08x31 - Panacea Sykes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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08x31 - Panacea Sykes

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring James
Arness as Matt Dillon.


I beg your pardon.

Is this the stagecoach
for Dodge City?

Yes, ma'am. Leaves
in about five minutes.

I've come so far.

I sure wouldn't want to miss it.

Can I put your bag
aboard now, ma'am?

Yes, you can.

Mind you handle it gently, now.

It's full of my lovely things.

Well, it might
get a bit of jostlin',

but I'll try to
drive real careful.

I know you'll do
the best you know.

I beg your pardon, sir.

If I can be of service, ma'am.

I'd just like to know
the right time of day, sir.

Oh, well, yes, it's, um...
uh, half after 12:00, ma'am.

I thank you most kindly.


Are you quite all right, ma'am?

Oh, indeed.

Why, you-you seem faint.
Could I get you something?

Oh, I do apologize.

I... No, no.

Well, you're-you're ill.

- Per-Perhaps a glass of water.
- No.

Truly, now, I-I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I, um... I'm afraid
I've been a big bother.

No, no. Not at all.

All aboard! Dodge City stage!

All aboard, everybody!

All aboard! Dodge City stage!

You ready to roll, Albie?

Yeah, all five of
'em are loaded.


Three on one side,
two on the other.

You count 'em.

Mr. Foote.

Mr. Little.

You, ma'am.


Are you addressing
your remarks to me, sir?

You didn't pay your fare.

Oh, I declare, I
believe you're right.

It plumb slipped my mind.


Oh, my goodness,
I've been robbed.

My change purse is gone.

Oh, now, lady...

Well, I won't hold
you up. Just drive on,

and I can take care of it
when we get to Dodge.

I'm afraid you'll have
to step down, ma'am.

I don't mind so
much for myself, but...

my daughter's going to
be terribly disappointed.

You got a daughter
in Dodge, ma'am?

Miss Kitty Russell.

Oh, I know Miss Kitty real well.

You just stay right
where you are.

Well, aren't you the
nicest of gentlemen.

And I promise I won't be
any bother from here on.

A mighty dangerous
practice to start.

Stage won't be out no money.

Miss Kitty owns the Long Branch.

One of these
bounced off the wall,

and the other one crashed
down on Tote Henry's head.

Well, you don't have
to tell me which one.

Tote Henry's got the
hardest head in Kansas.

You better take 'em
and have 'em fixed, Sam.

I'll see to it, Miss Kitty.

Thank you.

- Miss Kitty.
- Hello, Albie.

I sure got a surprise for you.

But first you owe me $1.75.


I haven't been on
a stage in months.

No, you haven't,
but your mother has.

My mother?

Yes, and she didn't
think it'd be fitting

if she came in a saloon.

She's waiting outside.

Mrs. Russell, your daughter.

My baby!

Hey, now, wait a minute.

I don't blame you
for being struck dumb.

I can hardly believe it myself.

Now, look, I don't know
how all this got started...

"Mind you wear a
starched petticoat

and carry a clean linen
handkerchief, child."



Why, sure.

Where in the world
did you come from?

New Orleans,
honey; you know that.

And I declare, it
was a most tiring trip.

Well, come on in, and
let me get used to all this.

You right sure I should
come into a saloon?

Well, um, maybe just this once.

Come on in, Albie,
and I'll pay you.

Sam, pay him $1.75

and give him a good
drink of whiskey.

That's mighty kind of you.

My dear young man,
you have earned it.

Thank you, ma'am.

Kitty, darling, I really
must stretch out.

Well, of course.

Come on upstairs right now.

Thanks, Albie.

I'll just kind of
lead the way here.


Most like I've never been.

Just lift off my shoes, child.


Really comfortable now?

Nothing's too
good for my mother.

Oh, now, honey, I
had to say something.

They were going to
throw me off that stage.

And, of course, it, uh, isn't
proper to enter a saloon?

Well, I thought you'd want
your mother to be a real lady.

She was.

I can't count the
times you said it.

"Panacea, you've been
like a real mother to me."

You don't deny that, do you?

Of course I don't.

Then, surely, you don't
begrudge me my needs now.

What are your needs, Pan?

Care and time

and a place to rest my old head.

That head's not so old.



Hello, Matt, Albie.


Albie here has just been
telling me about your mother.

I was just telling the marshal

how your mother sure
is a remarkable woman.

Yeah, I guess that's
the word for her, all right.

Sure do thank
you for all you did.

You're welcome.

I got to get rolling.

- Bye.
- Bye, Albie.

Let's sit down, huh?

All right.

What's the matter with you?

You look a little confused.

Yeah, well, now, just what
is all this about your mother?

I thought your mother died
when you were a little girl.

She did.

That, um, remarkable
woman up there had a hand

in raising me for a
couple of years after that.

Well, you know my
dad was a gambler.

Yeah, I remember him.

Well, Panacea ran
a gambling house.


Panacea Sikes.

That's some name for a woman.

It means something.

I... I don't remember.

Anyhow, after Mother
died, Panacea took me in.

Of course, well,
Dad was gone a lot.

And she saw that I
had food and care

and that my petticoats
were starched

and I had a clean
linen handkerchief.

Now, to a young lady,
that's very important.

I owe her a lot; I really do.

Well, I guess she's
had her share of trouble.

Uh, Albie was telling me that,
uh, somebody stole her purse.

She didn't tell me that.

Poor old Panacea.

I'm afraid all the good
times are behind her.

Well, now, I wouldn't say
that if she just got to Dodge.

After all, she
hasn't met me yet.

Oh, and you are just
nothing but good times.

I got to get back to work.

All right.

I'll see you later.

Fine. Oh, uh...

say hello to mother for me.

Oh, my, my.

Indeed, indeed.


Well, it's a very
handsome watch and chain,

if I do say so myself,
and quite valuable, too,

but, of course,

that's a very small
matter in comparison

to my sentimental
attachment to it.

You're sure you
had it in Park City?

Well, indeed, I am.

I know very well I did.

A dear lady came up to
me to ask the time of day.

I... I took out my
watch to answer.

It was, uh, half after
12:00, as I recall.

And that's when you
boarded the stage?

Well, a matter of minutes later.

Now, there's an
inscription on that watch.

- It says...
- Mister,

it doesn't make any
difference what it says.

That stage has
already left Dodge.

The inscription says,

"To Shelby, from his
loving wife, Maybelle."

Mister, the stage
has already gone.

But if it shows up?

I'll hold it for you, all right?

Hmm, all right.

Uh, excuse me, sir.

Yes? Oh, yes.

Uh, we were on the, uh,
stagecoach together, remember?

I heard you talking to the
agent there about your watch.

Oh, you know something about it?

Uh, well, no, but
you never can tell,

things have a way of
turning up sometimes.

I was wondering, uh,
such a valuable watch...

the best way in the
world to handle a situation

like this is to offer a reward.

Well, I, uh... I hadn't
thought about it.

Uh, yes, I'll-I'll pay a reward.

Say, uh, $100.

Is that about right?


Oh, mm-hmm.

Well, now all we got to do
is hope that, uh, somehow,

somebody comes across it.

Well, I'll gladly pay it.

I'm Shelby Little. I'm
down at the Dodge House.

Yes, yes, I know.

Well, good luck to
us both, Mr. Little.

Yes. Yes, indeed.

Foolish, sentimental
practice, engraving watches.

I couldn't sell it like that.

"To Shelby, from his
loving wife, Maybelle."

Can I get you something,
Miss Panacea?

Well, I shouldn't, Sam.

But tonight's got kind
of a special feel to it.

I might have a glass
of your fine sherry.

Oh, now, you'll have to
give me a minute to look.

We don't get
many calls for wine.

You take your time, now.

Well, there's no
need looking anymore.

We had some a while
back, but it turned to vinegar.

Oh, don't you go
bothering about me, Sam.

A glass of branch
water will do nicely.

I've got that right here.

There you are.

I know that you are saving
me from a dissolute life...

and I'm most very grateful.

Mind my joining
you, Kitty, darling?

Oh, Pan, you sit right down.

I want you to meet my friends.

This is, uh, Doc
Adams, Matt Dillon.

Panacea Sikes.

- How do you do?
- Ma'am.

It's a pleasure, gentlemen.

Here, let me help you here.

There you are.

I, uh... I see you're with
the police, Mr. Dillon.

Matt's the, uh, United
States Marshal here.

Oh, indeed.

Well, I best mend my wicked
ways while you're about.

Can we get you a drink?

You're kind, but I had me
a glass of branch water,

and it was most bracing.

Kitty tells me that you
weren't feeling too well

when you arrived.

Well, I'm robust
now, thank you kindly.

That's good.

You doctor animals or people?

Well, now, there's been some
question about that, ma'am.

People mostly.

He's a fine doctor.

Well, that's something
I'll never know

except from your say-so.

And I don't mind saying
doctors set me on edge.

Oh, Pan!

Don't pay any
attention to her, Doc.

I myself have the
knack of good health.

You're lucky.

I was blessed with
it when I was named:

Panacea, Goddess of Healing.

I see you don't believe, Doctor.

Oh, I don't mind believing it.

I was just thinking
what an awful fix

it puts a friend of
mine in, though.

His name's Doughbelly Walkup.

Nice meeting you, ma'am.

Excuse me.

That's a peculiar thing to say.

Hold on a minute, Doc.

Night, Kitty. Nice to
have met you, ma'am.

See you later, Matt.

Good night to you, Marshal.

I'll walk out with you.

Oh, Panacea, you're the limit.

I don't want that doctor
tending me... ever.

Well, after that performance,
I'm sure he won't.

Marshal seems nice.

I'm gonna like it here.

You, uh... you planning
on settling down here?

Kitty, darling, we got a
lot of catching up to do.

Seems like when I took you in
and cared for you as my own,

you stayed a good two years.

Young man, have
you been drinking?

Not recent I ain't.

A man who squanders
himself on drink

can expect no sympathy from me.

I didn't ask you for nothing.

I know how your head feels,

throbbing and
aching with misery.

Take two of these
powders with water,

inhale deeply a
half dozen times,

and get yourself
a shot of whiskey.

Young man, as ye
sow, so shall ye reap.

Panacea's deal again.

Any more takers before
I deal, gentlemen?

Fill 'er up.

Let me help you sit
down here, Miss Panacea.

That's very nice of
you. I'm most grateful.

Uh, aren't you, uh,
forgetting something?

Oh, oh, sure.

Anybody else?

You, uh, give a
man credit, ma'am?

For most anything but
money he hasn't got, sir.


maybe just a
little bit of credit.

Oh, thank you, ma'am.

I appreciate this very much.

Any cash customers?

Or shall we get
back to our game?

Don't let me hold you up.

Everybody ante up.

We are going to have
us a little game of draw.

See, Miss Kitty? I was right.

There's a whole case of
whiskey missing in there.

Well, it was sure
there this morning

when we took stock of things.

Sure was.

And no one could get in
there without my key or yours.

Mine's upstairs. I
haven't used it in days.

Then, uh, we've got ourselves
a case of walking whiskey.

Well, no good
staring at where it was.

I guess we got enough
to last us anyhow.

Yeah, especially if they don't
drink any more than this crowd.

Sure is slow, Miss Kitty.

Yeah, I noticed that.

Sam, have, uh... have you
seen Miss Panacea tonight?

No, ma'am.

But she was down this
afternoon while you were out.


She complained of a headache.

Said she'd likely spend the
rest of the night in her room.

How many cards, gentlemen?

Uh, two, ma'am.

Uh, one, ma'am.

And I will just struggle
along with these.


I am bound to answer the door.

But if I hear any more than
light breathing behind me,

we are all in dark trouble.

Oh, it's you, Kitty, darling.

Sam said you had a headache.

Well, don't you worry about me.

I was just sleeping away,

regaining my strength,
when you knocked.

Is there anything
I can get for you?

Nothing's so healing
as sleep, child.

Open the door, Panacea.

- I'm coming in to see about you.
- Oh, no, no.

Even this little bit
makes a fearful draft.

Now... now, you just run
along and leave me to my rest.

Pan, what are you up to?

I can smell the cigar
smoke clear out here.

Well, Kitty, you know
I don't smoke cigars.

- Howdy, Miss Kitty.
- Evening, ma'am.

Well, well, well...

Kitty Russell,
this is trespassing.

It sure is.

- Just a friendly game, Miss Kitty.
- Yes.

I can see that.

Well, you usually have

your friendly little games
downstairs and buy my whiskey.

- Well, that's your whiskey, darling.
- You bet it is.

And it isn't as though I
didn't mean to pay you for it.

We'll have our settling.

Well, now, we'll just sit down
and play out that one last hand.

You've played your last hand.

From now on, the poker
and the whiskey is downstairs.

But, Kitty, I had a full house.

Well, I'm thinning it out
for you. Now, come on.

A couple of you open that
window and air this room out.

- Yes, ma'am.
- You can start your game downstairs.

- Sorry, Miss Kitty.
- Sorry, Miss Kitty.

Didn't mean no harm, ma'am.

If you'd have come
up an hour ago,

I'd be money ahead, Miss Kitty.

Have a drink on the
house when you go down.

- Thank you, ma'am. Thank you.
- Been a pleasure, ma'am.

Uh, I never saw a
woman you’re like, no, sir.


Well, I declare, I never
saw such a performance.

That makes us even.

You didn't demonstrate
a shred of good manners.

I know I taught you
better than you behave.

Now, you listen to me, Panacea,

and don't you try
to wiggle out of this.

Entering my private chambers,

raising your voice to
me and to my guests...

I'm afraid this crude
frontier life has changed you,

and I don't mind
saying I am shocked.

I am frankly shocked.

You haven't been
shocked, frankly shocked,

since you were ten!

Really, how you talk.

It's enough to break
a mother's heart.

Oh, Pan!

Oh, I-I know.

I'll forgive you.

That is a mother's way.

But the rewards of
love and care are few.

Oh, I don't know.

I wouldn't say that.

Come on. Come on.

- Morning to you.
- Morning.

Excuse me.

Indeed, sir.

Now, is this a nice way to treat
an old friend from New Orleans?

I never knew you in New Orleans.

But I knew you.

Well, most charming
of you to mention it, sir,

but I'm sure we've never met.

Well, we never actually
met in New Orleans,

but nevertheless, you know,
I remember you very well.

Whoa, boy.

I'm warning you... Don't
be rude to me, Miss Sikes.

You are being rude, sir,
and most presumptuous.

I know why you left New Orleans.

Now, if you want
to leave it at that...

Who are you?

Appleton Foote, at
your service, Miss Sikes.

Uh, would you like
to have a little talk

at that place that your,
uh, daughter owns,

the Long Branch saloon?

No, not there.

Well, how about this saloon?

Well, it's not as fancy
as your daughter's place,

but it does have
a certain intimacy.

There we are.

Now, let's see. Uh, you drink
whiskey by the water glass.

A bit of sherry in the
evening, nothing more.

Hmm. Bartender, a bottle
of whiskey and two glasses.

Lady, I've been watching you
all the way from New Orleans,

and believe me, it's
been an education.

My dear Mr. Foote,

the only reason I'm
doing you this courtesy

is because you mentioned
my beloved Crescent City.

Oh, I can mention
some other cities.

For instance, uh,

Memphis, you grew
faint getting off the train,

and the man who caught
you later complained

that his wallet was missing.

St. Louis... A lady
shared your carriage,

and she found that she
was minus a pearl necklace.

Now, in Kansas City, you
misjudged your adversary

at a poker game,

and you lost all the money
you made in, uh, Memphis.

I'll skip Topeka and
Emporia and Wichita.

And let's get to Park City,
where another fainting spell

cost a man a gold
watch and chain.

And they almost threw you
off the, uh, stagecoach there,

until you made up that story
about your daughter, huh?

I drink to you, Panacea
Sikes, with admiration.

And I, sir, drink to survival.

My own.

I assume you mean
to blackmail me.

Oh, now, that's an
ugly thing to say.

And an impossible thing to do...

with those sketchy
little notes you've kept.

The man who lost his watch in
Park City is right here in town.

He's offering a reward
of $100 for its return.

Why don't we become partners?

How does that strike you?

More or less in the pit of
my stomach, Mr. Foote.

I deal cards well,

and with your profitable
fainting spells, we could, uh...

I'm not finished, Miss Sikes.

I am, Mr. Foote.

Does your marshal friend know

that you're wanted
in New Orleans?

Sit down.

What foolish little
notion is this, now?

Well, that business
at the gambling house

where you worked...

The jewels were stolen,

and the owner
was knifed to death?

I know nothing about it.

Well, you left
town the next day.

Folks down there
think... say you did it all.

I have no intention of
pursuing this further,

but I didn't do that.

Well, easy way to clear that up.

You can get the marshal
to telegraph down there

and see what the New
Orleans police have to say.

Your talent is beginning
to impress me, sir.

Thank you.

About that partnership.

Perhaps we could meet tonight,

and I would give you my answer.

Room 12 at the Dodge House.

I'll be there after supper.

Oh, and if you're not there,

I'll just tell the
marshal all this.

Good morning.

Just winding this up, ma'am.


I'm supposing you can
send a telegram as far off as,

say, New Orleans, Louisiana?

No trick to that at all, ma'am.

You all right, ma'am?

It's just my deep
concern showing.

You're kind of flushed.

Small wonder. I am worried
sick about a very dear friend

in New Orleans.

Oh. You want to
wire your friend?

Oh, no. You see, I understand
she's just disappeared.

I want to wire the police.

Such a dear, dear friend.

Well, we'll just make this out

to the chief of police,
New Orleans, Louisiana.

"Request information on
whereabouts of Panacea Sikes."

Want to say that again, ma'am?



That's a lulu, ain't it?

I've always envied
her that name.

You may sign it Effie Crouch.

You're Effie Crouch?

That's a lulu, too, ain't it?

You know, this is a very
valuable watch and chain.

A fella could be mighty
proud wearing a watch like this.

If it was his own.

Well, you gave it
to me, didn't you?

I'm testing you, Mr. Foote.

Oh, that's interesting.

You're testing me.

Did you think I'd
come here tonight?

Lady, you had to come.

My dear Mr. Foote,

in the time that you
so generously gave me

to consider your proposal,
I could have left town...

by stage to the west,
to the east, the south...

by train to the east.

I thought of that.

Did you really, Mr. Foote?

It distresses me to
believe that you didn't.

Look beyond the moment.

The adversary without
skill is no adversary at all.

Now, this watch and chain...
oh, again, you distress me.

What? I-I'm just holding it.

You are desiring it, Mr. Foote.

You would like to
own it and wear it.

Well, maybe a little.

Muddy thinking.

You're holding $100 in
your hand, nothing more.

Well, I suppose that's the
way to look at it, all right.

- But...
- Something troubling you?


You wouldn't be trying to buy
me off for $100, would you?

Fine thinking, Mr. Foote.

Well, would you?

I might be, but I'm not.

I have been giving
serious thought

to the idea of that partnership.

What I give you there is a...

promissory note, you might say.

Promising what?

To begin our operations
a little later on.

Give me time to
reestablish myself with Kitty,

to use her friendship with
the marshal to our advantage.


Time to study our
adversaries, huh, Miss Sikes?

You are coming along nicely.

A little time, eh?

A little time...

How much time?

A matter of days.

Meanwhile, you claim
reward for the watch,

and that'll tide you over.

Well, I can do that first
thing in the morning.

Little's staying
right at this hotel.

Shall we seal our
bargain, Mr. Foote?

I'd be proud to, ma'am.

I am sure

this is going to be an
elegant partnership.

Thank you, ma'am.

Oh, oh...

What's the matter?

Never relax, Mr. Foote.


vigilance eternal.

And good night to you.

It's amazing.

I didn't feel a thing.

Sorry about your
friend, Miss Effie.


Oh, yes. But it-it
could have been worse.

They say she stole some jewelry.

That's pretty bad.

But I was afraid
she might be sick...

or something worse, even.

Panacea is going
to be all right.

I know she is.

Excuse me, sir.

I don't expect for one
moment you remember me.

Oh, but I do.

We came in from
Park City on the stage.

And you had a strong
shoulder to lean on.

Well, thank you, ma'am.

I'm glad to see you
looking so well, Miss, uh...

Sikes. Panacea Sikes.

I'm Shelby Little, Miss Sikes.

I may be able to return
your kindness, Mr. Little.

Oh, it was simple
courtesy, that's all.

Did I hear correctly?

Have you lost that
beautiful gold watch?

Why, you know about it?

News has a way of
traveling, Mr. Little.

Now, I can't make
any guarantees...

but if you'll come with
me, it is just possible

we may find that lovely
keepsake of yours.

Why, my dear lady,

there's a $100 reward
for the return of that watch.

If I can repay in
the smallest way...

virtue is its own reward.


Well, thank you, ma'am.

Here we are.

The marshal's office?

He's a friend of mine.



Marshal Dillon, you
have a duty to perform.

This is Mr. Shelby
Little. Marshal Dillon.

- Marshal.
- How do you do?

Mr. Little has been robbed
of a gold watch and chain,

and I have reason to believe...

- Is this it, Mr. Little?
- Why, yes.

Yes, it is.

You see the inscription here...

"To Shelby, from his
loving wife, Maybelle."

Well, I'm-I'm Shelby.

You're welcome to it.

Know your adversary, Miss Sikes.

I knew in my heart you'd do
the honorable thing, Mr. Foote.

Now, just a minute.

You're not going to try
to switch this thing to me.

There's a $100 reward for
the return of the watch, Marshal.

I'll leave the money with
you to distribute fairly.

Well, I don't think anybody's
interested in a reward,

Mr. Little.

Certainly not I.

I wouldn't presume
to speak for Mr. Foote.

Well, I would.

I brought that watch to
the marshal, Mr. Little,

and I can tell you
how I came by it.

Well, I don't think
anybody's interested

in that, either, Mr. Foote.

Well, I'm not, just as long
as I have my watch back.

But I would like to leave
the money with you.

No, you keep it.

Well... well, thank
you, Marshal.

Thank you very much.

Dear lady.

Why, I'm-I'm ever so
grateful. Thank you.

Oh, this is very,
very heartwarming.

Yes, thank you.

That watch meant
a great deal to me.

Good day, Marshal.

Mr. Little.

All right, now, let's get
to the bottom of this.

I'm entitled to that
money, Marshal.

Mercy, I...

I'm weak as a kitten, Marshal.

That's her trick.
Watch her, now.

She'll pry the gold
right out of your teeth.

Would you like some
coffee, Panacea?

Mercy, no.

Half a bottle of whiskey
will bring her around.

That's enough out of you.

Panacea, he's been
telling me a story...

a long story.

I know.

I've heard it.

What about it?

I didn't want to bring
you my small troubles.

I didn't want to impose.

Panacea, you're
not answering me.

He's blackmailing me, Marshal.

And you'll have to take a
weary woman's word for it.

I'm not equal to
anything right now.

Sit down, Panacea.

Foote, I'm gonna
hold you for a while.

Hold me? But she, uh...

I ain't the man
you want to hold.

Oh, no, you're dead wrong.

Well, listen, I... I told you,

I got the information on this
from the New Orleans police.

It's all here in my book.

Look, I told you... I'm-I'm...
She's the one you want.

I've been following her all
the way from New Orleans.

She's wanted in New Or...
She's wanted in Memphis.

I've got the whole thing
right here in the book.


You all right, Panacea?

Oh, I'm fine.

I'm fine, yeah.

You're doing this
for Kitty, Marshal.

I know that.

We're gonna have to talk
about this sometime, you know.

I couldn't get very far.

Come on, let me
take you over to Kitty.

I would prefer going alone.


You think he'd at least come out
and say something, wouldn't you?

Well, he... he did come out a
while ago while you were gone.

She must be pretty bad off.

He told me not
to worry five times.

Kitty, why don't you go on
home and get some sleep?

You didn't get
any at all last night.

Well, I'll get some
after I see her.

Sending a telegram asking
about her own whereabouts.

All this business
about the, uh, stealing

and pickpocketing and so forth...
You find that hard to believe?

She took most of my cash
and some of my jewelry

the first day she got here.

I don't know about
her taking things

all the way from New Orleans.

Well, did you ask her about it?

Seems like, uh,

we always had other
things to talk about, like, um,

the way she insulted
Doc, and the poker game,

and lifting the case of whiskey.

She isn't dull, Matt.

No, she sure isn't.

How do you feel?

Robust, I thank you kindly.


you're a very sick woman.

You know I told you I don't
take any stock in doctors.

You've had these att*cks before.

You've been sick
for a good long time.

I, um...

I don't see my reticule, Doctor.

It's right here.

I don't suppose
you've told Kitty

or anyone else about this.

No, I haven't.

And if you say anything,

I'll be obliged
to call you a liar.

What you need is a lot of rest.

A lot of it if you
mean to keep living.

You know what living is to me?

It's noise and movement...


cigar smoke and whiskey.

Not lying sick in bed.

Or rocking away
doing needle work.

Oh, if I could just lie down

and die once,
that would be fine.

Or drop dead quick-like.

That would be better.

You know, Kitty's right outside.

And I just don't think
you're gonna be able

to fool her too much.

Would you please give
me the privilege of trying?

And if that marshal's out
there, I'd like to see him, too.

Now, you help me sit up, Doctor.

All right, how's that?

I thank you most kindly.

Kitty, Matt.


How do you feel, Pan?

You served a better
grade of whiskey,

I wouldn't be in this fix.

Now, don't you go
picking a fight with me.

He's the strong
one. Take him on.

I'm equal to both of you.

Your jewelry is a little
too plain for my taste.

These bills I
figured you owed me

for all that gentle
care years ago.

I owe you a lot more than that.

Anything you ask.

That's the
trouble... the asking.

I'd rather take things,
Marshal, than ask for charity.

That's a pretty risky thing to
saw to a lawman, now, Panacea.

It's the truth.

I used to own that gambling
house down in New Orleans.

A smart man
cheated me out of it.

The night before I left, I stole

a load of jewelry
out of his safe.

I felt that was
coming to me, too.

You didn't tell me you
lost the gambling house.

Well, water under the bridge.

He told me I was old and ugly.

Told me I was bad
for the business.

Would you like to, uh,

send these back for
me now, Marshal?

Well, if that's what you
really want me to do.

Now, I don't think
you can send them

to the man I stole them from.

Mr. Foote tells me he
died of a knifing that night.

I didn't do that knifing.

I know you didn't.

You seem mighty sure.

Well, I, um...

I sent off a telegram
to New Orleans

inquiring about
your friend Mr. Foote.

You know, he was accusing
you of so many things,

I thought maybe they
had something on him, too.

Turns out I was right...
They're sending for him now.

I've done most things...

Most things you could think
of... But I never k*lled anyone.

Nothing to worry about now.

Marshal, you, um...

you send a telegram
about me, too?

Well, now, why would
I do a thing like that?

You better get
some rest, Panacea.

Well, I would if
you two would take

your sick-calf
faces out of here.

All right.

You take care of
yourself, now, Effie.

Oh, now, you get out.

I'll look in on you later.

When I want to see
you, I'll send for you.

You do that.


Don't you come stealing
up on me, Doctor.

You ought to be asleep.

I'm thinking about it.

Well, I've got to
go on another call.

Shouldn't be very long.

I want you to get some
sleep while I'm gone.

Won't be any trick at all.



Well, it looks like
you're all set now.

Yes, sir, and raring to go.


Much obliged to you.

You're welcome.

Mr. Grimmick.

Well, it looks as
though I'm just in time.

Why, do you know these
folks, Miss Panacea?

No, but I am delighted to
make your acquaintance.

I'm Panacea Sikes.

I'm, uh, Rollie Webb, and,
uh, this here's my Ethel.

Pleased to meet you, ma'am.

Where are you nice
young folks heading?

Oh, west... we're going west.

Isn't that amazing,
Mr. Grimmick?

Well, now, I don't
know, Miss Panacea...

I got a cousin that
lives on west aways.

But, Miss Panacea...

I know, I know, Mr. Grimmick,

but I haven't been out his
way in weeks and weeks.

I haven't had a ride.

Well, we'd be proud
to drop you off, ma'am.

Aw, isn't that the nicest thing?

Well, I-I don't know...

Mr. Grimmick, you just
put that right in there.

- Now, I don't know about this...
- And now, Mr. Grimmick,

you just help me up.

Here we are.

And I do thank
you so most kindly.

Safe journey.

I just can't tell you
how this gladdens

my old sick old heart of mine.

It's our pleasure...
Isn't it, Rollie?

That's right, Ethel girl.

How far west you
young folks going?


You're joshing me.

No, ma'am, we're sure
enough going to Pueblo.

Well, this is the most
remarkable coincidence.

My baby daughter
lives in Pueblo.
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