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03x05 - Miyagi-Do

Posted: 03/19/22 10:07
by bunniefuu
[Japanese folk music playing]

[tense music playing]

Behind you!

- [Chozen yelling]
- [gasps]


[Chozen] In their eyes…

No more talk.

You cross bridge, I k*ll her!


This not tournament.

This for real.

[Chozen yells]

I know.

- [grunts]
- [whimpering]

[Chozen] Now we fight to death.

[dramatic music playing]

[both grunting]

[Daniel grunting]

[Daniel groans]

[hand drum b*ating]

[both grunt]

Live or die, man?


[dramatic music continues]

Let's go, Speed Racer.

I'm gonna work those gimpy legs like a…

rented mule.

Sorry. I thought you said 10:00
that you'd be alone.

Sorry, my Mom gets
free physical therapy from work.

This was the only time
Brayden was available.


Be done soon if you wanna wait.


Now, if you're feeling any pain, hermano,
let me know.

- Still no feeling whatsoever.
- [Brayden] No worries.

Positive thoughts, remember?

You're doing great.

- At letting you lift his legs?
- [chuckles]

Brayden is a specialist in this field.
He knows what he's doing.

[Brayden] Slow, deep breaths.

[both exhale heavily]

Inhale joy and love.

- You gotta be sh1tting me?
- Johnny…

can I talk to you?

Miguel wants you
to be part of his rehabilitation.

I'm not going to deny him that.

But I'm also not going to deny him
access to a medical professional

with years of education and experience.

You clearly have an opinion
about his methods.

But if you can't keep
that opinion to yourself,

maybe you should just catch up with Miguel
once his session is over?

OK. I'm sorry.

[Kreese] Let me tell you about your dad.
He was always a scrapper.

But the moment I knew he was the real deal
was his first All Valley.

He made the quarters,
but he drew a kid named Vidal.

Now Vidal was
a third-generation black belt.

Very skilled.

Way beyond Johnny, at the time.

Your old man lost.

But he didn't make it easy.

And I saw that look in his eye
that he would never let that happen again.

Cool story. Try telling it
to someone who gives a sh*t.


You're his son, all right.

Yeah, and look where that got me.

Come on, kid.

You know you don't deserve to be here.

From what I heard,
you tried to break up that fight and…

Diaz att*cked you.

Sure, you can keep
b*ating yourself up for what went down.

By the look of your face, there's plenty
of people here happy to do that for you.

You're wasting your time, old man.

The last thing I need is another sensei.

Fair enough.

I don't think there's much
I could teach you now anyway.

Except maybe this…

all that Miyagi-Do mumbo jumbo…

that might score you points
in a tournament.

But now you're in the real world, kid,

you might wanna learn to strike first.



- [Chris] Good hit, man.
- Yeah.

Good. Again.

We have to be ready to fight.

[Amanda] What are you doing?

Uh... Would you believe… study group?

Go home. All of you.


[Chris sighs]

What part of "no more karate"
did you not understand?

Seems pretty straightforward.

The part where you and Dad
decide that for me.

They do pay the bills.
You live under their roof.

[Amanda] What about school?

Principal Lopez called.
Think you can ignore their rules too?

What, the soccer game? That was nothing.

It's not nothing, Sam.
You could've got suspended again.

Thought you were smarter.
Very disappointed in you.

Go wait in the car, Anthony.

Look, Sam, I don't know
what's going on with you...

No, you don't.

If you think karate's the problem,
you've have not been paying attention.

[Japanese easy listening music
plays on stereo]

So, you married, kids?

No wife. No kids.

Oh, you have total freedom.

Master of your domain. Ever see Seinfeld?

More of a Friends guy, I guess.

I'm gonna get another drink. Would...

- I will get.
- No.


I will get.



You gotta help me out here.

This is the most awkward conversation
of my life. Why is he even here?

- I called him.
- You called him?

Did you forget that time
we fought to the death?

That guy tried to k*ll me. And you!

That was a long time ago.

Chozen has changed.

[sighs] People like him don't change, OK?
Trust me.

I know all there is to know about grudges.
Believe me.

Then it seems
you two have lots to talk about.


I have to go.

You can't leave me alone with this guy!

I have errands to run.

[in Japanese] Would you give
Daniel-san a tour around town?

- Mmm.
- Thank you.

- [in English] See you later.
- Sure you don't want...

- [speaks Japanese]
- Yeah.

- Gonna have a drink?
- I don't drink.



Great job today, jefe.

You crushed it.

Really? It didn't feel
like I did much of anything.

Hey, no negative thoughts.
Just positive energy.

I'll keep that in mind.

[clicks tongue]

- [car door opens and closes]
- [engine starts]

["Oh Yeah" playing]

[Miguel] What's this?

This is a collection
of the tastiest babes of 1988.

Not gonna get to see 'em
unless you grab it.

- OK.
- Gonna have to try harder than that.

You know I can
find these pictures on my phone?

It's not the same.
Chicks are hotter on the page.

You won't know
unless you get off your butt.

Or you can keep getting foot rubs
from that pansy therapist.


Weak! That all you got, Diaz?
I thought you were the All Valley champ?

♪ Oh yeah… ♪

Come on, kid. Come on.


Damn it!


- You all right?
- [sighs] Yeah.

All right. I got you, bud.

Here we go.

Gimme a minute, we'll go again.

I still have my Vanna White Playboy.
That'll get you going.

Don't you get it?

You could dangle a new PlayStation,
I still wouldn't be able to stand up.

[sweeping instrumental music plays]

[Daniel] Wow.

Now this is the Okinawa I remember.

Guess not all
of Tomi Village is a shopping mall, huh?

This is where karate was born.

Oh, right.

Miyagi Shimpo sensei.

You know Shimpo sensei?


Like all Miyagi ancestors,
he was a fisherman.

He loved fishing.

- And loved…
- Loved sake.

One day, strong wind,
strong sun, strong sake.

But no fish.

- Shimpo sensei fall asleep…
- …off the coast of Okinawa.

Woke up off the coast of China.

Ten years later, he came back
with a Chinese wife and two kids.

And the secret of Miyagi family karate.

- Your sensei told you this?
- Yeah.

Mr. Miyagi taught me everything he knew.


So you know everything, huh?

Well, I'm not...


This way.

Where are we going now?

[Daniel] Wow.

Wait a minute. This is a dojo.

This is crane technique.

This is Miyagi-Do?

Your sensei's father taught my uncle.
Sato taught me.

Before he d*ed,
Sato gave me all Miyagi artifacts.


- This is not for you!
- Why not?

You just said yourself
our senseis had the same sensei.

We're basically karate cousins, right?

You are a foreigner.
You can't take our secrets.

Hey, Mr. Miyagi treated me like a son,
not a foreigner.

- He wouldn't keep any secrets from me.
- Are you sure about that?

[suspenseful music plays]

Well, let us find out. Yeah?

[keyboard clacking]

[Robby] Sam, I'm sorry
I haven't been in touch.

I'm just having a hard time.


Hope you don't lose anything important.

- Why don't you just leave me alone?
- That ain't ever gonna happen.

You'll always be looking
over your shoulder.

[guard] Break time's up, shitbirds.

Back to your bunks.

You got lucky this time, bitch.

Let's go.

What are you lookin' at?

[rock music playing]


[Hawk] Thank you!

Here you go.

Come back soon to Golf 'N Stuff.

Hey, buddy.

- Hey, prize wench.
- What do you guys want?

Well, to spend
our hard-earned tickets, of course.

Why don't you be a good girl
and grab us a bobblehead.

- Don't! Stop! Hey!
- [laughing]

- Thanks, Chris. Tell your mom I miss her.
- Tell her to stop calling me.

[phone chimes]


[exhales slowly]

['80s rock music playing on stereo]

- You know why they call this a hibachi?
- They don't. It's a kettle grill.

Hundred years ago in ancient China,

there was a tiny little village
of dairy farmers,

living fat off their milk and cheese.

When the drought came,
they needed water from the river.

The Chinamen didn't want to do their work.

- Not sure that's the appropriate term.
- China people, whatever.

The point is, they were laying around
in hammocks waiting for rain.

So a wise man gathered a bunch of twigs

and stuffed it
under the sleeping villagers.

- Know what he did then?
- Lit a fire under them?

Exactly. That's where
the expression comes from.

- Know what that wise man's name was?
- Hibachi?

- Damn straight.
- Yeah.

Except that hibachis are from Japan,
not China,

where there weren't many dairy farmers,
historically, or hammocks.

Think I'd fall for that?

I knew you'd be too busy calling
my bullshit to know what I was up to.

- Oh, yeah? What's that?
- Lighting a fire under you.

What did you do?

What did you do?

- Are you insane?
- Depends who you ask. Come on, Diaz!

- Shake a leg.
- I can't!

- Can if you want it that bad.
- It's all I want!

[Johnny] Then focus!

Tell your brain to tell your legs
to get their asses moving!

[Miguel] OK.

[inhales sharply]

- Oh, sh*t.
- Sensei, it's going up my leg!

- I really thought that would work.
- Why didn't it?

My foot was on fire.
I didn't feel a thing.

Why is nothing working?

[sighs] It's fine. I should clean up
before my mom gets home.

See ya.

Are you sure you don't wanna
just show me the scrolls?


Now let us see how much you really know.

- I don't know what you want to...
- [grunting]

[dramatic music playing]

[both grunting]

God! What the hell?


your sensei did not
teach you everything.

Are you sure that was Miyagi-Do karate?
Didn't seem like self-defense to me.

Defense takes on many forms.

[Chozen] The Miyagi ancestors
fought Japanese invaders.

The only way to survive was to k*ll.

[epic music playing]

[Daniel yells]

[Chozen] So Miyagi instructors came up
with special techniques

designed to k*ll their enemies.

[both grunting]


[Daniel] Mr. Miyagi never told me
about any of this.

[Chozen] Maybe he thought
you were not ready. Or not able.

[Daniel] Maybe he was trying
to protect me.

We're not living hundreds of years ago.
No reason anymore to k*ll.


[Chozen] Sometimes you have
no choice but to k*ll.

[breathes deeply]

[both grunting]


What did you do?

[Chozen grunts]

[Chozen grunts]


Live or die, man?

I have waited a long time for this.

Chozen… no.




I'm glad… you're having fun at my expense.

Oh, you should've seen your face!

[mock whimpers, laughs]

What… What technique was that?

My limbs were totally numb.

Secret Miyagi pressure points.

If an enemy insists on w*r…

then you take away their ability
to wage it. Yeah?

Can you teach me?


[playful music playing]

Well, I'll be damned.


[woman sobbing in distance]

[sobbing continues]

[Carmen sighs]

Everything OK?

- It's…
- Something with Miguel?


Sometimes, I just have feelings
I don't want him to see.

He's gonna get better, you know.

He'll walk again.

I hope so.

For now,
I'd just like to see him smile again.

He's 17 years old.

He should be…

out, carefree, having fun.


- [sniffles]
- Yeah.

It's gonna be OK.

I should go back in.

Good night.


Can I borrow Miguel for a few hours?

- Where are they?
- They snuck into the old laser tag place.

- How many?
- Four of 'em.

Five of us. I like our odds.

Are you sure we should be doing this?

We're not on school property.
This is our chance to fight back.

[laughs] Nice!

- Brew time, man.
- Sweet.

Who's for a warm one?

Who the hell wants a warm beer?
You didn't bring an ice pack?

What were you thinking?

What the hell?

What do you want?


What's up?

[youths laughing]

- He doesn't want that.
- Man.

[youths continue speaking indistinctly]

[rock music playing]


[all grunting]


[youth] Go, go! Get him!

[Robby grunts]


[Chris] Come on!

That was for my mom!

- [both grunting]
- [youths cheering]

Get him! Come on!

[both grunting]

Sam LaRusso…

[heartbeat echoes]

Where are you, bitch?

[youth exclaims]


[Tory grunting]

Show yourself, LaRusso!

- [breathing heavily]
- [heartbeat echoes]

[Sam screams]

Sam! [Groans]

[breathing heavily]

No! Please, stop! Eli, stop! Stop!

It's me!

Don't do it! No!

- Help me!
- Do it!

- Finish him!
- He deserves it.

- Do it, Hawk!
- No. It's fine. I'll go!

- I'll go!
- [whimpering breaths]

[Tory] Hawk, finish him!

- [screams]
- [all exclaim]

[winces] Damn it!

- p*ssy.
- [Demetri] Damn!

- Nice.
- Good sh*t, man.

[Demetri groaning]

[Tory] This isn't over, LaRusso!



[Sam sobs]

[Daniel] That was definitely a side
of Miyagi-Do karate I never knew existed.

But I get why Mr. Miyagi
didn't want me to know it.

Your sensei is a man of great honor.

I can only hope to be like him.

Hey, you only did
what your teacher told you to do.

After our fight, I felt great shame.


I wanted to die.

But my uncle saved me.

He gave me a chance to prove myself.

I spent my life trying to do just that.


regret is sometimes difficult to overcome.

I understand.

And if it means anything, Chozen,
I… I forgive you.

It means a great deal.

If only every rivalry could end like this.

What do you mean?

Uh, nothing. It's a different situation.

I'm meeting Kumiko before my flight.
You should come join us.

Thank you, but I have a class to teach.

So, you go down this path
and you catch a taxi from there.

Well, I'd say thanks,
but you kinda kicked my ass today.

So, I'm just gonna say goodbye.

[speaks Japanese]



[sweeping instrumental music plays]

You keep for your collection.

And I thought this place looked scary
from the outside. Where are we?

It's a field trip.

- Here. Take this and follow my lead.
- OK.

Be still.

Hold on. Nice try.

- Come back when he's 21.
- Yeah, that's gonna be tough.

He'll be dead by then.

- What?
- He should be dead already.

- Every day is a gift.
- [coughs]

[Johnny] He's got a bucket list.

Getting past that door
is number one on it.

All right.

Go ahead.

- Hey, good luck, kid.
- [coughs]

[crowd cheering]

[rock music playing]

[singer] "The Kids Are Back!"

♪ We walk the streets ♪

♪ In tattered armies ♪

♪ We got the lion in our heart… ♪

[Johnny] That's Dee Snider,

the most badass rocker ever.

♪ Just for some fun ♪

♪ But we're all ready
If you wanna start… ♪

How's this part of my physical therapy?

It's not.

Just forget about all that
and have some fun!

♪ Oh, watch out
The kids are back… ♪


♪ The kids are back ♪

Another karate fight?
What the hell were you thinking?

[sobs] Mom…

Oh, baby.

- Sam, baby, you OK?
- They broke Demetri's arm.

I just wanted to show
that we couldn't be bullied.

It's all right.

It's gonna be all right.

It's OK.

It's gonna be OK.

[Sam] I didn't do anything to help.

I couldn't stop them.

Why didn't you talk?

I'm no snitch.

Me neither.

[playing rock music]

- Can I get a copy of that?
- Don't worry, I'll tag you.

Tag me? What the hell does that mean?

Check your Facebook.

I don't have Facebook anymore,
I threw my phone away.

You know it's on your computer too, right?


- [song ends]
- [crowd cheering]

All right, all right.

So, I hear there's a Make-A-Wish kid
in the house tonight.

Yeah, right here. Right here!

Yeah! Here he is!

There he is. There he is.


let's make that kid's wish come true!

- Hi.
- [women giggle]


All right. Now repeat after Dee…

♪ I wanna rock ♪

♪ Rock! ♪

[band begins playing]

- ♪ I wanna rock ♪
- [crowd] ♪ Rock! ♪

- ♪ I want to rock ♪
- ♪ Rock! ♪

- ♪ I wanna rock ♪
- ♪ Rock! ♪

♪ "Turn it down," you say... ♪




[speaks Japanese]


[both greet in Japanese]

[in English] Where's Chozen?

He had to teach a class. Hopefully he goes
a little easier on them than he did on me.


I hope you both learned something
from each other.

I think so.
I guess that was your plan, huh?

A friend of yours?

A friend of ours.

- I'm sorry, I don't, um…
- [woman] Don't worry.

It's been a long time since we met.

I was a child then
and it was during a typhoon.

[screams in Japanese]

You take Mr. Sato back. I'll get the girl!

Give me your arm!

- [crying]
- We're OK. Hang on.

- Yuna?
- You remember?

Are you kidding me? How could I forget?

Oh, my God!

How have you been?

And your English is so perfect!

I've been good, thank you.

I work in international sales.
Perfect English comes in handy.

Sales? Wow. That's great. Same here.

Well, maybe not for much longer, but…

Who do you work for?


What? You work for Doyona?

Senior Vice President of Sales
for Doyona International.

Like Auntie Yukie said…

[speaks Japanese]

[in English] "Put good out into the world
and… good will come back to you."


Mr. Miyagi was right for loving her.

So, Yuna.

Can I buy you a drink?

I should hope so, Daniel-san.

I'm about to save your business.

[shop bell jangles]


Is anyone here?

We're closed, darling.

But if you've got a youngster you'd like
to put on the list for karate lessons,

I'd be happy to help.

Is one of those lessons how to jump kids
and break one of their arms?

That's what your students did tonight.

Did they?

Must've had it coming.

Like my daughter deserved it when one
of your minions att*cked her?

Ah! [Chuckles]

That must make you Mrs. LaRusso.

[Kreese laughs]

What's the matter,

little Daniel's not man enough
to fight his own battles anymore?

Hey, Rambo.

Kids are getting hurt.

So all off your band of karate thugs
or I'm going to the police. Got it?

You're a feisty one.

But I like that.

I like it...

I don't give a sh*t what you like.

You're a sociopath.

And I'm shutting you down
if it's the last thing I do.

[door opens and closes]

- Do it again, do it again, do it again!
- OK, OK, OK!

Oh, my God!

Thank you so much!

It was all the kid.
Told you he was a fighter.

Don't get too cocky.
We gotta get you out of that chair.

- Yes, Sensei.
- All right.

Well, good night.

[sentimental music plays]

[bottle cap rattles on floor]

Now, what the hell is a tag?


What's this?

[electronic music plays]