08x10 - The Hunger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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08x10 - The Hunger

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

(indistinct chatter)

How's that, Kitty?

Oh, that's just great.

- Here they come.
- Huh?

(cheering and applause)

Dolly, Fred.

Well, come on, Doc. Ain't
you gonna kiss the bride?


Come on, Doc.

Now, hold on
here. Just a minute.

Dolly, I have seen
you through the mumps

and the measles
and the chicken pox,

and that don't mean
I got to kiss you.

And besides, it's unhealthy.


Doc Adams, you kiss
me right this minute,

before I start bawling.

Oh, now, don't cry, don't cry.

Right there, where it's healthy.


(cheering, clamoring)

WOMAN: Congratulations, Dolly!

WOMAN: Congratulations, Dolly!

(crowd clamoring outside)

Did you want the hat, Mrs. Dorf?

Please, for Althea.

Never mind Althea... We
got all our needs over here.

We ain't getting
nothing else till fall.

Dang fools.

I could board my
family six months

on the rice they're
throwing away.

(crowd clamoring)


(dogs barking)


Please, come help.

Please, I-I need you to come.

Tomorrow, please.

MR. DORF: Woman!

You get back in here.

Now, who are they, Doc?

Well, that's Claude
Dorf and his wife.

They've got that little place

out on Dry Creek,
you know, there.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

They don't get in town
very often, do they?


Well, what do you
suppose is wrong?

Haven't the faintest idea.

That's as close as I've ever
been to either one of them.

That Dorf don't care
much for doctors.

She looks scared to me.

I thought so, too.

Maybe I ought to go
out there tomorrow, Matt.

Yeah, I'll go along
with you, Doc.

Well, come on in... I'll buy.

Ooh, hold it there, Matt.

The female of the species
is always most dangerous

when she's offering
something for nothing.

Just look out.

(Kitty laughs)

Why don't you order up for us?

I'll be with you in a minute.

All right, Kitty.

Well, might've known
he'd be in town, too.

- Who's that?
- Oh, that's Clem Dorf,

Old Man Dorf's son.

Oh, yeah.

- Howdy, Doc.
- Sam, three beers.

- Sam.
- Yes, sir.

Ain't that right, Marshal?

What's that?

I was just saying it's
legal to k*ll trespassers

on your own property.

Well, not necessarily.

Well, how about if he comes
busting through your fences,

through a sign that
says "no trespassing"?

My pa says, once, uh,
we tell them to get out,

they got to go, or else we
got the right to sh**t them.

He's right, ain't he, Marshal?

Well, it all depends.

See there? I told
you I knew the law.

Oh, here you are.

Why don't we sit down?

Oh, that's-that's a good idea.


Yeah, it's a good
thing that we don't have

too many weddings in this town.

I don't think you
two could survive it.

I don't know... if we get
this free beer every time.

Yeah. Thank you.

WOMAN: Stop it! Stop it!

Leave me alone.
Oh, you act like a pig.

DILLON: Hold up.

- I ain't done nothing.
- You done plenty.

Now, go on, get out of here.

Well, she slapped
me. Didn't you see her?

Yeah, I saw her. She
probably had good reason to.

Now, get moving.

CLAUDE: Marshal.

You ease off of my boy.

You better teach
him some manners,

or he's liable to get hurt.

Nobody lays a hand on
us less than we break a law.

That's what I teach him.

Well, I've got a law that
says you don't hit women.

Now, get him out of here.

Come on, Clem.

By golly, I don't
think we're gonna be

too welcome out there tomorrow.

That's all the more
reason that I think

I'll go along with you, Doc.

Fine with me.

Hello, Sam! Hi, Miss Kitty.

How are you,
Marshal? Hello, Doc.

How are you? How
are you? How are you?

Hello, Jack. What's
new from Kentucky?

Well, I got Smokey
Jack's Golden Ring.

It's mellow. Look at that.

That's the finest
whiskey that's ever poured

through a copper
worm, real mellow.

Looks like the same stuff
you pushed off on me last time.

Oh, no, no, no, no, Miss
Kitty, this'll move real fast.

And we got a special, grandiose

sales promotion
that goes with this.

You just listen to this,
now. Listen, listen.

All right, folks, if you'll
gather around here, please.

If you'll just give me
your kind attention.

We're going to give every
single one of you patrons...

You regular patrons of
the Long Branch Saloon...

A chance to win this genuine
24-carat-gold wedding ring.

Would you look at that?

- (man whistles)
- That's enough.

- Put that in a safe place now, Sam.
- Yes, sir.

Now, all you have to do
to win that beautiful ring

is to buy a drink of our
fine and mellow whiskey,

and that gives you a chance
to work the magic trick.

All you got to do is separate

these rings, ladies
and gentlemen.

You see, there's
nothing to that.

There's no force. We
don't use any force at all.

How about that?

Now, who wants to
try their luck at that?

- Just look at that.
- Here, let me try it.

You want to try? All right, sir.

- Did you hear that, Sam?
- Yes, sir.

Pour that man some of
our fine and mellow whiskey.

Try your luck, sir. You're
a lucky gentleman, sir.

- There's your whiskey.
- Huh? Okay.


(gasps, laughs)

Yeah, that is kind of mellow.



Now, how...

(mumbles, laughs)

(both laughing)


Hold it, Marshal.

Just turn around and head
back to where you come from.

I told you, we don't allow no
trespassing on our property.

Now, put that g*n down.

We came here to
talk to your mother.

She don't need nothing.

DOC: Well, where is she?

I'll have a look around.

All right.

Pa ain't gonna like this.

Where's your pa?

Out on the range.

He'll be coming
in for dinner soon.

He'll make you get.

Well, good afternoon, Mrs. Dorf.

Well, Mrs. Dorf, you asked me

to come out and
see you, remember?

I'm all right, Doc.

Yes, I'm just fine.

Well, are you... you
afraid of something?

Is Clem...?

Well, he's talking
to the marshal.

The marshal?

- He come, too?
- Oh, yes, yes.

I'll make some coffee soon
as I rinse these clothes.


That's arthritis.

Does that bother you?

Well, it-it does
on a cold morning.

Before I get the fire lit.

Mrs. Dorf, something's
bothering you.

Now, don't you want
to just tell me what it is?

(sighs) I don't know.

It's family trouble.

Well, who?

Doc, it's my daughter Althea.

Hello, Mrs. Dorf.

You better watch how
much talking you do, Ma.

I was just trying to
be sociable, Clem.

You know what Pa says.

He's gonna be mighty upset
when he gets back, Marshal.

You'd save us a big
wrangle if you and Doc

would just up and
leave right now.

Now, Clem, I had it in mind
to make them some coffee.

Ma, there's no need.

Well, that sounds
good to me, Mrs. Dorf.

How about you, Doc?

I'd like some coffee.

Clem, would you fetch me
some wood for the stove?

That's your chore, not mine.

Never mind, Mrs.
Dorf. I'll get some.

No, no, Marshal, we don't want
any helping hands from visitors.

I'll get it this once.

Down there.

In the cellar.


My daughter Althea.

In the cellar?

Please, take her away.

Well, there's a
padlock on there.

- Who's got the key?
- Claude has it with him.


Hold it, Marshal.

You been talking again, Ma?

I told them about Althea.

And they're gonna take
her away before she dies.


Oh, boy, she's gonna get it now.

Get out of my way, son.
I'm going in that cellar.

Oh, no, you ain't.



Now, miss, don't be afraid.

This man's a doctor.

He's here to help you.


Good heavens.

What is it, Doc?

Matt, she's been beaten.



DILLON: Well, what can you do?

DOC: I don't know whether
I can do anything or not.

I can scarcely feel her pulse.

We got to get her into Dodge.

Will you bring my buggy?

You find what you
was looking for?

By rights, I ought
to k*ll you, Marshal.

By what rights is that?

Rights of a man to sh**t
trespassers on his own property.

What about her? Is
she your property, too?

She's my daughter.

Took a book away
from her and tore it up,

but she patched it up.

The cellar's her punishment.

And she may just die
because of that punishment.

She won't die. I've
been feeding her.

If she dies, you're gonna
stand trial for m*rder, Dorf.

I saved her mother
from a life of misery.

Now I ain't gonna let my
daughter go that same road.

Reading a love book,
smarting off at her pa.

She's gonna stay in that cellar

until she proves she
can behave herself.

Dorf, she's going back to Dodge.

Pa, I tried to stop 'em.

Ma did it. She told him.

We'll tend to your ma later.

You ain't taking Althea nowhere!

She's going into Dodge City.

You better make
up your mind to that.

You don't got a chance, Marshal.

You ain't got a chance.

There's two of us.

All right, if you're
foolish enough

to try that, you go ahead.

But I'll tell you something.

I'll k*ll one of you, maybe
both of you, before I die.

He might could do it, Pa.

And I'll tell you
something else.

You do any harm to your wife,

I'll see that you
pay for that, too.

You're pushing me, Marshal.

You bet I am.

Now, you make up your mind.

All right, Marshal, but you
and me ain't through yet.

Nobody interferes with my
family without living to regret it.

Clem, you go get Doc's
buggy, bring it back here.

Go ahead, Clem.

- Pa.
- I said go ahead!

Whoa, now. Whoa, whoa.

Okay, Doc, let me take her.

All right.

Ma? Ma!

- Ma? Oh...
- Yes, Doc?

Ma, we got a
very sick girl here.

Have you got a room?

Oh, yes, right down here.

Oh, bring her right
in here, Marshal.

There's a bed all ready.

Excuse me, Ma.

Isn't she pitiful?

A little breeze would
waft her clear into Texas.

Ma, I'm gonna need some
soap and a pan of warm water.

Sure, Doc. Right away.

Doc, is there anything else
I can do here to help you?

Oh, no, Matt. Not
a thing, thanks.

Well, I'll be back at the
office if you need me.

All right, I'll...
I'll let you know.


Who are you?

I'm a doctor.

Where's Pa?

Your pa's not here.

He's not here.

Now, I just want you
to just lie back there.

Just rest.

What's your name?

Dr. Adams is my name.

Mine's Althea.

- I know that.
- You do?

Dr. Adams.

What a brave name for a knight.

For a knight?

A knight riding over the moors.


Well, that's kind of nice.

I... I never was
called a knight before.

I've been called a lot
of other things, but...

I think I like being a knight.

I guess you've been
reading some, huh?


Oh... that's a good book.

I read that, oh...
a long time ago.

I got a lot of good books.

And I'd like you to
read some of them.

I'll bring 'em to you.

Will you?

I sure will.

But right now, I want
you to get some sleep.

I'll give you a pill.

Here, drink this for me.

Althea, it's gonna
make you sleep.

You just dream,

dream all you want
to about your knights

riding across the moors.


Well, how old is she?

Oh, about 22, I guess.

No telling how long she'd
been locked in that cellar, Kitty.

And all for reading a book?

It wasn't even a book really.

It was just a bunch of pages
tied together with a string.

She must have
been pretty stubborn.

Being stuck out
there on the prairie,

who could blame a girl

for wanting to get a
few minutes of romance,

even from a book?

How is she today?

Well, Doc's pretty
worried about her.

He sat up with her all night.

Well, she's in good hands.

If anybody can save her, he can.

MAN: No! It won't work.

It just won't work.

Maybe you ought to have another
drink of that whiskey, Dooley.


Well, Kitty, I better
finish my rounds, I guess.

- See you later.
- Right.

What are you
doing in town, Dorf?

Where is she?

You wasted a trip.

I got a right to visit
my own daughter.

She's not having
any visitors right now.

She's in good hands,

and she's gonna stay
that way till she's better.

(grunts) Not hardly.

Now, don't push me, Dorf.

You get back out to your place
and leave well enough alone.

Marshal, I tried to raise
her right and proper.

She ain't never looked at a
man, no man's ever looked at her.

I don't want her in
this scum-filled town.

I come to take her home!

Not till she's better.

You're claiming her
for yourself, Marshal!

You hadn't ought to
done that, Marshal.

No, no g*ns.

You get on that buggy
and get back out of here.

If I see in town again, I'll
lock you up, both of you.


Hello, Kitty.

Hello, Ma.

- Come on in.
- Thank you.

I-I just thought I'd stop by

and see if there was
anything I could do to help.

Sit down.

Doc promised he'd come
out and have some coffee,

but I'm afraid it's gotten cold.


Well, how's Althea doing?

Haven't heard
anything in the last hour.

- Well, Kitty.
- Hello, Doc.

MA: Doc, how is she?

She's better.

Yes, I think I can
say she's a lot better.

Thank heaven. That's wonderful.

Now will you have that
coffee if I heat it up?

Oh, I sure will. Thanks,
Ma. Thanks a lot.

Won't take but a minute.

Kitty, I'm glad to see you.

(Doc sighs)

You're tired.

Guess I haven't had too
much time to think about it.

I guess I am, all right.

Matt told me how you found her.

It's hard to believe a
thing like that could happen

in our day and time.

It's criminal.

Girl being treated like
that has no reason to live

or even want to.

You could use some sleep.

Why don't you go on
back to your office?

I'll sit with her.

No, thanks, Kitty.
I'll... I'll be all right.

No need for you to be
gone from the Long Branch.

I'll be fine.

Now, look, Doc, I
already told Sam

I was gonna be gone
the rest of the afternoon.

Now, I'm just gonna
have to insist on it.

- You do?
- I do.

Well, gee, you
just convinced me.

- Oh, good.
- You don't mind?

That's why I'm here.

I think I could
sure use 40 winks.

I'm gonna get my things.


How she been?

She's just fine.

- She was awake most of the time.
- Good.

And you look some better.

Oh, thanks, Kitty.

I-I feel an awful
lot better now.

She told me you were going
to bring her some books.

Yeah, she... she likes to read.

She likes to talk, too.

Well, I warned you about that.

She likes to talk about
Dr. Adams in particular.

- She does?
- Mm-hmm.

You know, uh, she's
quite taken with you.

Well, I'm glad of that.

I'm quite taken with her.

She's sweet as a little kitten.

I bet you haven't
had any supper.

No, I haven't; I'm not hungry.

Well, look, Doc,
if you get hungry,

Ma's got some sandwiches
and a fresh pot of coffee

out in the kitchen.

Well, a little later, maybe.

I think I'll just
kind of look in now.

All right.

If you need anything,
just let me know.

Thanks, Kitty.

Thanks... thanks for everything.

Hello, Dr. Adams.

Well, hello, there. I
thought you were asleep.

Oh, I was.

How are you feeling?

Like being on a cloud. (laughs)

You been hungry?

Miss Kitty brought
me some broth.

I ate lots.


I want you to have an appetite.

Oh, I have.

I used to get so hungry,
I could've eaten grass.


Then, all of a sudden, I
wasn't hungry anymore.

Well, you won't have
to worry about that now.

We're going to give
you lots of nourishment,

and before long,

you'll be up and around
and as good as new.

Will I have to go
back home then?

Well, we're gonna
talk about that later.

I like to talk to you, Doc.

Pa never let me talk to
anybody, not even to Ma.

He used to say...
my talk was all foolish.

(laughing): He'd
get so mad at me.

Well, what did you
want to talk about?

Oh, about lots of things.

About the sunflowers

turning their brown
faces to the sun,

and the buffalo grass

bluing the long
prairies in the mornings,


I wanted to talk to somebody

about what it is...

to love

and dream.

Is that foolish?

I think that's some of
the most sensible talk

I've heard in a long time.

- Doc Adams?
- Uh-huh?


are you married?

No, not married.

Why not?

Well, I just don't think

any reasonably bright
woman would have me.

Have you a sweetheart?

No, no sweetheart.

Didn't you ever have one?


well, my memory
is getting a little bad

about things like that.

Don't you ever get lonesome?

Oh, yeah... yeah, I do,

but I don't have very
much time for that, you see.

There's broken bones,
and babies, and...

and every once in a
while, I get a chance to...

take care of a pretty
little girl like you.

You've been so
kind and good to me.

I reckon you must love me a lot.

You bet I do.

I love you, too.

And I'm awful glad about that.

How long do you think it'll be
before I can be up and about?

Well, I think, uh,

if you continue to improve
like you have been,

uh, maybe a couple of weeks.

You should be quiet
now for a minute.


Then we can get
married right away?

Are we gonna be married?


Well, uh, kind of
sudden, you know.

I, uh... Well, it's
pretty serious.

You want to think
it over, Althea.

I have.

Well, why do you
want to marry me?

Because I love you.

Well, that's a
pretty good reason.

But then, uh, see, when
you get up and about,

you kind of look them over.

You'll just be
making life miserable

for the whole young
male population

of Western Kansas.


I wouldn't care for
anyone else but you.

Well, young lady,
when I came in here,

you were asleep.

That's exactly what
I want you to do.

It's good for you.

Gets your strength back.

Now, why don't
you close your eyes

and go back to sleep?

All right, if you say so.

I say so.

I love you.


Ah, you break
it, it don't count.

Yeah, well, I ain't
never been beat

by a dumb fool thing like
this, and I ain't about to.

Dooley, uh, why don't you
go get yourself a bowl of soup

and get a fresh run
at it in the morning?

You better lick it
pretty soon, Dooley.

I don't think you can stand
another week's drinking.

How do, Miss Kitty?
How do and all that?

Hello, Jack.

Well, what a rare joy it is
to be back in Dodge City

and particularly the
Long Branch Saloon.

Thank you.

Well, Dooley, two weeks.

Oh, I like a man
with stick-to-itiveness.

I like that. You will get on.

You will indeed.

If at first you don't
succeed, try, try again.

Is that the ticket, Dooley?

Yes, sir, and I
just about licked it.

Oh, you did, huh?

Well, I ought to
tell you something.

Two weeks, you deserve a break,

and I'm gonna show
you how it's done.

You see this? Watch that.

See, nothing to that.

Now, why don't you just do that
and give somebody else a chance?

Doc, why don't you try it?

Oh, for heaven's sakes.

I learned that trick long before
you was born, young man.

- You really know how to do it?
- Oh, sure.

That's the simplest
trick in the world.


I'd kind of like to talk
to you for a minute.

Can we, uh... can we
sit down someplace?

Sure. Why don't we
sit right over there?

Thank you.

What's on your mind?


Well, Kitty,

I got a kind of a problem.

You want another beer?

No, no, thanks.

Now, I don't know
exactly how to tell you this.

I... I guess you're about the
only one who could understand.

At least I hope you will.

I do.

You do?

Well, I haven't told you yet.

You don't have to.

Althea's in love with you.


Well, yes.

She thinks she is.

She knows she is.

Well, no.

How could she, Kitty?

She's a woman.


Althea's a little girl.

She's both,

and that's what
makes it a problem.

Yeah, by golly,

I'm afraid you're
right about that.

Let me ask you this, Doc.

Uh, is it, uh... is it unusual

for a patient to fall in
love with their doctor?


No, not really.

It's awful easy when you're
sick to confuse gratitude with love.

I suppose that happens often.

Kitty, I just...

I just don't know
how to handle this.

Well, Doc, I...

I can't think of anyone
who would be able

to handle it better than you.

You're a doctor.

Well, I just...

I just don't know
how to go about this.

I sure think you could
help me, if you will.

You're a woman.

Kitty, will you...
will you just try?

I'll try.

Well, I'll have that beer.

(chuckles) Sam?


Come in.


Hi. Oh, Miss Kitty,

I'm so glad you dropped by.

Well, Ma said you
were looking wonderful,

- and I agree with her.
- (Althea laughs)

What's that?

Here, it's for you. Open it.

- (gasps) For me?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, what is it?


Oh, it's beautiful.



Could I put it on right now?

Why don't you?

I've never had a
new dress before.

Never ever any
kind of new clothes.

Well, it's amazing

what a new dress
will do for a girl's spirit.

Are, uh, these the books
that Doc brought you?


I bet I know which
one's your favorite.

Ivanhoe. It's wonderful.

It's all about love.

I would have won my bet.

- Miss Kitty?
- Mm-hmm.

Have you ever been in love?

I guess every girl falls
in love at least once.

But you didn't
want to get married?


Why not?

I guess I wasn't
asked by the right man.

You could ask him.

No, Althea, it's a
sad state of affairs,

but girls just aren't
supposed to do that.

Why not?

I did.

I asked Doc Adams.

How do I look?

You look lovely.

- Could you help me fasten this?
- Mm-hmm.

The top one.

I hope Doc Adams will like it.

He'll like it.

Miss Kitty, have you
ever read Ivanhoe?

No, I'm afraid not.

I want you to
listen to something.

It's lovely.

"Joy to the fair!

"Thy knight behold,

"returned from
yonder land of gold;

"no wealth he brings,
nor wealth can need,

"save his good arms
and battle steed;

"his spurs, to
dash against a foe,

"his lance and
sword to lay him low,

"such all the
trophies of his toil,

such and the hope
of Tekla's smile."

Isn't that beautiful?

You know, honey?

There's an awful lot of
things I could tell you.

But not too many years ago,
someone who was older than I was

tried to give me some advice.

And I just wouldn't listen.

I knew that nobody
in the whole world

had ever felt the way I felt.

And no amount of talking
was going to change my mind.

I'm sure that's the way
you must feel right now.

(knock on door)

Come in.

Oh, Dr. Adams.

Well, say, where'd you get that?

Kitty brought it for me.

I've missed you.

I think I'd better get going.

Well, do you have
to go right now, Kitty?

Yeah, Doc, I really do
have to get back to work.

Good-bye, Althea.

Good-bye, Miss Kitty.

- Thank you so much.
- Oh, you're welcome.

Well, here, I'll just walk
to the door with you.

- All right, Doc.
- I'll be right back.

Well, I'm afraid I
wasn't very much help.


I couldn't even get started.

I'm sorry.

Do you really like it?

It's just awful nice.

Doc Adams, I'm so happy.


You know, I knew a long time ago

what kind of man I'd want.

What he'd be like.

I knew that first night
when you brought me here.

The way you talked.

And what I saw in your eyes.

I knew you were the one
I'd always dreamed of.


I want to talk to you.

Let's just sit down.

You know...

I think it was the poet
Longfellow who once said,

"There's nothing
holier in this life

"than the first
consciousness of love.

"The first flutter
of its silken wings,

"the first sound of that
wind that is so soon

"to sweep through the soul

to purify or destroy."

You know, love can hurt you.

And we're just not
gonna let anything

like that happen to you, Althea.

Many kinds of love.

Among them a love of
a father for a daughter.

Of course...

well, you just haven't
had too much chance

to find out about that.

And, uh,

I've been a little
cheated that way myself.

Now, I'm, uh...

I'm older than your father,
and I hope somewhat wiser.

And I think it would just
be awful nice if you'd...

well, just kind of adopt me.

You know, until...

till your knight does come
riding across the moors.

Someday he will.

(door opens)

I figured I'd find
you in here with her.

You've been playing fast and
loose with my daughter, huh?

Ah, got you all prettied up.

Maybe I-I'm too late, but I'm
taking you home with me anyway.

Of course, we ain't got no
sweet-talking doctors out there,

but come on.

Mr. Dorf...

just a minute, now.

I want to talk to you.

I want to talk to
you about Althea.

(Althea gasps)

Please, please,
don't hit him anymore.

Please, Pa.

I'll go with you.

Nah, he ain't worth
the trouble. Come on!

Oh, Doc.

Oh, are you all right?

I'm all right.

They took her with them.

She's gone. Althea's gone.

I'll get Matt.

He's gone out to Jake Worth's.

I'll get him.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's the matter?
Where you going?

Well, I've been looking for you.

We got to get
out to Dorf's, Matt.

- What's wrong?
- Well, they came and took Althea.

We got to get there. Come on.

Well, let's go.

(crying): You just can't
put her in that cellar again.

She ain't strong.

She's gonna learn her lesson.

No, she can't bear it.

Oh, stop your whimpering, woman.

Oh, what am I going to do?

Take this saloon
finery and burn it.

She ain't never gonna dirty

the name of Claude
Dorf ever again.

No harm in having
a pretty dress.

Woman, do I have
to take a stick to you?


Somebody's coming.

Go on.

It's... it's the doctor
and the marshal.

Get in the corn crib, son.

In the house, woman.

Please, Claude, no sh**ting.

I'm going to k*ll them for
what they done to Althea.

They ain't done
nothing but save her life.

You want to k*ll them for that?

I said in the house!

Whoa, whoa.

Better get down
behind the buggy, Doc.


CLAUDE: All right, Marshal.

Turn around and keep
moving while you still can.

I didn't come here to
fight. I want to talk to you.

You've been warned.

You're trespassing my property.

Get them, Clem.

You k*lled my boy.

You ain't never
gonna leave here alive.

I'm going to k*ll you!

I couldn't let him do no more.

You all right, Mrs. Dorf?

Where's Althea?

In the cellar.

We couldn't live
like that no more.

I had to... k*ll him, Marshal.

I'll have to go in with you.

Won't I?

Well, yes, Mrs. Dorf, we'll...
we'll all be going into town.



I knew you'd come.

I knew you'd come.

There was sh**ting.


Is Ma all right?

She's all right.

We'll be all right.

We're gonna be all right.

You want another one, Doc?

No, no, thanks, Kitty.

You can draw me one, Sam.

Yes, ma'am.


Will Mrs. Dorf
have to stand trial?

Oh, she'll probably
have to stand trial, Kitty,

but when Judge Blent
hears the whole story,

he's bound to let her go.


Well, then there's Althea.

Althea will be all right.

Well, how can you be so sure?

Well, Mrs. Dorf will see to it.

So will I.

We all will.

You know, Doc, if you keep
on adopting all your patients

like that, you're gonna
spread us pretty thin.

- Kitty?
- Mm-hmm?

Changed my mind... I'm
gonna have a nightcap.

- Another beer, Doc?
- No, Sam.

I want something out of that

Smokey Jack's
bottle right there.

Have you tasted this stuff, Doc?

No, and I don't intend to.

Well, you've won
the wedding ring, Doc.

I know it, and I want it.

What are you gonna
do with that, Doc?

Sam, I'm surprised at you.

You gotten so old
that you don't know

there are fair
damsels everywhere?

And there are knights
in shining armor

that come riding
across the moors.

They always have,
and they always will.

What's the matter with him?

Is he aiming to
take himself a bride?

No, I don't think so, Sam.


Oh, no, but, uh,

he sure is counting on
giving one away someday.
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