went back to bed.


Ain't that right, Dean?

Yes, sir.

W... You know what, Dean?


how about you have
the last two pancakes?

Well, hope they have pancakes in Hell

'cause there ain't no way I'mma
be able to keep this secret.

[Exhales sharply] Um, Dean.

What are you doing home so early?

Yeah, we weren't expecting
you before : a.m.

It's after : .

I didn't realize it was so late.

- [Chuckles]
- I guess we missed our meeting

- at church.
- [Both laugh]

I tried to call to say good night,

but the phone was off the hook.

Well, maybe you dialed the wrong number.

- Yeah.
- times?

What were you guys doing
that you didn't notice

the phone was off the hook?

Go outside and play.

Hey. Hey, Dean.

You wanna hang out after practice?

Uh, I-I-I don't know.

The secret is k*lling me!

What does that mean?

Uh, uh, m-my mom is actually two
years older than she says she is.


I thought telling another secret

would take the pressure off
of not telling this one.

- Hey!
- Nope.

I know what's going on.

Y-You do?

You're acting like this
because you're jealous

that I got Student of
the Week and you didn't.

What? No. It's not that.

Then why have you been acting
so weird with me lately?

You know, everybody told
me that you'd be petty,

and I defended you.

Wait. What? Who... Who is everybody?


But I guess they were
right and I was wrong.

Hey, Dean, uh, let me rap
with you for a second.

You all right?

You, uh, haven't told our
little secret to Cory, right?

Uh... no, no.

All right. Um, you know what?

I want you to play shortstop today.

But... But Cory's at shortstop.

Cory, you're in left field.

Dean's at shortstop.

I'm gonna show you what
not being petty looks like.

Great job, Dean! Maybe the next one!


Try again, Dean! You got it!

Oh, that's okay, Dean.
You're doing great.

Come on, why Cliff want to
subject my baby to this t*rture

when he know he can't catch?

Hmm. That's Cliff's problem.

You see, you can't tell him
nothing about nothing.

Thinks he knows everything
about every damn thing.

I just... [Exhales sharply]

[Indistinct conversation]

Cory said that you guys think I'm petty.

Is... Is that true?

[Sighs] Cory told us
how you've been acting

since he won Student of the Week,

and this isn't the first time
you've been petty and jealous.

What? Give me one other example.

You knock over the checkers board

as soon as one of us starts winning.

You lick your Oreo cookie sandwiches

so we won't ask for any.

You read everyone else's comics

just so the pages in
yours don't get folded.

The petty thing to do
would be to tell Cory

that I've been acting weird

because his dad told me a
big secret to keep from him.

But I couldn't, so I
did the next best thing.

... when his grandmother died.

Well, you're all petty
for calling me petty!

That's right.

The ol' rubber and glue defense.

Been getting kids out of losing
arguments since time began.

Let me go, baby

Let me go, baby

What's eating at you?

My friends all think I'm petty.

- Well, tell your friends...
- You're petty as hell, Dean.

- Bill.
- He's petty at Christmas,

petty with his sister.

He was petty as a baby.

First time I changed his diaper,

he was mad it wasn't
you and peed in my face.

All babies are like that.

You didn't see the look
in his eye when he did it.

- Petty.
- Ignore your father.

And please, tell me why this
is upsetting you so much.

I-I-I guess it's okay
if I tell you guys.


I saw Coach Long sneaking out of
the house when I spent the night,

and he... he said he was
headed to his second job,

and he made me promise not to tell Cory,

and it's been eating me up inside

because I don't want to spill the beans.

But Cory thinks I'm acting jealous

because he won Student
of the Week and I didn't.

Uh-oh. She knew something.

I could tell.

Well, I didn't wanna say anything,
but Vivian was a little [grunts]

about Cliff at practice.

Viv's always a little [grunts].

No, this time it was
more [aggressive grunt]

than [unsure grunt].

I was uncomfortable.

It's probably nothing.

Then again, Cliff was acting
a little you-know-what

when I dropped Dean
off at the sleepover.

Remember the last time
he was acting like that?

It was when that thing happened.

- Oh.
- Oh, speak English, people!

No wonder he was tired at work.

He was falling asleep in his office.

You sure he wasn't tired from
running his mouth all day?


I'm sorry. You're right to be worried.

I'll reach out to Cliff to make
sure everything's all right.

What are you guys talking about?

We're talking about how friends
should be there for each other.

Thank you for trusting
us with your secret.

But for now, it's very important for you

to keep your word with Coach Long

and don't tell Cory until he's ready to.

- You understand?
- Totally.

I was so confused.

I had no idea.

- And mom said [grunts]?
- Yep.

And Daddy said he noticed something
strange about Coach Long.

I-I think.

So, why would Mr. Long
need a second job?

He makes more money than Mom,

even though he doesn't do
half the work she does.

He shouldn't need a second job.



Unless what?

Unless he's been spending
all their money.

W-Well, they do buy that fancy mustard.

Ooh, he must be gambling.

That's what happened
to my friend Lorraine.

Her father lost their
house in a card game,

and they had to move to Arkansas.

I thought they wanted
to move to Arkansas?

Nobody wants to move to Arkansas.

They had to sell off everything...

furniture, jewelry, cars.



This is an even bigger
secret than I realized,

much too big for me to keep.

It could be years before I'd
be able to speak to Cory again.

You want to stop by the candy
lady's house and buy some candy?

I will, as long as you're paying.


Dean, you coming?

- Dean?
- Unh-unh.

Not getting me. Lock box.

I've managed to keep
my mouth shut this long,

I wasn't about to start blabbing now.

Are you seriously
still not talking to me

because of that dumb
Student of the Week thing?

What? No. I-I don't care
about that anymore.

From how you're acting,
it seems like you do.

You know, you still have a chance to be

the second Black Student of the Week.

Nobody remembers the
second Black anything.

Why are you being so
stupid and childish?

I'm not being stupid and childish.

I don't want to talk to you
because I don't want to tell you

that your family's broke,
your dad's a gambler,

and you're probably gonna
have to move to Arkansas.

I know you're jealous, man, but...

you don't have to make up lies.

One of y'all owes me a Snickers bar!

BILL: You're more than welcome
to sleep on our couch.

Trust me, I understand.

Sometimes, you gotta let things settle.

Yeah, thank you.

[Sighs] Man, it's been hard,
sneaking out of the house,

staying in motels so
Cory won't find out.

I won't charge you more than half

than what a motel would cost.

[Both laugh]

No new job? No gambling?

I had it all wrong.

Coach Long, I am really,
really, really sorry.

I-I didn't know you were
sleeping at a motel,

and I thought you were
sneaking out to a second job

because you lost all
your money gambling.

- [Both laugh]
- What?

And I accidentally told that to Cory.


[Sighs] Dean, it's okay.

Look, I should have never lied
to you in the first place,

or asked you to keep my secret.

I'm guessing you and Mrs. Long

are having some pretty
big problems right now.

Well, Dean, um...

problems don't necessarily
have to be big

for married folk to have them.

You understand what I'm saying?




Sometimes, there's just
problems in a relationship,

and it's important for me to remember

that I didn't make vows
to never have problems.

I vowed to work through them.

Now, your folks may or may
not have any problems,

but if they do, me and Mrs. Long
will be there for them, too.

Your dad can sleep on our couch.

- [Both laugh]
- Whoa.

What makes you think it'll be me?

What if Lill's in the wrong?

Maybe she'll be the one on your couch.

What, you think I'm here
because I'm wrong?

Look, she lucky she got to
my bag before I got to hers.

You understand me?

[Both laugh]

Well, um, look, you know,

sometimes all you can
do is, uh, be there.

Come on. Let me get you this drink.

Please. [Chuckles]

I never knew what he and
Mrs. Long's fight was about.

It didn't matter.

After I'd been married
several years myself

and experienced the ups and downs,

I truly came to understand

what my dad and Coach Long
were saying to me that day.

And thankfully, my wife and I had
a guest room above our garage.

As Daddy and Coach Long commiserated

over how hard husbands have it,

but just low enough so Mama didn't hear,

I realized I needed to
be there for Cory, too.

[Doorbell rings]

I just found out my
parents had a huge fight.

My dad's been saying at a
motel this whole weekend.

They're basically separated.

A-Actually, your dad's
staying at my house,

and my dad already told
him he won't charge him

as much as a motel does.

I just don't know what's
gonna happen, man.

I wanted to tell Cory not to worry,

that everything would be okay.

I wanted to apologize for being jealous

of him being Student of the
Week, because he did earn it.

W-Wanna sh**t hoops?


If you're okay with losing.

- [Chuckles]
- Yeah. I'm okay with it.

You know, maybe I was jealous

that you won Student of
the Week and I didn't.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I think I was scared that
if you're already good

at the stuff you're good at
now and the stuff I'm good at,

then you wouldn't need
me as a friend anymore.

Man, it's your fault I got Student
of the Week in the first place.

- Oh.
- Wait. My fault?

Yeah, I had to start studying more

or we couldn't have stayed friends.

I never knew what you were
saying with those big fancy words

and what-not. [Chuckles]

It's okay, Dean.

You'll get them next time.

So petty. [Chuckles]

The dynamic duo were back together.


♪ They say we're young
and we don't know ♪

- ♪ We won't find out... ♪
- And after a couple weeks,

I even got to go to Cory's
for another sleepover.

This time, there were
no feet in my face.

But that didn't stop Mother
Nature from making her call.

♪ And, baby, I got you ♪

♪ Babe ♪

♪ I got you, babe ♪

- [Vivian screams]

Shut the door!

It was pretty obvious
the Longs had made up.

It was also clear Coach Long
and I now had another secret.

- [Door slams]
- [Pulsating tone]

♪ Babe ♪

♪ I got you, babe ♪