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02x10 - No Mercy

Posted: 03/19/22 07:39
by bunniefuu
Last night was fun.

We've gotta do that
more often.


You don't think
the kids heard us,
do you?

Well, they didn't
hear me.

Oh, stop it.

Hey, Sam, good...

Where is she?

Hey, Anthony.

Have you seen
your sister?

Not since yesterday,
when I got home from camp.

Can you make me waffles?

Not the frozen kind,
the ones you make
from scratch.

Hey, it's Sam, leave a message.

It still keeps
going to her voicemail.

Robby's not picking
up either.

You think
they're together?

Well, they are teenagers

who have been
living together
all summer.

No way, I'm not ready
to go there. You know, I...

Trusted Robby.
Sam better be okay.


You need a password.

What? Don't look at me
like that. Now is not the time.

Why would she ask
if she's okay?

She was drinking?

"The cops"?

What are you doing?

I should have thought
of this sooner.

Find my iPhone.

Here it is.

She's somewhere between
Sherman Way and Saticoy?

Well, what is she doing
in Reseda?

Another new update?
I just got this.


Thanks for letting us
crash here last night.

It's no problem.

But, look, I'm gonna have
to tell LaRusso about this.

It's his kid.

Look, please don't.

If he sees her like this,
it'll crush him.

Let me take the blame.

I'll say I got drunk and
told Sam to bring me here.

Should be right here.

What the hell?


Oh, no.

Johnny, come on,
I saw your car outside.

I know you're
in there, open up.

All right, go in
the other room,
I got your back.


Hey, man.

Is my daughter here?

Yeah, just calm down.

Don't tell me
to calm down, all right?
Where is she?

Look, they had
a crazy night.
Kids do these things.

Just don't overreact.

Okay. Who the hell are you
to tell me about parenting?

You need to open
this door right now.


I don't need
to do anything

until you cool off.


What the hell
is wrong with you?


What is going on out there?

You wanna finish this?

Bring it on.

Dad, stop!


Sam. What happened?
Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Why didn't you
call or text us?

Mr. LaRusso,
it was my fault.

I brought her here.

Wait, now, don't even start.

I gave you
a second chance.

This whole thing
was a mistake.

You know, you wanna end up
like him, that's up to you.

All right,
come on, Sam.

Please, Dad.

Sam, I don't wanna
hear it. Let's go.

♪ Hot summer streets
and the pavements are burning
I sit around

♪ Trying to smile
but the air is so heavy and dry

♪ Strange voices are saying
what did they say?

Still nothing
from Tory?

No, what about you?

She won't text me back.

I'm getting
kind of worried.

I couldn't even
find her after
the party.

You think she got
in trouble with the cops?

I don't know.

But missing the
first day of school
is not a good sign.


♪ Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, cruel summer ♪

You had to pull up
right in front?

If you wanted to drive
your own car today,

you wouldn't have
done what you did.

Dad. How many times
do I have to
tell you I'm sorry?

I made a mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes.

But when you get
in trouble,
you come to me or your mom.

Not that guy.

I'm sorry I didn't
come to you and Mom.

That was my fault,
not Robby's.

I thought I could help him.

But he's got
his own family.
I need to focus on mine.

Just do me a favor, okay?
This year, just concentrate
on precalculus, okay?

Got you some pencils
and some paper.

I wasn't sure
what you needed.


Couldn't find
a Trapper Keeper,
are those still cool?

I don't know
what that is.

Ah, I had one with
a fighter jet,
it was awesome.

You okay? You nervous
about your first day?

No, but...

Just feel bad about Sam
and the LaRussos.

I know you don't wanna hear it,
but Mr. LaRusso was good to me.

Miyagi-Do Karate
helped me out a lot.


All I'm saying is, maybe you
guys can learn a thing or two
from each other.

All right, you better go.

Thanks for driving me, Dad.

You've reached the smartphone
of Johnny Lawrence,

sensei of Cobra Kai Karate.

Please leave a message,

and I'll get back to you
when I get a chance.

Excuse me?

I'm new to this school,
can you help me find
Ms. Santino's class?



It's that bad, huh?

I feel like an idiot.

We should've just
gone to my house

and been honest
with my parents.

I'm sorry.

No, it's my fault, too.

From now on, no more lying.

I have to tell you something.

Miguel gave me
the Medal of Honor.

And I put it in the backyard
so someone would find it.

Why would you do that?

I didn't want him
to earn any points
with you.

And we'd just kissed and...

I guess I felt insecure.

Thank you.
For telling me
the truth.

Well, it feels better
to get that off my chest.


Well, I can't be
late on my first day.

See you later.

Good morning, students
and faculty,

welcome to a brand-new year
at West Valley High.

I hope you all had a
wonderful summer

and are ready to dive
back into the school year.

Dude, you kissed Sam?



No, not nice.

I shouldn't have
done that to Tory.

Why limit yourself
to one chick?

I'm planning on
having a full rotation

by the time
we get to midterms.


Hey, man.

Just wanted to say,
I wet the bed
till I was 13...

There's nothing
to be ashamed of.

Get the hell out
of my face!

What's that guy's problem?

I don't know.

You can also purchase tickets
for the fall musical,

which will be a production
of the global hit Grease.

I do appreciate
your passion taking
initiative and all,

but this is highly
unusual timing.

And your resume's
a little spotty.

I mean, do you have
any actual security guard
experience? Mr...

Oh, Stingray.
Just one word, Stingray.


I don't have any actual
experience, per se.

But I just recently won

the Black versus Red Challenge
at Coyote Creek.

No big deal.


Except for
the karate community,
it's a very big deal.

My sensei's been very
pleased with my progress.

And I think, in time,
you will see a yellow belt

strapped around
my midsection.

I see.

This is a very nice setup
you have here, by the way.

It's, uh... It's terrific.

My question for you is...

What is the teachers' lounge
situation looking like?

And finally as we embark upon
another academic year,

it's important to remember
to be tolerant and accepting

of all of our peers,
regardless of...

Hey, you're not supposed
to be in here.

I don't care, move!

Give that back! Ow!

You're not allowed to...

Samantha LaRusso.

I know
what you did and now
you're gonna pay for it.

I'm coming for you, bitch!

I saw what you did
at the party.

You kissed Miguel.



Get back in there!

Yeah, get her!

You okay?


Let her go!


Settle down! I'm sure
we can figure this out...

Hey, man, we gotta
do something.

Good idea.

I'm gonna get a teacher.

Oh, it is on!


I'm not gonna
throw the first punch.

Too bad.

You're going down, nerd.

Come and get it, dickhead.

Stop fighting! Stop!

Oh, you want
some of this?

Come on, guys,
can't we all just
get along?

This is out of control!

Get me security in the
main corridor, right away!

It's okay, sir, I got this.


Can't you just
stop it already?

What's the matter?
You can't keep up?

You have to
do something,
Mr. Palmer.

Hey! Break it up!

Screw this, they don't
pay me enough.

Not again.

You can't cheat
your way
out of this one.

Like that move?
I learned it
from your dad.

Should've stayed
in Cobra Kai.

You could have been a badass.

Who's badass now?

Demetri, I know you're in here.

Figured you'd hide in the
computer lab. You damn nerd.

I'm coming for you.


sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!

Come here, Demetri!

Tory, enough!



Oh, now you're in trouble.

Get off me...

Hey, hey! Come on! Come on.

No, come on.
You guys are done.

Let me at him. Come on.

Is that the only way
you know
how to fight?


This isn't a tournament.

There are no rules.

No hard feelings.

Sorry, Eli.

That's for taking
advantage of Sam.

I would never.

Then why did it happen?

No mercy.

She doesn't love you.
She loves me!

I wasn't taught
the difference between
mercy and honor,

and I payed
the price for it.

If I'm extra hard on you,

it's only because
you have the potential
to be better than I ever was.

You want that, don't you?

I'm sorry.


Clear the way,
clear the way.

We need an ambulance
at West Valley High.

Robby, what did you do?


I just got a call
from the high school.

What's wrong?

Ah, how do I change that?

Stupid smart phone.


You've seen your
fair share of these.

So you know
the next 24 hours
are critical.

But he's gonna
pull through, right?

We're doing
everything we can.

Excuse me.

I'm so sorry.



Before Miguel met you,
he was a sweet boy.

He avoided fights.

Now look what you did.

I never want to
see you again.

It's all right now,

Everything's gonna
be all right.

I'm gonna make sure
this girl gets expelled.

I don't
care about Tory.

I just want Miguel to be okay.

I can't believe
Robby would do that.

It's all my fault.

No, no.

No, don't say that, Sam.

Hey, Sensei, it's Miguel,

I knocked on
your door this morning,

but I guess you already left.

I'm having some
girl trouble and, well,

you're better at this
sort of thing than me.

I'll come by the dojo
after school.

My mom is working tonight,

so maybe we
could grab a burger
at that place you like?

I'll talk to you later.


We have a visitor.

What the hell
do you think
you're doing?

What does it look like?
I'm teaching my students.

Your students?

You let them down when
they needed you the most.

Somebody needed
to remind them
what it takes to win.

After everything
I did for you?

Miguel's in the hospital
because of you.

He showed mercy
to Robby Keene
because of you.

If he dies,
that's on you.

I did warn you
about this.

I told you
not to show weakness.

Get out.

This is my dojo.

Oh, I forgot to tell you,

when you were out of town,

I had a little talk
with the landlord.

It turns out he doesn't
like you much.

But you know the problem
with those handshake deals,

there are no guarantees.

You can't do this.

Of course I can.

I founded Cobra Kai.

It belongs to me.

It always has,

and it always will.

I will never
let my students lose.

Even if they have
to learn the hard way.

One day you will
thank me for this, Johnny.

This was a mistake.

You want Cobra Kai...

It's yours.


Forward strike.

Hey, where is she?

I got her her favorite sandwich
from il Tramezzino.

Still waiting for her
to get back from her X-rays.

Now the doctor thinks
she might have
cracked a rib.

Oh, God.

This has to stop, Daniel.

I know, you're right.
I know, I swear. I...

I'm not gonna let Cobra Kai
get away with this...

Enough with Cobra Kai.

Don't you see
what this stupid
rivalry has done?

Our daughter
is in the hospital.

No more karate.

Fine. Okay. All right.
Amanda, I know you're right.

No more karate.

It's over.

♪ Hot summer streets
and the pavements are burning

♪ I sit around

I wore this when I was training
for my first tournament
back in '81.

I want you to have it.

♪ Trying to smile
but the air is so heavy and dry

Who's the man?

Tell me you're the man.

I'm the man. It's Cobra Kai.

Never accept defeat.

♪ Cruel summer

One of the best things in my
life has been teaching you.

I'll always be on your side
and always have your
best interest at heart.

♪ It's a cruel, cruel summer

♪ Now you're gone

I tried my best. I thought
I was doing the right thing.

I'm sorry.

♪ The city is crowded
my friends are away

♪ And I'm on my own

Don't worry.
Miguel is a good kid.

I won't let him go astray.

♪ It's a cruel, cruel summer

♪ Leaving me here on my own

♪ It's a cruel
cruel summer... ♪