08x08 - The Trappers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gunsmoke". Aired: September 10, 1955 - March 31, 1975.*
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Marshal Matt Dillon tries to prevent lawlessness from overtaking Dodge City, Kansas.
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08x08 - The Trappers

Post by bunniefuu »

(theme music playing)

(both g*ns fire)

ANNOUNCER: starring
James Arness as Matt Dillon.

This way, Marshal.

Will this be all right, Marshal?

Yeah, that's fine, Joe. Thanks.

Thank you, Joe.



I guess I'll have
the antelope stew.

(Dillon chuckles)

Make it two of 'em, Joe.

All right.


There's Luke Oglesby over there.

Say, did you hear
about him winning

almost a thousand
dollars playing monte?

DILLON: Yeah. Yeah, I did.

I guess that's about
the most money

he ever had in his whole life.

Yeah. Well, he may
not have it long, either.

Why not?

That fella sitting with him.

What about him?

Well, his name's
Idaho Slate, and I doubt

if he'd even be
sitting with Luke

unless Luke had
won that thousand.

Excuse me just a minute, Kitty.


Oh, howdy, Marshal.

Hello, Luke.

Well, what you got there?

Well, it's diamonds, Marshal.

Biggest, purtiest
diamonds you ever seen.

He trying to sell them to you?

Oh, no, Marshal.

He was just telling me
about where they come from.

From this here diamond
mine over in Nevada.

Mind if I take a
look at 'em, Slate?

You have some kind of a
warrant, or something, Marshal?

These are my property.

I don't have to show 'em
to you or anybody else.

You mean there's something
wrong with 'em, Marshal?

They're probably fake, Luke.

IDAHO: You're not
sure of that, are you?

I can make sure if
you'll let me see 'em.

This is between Luke and me.

It's no concern of yours.

There's no law against selling
a man something he wants.

There's a law about selling
a man something worthless.

You ought to know
all about that law.

You served time
for violating it.

That was years ago.

I'm not wanted anywhere now.

I just want to make sure

you don't get wanted
while you're in Dodge.

You mean he was trying
to take me in, Marshal?

Luke, you still got your
money, and you've been warned.

If I'd have knowed
he was a swindler,

I'd have never et
with him to begin with.

You planning to stay around
Dodge, are you, Slate?

You have some reason
you want me to leave town?

You got any charges
you want to make?

No, but if you stay around,
you better be able to show me

that you got a legitimate
way of making a living.

Miss Watkins.


Now what do you suppose
Irma Watkins is doing with him?

Maybe they're discussing
dressmaking or something.

She's about as much
of a dressmaker as I am.

She seems to do
pretty good business.

Oh, that's because some women
don't care who they deal with.

Or some men.

That Idaho Slate
better watch out for her.


Because all she's interested in

is what she can
get out of a man.


Well, that ought to give
'em something in common.

You sure don't seem
to think much of her.

I just know what she did

to those two poor ol'
trappers before they left town.

That Tug Marsh and Billy Logan.

Leading them on, taking
every dime they had,

trying to break 'em
up just for the fun of it.

Well, she didn't have
much luck with it, Kitty.

They're still partners.

This look all
right to you, Billy?

Sure enough, Tug.

You always pick out
the best camping spots.

It ain't no trick when
the Indian does it for you.

Oh. You reckon
they might be back?

Nah. It's an old one.

Well, only one more camp,
and we ought to be in Dodge.

If'n everything goes all right.

That's a big if

with all the Injun
sign we been seeing.

Wouldn't them redskins just bust

to get their hands
on our beaver?

You reckon we
oughta cache our pelts?

No. They come upon
us, we're goners anyway,

whether we got pelts or not.

No, no, we're this close,

I think we ought
to make a run for it.

Get it to town,
trade it for gold.


Well, I-I guess
I'd better unload.


Uh, I never said
anything before, but...

I'm glad we didn't split up.

Oh, uh, let's not
talk about that.

Uh, that's all my fault.

No. No, it wasn't.

I was just as took
with Miss Irma as you.

But I never seen a
woman yet, including her,

who was worth losing
a good partner for.

Mm-hmm. That's...
th-that's mighty true.

Well, I-I got to unload.

Yeah, you, uh, get
unloaded and start that fire.

I'm gonna go downstream a piece

and see if I can wing m'self
some fresh meat for supper.

Oh, uh, th-that's a good idea.

Uh, this antelope from yesterday

is gettin' a little
gamey in the heat.






(Indian shouts)


(panting): Tug. Tug.

(mutters): Billy. Billy boy.

This time I'm a
real gone beaver.

No, no. No, Tug.
Don't you think that.

Uh, I-I'll fix you
up. I-I swear I will.

But, uh...

but, uh, there's bound
to be more of 'em around,

and they'll have
heard the sh*ts.

- Billy.
- Yeah?

You really think
you can fix me up?

Well, sure, Tug. Sure.

O-Of course I will.

Now, uh, you just lie still here

whilst I go get the horses.

And, uh, try not
to make no noise.

There's, uh, bound to be
more redskins out there.


Quiet, Tug.

(hoofbeats approaching)

(Tug moans)

They're out there, Tug.

Soon as they get out of sight,

I'll hide you better.

(Tug moans)

(crickets chirping,
frogs croaking)

- (Tug groans)
- Shh!

You got to keep quiet, Tug.

They're out there... all over.

I'm gonna die, ain't I, Billy?

Maybe we both are, Tug.

All I ask is...

don't let me die out here alone.

Well, of course not, Tug.

You know I wouldn't
do nothing like that.

Just don't let me
die out here al...

hoofbeats, horse neighs)

They know we're here.

Th-They heard the sh*ts and
maybe found that scout's body.

Well, uh, we're pretty
well hid in here, but...

come mornin', they'll
find the horses, sure.

You're riskin' your neck for me.

I'm probably gonna die anyway.

You ain't. Now
you stop such talk.

- Ain't no sense...
- (coyote howling)

die anyways.


you might as well do it now.

- What?
- Go on.

Put your knife in my gullet.

Put me out of my misery.

What are you saying?

You just put such
thinking out of your head.

I-I ain't gonna
do no such thing.

I'm gonna stay here and tend you

and in the mornin',
you'll be better.

We'll pull out of here
and get back into Dodge.

You'll see.



(Billy sighs)

(bird calling)


Uh, Tug.


i-it's gonna be light soon.


Another half hour, it-it'll
be too late to get away.

Now, you know
that yourself, Tug.

Oh, why do you have
to take so long to die?


(Billy panting)

I-I can't, Tug.

I-I just can't.

Forgive me.

You ain't got much longer and...

you won't even know.

(bird calling)

And there he was,

all cut up, so grievous,

but he hung onto life

for ever so long.

It took him most
of the night to die.

It was almost light
before I could leave there.

Poor ol' Tug.

Yeah, he was one of
the old-timers, all right.

That's so.

But like he said hisself
just before he... passed,

he said he always
knowed it'd come someday

just about like that.

He is, he is content.

You buried him out
there in that thicket?

Well, there wasn't no place
no safer than that, Marshal.

You know, you were mighty lucky

you got out of there
alive yourself, Billy.

You don't know
how lucky, Marshal.

I don't mind telling you that,

with them varmints
skulking after me,

I figured only a miracle
would help me... well...

would help me keep my hair...

and that's just what happened...

a miracle.

What miracle?


Only a little bunch...
Uh, maybe 20...

But there they
come as big as life.

You know how scarce buffalo's
been on the prairie lately,

especially this far south.

Well, I guess these was the
first them Injuns had sighted

for many a moon.

'Course, they
forgot all about me,

and they took off
a-flying across the prairie

after them woolies.

And that was the
last I seen of 'em.

And... you can
bet your sweet life

that I didn't wait around
for 'em to come back.


(sobbing, laughing)

(Billy sobs into beer mug)

You sure had your lucky star

hanging over
you this time, Billy.

Got back with the furs
and everything, huh?

That's so. And a
good cache, too.

It'll bring a tidy sum.


I'd a lot rather be
splitting with ol' Tug.


(sighs): Well... eh...

I guess I'd better get some
of this trail dust off of me.

Marshal, isn't there anything
that could be done about Tug?

I'd sure like to revenge him
a little against them savages.

Billy, you traveled down into
those Nations at your own risk.

You knew that
was treaty territory.

Not only that, but you k*lled
the Indian that k*lled Tug.

Don't you know I could
arrest you for that?

Uh, when I was
only defending Tug?

You shouldn't have been
down there, either one of you.

Now, obviously, I'm
not gonna arrest you,

but you were just as much
in the wrong as that Indian.

Now, if I were you, I'd
forget about the whole thing.

Just hope the Indians will.

All right. I-I guess
you're right, Marshal.

But it... don't
seem fair to ol' Tug.


Miss... Miss Irma?

Miss Irma?

(footsteps approaching)

Oh, Mr. Logan.

Oh, why, I'm so
pleased to see you.

I was so hoping you'd
come by soon and...

and let me see for myself
that you're alive and well.

Yes, ma'am, oh, I sure am.

Uh, then, uh, y-you heard?

- The tragic news?
- Mm-hmm.

The whole town's heard.

All Dodge is talking about
your miraculous escape.

Now, you must tell
me all about it. All.

And poor Mr. Marsh.

Now, don't spare
me any of the details.

Unless, of course, it's...
it's too painful for you.

I know how much he meant to you.

Well, I-I guess that he
meant a lot to you, too.

- To me?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, well, of course, I-I
valued him as a friend,

a close and
trusted friend, but...

no dearer to me
than you yourself.


not nearly so dear, in fact.

Well, I-I'm mighty
glad to hear that,

(laughs): if you
know what I mean.

(laughs): Well...

perhaps... I might guess.


please, sit down.

I-I don't know
what's come over me.

Surely you'd like some coffee.

Yes, uh, sure, ma'am,
uh, some coffee.

(laughs) In just a moment.

Now, um, now perhaps
you'll tell me all about it.

Not the sad part,
just the happy part.

I'm sure there must
have been a happy part.

Well, i-it was a real good trip,

uh, there ain't
no doubt of that.

Uh, up until then, anyway.

We got us a real
good cache of beaver.

Ought to set me up real nice.

IRMA: Oh, um... does that
mean it'll bring you a lot of money?

(chuckles): You
bet your life. A heap.

(laughs): Oh, well, I know
so little about such things.

How much?

Well, uh...

probably, uh, $6,000, $7,000.

That ain't to be
sneezed at. (chuckles)

No, it certainly isn't.

Oh... there you are.

(laughs) That's the
best coffee I ever tasted.

Why, thank you, Mr. Logan.

- Or, uh, may I call you Billy?
- Oh...

golly, I-I'd sure
admire it if you would.

It is much more... friendly,

isn't it?

Miss Irma, can I
c... come a-courtin'?

Of course, Billy dear.


Tomorrow night?

Well, I don't see any harm.

Tomorrow night, then.

I'll be waiting.

Meanwhile, I know you
got a lot of business to do.


Why, yes.

Like selling your
furs, remember?

- Oh.
- And getting that $7,000.

(laughs) Well, uh,
maybe only $6,000.

Well, now, even
$6,000 is a nice amount

to, say, start a
couple out in life?

It sure is. I-I'll tend
to it right away.

- Yes.
- Uh, so long, uh, uh, Miss Irma.

- Good-bye.
- Uh, good-bye.



Don't you think you're
laying it on a bit thick?

For that little fool?

(Idaho chuckles)

Just the same, don't you
forget who you're in love with.

(lively piano music playing)

(lively piano music continues)

- Evening, Matt.
- Evening, Kitty.

How's everything?

Oh, it's just one
of those nights.


Neh, no trouble, no nothin'.

Oh, one of those nights.

You complaining?

Well, how many games of
checkers can you play with Doc?

(both laugh)

- Clem, how about a shot of rye?
- Sure.

- Doc go home and go to bed?
- Yeah. He's lucky.

(Kitty laughs)

Hey, has Slate been
here all evening?

Oh, yeah, he's just
been sitting there.

Doesn't seem to be
enjoying anything.

Well, maybe that's
got something to do

with what I saw earlier tonight.

- What was that?
- Irma Watkins and Billy Logan

walking down the
street arm in arm.

He looked like he
was really enjoying it.

(chuckles) He
looks like he still is.

Evening, Miss Kitty.
Evening, Marshal.

- Evening, Billy.
- Billy.

Some evening, ain't it?

Well, guess it
is, what's left of it.

You're looking
mighty happy tonight.

Why shouldn't I be?

Uh, Sam,

- give me a shot of whiskey.
- Coming up.

It's time for celebrating.

Yeah, I understand you sold
your furs to Abner Green, huh?

BILLY: Yes, sir, I did.

But, uh, that ain't it.

KITTY: Well, what is it, then?

Well, y'all might be surprised
around here pretty soon.

Just might be a
wedding around here.

KITTY: You, Billy?

Can't never tell.

And, um, just who
is the lucky girl?

Irma Watkins?

BILLY (laughing): Could be.

You sure she's the
right girl for you, Billy?

Why, 'course I'm
sure, Miss Kitty.

What do you know about her?

Well, I know she's the
sweetest woman I ever met.

A-And the prettiest.

Uh, present company
excepted, of course.

(Kitty laughs)

Well, for that, you
can have another drink,

on the house.

No, thank you, ma'am.

Well, it's getting late
and it's past my bedtime.

I-I'll see you later.

- Night.
- Night.

I'll see if he's in here.
Will you be all right?

Yes, but please hurry, Tom.

I should've been home by now.

I won't be long.

Marshal. Miss Kitty.

- Tom.
- I was hopin' I'd find you here.

Is something wrong?

Yes, sir.

A man down by
the river, all beat up.

I don't know who he is,
but, uh, he's almost dead.

Me and a young lady, we
were out on a buggy ride,

and we heard this moaning
and thrashing around,

so I took a look
and there he was.

I'd be happy to take you there,

but I'm obliged to
take my girl home first.

It's on the way.

Well, why don't you
wait for me outside?

- I'll get Doc.
- Okay.

- See you later, Kitty.
- All right, Matt.

TOM: Down there, Marshal.

Well, he was right here.

(low moaning)

Over here.

TOM: Do you know who he is?

DILLON: Why, that's Tug Marsh.

DOC: It sure is.

Looks at those wounds.
They're all crusted over, Matt.

Probably infected.

You know, he's been crawling.

Look at these hands and knees.

Is he still alive, Doc?

Just barely.

Matt, I'd sure like to
get him up to the office.

You think we can make it?

Well, we can sure try.

- Morning.
- Hello, Doc.

Well, is he still alive?

He's alive and kickin'.

TUG: Hey, Doc! I'm hungry!

You hear that? You
saw him eight hours ago.

- I can't believe it.
- Can I talk to him?

Well, I don't know why
not. I can't keep him quiet.

Did you talk to Billy?

Well, no, I want to
hear his story first.

Hello, Tug.

Howdy, Marshal.

Maybe you can
get that dang doctor

to bring me something to eat.

DOC: I'm makin' you
some soup. Now shut up.


I ain't et in a week and
he gives me dishwater.

Dang it. If I could
just get out of this bed.

(chuckles) Tug, you're
gonna have to take it easy

for a while, you know,
you've been through a lot.

You tellin' me what I
been through, Marshal?

I'm askin' you. I'd
sure like to know.

Ain't no affair of the law.

Well, I know it
isn't, Tug, but...

I'm just kind of... kind of
curious about it, that's all.

Want to tell me what happened?

I had me a dustup with a Injun,

- that's all.
- An Injun?

You sure it wasn't Billy Logan?

What about Billy Logan?

Well, he said you were dead.

Here in Dodge, is he?

He said he got
chased by the Indians

but he got away from 'em.

I was thinking they'd get him.

Well, then his story is true?

I reckon so. As far as I know.

Except for one
part: you aren't dead.


But he left me for dead though.

Just snuck off and left me,

without even a knife
to defend myself

or to slip into my
ribs if need be.

You wouldn't do that to an
animal, now would you, Marshal?

Leave him in the
wilderness to die?

You'd slit his throat
for him, wouldn't you?

That all you got against Billy?

Ain't that enough?

All right. Now,
here's your soup.

(scoffs) Dishwater.

Doc, you ain't told me...
You think you can fix me up?

There ain't nothing more to fix.

What about my arm?

There's an awful lot of
muscle damage there,

but you got movement.
And you're alive.

That's the main thing.
And you're mean enough

and ornery enough that you'll
be all right in a couple of days...

On your feet, at least...
If you do what I say.

Get some rest and
take some nourishment.

- Now, let's have this soup.
- Take it away!

Bring me some real solid
meat... That's what'll mend me.

I'll give you two days, Doc.

Two days to keep
me cooped up here.

If you're any kind of a
doctor at all, I'll be on my way.

What's your hurry, Tug?

I got things to do.

Like going out and
looking up Billy Logan?

Don't you think my old
partner'll be glad to see me,

back from the dead?

Oh, now, what's the use, Tug?

Look, I know you
got a good reason

to be mad at him
right now but...

two old friends
like you fighting?


There won't be
no fight, Marshal.

And no talk neither.

It'll be over quick.

Quick and sure.

And that'll be the end of it.

Now, you'd better do some
thinking about that, Tug.

I'd sure hate to have to
take you in for m*rder.

Then, Marshal, you'd better
see I don't lay eyes on him.


Oh, Marshal, have
you been there long?

Billy, you told me
that you buried Tug

in a thicket out
there on the prairie?

Well, uh, not exactly, Marshal.

Uh, I-I felt bad about that,
but he was well hid in there

and, uh, with the
Injuns around and all,

I couldn't make no fuss
or nothin' so, uh, I just...

oh, I-I left him there.

Uh, I-I know it
wasn't right, but...

But you're sure he was dead?

You don't think I'd leave
him there if he wasn't, do you?

Somebody found
the body, is that it?

I knowed they
would, sooner or later.

I should've tried to
bury him, I guess.

Yeah, there's something else
you should've tried to do first,

and that's make
sure he was dead.

What do you mean, Marshal?

Well, what I mean is that
Tug's up in Doc Adams' office

right now and he's hollering
his lungs out for something to eat.

Tug... alive?

I can't hardly believe it's so.

He pulled out of it then.

Why, I'm awful glad

to hear that, Marshal.

Well, you won't be so glad
when he gets on his feet.

He's gonna come looking for you.


I-I expect Tug'd be
pretty mad all right.

You got just time to
get yourself a horse

and get out of town.

Oh, no, Marshal, I
wouldn't do nothing like that.

I-I've got to talk to him.

I've got to explain.

Billy, I don't want to have
to arrest Tug for m*rder.

Oh, no, Marshal,
Tug couldn't sh**t me,

any more than I could sh**t him.

It wouldn't be
anything like that.

Well, that's not the
way he feels about it.

Now, I want you out of town.

Well, I'd like to
oblige you, Marshal,

but there's things we got
to talk about, Tug and me.

There's the money I owe him,
and his split of the furs, and all.

Now, Billy, I want you to
stay away from Doc's office.

Do you understand me?

Well, then, I'll just have
to wait till he comes to me.

Marshal, uh, we is
partners, Tug and me,

and this is something that'll
have to be settled between us.

So, uh, you can just tell
him that I'm waiting for him.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

there's somebody
else I got to tell.

Miss Irma?

Oh, why, Billy, what a surprise.

What are you doing
here this time of day?

Uh, this is Mr. Idaho Slate,
an old friend of the family's.

He just dropped
by to tell me about

all our old friends back East.

Uh, Mr. Slate, Mr. Logan.

Glad to know you, Mr. Slate.

I'm very happy to
know you, Mr. Logan.

Well, I-I do hope you two can
be good friends, now that we...

Well, I'm glad, uh, Miss Irma,

uh, there's something that
I got to tell you, if'n, uh...

Oh, well, of course,
Mr. Slate was just leaving.

Uh, you will come back

and visit with Mr. Logan
and me, won't you, Idaho?

Of course, I
understand perfectly.

- I'll see you again, Logan.
- Bye.


Well, Billy, uh,

what was it you
wanted to tell me?

Well, it's good news
and then it ain't.

It-it's about Tug.

He's alive and
he's here in Dodge.

- But... but I thought...
- Well, I made a mistake.

Anyways he's over at Doc Adams'.

Well, does that mean you have

to split the fur money with him?

That's one thing,

but there's still $3,000.

That ought to be enough to
get started on, don't you think?

Well, I don't know.

But, uh, that ain't the worst.

'Course I don't think
anything'll happen

but they say that
he's vowed to k*ll me,

and knowing Tug, well, he might.

Well, you could leave town.

No, I-I won't do that.

And, uh, and I
suppose you'll insist

on splitting the money with him.

Well, uh, naturally.

Well, Irma, uh, this won't
make no difference, uh, to us?

Uh, I mean, Tug
coming back, I mean?

I think I'd better
go and see Tug.

What for?

Well, Billy dear, I can't
marry a dead man, can I?

I want to go and talk to Tug,

and ask him not to
harm you, of course.

I see. Uh, that might help.

And I think I
better do it today.

This morning.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Oh, Tug, my dear.

You'll never know how happy
I was to hear you were safe.

Returned from the
dead, practically.

Is that so, Irma?

How'd you hear?

Oh, Billy Logan, of course.

He was very consoling when
he realized how sad I was

over your... death.

I bet you two have been
getting together every day

just to cry over me.

Why, Tug, I believe
you're jealous.

Of Billy? (quiet laugh)

After all, you had
no claim on me.

We, uh, never really did
have any understanding.

No, and I'm right
glad of that now.

Save me the
trouble of breaking it.

Tug, you can't be serious.

Surely you can't think
there could be anything

between Billy Logan and me?

Don't matter none.

Won't last long if there is.

On account of you're
gonna be sudden bereaved.

Soon as I get me out of this
bed and get my hands on a g*n.

You think I'd shed
any tears over that?

(sighs) Only if they
threw you in jail for it.

And that's something you
ought to be thinking about.

It, uh,

hardly seems worth it.

Now that you're back,
I can't see any reason

why we can't go on
from where we left off.

No, Miss Irma.

I ain't interested
in you no more.

Well, Tug Marsh,

I'm surprised and
disappointed in you.

You can have Billy
if you want him,

as long as he's alive, that is.

Well, what happened?

We'd better get it now, today,

while the little fool
has the whole bundle.

I'll see you back at the shop.

But how do I know that
they're worth so much?

I don't even know if
they are diamonds or not.

Why, Billy, honey, I told
you Mr. Slate's an expert.

I can assure you
they're not only genuine,

but superb gems.

Just think, Billy, a chance to
more than double our money

in less than a month's time.

Why, think of the
start it'll give us.

How much

exactly do you want?

- $20,000.
- Uh-uh.

But I'll take $6,000.

They're easily worth $25,000.

I ain't got but half $6,000.

Billy, there's Tug's half.

Oh, Irma, I
couldn't do that, I...

Why not?

A loan for a month,

and he more than
doubles his money.

Why-why, he'll thank you for it.

And all the trouble
between the two of you

will be over and forgotten.

But I couldn't do it
without his say-so.

Well, how are you gonna get it?

He's threatened to
sh**t you on sight.

Anyway, what does it
matter once he finds out

how you've taken
care of his interests.

Can I buy half?

I'm afraid I'll have to have
the full $6,000 or no deal.

I'm sure I can
find another buyer.

Well... (sighs)

Billy, are you gonna let
this golden opportunity

just slip through your fingers?

But, Irma, this is
completely out of my line.

Mr. Logan, you
won't have any trouble

selling these stones.

Just show 'em and
they'll sell themselves.

Just think: 25 beautiful stones,

$2,000 apiece.

That's ridiculous.

IRMA: And, Billy...

just think of the
trip back East.

Why, it can be our honeymoon.

But, Irma...

You really want
me to, don't you?

Of course I do, Billy.

For you and for me.

And for Tug.

Of course. For Tug.

And, uh, you think
it's good business?

I-I mean that we can trust him?

Why, Billy Logan!

Would I introduce you to
a man you couldn't trust?

I told you he was a
friend of the family.

I've known him all my life.

And I would trust him

with my life.

Well, all right.


Billy, I knew you'd
do the right thing.

And I know you'll
never regret it.


One, two...

three, four, five,

six, seven...



Oh, howdy, Miss Kitty.

Well, Billy, I kind of
halfway expected you

to be out of town by now.

Oh, on account of Tug?

Uh, no, ma'am, I wouldn't
go on account of that.

I-I guess I will be
leaving, though.

Going back to the
mountains for more furs?

No, ma'am.

I don't guess I'll ever
get to do that again.

Why not?

Well, comes a
time in a man's life

when he's got to
think of settling down.

I might be leaving town
for a honeymoon, though.

- Mm. Irma Watkins, huh?
- Uh-huh.

Uh, we got business back East,

so, guess we'll make it
a honeymoon trip, too.

What kind of business?

Well, say, uh... diamonds.

- Diamonds?
- Uh-huh. Uh...

You want to see
something pretty?


Them... them is gonna
make us a pile of money.

Oh, Billy.

Those things are nothing
but just beads of glass.

Oh, no, Miss Kitty.

Them is real diamonds,
the very best diamonds.

Where'd you get
'em, Idaho Slate?

Uh-huh. How'd you know?

Marshal Dillon threatened
to run him out of town

just last week for
trying to sell those fakes.

Oh, Miss Kitty, these
is the best diamonds.

They're worth
maybe $2,000 apiece.

They're not worth
ten cents apiece.


Did you give Idaho your money?


All of it?

Uh-huh. $6,000.

Oh, no.

Oh, what am I gonna do?

- Poor Irma.
- Poor Irma?

Uh-huh. She put
such stock in it.

She said this is our golden
chance to get started in life.

Oh, Billy, don't
you understand yet?

She's in on this swindle.

Oh, Miss Kitty, no.

Irma and I are gonna
be married. We're...

Irma Watkins and Idaho
Slate are sweethearts.

They were open about
it before you came back.

He is staying at her house.

Miss Kitty...

if-if that's true,

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Go ask her.

Ask her to give you
your money back.

- I'll be back, Sam.
- All right.

I'm gonna go see Matt.

Irma! Irma!




Stop! Stop!

- Hold it!
- Whoa.

Stand right there.

What's the matter
with you, Billy?

You gone clean out of your mind?

You just stand right
there, Jim Buck.

Well, I'm in luck.

You didn't think I'd find
out so soon, did you?

Get down out of there, Slate.

Billy... Billy, please.

No need to say
nothin', Miss Irma.

I ain't stupid. Not anymore.

Billy, it's against the
law to hold up a stage.

I'll have you arrested.

You just stay where you are.

You ain't gonna have
nobody arrested, Jim Buck.

Now, all I want is my money.

Whichever one of
you's got it, hand it over.

Irma, you can take
back these "diamonds."

Now, wait a minute, Mr. Logan,

you've got this thing all wrong.

TUG: Billy!

(hammer cocks)


All right, driver,
let's get going.

DILLON: Hold it!

Hold it, Jim.

Keep an eye on him.

- Billy.
- (grunts)

Take it easy, now.

You all right?

Yeah, I guess so.

Oh, where's Tug? He
was right over there.

Well, don't worry about
him. We'll find him later.

How much did you pay for these?

Oh, $6,000.

All right, you want to
give him the $6,000 back,

or you want to go to jail?

All right, now get out of town,
and don't come back again,

either one of you.

All right, Jim.

Let's go, Pete.


DILLON: Hello, Billy.

Uh, did you find him, Marshal?

DILLON: I almost
didn't find you,

till Moss Grimmick
told me where you were.

Oh, well, we always camp out
here behind Mr. Grimmick's barn

whenever we come
to town, Tug and me.

Well, then, he'll come
here looking for you.


Billy, you know by now
that Tug's out to k*ll you,

- don't you?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, then, why don't
you get out of town?

He'd only keep
huntin' till he found me.

Besides, I did
wrong to leave him

like I did.

You knew he was
still alive, didn't you?


But I honestly thought

he only had a few
more minutes to live.

Minutes that might've
cost me my life.

But it was wrong of me
to think of savin' myself.

Yeah, I don't know
about that, Billy.

BILLY: I'm only glad now

that I couldn't do what
he asked me to do.

I tried, but I just couldn't.

What'd he ask you to do?

Put a knife to his throat.

I'm awful glad that
I couldn't do that.

You know, in a way,

me bein' a coward
saved his life.

And now he's out to take yours.


Well, don't you worry, Marshal.

It'll be the way you want it.

DILLON: What do you mean?

Well, I-I can't fight him,

but I can make it look right,

so you won't have to arrest him.

Now wait a minute, Billy...

This, uh, coffee's just
about ready, Marshal.

(crickets chirping)

He's out there, Marshal.

How do you know?


him and me, livin'
the way we do,

we sense things that
you town folks miss.

Don't do nothin'
to him, Marshal.



Don't worry, Marshal.

I don't even have a g*n anymore.

I couldn't use it when I did.

Trapper needs a partner.

Good ones is hard to find.

Can't expect everybody
to be perfect and...

not make a mistake or two.

Tug, they said that...


there's plenty of
time for talk later.

Now, why don't you pour
the marshal a cup of coffee?

Sure, Tug.

Uh... have some coffee, Marshal?


Don't mind if I do, Billy.

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