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02x03 - Assimilation

Posted: 03/19/22 14:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on Star Trek: Picard...

What the hell is that?

An unknown entity wants
to join the Federation

and will only talk to you about it.

- LEGION: Picard.
- UTERN: Energy spiking across the board.

Something's coming through.

Yes, Admiral. That ship is Borg.

That's new.

assimilating the ship.

JURATI: Not just our
ship, the entire fleet.

Activate auto-destruct sequence!

Picard, zero-zero-zero-destruct-zero.

Q: Mon capitaine.

You're a bit older than I imagined.

Let me catch up.


Where is the Stargazer and her crew?

I intervened.

Q went back in time
and changed the present.

Happy Eradication Day, dear.

I'm the president of a
xenophobic authoritarian regime.

You're also married.

What did Q do in the past?

A single change.

What was it? When was it?

, in Los Angeles.

There's someone there
to help... a watcher.

If we want to save the future,

- then we have to repair the past.
- What do we do?

A slingshot maneuver at warp
to generate a temporal fissure.

Kirk's Enterprise did it
on more than one occasion.

- But they had Spock.
- And we have her.

- What the hell are you doing?
- PICARD: Rios, we need her to go back in time.

Time travel is not a way
to make me feel better.

- RAFFI: They're on to us.
- COMPUTER: Incoming ships

- on intercept course.
- Rios!


- No!
- Elnor!


Throw your phasers. All of you.




I thought a safe galaxy
was a human galaxy.

Why the concern?

You should have seen what that
one did to my security team.


How dare you.

You are interrupting
a classified operation.

I order you to stand down at once.

Or what, dear?

Oh, I had my doubts,

but as the day wore on,
I no longer saw my Annika.

You are making a grave mistake.

Am I?

Tell me,

what's my full name?

- Don't you touch her!
- Get back!

Who are you?




Everything's gonna be all right, Elnor.

- I'm sorry I couldn't help you.
- No. No.

PICARD: We need to go.

Raffi, get him to sickbay.

Rios, get us out of this damned place.



No medical tricoder.

[SOFTLY]: g*dd*mn it.

There's not even a trauma kit.

I can't find anything
on this g*dd*mn ship!

Dermaline pads, they'll
stop the bleeding

- until the skin can regenerate.


I need more hands up here!


I got it.

It's okay.

You're gonna be just fine, okay?


How is he?

This is the only kind
of life you understand.

Shall we see what else has been lost

in the wake of your fear?

- Q...

Doctor, how much longer?

A warp-slingshot through a
solar flare without incinerating

- is very iffy, so I don't want to hear...
- Hurry up.



Seven, target the forward
ship, starboard nacelle.

Target locked.

Hold, hold. Hold...


Good shot.

Bastards. They're still coming!

That was a near miss...

COMPUTER: Shield strength at %.

RIOS: Hold on!



Allow me.

Calculating temporal trajectory.

Initiating tachyon-splinter
radiation burst.

Neutralizing threats.


What the...


I'm no longer in command of this ship.

Move backward to go forward.

Shatter to mend.

The past is now.

Hang on. She jumped us to warp.

Warp six.

Seven now.

!¡Está loco! Warp eight.

Warp nine!

Hey. Hold on, baby.

- It's okay. I got you.
- RIOS: . .

. !



Did we succeed?

Chronometer's shot. No easy way to know.

Look for context clues.

I see no moon colony.

Fossil fuel pollution,
early ozone deterioration,

no radioactive fallout.

I-I'm guessing we're pretty
close to when we want to be.

Welcome to the Earth
of the st century.


Nav controls are off-line.

Shields are fried.

We're caught in Earth's
gravity. I can't stop her.

We're losing power across the board.

Reroute blast shield control.

Forward blast shields nonresponsive.

I'm locked out of my own g*dd*mn ship!

Diverting emergency backup power.

If I can trigger her recovery protocols,

we might get back some manual control.

I've regained % nav control.

Is that enough to land?

More like a... targeted crash.

JURATI: In Los Angeles?

We can't crash a spaceship into one of

the most populated cities of the period.

- You got any better ideas?
- Yes.

Give me nav control.

Where are you taking us?





Everyone all right?

I... I think so.

RIOS: This can't be right.

Both primary and reserve
power are draining.


need power in the sickbay!


The biobed is the only
thing keeping Elnor alive!

g*dd*mn it!

- I'm stronger than you think.
- Oh, yeah?

- Prove it.
- Can't.

Busy at the moment with...

[GROANS] organs.


Was that... was that your first joke?



We need power!

Hang on, Raffi! We're
working on it, I swear.

The Queen is diverting the power.

PICARD: The time warp
must've drained her.

She's siphoning power
to save her own life.

RIOS: We've got nothing up there!

Shut her down.

- Agnes, shut her down!
- We got to try and detach her.

Get these off. [GRUNTS]

Forget it. This is taking too long.

No, Rios! We need her alive.



- My medallion.
- What?

The nuns gave it to me.

Get it for me, please.

- It's in my pocket.
- Okay.

It brings me comfort,

knowing I earned it
even in this reality.

Oh, it's... it's beautiful.

"Sem n'hak kon."

"Now is the only moment."

[SOFTLY]: "Now is the only moment."






PICARD: If we fail here,

we fail Elnor.

And everyone in our home world.


despite the fact that
it's against every impulse

that we feel inside us...

we have to press on.

We have to mend the time line.

- We have to...
- You should've let Rios k*ll her.

The Queen is the only
known link that we have

with the fissure in time.

And we are helpless
until she is revived...

You're kidding me?

You want to wait around

and nurse her back to life?

- Raffi, I know what you are feeling...
- I promise you don't.

'Cause what I'm feeling right now

is intense...


disappointment in leadership.

Let's put aside the fact that

we chose the g*dd*mn Borg Queen
over Elnor for just a second.

Why has all of history been changed?

Because of Q.

That's why.

For decades you've played
games with whatever Q is.

No, no?

'Cause that's what the
two of you do, right?

You joust.

You screw around with
people's lives for sport.

No, Raffi.

That's what he does.


The Queen says that there
is someone who can help us.

In this time, here in Los Angeles.

She called this individual a watcher.

You're saying if we find them,
we can undo this nightmare of...

what'd they call it...
the... the Confederation?

Will it bring Elnor back?

It's impossible to determine
whether we're existing

- outside a temporal causality loop.
- Jurati.

We fix time...

does it bring Elnor back?

I... I don't know.

Well, I'm going with it brings him back,

and I'm not waiting
around for that thing.

If the watcher is our only lead,

then it's probably some alien species

that doesn't belong here, using tech,

probably leaving a
subspace signal, meaning...

- We can track it.
- It may not want to be found.

You know, I don't really care much.

I'm coming for it.

She's too emotional.

- Too much could go wrong.
- I'll go with her.

Me too.

You can't bring that with you.

- This?
- Yeah.

- Why not?
- Because we're years in the past.

You have to look out for butterflies.

If you lose that,

Q won't be the only one
breaking the time line.

- I'll be careful.
- No, uh, y... you're like the kid

who needs the string
around his mittens. Please.

- But the point is...
- No phasers.

It goes beyond phasers.

Don't draw attention to yourself.

No hospitals. No authorities.

No security checkpoints.

Anything that can scan you...
it can find the ID implants

and vaccination chips from a
future that doesn't exist yet.

I understand.


While you search,

Dr. Jurati and I will try
and revive the Borg Queen.

Are you certain you want to do that?

She is the only one who can tell us

why we need the watcher

and perhaps give us a location.

RIOS: S... so, to be clear...

wake a queen that could k*ll us all,

beam from a ship with no
power, and find a watcher

who may or may not exist.

That's it, Rios.

Let's go to work.

Yes, sir.

She's still in there somewhere.

No activity in her reticular
activating system, but

this is her communication center.

Looks like she's trying to
talk but can't wake up to speak.

When I was Locutus,

when I was a member of the Borg,

they rarely spoke audibly.

But a thought would be shared

instantly with every Borg.

- Perhaps...
- She is talking.

But nobody can hear
because she's not connected.

I might be able to draw power
from environmental controls,

use the ship as an interface.

Repair her enough to get her out of

this recovery mode she's locked in.

This should have accessed
her central core system...

her... her self, I
guess... but I can't get in.

Did you have access when you
were part of the collective?


I felt an intense euphoria

but no sense of my existence,

- just her.
- So, in theory, as Locutus,

you could fix her from the inside.

No. She knows my mind.

Total assimilation can
take hours for a newcomer,

but me, she'd take in seconds.

- But not me.
- Absolutely not.

She doesn't know me, and she's
only operating at eight percent.

How euphoric can eight percent be?

I... I just need to
get in there, fix her,

and you can pull me out
before I'm fully assimilated.

I would be able to restore power
to the ship and restore her.

Look, you said it yourself,

we need her to know
what we have to do here.

We fail without her.


managed to reroute power

from life support to the transporters.
But at the moment, they're...


I believe the technical
term is "for shit."

But we should have enough power
to squeeze out a one-way ticket.

We could've used that power earlier.

Rotational compensation
will be off, though.

- We should land near each other, but...
- We go in ten.

Raff, slow down, we're not
even sure where to go yet.

Markridge Industrial Tower.

I did some digging.

In , it's the highest
point in Los Angeles.

We can run a complete scan of
any alien signals from there.

SEVEN OF NINE: Look for anything
that'll work in this period.

Do I still look like a fascist bastard?

Fascist, no. Bastard...


I'm gonna go check on the transporter.

From Jurati.

She can use them to beam us back.

- Raff...
- We can keep in contact with each other locally,

but without a subspace relay,
not so much with the ship.

- Raffi, you've lost someone...
- I've also calibrated

the tricorder to locate any anomalies.

- If you want to talk...
- You know, what I want

is to try to figure out
how to fix the time line

and not talk about how
it felt to watch him die.


It's only a partial assimilation.

Halfway to hell is still not
a recommended destination.

But I'll have you.

My conscious mind will be
inside working to fix her.

My subconscious... my-my-my
fear, my emotions...

everything the Borg have no
use for will stay here with you.

So, y... you know, sorry, ahead of time.

- Agnes, there are too many...
- As long as that part of me remains separate,

I'll still be me. You can...

monitor the progress of my repairs

on the screen up there, and...
and once it reaches %,

you yank me out.

The longer you're inside
her, the stronger she becomes.

If I start to slip away,
you just pull the tubule out.

The whole procedure shuts down.

How will I know you're in trouble?

You'll be talking to my
subconscious the entire time.

If anything goes bad,

you'll be the first to
hear about it, that and...

how much I still miss
my grade school cat.

PICARD: Good luck, everyone.

Remember, you're here
to find the watcher,

but be careful. Don't interfere.

Everything we do here has consequences.

JURATI: I'll get you as close
as I can to Markridge Tower.

Bye, guys.

Guess it's my turn, huh?

Yes. [SIGHS]

- [SIGHS] Agnes...
- I'll be fine, mister.

I know you'll take care of...


♪ All the leaves are brown ♪

♪ And the sky is gray ♪

♪ I went for a walk ♪

♪ On a winter's day ♪

♪ I'd be safe and warm ♪

♪ If I was in L.A. ♪

♪ California dreamin' ♪

♪ Such a winter's day ♪

♪ Stopped into a church... ♪

Whoa. Are you a superhero?

♪ Well, I got down on my knees... ♪

Can you keep my secret?

♪ You know, the
preacher likes the cold ♪

♪ He knows I'm gonna stay. ♪

Oh, oh, whoa!



- What happened?
- No idea.

Found him on the
sidewalk like this. No ID.

He wouldn't let me call the
cops or take him to the E.R.

You guys help with this
kind of stuff, right?

No hospital.

Please, please, no hospital.

Seven? Rios? Do you copy?

Your wallet. Now.

Oh, ha, money. Right. Okay, yeah. No.

Wow, though.

Lady, I'm gonna hurt you.



We just got here and you're
already making friends.

Well, I don't see you contributing

to the apocalypse fund.

Plus, he started it.

Wonderful ambassador, up against

the backdrop of hope meets hopelessness.

You're k*lling it, .

You know, I've never
been able to understand

how a society could exist
with so many contradictions

and not collapse sooner than it did.

Wh... Uh, why... why
do you look so relaxed?

- You're never relaxed.
- We should find Rios.

I was able to track your combadge,

- but I couldn't find his.
- Hmm.

He's probably already on his way.

Come on. I'm not pinning my hopes

on Picard waking Her Highness.

PICARD: Agnes?

- Can you hear me?
- Picard.

So many warm feelings.

Admiration, respect.

Sometimes I want to
disobey you just for spite,

but that's 'cause I
wish you were my dad.

I see we're diving into the deep end.

I'm looking at her.

She's looking at me.


Eh, she found the humor room.

Knock, knock, don't bother.

Just full of mirrors
for useful deflection.

The Queen is making her
way through your mind.

You can push back.

I can feel her peering through doorways.

I can hear rattling.

At first, she is only an observer.

But while you are trying
to find her control centers,

- she will be looking for a way into...
- My emotions.

She's found anger.

Whatever feelings she is accessing,

- it is perfectly...
- Normal?

Why don't you tell me about
normal, you pretentious prick.

Why don't you tell me about feelings

and the last time you had one.

Oh, you pretend to have feelings

to avoid having feelings,
so how awful must it be

to feel what you f...

New room.

She's rattling at the door of sadness.

I hate this one.


What if...

what if I never come out?

- You will.
- I'm so alone.

And sometimes,

it's just...

too much,

too heavy,

to push through.

And then a thought occurs.

I could just stop trying.

I could lie down,

stop fighting,

let it take me, like sleeping to death.

Stay with me, Agnes.

I can't...

I can't find my way back.

She's getting stronger now.

- No longer just observing.
- Listen to my voice.

- Hold onto yourself, Agnes.
- I am Agnes.

I am... Sub-routine failing.

Intrusive presence detected.

- Eradicate. Assimilate.
- Agnes, remember,

you're there for a purpose.

You are to waken the Queen.

Do not let go of yourself,
or you will be assimilated.

- Agnes.

- Agnes, stay with me.
- [GASPS] The more I repair her,

the stronger she...

we become.

Locutus, it has been so long

since I've felt anything so
intense as this one's longing.

Picard, I'm almost there.

- I'm pulling you out.
- No, I can see so much. [GASPS]

The watcher, ...


Whose hand is this?

- Mine.
- Mine.

BOTH: Mine! Mine.
Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

RAFFI: Uh...

Come on. The higher we go, the
more I can amplify the signal.

Hey. You two can't be in here.

It's not open to the public.

Uh, so sorry.

Um, my girlfriend and I were
looking to capture an image.

- Take a picture, she means.
- SEVEN OF NINE: Right, and, um...

You had a colleague, um, tall, round?

- Kevin?
- Yes.


He let us up there on our first date,

- and we just got engaged.

- And, uh, we wanted to recreate the cellular photograph.
- Just called a picture.

And you seem like someone
with sufficient power

and authority to break a rule.

I mean, you can't let
Kevin be funner than you.


Kevin is not funner than me.


- Make it fast.
- Thank you.


- Strangers don't usually like me.

You and should get a room.


Hmm. You looked tougher.

I can take care of myself.

If I could trouble you for
some supplies, I'll be...

I'll be on my way.


You think you can walk out of here?

Show me.


Here I go.

Walking out of here.

Am I doing it?

You know, when the room
spins and you don't,

that means you have a concussion.

But I'm no doctor.

- What?
- I'm kidding. I am a doctor.

That joke never works.

- Yeah, I... I really need to go.
- Relax. Hey.

I'm not gonna charge you,
and I'm not gonna report you.

But if you want to be
a classical guitarist,

I need to fix your hand.

It's dislocated.

I never said anything
about classical guitar.

No, but you should start.

I'm getting that vibe from you,

- and I'm always right about people.

What is this place?

My clinic.

We try to help patients
without gouging their wallets.

And sometimes, we help the "no hospital,

no police, no papers" crowd.

What's your name?

I'm Teresa.

- Chris. Cristóbal.
- Cristóbal.

What is your happiest childhood memory?

I see what you're doing... concussion...

- uh, my head's fine, Doctor.
- [CHUCKLES] Humor me.


It's got to be...

My mother, she worked
in an academy that...

uh, that trained pilots.

They had this amazing simulator there.

So, one day, I sneak
out... I was about eight...

- I'm having the time of my life until alarms go off.

I thought I broke this damn thing.

Turns out I had. I
broke the highest score

of any cadet in history.

So I climb out, and admirals
and captains are there.

- Jaws on the floor, seeing this eight-year-old kid.

And my mom... [LAUGHS]

she's looking at me, like,
pretending to be angry,

but I knew she was proud.

And she said... Aah!


Cool story.

Now let me bandage you
up, and you can rest

until the room stops spinning, okay?


By the way, we're washing
your weird clothes,

so try not to bleed on my scrubs.

Thanks for the tenderness, Doctor.

Oh, shit.


- It's beginning.
- Not yet.

Tricorder's still attuning
to the latent frequencies.

I mean the future.

Out there.

Fire poisons the sky.

Trees gone, water dry.

Soon, no food, no breathable air.

Maybe the future we
saw starts right here.

Not if we can help it.

Look, whatever the watcher is,

if it's using any future tech,

we should be able to...
Oh, hang on, hang on.

Look, look. I-I got some...

No. Now it's gone.

Th... there was some kind of a-a blip

near MacArthur Park.

- It's gone now.
- Interference?

- Uh, I don't know, it could be.

It's back?

Oh. No, uh, but it's Rios's combadge.

It's not far from here.

It must be on the fritz. Look at that.

What is that? Is that Morse?

RIOS: Psst, hey, kid.


That thing's not a toy,
and it's mine, so, come on.

- Finders keepers.
- Didn't your parents ever teach you

that stealing's bad?

They're dead.

Oh. Kid, I'm so sorry. I...


It's just me and mom.

- Dad remarried.
- Not cool.

You could give me something.

- What?
- For the badge.

You got to give me something,

or else you're just stealing.

And you just said stealing's bad.

It's only logical.

Logic, okay, what do you want?

You little Vulcan.

Do you know what Vulcans are?

They're like you. They can
be really annoying sometimes.

What's this?


Real peanut butter.

Mmm! So good.

Oh, it's real good. Damn.

Oh, I'm sorry, did you want some?

We could trade.

Like-like my badge for, um...

the whole plate?

- Deal?
- Deal.

I'd say he was gonna
give it to you anyway,

and you just got played.

Were you... ?


Okay. _


He's your son?

Forget the guitar, you're a genius.




Well, he's...

he's a fighter.

Don't know where he gets it.

I'm sorry, I'm trying to figure
out where he gets it from.

You know, I'm a genius.

May I?

Put your shirt on first,

and I'll keep this up front, you know,

so I know you won't steal anything.

I guess that seems fair.

Hello, Locutus.

I had the strangest dream.

You were there, small companion.

- You appear to be more lucid.
- Yes.

We've arrived before the divergence

in the time lines. It helps my...

clarity of vision.

You said there was someone here

who could help us understand
the change in time...

a, uh, a watcher.

If you want to access my
innermost thoughts, Locutus,

you're going to have to
put something on the table.

Something that hurts you to lose.

We lost someone dear
to us because of you.

Is this how you negotiate?

- What do you want?
- Let's see...

legs, for starters.

A chorus of thoughts to
drown the gnawing silence.

But from you, right now...

I'll settle for your ship.

- Feeling better?
- _




- _






- Shit, Gabi. The door!
- Shit.

What's going on?

Immigration raid. Come
on, let's go. Let's go.

- What, but...
- Go, go, go, go. Come on.

Patients out back, like we planned.

- MAN: Federal officers!

- Immigration! Open up!
- Here, I'll take him.

I'll take him. You sure you'll be okay?

Yeah, I'll buy us a
few minutes. Go, go, go!

- MAN: Open the door!

It's a simple exchange, Locutus.

Give me this ship and I will give you

the location of the watcher...

the only one here who can help
you find the change in time.


I'm not going to negotiate with you.

So you would sacrifice

the future of countless
others for your own?

- JURATI: Picard?

Doctor, are you all right?

Your plan worked.

Power has been restored,
along with the Queen.


same leopard, same spots.

No need to keep her activated, then.

- Agreed.

Idle human threats.

You won't deactivate me because
of your deeply flawed inability

not to hope in the face of hopelessness.

I hold information you need.

You, against all odds, hope I'll relent.

Therefore, you won't deactivate me.

And with each passing second,
the mathematical probability

that I get your ship grows.

In the end, you'll sacrifice your lives

for the future of the many.

So, in the interest of efficiency,

shall we just fast forward?

What exactly is the
information you hold?

The location of the watcher

and when the temporal divergence occurs.


Are you sure about that?

What did you do?

Where is it?

- You...
- Stole it.

Computer, dictate the file logged

"Shit I stole from the Borg Queen."

COMPUTER: - -dot- - - - North

- No one takes from me, my dear.
- - - -dot- - - - West.

- Coordinates.
- To find the watcher.

Ah, well done.

I suppose even higher,

cybernetic lifeforms can get sloppy

with where they leave
secrets lying around.

But there's more, isn't there?

When it happens.

I can alm... I can almost feel it.


It'll come to me.

What you have just done
here is more difficult

and vastly more dangerous
than you realize.

And what is that?

You've impressed me.

Come. I think you should be

- as far away from her as possible.
- She knows more.

Yeah, in due time.

MAN: Federal officers! Open up!

- MAN: Open up! I'm not asking again!

What do you think you're doing
breaking my door like that?

- _
- Miss, you need to calm down.

TERESA: It's "Doctor."
State your business.

- Damn butterflies.
- OFFICER: We're here to search the premises...




TERESA: Or have you guys
just given up on that?

- Are you the owner of this establishment?
- Yes.

I'm also a U.S. citizen
who knows her rights.

Hey, Doc. The patients
have been discharged,

but I got a-a bleeder that
needs your help back here, ASAP.



Look, you guys want to trash the place,

go ahead, but I've got a -year-old

with a compound fracture.
I'm trying to save his leg.

- So, Doc, come on. Let's go.
- Hold it!

That looks awfully new.

Like what you'd get
if you were a patient.

ID. Now.

I'm-I'm sorry, are-are
you my boss or something?

I feel like I missed something here.

- Hey!

You're under arrest.

Obstruction of justice. Both of you.

I don't know if you're brave or stupid.

OFFICER: Let me guess.

No UHC card, no ID.

I'm gonna go with stupid.

- Let's take 'em in.


PICARD: Rios, come in.

Are you there?

Rios, do you read me?
