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03x06 - Everything Seemed Insignificant

Posted: 03/19/22 10:40
by bunniefuu

Did you stay up late studying again?

Come downstairs.

We're waiting for you to eat breakfast.

Tatiana is here.

Good morning.

Prince Hamlet.

May I introduce you to Tatiana?


It's a pleasure.

Isn't she the most beautiful woman
in the world?

Really? I didn't know!

What do you do?

I'm a concert pianist.

Soloist of... classic piano?

Yes, Schumann, Chopin, Bach.

- She has heavenly fingers.
- For piano...

and for robbery.

Excuse me.

She's a thief and a good one.

Piano and jewels are my two specialties.

By the way, she loves the idea
of the Bank of Spain's robbery.

She knows.

- She knows?
- Yes.

There are no secrets between us.

Actually, she likes it better
than yours at the Royal Mint.

Can we take a minute to talk...
in private?

Are you crazy?

That may be.

Andrés, what's going to happen

once they offer a million dollar reward
for any information?

With a job like this,
it will surely happen.

- Don't go there.
- What?

You're insinuating that the love
of my life is going to betray me.

I'm not insinuating it, I'm saying it.

But, okay, let's believe in true love...

- f*ck!
- Let's go inside.

You were saying, "Let's believe
in true love," and I say, "Of course."

Yes, let's assume Tatiana
won't sell you out.

Listen to me!

She's a thief.

What if she has to choose between
ratting you out or going to jail?

It's so easy to talk about love
when you've never known it.

I'm being objective, my perspective
isn't deformed by sentimentality.

Let me tell you something about Tatiana.

I've traveled around Europe opening safes
with her,

and you know robberies are tense affairs.
There is always conflict.

"You didn't place the expl*sives right."

"Where are the diamond bits?" It's normal
to blame any mistake on the other.

But with her, that doesn't happen.

It doesn't. It's like walking on clouds.

We've spent 14 hours in a stinky basement
to open a hole in the wall.

And we made love
as if there was no tomorrow.

Couples fight when they go to Marbella
on holiday,

we robbed Crédit Agricole and it felt
as if we were on our honeymoon.

You felt the same
the other four times you married.

That was a low blow.

Low and despicable, it doesn't do you
justice as a brother or a man.

- Good morning, Giovanni.
- Good morning.

Good morning.

You allow two monks to get to the kitchen,
and you have the plans on the walls!

Please, they call me Mr. Engineer.

They think we're academics, not robbers.
Why are you so pessimistic?

How long have you known her?
Tatiana. How long?

Why does it matter? Love can't be timed!

Love is to be lived.

No. You can't risk
the whole plan for a woman.

That's the first rule.
Andrés, the first rule:

"The plan can't be poisoned by
an amorous relationship. Never."


It's not so difficult to understand.

It's seven p.m. We have to make a call.

Can you call Palermo, please?

Palermo. Situation?

We've already done ten tons.

It's 10,700 kilograms turned into grains.

Two percent more than planned.

Breaking records, Professor.

Like Usain Bolt.

And the defenses?

We're still welding. We have two for now.

Any news?

Everything's in control here. There?

No complications.

Over and out.

Break into the bank. Don't doubt it.

We're evaluating risks.

Luis, look at me.

I have a pill box on my nightstand
with pills of every color.

I feel weird if I am not wearing pajamas.

For two years,
I have had erectile dysfunction

because of those f*ckers.

Post-traumatic stress.

What you have to do is stop coming here.

Go with Merche to your hometown,
rest and take care of yourself.

And don't turn the f*cking TV on.

Luis, don't make the same mistake I did.

If you have to drop a 20-megaton b*mb
on them, you do it!

Just do it!
Don't be afraid of the consequences!

That's better

than dropping small shitty bombs
every two hours.

Because these f*ckers,

if you aren't forceful,
they'll shit all over you.

They can shit on me as long as they want,
as long as they don't reveal state secrets.

If we break into the bank, Alfonso,

we will all end up in court.

Or something worse.

What do we do then?

Should we sit back and watch,
as if we were tied down?

If they have that advantage,
we neutralize it.

Do people know what those secrets are?

No! Not even God knows.

Well, Intelligence knows those secrets.

What paper is used, what stamp.


Let's fabricate our own secrets.

Let's contaminate the editorial offices
of all the newspapers and TV networks

in this country,
as the Professor would do.

Sierra, please, what you're...

Superintendents bought by drug dealers,
ministers accepting bribes,


paid with the cooperation's funds. All in.

What the f*ck are you saying?
Listen to me.

We can't do that,
we would destroy the system's credibility.

Police, politics, institutions...

No! The media...

they'll start to verify the information.

And everyone will have an alibi.
Where was whatshisname? In his hometown!

For f*ck's sake! Where else?

And the Minister?
In a meeting in Brussels.

And once the Professor, our dear shepherd,

publishes the real state secrets...

not even God will be able
to tell the lies from the truth.

We would have deactivated
the ace up their sleeve.

And do you know what's best of all?

That by the time he tries to recover,
we'll have gotten in and out of the bank.

That, I swear to you.


Are you all right?

My stomach hurts.

From being shot.


It's hard, because of the impact.

Poor you.

And I'm constipated.

With this situation, you can imagine.

Of course.

Can you pass me the coffee, please?

Come here.


Yes, you. Of course. Who else?
Stand up and come here.

Come with me.

I can t believe it!

Go, go!

What the f*ck are you doing?

I'm sorry!

Did you try to flirt with that girl
by talking about poop?

I was just saying my tummy aches
because of the gases.

What an idiot!

Okay, okay. Listen to me.

Do you like that girl?


- I like her very much.
- Very much.

Very much. Did you think...

that talking about being constipated,

about your f*cking bowel obstruction,

was a good way to seduce her?

Listen to me. You have to...

From now on, you're a f*cking hero.

A f*cking hero. Nothing hurts you.

You are going to give her
your food ration every day.

Every one of them.

And if I get cocky,
you're going stand up to me.

Starting now. Stand up to me.

Stand up to me, f*ck!

Yes, sir!

I'm sorry.

For what I did.

For sh**ting you in the vest.
I was having a tough time.

Don't worry, Mr. Denver.

I know these things happen
during robberies.

It isn't easy, Miguel. It isn't.

But let me tell you something.

I know...

that with my intelligence

and that roguish smile you have,
that tenderness,

you're going to win Amanda over.

Am I right? You are much better up close.

Well, I do what I can, Mr. Denver.

Of course.

Now, go to the toilet

and don't come out
until you're done pooping. Go.

Mr. Denver.

What's up?

If you're there, I can't concentrate.

We interrupt this program.
The biggest secret filtration

has just happened
in the history of our country.

This newspaper has had access
to more than 100 classified documents.

Spain sold cluster bombs

to S*ddam Hussein six months
before Iraq's invasion.

It's one of the CNI's files.

A massive leak of the secrets
that were kept in the Bank of Spain.

- All digital media.
- Those secrets are fake.

They're neutralizing the best bargaining
chip we have to negotiate for Rio.

That's not it.

They're knocking down our shield.
They're going in.

Of course, Mr. Minister.

Gentlemen, we have a green light
from the prime minister.


We're going to inject gas
at an extraordinary pressure.

Halothane, highly narcotic.

In 30 minutes,
they should all be unconscious,

but be ready to face any kind of surprise.

Palermo, do you copy me?

I'm listening, Professor.

They're going in. I need you to gather
everyone. I repeat, they're going in.

When? What kind of attack?

I don't know yet. Keep in contact.


They're going in.
We need to know through where.

Report on any kind of movement.

We need to get off the regional road.
Find another route.

In 300 meters, turn left.

Dirt road.

What's going on?

We passed that car 90 kilometers ago

Are you sure it's the same one?

M5354XX. It's the same!

Don't talk to me like that!

- Not now, please.
- Never!

The antenna, f*ck!

Palermo! Palermo, do you copy?

It's stuck. We need to get it out.

Start the car!


Look, Dad!

It's the Professor!

Dad! It's... the Professor! The Professor!

And the Inspector!

Yes, that's right, I'm...

the Professor, and she's...

the Inspector.


No zeppelins have flown over here.


What? Do you need help to get
the van out of the mud?

Come on!

Come on, we can do it in a minute!

Come on! Come on!

Come on.
Wait for her to get into the van. Wait.

Come on, let's get into position.

Come on!

Push! Push!

Come on!

We're close!

Come on! Push!

Come on!

Something weird is going on.

I thought they were hostages.


Weren't you a hostage?

They hired me, okay?

Now, everyone shut the f*ck up!

Ladies and gentlemen, they're coming in.

And we all know what that means.

I would love to have more information.
Sadly, we don't.

So we only have one option left.

To use v*olence as a dissuasive method.


The first armored car we see,
we will fire at them,

so they will back down.

Is that what the Professor said?

We've lost contact with the Professor.

And I don't know if it's a technical
problem or something worse.

The thing is that we're alone.

And I'm in charge now.

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

We don't know how they'll enter...

or if they'll use armored cars.

Will they lower themselves from
the ceiling or come out of the sewers?

Tell me.

Where the f*ck are you going
to launch those missiles?

Did we lose our minds or what?

Guys, f*ck, don't.

Our people are out there.

We got in here by throwing money.

Not bombs.

That would never be one
of the Professor's strategies.

He would try to buy time.

So Miss Trigger-Happy
now proposes to buy time. Funny.

Do you know what I think, Tokyo?

What do you think?

You know that if we use the anti-tanks,
they won't give you Rio back.

They will burn us with napalm.

What the f*ck is up with you?

Come on. Wake up! f*ck!

- I'm sorry.
- No.

I'm sorry.

We already discussed this, Tokyo.


I'm sorry for your romance,

but it's time to defend ourselves.


This one.

There's no time! Hurry up!

- Come on.
- Yes.

Stop that nonsense, girl.
Now this is the only friend you have.

- Where is everyone else?
- I think...

This needs a little more oil.

No, don't sh**t. Please!

He's from the g*ng, yes! He is.

Cincinnati is part of the g*ng.

He didn't k*ll me!

Don't k*ll dad!

- k*ll policemen.
- No!

It's a guitar. How do you play a guitar?

A guitar!


Yes. It's a guitar.


Listen to me.

What you're thinking right now, forget it.

What? Do you read minds?

I don't need to read minds, love.

From the moment we came here,

you've been guilt-tripping yourself.

Stop that right now.

You were all so f*cking happy.

Swimming in money, and now here you are.

It's normal to give myself a guilt-trip
sometimes, isn't it?

I'm going to tell you one thing.

And you're going to brand it
on your pretty forehead.

You're a free woman.

You're free to go to a party,
you're free to leave an island,

and you're free to leave
the planet if you want.


Do you know who f*cked it up first?

The Professor.

Yes. One doesn't need
to know you very well

to know you can't stand living
on a desert island.

What are you now? Bin Laden?

Are you? No, you're Tokyo.

And the second one who f*cked up was Rio.

He bought the phones.
He couldn't help it and he called you.

But do you know what matters the most?

We aren't here to do you a favor.

Look at this big birthday cake.

We're here because
we're adrenaline junkies.

We're adrenaline junkies!

So stop looking at Cincinnati
as if he is an orphan.

No, stop that, and let's enjoy ourselves!

Because this is a party.

Party time, sister.


Everyone to the table!

What the f*ck is this?

- Artichokes.
- Artichokes?

There wasn't any alfalfa left?

Come on, the monks gave us a lot
of vegetables, so grilled vegetables!

And I'm a vegan, which you always ignore.
Today's my birthday, we're eating vegan.

I ignore it because vegans
are the new Taliban.

- Come on!
- t*rrorists!

- What?
- You won't stop until we die of boredom!

Boredom, why?

Everything that's healthy is boring.

Nobody invites their friends over
to eat deliciously cooked artichokes.

Because eating artichokes...

isn't fun.

What's fun is eating lamb with friends

or grilled piglet.

Or gathering 50 friends at a country house
and eat a cow.

That's fun.

I'm sorry for the cow,
but that brings people together.

Meat unites, cows unite
and artichokes...


Then, I don't know why they say,
"Eat healthy, eat a vegan p*ssy."

For you, I can become a vegan, love.

Not even with a ten-foot pole, honey.


What probability do we have
of leaving the bank alive?

Right now, I would say...

less than 50 percent.

Then, I want to say something.

Well, I won't say it myself,
but it's practically the same.

Missing your lips

I cried for the first time

And I cursed meeting you

Because I can't stop loving you

I wanted to make you my wife

With no love, I searched for luck

I started to use g*ns

And fate brought me death

María, my life, my love

I won't ever stop

Loving you

With b*ll*ts, I lost you

You won't ever see me again

María, my life, my love

I won't ever stop

Loving you

What happened here, Manolo?

As you can see,
the van is stuck in the mud.

Where did you get this van?

I borrowed it from
my cousin Antonio, from Madrid.


the Professor's.

What are you saying, Perico?

My cousin Antonio is a teacher in Madrid.

Is he?

Juani and I are going
to Portugal in that van.

Seven days.

Please, shut up!

And there, we will eat cod.

This thing is huge.

This is like a house inside, isn't it?

Yes, like a small flat.

- Can I go in?
- No!

Look at your boots!
They're dirtier than a cow's ass!

I mean your soles.
You will stain the carpet, man.

Don't worry, man.

Here, done.

A kitchen and all.

A fridge.

What a place!

It's very comfortable.

Teachers make a good living, don't they.

I'm going to buy one like this
once I retire.

- Yes?
- Yes.

I'll get a car to get this out of there.

Thanks, Paco.

At your service.


Wow! Give me a hug, Professor!

Tell me, Marseilles.

It's a t*nk truck.

They're putting tubes through
the ventilation pipes.

Anything else?

That's all.

Thank you.

Narcotic gas. It's probably halothane.

I know Sierra. She's going to do what
Putin did in the Dubrovka Theater.

How far away are we from
the exchange point?

Twelve kilometers.

Hello. Is someone here?

Turn up the volume.

To prevent a death.

As an example, should we use
harsher interrogations techniques

on t*rrorists? What do you think?

Are their rights being violated?

The life of an innocent person
is worth more than a t*rror1st's.

Are you confirming then,
that the police practice t*rture?

- No, no. I'm only saying...
- Son of a bitch.

Can I go home already?

No, you can't go home.

Your statements are risking
everyone's safety.

You will stay here until you learn
to keep your mouth shut.

Where were you
during the previous robbery?

Excuse me.

Because I was there.

Facing the t*rrorists,
saving the lives of 19 hostages.

You brought me here as an expert.

I may be very wrong,

but I think you realized
you don't know shit and this is...

over your head.

Do you know what your problem is?

Your life is shit.

You talk to your followers,
they applaud you,

and all this attention
makes you cum, right?

But when you get home, there's no one.

Your wife left you.

You live in an apartment
full of cardboard boxes.

You eat canned tuna,
and your sons don't want to see you.

And you're obsessed with the kidnapping

because it was the only noteworthy moment
of your life, and you miss it.

That's why when you see a camera,
you grab onto it like a baby to a tit.

You couldn't be more pitiful.

Canned tuna, you say?


my life is settled.

I go from theater to theater,
filling every seat.

I help them to improve their lives.
My book is an international bestseller.

And everyone...

absolutely everyone

in this country considers me a hero.

Canned tuna?

Bold ignorance!

Now, if you excuse me.

No, friend.

You aren't going anywhere.




Palermo, do you copy?

The toilet's ventilation pipes

may be the only access
they won't control with bombs.

They were installed
and widened 17 months ago.

Even so, it's a narrow passage.

It's 45 by 80 centimeters.

We will check that
the gas is taking effect.

Halothane's concentration, 67 percent.

Gentlemen, we're going in.

This is a high-risk mission.

If they control it,

that pipe is a damn slaughterhouse.

Halothane is a narcotic gas

that makes you fall asleep in ten seconds

when its concentration
in the air is over 50 percent.

Colonel, we reached the screen.

It looks like there's someone there.

He's not moving.

The police broke into the bank
the same way someone enters a nursery.

Five elite agents

and 30 clips full of b*ll*ts
to achieve a simple objective.

To slaughter us like lambs.

The truth

is that we earned it.

We will do what Putin would do.

sh**t first...

and ask questions later.

We'll try to avoid that.


But in case of doubt, we assume
there can be civilian victims.


Yes, sir.


Yes, sir!







Get down!

What the hell?!

On the floor! Take cover! Take cover!

Exit through the left, now!

Let's go!


Surviving such an operation is impossible,

but by that time in our lives,

we were experts in making sure
nothing was impossible.



Palermo, do you copy?

They're using narcotic gas.

Professor. It's Tokyo.

Professor, all the entries are blocked.

Let's be sure about their entry route.

They'll wait for the building to be filled
with gas. We have ten minutes.

Change of plans.


To confront them, we only needed oxygen.

And to neutralize them,

we only needed to block their path
so they didn't have a way out.


How are you, Suárez?

Did you see the bars?
They're pretty, right?

It's plastic expl*sive RDX!


They're more than 40 kilograms
distributed in seven charges.

I imagine I don't need to explain
what would happen

if any of you dares to touch
a light beam, do I?

Because this is how this works,

the detonator is connected
to a photoelectric cell,

and if a charge explodes,

the rest of them do as well...

in solidarity.

Is your b*mb expert here?


Then, I am going to recommend that you

calm down

because you're using up your oxygen,

and you will start breathing halothane.


lie back,

curl up

and kiss each other good night, boys.

Thirty-five minutes incommunicado.

We're preparing a rescue mission.

General, we can't do that. They'll riddle
them with b*ll*ts through the same hole.

We don't know what happened there.

We know we heard the Browning machine g*n
and that there was return fire.

Then, nothing.

It's him.



I guess you're wondering what happened
to Inspector Suárez and his four men.

What do you have to say about it?

That his behavior was exemplary.

I would describe the operation as...


But how would I put it?

There were complications.

Don't worry, their health is
in perfect condition, of course.

Actually, we're sending you
a video right now so you can be sure.


I think it's better if you see it.

I'm Inspector Suárez,
head of the Special Operations Team.

We're captives.

But I have to say
we're being treated well.

I beg the authorities

to order a permanent ceasefire.

Very good! Very good!

What's next?

Come on!

What's next? Come on!

One morning...

I woke up.

Beautiful, goodbye
Beautiful, goodbye

Beautiful, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye

One morning

I woke up

And I found an invader

Very entertaining.

But he's sending it to us,

not to the press.

I deduce that the Professor wants

to negotiate.

I see you're a real artist.

I'll offer you something better.

I'll offer you an exit.

The Committee against t*rture

of the United Nations has opened
an investigation into the Cortés case.

It's a matter of hours

before they send forensic doctors
to interrogate him

and neither you nor the presidency
want that.

Son of a bitch.

Your only solution is to hand over Rio.

I am not going to hand a prisoner over.

The police doesn't hand over thieves.

Yes, of course,
but there's a second reason.

Your operation made it quite obvious
that you've already decided to k*ll us.

But under custody,

you can't eliminate Cortés. However...

inside the bank, in an escape,

in a chase...

you can.

I'm offering the state a better situation
than the current one.

I'm saving you from
the huge international ridicule

of spreading the video of
your elite commando singing "Bella Ciao."

Hand him over.

We accept the exchange.

Hand him over.

I want all the hostages and GEOs.
I need to sell this as a victory.

I will give you 40 hostages
and your elite commando.

You can sell that as a victory.

It's eight p.m.


I want light.
We'll make the exchange at eight a.m.

I am not going to get
40 civilians out of there

without knowing what's going on.


Take care of it.

Of course.


Tokyo, they've accepted.


Did you sleep well?

How long have I been asleep for?

Fourteen hours.

I'm very sleepy.

You asked for something to sleep.

And they gave you an elephantine dose.

Don't you remember?


Come on.

We've to get you all dolled up.
You're going to be on TV.

Let's go.

Come on.

Where are you taking me?

To school.

Do you want me to make you some cereal?

Are you really going to be a mother?

Will you go to your son's school
to ready the kids a story?

Of course.

And we will bring them lollipops to bother
all those sexually frustrated mothers

who say candy's bad for kids.


Your son won't love you.

But you will adore me.

Let's go.

Are you going to tell me
where we are going?

To school.


And the impossible was there.

We had to make a racket,

but everything seemed insignificant to me
when I saw Rio getting out of the car.

He was alive.


and out of sorts.

But he looked so handsome.