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04x07 - Strike the Tent

Posted: 03/19/22 10:50
by bunniefuu
- What's the status on the roof?
- All clear up here, sir.



Colonel, we have Gandía.

Gandía, talk to me.


I've eliminated Nairobi and Tokyo.

I'm going out for another attack.

- I'll take a radio. This is the frequency.
- Radio!

Suarez, I want all units ready to go.

Units alpha and beta, get in position.

I want everyone on alert.

Everyone in position.

Colonel, they opened fire!

Gandía! Gandía,

respond. Answer me! Gandía, do you copy?

I'm here.

They're closing in on me, sir.
I'm caught in the f*cking cross fire.

What's your position?
Can we give you covering fire?

Negative, Colonel.
Heading to the roof, sir.

Requesting immediate evac!

Suarez, for Christ's sake,
send a f*cking helicopter now.

- Let's go!
- Delta 1, get ready for takeoff.

Rescue operation at the Bank of Spain now!

Delta 1.

They've started to fire.
I can't see anything!

Colonel. Colonel!

Smoke! Smoke!
Sir, smoke's coming out through the roof.

Hang in there, Gandía.
The helicopter's on its way.

Get to the roof. We'll cover you.

I'm on the roof now.
I have a mask, and I'm dressed in black.

Hold your fire!

Our man's dressed in black.

Give him cover at all times.
Be ready for possible crossfire.

Go, go, go!


Go, go, go, go!

They're on the roof. They've opened fire!

We need cover fire! We need cover fire!

I can't see them!
There's too much smoke!

- Where in the f*ck is that helicopter?
- Delta unit, position.

Two minutes, 50 seconds, sir.

Delta unit, begin approaching our target.

Rescue protocol.

I want the extraction
to be quick and clean.

Helicopter in position.

Get 'em out of there, for f*ck's sake!

Okay, Delta 1, get in there.

I've got a visual.

I'm locked on one of the suspects.
Permission to fire, sir.

Permission to fire, sir.


Mutt, I told you I was gonna k*ll you.



Ten, nine,

eight, seven,

six, five,

four, three,

two, one!

What happened?

Your friend Nairobi threw a grenade at me.

Is she okay?

Tell me what happened to Nairobi!

I don't know what happened.

But that bitch
is definitely still standing.

Is she recovering?

I think so.

She had a hell of a surgeon.

You know that blood's dripping
from you like a stuck pig, right?

♪ If I stay with you
If I'm choosing wrong ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ If I'm losing now
But I'm winning late ♪

♪ That's all I want ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ I am lost ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ Lost my time ♪

♪ My life is going on ♪

Do you really have to change
outfits here in front of all these people?

This isn't an outfit.
It's a uniform worn by filthy executives

who check the Nikkei Index while dining
with their mistresses. It's revolting.

It got you into an interview
with the governor of the Bank of Spain.

Isn't it good enough
for a simple cocktail?

You should have parked the car.

Martín complains far less.


What? Now what's wrong with Martín?

He follows you everywhere.


He's in love with you.

He's in love with me.

And you know that
because you've seen his diary,

or did he confess it to you in tears,
drinking away his misery?

I've seen how he looks at you.

How he smiles
at every single one of your crazy ideas.

He agrees with everything about your plan,

but he is unable to think critically,

He's in love, and that prevents him
from being objective.

He's completely objective.
He's an engineer.

He calculates complex equations,
and this might surprise you,

but none of those calculations
involve feelings in any kind of way.

You know as well as I do
the plan's disastrous.

The plan is so marvelous.

The plan has some parts,
details that are marvelous,

but it doesn't work as a plan.

It does not work.

- Why did you bring me in?
- Because I want to share it with you.

It's the biggest heist of my life,
and I want my brother to be there.

You've called me to come up with the ideas
he's not providing.

And you...

You know how to get the gold out,
but not how to get the g*ng out.

Also, you don't have any idea
how you'll spend the rest of your lives

with 90 tons of gold on you
without being discovered.

An analytical mind, even a limited one,

would've considered that
before anything else.

But not you two.

Because you're in love with the plan,

and he's simply in love with you.

We're guided by passion, true,
but you're blinded by hatred.

Hatred for romanticism.

Well, maybe that's because
one of the principal themes of romanticism

is su1c1de. Andres, this plan is su1c1de.

Still being a pessimist?

It's not his best day,
but he'll get over it.

When he's stressed out,
he gets very negative.


I'm gonna head to the bathroom.

Would you like to accompany me, Sergio?

Have you ever had the privilege
of experiencing

masterful fellatio
from a man with great skill?

I'm joking.


disoriented, a blank stare,

and, most of all, feeling like
you're floating outside of reality.

Those are the symptoms
of emotional shock.

Of course, it could also go the other way.

Uncontrollable rage

that can only be stopped...

with revenge.




Mother f*ck.


We found the panic room, sir.

Gandía locked himself inside.
He's wounded. He's got Tokyo.

How bad is the wound?

A grenade exploded right next to him.

He'll try to negotiate,
and this time we have the advantage.

- If he wants to live, he won't hurt Tokyo.
- I wouldn't be so sure of that.


Gandía ex*cuted Nairobi.

Are you saying that's a yes?

We'll pay them back a hundred times
for what they've done to Nairobi.

At that moment,
the Professor no longer felt any pain.

He was detached from his emotions
and operated like a machine.

We're going to destroy that tent
in seven steps.

The only thing on his mind
was his next strike.

And the first starts with the truth.

Professor, if you want to tell the truth,
you need to talk to Rio.

There's things you need to know.


From that moment on,

everything, absolutely everything we did
was about attacking.

- Professor.
- In the next few hours,

the Professor would launch
a barrage of missiles.

You said getting us out was impossible
but you'd do it.

Are you going to keep your word?

I said when we melted the gold
and got it out of there,

I'd get you out too.

And I will.

Palermo, go get Tokyo.

I'm going to the foundry. Denver, with me.

All units at full alert.

Advancing with the TEDAX robot.

We're ready to deactivate the bombs
at the entrance.

Nairobi's dead.

From now on, I'm in charge.

We have to be extremely efficient.
How many tons do we have?


- What is this? f*cking recess?
- Forty-four is three less than the target.

Raise the temperature to 1,750.
We need to step up the production rate.

- Is anyone in there?
- No.

Well, there should be. Let's get in there

'cause we have to get this gold out,
no matter what.


Don't leave
a single gram of gold in there.

I wanna get out of here.

Come on. Let's do it. Let's go!

- Professor.
- Not the Professor.

We have a problem. We need to use
a firewall. Transferring you.

Okay. Hurry up.

Commencing procedure
to deactivate the first expl*sive.

Everyone take cover. Units one and two,
get ready for immediate intervention

once it's deactivated.

Stupid f*cking firewall.

- Professor.
- Yes.

I shouldn't be telling you this,
but they're planning a m*ssacre.

They're going to storm the bank.

They're trying to contact Gandía
so they can coordinate an attack.


Did you give Lisbon my message?


Antoñanzas, you stay and watch Murillo.

Don't let anyone in.

For Christ's sake,
why didn't tell anyone about this before?

What would that get me?
A little bit of pity?

Oh, Alicia...


She was very moved.

She looked as happy as a puppy.

I wish you could have seen her.

Thank you, Benito.

- Listen up.
- I'm listening.

The police are coordinating
an attack with Gandía.

We need to knock down the phone
in the panic room. Cut off everything.

Also, this is very important...

Do not k*ll Gandía. I need him alive.

With Tokyo in there,
that's gonna be difficult, sir.

I said alive. It's the key to the plan.

Find the electromagnetic waves
and cut the cables.

When he's incommunicado,

with no cameras to the outside,
you open the door.

Use circular saws, the hammers.
Make as much noise as you can.

He needs to know we're coming
so he'll focus on the door.

And then through the back,
without him realizing it,

we make a small hole,
and we inject narcotic gas.

When he's asleep,
we knock the door down.

- Understood?
- Understood.

Bombs are deactivated, sir.

Good. Get me Gandía.



Those are all my friends.




Sure looks like you're f*cked,
doesn't it, assh*le?

I don't care if it's hard.
Of course, I'll do it.

Are you sure?

You can count on me.

Thank you, Rio.

Thank you.


Did you find anything?

Find anything where?

This is a desert.

You can't get a taxi and say,
"Take me to the torturer's house, please."

I gave you local backup.

Listen, Professor. I speak Spanish.

I speak German, Italian, French,
English, Croatian, Serbian,

but I don't speak f*cking Berber.

I need coordinates.

Give me ten minutes.

Shakir, I need the satellite images now.

You have ten minutes.

Palermo, they're going in.

- It seems like the police were...
- ...Bank of Spain...

Special operation units

are approaching the building, and it looks
like they're trying to forcefully enter.

The police were approaching,
ready to attack with full force.

Then the Professor
launched the first m*ssile.

Open the doors.


What the f*ck is happening?

The first m*ssile
was to honor the memory of Nairobi.

They're the governor's personal guards.

A funeral.

♪ We would be together forever ♪

♪ Until we are breathless ♪

THE f*cking BOSS

♪ And we conquer the world
We were such dreamers ♪

In that instant,
everything came to a stop.

- ♪ We come back home in the new year ♪
- What's happening?

What's happening?

Get her back inside!

Let her. Out of respect.

♪ But everything ended
And the least of our problems ♪

Nairobi's exit filled the air
with a heavy silence.

♪ Is finding a way to understand them ♪

Disenchanting the thousands of people
who had believed Dalí's fable...

♪ I used to think that life was a game ♪

...was a fairy tale with a happy ending...

♪ And the honest truth is
That I still believe it is ♪

...when it was actually a w*r.

♪ And now I know that I've never been
Your princess ♪

♪ That the blood in your veins
Isn't blue ♪

♪ And now I know ♪

♪ That the day I die ♪

♪ I'll be lying over the sand ♪

♪ And I'll be taken far away ♪

♪ When the tide rises ♪

And then the Professor launched
his second m*ssile.


He covered Madrid with posters
of Rio's face

and sent a description
of everything that was done to him

to the national and international press.

I was illegally detained on January 20th

- by the Panamanian police...
- Colonel. Inspector?

Then I was transferred on a secret
flight with CNI Colonel...

Luis Prieto.

We landed somewhere around Maghreb,

and they tortured me until April 4th.

They put me in a cell that was so small...

my only option was to stand.

They left me... to shit and piss myself.

They just left me there,

living in my own shit.

One night...

they took me out of my cell

and brought me to the desert,

and they forced me to dig my own grave.

They put me in a coffin,
and they buried me alive...

until I was unconscious
and everyone thought I was dead.

You buried the kid alive?

Of course, we buried him alive.

Why would you do something like that?

Why do you think we sent him to Algeria?
To slap him on the wrist?

You should've left him in a ditch
or something. Maybe quicklime.

A block of cement.

But buried alive? f*ck me!

Everyone heard him describe it with all
the details. It's horror movie shit.

When it comes to empathy, we just
shot ourselves in the f*cking head.

The New York Times
published the video.

Some countries are calling for
a commission in Strasbourg.

Even Amnesty International is using it
as evidence to open an investigation.

We're f*cked.

id that place you took him
have any phones, security cameras,

Wi-Fi, or anything that could be used
against us?

It was in the middle of nowhere.

There were no cameras, no internet.
Shit, not even any roads.

- That's why we went there.
- That place is the assh*le of the world.

Not even the Algerian secret service
knows about it.

Also, the kid looks as good as new.

He doesn't have any bruises,
no internal bleeding, nothing at all.

- We were very delicate.
- Okay.

We're gonna deny the f*ck out of this.

It's their word against our word.
And you're going to do it, Luis.


Yeah, you. You've got balls, so go for it.

Full pageantry with a press conference.
An urgent meeting.

Transparency, Luis.


With all this shit, my sugar is low.
Where did they put the f*cking cookies?



Thank you for coming.

If Agustín, Moscow, trusted you...

consider me your friend.

My daughter, is she okay?

Manila is doing very well.

- Are they all miners?
- All of them.

And they're trustworthy.


Except for...

that guy.

He's Polish.



I welcome you all.

Follow me, please.

Where are we going, Professor?

To class.

I'm gonna explain what we'll be doing
in the next 30 hours.

We're gonna carry out a plan
that anyone with common sense

would think is completely insane.

So how about we forget common sense?

f*cking sauna. Shit!

Do you go to saunas?

You've got a lot of repression, don't you?
Getting horny in the army locker room.

Isn't that right?

You know you and I are alike?

The only difference is
we're on opposite sides.

I could offer you a job.

You know what?

I'd prefer
if you offered to f*ck me instead.

Is there a rule that forbids two soldiers
from different sides from f*cking?

That's not treason, right?

They should add it
to the Geneva Convention.

"Cease fire!

It's time...

to f*ck!"

What the f*ck do you want?

I don't want anything.

You make me horny.


I've been thinking a lot in there,
you know?

And I... I don't really know
what's going on with me.

And I don't understand what's going on
with you, but I love you so much.

And I want you to know that, whether
or not we're together, I'm here for you.

What is this, Denver?

What are you saying?

He k*lled Nairobi.

Anything can happen in here.

Even things we thought were impossible
can happen.

I know it was easy in Indonesia because,
at the end of the day,

you were with
the only guy that you could talk to.

But in here it's different,
and I accept that.

And I love you.

You got here. You made a comparison.
And I came out the loser. I get it.

No one's comparing you, Denver.

Really. And this thing
with Rio is... nothing.

I just want you to know
that if you need that...

If you need to be with Rio...

then go ahead.

That's not what I need.

I don't even know what I need, Denver.
Not right now.

We're in the middle of this madness,
and I can't think

or make decisions or anything right now.

But you and I met each other in a heist.

And we made a lot of decisions.


Arturo, what did you do?


What did you do to me when I was asleep?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You took advantage of me.

I've no idea what you're talking about,
but this isn't a good time.

You drugged me.

You gave me tranquilizers. You insisted.

You gave me more than I needed,
and they knocked me out.

But before I went out,
I felt you close to me.

I felt you touching my neck,
touching my breasts.

I wasn't fully conscious,

but I could feel you lowering my zipper,
and you kept touching me.

You lifted my panties, Arturo.

I woke up, and then I blacked out again.

I kept seeing flashes of it.
I woke up, and my bra was torn.


What's happening here
is you're very nervous,

- and that's normal...
- No.

- ...'cause of this insanity, right?
- No.

I'm sure you're confused.
You saw some flashes,

and you believe those flashes,
but they didn't actually really happen.

Or maybe... maybe...

you had an erotic dream about me.

A wet dream.

It's natural. I don't mind being
the object of your desire, but...

don't accuse me of something I didn't do.

You r*ped me, Arturo.

You drugged me and you r*ped me.

Listen to me.

You brat.

I didn't r*pe you.

I didn't take advantage of you.

You're accusing me
of something very, very serious.

Something I despise.

Something I detest.

Everyone knows I've always been
a fierce advocate for women's rights.

An advocate for the respect.

So I'm not gonna let you do that.

Nothing happened.

You were scared. You had a panic attack.

It makes sense. Right?

Can you believe this?

Can you believe this?

There's Bogotá.

Now you're really f*cked.

It's the shrapnel in your neck.

Brachial plexus.

It controls a lot of muscles in your arm,

in your hands...


- You know a lot of stuff, huh?
- Hmm.

I've picked up some things
from the Professor.

- Oh, yeah?
- Um-hum.

Hard to breathe?


It's your diaphragm.

Very sad.

You want me to release you?

If you don't let me go, you're dead.

If you release me...

I'll help you.

I'm gonna untie your hands
so you can get all the shards out.

But you'll still...

have your neck tied.

I'll turn my back to you.

But I just have to move one finger...

...and I'll blow all that knowledge out
of that pretty little brain of yours.

19:45 HOURS

Good evening.

My name is Luis Prieto.

I'm a colonel
from the National Intelligence Agency.

I stand before you at the request
of the Minister of the Interior

to deny all the accusations
being brought about

concerning the alleged t*rture
of Anibal Cortés,

as well as to clarify any doubts
you may have in relation to his arrest.

How did Ágata Jiménez die? Alias Nairobi.

At this time,
we are still gathering information.

All I can say is that she was taken down
during a skirmish

by the chief of security
for the Bank of Spain

who managed to get free.

Was Cortés illegally detained in Panama?

The arrest was made
in compliance with the law,

in accordance
with an international order for his arrest

officially issued by Europol.

Cortés claims he was held
in a 45-centimeter-wide cell.

Is that true?

No rule of law
and no democratic country in the world

would allow something like that to happen.

He claims to have been buried alive.

Do you deny that too?

That he was left to defecate himself?

That they gave him 40 coffees
and cold showers?

...cold showers.

All of those statements
are as absurd as they are grotesque.

Prieto did what the Professor
expected him to do.

He lied, lied, and lied again.

He did it even better
than the Professor thought he would.

They've also successfully...

With sarcasm and arrogance.

They'll be overconfident.

They'll be completely overconfident

because they think
it's their word against ours.

And that is what's
going to make them drown

in the quicksand of their own lies.

No one would expect
that the National Intelligence Agency...

is less intelligent than us.

But we're gonna show them.

And there's no stopping us...

because we're already there.

We're going back to the same scapegoat:

police brutality.

It's a baseless accusation,
and it's unacceptable.

Talk now.

We tortured Anibal Cortés
for about two months, something like that.

We were paid 200,000 euros to do it,

by Colonel Prieto
from Spanish Intelligence.

And that was his third m*ssile.

Colonel Prieto. Excuse me, Colonel Prieto.

Right this moment,
we're receiving video evidence

that contradicts your previous statement.

Do you know a Turkish citizen
by the name of Osman?

Hmm, no, I don't know him.

The following e-mail

was sent from your account to this Osman.

It was an order to him. I'll quote it.

"Use any means within your reach
to obtain the information."

You didn't send it?

I'm sorry.
I don't know what you're talking about.

Maybe this video will refresh your memory.

This is the grave
where we buried Anibal Cortés alive.

That's the wooden coffin.

We had him in there
for two or three hours.

He dug the hole himself.

Are you going to deny this evidence too?

Or are you going to claim that this grave,

located in a place called Timimoun
in Algeria,

a place to which you refer
in several e-mails is a setup.

Well, of course, it's a setup.

I have nothing further to say.

Tamayo's going to be like a tennis player
alone on the court

trying to return
every single one of the balls

that are being fired at him nonstop.

They put me in a coffin.

Two hundred thousand euros to do it.

He'll be so concentrated

on returning the balls we're throwing
at him, he won't have the time

or the energy to think about the heist,
not even for a moment.

Because his whole world
will be shattering to pieces.

Colonel, we're ready to resume the attack.

- We're not going to resume anything.
- Listen...

Don't you see what's going on?

Don't you realize we're being absolutely
crushed in front of the whole world?

That's what we need, to accidentally k*ll
a hostage and crown ourselves in shit.

- Colonel, we have the advantage...
- We have the advantage, my f*cking ass.

Do I have to remind you that you've tried
to go in there four times already? Four!

You think there's free drinks in there,
or what?

When you're dealing with a fire
and the fire's getting worse,

you can only think about one thing.

- Putting it out.
- Putting it out.

Putting it out.
Not for Spain's credibility.

Not to defend the honesty
of the National Intelligence Agency. No.

For your own freedom.

Okay, listen up, everyone.

I need everybody out,
except for the essential personnel.

Take a breather, have a coffee,

and in five minutes,
we'll get back to work.

Oh, Alicia.

We tried to get out there and deny it...

but that damn Professor
was waiting for us

with the evidence in his hands.

Now the only way out
is by taking the blame.

And who's gonna do that?

For the CNI, Prieto.

For the police, you.

We need you to act as a firewall
so that the institutions come out clean.

What do I do? What do I say?

You want me to tell them
I did it all by myself?

That it was...

a professional endeavor?

To see if they'd give me a medal
for police merit?

They've got Prieto's e-mails,
so they probably have yours.

You have to confess,
resign from the heist.


take the blame
for all of the illegal acts.

Since I'm going down,

why don't we add stuff
and say I k*lled Manolete and Kennedy,

the 23F.

I shot the Pope.

Yeah, might as well go for everything, no?

Shit's gonna hit the fan
in every possible scenario.

But if you help us, we won't forget
about what you did for us.

I'll have the CNI discredit the evidence.

The state attorney
and the prosecution are on our side.

You'll be put with a judge
who's favorable to you.

Someone who owes us.
Someone who we have by the balls.

Granted, you won't get your job back,

but don't worry about it

because we'll make sure
you're getting paid from a reserve fund.

I promise you,
you will not set foot in prison.

That's f*cking bullshit.


I guess I don't have any other choice.



be strong.

We're with you on this.


and Colonel Prieto.

They're going to be
the first ones to fall.

And why?

Because that's how we'll cr*pple the tent,

and then, we can protect
all of our people inside of the bank.

Tamayo will barely be able
to keep control.

When everyone's properly protected
inside the bank,

- what are we gonna do, Benjamín?
- Huh? Maybe...

You tell me.

We'll rescue another member of the g*ng.

We're going to rescue someone

held in custody
by a convoy of 26 police officers.

- That's impossible, Professor.
- It's almost impossible,

but there is one possibility...

if we can answer the following:

Where are they going transfer her
and when?

And we'll know that information...

because I'm gonna make
the transfer happen.

Just the one on your neck left.

How does it look?

It doesn't look good.

If I pull it out wrong,
you could be paralyzed.

Pull it out. Pull it out. Don't hesitate.

Lower your head a little more.

The camera.

Holy f*cking shit! Gandía's dead.

Bogotá, Tokyo k*lled Gandía!
Knock the door down!


Then came the fourth m*ssile.

Our colleague, Lisbon,
has been illegally detained.

She's been kidnapped and is being held
at the police command post

outside the Bank of Spain
without legally informing any judge.

No right to a defense.

What the f*ck?

Also, they faked her execution.

And to prove it,

here's the recording of that moment.

- Suarez.
- Lower your w*apon.

- Where is the Professor?
- Raquel,

tell them I surrender. Buy some time
until I get there. Raquel, tell him.

- Where is the Professor?
- I don't know where he is.

Tell them I'm almost there.

- Where is the Professor?
- I don't know!

Get them out, Raquel.

Get out of there! Get out of there!
Get out of there!

I don't know where the Professor is.

That's the wrong answer.

I'm almost there.
Get out!

Just get out!

This was self-defense.

You got me, Solana? She shot first.

Take the g*n, clean off the prints
and put it in her hand.

I'm requesting an open investigation

to confirm the veracity of these facts.

Tied up like a dog,
and you still took him out. Great.

- Check if there's a pulse.
- Yeah, I have a pulse.

Oh, I'm sorry.
You're talking about Gandía.

There he is, a little indisposed,
the poor guy.

- He's alive.
- Good.

Is someone letting me out or what?

Are you okay?

How's Nairobi?

The last of the missiles arrived
at the tent in a government vehicle,

wearing a badge and with a court order.

Your attention, everyone.

Stop what you're doing.

- I'm Colonel Tamayo. I'm in charge.
- I don't care who's in charge, Colonel.

We're Internal Affairs.

What the f*ck's going on here?

Where can I find your prisoner,
Raquel Murillo?

Raquel Murillo,

you are under arrest for the crimes
of belonging to an armed group,

kidnap, an attack against the authorities
and the institutions of the State.

You have the right to remain silent.

You have the right to an attorney
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♪ Somethin' ♪

♪ Filled up ♪

♪ My heart ♪

♪ With nothing ♪

♪ Someone ♪

♪ Told me not to cry ♪

♪ Now that ♪

♪ I'm older ♪

♪ My heart's ♪

♪ Colder ♪

♪ And I can ♪

♪ See that it's a lie ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh ♪

♪ If the children ♪

♪ Don't grow up ♪

♪ Our bodies get bigger ♪

♪ But our ♪

♪ Hearts get torn up ♪

♪ We're just a million little gods
Causin' rainstorms ♪

♪ Turning every good thing to rust ♪

♪ I guess we'll just have to adjust ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh ♪

♪ With my ♪

♪ Lightning bolts a-glowing ♪

♪ I can see ♪

♪ Where I am ♪

♪ Going to be ♪

♪ When the reaper ♪

♪ Reaches and touches my hand ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ With my ♪

♪ Lightning bolts a-glowing ♪

♪ I can see where I am... ♪