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03x03 - Now You're Gonna Pay

Posted: 03/19/22 10:05
by bunniefuu
Forgive me,
Father, for I have sinned.

This is where most of us go
when we think about forgiveness, true?


But what about forgiveness in other forms?

Forgiveness of others.

And then there's my personal favorite,
forgiveness of thyself.


This is probably our toughest battle.
But listen,

if God can forgive, then so can you.


What about that time in Reno
with those soccer moms at the Hyatt?

- Johnny...
- God forgive any of us for that?


Yes, even that.

Forgiveness is the very core
of Christianity.

I wouldn't know about that.
Not much of a churchgoer.

I'm sorry. Apologies, everyone.

My friend here is going
through some hard times.

Nothing I can't handle.

Johnny, I'm mid-sermon,
so how about you take a seat...

You know this guy was a real badass
back in the day.

Fighting. Drinking.

- Partying.
- What's he saying?

Sucks you can't get laid anymore, man.

How many times I gotta tell ya?
I'm not a priest.

So your wang can still get tang? Nice.

Forgive me, Father.

For what?

Officer Ryan to rec center.

Angel. My sweet, sweet Angel.

Your mom's care package was dope.

Empanadas? Next level sh*t right there.

Be sure to thank her for me.


empanadas, no empanadas,
this is our table, homie.


Kid must be deaf.

I said that's our table!

You ain't deaf, just dumb as sh*t.

- What you looking at, newbie?
- You OK, man?

Robby Keene. Phone call.

- Hello?
- Robby.

Hi. I'm so glad I got you.



He still won't take my calls.

- He thinks I betrayed him.
- You helped him.

He'd have a much harsher sentence
if you hadn't.

That doesn't make this easier.

He's a teenager, you know?

People do come around.

I mean, no one hated your cousin
more than I did, and…

even now I have to admit…

he's a decent salesman.

The baby birds are out of the nest.
It's time for mama bird to fly.

So why don't you get in that car
and fly, mamacita? Get in.

- Is business getting any better?
- Sales are still low.

I had marketing scrap
all the karate tie-ins

to get us a little distance
from the school fight.

No more "kicking the competition"
or "chopping prices."

We just have to focus on sales.

The manufacturers won't be pleased
with our numbers.


Tom Cole. What the hell is he doing here?

Oh! You got a Keurig.
Shoulda sprung for the Nespresso.

The customers, they line up for it.

But then again, you need two
or three people to actually form a line.

What do you want, Cole?

I heard sales weren't going well.

That happens when you put
kids in comas, am I right?

Really, Anoush? You walk in with the guy
and let him talk to me like that?

- It's how he talks. You get used to it.
- What do you want?

Relax, I'm not here to fight.
That's your domain.

I'm here as a friend.
I thought to myself, "Tom,

the LaRussos are spiraling.

I mean, no customers, no Nespresso.

You alone can help them."

So I'm here to make you an offer.

You wanna buy a car?

Dan… A car? No. No, no.

I want the whole shebang.



I hope it's OK,
me just showing up like this.

How are you?

I mean… Sorry, I… It's a stupid question.

It's OK.

I have a surgery on Friday.

Some doctor from out of state,
supposedly works miracles.

That's great, right?

I'm not getting my hopes up.

The surgery costs a ton.
My mom's gonna be in debt.

And there's no guarantee it'll work, but…

If anyone can b*at the odds, it's you.

- Is that from Tory?
- Oh, uh…

Yeah. It's really not that bad.


Kinda makes me look tough.

- I'm sorry about that, Sam.
- You didn't do anything.

She decided to go crazy.

Tory's had a rough life.

- Her mom's sick and...
- Everybody's got a sob story.

- Doesn't give you the right to be a bully.
- Yeah.

I just wanted to give you this.
It's just a card.

I want that guy.

An octopus? Interesting.

Miguel, I'm so sorry.

For all of this.

It's, uh... It's OK.

El Serpiente!

- I'm gonna go.
- OK, yeah.

You got some nerve coming here
after what your boyfriend did.

I don't care what you think.
I just wanna help.

Pretty sure you've done enough, princess.

Hey, bro. What's up, man? You good?

I like the spot.

Holding up?

I still don't get
how they get coffee in the cake.


what was that all about?

I know you're upset, but don't
blame yourself for what Robby did.

I'm not allowed to see him.

Since I'm on probation
for that incident in the parking garage.

Yeah. You're lucky it was only probation.

I'm lucky I knew a priest who put
a good word in with the judge.

- Thank you very much.
- Not a priest.

How about we make a deal?

You promise yourself
to do positive things.

Be a better person.

I already tried that.

I put everything I had into my students,
taught 'em to be tough and show mercy.

- Was I doing the right thing?
- You were.

Then why'd this happen?

You wanna punish me, fine.

- Robby and Miguel, they're just kids.
- I know.

I know. It isn't fair.

But you don't do the right thing
'cause it always works out,

you do it
'cause it's the right thing to do.

Both those kids need you.

You need to be there for them,
whether it works out or not.

I can help you with Robby.

The detention center will let you in
if accompanied by a member of the clergy.

How about we meet there tomorrow?

- That'd be great.
- Good.

As for Miguel and his surgery,

the church can make a donation,
but we're still paying for our new roof.

I wasn't even gonna ask.

Why not ask your stepdad?
He's still loaded, isn't he?

No way. Sid? It'd be his dream come true.
Me grovelling for his money.

I'll figure something out.

I know you will.

- Thanks, man.
- Yeah. Good little talk, buddy.

You're serious?
You wanna buy our dealership?

- Christmas came early, Danny boy.
- This offer is hardly Christmas morning.

- It's not even a Secretary's Day gift.
- They prefer executive assistant.

- Oh, do they?
- Mm.

Look, I believe in karma.

What goes up, over a balcony,
must come down.

The Valley has spoken. No one wants
to do business with a bully.

- I'm just trying to help clear the debt.
- OK. One, I am not a bully.

And two, there are plenty of people
walking through that door every day.

We are doing just fine.

You almost look like you believe that!

Oh, that was very convincing.

If all this disappears tomorrow,
which it will, where does that leave you?

Why don't you try and get something…

before it's worth nothing?

I can't believe you work
for that mamaluke.

That's the most goombah thing
you've ever said.

Hey! Take it easy.
That's not your word, that's our word.

Is it, though?

I don't know. Still, I didn't like
your tone, the way you said it.


- You still over on Lankashim?
- No.

Upgraded to a small two-bedroom
over on Outpost.

- Good for you, man.
- Yeah, thanks.

I'm trying to move,
I'm still over at the 99-Cent store.

That place sucks. You gotta see
the degenerates that come in and out.

I'm gonna get my own spot
now that I got job stability.

Don't be so sure of that.

What you talking about?

Anoush, I know you know something.
What do you know?

OK, you didn't hear this from me.

Cole signed an exclusive deal.
With Doyona International in Tokyo.

They distribute all the major
Japanese car companies.

- What? We sell Japanese brands.
- Not for long.

Cole had Doyona convince
the manufacturers to cut ties with you.

- Daniel's contract's gonna be voided.
- Get out.

We will never sell to you.

OK. Your loss.

Faroush, come on, let's go.

You believe that guy?
What makes him think we'd sell to him?


we really gotta talk.

Here you go.

Watch out!

Great, guys. Keep it up.
A line of cars around the block.

Hey, Stu.
It's left circle, and then right circle.

You got it. Hey, Moon.


Thanks for bringing the cheerleaders,

they are definitely helping
to attract customers.

- I thought you were a feminist?
- I'm a sex-positive feminist.

Our bodies are an expression.

Hey! Could we be next?

Sure thing!

Want the wash and wax or just the wash?

- Hold up. You doing it?
- I'mma get you all straight.

- No streaks, right?
- That'll be 20 bucks. Thank you.


Thank you.

They're using Miguel
as their poster child.

He's not Miyagi-Do.
They think they can get away with that?

They won't.

To be honest,
this job entails a lot of grunt work.

Moving furniture, hanging pictures.

Execs always wanna
rearrange their offices.

Yeah. I've done maintenance work,
so I know how it goes.

It says here on your resume
you have extensive computer experience.

Pretty sure I remember
how to get on the Internet.


I'll do whatever you need. You know,
I'll show up early or work overtime.

Just need some extra money.

It's not for me, it's for this kid
going through a surgery.

His family needs the scratch.

Well, that's very noble.
You have a lot of what we're looking for.

Oh, great.

I just… One last thing.

Um... I noticed you didn't
fill out the part about any prior arrests.

Hey, we're just a couple guys
talking here.

I mean, what are we dealing with,
DUI, petty theft?

This is just a formality.

No one's perfect.

All right.


most recently,
I was arrested for public intoxication.

as*ault and battery.

And, uh…

"willful destruction of property,"
I think they said.

Not necessarily in that order.

And a year ago I was arrested
for assaulting a minor.

A minor?

Technically, multiple minors.
Those kids were real pricks.

You know, it feels
really good to talk about this, actually.

When do we start, boss? What's the plan?

You're the one that's unstable.


Students from
West Valley High are volunteering today,

washing cars to raise money
for a worthy cause.

We've raised over $1,000.
Miyagi-Do is all about helping people.

Didn't a Miyagi-Do student
put Miguel Diaz in the hospital?

That was an accident.

At least, I hope so.


I just know Miguel needs our help.

We love you, Miguel.

Thanks, Samantha.
This car wash will be going on...

That's your girl?

Sounds like vanilla
not her flavor no more.

She got a taste for that horchata.

Who knows?
Maybe she’ll be drinking dark roast next.

- How 'bout you shut your mouth?
- Sorry-ass punk.

- Looks like karate boy wanna throw down.
- Sure does.

Yeah, man.

Go ahead. I'll give you a free sh*t
before I use your teeth for dice.

My karate's about self-defense.

Oh. Well...

Let's see how that works out for you.


This was a warm-up. We ain't done.

Get back to your bunks.
We're on lockdown.

Let's get outta here, man.
Dumbass. That'll teach him.

Hey, look who the cat dragged in!

Oh, come on!

Are you really trying to sell me
that same box of crap?

I wasn't trying to sell it to you.
That's why I drove to Winnetka.

I have three locations.

You'd be surprised how much you can make
selling junkies their wedding rings back.

How much for the computer?

What do I want with a used laptop?

You sold it to me used!

Yeah, well, now it's more used.

It just needs new batteries.
It ran outta juice.

These don't run outta juice.

Did you plug it in?

You said it was wireless.

Yeah. Wireless as in…

never mind.

Got anything else in there
besides your useless crap?

This whole place is full of useless crap.

- What makes your crap better than my crap?
- Simple. My crap has value.

You want money,
bring me something of value.

I got a '93 Dodge Caravan.

Really? '93, you say?

Let's just…
take a look at the Kelley Blue Book.

All right. It's got a tape deck.

- Grayish cloth interior.
- Cloth interior?

Yeah. That's interesting.

- What does it say?
- "Get the hell outta my shop."

- It's worthless.
- Come on.

What am I supposed to do?
I don't own anything valuable.

Then I guess
you better find someone who does.

- Where is everyone?
- Figured we'd close early.

Batten down the hatches
until we straighten this out.

How was lunch with Anoush?

Well, good news is
he's speaking to me again.

Bad news is…

he was telling Louie the truth.

Cole leaned into the bad press
on the school fight.

He'll be exclusive with Doyona
by next month.

If we lose this dealership, what's to stop
other manufacturers pulling out?

That's what Cole's banking on.

See, I say we go visit Cole,
show him a little Jersey justice.

What will you do?
Round up your biker friends,

get your asses kicked again?

- I thought we weren't gonna talk...
- Daniel, I don't think we have a choice.

If we wanna come out of this
with anything, we have to sell to Cole.

When I was a kid,
I wanted my own car so bad.

My mom had this station wagon.
It was such a piece of junk. We…

We literally had to push it
to get the engine started.

And then Mr. Miyagi gave me
that '47 Ford, and…

that was the best day of my life.

Ever since, I've been in love with cars.

That's why Mr. Miyagi pushed me
into sales. Wasn't my idea.

- I thought car salesmen were sleazy.
- That is such a bullshit stereotype.

But Mr. Miyagi told me,


must follow passion.

Man who work for passion always richer

than man who work for money."

He was right.

The goal was never to be
the Valley's number one auto dealer.

I just wanted to give those customers
that same sense of excitement I had

when I got my first car.

That's what I did,
and that's why we were successful.

But, Daniel,

without Doyona, we can't compete.

I love what we built here.

I love that we did it together.

And I don't wanna lose it,
but the writing's on the wall.

If we don't sell to Cole…

we might end up with nothing.

Louie, why don't we, um…

go finish those inventories?

Close eye. Trust.


Think only tree.

Make a perfect picture
down to last pine needle.

Wipe your mind clean, everything but tree.

Nothing exists whole world.

Only tree.

You got it?

Open eye.

No sh*t.

This your bed?
I had no idea, I just needed a pillow.

Don't mind, do you?

Thought so.

Soft-ass bitch.

What'd I say?

All right, listen up. Visitation tomorrow.

Valasquez, Binder, Espinoza, Keene.

If I called your name,
be ready first thing.

Does it say who's visiting me?

"Lawrence, John."

"Gender pay gap," you figure. sh*t.


Well, well, well, well.

Lookie who's back.

I won't be here longer than I have to.

How's that karate thing going?


It didn't go under, did it?


- I'm shocked!
- This isn't about me.

There's this kid, Miguel...

Yeah, I heard something about that.

Your son and your student,
talk about a role model.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Oh. Hey, easy there, Rocko.

Sounded like you were warming up
to ask for a handout.

And I'd hate for anything to jeopardize…

another payday.

All right, so you'll help me?

I didn't say that either.

Look, you can kick me around
all you want, Sid. I'll take it.

Miguel doesn't deserve what happened.
I need to make it right.

Yeah, with my money.

- You prick!
- If I had anything to give, I would.

But you got nothing to give
because you're a loser,

like your father!

Yeah, you can say what you want about me,
but at least I stuck around.

Being a bully isn't much better
than leaving. I'm trying to do better.

- I'm gonna see Robby.
- Yeah.

I'm scraping together what I can
to help Miguel's family.

Pope John Lawrence the first!

Yeah, healer of children.

- Bravo, bravo, bravo!
- All right, are you gonna help me or not?

'Cause I'd hate for that little incident
with your secretary to get out.

You know, start one of those
hash brown "me too" things.

I didn't get where I am
because I cared about my reputation.

Get the hell out of here.

You're a cold old man.

And don't you forget it, buster.

- Great day, guys.
- Yeah, definitely.

- You picked the wrong side.
- Hey, give it back! Hey!

Ooh, ooh!

Nothing like a long day of charity.

We'll make sure Miguel knows
it's from Cobra Kai.

- Don't even think about it.
- Come on.

We all wanna help pay for the surgery.

You're gonna pay, all right.

Daniel, Amanda.

Aw, I know this must be
a tough pill to swallow.

No matter how you wash it down,

failure never tastes good.

But at the end of the day,
it's just business, right?

We looked at the offer in front of us,
and realized there's only one choice.

I want you to know that I'm gonna
treat this place with the utmost respect.

You can take the tiny bushes.
Nobody wants to care for a tree.

Oh, Faroush,

you are looking at the new owner
of LaRusso Van Nuys.

Mm. Not so fast, Tom.

We made some adjustments.

Look at page nine.

I don't understand.
Are you selling or not?

When hell freezes over.

Then let me give you the bad news.

- I signed an exclusive deal with...
- Doyona.


We know all about that.

Oh, I forgot to tell you,

Daniel offered me my job back.

And since he knows my name
and isn't a complete douche clown,

I accepted.

Fine. You wanna play
the violin on the Titanic,

it's your funeral.

We're not dead yet, Tommy.

Yeah, right!

We've still got some moves!

Well, there's no turning back now.

This plan better work.

It has to.

Wait, what? This isn't a sure thing?

- Hey, what's up?
- Is your dad here?

No, he's at work. Why?

Cobra Kai took the money and…

They kicked the f*cking sh*t outta me.

Hey, uh, I'm not sure who I give this to.

It's for the Diaz kid's hospital bill.

Wow. That's very generous.
Can I tell the family who it's from?

Uh, I'd prefer to leave my name out of it.

Sure. No problem.


I'm leaving.

Ms. Diaz, Miguel's surgeon
just arrived from the airport.

She has a few questions.

Thank you, Johnny.

I'm gonna get outta here.

I have to be somewhere.


He needs you.


Pray with us.

OK, I'll stay.

Hey, just give him a little more time, OK?

He's not coming. I knew it.

You sure about this?

Cobra Kais never stop training.
We have to catch up.

If that means me taking the reins,
so be it.

I am ready
to add a few new moves to my repertoire.

Hold on a sec. What if your dad finds out?

He won't. He's out of town.

Mr. LaRusso? They are ready for you now.