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03x02 - So I Married an Axe m*rder*r

Posted: 03/19/22 09:55
by bunniefuu
[Joe] Previously on You:

Henry Forty Quinn-Goldberg.

[Love] We're a family.

[Joe] Now that the baby's here,

at least our white picket purgatory
feels logical.

Hey, Natalie. Hi.

[Joe] My heart's not really in it.

How could it be when you stole it?

No. Husband, father. I can't.

Sorry. I'm just looking for a friend.

Everyone has to find their way
in Madre Linda.

Even around Sherry and her mafia?

[Natalie] It'll be easier
if you can get them to accept you.

- I have this fantasy of opening a bakery.
- There's a space available.

Call me if you wanna see it.

Natalie. I wanted to see
the place you were talking about.

You can have this place up crazy fast.

This place could be a raging success.
So, what do you think? [gasps]

Hey, Love. Hey, you okay?

Joe, I think we need to go
to couples therapy.

So, what brings you in?

[door closes]

- What?!
- Shh. Don't wake him up.

Love, what did you do?

What did you do?

We had a fight.

You wouldn't be here if you hadn't.

Yeah. I caught him cheating.

[Joe] Good, we're diving right in.

[whispering] It's okay, Henry. I won't let
anything happen to you, I promise.

[in normal voice]
Love, I told you, nothing happened.

If anything, she came on to me.

You kept a box.

I know what that means.

I know you.

So you k*ll her?

Technically, I didn't cheat.


I caught him about to cheat.
It's the same thing.

[Joe] The difference is
that I almost did a bad thing

and she did a terrible thing.

I can't say what she did,
so I'm the villain.

I'm not saying I'm blameless.

But she went crazy.

What does that mean, "crazy"?

[Joe] You're the shrink, that's your job.

She flew off the handle...

and broke a vase.

A vase.

- It was priceless.
- Cheap and tacky.

Impossible to undo.

Don't fight, don't make it worse.
There's no telling how she'll react.


I broke a vase.

It's just, sometimes, I get passionate.

What are you doing?

Her phone, Love.
Her trackable, traceable phone.

Did you even think about that
before you buried an ax in our neighbor?

No. No, I didn't plan it
like some psychopath.

I... f*ck.

There's this too.

I, um...

- I signed the lease for the bakery.
- You signed a lease for our crime scene?

Give me this.

I thought it would be good,
a reason I was here with her.

I know there's a mess to clean up,
but I couldn't leave

and let somebody come in here.
And now we have...

- You know, time to cover it up.
- We have no time. There's no time.

I'm not good at this.
You backed me into a corner,

- and I was trying to protect our family...
- [yelling] Let me focus!

- [Henry crying]
- I got it!

So you have a new baby?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, Henry.

- Sometimes we call him Forty.
- His name's Henry.

A good therapist would dig
into why our child is named

after her dead addict brother.

So, Joe, how have you found
the transition to fatherhood?

[Joe] A tangle of dread and failure.
Oh, and, also, m*rder.

It's great.

A little challenging.

- For both of us.
- For me more than him.

He's been... and he'd admit...

checked out, going through the motions.

And it's like, "Why...?
Why isn't his heart in it?

And why won't he try?"

- I have been trying.
- You're saying you've been all in?

When you're only truly present
maybe % of the time?

[Joe] Textbook. She'd rather make it
about me and Henry

than look at her part in this.

Okay. Love, we need a story.

A reason she died.

She was unstable and unhappy,

- and she k*lled herself.
- With an ax?

She fell off a cliff
and hit her head. I don't know!

She needs to disappear.


Never to be found, never to be autopsied.

Her phone, her iPad,
her car are impossible to hide.

So we need to move her...

things somewhere
and her body somewhere else.

Okay. Uh...


There's a state forest

minutes from here.

We bury her in the woods.

That worked so well with Candace.

I think, she's been holding
my past relationships against me.

Well, you do have a pattern.

[Joe] Don't bite, don't bite.

And you don't?

You wanna throw Candace
in my face right now?

Okay. Okay. All right.
Let's talk about how we handled that.

What did you do with her body?
Or Delilah's, for that matter.

- Because you have never shared.
- I told you, I took care of it.

And I am asking you
how you took care of it.

It's safer if you don't know, okay?

Shit! Okay.

You know, in L.A.,
there was this man named Jasper...

who came after me
because of Will Bettelheim's debts.

And he needed to disappear.

- What did you do?
- I broke him down into smaller parts.

- How? With, like, a saw?
- Yes.

Also, it was...
You know, eventually, it had to be...

In the end, a meat grinder was the way
to get him in a bag.

At Anavrin?

- Yeah.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

- I used that thing all the time!
- What is your idea?

Do you have a better one?
Of course you don't

because you m*rder*d our neighbor
in a fit of rage.

No regard for the consequences.
This, today, Love, look.

This? You did this.

- You put our family in danger, Love.
- [Henry crying]

- Where are you going?
- To take care of the baby.

You can deal with Natalie. You cared more
about her than your own son anyway.

- Shh! It's okay. It's okay.
- [Joe] I was wrong, Natalie.

I thought you were a threat
to my marriage.

But the real problem
with my marriage is my f*cking wife.

- So we don't know where to go from here.
- "You" don't know where to go from here.

He may not know either,
but when you speak in "we,"

you leave no room
for his individual experience or yours.

The "we" is codependence
masquerading as love.


- Sorry.
- [Chandra] Don't be.

If you don't know
how to communicate healthily,

it's because it was never modeled for you.

[Joe] Oh, funny,
it's already "blame-the-parents o'clock."

I'll be honest with you.

I don't think this fight has anything
to do with Joe's so-called cheating.

[Joe] She doesn't?

- You don't?
- Mm-mm. Not really.

Do you know what it is about?

Not yet. But keep talking.

So why don't you tell me
what you went through, alone,

in the aftermath of the argument.

- Well, I...
- Actually...

I'd like to hear from Joe first.

[Joe] She would?

Maybe she can sense the inequity here.

Yeah, well, like I said, nothing was ever
going to happen with this woman.

But, after the fight,

I felt obligated...

to get rid of her for good.



By your wife?


How did that make you feel?

[Joe] f*ck Love. f*ck her. f*ck this.

f*ck whoever made these bags.

Where is that little perforated line?
Which end is it?

I should let Love take the fall for this.
But, no, she knows what I've done.

She knows me. f*ck marriage!

All right, Natalie.

This is the story of your disappearance.

You show my wife the bakery.

She signs a lease.

An hour later, you text your husband.

No emoji, no emotion,
like the rest of your texts with Matthew.

It's terse, all business.

The rental in question is
a cute cabin you manage,

minutes out on the border
of the state forest.

Your car, phone, iPad,

and all their invasive
location-tracking technologies will take

a scenic drive to the property.

Your body is headed somewhere else
but more on that in a moment.

f*ck this. f*ck this. f*ck my life.

No, no, stop. Reel it in. Think of Henry.

I cannot get this wrong.

The point is, Natalie,

although your stuff will make it
to the cabin, you simply disappear.

Your last text will be to your sister,
suggesting you are deeply unhappy,

leaving plenty of room for interpretation.

Rumor: Did you leave
your cold and distant husband?

Were you abducted? Assume a new identity?
Who can ever say for sure?

And in the event
there are traffic cameras in town...

So you put an end to the other woman
and you feel...


[Joe] Here's the problem
my wife left us to clean up.

Natalie, your trackables
and your body need to part ways

somewhere a person would
reasonably pull over if they were alive.

And then, well... Then I need to find
some magically perfect place

to leave you forever.

Burying you in the woods is
the best I've got.

If she wanted it her way,
she should have done the hard part.

This isn't me though.

I put this behind me.

I changed... You know what's funny?

For Love. For her.

Because I wanted to be good enough
for her. And look at me now.

I'm worried about Henry.

I don't recognize Love anymore.

I don't even recognize myself.

Maybe you were on to something, Natalie.

Kids aren't handcuffs.

When I'm done cleaning up Love's mess,
I am packing my bags,

taking Henry and getting the f*ck out.

You were going to leave me?

- Are you insane?
- Uh-uh.


You must listen.

I am listening, every word. How...?

There's a difference
between a reaction and a response.

The latter is thoughtful,
the former, impulsive.

Why does everybody think I'm impulsive?

Who is "everybody"?

[Joe] You know, she's good.


Does someone else make you feel like this?

[Dottie] Good morning. Hello?

Hey, Mom.


Sleepy Forty.

Aren't you a little gift?

Why didn't you answer my calls?

Oh, I've been busy.

I signed a new lease
on a cute little bakery in town.

- A bakery?
- Yeah.

I need to head to the market.
Can you watch him?

He should be down for a nap.
I need to start stocking the shop.

Hold on. A bakery?

- In a town that's peak keto?
- Yeah, yeah. I will convert them.

I told you
that Quinn family finances were in flux.

We'll figure it out.

As in,

I can't guarantee
I can help you with a lease, financially.

Mom, that is very different
than vaguely mentioning "flux."

It's a three-year lease
with a huge deposit.

I would have told you
if you'd taken the time to ask.

Is this another one of your episodes?


You know, it all feels a tad impulsive.

So, what is it about these...

labels that are so hurtful?

Well, it's like...

nobody gets me.

Why I do things, how I do them.

It's like, I just wanna be
a good role model for my child.

And that means doing more.

Stay with the feeling. "Nobody gets you."

[Joe] Shit. It's hard to stay angry
when she's so... But what's not to get?

She's relatable except for the part
where she's an ax m*rder*r.

Is that gettable? Is it my fault
if I don't want to get that?



I just remembered this moment at the...

at the store.

- f*ck.
- I got you.

- There you go. You need a...?
- Thank you.

- Need a hand with any of this?
- No, I'm good.

All right.



I'm a fem-gen major
if that's any comfort at all.

It's Feminist Gender
and Sexuality Studies.

So I aim to be fluent.

- Nice.
- Yeah.

I'm Theo, by the way. What's your name?

I'm married.
And half these groceries are for my baby.

Yeah, yeah, if there's one thing
I know about babies,

they really love yeast.

They just guzzle the stuff.

- That's for the bakery I'm opening.
- Oh, shit. Where is it?

- Um, off Main Street, near Town Square.
- Okay.

- Oh, where Sweet Dreams used to be.
- Yeah.

Before that, it was Curry Home for Dinner.

So the pun name is a requisite.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- You're from here?
- I am, I am.

And you are new in town.

They haven't converted you
to full-time athleisure yet.


- Oh.
- [chuckles]

Yeah, L.A. runs strong in these veins.

Damn, girl.

So you got a new town, new baby,

new bakery, banging body.


You're just doing it all.

It's a tax.

[Chandra] What were you feeling when
this stranger paid you so much attention?


'Cause it felt so good.

And then really sad

'cause I didn't want that from a stranger.

I wanted that from my husband.

[Joe] And just like that,
she's the victim again. Masterful.

How does that sit with you?

I'm flattered.

[Chandra] Mm.

Your face tells a different story.

If anything, you seem repulsed.

[Joe] Dumb, back-stabbing face.

No. What...? No.

No, no, no. Look, I haven't been
as present as I would like...


Parenthood is an adjustment.

But I'm...

- I'm here, right?
- [Chandra] True.

Maybe being here is already
a radical concession,

given you were on the verge
of leaving for good.

So why didn't you?

Leave her?

[ominous music playing]

[Joe] Maybe I'll take Henry some place
like this lovely rental cabin of yours.

Pretty, quiet.

You could have helped me vanish, Natalie.
But now... it's time to vanish you.

Your husband won't suspect
you're missing for a day.

All that remains is
a cryptic text to your sister,

then I gotta hike ten miserable miles,
catch a ride home and start packing.

Oh, what's this?

"Tell me I shouldn't f*ck
the boring neighbor"?

"Boring neighbor"?

Is that all I was to you?

Is that all you were?

A restless housewife? A stereotype?
Maybe Love was right about you.

No, no, no. She had no right to k*ll you.
Still, things could've gotten messy fast.

Maybe I would've made a mess.
Maybe Love was right. No, she wasn't.

- Shit.
- [Chandra] It's not a trick question.

Why didn't you run?

Well, because...

I couldn't convince myself
that Henry would be better off.

He needs both of us.

So you stayed for the child,
not for your wife.

[alarm beeps]

Unfortunately, that's our time for today.

I'm giving you homework.

"How to talk."

The reflective listening exercise will
help structure difficult conversations.

Slow down, respond...

- instead of react.
- [Joe] That's Love's homework.

Mine is to prevent her
from murdering this therapist.

[Chandra] And I'd like to see you
as soon as possible,

given we are in a bit
of a triage situation.

Is it that bad?

You want me to tell you
whether or not you should be together.

The truth is, the easiest thing is
to end this marriage.

Either one of you have
the power to do it tonight.

You must choose to stay together
every minute from now until death,

and that takes a lot of will

and something both of you are willing
to fight for.

So far, I've only heard you fight
to be right.

You need a deeper purpose.

[Joe] Henry. If nothing else, Love and I...

And don't say "Henry."

If children were enough reason
to stay married,

we'd have no divorced parents.

[Joe] Shit.

What's the only thing worse
than couples therapy?

Coming home afterward.

Dr. Chandra's "How to talk" worksheet is
mostly about how to listen,

which may be useful if we ever talk again.

Okay, so Sherry's wedding cake
was lemon-raspberry.

So I think that gluten-free, sugar-free,

f*cking happiness-free cupcakes,
that should be a safe bet.

Andrew and Jackson's kid's party.

We're still going to that?
Don't you think that...?

Wait. Do you have some packing
and running to do?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Let me try it again. I'm sorry.

[Love clearing throat]

What I'm hearing is that you think

that Natalie and us should be
the only people

who mysteriously
don't attend today's party.

[Joe] Not better.

- That's not what I'm saying.
- No?

What I'm hearing is that you would
really like some alone time.

So I'm gonna go take Henry
and let you work in peace.

Not what I said.

[upbeat electronic music playing]

You two again.

[Joe] Yes, us again.

There you go.

That was a quick read.

Need me to find another beautiful woman
to recommend the next one?

I already found one.

I was hoping you could show me
the rare books section.

What makes you think we have one?

[Joe] A dumbwaiter indicates a basement

where a mole-rat person looks after
the valuable books.

But I'm guessing...

We don't have anyone down there right now.

Okay, yeah.

Well, maybe you could escort us.

We'll be very quick.

I promise.

And here we are.

[Joe] Yikes. These poor books.

You looking for anything specific?

You know what,
I think I'll know it when I see it.

Mind if I take a look?

- Please.
- Okay.

I thought you said
no one worked down here.

Oh, I do, sometimes.

When it's slow upstairs.

[Joe] Interesting. Keep her talking.

So... you're an artist.

I'm a librarian who draws.

[Joe] Looks like more than that to me.

Anything other
than Victorian science books down here?

Okay, nosy.

I illustrate books sometimes.

- It's just a side hustle though.
- Bingo.

So is there anywhere that I can see
your work, like online maybe or...?

- Why?
- [Henry crying]

- You write a kids' book?
- No, I'm just a connoisseur.

Here we go.

Wildflowers of New York.

Do you need a -year-old gardening book
instead of a new one upstairs?

Nothing beats the classics.
I can have this back in a few days.

No. You're not supposed
to take these ones home.

Okay. I can read it upstairs.

I think he should calm down
in just a bit. Right, Henry?

That's okay. Just take it.

- Thank you, thank you.
- Yeah, sure.

[Joe] Glad someone's got my back.

Less than ideal to steal, of course.

But Ellie needs cash,
and I can't touch Quinn funds

for fear of them finding out where she is.

[pop music playing]

And let's be honest,
it feels good to fix something.

Especially when everything else feels
so unfixable.

Oh, shit. I knew it, we're late.

[Joe] What am I fighting for?
What am I fighting for?

- Is this really the life I want?
- Hi.

- Welcome.
- The only thing worse than a kid's party

is a rich kid's party.

[woman] A little bit to the right.

One more.

Oh, you're early.

Hi. Yeah, I...

- We thought that...
- Oh, it's fine. Fine.

Most of the g*ng's here to help set up.


Yeah, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna put these somewhere.

Hey, boys! Look who's here.

- Hey!
- Yo, Joe! Let's get you drunk!

Stop. But seriously...

- how drunk do you wanna be for this?
- Love!

- We didn't think we'd see you today.
- Oh.

- You left in such a hurry the other night.
- Oh, yeah, I'm sorry for ghosting.

My mom was watching the baby,
and Dottie has an expiration time.

Alcohol? Pills?

It's no judgment. I could only imagine
what she's been through. Oh!

I could cry right now.
Being a mom of twins...

Losing one would be like... losing both.

I made cupcakes.

- You made those?
- Gorgeous.

Yes. I am also opening a bakery.
A cute little spot on Main Street.

I love that.

So brave.

You've heard
that spot hasn't had much success,

- but it's never had you, mama.
- Yeah.

I was hoping you lovelies would be
my guinea pigs.

Don't worry, they're organic
and, like, everything-free.

They're lemon-raspberry.

You know, I'm not really a fan
of lemon or raspberry.

- Already hit my macro.
- I'm fasting.


We should get our kids in their costumes.

[Cary] Screw your liver.

Seventy percent of G-clearance happens
in the peripheral tissue.

[Joe] This is what fun looks like
in Madre Linda: glorified productivity.

I want the best for my son.
No denying, this beats a group home,

but there's gotta be
a third bowl of porridge.

Bottom line, -minute orgasm.

- No way.
- Sick. I'll invest.

[Joe] Things I've learned
in the past ten minutes:

ejaculating too much can deplete focus,
so Cary patented "injaculating."

Sherry started nicknaming me
"The Stallion."

[Joe] And Gil is only
a hair less outsider than me.

Judging by the gasps he gives
every time Cary says the word "ej*cul*te,"

I'd guess that Gil waited till marriage.

- Daddy! Daddy!
- [Joe] Thank you, tiny intruder.

Hey. Having fun?
I want you to meet someone.

This is Joe. Joe, this is Zoe. Zoe, Joe.

I've seen you at the library.
I read to the kids there.

You and Henry should join. It's fun.

- We can carpool.
- Maybe.

Rather lose another finger than carpool
with Mormon Neville Longbottom.

So far, nothing about this place
worth fighting for.

- [Sherry] Oh, my God!
- Uh-oh. Sherry's siren song.

Duty calls, men.

[Sherry] Don't eat sugar! Honey, no!

Go ahead. I can watch the little guy.

Yeah? Okay. Thank you.

- Sure, no problem.
- [Joe] Nice guy.

Maybe I'm still looking
for reasons to run.

Get that... No, baby. Oh, baby girl, no!

You have completely spiked
their blood sugar, Love.

- No, they're sugar-free.
- There's sugar in raspberries.

- We don't let them eat fruit. Come on.
- Oh.

Let's go, babies. This way.

Cary, I am so sorry.

That's fine. They're kids.

Hey, I'll give the wife
a little you-know-what later,

and she'll just lose all memory of this.

Don't worry. I got the twins wearing
those Vital Rings of Matthew's.

[Joe] Matthew...


Heart rates and blood sugar,
totally normal.

Does this have GPS?

Oh, yeah. Leave it to Matthew.

He could give a shit about your health,
he's just horny for the data.

It's pretty spotty,
but it gives you the general idea.

- We all wear them.
- [Joe] No.

No, no.

If Matthew has access to Natalie's ring,
he'll be able to see exactly where she is.

Do you think they could see
that her heart stopped?

- I didn't invent the f*cking ring.
- [Matthew] Stop!

Hey. Hey, man.

No, listen to me.
We need to stop production, then.

[Joe] He hasn't put it together yet,
but it's only a matter of time.

Natalie's been gone over hours.
Our window is rapidly closing.

[dramatic music playing]

- What? Are you bringing him?
- Wanna leave him in the car?

That's Bad Parenting .

Witnessing us dig up a body isn't?

He has barely any depth perception,
which you should know.

What I'm hearing is, even as I am doing
everything in my power to save my child,

my parenting skills aren't up
to your standards.

Is this important right now?

Oh, f*ck!

Why does she look like that?

I had to remove her teeth.

Right. Dental records. Yeah.

Where did you put them?

The teeth? Don't wanna find them
in a hidey-hole in my house.

You won't. It's safer if you don't know.


- What?
- Might want to wait in the car with Henry.

I can handle it. Just f*cking do it.

[Joe] We'll see.

[bones cracking]

It's cracked. Maybe that's good.

Could've just broken when...
In the bakery when she fell.

But what if it didn't?

Still have to move it.
The body can't be where the ring died.

- So just...
- Yeah.

[thunder crashing]

[breathing heavily]

[Henry coos]

I put the ring on the sink
so it looked like she washed her hands.

What now?

I know where to go.

You said we needed a permanent solution.
We're on the edge of town.

They're pouring a foundation tomorrow.

Under a slab of cement is permanent.

- How did you know we'd rebury her?
- I didn't.

I drove past it yesterday,
so I looked into it. A backup plan.

How many of those do you have?

Do you just drive around
making mental notes

of good places to disappear people?

Considering who I'm married to, yeah.

I kind of have to.

Oh, I'm the psycho.

How did you get rid of her so fast?
How did you know where to go?

- What were you planning for?
- What are you insinuating?

Why is she doing this now?
We have a body to take care of.

If this is a partnership,
I'm better off alone.

- Love?
- [yelling] Why don't you love me anymore?!

- You know why, you just won't say it.
- I don't know what you're talking about.

You had a hook to my throat.
And then I said I was pregnant.

And then we just went on
and pretended like it didn't happen.

No, no, no, we didn't!
It was a bad moment. For both of us.

- It was a bad moment a lifetime ago.
- f*ck you. f*ck you.

You act all pure and noble,

like you have reasons
for what you do when you do it.

But when I do it, I'm crazy, right?

I'm some manic nutjob.

"But, oh, wait! Oh, wait!

She's a mom now,
I guess I can't slit her throat."

He... is the only reason I'm alive.

How do you think that makes me feel?
I can't trust you.

I can't trust you either!

I was trying to...

Yes, yes. Yes, I did things.

But I've worked hard to be better
and I am not that person anymore.

But now,

I will be burying bodies
until I'm years old!

Because if I'm not % into you
all of the time,

you will keep k*lling people!

If I'm not enough for you, you'll k*ll me.

You said that out loud?

I want you to listen closely.

Fifty percent of my married clients want
to k*ll each other.

It's normal.

And here's the better news,

neither one of you is gonna k*ll
your spouse.

You're many things,
but you are not murderers.

The intensity here is a very good sign.

You're not fighting to be right,
you're fighting for your lives.

Deeper. Right?

- [Joe] Scarier.
- Joe.

Can you think of any times
when you felt as violent as you did

toward Love in your fight?

A few.

No, I'm pregnant!

I'm not a violent person.

What if sometimes you are?
What if that's normal?

Stop. Stop!

I don't wanna hurt anyone.

[Chandra] I believe you.

So, what's the feeling under the rage?


Fear that...?

Joe, stay with the violent thoughts.

You're broken. I could never love you.

You're crazy!

What did you do? What did you do?

If someone...

sees me...

- Why does she look like that?
- I had to remove her teeth.

If someone sees the real me...

they'll go away.

For good.

What about you, Love?

When else have you felt the way
that Joe makes you feel?

When I feel...

- protective.
- What are you fighting to protect?

- My family.
- Why specifically family?

That's what you do.

What do you get from your family?

I don't know.

A family is supposed to...

love you unconditionally.

Why is that so important?

Why does love have to be unconditional?

Because if anyone...


how ugly I can be...

They'll go away for good.

[pensive music playing]

Fair to say one of the things
you have in common

is fear of abandonment so deep,
it feels downright k*ll-or-be-k*lled.

Metaphorically speaking.

When our patterns line up like this,

it's very, very hard
to see the other person

because it's dangerously close
to looking in a mirror.

[Joe] We're talking about
the worst things, so why do I feel relief?

So how are we, um...

I'm sorry. Joe and I.

...supposed to make this work?

That's the perfect word.

"Work." Because that's what it takes.

Let go of unconditional.
There's no such thing.

There's agreeing
to show up the best we can.

In the best marriages,

each partner challenges the other
every day

to be a better version of themselves.

- Sounds like a lot of fighting.
- Sure.

But is all fighting bad?

Maybe this isn't two opponents in a ring.

Maybe this is two on the same team

fighting for the same thing.

That sounds good.

Having someone on my... team.


Yeah, that sounds nice.

[Chandra] There you go.

You know what else
they don't tell you about teammates?

The sex is better.

Like, "Don't bother to describe it
to your unmarried friends" better.

The passion fueled by the deepest trust.

And it's f*cking primal.

[Joe] A team.

Is that what this could be?
It does sound really nice.

[Love humming]

Love knows me better than anyone ever has.

I'm starting to understand
why that's so terrifying.

Joe. Joe!

- Hey.
- What, what, what?



Oh. Wow.

I think they're the Shermans'.

They put up "lost bunny" signs
the other day.

Look, the mom is protecting her babies.

Look at the bunnies, Henry.
Henry, look at the bunnies.

Must've gone through there.
I had no idea there was a hole.


Do you like that?

- [blowing raspberries]
- [giggles]

[Joe] And just like that, there you are.

The girl... The woman I fell in love with.

Warm, playful, honest,
and beautifully, radiantly maternal.

I'm such a fool. I've been distant, cruel.

How can you ever forgive me?

I'm so sorry about what I said. Um...

Of course you love our son.

Of course that you are all in with him.

It's not just him.

It's not just our son.

[upbeat music playing]

[Joe] This is new.


The joy of being a team.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't admit,

we have an excellent therapist.

[both moaning]

I have to tell you something.

I would absolutely k*ll for you.

Love, I would k*ll for you too.

And Henry.

Okay, so...

I promise to do everything I can...

to make sure you never have to do that.

I promise too.

Never again.

Thank you.


There are going to be things
out of our control, so...

I'm thinking about a way we can...

help each other
to make sure we never go there.

We can make a safe space.

A safe space?

It's very therapized.


What'd you have in mind?

["My Heart Belongs to Only You" playing]

[Joe] Even with therapy,
our wounds may take a long time to heal.

We can't just erase our worst impulses.

But maybe we can control them.

♪ My heart belongs to only you ♪

♪ I've never loved as I love you ♪

♪ You've set a flame
Within me burning... ♪

[Joe] We can't be sure
what or who might come at us,

but I know from experience,
this gives us options.

This offers us time to slow down,
reflect and respond.

It feels nice trusting you
with this part of me.

♪ I'll always be your sl*ve, my darling ♪

♪ Through the coming years... ♪

[Joe] For the most part.

♪ There were some times
When I was doubtful ♪

♪ Of this new love affair ♪

♪ But now my mind is no more doubtful ♪

♪ I've found my heaven ♪

♪ With the help of a prayer... ♪

[Joe] We're putting down roots,
building a future for our son.

♪ A melody... ♪

[Joe] You'll dominate
your little corner of this town.

And I...

I'm gonna find mine.

It's time.

- This gonna become an everyday thing?
- I hope so.

What did you do?

I couldn't help but notice
your rare books need some attention, so...

I have expertise in that area.

Oh, so you want a job.

Well, you know you need a Master's
to work in a library, but...

[Joe] Do you though?

I will think about it.


[upbeat music playing]

[ominous music playing]

[door opens]

Cement is set.

We're in the clear.

- Anything from next door?
- Not that I can see.

She's been gone for days.

He's gotta know by now.

I wish I knew what he was thinking.

[doorbell rings]

Hmm. You.

What are you doing here?

I own the place.

[Matthew] Hang on a second.
Theo, who's there?

- Oh, hi, Love.
- Hi, Matthew.

Uh, Natalie's not here right now.

Oh, no, I came here to see you.
I came here to see both of you.

- I did. I brought you some cupcakes.
- Thank you.

Love, this is my son, Theo.

- I didn't know you had a son.
- Stepson from my first marriage.

Thank you, but we're dealing
with something right now.

Let's go.

- Enjoy.
- Yeah.

Have a good night.

[ominous music playing]

[door opens]


[siren wails]

So... they know.

Shit's about to hit the fan.

[Joe] We've got this. Together.

[theme music playing]