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02x06 - Take a Right

Posted: 03/19/22 07:22
by bunniefuu
This could all be over
in an instant.

The decision's yours.

Who trashed the Miyagi dojo?

Y'all know
I'm no fan of LaRusso's,

but that sort of bullshit
we don't teach in here.

At least not anymore.

So, I'm gonna ask you again.
Who trashed Miyagi-Do?

It was not me, Sensei.

I would never disrespect
another man's dojo...

Shut your cake hole, Chubs.

I'm not looking for excuses.

I'm looking for answers.

Sensei, we really
don't know who did it.

knows something.

Question is, who's gonna break?

Keep going.
We can do this all day.

Hey, hey, man. Long time.

Good, man.

Listen, I'd love to catch up.
I'm just in the middle...

Wait, what?

How bad is it?

Sensei, we need a water break.

Two-minute break.

Get your bearings.

I think I should tell
Sensei Lawrence that I did it.

Say nothing.

I'll handle it.

Yes, Sensei.

I gotta go deal with something.

Can you man the fort?

Of course.

I want you to figure out
who did it.

Do what you gotta do.

Don't worry.

I will.

Listen, about
the other night...

Nothing happened.

So, there's no reason
to feel uncomfortable, right?

Right. Exactly.

Are you guys lifting?
Because I feel like
I'm doing nothing here.

Forget it, all right.
It's too heavy.
We're gonna need a forklift.

How did they even
knock it over?

It's a lot easier to knock
something down than it is
to lift it up.

Don't worry.
We'll get it up again.

Uh... Excuse me.

Is this Miyagi-Do?


Come back for
another beating?

Hey, Robby.


This is one of the guys
who was beating on Demetri.

Probably helped
trash the dojo.

We didn't have anything
to do with that.

But I am sorry about
what happened at the mall.

We just wanna learn
Miyagi-Do karate.

I'd be careful about this,
Mr. L, letting the Cobra Kais
into Miyagi-Do.

It's like letting
the wildlings
behind the Wall.

Didn't the wildlings
help Jon Snow win
the Battle of the Bastards?

Should've picked
a different analogy.

We're happy to have you.

Nice to meet you.

Hey. Nice to
meet you guys.

Hello, sir.

No need to call me "sir".
"Mr. LaRusso" is just fine.

Come out front with me.

Start your first lesson.

Thanks again, sir.

Hey, I'm looking
for a friend.


Hey, Bobby.


Long time, man.

Yeah. You look good, man.

Few more wrinkles,
but, you know,
not too bad.

Yeah, what about you?

You'd think with all that
preaching and praying,

you'd get some
of that hair back.


God doesn't work that way.

But I've definitely been
doing a lot of praying
since, you know...


How's he doing?

He'll be happy
to see you, Johnny.

Room 112.

He kicks the ball...

- You're watching soccer?
- It's worse than I thought.


You didn't have to come
all the way out here.

Yeah, you were gonna
come and see me?



Does it hurt?


Meds do their job.

Oh. Did you see?
They already
got me a priest.

I'm a pastor, Tommy.

But if you wanna confess
about that 50 bucks
you still owe me,

the Big Guy's listening.

You're gonna fight this.

Nah. That part's done.

It's in here now.

Besides, you were always
a better fighter.


Remember that tournament
back in '83?

You beat Vidal
to get to the semis.


Who beat me in the finals?

All right. Yeah, but you didn't
make it easy on me.

Yes, hon. I know.

All right.
I love you, too.

All right, gotta go. Bye.

Hey, sorry I'm late.

Hey, Jimmy.


Hey, buddy.


Jenny and the kids
send their love.


Tell Jenn and the boys,
I said "Hi".

Oh, you again.

Guys, give me a minute.

I spoke with the doc.

He can sign out for 24 hours,
but I don't know.

Is he gonna even be able
to make it to the car?

What are you talking about?

You didn't tell him?


we can't let Tommy
rot in this place.
He deserves better.

What do you have in mind?

Road trip. Give the guy
a wild night to remember.

I don't know, man,
in his condition...

Let's get the hell
out of here.

Keep going.

I have all day.

You think it's okay
if I puke in here?


Navy SEALs puke
all the time.

Do not puke.

He's not gonna let up.

We gotta figure out
who did it.

I bet it was Shit Breath.

Hey, screw you.

What'd you say?

You wanna do this right now?

Hey, hey!

Come on, come on.


Would you really like
to know who did it?

It was Hawk.

And it was Diaz.

And Robinson.

And it was Nichols,
Chubs, Red.

When one of you makes a move,

you all make a move.

You live and you die

with the consequences
and the spoils

because you are all Cobra Kai.

Main dojo, five minutes.

You're about to begin
your real training.

No, of course I can cover
the sales meeting,

but are you sure
you can't make it?

It's the second one
in a row.

I know, and I'll be
at the next one, I promise.

I just got a ton
of new students and I
need to spend the day here.

Why don't you
say it to my face?

I didn't say anything.

Oh, sh**t, I gotta go deal
with something important, okay?

I'll talk to you tonight.

"Something important."


You think I'm just
gonna let you diss me?

I didn't diss you.
It was constructive criticism.

Hey, what's going on here?

This nerd called me
an imbecile.

And I told him he can't just
drop a challenge and leave.

I didn't "drop a challenge."
He dropped the potted plant.

It was an accident.

Okay, guys, guys. Relax.

What's your name?


Chris, this is Demetri...

Yeah, we're acquainted.

You tried to kick the crap
out of me, remember?

Okay, so, you guys have
some beef with each other.

No, no, no.

This isn't a

He was
the clear-cut aggressor.

I already told you
I was sorry.

Guys, enough.

I'm gonna give
you both a mission.

You see this stone?

You're gonna pick it back up.

How are we supposed
to do that?

Good old-fashioned teamwork.

I believe in you.

All right!

Yeah! Come on!

Let's ride.

Then there was that time
that Tommy got that
horrible fake ID,

and the bartender
served us all dishwater.

And I drank the whole thing

because I didn't know what beer
was supposed to taste like.

I remember that.

We made up for it the next
weekend, remember?

Dutch got so hammered,
he stole the dartboard.

Oh, no, no,
he didn't steal it.
He smashed it.

That's the first time
he went to juvie, remember?

Oh, yeah.

Man, I got so
wasted that night,
I missed Ali's birthday.

Oh, that's right.

Remember that?

Boy, she reamed
you out, man.

She did more than that, man.

She dumped my ass.

Well, that's her loss, huh?

So, uh, Dutch is still
up at Lompoc, huh?

Yeah, last I heard.

To Dutch.

When the judge said,
"Five to ten"?

She really meant
"Ten to 20."

What about you, Johnny?

Last I heard,
you were laying bricks?

I wasn't laying bricks.

Maybe some light stucco.

Actually, I, uh, opened
a karate dojo.

What... For real?


It's over in Reseda.

It's doing pretty well,
actually. Lot of good kids.

What's it called?

It's called Cobra Kai.

You brought back Cobra Kai?

Yeah, it's not all
that's back.



Hit him again.

Do you have a problem
with that?

A fight isn't over
until your enemy is finished.

You show your enemy no mercy.


This isn't what Sensei Lawrence
has been teaching us.

Excuse me?

There's no honor
in being merciless.

Tory scored a point.

It's over.

Sensei Lawrence is right,
of course.

In a tournament, the fighting
stops when you land a point.

But in the real world,

it's not about scoring points.

It's about being a winner

or a loser.

And there are no losers
in this dojo.


what is the purpose of karate?

Strike first,
strike hard,
no mercy, sir!

No. You've all been
brainwashed by Cobra Kai.

I want you to
clear your minds
and think.

What is the ultimate lesson
we learn from karate?

Don't be a p*ssy?

I can't believe your dad
let them in here.

He wants
to help them change.

They won't.

Can't change the way you feel.

Yeah, nice try,
but brute strength is
only gonna get you so far.

You got a better idea,

Ever heard of a fulcrum?

Yeah, didn't think so.

If you paid attention
in physics,

you'd know that a fulcrum
is a pivot point

that decreases the amount
of output force required
to lift an object.


Watch and learn.


More like "full of crap."

The only thing that's full
of crap is you and your
little quiver in there.

Admit it. You don't really
wanna join Miyagi-Do.

This is all just some scheme.

Calling me a liar?

Ding, ding, ding!

Demetri! Demetri,
are you okay?

That's it.

Whoa! Whoa!
What are you doing?
We're on the same team now.

Once a Cobra Kai,
always a Cobra Kai.

Well, that's not true.

I know it's not true 'cause...

I used to be a Cobra Kai.

This is the stupidest thing
I've ever heard.

It's not stupid.

John Kreese is bad news.

All that crap we dealt with
after high school,

taking that
"no mercy" bullshit
out into the world.

And you got it the worst, man.
Don't you remember?

Of course, I remember,
but people can change.

Just like Cobra Kai
can change.

Yeah, right.

No, I'm serious.

I'm trying to change
Cobra Kai.

And Kreese is on board.

Do you trust him, Johnny?

You know Kreese.
He's always got
something up his sleeve.

Nah, he's a different man.

Besides, doesn't it say
something in your book
about forgiveness?

'Cause all I know is, everyone
deserves a second chance.

You know what I think?

I think I wanna play
some pool.

You guys wanna play
some pool with me?

Yeah, I'll play some pool
with you, Tommy.

Come on.
Let's go get a table.

Whoa, whoa.
Where you going, honey?

We're just getting
to know each other.

Don't touch me, assh*le.


Something I can
help you with, boss?


We got next.

That is the ugliest
Make-A-Wish kid
I have ever seen.

I'll tell you what.
Here's my wish.

You can suck my...

♪ Pray for that God forgives

♪ I don't

♪ This is the Fight Song

♪ No matter where you're from

♪ Pray for that God forgives

♪ I don't

♪ No matter where you're from

♪ Don't point at me, you hear?

♪ God forgives, I don't!

♪ This is the Fight Song!

♪ This is the Fight Song!

♪ This is the Fight Song! ♪

Thank you.

Cobra Kai sells power,


and when I joined, I was...

Well, I was weak.

It was 1985.

I had just won
my first All Valley,

and Mr. Miyagi didn't want me
to compete anymore.

He never really liked the idea
of fighting for trophies
in the first place.

So, he and I, we got
into this big argument,

and what did I do?
I joined Cobra Kai.

I learned to strike first,
strike hard, show no mercy,

and it turned me into
an angry and violent kid.

It changed me.

You never told me
about any of this.

It's not something
I'm proud of, Sam.

But my point is, anyone can be
seduced by Cobra Kai, even me.

And I'll admit,
Cobra Kai makes you
feel stronger, tougher,

but it will also
get you in trouble.

And that's what happened
to me.

I'm just lucky Mr. Miyagi
was willing to take me back.

So, remember,
it doesn't matter
who anyone was

before they stepped
into this dojo.

All that matters
is that right now,


we are all Miyagi-Do.

You playing footsie
or practicing
your roundhouse?

Think fast.

Let me show you
how it's done.


Today's lesson
was crazy, huh?

Not that crazy.

But don't you think that
some of what Sensei Kreese
is teaching us just

feels wrong?

That life is only
about winning?

My mom worked
at this restaurant
when I was little.

And she'd bring home leftovers,
so my brother and I had enough
to eat.

When her manager found out,

he fired her.

No warning, no notice.

He said it was against
company policy.

She wasn't stealing.
The food was gonna
end up in the trash.

The world shows no mercy,
so, why should we?

Some people have it good,

but the rest of us,
we have to fight for
every inch of what's ours.

Not just to score a point.

For everything.


Hands up.

Okay, let's both do
this fulcrum thing.

on the count of three.

One, two, three!

Got it.

Almost there.

Push it, come on.

Good job, guys.

You see that? We all work
together as a team,

anything is possible.


Today was fun, Johnny.

You still got
some moves, man.

You should stop
by the dojo sometime.

Yeah, right.
Just like
the good old days.

Man, where did
all that time go?

I don't know.

Man, there was something
I never told you.

Didn't think
you needed to know,

but screw it.

I was in love with Ali.



Freshman year.

We were in the same homeroom.
We used to talk all the time.

I was building up
the courage to ask her out,

when someone else
struck first.

That's why I joined
Cobra Kai.

I wanted to have the balls
that you had.

Without the smell.


I don't think I ever really
got over her.

I mean, I dated
plenty of babes after,

but I never really
let my guard down

with any of them, you know?

Not like with Ali.

You still got one thing
that's more important
than anything, Johnny.

What's that?


You still have time.


Time for what?

Meet someone new,

change your life.

Do what you wanna do.

I don't know.

Right now,
all I wanna do is

make sure my students
don't make the same
mistakes that we did.

I don't want them to look back

at their life full of regret.

You'll do it, Johnny.

You're the champ.

Face me. Bow.

Sensei Kreese?

What can I do for you,
Mr. Diaz?

I wanted to apologize
for yesterday.

It was disrespectful of me
to challenge your lesson.

You honor Sensei Lawrence
with your allegiance.

An allegiance is nothing
to apologize for.

Sensei Lawrence's heart's
in the right place,

but I'm afraid
he's a little mixed up.

Together, we'll make sure
he gets back on track.

Won't we?




Tommy, wake up. Wake up.

Tommy, wake up!

Come on.

Come on.


Don't do this.
Tommy, wake up!

Come on, Tommy.

Cobra Kai
is not a hobby,

it's not a club.

♪ On and on

♪ Does anybody know
what we are looking for? ♪

Cobra Kai is your brothers

and your sisters.

♪ Hold the line

♪ Does anybody want
To take it anymore?

♪ The show must go on

♪ The show must go on ♪

You are all
Cobra Kai for life

because Cobra Kai

never dies.

♪ Show

♪ Show must go on

So, how'd it go around here
while I was gone?

I mean, Sensei Kreese is tough,

but, uh, he knows
what it takes to win.

You really think you can
attack Cobra Kai

and there wouldn't be
any consequences?

You better hope that your
students are ready.

The people across from you
are not your friends.

What are you doing here?

They are the enemy.

a worthy opponent.

Strike first, strike hard...

No mercy.