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03x06 - W.O.M.B.

Posted: 03/19/22 09:57
by bunniefuu
[Joe] Previously on You:

[Dottie] What are you doing, Love?

That boy will distract you from your son.

[Joe] I can't cage what's inside of me.

Better to feed it just enough
to keep it in check,

but make sure it knows the rules.

So now I have you, Marienne.

Things will be different this time.

[pensive music playing]


If you look up "klutz,"
there's a picture of me.



[Joe] Here's what I've learned about you
in the last few days, Marienne.

You like things that make you feel.

You're whimsical and artsy. You don't like
things that go together too perfectly.

You find beauty in the flaws.

Unexpected pairings.

You're deep, reverent, rooted,

yet adventurous.

You're at home in chaos,
but something tells me not by choice.

[water dripping]

You take care of books
and art and young minds,

but who takes care of you?

No. No, no, no. This is not why I'm here.

I'm here, well,
to figure out why I'm here.

Why you, Marienne?

So I must leave everything as I found it.

I like following you.
You're interesting and unpredictable.

And that inner part of me
that needs this is mostly satiated,

but in the spirit of self-awareness
and maybe conquering that inner thing,

I ask again,

why am I drawn to you?

- [Marienne] Great! Yeah, sure.
- [door unlocks]

[Joe] Shit.

Oh, all right.


Okay, great.

[Joe] Home early.
It's very unusual for you.

Yes, yes, I know that place.

Okay. Yeah, great. I'll see you there.

[Joe] What's got you stepping
out of your routine?

I dearly hope it doesn't involve
pegging someone on this bed. RIP Peach.

Okay, now you're just playing with me.


Are you going on a date?

[cell phone buzzes]

My wife.

I deserve this.

Aw, Daddy's still working.

[Joe] She's the best wife ever...

while I'm doing this.

All to prove you aren't worth it.

You are just a fleeting crush.

[door opens, then closes]

[cell phone chimes]

[dramatic music playing]

[car door locks]

- Dad, hey, what...?
- Hi.

What about Tokyo?
You said you'd be away till next month.

Yeah. Team's wrapping things up, so...

Okay, well, congrats
on your sudden ability to delegate.

- [cell phone chimes]
- Thank you.

So, like, you forgot
to sleep over there, or...?

I just got off a long flight, Theo.

- It's good to have you home.
- Good to be home.

Did you wanna ask why I'm here?

Of course.

Of course.

- What happened at school?
- Decided to take some time off.

With everything that happened,
felt like it was starting to get to me.

Hey, that's okay.

I can understand.

- We could go grab some food.
- I can't. I've got stuff to do inside.

Yeah, yeah. For sure.

[cell phone chimes]

[Love] Remember when we crashed Dad's
beloved Maserati? We were all banged up.

But better to suffer in silence
than let him know what we did.

This feels like that.

Only, I can't take this damaged thing
to the wrong side of town

and claim someone stole it.

I cheated on my soul mate.

What's wrong with me, Forty?

If you were here, you'd laugh.
You said I'd be a terrible mom.

Number two might be in me as we speak,
and there's no one I can tell that...

I'm not sure I want it.

[cell phone chimes]

Stop insinuating.

It's not Theo's baby.

Couldn't be, I don't think.

What am I doing?

Your phone is dead in my nightstand
because you are dead.

And no one will ever read this.
So, what am I confessing for?

[cell phone beeps]

Speaking of terrible mothers...

Ugh. The last thing I need is a weekend
all about Dottie and her second act.

I wish you were here.

I need you.

["Supercut" playing over speaker]

♪ The visions never stop ♪

♪ These ribbons wrap me up ♪

♪ But when I reach for you
There's just a supercut ♪

♪ In your car, the radio up ♪

♪ In your car, the radio up ♪

♪ We keep tryin' to talk about us ♪

♪ I'm someone, you may be my love... ♪

Oh, my God. Theo, stop it!

What the f*ck?

- What the f*ck are you doing?
- [music stops]

Thought that would get your attention.
This shit's romantic as f*ck.

- What are you talking about?
- According to all the rom-coms

of your generation,
this is what the guys do to get the girl.

First of all, I'm not that old.
And this is not a game, Theo.

Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Sorry.
I don't know what to do.

But you're ignoring me.

I just... I need your advice

'cause you're the only person
that I actually trust.

So my dad's back.

He's already sequestered in his office.

And I just...

I don't know.

I don't know what to do.

He's not doing well.

Yeah. Your dad is grieving, Theo.
It's a roller coaster that doesn't end.

I was just texting my dead brother.

- Come here.
- What? No.

Just go take care of your dad.

I know he can be a d*ck,
but try to see where he's coming from.

I bet it's not a bad place.


Can I ask you one more thing?


Do you think of me
during sex with your husband?

- Seriously?
- Because yours is the only face I see.

You need to leave.
Go take care of your dad.

[Love] Do I deserve this?

Is this new baby a gift or a punishment?

God, that sounds terrible. Am I terrible?
Why did I do it, Forty, if I'm so happy?

[timer dings]

- Need help over there?
- No, I got it.

Smells amazing.

[Love] I don't deserve him.

[Joe] I don't deserve her.

She's making food,
so I'm nourished all weekend,

and here I am counting the minutes
till she's gone so I can follow you.

- Perfect bite. Ready?
- Ooh.

Oh, yeah.


Let me be clear. You fascinate me.

But Love is my soul mate,

mother of my child,

love of my life.

And my job as a husband
and a father is to keep it that way.

[dramatic music playing]

[Joe] I'm happy.

[Marienne] Of course you are.

Your mind's on nothing but your wife.

All the time.

Hey, you okay?



How do you get it so f*cking moist?

Come show me.

Yeah. Just like that.

[both moaning]

That was great.

That was so great.

[Jean] I appreciate you taking
this meeting face-to-face.

I like to know I can put you in a headlock
when I'm not getting through to you.

A loving headlock.

I can only assume
the best part of this is now behind us.

I'd appreciate if you tell me
before you hire an investigator

to look into your wife's case
that's closed.

- Is it? You bought that?
- What did he find?

He tell you
the neighbors' daughter's a coke dealer?

Wanna take a look?

- Help yourself.
- Oh.

Bottom-line it, anything remotely
interesting in all this guy's work?

One thing that's interesting to me
is your neighbor, the baker,

Quinn of the L.A. Quinns,

meaning she probably has her own PIs
who know what you're up to.

And the most litigious father this side
of Republicans whining for a recount.

Except Ray Quinn, he wins.

- I haven't broken any laws.
- A look this bad should be illegal.

You mean, my trying to figure out
who m*rder*d my wife? Can you imagine?

You do understand what will happen
when the townspeople learn

you're having them investigated?

They'll make noise.

- Great.
- No, not great.

I just spent six months trying to put
some light between this company

and words like marital affair, m*rder.

- Different lanes.
- I'm not disappearing your ass

back to Tokyo while I spend another six
putting out more fires you've lit.

Different f*cking lanes!

This isn't about the company.

Oh, because you and the company I protect
aren't at all the exact same thing?

Listen, I...

I understand that you're grieving.
That's reasonable.


But this?

This will cost not just you
but every person who works for you.

You'll destroy lives for nothing

because the worst offense
the townspeople are guilty of is

tacky athleisure.

It stops now. You get that, right?

["Dramatic" playing]

♪ If you cover my mouth with your hands ♪

♪ Try to silence me ♪

♪ I'll scream out as loud as I can ♪

♪ Shouldn't bite the hand that feeds me ♪

♪ But you're not the man ♪

♪ And when I stick it to you
We'll see who's dramatic ♪

♪ You say that I'm safe ♪

♪ While you look for someone... ♪


Thank you.

♪ I think you're a bit too late... ♪

[Love] Maybe I'll actually get
some answers this weekend. God, I hope.

Changing lives is my passion.

That's why I bought Casa Gaia Vineyard
and intend to make it a hub

for transformation

and organic, biodynamic fine wines.

[Love] Course, Dottie befriends Sherry

and her billion followers.

Lot of chances to sell mommy-juice.

These women are about to experience
a defining moment in their lives.

The Women Optimizing Motherhood
and Business Summit

will set a path into the future.

Hashtag "W.O.M.B."

[Love] I'm drowning in her estrogen.

[Dottie] Now let's toast.

To womanhood, motherhood

and the entrepreneurial spirit.

And cut. Yes!

That was perfection.
I'll check this file and AirDrop you.

The Internet is gonna swoon
when you post this.

- Thank you for being here.
- Hey, Sherry.

- Sweetie.
- Hi, Mom.

- Did the nursery take our little man?
- Practically took him out of my hands.

This could not have come at a better time.
You look exhausted.

[Love] It begins.

Yeah, I haven't made it to my room yet
but thank you.

Trust me. Come Monday, you will be
the picture of relaxation. Want some?

I'm good.

Not pregnant, are you?

- [Love] Keep it together. She smells fear.
- I'm on a mini detox.

You are? Oh, my God.

- Is it Joe's or that neighbor kid's?
- Keep your voice down. I was...

I have seconds before kickoff.
We'll finish this later.

Maybe a little lipstick, sweetheart?
You're pale.

[Love] Remember pretending to be orphans?

That was fun.

[cell phone chimes]

[Joe] Your work face, giving nothing away.

Excuse me. Where's Narnia?

Oh, it's in Kid Lit.
You see that tree over there?

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

You're leaving mid-shift?
Could this be opportunity knocking?

Hey, Dante.

Marienne asked me to take care
of the overdue notices?

Was that at the desk here?

Her office. She'll be back in an hour.

Okay. I think she meant while she's out.

So diligent...

after taking three hours
to shelve that one cart this morning.

Thank you.


Doesn't exactly scream skeletons
but then neither do you.

There's nothing in your work files
or search history.

It's just, there's no "you" here at all,

which tells me
I'm not looking hard enough.

Hmm. "Recovery." This is a surprise.

This deepens my curiosity,
and now I need more.

"Child endangerment"?



This can't be right.

The ex-husband, I presume.

The more I know,

the less I understand.

Who are you?

What I do know,

your problems are serious.

You're a mess.

I have a loving wife, a son.

I can't have anything to do
with your red flags.

This itch has been scratched.

[Laura] "What did I want? A tarnished
marriage that takes so much work to heal?

A family that consumed me?

No, I deserved better.

All at once,
I knew what that looked like."

[Love] What does it look like?

"I realized I had more to offer."

And so, I started writing.

Eventually, I started my own company,

and it was hard.

It was exhausting.

But if I could do it, you can too.

[Love] That's it?

All right. Who has a question?

- Yes, right here.
- Given all you've accomplished,

how do you stay so humble?

[Love] Is she joking?

I start the first half hour
of every morning expressing gratitude.

A great way to remember that none of us
can get through this life without help.

All right. Who's next?

If you're supposed to be giving us
the secret of joy,

what is it?

I don't hear you saying
what a st-century professional mother

is supposed to do to find happiness.


If you focus on watering your own grass,

you never have to wonder
if it's greener anywhere else.

But what does that mean? I...
I water my own grass, and I don't...

- Okay, next.
- It's fine. You don't what?

You don't feel how incredibly green
your own grass is?

Is it possible
that you don't wanna succeed?

That you feel guilty for what you have
and you sabotage your happiness?

I would suggest a look inward
and read my book.

To read more about your narcissistic climb
to success, when, poof,

you suddenly discovered
you were deserving?

Sounds like privileged bullshit to me.

I'm not sorry.

She doesn't know what she's talking about.
I do want to succeed, obviously, right?

You are powerful. You are loved.
You are forgiven.

Mm. Thank you.

I am sorry.

- We've moved on.
- It's not too late to turn the day around.

Sherry had the brilliant idea, we do
an IGTV interview with each other and...

We want you to be a part of it.

- Interview for what?
- Our brands.

But also to counteract
your little outburst.

You were right about one thing.

Women need to see other successful women
supporting each other.

How better to use our privilege, right?

Hashtag "You can sit with us."


Hello, goddesses.

I'm at the W.O.M.B. Summit

with Heart-Shaped Mistakes creator

and fellow twin mom Sherry Conrad.


your blog moves me.

But it's your heart
that really touches me.

Oh, Dottie.

[Love] Oh, woof.

You are a shining light for us all.

- Thank you for being my soul sister.
- [Love] Vomit emoji.

And last but not least,

my pride and joy, Love Quinn-Goldberg.

I'm so proud to have raised a daughter
whose grit nearly matches my own.

- [Love] Nearly?
- Doing it all.

Husband, business, -year-old,
all with possibly another on the way.

Oh, my God, Mom.

- Oh, my God, Love! Amazing!
- What the f*ck?

- What are you doing?
- Sherry, give us a second.

- Love, I just...
- Seriously, get the f*ck out.

Thank you.

How the hell could you do that?
I'm not sure. I haven't told Joe.

It's not surprising. The problems
in your marriage keep stacking up.

Mom, it has nothing to do with you.

My life, my marriage, my womb,

none of your f*cking business,
and not to share on social media.

- Don't speak to me like that.
- Somebody has to.

You're the reason
Forty and I are f*cked up.

- Don't talk about him.
- No wonder that our life turned into this.

All you ever showed me
was to get the prince,

build a castle,
and then burn it all to the ground.

Says the princess who was given all
the mattresses in the world to sleep on

and still complains she can feel a pea.

I gave you the world,

you ungrateful, little bitch.

You have no idea
what I had to do to give it to you.

Your choice to f*ck the neighbor boy
or blow up your life

has nothing to do with me and everything
to do with you being spoiled and bored.

I'll take the blame for spoiling you.
But the source of your unhappiness?

Look in the mirror instead of spouting
your hypocrisy at everyone else.

[knocking on door]

Dad, I got you dinner.


Come on, you can be mad at me,
but at least eat something.

[Matthew snoring]

[ominous music playing]

What the f*ck?

Almost ready to go, Goldberg?

No, you go ahead. I'll close up.

The smell of your perfume could
erase everything I've learned today.

- Best to hang back for now.
- No way. You know the rules.

Do me a favor
and stay down there a sec, okay?

[Goodwin] You hired a lawyer?

- [Marienne] Let's talk outside.
- [Goodwin] No.

[Joe] Is that your ex-husband?

[Goodwin] No, you don't have any rights,
you f*cking junkie.

[Joe] That doesn't sound right.

- [Goodwin] Listen to me...
- [Marienne] Get your hands off...

- Get your hands off me!
- No, no... Hey, no, we're not done.


- What is going on here?
- Hey, man, I'm sorry. That...

This looks bad, right?
I knocked that over by accident.

It must have sounded crazy.

I'm... I'm Ryan Goodwin.

If I look familiar, Channel Three News.

I recognize you.
I think you should leave, Ryan.

Yeah, sure.


Look, you know, exes.

- But the respect's there.
- Don't look at her. Just go.


Talk later, Mare.

- You okay?
- You shouldn't have done that.

I didn't ask for your help.

What part of "stay out of it"
did you not understand?

Was that too hard?

You really had to run up here
like some white knight

and get in the middle of my shit?

You're crazy!

Which is %
none of your g*dd*mn business, Joe!

- You sick f*ck!
- [Joe] I see it now.

This is why "you."

- You're a pattern.
- [Sandy] Thought he'd be better this time.

[Fiona] If you look up "klutz,"
there's a picture of me.

[Joe] You're a lost lamb
attracted to wolves.

- Ergo, what I feel...
- Just let me handle it.'s not because you're special, it's...
Wait for it. It's mother issues.

How's that for self-awareness?

Am I amusing you?

No, no, no. No.

I'm sorry. Also, I'm not sorry.

I'm not one to let bullies bully.
I would've done that for anybody.


[pop music playing faintly over speakers]

[Love] f*ck Dottie.

What's she know?
We were accessories to her.

A couple of purse dogs she'd overfeed,

then scream at
when we shit on her Gucci wallet.

f*ck Dottie.

I hate her.

I hate you too.

For leaving me with her.

You should've just eaten me
in the womb, Forty.

[cell phone chimes]

Did you just answer me?

What the f*ck?



[groaning] I am wasted.

[Forty laughing]

So wasted.

Oh, my God. Forty!


Are you really here?

Yeah, of course, Lovey.

I live inside you.

I'm always here.

♪ Just call my name and I'll be there ♪

[Love laughing]

All seriousness though,

how happy are we that I am
the only thing living inside you?

Dodged a b*llet.

- Good job, vag*na.
- Did I though?

Dodge a b*llet? I mean...

I am relieved,

but, I don't know, I can't help but wonder
if maybe another baby would calm me down.

- Focus me a little.
- First of all, no.

And, B,

do you really think
focusing is what you need?

I thought I needed to get married.

Then move and start over.

Then a bakery.

Then someone who wasn't my husband.

I get it though. That kid is pretty cool.

Kind of reminds me of me.

[voice breaking]
Forty, I don't know what happened.

I fell so in love with Joe.

But now I don't... I don't even...

like him...


I mean, he makes me feel bad for being me.

That's not how your soul mate's supposed
to make you feel, right?

I'm self-sabotaging, aren't I?


- Why can't I just be happy?
- Oh, Lovey.

You're not happy
because Joe isn't your soul mate.

I am.

There is one person

who understands
what you have been through.

I slept on those mattresses too.

I mean, that pea f*cking k*lled me.

I am so sorry.

Don't be sorry for surviving.

You were the strong one.

You always knew
it was gonna turn out this way.

It's why you held me so tight.

[Love sobbing]

♪ I'll be there ♪

♪ I'll be there ♪

♪ Just call my name and I'll be there ♪

[Joe] Mommy issues.

I can't believe it's taken me this long.
I'm growing.

"The absence of burden causes man
to be lighter than air,

to soar into heights,
take leave of the earth, free.

What then shall we choose?
Weight or lightness?"

[cell phone buzzing]

- Hey, what...?
- [Marienne] Hey. It's an emergency.

I'm sorry for calling so late.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- What happened?
- Sprinkler system malfunctioned.

I tried to get somebody to look at it,
now thousands of books are destroyed...

- and I'll lose my job.
- That won't happen.

Not your fault the county's too cheap
to invest in building upkeep.

You happen to have called
the best book doctor in the world,

so we'll figure out what's salvageable.

It'll be fine.

Okay. Well, I'm choosing to believe you.

[Joe] This is about books.

For the love of books.

I would've done the same thing
if Dante called.

I'm sorry.

About earlier.
I know you were just trying to help.

I know it's no excuse,

but my ex-husband brings out my worst.

It's okay.

We're all works in progress.

"When you've been worked on for so long,
you never know you're done."

Jericho Brown.

You know his work?

[Joe] What am I doing, using my old games
on you? I'm not this guy anymore.

I read his work in The New Yorker,
and that line... stayed with me.

But I don't know
his writing much, actually.

The way you've handled
those books. The care.

Only a mother... Oh, there. Yep.

Okay, stop.

But just to pass the time...

It's a personal question,
but we are technically off-hours.

Just ask it.

What's your daughter like?


Kind, funny,

likes to go out
and look for fairy rings at the park.

Excellent at finding them.

Loves to draw.

Like her mom.

Yeah, nothing in this world beats
the feeling of...

Of looking at your child

and knowing you're watching
someone grow up better than you.

[Joe] How could you do anything
to hurt your child?

All I see is love.

Your turn.

- What's Henry like?
- Oh, he's a t*rror1st.

No, he's... He's adorable, he's sweet.
A big fan of Hemingway and Fitzgerald.

No surprise,
you've seen him with the bottle.

I really hope he's better than me.

Why do you look like that?

I had this idea...

of happily ever after.

Perfect family, picket fence.
Now I have that.

I want what's best for my son.

I'm just worried that this suburban,
cookie-cutter existence isn't...

Isn't it. I know it's nothing compared
to your situation.

- I shouldn't be complaining.
- No, I get it.

Raising kids is a whole different game
once you've gone through the system.

Soon as you told me
you didn't come from money,

all of a sudden
I could just see it on you.

Yeah, I had been in a dozen foster homes
before I hit ,

and still, even though I knew
it made no sense, I...

I never stopped thinking
my mom would show up and save me.

She never did, of course,

but sure made me wanna be
a better mom though.

I held on to that same hope.

For years.

And got my ass kicked regularly for it.

I think it kept me going.

But she never came back either.

I never talk about this with anyone,
not even Love.

Despite her best intentions,
she could only understand to a point.

[Joe] But you understand completely.


We should get back to it.

What happened with Ryan?

I'm sorry.

I'm not okay with what I saw,

and I would like to know
how someone who treats you like that

could have custody of your child.

We were both addicts...

when Juliette was a baby.

One night, I...

I sailed through a red light.

And the other driver
was very seriously hurt,

and the way that we collided,
if Juliette had been on the other side...

[Joe] Reckless endangerment of a child.

That disaster, and the fact
that he got clean before I did,

is how Ryan got full custody.

The lies he's told ever since is
how he's kept it.

The lies?

Well, you know, he's got money.

Beloved local celeb, a white man.

And I think we can both agree,
white men get a million chances in life.

So when he accuses me of child neglect,
for not showing up for my visitation,

they believe him.

Even when I swear
he gave me the wrong address.

He can have me arrested
for destruction of property

for keying his car that I barely scratched
'cause I chickened out.

And my favorite,

verbal and emotional abuse
for calling him a dickhead.

Yeah, and he's had this case built
against me for years,

and everyone believes him,

everyone takes his word over mine
because... who am I?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for what you've been through.

Nobody forced me
to get behind the wheel that night.


That's a choice I live with.

Yeah, but everything else,
Ryan manipulating the justice system,

somebody should stop him.

- I volunteer, happily.
- Well, I am working on it.

I just met a new lawyer
for dinner last night.

[Joe] Lawyer. You weren't on a date.

He thinks joint custody is doable

if I can just show
how I'm really doing now

and the judge sees it.

If I was sure Ryan could never find us,
I would grab Juliette and run to Paris.

And spend our days
drawing outside Sacré-Cœur.

That sounds magical.

For you.

Tragic for me to lose you.

I shouldn't have reduced you to my issues.
You're nothing like my mother.

You adore your child
and she should be with you.

You're just who you are.

You don't hide or embellish,
you own your mistakes

and stand up to the strikes
against you. You're so...

Oh! No! Please, no!

It's okay, look.

I think, it's... It's just us.

[dramatic music playing]

Oh, shit.

Love is gonna k*ll you.

[pop music playing over speakers]

Haven't really been yourself this weekend.

- You really pregnant?
- This is a hangover.

I'm not pregnant.

I'm sorry to hear that.

It's fine.

Then what's going on?

I don't know.

I'm just not happy.

And it's not Joe's fault.

He's just not my soul mate.

No one who tries to love you really
measures up when you're a twin.

Well, I know from my own twins,
you are absolutely right.

But the whole soul-mate thing,

it's mostly bullshit.

You choose your soul mate.

Cary and I,

we had some fundamental problems.

I didn't even like him for a while.

But I decided he was my person,

and I made it work.

Love, it's mostly chemicals.

Dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin.

To activate all three,

exercise, eat some protein,
squeeze in eight hugs a day.

- Mm.
- When you're happy and healthy,

then you can make real choices.

And that includes choosing your life mate.

That easy, huh?

It is not easy.

But it is so worth it.

[Love] Dear Forty,

you've been my best friend
since before we were born.

My other half.

But I can't keep holding back
because I miss you.

I can't raise a family
with a broken heart.

I have to choose Joe now.

I'll always love you.

But I have to say goodbye.

For real this time.

As much as it hurts.

Goodbye, you.

[knocking on door]

The f*ck? What are you doing here?

You called me.

You drunk-dialed me at a.m.

I was worried, so I... So I Ubered.

I'm sorry.
I don't remember that happening.

Oh, wow.

It's proof
that I'm in your subconscious though.


I can drive you home,
but I need you to listen.

I care about you a lot.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Can I just say something really quickly?


My dad is a lot worse than I thought.

I went into his office,
and he hired a PI to stalk people.

And he has all this insane conspiracy shit

about Natalie's m*rder

with these names of people in Madre Linda,

including you and Joe.

[ominous music playing]


Nurse Fiona,
I think you'll like this. It's...

Wait for you outside, beautiful.

Hey, kid.

Love that book.

Sorry, today is not a good day.
I have to...

He gets mad at you and he hurts you.

He says he's sorry,
it'll never happen again,

and he gives you flowers, right?

There are a lot of bad men out there,

and sometimes you can't tell
until it's too late.

Go outside and eat with the other boys.

[Joe] I know now, Marienne.
I know why "you," and it's no pattern.

But today starts the next phase

of my growth to know you exist,
to see you, to love you even,

and to never have you.

Because as long as I love you,
you'll be in danger.

Hi. Hi, can we talk?

- We have a lot to do today.
- [Joe] You wanna forget what happened.

Go back to business as usual.
I can't go back.

It's only a matter of time before I'm
making treasure boxes for Love to find.

- Marienne...
- I have feelings for you.

I know nothing can happen.

You're married,
with the cutest baby on the planet,

and I'd never do anything
to split up a family,

and I need you to know that.

Not that you'd ever,

obviously, because...

you love your wife,

and we were just exhausted
and caught up in the moment.

So don't worry, I don't...
I don't want anything.

I just...

It can go away.
It can dissolve into nothing. Okay?



It's... It's not nothing.

I'd never break up your family.

- I'd never do anything to hurt Henry.
- I know.

I'd never get in the way
of you getting your family back.

- I would never hurt Juliette.
- I know.

[Joe] Oh, no.

We can't do this.

I know.


No, you...

- You have to go before this...
- I know. We can't.

I came here to quit.

I thought this would make it easier.

You don't have to do that.

But we should talk
when we're a bit more clear-headed.

[Joe] I have never felt more clear-headed.

But I do need time to figure out
what I'm gonna do about Love.

I won't let her hurt you, Marienne.
I'll never let anyone hurt you.

I will stay ahead of her this time.

- You're home early.
- Hey.

There you are. Did you not get my texts?

We need to talk.

[Joe] She knows.
How the hell could she already know?

- Is everything okay?
- No.

Theo told me that Matthew hired a PI
to look into people.

He doesn't think Natalie's case is closed.

Okay. So, what does he have?

I don't know,
but I may be able to find out.

- How?
- We know Theo has a crush on me...

- And you wanna use that?
- Sort of.

Like, okay, I'm just gonna say it.
You can sh**t it down.

But I could... pretend
like he had a chance.

Like, -year-olds will do anything
if they think sex is on the table.

[Joe] Well, this took a turn,

but if Love's focused on this,
she'll be too distracted to notice us.

I know, I was... It's crazy,
and I'm asking you for a lot of trust,

- but I really...
- It's a great idea.

I trust you.

We are a team.

The best team.

[Joe] We are the best team.

Even if we're not soul mates,
it's a kind of love.

And it keeps her eyes somewhere else,
so the rest I can give to you.

This is great for everyone.

[theme music playing]