08x34 - Old York

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
Post Reply

08x34 - Old York

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


Well, we had another look at
the town and everything's fine.

We'll do the job just the
way we got it planned.

That bank's setting there
just plain fat with money.

Ripe for opening.

I want every man
here to remember

exactly what his job is.

If you got any
questions, ask 'em now.

All right.

We leave in a couple
of minutes. Get ready.

So the big day's
finally here, huh?

In a couple of hours
we'll be rich, Clayton.

- Hey.
- Hmm?

What's eating him?

Well, it's his first
raid, remember?

He gets shot at a few
times, he'll calm down.

Yeah, I guess.

You know, speaking
of getting shot at,

what do you think about all this
trouble they're having up north?

- What trouble?
- Well, about sl*very.

I heard there's a bunch of
people want to get rid of it...

well, even if it
means a civil w*r.

Aw, it won't come to that.

It's none of our
business anyway.

All right, come on,
let's get moving.

Douse the fire.

You sick or something?


No, I ain't sick.

Scared, is that it?

It's my first time. That's all.

I'll get over it.

Boy, you-you come with me.

We'll have a little talk.

Yes, sir.

Clayton, turn his horse loose.

- You k*lled him?
- We can't have a man like that along.

He can get us all in trouble.

Come on, Clayton. Hurry up.

- You could've turned him loose.
- With what he knows about us?


Ain't you gonna bury the boy?

Cowards don't deserve burying.

All right, men,
we're moving out!



You men get your hands up.

Do just like I tell you if
you want to go on living.

Take that cowboy as a
hostage. Get him out of here

- and blindfold him.
- Out the door, cowboy.

And don't try nothing.

- Fill it up with money, mister.
- Get busy.

Now, this is a
hostage. Blindfold him

and get him on a horse.

Come on. Hurry it up. We ain't
planning to settle down here.

All right, now, you men,

you tell everybody
that if we're followed,

we're gonna k*ll
that cowboy we got.

You tell 'em now.


- Hey, York.
- Got a lot of work to do on this horse

- soon as we hole up somewhere.
- I've been talking to the cowboy

- we picked up.
- So?

- He thinks he knows you.
- What?

Yeah. He thinks he recognizes
you from hearing your voice.

Who is he?

Did you ever work for
an outfit called the 3 Bar?

Yeah. Yeah, one of the
few honest jobs I ever had.

It didn't last long. About
a year and a half ago.

Well, according to him, you
kind of took him under your wing.

Now, he said he was
starting to run wild

and, well, you
talked him out of it.

By golly, I do remember.

- Forget his name, though.
- That's kind of funny...

You keeping somebody
from going outlaw.

I've been an outlaw
all my life, Clayton.

It's too late now, but if I
had it to do over again,

- I'd find a better way to live.
- Eh, you talk like a preacher.

I talked like a preacher
to that young fella,

I can tell you that.
Saved him, too.

That's what he was telling me.

- I think I'm gonna see him.
- There's Jack.

- Maybe he's got some news.
- I hope it's good news.


- Nobody followed us, Sage.
- Good.

We'll ride till night,
then hole up somewhere.

All right, let's get going.


That hostage... maybe we
better put him on his horse

and turn him loose?

k*ll him.


We don't need him
anymore. He's just a nuisance.

Well, he wouldn't be a
nuisance if you turned him loose.

Well, he might know
something by now.

He's been
blindfolded all the time.

Well, he might've
heard something.

Pete's been guarding
him; he wasn't near nobody.

York, you getting
soft or something?

I just don't believe
in k*lling, that's all.

Well, you'd just
better start liking it.

Now go sh**t that cowboy.

Ain't one m*rder enough today?

Are you going to do it,
or do you want me to?

Nobody's going to do it.

Oh. Now, you know
it ain't smart to talk

like that to me, York.

You just stand right there

and watch me k*ll that boy.


Now put that boy on his
horse and turn him loose.


Boy, you're a lucky man, cowboy.
Dan York just saved your life.

Now, you get on your horse.

Here's the reins.

And don't you
bother to look back.

Now get!

Are we, uh...

we gonna bury him?

He didn't believe
in burying people.

Hey, that, uh, civil w*r
you said might be coming...

Maybe we saved
that young feller's life

so he could get k*lled in that.

Well, maybe we'll
all get k*lled in that.


Hey, Clayton, what'd that
young feller say his name was?

Uh, Dillon. Matt Dillon.


Thank you, gentlemen.
There's your key.

Your room's at the top of
the stairs, down the hall.

Now if you'll excuse
me, I have an errand.


- You fool.
- What's the matter?

What did you write "Taloga" for?

Here. Scratch it out
and write "Wichita." Here.

- I wasn't thinking.
- You never think.

You sure ain't too bright, Baca.

It didn't do no harm.

That-that clerk
never even noticed.

I suppose the
first bar we go into,

you'll start telling everybody
we're headed for Pueblo and why.

You're too edgy, York.

When you're robbing
banks, it pays to be edgy.

Eh, might as well get washed
up and get something to eat.


- Evening, Kitty.
- Hello, Doc.

- Pour me a beer, will you, Freddie?
- You bet.

Do you know something?

I almost made it
past here just now.

Well, I'm glad the temptation
was too great for you.

I just don't see how in thunder
I'm ever gonna get rich, though,

frittering away
my money like this.

How am I ever gonna
get rich unless you switch

to something a little bit
more expensive than beer?

Well, I guess we're
at an impasse.

It's just an
unfathomable problem.

Say, has the, uh...

has that big U.S. marshal
been in here this evening?

He better not come in here.

Well, is that so? Why not?

Because he hasn't even
stuck his head through that door

to say hello in
the last three days.

For heaven's sakes.

I'd certainly speak to
him about that if I was you.

I'm not gonna say
anything to him.

As far as I'm concerned,
Matt Dillon can go his own way.

You mean...

it's just you and me
from now on, huh?

Just you and me.

Let's go sit down.

What's bothering you, anyway?

That name, Matt Dillon.

I've heard that name
somewhere before.

How would you
know a U.S. marshal?

No. This was somebody
a long time ago.

During the w*r maybe?

No, it was before the w*r.

Hey... now I remember.

It was a couple of
years before the w*r.

You really know him?

You'll see.

Baca... we're sitting pretty.

Hey, barkeep.

More drink.

Hello, Doc.

You fixing to go hunting?

Well, in this business
you never know.

Didn't see you in the
Long Branch last night.

Well, I'm not surprised at that.

Why not?

Well, there's been a
time or two down there

when you couldn't
see anything very well.

Nah, I got in
there after you left.

Kitty speak to you at all?

Just barely.

Mm-hmm. You know, there's
a few things you ought to know.

What do you mean?

Well, you got to pay a little
attention to women now and then.

Well, fine, now and then...
That's about all I got time for.

Yep, you're a very busy man.

You got any coffee?

Yeah, help yourself.

- Well, good morning.
- Morning.

Gentlemen, uh,
what can I do for you?

So you got to be a
U.S. marshal, huh?

Do I know you?

Ought to.

Come on, the man
don't know you at all.

You ever been in
Redwater, Texas?

Redwater, Texas?

Well, yeah, about a
hundred years ago.

Oh, this was a couple
of years before the w*r.

There was a bank holdup there.

Dan York mean anything to you?

Dan York.

Yes, sir. Ha!

Well, you've changed a lot,
Dan; that's a few years ago.

Yeah, I haven't
had an easy life.

You've changed a little, too.

Doc, this man saved my
life one time years ago.

- Well, I'll be.
- Dr. Adams, Dan York.

- How are you, Doc?
- Glad to know you, Mr. York.

- This is my partner, Jim Baca.
- How are you?

You know, I've thought
about you many times, Dan.

I often wondered
what happened to you.

Well, I don't have to tell you
about my bank-robbing days.

But I don't have to
worry about that anymore;

I got pardoned.

General Grant hisself.

During the w*r?

Yeah, I fought under
Grant for three years.

Wounded four times.

Got my pardon the
hard way, Marshal.

Well, that's good;
I'm glad to hear it.

Anything I can do for you?

Still figure you owe
me something, huh?

18's awful young to die;

I figure I owe you
something, all right.

How long you gonna
be around Dodge?

Oh, we're just passing through.

Stop off a couple
days to see the sights.

Well, if there's anything I can
do for you while you're here,

- you let me know.
- I'll do that, I sure will.

Good. Maybe I'll see you
tonight, we'll have a drink.

Great. Good.

- Doc.
- York. Baca.

Well, I'll be doggoned.

That's something new; I
never heard that before.

Saved by an outlaw, huh?

Yeah. There was more
to it than that, too, Doc.

- What?
- Well...

I was pretty wild in those
days, kid of 18 and all, you know.

I wasn't quite sure which
road I wanted to go down.

Old Dan there straightened
me out on a few things.

I've always been
grateful to him for that.

Yeah, I guess you...

I guess you really owe
him something, all right.



- We going to dinner soon?
- Yeah, I guess so.

Hey, Baca, I've been thinking.

Come over here.

What you been thinking about?

We got a good thing,
a real good thing

if we handle it right.

How we gonna do that?

Well, in the first place,

we're gonna put Matt
Dillon to a couple of tests.

See how far he'll go for me.

Then what?

If he passes those tests,
we'll put him to the big test...

one that's gonna
make you and me rich.

Okay. When do you start?


Whatcha gonna do?

Well, I'll think up something.

Something real crazy.

And Matt Dillon's
going to protect me.

Let's hope so, anyway.

Oh, he'll do it, I know he will.

- Well, he finally got here.
- Yeah.

I'll wait a few minutes
before I cut loose.

Evening, Kitty.

Well, two nights in a row.

- How about a drink?
- No. No, thanks.

It's nice to see you anyhow.

Hey, I'm... hoping maybe
you could have supper

with me tomorrow night.

Well, I suppose even a busy
man has to eat now and then.

Good. I'll pick you
up around 6:00.


Yippee! Drink up, Baca!

Here we go, right down the...

Well, that's old Dan
York. He's a friend of mine.

I promised to buy
him a drink tonight.

My throat's dry.

Hey, bartender, how
about a real drink?

Hey, cowboy, how
about sharing your bottle?

Here, put that down.

Give me that. That's mine.

Now, what's the matter
with you? Give me that bottle.

- Share and share alike.
- Why, you crazy?

I don't even know you.
Now, give me that bottle.

Don't get grabby.

Here's your old bottle.


you want to fight.

Well, let's fight, mister.

Dan, that's enough, come on.

He's drunk, cowboy.
Now, hold on.

I ain't drunk. I'll
fight him anytime.

Get him out of here, Baca.

Come on, Dan, go
back to your hotel.

- I'll fight him anytime or anywhere!
- Come on.

- Come on, now, York.
- Come on.

I'll fight him
anytime, anywhere.

Well, I'll find you.

Well, he ain't
getting by with this.

Look, he's-he's a old man
and he's drunk, cowboy.

Give him another bottle
here, will you, Fred?


Marshal bought him a new bottle.

He did? Good.

Well, what now?

Dillon passed
his first test fine.

That's a good sign.

We'll make the
next one a lot harder.

Come on, let's go to bed.

There you are, Mrs. Finney.

You come back real soon.

I'll be back as soon as
you get your prices down

to where a body can pay them
without going to the poorhouse.

It's the times, Mrs.
Finney, it's the times.


Yes, sir, what can I do for you?

That's your money box?

- Well, yes, but...
- Let me have it.

Now, wait a minute.

If I have to, I'll
draw this g*n.

And if I do, I'll
probably sh**t you

or split your skull.

Now, don't you set up a holler

till I'm plumb out of sight.

A few dollars ain't
worth dying for.

Never mind.

Hold it.

Come in.

Well! Hello, Dillon.

How long have you
been in this room, York?

Oh, about ten
minutes, I guess. Why?

'Cause the general store
was robbed a little while ago.

No fooling?

Did you do that, Baca?

Not me. I... I ain't no robber.

York, the description of the
man that pulled that robbery

fits you exactly.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Look over there in the
bureau, Dillon, top drawer.

All right, now,
what's this all about?

Aw, I was gonna give it back.

I just wanted to play a little
trick on that storekeeper.

Heck, I didn't even pull my g*n.

Well, you sure threatened to.

That ain't no hanging offense.

Oh, I was gonna
give it back to him.

You were, huh?

You ain't arresting me, are you?

Used to playing tricks
like this often, are you?

I do some q*eer
things sometimes.

- Ain't that right, Baca?
- When the mood's on him,

it's hard telling what he'd do.

I fought a pretty rough w*r.

See, I was wounded four times.

He ain't been the same
since, that's for true.

All right.

I'll go have a talk with
Jonas, see what I can do.

If he wants to prefer
charges on you, though,

I'm gonna have to
take you down to jail.

In the meantime you stay here.

Don't worry, we'll
stay right here.

Sorry this happened.

He didn't, uh... he didn't
take that too good, did he?

We ain't in jail, are we?

He'll convince that
storekeeper, I know he will.

Tomorrow... we'll
make our big move.

Why ain't you got him
locked up, Marshal?

- I want you to reconsider.
- Why?

As a favor to me, Mr. Jonas.

You got your money back,
and he gave it up willingly.

See, this fella York is...

well, he was wounded
pretty badly during the w*r.

I kind of have the feeling
that he gets these spells

once in a while or something,

and he, he doesn't really
know what he's doing.

You know what I mean?

Well, yeah...

Well, it's up to you
from here out, Mr. Jonas.

If you want me to
lock him up, I will.

Well, ain't no harm done.

Probably wouldn't happen again.

Like you said, I did get
my money back, so...

No, let's just forget the
whole thing happened.

- Thanks, Jonas.
- Mm-hmm. Thank you, Marshal.

You know what to do.

- I know.
- Don't come in unless I holler.

All right.

Give me the money bag.

Have to wait till that old
man gets out of there.

Here you are, sir.
Thank you very much.

Why don't you go to dinner?

I'll keep an eye on things.

Yes, sir.

All right, you.

Put all your cash in that bag.

And don't try anything foolish,

or you'll do a lot of bleeding
in the next little while.

That's all there is.
That's every cent.

Tie it up.

You're making a big
mistake doing this.

I'll worry about that.

Now you stay right where you are

if you want to go on living.

That was easy.

We ain't out of town yet.


Well, why didn't you sh**t 'em?

What's the matter
with you, Marshal?

You had the drop on 'em.

Well, I tell you something.

It ain't York that's
crazy. It's Marshal Dillon.

And I am for doing
something about it!

You're right, Mr. Botkin.

There ain't a
reason in the world

we can't have decent
protection around here.

As citizens, we have
a right to protest,

straight to Washington.

Now, who's in favor?

Go on. I'd like to
hear more about it.

Now, you have no reason
to get sore, Marshal.

We've got a right to
complain. Especially me.

Mr. Botkin, you'll
get your money back.

Well, you sure didn't do
anything about it today.

We did everything we could.

Quint and I went out and
tracked 'em for 12 hours

till the rain got so
bad, we had to quit.

That's just another
excuse, Marshal.

You wouldn't know, Jonas,

but rain like this
washes tracks out.

Yeah, especially when the
trackers aren't too anxious

to catch anybody anyhow.

That's a stupid
thing to say, Mister...

Never mind, Quint.

You'll get your money
back, Mr. Botkin.

I'm afraid you'll have
to be satisfied with that.

Getting the money
back is one thing,

but what is to stop 'em from
holding us up the very next day?

That's what I'd like to know.

After all, we can't be
sure how many old friends

the marshal has running
around the country.


Good evening, Marshal.
What can I do for you?

Well, you probably know

I'm looking for Dan York
and that partner of his.

Oh, them.

I thought maybe you could
tell me something about 'em.

Where they came from,

where they were
headed for, anything at all.

Well, I did hear 'em say
something about Pueblo,

over in Colorado.

Well, they told me about that,
so they won't be heading there.

Nothing else,
Marshal. I'm sorry.

All right.

Oh. Oh, wait a minute.

Uh, here. Uh, here it is.

Now, here's how they registered.

From Wichita.

It's kind of messy,
that first one.

What's this? "Taloga"?

I-I couldn't make it out there,

but he put Wichita.

Maybe they know something
about 'em over there.

Now, wait a minute. Taloga.

That's down in
Oklahoma Territory.

That's down the Canadian River.


Thanks a lot.


Hello, Doc.

Kind of let up out
there, hasn't it?

Yeah, a little bit.

What brings you over?

Well, I figured you'd be
by here sooner or later.

I was over at the Long
Branch and heard 'em talking.

I guess you know

that you just ain't the
most popular man in Dodge

tonight, don't you?

Yeah. Well, if you
were over there,

I suppose you
know the whole story.

I let old Dan get
clean away, Doc.

You could have shot
him, couldn't you?

No, I couldn't.

I tried to, Doc. I
just couldn't do it.

I know that, but my gosh, Matt,

$5,000 is an awful lot of money

to let somebody get away with.

He took advantage of you.

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

He was counting on me.

What are you gonna do about it?

The only thing I can
do... Get that money back.

At least I got an idea
where they're headed.

Well, when are you leaving?

The morning.

There's something I
got to do before I go.

Morning, Matt.

Hello, Quint.

I've been looking for you.

It stopped raining
about three hours ago.

I know.

Marshal, are you serious
about sending this?

I'm serious, Milt. Get it off.

Do you know about this, Quint?

Here, take a look.

Go ahead, read it.

"Effective immediately,

resigning job U.S. marshal."

None of my business.

Ain't you gonna try to stop him?


Get it off as soon
as you can, Milt.

What are you going to do now?

Well, there's a town

down in Oklahoma
Territory called Taloga.

I got an idea I might get a line
on the bank money down there.

You want some help?

No. No, thanks,
Quint. Not this time.

You know how people
around here are.

They're bound to talk.

They're gonna say you went
after your cut of the money.

Well, people are
bound to talk anyway.

There's nothing I
can do about that.

So long, Quint.

Good luck, Matt.

Board horses here?


You might give
him a little grain.

He's had a long ride.

Grain costs extra.

It's all right. Where's
the best place to stay?

Well, there's the Taloga Hotel,

the Bee Café and
the Alacran Saloon.

You can sleep, eat and
drink within a hundred yards.

Only a darned fool can get lost.

I'll start with the sleeping.

Give me a beer, will you?

Have a good sleep?


Said, did you have a good sleep?

Yeah, fine.

Lot of bed bugs over there.

Hotel's known for 'em.

I guess I was
too tired to notice.

Oh, you'll be
hollering your head off,

you stay there long enough.

Well, I'll tell you now,

I'll let you know how
long I'm staying here

as soon as I decide, all right?

Yeah. No offense, Dillon.

Is there anything about
me you don't know?

Well, you, uh,
registered at the hotel.

Small town.


You know, most
folks don't have much

to do around here except talk.

Yeah, I've noticed that.

Give me a shot of whiskey.


Say, ain't you Marshal
Dillon from Dodge?

Well, you're half right, cowboy.

I'm Dillon, but I'm not the
marshal there anymore.

That's right. I just
rode in from there.

I heard you quit.

Yeah, there's better
ways to make a living.

That's sure true.

Being a marshal
can't be all good.

Dodge ain't what it used to be.

I remember when it
was a real wild town.

Yeah, it's quieter
around here, all right.

So long.

Another one here, barkeep.

Didn't you hear me whistle?

Yeah, I heard you.

Well, why didn't you answer me?

I knew you'd ride in anyway.
How's things in town?

- Well, let me tell you something.
- You get the grub?

- Well, no. I...
- Well, why not?!

Well, if you'll listen a
minute, I'm trying to tell you.

Matt Dillon's in town.


- He's right there.
- Did you see him?

Well, I didn't see him,
but this cowboy did

that rode in from Dodge,
so did the barkeep.

He ain't a marshal no more.

What are you saying?

This cowboy told me he resigned.

He plumb give up being a lawman.

Maybe he's lying.

Well, now, why would he lie?

I mean, what does he care?

When'd Dillon get to Taloga?

Oh, I don't know,
a day or so ago.

One thing's sure:

if he ain't a marshal no
more, he ain't after us.

Well, that's the
way I look at it.

I mean, we got
nothing to worry about.

Then, why'd you ride
back here so fast?

Well, I... thought you'd, uh,

want to know about it.

He's here for some reason.

Well, it ain't got
nothing to do with us.

I mean, how would he
even know we're here?

Couldn't, I guess.

That bank money's well hid.

What we got to worry about?

I don't know, Baca,
but I aim to find out.

What you gonna do?

We'll ride into town,

we'll have a drink,
see what happens.

Good evening, gentlemen.

I figured I'd smoke
you out sooner or later.

Where's your badge, Dillon?

I don't have a badge, York.

I resigned.

You can't arrest nobody.

No more than you can.

I'm just a plain,
ordinary citizen.

Is that what you call us?

"Plain, ordinary citizen"?

I, uh...

kind of wanted to have
a little talk with you, York.

What about?

We got no business
with you, Dillon.


all right, if that's the
way you feel about it.

Sorry I bothered you.

- Hey, Dillon.
- Let him go.

No, wait a minute.

What are you doing in Taloga?

What are you after?

Same thing
everybody's after, York.


I get it.

You want us to do all the
work of robbing the bank,

now you want a cut.

That's the idea.

Ain't gonna do
you no good, Dillon.

That money is ours.

Every red cent of it.

All right.

Good night.

Let's-let's k*ll him now, York.

No, don't be a fool.

I don't understand him.

I don't, either.

Let's have another drink

and try and figure it out.


Sure don't look
like no threat to me.

He ain't.

Well... I sure
wish you'd tell me

what this big idea
is of yours, York.

When I tell him.

Hey, wake up, Dillon.


you boys enjoy
yourselves last night?

I done a lot of thinking
last night, Dillon.

- That so?
- Yeah.

I'll make it real short.

Come here.

You made it clear last night

you wanted a cut
of that bank money.

But you ain't stupid.

You know darn well we
wouldn't give anybody

a cut for nothing,
ain't that right?

Of course you do.

I got this whole
thing figured out.

You quit your job as
marshal 'cause you'd probably

been fired for not stopping
us in that bank there.

Ain't that right?

You're telling it.

That left you with nothing to do

except one thing.

That's find us and
get a cut of that money.

But like I said,
you ain't stupid.

You know we wouldn't
give you a cut for nothing.

What you driving at, York?

He wants to join us.

Work with us.

I'm all for it.

Are you crazy?


He's a handy man with a
g*n and every other way.

I gave this a lot
of thought, Baca.

With Dillon we can
do a lot of things

we couldn't do alone.

He'll more than pay his way.

I'm for taking him
in as a full partner.

How about it, Dillon?

I'll think about it.

You ain't fooling me.

You've given it plenty
of thought already.

York, are you sure you know

what you're doing?

Have I ever been wrong?

Get your horse and
we'll ride out to camp.

We can talk it over out there.

Come on, let's get going.


It's a pretty nice
camp you got here.


Nobody'd find us here
unless you just happened

to stumble onto it.

Well, I don't know about that.

Well, what do you mean?

Well, I noticed on
the way up here,

you use the same
approach every time.

Anybody tracking you'd be
able to find this place easy.

Well, if we left a whole
bunch of different tracks,

they'd find us a lot easier.

Well, not necessarily.

I noticed a game trail
about 500 yards back here.

Seemed to cut right
off behind these rocks.

If you followed that trail

and then cut up
across the rocks,

you wouldn't leave
as many tracks.

Be harder to find you.

By golly, Dillon's right.

See what I told you

about having a handy man around?

We'll get a fire started

and we'll get some coffee going.

I got a lot of plans, Dillon.

Big plans.

In a couple of months
we'll have enough money,

we can live as we please.

Won't be all hard work either.

Of course, won't be as
easy as that job in Dodge.

That wasn't hardly
any work at all.

Just like sitting,
watching the spring rain.

Hey, put that whiskey away.

Not hardly.

No need for it now.

I need it.

I tell you something,

this business of
bringing in a lawman

for a partner just
don't sit right with me.

He's an ex-lawman.

Well, anybody that's
been on the side of the law

got to have something
wrong with him.

He ain't to be trusted.

I say he's of value.

He'd more than pay his way.

How about it, Dillon?

Want to give me an answer?

Coming in with us or not?

I figure I'm in already.

Well, what you mean?

Well, I let you rob that
bank in Dodge, didn't I?

I figure I'm in already.

You move pretty fast, don't you?

Then, maybe you don't
understand what I'm telling you.


I let you rob the bank.

I lost my job because of it.

I figure I'm in for a cut
of this money right now.

I told you it was a crazy idea.

We should have never
brought him here at all.

Now, wait a minute, Baca.

He's got a point there.

That business in Dodge
did cost him his job.

That don't mean nothing to me.

I'm agin it.

Now, look, York.

This one time I'm
gonna have my way.

Now, wait a minute, if
that's the way you feel,

forget the whole thing.

If you don't figure you
owe me a cut of that money,

we'd never make partners anyway.

Forget the whole thing.

Hey, Dillon, wait a minute.

Let him go. Good riddance.

What's the matter
with you, Baca?

Use your head!

He's too valuable
a man to let go.

We're cutting him in
on that Dodge money.

We're cutting him in on nothing.

You didn't hear me.

We're cutting him in.

I'll k*ll him first.


Easy, now.

He done it to me, Dillon.

He hurt me bad.

Hey, Dillon.

Ain't got much time.

That Dodge money...

is all yours.

Hid over there behind the rock

where the horses are.

You'll find it.

Have fun.

Wish I could be with you.

Why'd you do that, York?

Why'd you try to stop him?

I don't know.

I guess...

saving your life, or trying to,

was getting to be a habit.

So long, Dillon.

Mr. Botkin.

There you are.

The money?

May surprise you,

but I didn't turn
outlaw after all.

Now, I didn't say that...

My good friend
York sent that to you.

Well, that's fine,
that's wonderful.

Well, where are they?

Did you bring 'em in?

They're dead, Mr. Botkin.


you know, if you'd have shot

those men when you had a chance,

you'd have saved
yourself a lot of trouble,

wouldn't you, Marshal?

I didn't mind the trouble.

I don't understand you, Marshal.

No, I don't expect you would.

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