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04x01 - Game Over

Posted: 03/19/22 10:43
by bunniefuu

this is a w*r.

Act accordingly.



Everything can to go hell
in less than a second.

In moments like this,
you feel death creeping in,

and you know nothing
will ever be the same.

But you need to do
whatever it takes to survive.

Nairobi, hold on!

Hang in there.

Hang in there, Nairobi.

- It's gonna be okay.
- Come on!

Come on!

Everyone has a sn*per
aiming at their heart.

Let's go!

But true terror...

- isn't when the b*llet hits you.
- We're almost there!

It's when it takes away
someone you love.

Come on! Come on!

Rio, Saline.

Come on!

Okay. Exhale.

That's it.

The Professor was feeling
that true terror more than any of us.

His heart held two words
that should never be together:

love and death.

And that f*cked with his head.

While running through the forest,

he could only think...

"They've k*lled the love of my life."

But there was Lisbon.

Very much alive.

The two g*nshots of her fake execution

were pointed directly
at the Professor's mind.

The Professor was drowning
in his own grief.

And with him,

we were sinking too.

Pulse is 155 and going up.

Blood pressure, 85/40.
It's dropping.

Okay, we need two units
of blood and saline.


stay strong. I'm here with you.

In the tent,

Tamayo felt the same way I did.

Horror from being face to face with death.

A dry mouth with the taste of metal.

Shortness of breath, anxiety,
and lots of pain.

But as long as the game was on,

we all had to keep standing.

Blood's at 30 degrees.
Ready for transfusion.

It's right here, the b*llet.

Behind the seventh rib.

It's in the lower part of the lung.

My love, that's good news.

She can't breathe.
It's a pneumothorax.

- Make a puncture.
- She's choking.

Tokyo. Surgical kit six.

Okay. I'm going. Surgical kit six.

Her air is between the lungs
and chest wall.

Hurry, Helsinki!

- Tokyo!
- I got it.

That's it.

You have to get me out of here.

I'd rather be in jail, alive.

I don't wanna die in here.


Just give me up to the police, please.


Get me out.

♪ If I stay with you
If I'm choosing wrong ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ If I'm losing now
But I'm winning late ♪

♪ That's all I want ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ I am lost ♪

♪ I don't care at all ♪

♪ Lost my time ♪

♪ My life is going on ♪



Once Rio's been released,
we'll begin phase three of the plan...


No one can get out
of the Bank of Spain alive.

It's impossible.

But I will get you out of there.

Once we have begun phase three,

the only thing that matters is the gold,
and our only goal is...

to melt it.

Because the gold is our only key.

If we don’t get the gold,
I can't get you out of there.

The police...

will strike back at us with everything,
but no matter what...

whatever happens,

whatever it is they do,

we need to be able to keep... control.

all our lives will be in danger.

Did we k*ll any police?

I don't know,
we sent one up in flames.

When they come back, they'll bring
everything they've got,

and we're not in a position

to defend ourselves, Sergio.

And Nairobi needs a surgeon.

We fired an antitank at them.
They’re not going to give us a surgeon.

She's got a f*cking b*llet
inside her lung.

We can't do it ourselves.
You have to try, Sergio.

We need to get
the surgeon in Pakistan.

How much time do I have?

She's dying.

He has climbing equipment,
dog deterrent and camouflage clothes.

He could be in the treetops.

sh**t up,
and aim at the crowns of the trees.

Raquel, don't let them get you alone.
Tell them I surrender.


Get out of there!

Get out of there!

Just get out!

I'm gonna try.

Ssh. Easy now.




Good little bull.




The Professor att*cked the police,

but nobody is moving
from the Bank of Spain.

The protesters are in a state of shock,

and the big question is: what'll happen
with the support from the Dalís?

For the moment, nobody can say,

but we could be witnessing
the first big problem

for supporters of the Professor's cause.

It's like a movie.
Best thing to happen to us.

Those men out there have
second and third-degree burns.

That's normal.
Now what we need is another armored van.

Don’t you care about anything?

I'm not sending more men
to have their faces d*sfigured

for the rest of their lives.

They fired two rockets at us,
and all of Spain saw it.

I am not starting a w*r
in the center of Madrid.

The w*r has started!

Tamayo. Tamayo, don't f*ck this up.
Don't make the worst mistake of your life.

The mistake was you torturing that kid.

If we'd just taken him to court,
we wouldn't be here.

We made them stronger and gave them
an argument. I'm not doing that again.

You're scared.

You’re just like Prieto...

a Viagra box on the bedside table
for your limp erection. Ugh!

And you think that the law will save you.

The law can't help us now.

I am the law.

And limp erection, my ass!

We need to keep our composure.

I want to de-escalate the situation.
Everyone understand?

Dialogue and truce. Truce and dialogue.

Is that clear?

Crystal clear, boss.



Yes, Inspector?

You heard him, no?

That guy is the law. Like John Wayne.

I want a surgical ambulance and a surgeon.


Let's get out there and make them
hand over their wounded.

The Governor took three medical courses
in the army.

He's gonna help with the operation.

I didn't finish my studies,
and I didn't pursue it as a career,

but I remember some principles.

Great. Put your scrubs on.

I'll get 'em.

So where's the surgeon?

I'm trying to make contact,
but they have to allow access.

Bogotá, anesthetic.
Nairobi, we're putting you to sleep.

You're not putting me to sleep! Tokyo!


Tell him it's my life,

and I decide.


It is your life. That's why we're doing
the surgery here, so relax.

Tokyo, please.


She decides.

That's final.

Helsinki, put her to sleep.
That’s a f*cking order.

You don't give me orders.
You're not my boss.

You let her get the phone.

You're supposed to protect us.

She can make mistakes, but you can't!

Shut your mouth, fat ass,
or I'll k*ll you right now,

you son of a bitch!

You're my little whore, not my mama.

It's her fault she's like that
because she chose to be a f*cking idiot.

If Nairobi says she's leaving,
I'm walking her to the door.

And you, you piece of shit,

you're gonna shut your mouth

because from now on,
you're no longer my boss.

- Tokyo, lower the f*cking p*stol.
- Denver...

If Nairobi talks, they'll k*ll us all.
We're doing the operation in here.

What do you know about operations,
you idiot?

Nairobi needs a surgeon.

Are you all f*cking crazy or what?

I swear on my son...

I won't tell them anything.

That’s what you think, but when they
start torturing you, it changes.

Go f*ck yourself.

Nairobi's leaving.

I don't think so.

Do you really think that now is a good
moment to play the rebel leader? Hmm?

One of us is dying,
so just stop f*cking around!

Another one of us.

What do you mean, "another"?

They ex*cuted Lisbon half an hour ago.

If I could show you all
my magnificent democratic side,

we could vote and get her out,
but I'd be k*lling her.

Lisbon was ex*cuted on her knees, unarmed.

They brought Nairobi's son with his teddy
bear so they could sh**t her in the head.

Do you think a couple of nuns
from the Red Cross are waiting outside?

Stop f*cking around!

Palermo is right.

You're gonna have to cut me open...

and take the b*llet out.


cut out part of my lung.

And all that without me bleeding to death.

You're gonna k*ll me!

You're gonna k*ll me.


It's too complicated.

Helsinki, it's too complicated.

Take me to the door.

- Take me...
- Stay calm.

- Take me to the door!
- Stay calm.

- Stay calm.
- Take me to the door!

- It's gonna be okay.
- Thank you.

- It's gonna be okay.
- No!

No! I don't want to! No!

No, no, no, no!

- Ssh.
- No!



No! No! No!

No, no, no, no!

Forgive us, Professor,
uh, we just had an argument tonight.

I'm going to sleep with Tokyo.

Is this okay with you, Tokyo?
Do you mind that I'm sleeping here?

It's totally fine.

So you know, when someone in my bed,

I get really horny.
You don't care, do you?

- Uh, I don't care about what?
- You and I getting rid of our stress.

Rubbing our clams together.

I knew that was a joke.

Can somebody please explain to me
why the f*ck Palermo...

is leading this?

Because it was his idea?

- And he's the genius.
- He's the genius?

The same guy that was fondling
his balls in the hallway

like a f*cking creep?

Oh, come on!

You know who should be
in charge of this?


Yeah, you.

I think so too.
If there's anyone who cares

about this heist going well, it's you.

Don't put ideas in my head, huh.

Don't put ideas in my head.

I'm going to bed.

Good evening.

I'm gonna talk with the Professor.

Don't wait up!


I wanna take charge...

of the heist. I'll be better than Palermo.

Tokyo, can we talk about it
in the morning?

The morning? No, now.

Why does he have to be in charge?
- Let's see, Tokyo. He...

is in charge because this heist has been
in development for a long time, and...

he's been on it since the beginning.
He has the plan in his head.


I can learn the plan.
I'm a quick learner.

"Platero is a small, soft, hairy donkey.

So soft, one would say
he's made of cotton with no bones."

Platero and I by Juan Ramón Jiménez.

We know.

I don’t know if you noticed,
but you're ruining an intimate moment.


What's wrong?

Are you horny?

I was. I was, yeah.

- Oh, yeah?
- Hm-mmm.

You don't seem very imaginative.

You might be a little shocked.

- Please! For God's sake...
- Oh, wow! Is that right?



Do you want me to stay?


And you?

Why are we talking about this?

Because I'm proposing a threesome.

Palermo, you and me.

He handles the numbers and calculations.

You handle our strategy,

but I'm the best f*cking captain
you can have in there.

Because when things
start getting f*cked up,

I react.

That's not something you learn
by studying. You're born with it.


I'm assuming command.

Let's operate.

Assuming command. The brains.

The intelligent and temperate one.

The crazy bitch that got us in here

is who you'll lose your lives for. Great.

I'm gonna let you all
play little doctors...

while I think about my next move.
Careful, huh?

That half hour was our darkest time.

In 30 minutes,

the police covered lots of ground
sh**ting at the trees.

They kept us isolated and desperate.

And the Professor,
inside the drinking trough,

was thinking about those 30 minutes

and how if he could've made this call
half an hour earlier...

...Lisbon would be alive.

It's time to begin phase two of Hamelin.

Copy that.


Alicia, empathy, dialogue and truce.


Five minutes as a widower,

and you're calling other women.

Naughty boy.

You're a real horn dog, aren't ya?

- Did you order her execution?
- I didn’t have time. She ex*cuted herself.

Raquel Murillo
violently resisted her arrest,

firing against her ex-colleagues,

- just like a traitor.
- Colonel.

The signal isn't in Madrid.

Looks like a highway.

Close to Huelva.

Ángel, he's getting away from us.

That bastard is on the move 42 kilometers
away from your position.

You sure? What if it's another trap?

I'm completely sure.
The signal bounced off three repeaters.

He's on National 435, north. Go after him.


Inspector Rubio to all units.
We're leaving.

The target is escaping
along National route 435, northbound.

Listen to me, Sierra.

Before we get out of the Bank of Spain,

I will burn you to the ground.

You're so boring.

Weren't you a professor of ethics?

Oh, no. You fired two rockets
in the center of Madrid,

and now you're the same as al-Qaeda. Huh.

Bing, bang, boom. Made a joke out of you!

I'm going to fix my mistakes,

and now I’m giving you the chance
to do the same.

- Nairobi...
- No.

I'm not sending a surgeon in.

But I can give you an easy solution.
Send Nairobi out,

and I'll have an ambulance waiting here.

I'm not going to leave Nairobi

in the hands of the one
who tried to k*ll her.

- You'll face the consequences.
- Oh, yes. I'm trembling with fear.

Okay, fine. I will show off my goodwill
by offering you a truce.

For 48 hours.

This way, you can assess

how serious the wound is.

- Or just let her die in there.
- I accept the truce.

But listen to me.

Nairobi is going to survive...

with or without your help.


Let's go catch that m*therf*cker!

Come on!

How do we get out of the epicenter?

By following Plan Hamelin.

Let's hear it.

Marseille will play on his flute,

and all of the mice
will start to chase him.

We'll make them believe
Operation Cage failed?

- Exactly.
- Hm.

We’re going to leave false tracks, but...

we'll make it believable
by supporting it with evidence.

And the trees where we were hiding
will be empty.

And when the predators are gone,

we'll climb down from the trees
like monkeys.

Won't it be the greatest reunion
of your entire life?

Why'd you call me Mr. Potato Head?

- I don't know. Your walk?
- My walk? What does that mean?

Maybe because you're... tender.

So, are you calling me tender,
or calling me fat?

Okay, okay.
I prefer you don't answer that.

You really crossed a line
with Potato Head.

See, now everybody knows about it...

homicide, internal affairs,
even the judiciary.

I didn't know what a meme was

until I got a bunch of memes
of Potato Head.

I'm really sorry, Ángel.

You're not gonna ask me...

why I did all this?


No. I know you did it for love.

When we get to Madrid, they're gonna
offer you a deal for your cooperation.


Strong-arm robbery,

breach of the public peace,

resistance to authority,

possession of weapons,

disclosure of secrets,

collaboration with armed groups
and abduction...

of the hostages...

and of my own daughter.

So, no matter what the deal is,

even if the judge and the system
is empathetic,

I won't be out for 30 years.

So I'm really f*cked,

Mr. Potato.

Try to be clear and very concise
with your instructions.

Okay? Good.

How many units of blood do we need?

Have three ready
at the proper temperature.

Denver, how many do we have?

- Three units.
- Go get more.

O negative and A negative.
Draw blood for three operations,

and ask if anyone's a doctor.

Bogotá, downstairs.

It's our only way out of here.
Keep melting gold.

Being in charge suits you.

Nobody trusts you anymore.

Do you know what your only way out
is gonna be when I'm not here?

To walk out with your hands
on the back of your head,

and pray they don't sh**t you because
of all the cameras and people outside.


au revoir.

Hasta luego.

Go ahead, doctor.

Make an incision 15 centimeters
between the sixth and the seventh rib.


Should anyone get injured,

we'll be more than ready
to save their life.

We'll learn the protocols for the most
common cases of g*nsh*t wounds.

And in the military truck with all
the equipment we need for the heist,

we'll include medical equipment in case
any type of surgery is necessary.

Dr. Ahmed will be the brains,
but he'll be 7,000 kilometers away,

so you will be his hands.

It won't be easy.

You can't hesitate.

You can't fail.

Because it's not gonna be
a dead pig on the table.

It'll be one of you.

- Aspirator. I can't see well.
- Bring the camera closer.

Always keep the surgical area clear.

- Better.
- So what's next?

We need to separate the ribs.

It's possible

you will have to remove part of the lung.

Separate the ribs?
Are you kidding?

Go get me the rib spreader.

- Is this it?
- Yes. Bring it here.

Those with blood type O negative
and A negative, put your hands up now.

Are you gonna make us
check your medical records, or what?


You were a nurse, weren't you?

Yes, sir, and a midwife.

Then follow me.

Everyone who raised their hands
come with me now!


Hey, Professor!


Yeah, it's me. Keep calm.

- Come on. There's no police.
- And the bull?

- What bull?
- Help me get up. My body's numb.

That bull?

That bull.


Step back

really slowly, Marseille.

Don’t stop staring him in the eye.


Doesn't this remind you of something?

San Fermín?



The time we met... at the wedding.

Come on. Farther back!

This bouquet thing,
don't single women catch it?

Martín, do you see any single woman here?

The closest thing we have is you.

It's tradition!
The bride throws the bouquet,

so just move a little further back.

Come on! Let's go!

A welder, a gay,

a mute, and even a librarian.

The fun never stops. Gotta love Italians.

I'm not mute. I just keep quiet.

And I'm not... I am not a librarian.

Please limit yourself
to calling me Sergio.

Ladies, stay focused!

- The bride is about to throw the bouquet!
- Girls, a little farther back!

Farther back!

Farther back!



Little brother!

Bravissimo, little brother!

I'm so happy for you.

Well, Mrs. Fonollosa, we must begin
the wedding dance, but first...

- I have a surprise.
- What?


Come on! Everybody sing! Come on!

Like people
with no sense of rhythm that can't dance,

the Professor just sat at the table,

and he asked himself,

what weighs more?

Love or death?

Life weighs more, little brother.


Then there’s me. Even though I'm dying,
I'm getting married.

Isn't it a beautiful contradiction?

Does she know you're sick?

Ah, of course she knows. Hmm.

She's very smart.

And if you look on the bright side,
it's good luck.

People have no idea
when their time's gonna come.

But we get to stay
in the honeymoon period forever.

People buy a bottle of champagne
for a special celebration,

but go back to their mundane days.

Tatiana and I are gonna live our lives

burning through barrels of champagne
from France!

Death can be the greatest opportunity
of your life, Sergio.

You're sad, Professor?

If you want,
you can talk to me about feelings.

Do you want to listen to some music?
Music tends to cheer people up.

This is a stolen car.
This music is not mine!

It doesn’t matter, Marseille.
Just keep driving.

Excuse me.

Um, who's the blood for?

Why do you care who the blood's for?

I saw two people going upstairs
with the teddy bear,

but there's only one of them now.

Well, now you know who it's for.

So let's stay quiet.

- Denver.
- What?

Thanks, man.

- For what?
- I wanted to get in here

so I could talk to you in person.

I know we didn't exactly start off
on the right foot,

but at the end of the day,
the only thing that's important

is that you raise my son.

- Thank you.
- What are you doing, you moron?

It's fine, Paquita. That's enough.
That's enough. Thank you.

I know at your age
with all the money you've got...


I’m pretty sure changing shitty diapers
wasn't in the cards.

That’s why you've got my respect.

Because you've gotta be a real man
to take care of a kid that was born

from the sperm of another guy.

Listen, you m*therf*cker.

Shut up, and don't f*ck with me,
or I'll beat the teeth out of your face.

He's not...

He's not A negative.

Arturo is A positive.

Arturo, what have you done?

What have you done?
What if I didn't check these?

This could have k*lled Nairobi.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry. I was wrong.
I swear I'd never do that on purpose.

I knew I was A something,
but I didn’t know what,

positive or negative.
Who knows these things?

It's not something you use every day.

Oh, okay. So you're confused now.
Is that it?

- What the f*ck, Denver?
- What do you mean?

What are you doing?
Maybe he was actually confused. f*ck.

- Help him, for Christ's sake!
- Get up. You’re okay.

Get up!

You can't go around
punching people like that. Jesus!

It's enough
that they're already trapped in here.

Now it's over.
He's okay. It’s over. I'm sorry.

It's no problem.

It's no problem.

You see...

I know why you're so pissed at me, buddy.

- Why? Why?
- It's okay. I get it.

Monica told you
what happened in the bathroom, didn't she?

What bathroom?

What bathroom? What is he talking about?

I really apologize.

I'm sorry. God, I don't know
what was going through my head, really.

It was so long since I'd seen her.
She was so close.

I don't know.
I guess I didn't read the signs right.

She told me that we would meet somewhere
after this so I could see my son.

One thing led to another, and I jumped.

You jumped?

He jumped for what?

Denver, nothing happened.

Just let it go. Let it go.

You were gonna meet this piece of shit
to show him our son?

He tricked me. He said he was his father.
He was emotional.

Yeah, but what did he jump for?
I don't understand this.

She didn't do anything.
Leave Monica out of it.

The person at fault is me.

We hugged, I got aroused,

- things got heated.
- Shut up!

Is this true?

This dumb m*therf*cker

rubbed himself against you with a hard-on?

I pushed him away
in a second with the g*n, Denver.

Listen to me.

I defended myself, Denver.

So it is true.

Stop! Please stop!

Stop! You're gonna k*ll him!

Stop! You're gonna k*ll him!

Stop! Stop!

What the f*ck is this?

What the f*ck do you have inside of you?

So much rage.

So much v*olence.

You shot a hostage.

And now you beat him up.

Like a maniac.

I can't do this.

I don't know what your trauma is.

I don't know what your trauma is
or where it comes from, but...

I can't, Denver.

I can't, and I don’t want to.

I don’t want to.

I don’t want my son...

to feel that irrational v*olence
you carry inside of you.

I don't want that.

That's right. Go on.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Is it him?
- The car rolled several times.

There's traces of blood, we can't find
the driver. It's gotta be him.

Or a drug dealer,
or a random criminal, no?

The car was stolen
two and a half hours ago in Salvatierra,

the closest village
to the place where we found Murillo.

And he climbs trees.


Excuse me.

- Yes, Colonel.
- Was it him?

I think so. He can't be far.
Looks like he lost a lot of blood.

We'll leave it to Suarez.
I need you here with Murillo.

Bring her to Madrid.
That's what's most important. Got it?

- Yeah, copy that.
- And make sure Suarez

sends units to all the area hospitals,

every veterinarian,
even the f*cking monasteries.

I want everyone on high alert.

The only way he's getting away from us
is if he's dead.



My dog's name was Pamuk.

It was with me during the whole w*r.

I know what you feel.

Marseille, are you trying to create
a metaphor

or something between your dead dog
and my wife?

She was a female dog.

After the w*r,
all of my friends were dead.

And I...

spent my nights in a bar.

One day, another day.

Pamuk was always outside waiting. Always.

So you two were also in love,
and was she ex*cuted in front of you?


What happened to Pamuk?

The boys from the village...

liked to play w*r.

So after a while,

without an enemy,
they got all bored of playing w*r.

One day,

they found some rocks.

They broke bottles...

and said my Pamuk

was the enemy.

I'm sorry.

She was a good dog.

Marseille, can you stop for a moment?
I need to... urinate.

Good piss?


Pissing is a relief sometimes.

Even though we were all in pain,
we couldn't lose sight of one fact:

our lives depended on what was happening
48 meters below the ground.

The plan had a very simple rule:

either we got the gold out,

or we were all dead.

No matter what was going on above,

the gold had to be taken out.

No matter what was going on above,
the gold had to be taken out.

Move the lung.

I want to see the lower part.

Lift it up.


There's been an increase
in the flow of the electromagnetic signals

coming in and out of the bank.

Martínez, in clear terms, please.

They're communicating
with someone outside.

Move the image closer. Good.

Okay. We need to remove
the lower part of the lung.

There's a risk of infection and necrosis.

It could cost her life.

How are we gonna cut
part of her lung?

- Do you have an electric scalpel?
- Yes.

From the bandwidth,
it looks like a video call.

Can we see it?

The signal is encrypted.

I'd say
it’s going through a Kazakh satellite.

And from there, probably through
the deep web, but I'm not sure.

So let's take it down.

Let's do it.
There's no time to waste.

Listen and follow my instructions
very closely.

- We're going to move slowly. Understood?
- Understood.


If the satellite belonged
to a phone company in Spain,

- we'd have to request a temporary jam...
- I don't need you to tell me

what we can't do.

I told you to cut off
their little phone call.

If a vessel gets cut,
we remove the scalpel

- and close with Kocher forceps.
- Understood.

We'd have to jam every signal in the area,

take down the Internet and anything
going through satellites.

Like in Egypt in 2011.

Do it.

Let's make the first incision.

- Can you see the lingula?
- What's a lingula?

It's the lower part of the lung...

- Hey, hey, hey.
- What happened?

You've gotta be kidding!

What happened?

- There's no return signal.
- What?

Oh, f*ck!

We can't reach the doctor! It's down!

What do we do?

Her blood pressure's dropping.
We're about to lose her!

No, no, no, no. f*ck!