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03x09 - Feel The Night

Posted: 03/19/22 10:10
by bunniefuu
[Christmas music playing]

♪ Bah humbug
No, that's too strong... ♪

I'm home!

Oh! You would not believe the mob
at the Century City Mall.

I have never seen Nordstrom's so packed.

But I got all my shopping done,

and I managed to snag
the last two iPads for the kids.

I know, I know, you don't want
me spoiling them, but what can I say?

They're my grandchildren.

Oh, honey. It's so good
to have you home for the holidays.

Oh, it's good to be back, Mom.

I mean, don't get me wrong,
Colorado is beautiful,

but you can't beat this weather.

Well, I don't know. I love the snow.

Yeah, well,
I lost that battle a long time ago.

But I can hope to see Miss Colorado
at the Christmas party tomorrow night?

Yes, of course. I can't wait.

Are you planning to get together with
any of the old g*ng while you're back?

You don't have to worry about me,

I have some plans.

♪ Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas ♪

♪ Couldn't miss this one this year ♪

♪ Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas ♪

♪ Couldn't miss this one this year ♪

♪ Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas ♪



[both chuckle]


Last night was…

- Yeah, it was.
- [chuckles]

So, where do we go from here?

[sighs] I don't know.

I don't have much in the fridge.
I could fry...

I meant with us.

You're my son's teacher.
I'm not sure how this works.

Me neither.

I don't wanna screw things up with Miguel.

I don't want that either.

Then again, you're pretty hot.

[both laugh]

- So are you.
- Thanks.


what do we do?

I don't know.

[sighs] It's been a while
since I've been in this situation.

What's the matter, Sensei?

Can't let your guard down?

[sentimental music plays]

Or too scared?

[groans] I have to get to work.

I'm working late tonight,
covering for a friend.


maybe we can talk more
when I get home?

- Definitely.
- OK.

- [door opens]
- [Johnny sighs]

[door closes]

[message chimes on laptop]

"Hey, Johnny.
Sorry it took so long to reply.

Things have been crazy over here.
I love the new pictures.

"I'm actually in town
for the holidays." Wow.

"Want to get lunch?"


[gentle guitar music playing]


- This is the guy that founded Miyagi-Do?
- That's Mr. Miyagi.

- He taught my dad everything he knows.
- Oh.

Like how Sensei Lawrence
learned from Kreese.

Mr. Miyagi was nothing like Kreese.

Miyagi taught karate the right way,
focusing on defense.

Yeah, but sometimes the best defense
is more offense.

This is the problem.
Our styles are so far apart.

- Your sensei will never agree with my dad.
- I think it's the other way round.

What's this?

An Okinawan hand drum.

What does it do?

I'll show you.

Try to hit me.

- I'm not gonna try to hit you.
- What? Scared you'll get beat by a girl?

[breathes deeply] All right.

Here it comes.

[Miguel chuckles]

- Not bad!
- [Sam chuckles]

But I got some secret moves of my own.

- Oh, really? Do you?
- Yeah. Here, put your arms out.

And then, just…

See? Impossible to defend.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Dad!
- [Daniel] Sorry.

Sorry. Uh...
Is that my drum in your pocket?



[grunting in distance]


[Kreese] He rises.

Sorry you had to sleep on the floor.

Slept in rougher places.


If you want some coffee,
it's not great, but it's hot.

Thanks for letting me crash here.
It was just for the night.

You stay as long as you like.

- Come here. Maybe you'll learn something.
- [door opens]

This is the Cobra Strike.

It consists of two moves,
the lunge and the bite.

[Hawk] What are you doing here?

[Kreese] Hold on there.

Mr. Keene is our guest.

[suspenseful music playing]

He's not one of us.

With the All Valley back on,
we need as much strength as we can get.

[Hawk] We don't need him.

He put Miguel in the hospital.
He's the enemy.

You know, when I was overseas,
it was hard to tell who was the enemy.

A defenseless local one minute

would pull a knife
on your throat the next.

But you know what I learned?

What's that?

The enemy of your enemy…

is your friend.

Quitting already?

Never joined in the first place.

I don't belong here.

Oh, so you're running away?

Worked out well for you last time.

I'm not running away.

I hated you for what happened to Miguel,
you know. I hated Sam LaRusso.

I hated everyone.

I hated myself the most.

I didn't have the luxury of running away.

Sensei Kreese taught me
that if you take all that hate…

and you channel it…


it makes you stronger.


And it feels good.

A bunch of us are getting together
after class. You should come.

Or you can run away again.

- What would you like?
- The vegan mung dahl bowl,

with spiced carrots,
turmeric cauliflower, coconut yogurt.

- [waitress] Excellent choice.
- "Vegan mung dahl bowl…".

Vegan mung dahl bowl.

Vegan… vegan…

[server and customers chattering]

[door opens]

[sentimental music playing]


Hi, Johnny.

- Ali. Hey.
- Hey.

[both laugh]

- Awkward hug out of the way. [Laughs]
- All right.

[Ali] Wow.

[sighs] This is so weird.

[Ali chuckles]

You look amazing.

Oh, thank you. So do you.

God, when was the last time
we saw each other?

- I think it was senior year.
- Senior year.

Mmm. Must've been after the, um…

- [referee] Point. Winner!
- [Ali] All right, Daniel! You're the best!

Yeah, after that.

Hi there. Are you two ready to order?

- [Ali] Um, uh... You go first.
- Uh, sure. I'll…

I'll have the vegan mung dahl bowl,

with spiced carrots, turmeric cauliflower,
and coconut yogurt.

[waitress] And for you, ma'am?

Um, I don't know
what a mung dahl bowl is, so, um, I, uh…

How's the cheeseburger?

- That's my favorite.
- Great. I'll get that with fries.

Wait. You know what?

- Make that two.
- [waitress] You got it.

Well, there he is.

[both laugh]

Look, I'm sorry, Dad. I should
have told you that I invited Miguel over.

New rule, if you're gonna bring boys
over to the dojo, leave the door open.

Come on, Dad. It's not 1984.

[sighs] Look…

you're growing up.
You're a young woman now.

OK? I get it.
I just feel like in this past year,

there's been Kyler, Miguel, Robby,
now back to Miguel.

Seems like more drama
in your life than you need.

Just imagine if Robby knew
Miguel was back in the picture.

Oh, no. Sam, really?

He came by last night
when I was here with Miguel.

And he saw you two...

No! God, Dad!

What? I saw it!

I know it's been a lot. Can you please try
to remember I'm your daughter?

And that you can trust me.

It's not you I don't trust, Sam.

Miguel's changed.

He's a good person.

He's not Cobra Kai's number one bully.
He's not even in Cobra Kai anymore.

Maybe you're right.

We've got one shot at this.
Quick, in and out, we'll be good.

- Know what to do?
- Hell yeah.

- Let's go. Yeah.
- [Hawk] All right, sweet.

[all laugh]

Someone took their time.

- You invited him?
- I did. Got a problem with that?

Here you go, Keene.

I'm good.

- What, can't handle a sip of beer?
- [laughs]

- I don't need to pretend to be cool.
- Yeah, that's funny.

All right. Let's get going.

[suspenseful music plays]

Don't worry.

It's not gonna violate your probation.
You got outta juvie, not Sing Sing.

You resorting to peer pressure?

Yeah, it's kinda my thing.

[children playing and chatting]

The zoo? Why do we have to sneak in?

You'll see.

Come on. This way.

[Johnny and Ali laughing]

Oh, my God, that's right.

- We were stuck on that Ferris wheel...
- For hours! I can't believe you remember.

Oh my God, it was so windy.
I seriously thought I was gonna die.

Come on, I wouldn't have let
anything bad happen to you.

Oh, sure, yeah. I couldn't tell,
you were laughing so hard.

I couldn't believe our first date
was going so badly.

Well, our second date went much better.

Yeah, it did.

Yeah, it did.

[both laugh]

Man, those were good times.

Seems like things
are really good for you now.

I, uh… I saw on Facebook the…
the pictures of you and your students.

I cannot believe that you are a sensei.

Life after high school's been pretty good.

I'm so happy for you.

Actually, that's bullshit.

The truth is,
I partied through most of my 20s.

All of 'em, actually.

And then my 30s.

Well… [laughs]

Next thing I knew,
this girl I was dating got pregnant.

I didn't know the first thing
about being a dad.

I was unprepared.

And, uh, eventually,
I screwed everything up.


I've ruined every meaningful relationship
I've ever had, actually.

Starting with you.

Well, if it makes you feel any better,
I've messed up a lot of things in my life.

Come on, you have everything.

Amazing career, beautiful family…

- You did everything by the book.
- Yeah, exactly.

Ali, the good doctor.

Ali, the good mom.
Ali, the good wife. [Sighs]

Well, ex-wife.

[chuckles, groans]

Greg and I are separated.

I don't know what to say.

- I'm sorry.
- Um...

The good news is,

it's nobody's fault.

- Greg is actually a great guy.
- He's an idiot.


I love, after all these years,
you can still make me laugh.

Look, Ali.

I want to apologize.

- Johnny Lawrence, apologize?
- Yeah.

Look, I screwed up back in the day.

I took you for granted.

And you didn't deserve that.
I ruined our relationship, our friendship.

And worst of all, your radio.


You did mess up my radio, didn't you?
You ran over it with your motorcycle.

No, I didn't. Dutch ran it over.
I just threw it.

[Ali laughs]

Well, I'm sure I'm partly to blame.

I can't even remember
why we were so mad at each other.

I remember punching you
in the face though. It was fun.

- Yeah, I had that coming.
- Yes, you did.

You had a mean right hook.

[both chuckle]

Seriously, though…

I'm sorry.

I have an idea.

[rock music playing]

Wanna do something really fun?

What do you have in mind?

- [Daniel] She's a beaut, huh?
- Oh.


I don't usually see cars like this
where I live.

That's what I thought too.

When Mr. Miyagi gave me this car,
I was the envy of all Reseda.

I didn't know you're from Reseda.

When I moved here, Mom and I
didn't have two pennies to rub together.

Things were different back then.

I was jealous
of all the country club kids like Johnny.

Sensei was a rich kid?

Yeah, he lived up in the hills.

You didn't know? He must've told you
about our time in high school?

He did.

Sensei told me you beat him
with an illegal kick.

Hey, hey, hey, the rules state
anything above the waist is legal.

You used that same kick
in last year's tournament, right?

What else did Johnny tell you?

[recording over PA]
Welcome to the Ventura Zoo.

Join us for our behind the scenes tour
for a fun and informative view

on how we care for…

Right, there's two cameras over there.
The guard goes on break once every hour.

- We have less than five minutes.
- OK.

- Five minutes to do what?
- We're getting a little gift for Sensei.

[adventurous electronic music playing]

You got the snake pole?

Oh, shit! Snake pole, right.

I orchestrated this entire plan
and you don't do that one thing?

I forgot, OK? I've got a lot on my mind.

If I don't pass trig,
my dad's gonna shit in my mouth.

Just reach in and grab the snake!

Are you insane?
I'm not gonna stick my hand in there!

- [man] Who's in there?
- Shit!

Po-po, let's go. We gotta go.

- What the hell, dumbass?
- At least I brought beer.

We failed the mission 'cause of you!

[Robby] Who said we failed?


- [Tory] No way!
- Nice!

You got it? Unreal.

- Let's see it.
- [Kyler] You serious?


- [exclaiming]
- Hell yeah!

Hey, you the man, dog!

- Hey.
- Hey! He's a natural cobra, man!

Hey, good shit, dog!

Yeah, we got it, dude! Damn!

He said I sucker-punched him?
Did he mention he knocked me down first?

- You were moving in on his girl.
- They hadn't talked in weeks.

I had no idea Johnny even existed
when I got to that beach.

All that I knew was
that he broke her radio. She was upset.


- I was being chivalrous.
- But what about Halloween?

The water hose?

What? The water…

These guys were beating the crap
out of me every other…

The water hose was the least of it,
believe me.

And it was just sitting there. It was…

so teed up. Trust me, in my shoes,
you'd have done the exact same thing.

Johnny clearly overreacted to that.

I think Sensei was just upset
because Ali was his first love.


she was mine too.

[nostalgic music playing]

There was just something about her.

I thought she was the one.

I guess Johnny felt the same way.

And that's what started all this.

Wow, I didn't realize what time it was,
I gotta get going.

Well, it was good
talking with you, Miguel.

From one All Valley champ to another.

Thanks, Mr. LaRusso.

Hey, Sam.

I gotta meet Mom, OK? Do me a favor?
Just put the cover back on the car.

And keep the sparring to a minimum,

Yes, sir.

[Daniel] Understood. All right.

[engine starts]

- He shook my hand. I think that's good.
- Yeah.

If only he'd talk with your sensei
the way he did with you.

- It'd solve a lot of our problems.
- I don't see that happening.

[car drives away]

What is it?

I have an idea.

['80s pop music playing]

♪ I need a picture to remember this by ♪

♪ 'Cause memories can die so fast ♪

♪ Doesn't have to be a daydream... ♪


- Nothing but net, huh?
- What net? There's no net!

- [laughs]
- ♪ Can you feel the night? ♪

[Johnny] Oh, yeah!

♪ Hold me tight ♪

♪ And you and I will be there ♪

♪ Feel it in the air
It's everywhere ♪

♪ It calls from all around ♪

♪ I wanna share it all with you ♪

♪ All with you ♪

♪ Take it while it's so strong ♪

♪ And all alone together, right ♪

♪ We're reaching out to feel the night ♪

- [Ali] Were you scared?
- [Johnny] Yeah, actually.

- Let's take a selfie.
- All right. A selfie.

- OK.
- All right.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

- [camera app clicks]
- Get close.

- [Johnny] Man. I look like such a dork.
- [Ali] There we have a good one.

- Finally.
- All right.

It's not bad.

[Ali sighs]

This place makes me feel
like I'm 17 again.

It makes me forget
we have 17-year-olds of our own.


I wanna know more about Robby.

Oh, I don't know.

Tell me. Come on, tell me.

- You wanna know?
- Yeah, I do.

Well, he's complicated.

He's complicated.

He's smart.

- Too smart for his own good.
- Mmm.

He's a heartbreaker.

- Like his dad?
- [chuckles softly]

- All right. You got two, right?
- I do. I do.

- Tell me about 'em.
- Lucas is my oldest.

He is a very talented
soccer player-slash-writer.

A very dry sense of humor.

And Ava, she was on her way
to becoming a ballet dancer,

and then, out of nowhere, just stops,

starts playing the drums
and then joins a punk band.



I guess you could say she's my rebel.

Oh, yeah, just like her mom.

Mmm. More like her mom now.

Like her mom then too.


Yeah, I miss them.

Why, are they not here?

Uh, no, Greg has them this week.

It's actually my first Christmas alone.

And my parents are so annoying.
Would it surprise you

to learn that Mr. And Mrs. Mills
do not approve of my situation?

[chuckles] Not at all.

Yeah, I think they're more upset
about the divorce than I am.

Hey, silver lining,
you get to ditch "Schwarber."

[laughs] That's true.

That's true.

I forgot how cold it can get
in the Valley.

- Yeah.
- Mmm.

- [phone chimes]
- [sighs]

- I should get it. It might be the kids.
- Yeah. Get it.

- Oh, shit! I completely forgot.
- What?

- What? What is it?
- Ah!

I promised my mom
I would go to this stupid party.

[groans] I really have to go.
I'd much rather stay here with you.

It's all right. Don't worry. I get it.

Do you wanna come?

Save me from the boredom.

You sure?

Hell yeah, I'm sure.

Do you have a suit?

- [dramatic music playing]
- [hissing]

[Kreese] Well done.

I'm impressed.

You showed fearlessness,


And those are the qualities
you need to be a champion.

Good job. You're what
Cobra Kai has been looking for.

Do you see what you can accomplish
when you work together?

Alliances are important.

For us and our enemy.

Because you better believe
that they are making alliances too.

- What alliances?
- [Kreese] Oh, you didn't hear?

Uh, Diaz and that LaRusso girl,
yeah, they're working together.

Yeah, they helped save the All Valley.
They gave quite a speech.

They make a pretty good team.

Well, it's getting late.


[door opens]

[Christmas music plays on stereo]

Well, this Christmas party's
turning out to be ho-ho-horrible.

Yeah, Sam. I thought you said
your parents were out for the night.

- So why aren't we throwing a rager?
- Yeah.

There's a keg on the way.
It'll just be a few minutes.

Can we at least
put on a Christmas special?

I'd even watch that creepy one
with the little elf dentist.

Yeah, I'm that bored.

- [doorbell rings]
- It's here.

[Chris chuckles]

[Chris] What? Oh, dude.

- What the…
- No way!

Oh, hell no! You gotta be kidding me.

What the hell are you doing here?
This isn't a keg party.

- I bought this hat for nothing?
- Wait. You Parent Trapped us? Why?

Look, I know
we haven't always gotten along,

but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now.

To all of us.

We think we'd stand a better chance
if we joined forces.

Two dojos are stronger than one.

- This is ridiculous.
- I know, right?

- We've all done shitty things.
- Like breaking Demetri's arm.

- You started that.
- You almost got me fired!

God, I hate your stupid face so much.

If you died,
I wouldn't attend your funeral.

- This isn't gonna work.
- It has to.

[dramatic music playing]

[Sam] We have one last chance
to make things right.

[exhales heavily]

[Sam] Alone, we're nothing.

But if we work together, we have a shot.

If we can't get over the past,
the fighting will never end.


[Sam] We have to confront our enemies.

- [Tommy] Take a right, check it out.
- [Bobby] Forget it. It's ancient history.

Hey, Johnny!

[Sam] This rivalry has to stop.

One way or another.

[electronic music plays]