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03x10 - Opportunity

Posted: 03/19/22 07:11
by bunniefuu
Previously On "Good Girls"...

I had him
recall the nail polish.

What's that?

Oh, we had
to change the formula.

Change it back.

There is a nail salon
selling 'em for $200 a bottle.

- Nail salon robbed.
- Guess what they took.

I figured out
who we should help.

I got their daughter's kidney.

You had pizza
with your therapist?

- He's helping me.
- It's like a study buddy.

I wanted to introduce you
to Lila.

Thought you could use
a real tutor.

- What are you guys into?
- We have fun.

Dr. Cohen.

- I quit my job today.
- Why?

I kissed my boss.

We have enough
to hire Max's cousin.

You're gonna need a sn*per.
I know a guy.

How does this work?

Say I'm your lawyer...

Trial itself
will run you 60 grand.

So how is Friday...

That works.

How are we gonna know?

It's not like they're gonna
run his mugshots in the obits.

And do we get a phone call or...

He just said 11:00 on Friday.

It's 10:56.

- You're dead.
- No, you're dead.

You are!


It'll be good
to be normal again.

- Be whatever we wanna be.
- Finally.


I just wanna be
a good person again.

♪ Why must it be? ♪

Just some...

normal mothers
with a lucrative side hustle...

♪ They mean so much to me ♪

Minus the... serial k*lling
extortionist psychopath.

Know what I mean?

♪ Do what you feel ♪

♪ Do what you feel is good
and do it right away ♪

The deed is done.

♪ 'Cause it's for you,
my love ♪

♪ And if you're ever around ♪

How do you know?

Dog just looked at us.


So... dogs don't just stop
and stare.

His spirit has passed.

What time do you have?


♪ To have you home,
have you home ♪

It's over.

♪ To have you home ♪

Darrel sees all the action
because he's a center.

Well, guess what.

If you don't feed
Darrel the puck,

he doesn't see anything.

A great defensive man
keeps his team in the game.

That's way more valuable
than scoring a couple points.

Do you remember when...

Darrel peed himself
in the third period?

We all saw that.

We had to Zamboni.

Ah, ah, ah, don't eat the fries.


Here you go, my man.

I threw in a little
extra hot sauce for you, so...

- Where's the ranch?
- Oh, did you request that?

- I put it in the notes area.
- Oh, I see the problem here.

You put it
in the delivery notes,

not the menu notes.

What's the difference?

Well, delivery note's more
for, like, a gate code

or if the dog's out...

I can't eat wings
without ranch, dude.

Oh, yeah, sorry,
we don't do returns.

Fries are yours.


Yo, what's good, dog?

You remember
Uncle Darren, right?

Thought you were gonna be
with your tutor today.

- I leveled up.
- Tch.

I also offer college prep,
you know, when it's time.

Oh, he's gonna need
all the LSATs, GMATs, MCATs,

all the ATs.

'Cause I'm gonna be a lawyer,
doctor, Wall Streeter?

Okay, go do
your homework please.

Go on.

Dream it, believe it, be it.


But, you know, he's
really counting on me,

so I gotta pass this thing.

All right, so check it.

300 for the ID, another hunny
for travel and incidentals.

Then there's my fee...
That's another grand.

Well, how much to
just not look like a dummy?

Uh, same fee, but, you know,
for friends and family...

Yeah, I could finagle
a low-interest student loan.

- You know what?
- I'll just pay it.



Couldn't have done it
without you.

Two, three, four.

And exhale, two, three...

You sweat like cold cuts
on a counter.

- Hey, put that back.
- I'm thirsty.

- It's 10 bucks.
- You have to pay?

You don't?

DL Dave said
I could put stuff on his tab.

- What?
- Two, three, four...

Who can I plow
to get that arrangement?

Lisa from
counterterrorism's game.

- Take it easy.
- Now, what do we got?

Most of the women there
that day live in a shelter.

- Mm, easy to pin it on.
- Or they just need the money.


That shade goes
for a lot on eBay.

God knows why... it's dreadful.

- Why were they there?
- Some weird church event.

- Who planned it?
- You're fishing.

Figure out who brought 'em in.

- What are you gonna do?
- Raid your minibar.

- I threw it all up already.
- You gotta stop doing that.

I need you to go
to the fancy grocery store.

My parents are coming?

- It's way worse.
- Who?

Donor family.

Sara invited them to dinner.

- No.
- She's cleansing her soul.


Can't she, like,
save a rainforest or something?

I told her to do it.

- We danced...
- I know.

- The day their kid died.
- Baked potatoes, yeah?

Every holiday, every birthday...

Twice baked...
Everyone loves those.

Whenever I see my baby girl,
I wanna dance.

I know.

So how the hell am I supposed
to look those people in the eye

when I danced
on their daughter's grave?

They're coming in from Madison.

Call it off.

Our souls could use
some housekeeping too.

I still need a dessert.

I'll make my sweet potato pie.

♪ Don't make me over ♪

♪ Now that I'd do
anything for you ♪

♪ Don't make me over ♪

♪ Now that you know
how I adore you ♪

♪ Don't pick
on the things I say ♪

♪ The things I do ♪

♪ Just love me
with all my faults ♪

♪ The way that I love you ♪

♪ I'm begging you ♪

♪ Don't make me over ♪

♪ Now that I can't make it
without you ♪

What are we celebrating?


I would just really like
to know where we're going.

- Oh, you will.
- When?

When we get there.

If there's some kind
of problem...

How much cut have you got now?

I don't know.

Where's it all going, Elizabeth?

What do you mean?

What are you buying with it?

Yeah, see?

That's why we're here.

Set me up, please.
Thank you.

Everything okay
with the last batch?


We're actually printing tonight,

so if you, uh,
like if you wanted to,

we could do the drop-off early.

That won't be necessary.

So last time you were cash
heavy, things got tricky...

'cause you and your girls
went stupid

and burned it with the Feds.

You don't turn this properly,
you will attract attention.

You need a system.

I'ma ask you again.

Where's it been goin'?

Somewhere safe.

What, like a mattress?

- Yeah.
- Except you ain't got one.

Where's the money going?

I can't tell you.

Then I can't cut you in anymore.

You hungry?


Mind if we stop at IHOP?

Who does he think
he is anyway, your father?

I mean,
taking away your allowance?


- It's like, what's next?
- You know?

Put away your toys
or you're grounded?

How is he still alive?

- Hey, Dad, it's my money.
- You know?

It's like...

And, like, what am I
supposed to say?

"Don't worry about it.
It went to a good cause.

I put a hit out on you.

That did not happen.


You know what
I would really love?

Is if he would just show up at
one of your houses next time

so you know what it's like
to think on your feet.

There shouldn't be a next
time 'cause we already paid.

Old boy's gotta go.

Hi, I am here to see
a Mr. James Fitzpatrick.

Who, may I ask, is inquiring?

Uh, a customer?

Yeah, a very upset customer,

Uh, do you know
how much overnight costs?

I don't work here.

Oh, I'm sorry, I just...

I thought 'cause of your shirt.

- I can help you, sir.
- See...

I'm sorry,
but Mr. Fitzpatrick

is not available at the moment.

But he's back there.

But not available.

Tell him that Beth is here.

Again, I am so sorry, but I...


Oh, hold on.

He left something for you.

What the hell is this?

He said it was
like hiring a lawyer.

They charge by the hour.

- And then do nothing?
- Yes, like a lawyer.

11,000 in incidentals.

I'm sorry,
why does he need the omakase

to not k*ll g*ng friend?

And what is "OT"?

Occupational therapy
for manual dexterity.

What, like his trigger finger
is sore or something?

How is that on us?

You guys...

That's him.

That's him?

Well, I'm telling his clown ass
that we're not paying

for his spray tan sessions.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up.

- Oh, he plays the cello?
- That's a guitar.

- It's a cello.
- The case gives it away.

Has a much narrower neck

and a more cambered fingerboard.

That's no cello.

Think he's gonna smoke someone?

Oh, boy.

Here we go.

- It's a mob hit.
- Classic.



- Oh, God.
- Oh, my God!


Who would want her dead?

She looks so sweet!

I'd feel a whole lot better
if he carried a wallet.

Oh, my God, it's a school.

Oh, no.

Oh, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.



It's a cello.


- We should get out of here.
- How?

He's already seen us.

And we've seen too much.

Do not.

What's he gonna do?

Give us a lollipop?

All right, fine, open it.

I didn't know
your daughter went here.

It's got a great...
music program.

Ms. Marks, Ms. Hill.

Hey - 'Sup?

Why are you following me?


Just... curious...

about the state of our lawsuit.

It's not moving forward.

We already paid for it.

and you billed us for more.

If you refer to article 3-A
in the contract you signed,

I have the right to terminate
due to breach.

How did we breach?

Failure to disclose the nature

of your relationship
with the target.

What does that mean?

Which one of you engaged
in flagrante delicto?

Excuse me?

Who boned him?

He go for a ride on the jazzy?

What about you, little bird?

- Why does it matter?
- I don't do jilted lovers.

Uh, okay, no one was jilted.

There it is.

- Come on, man.
- It was one and done.

I mean, for the most part.

So this is where
you draw your line?

Crimes of passion get messy.

Okay, again, the word passion...

Clients, they have regrets,
they start talking.

Before you know it, I have to
dispose of everyone involved.

And on my own dime no less.

Well, we're not paying for this.

You don't want this
going to collections.

Oh, my.

Is that his tongue?

It's a nasty process.

So here's your registration.

Check the box for Muskegon.

- That's where my hookup is.
- Cool.

Oh, hey, you know how you have
that friends and family loan?

- How sick is this?
- Look at this.

Made the middle name Annie
so it's like, you know,

named after my mom or something.

That's tight.

- Um, instead of a loan...
- Same social though.

- What about like a...
- scholarship?

You know, for high achievers
such as myself.

You don't have the money do you?

I... I will.

- When?

That's the gray area.
- Bruh!

- Dude, dude, dude, I had it.
- d*ck move.

No, no, no, I just got hit

with something
majorly big, okay?

You still owe me for the ID.

- Come on, Boo.
- It's just...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, I do this for you,

every loser jonesing
for a diploma's

gonna want a piece, so no.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

How am I supposed to do this
without you?

- I don't know.
- Maybe study?

Thanks again
for making the trip.

Uh... I hope you
brought your appetite.

I hope this wasn't
too much trouble.

- It was nothing.

- Looks like Thanksgiving.

And we have so much
to be thankful for.

Well, dig in, everyone.

Okay, let's, let's, uh...

- See what happens, right?
- I'm so hungry.

- Mmm.
- Hmm?

- I'm sorry.
- Would you mind?

Ever since, uh...

We always say a blessing.

- Where did my manners go?
- Must be somewhere.

- Okay.
- Mmm.

Here we go.

Bless us, oh Lord,
for these thy gifts

we are about to receive.

Give us grateful hearts
for all thy mercies

and bless our loved ones,
especially our dear Heather

who we know would love
to be here tonight...

- but she is here, right hon?
- Mm-hmm.

And we thank you, Lord,
for carrying her spirit on

in beautiful Sara.

- Whew.
- Wow.

That ham though.

Thank you, Lord.




Oh, okay, all right.


And Lord, you know...

Um, everything Carl said...

And, uh, just wanna

thank you for blessing us
with the opportunity

to meet these guys,

and so happy and glad
my baby girl

could make this happen.

Obviously, you know,
we wished it was, uh,

under different circumstances,
but, you know,

you work in mysterious ways,
and God bless the food, amen.

Now can we eat?


- Yes.

- Oh...
- So, um...

how was the trip down?

Oh, we took the bus.

That's a... 16-hour trip.

- Oh, not for us.

- We could only afford to go
as far as Kenosha,

so we did a bit of a ride share

situation from there.

Where's your car?

- Um...
- Oh.

We sold it
after, um, Carl lost his job.

But, you know,

I've been doing so much walking.

I dropped my cholesterol
50 points.

Doctor's pleased.


And the people at the church

have been real kind,
pitching in.

Mm, yes.

And what can you do?

When life gives you lemons,
you can't rob a bank.

Ha ha ha ha!

So, um, how are you
gonna get back?

Can we buy 'em a bus ticket?

- Yeah.
- Oh.

- We can work something out...
- We can work something out.

No, no, we're not here
for handouts.

Although, I would try
some of those

mashed potatoes.

Here ya go.

No, from here it's easy.

A daughter of a friend of ours
has offered to drive us

as far as Lancing.

And now, from there,
it's what many would call

a scenic hike
up in God's country

where, uh,
if my wife's ankles hold up,

we'll just take one day
to get back to the interstate.

We'll work this off, huh?

- Good heavens!
- Well, we'll have to.

- Such good people.
- I know.

- We're not.
- I know.

How do we get back to that?

Sweet potato pie comin' in hot.

We still have
that pressure washer?

What is that?

Everyone wants hot sauce,
so I went to Costco.

I got a vat of the stuff
and those little plastic cups

so I could just dispense it
from the back seat.

It's pretty smart, right?

It's why you're five star.

Yeah, well,
hot sauce in a hot car...

- Oh, my God.
- Just...

- Ugh!
- Everywhere.

I'm so sorry, Beth.


'Cause I... I can't do it.

Then don't.

Well, how are we
supposed to, I mean...

+- Well, what do you wanna do?

Hot tubs.

Rich people love 'em,
negotiable prices...

Financing plans, layaway...

There's, like, a million ways
to cook the books.

It's not regulated.
There's no licensing.

Any idiot can sell them,

and I know just the guy.

You said I needed a system.

This is my system.


Go ahead and hate it
because you didn't think of it,

but your stupid carwash,

it's one of the IRS's
first targets

right behind coin laundromats.

I Googled it.
Guess what's not on the list.

Hot tubs.

They're called spas.

Pay her.
Deduct the artwork.

- Good morning, Mrs. Boland.
- Get him.

I don't believe that I have
another package for you today.

- Get him.
- I have his money.

- I just have a few questions.
- Hm?

What does omakase
have to do with it?

It means entrusting yourself
to the chef.

Typically off menu,
locally driven, sushi grade...

I mean how does it help...

With k*lling a man?

Your lover enjoys a two-hour
omakase lunch every Friday.

Never misses.

After, he goes out
into the parking lot

and has a chat with the chef.
It's an opportunity.

He then does various business
with people

who would make my work

Not an opportunity.

On Tuesdays, he plays tennis
at a very posh country club.

You'll see the charge
for the valet in there.

He does shower after
in an unattended locker room.

It's another opportunity.

You see where
I'm headed with this?

I didn't put in all the details
because then I would

have to charge you for the time
it took to explain them.

- Story of my life.
- What's that?

Missed opportunities.

One thing
I couldn't figure out...

Married mother of four,
Junior League, PTA,

winner of the state fair
mini muffin baking competition

- three years running.
- You dig deep.

So how's a lady like you
get involved

with a guy like that?

I was just bored.

Tomorrow at noon...
I'll text you the address.

- Let me get that for you.
- Thank you.

I am gonna replace this thing.

Oh, my lord!

I didn't know
what you guys like, so...

I've never had crepes.

I did a bit of everything.



- So you sleep okay?
- Harry's bed's a little tight.

That comforter
is like sleeping on a cloud.

- Right?
- His grandma gave it to him.


You guys are so lucky.

So I made some sandwiches
for the road,

and we can pack up some treats.

Oh, you're amazing.

If there's anything
we can do, don't hesitate.

How about a car?


Mm, Carl's too proud to ask.

I know it seems
like we're doing okay,

but I promise you,

the struggle is real everywhere.

Is it?

We work triple shifts
and juggle bills,

max out credit cards.

Your daughter is sleeping
safe in her bed.

Ooh, is the duchess
coming to breakfast?

'Cause this can't be for us.
Is it?

Honey, that is just
the kind of people they are.

Well, it's like having
our own restaurant.


- Look at that.
- I think it's fresh squeezed.

What is this?

It's "Naked and Afraid," dog.

You should be studying.

Look, this girl just ate
part of a dead monkey.

Why are your books in the trash?

I think it's a foot
or a thigh or something,

but now she can't stop pooping.

Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!

They were just about
to airlift her out.

You have a test!

- Can you relax?
- It got called off.

By who?

- Me.
- Why?

Because I'm just not ready.

You've been studying for months.

Look, it's my life, okay?

- Fine.
- Great.

If you're done, so am I.

Well... well,
what does that mean?

I'm not ready either.

Wha... hey, hey, hey.

What... dah-dah-dah... Do not.

"Lord of the Flies"
essay is in here.

- Didn't you back it up?
- Handwritten.

- No.
- Biology book.

No more boring homework
about chloroplasts.

That is like half your grade.

Who needs it?

I'll just work at the mini mart.

That is not happening.

- Why not?
- Good enough for you.

♪ Open your eyes ♪

♪ Careful surprise ♪

♪ A dream in disguise ♪

♪ You know we can have it ♪

♪ Well, I know we can do it
you know we can do it too ♪

How many Supreme Court
justices are there?


♪ But there's work to be
done now work to be done ♪

♪ You've got to put one foot
in front of the other ♪

Who was the first president
of the United States?

- Washington.
- Yeah.


♪ Give it a chance ♪

Who authored
the Emancipation Proclamation?

- Gotta be Lincoln.
- Yeah.


♪ It's coming to life
little by little ♪

- 63.
- Yeah.


♪ Well, I know
we can do it ♪

- Yeah.
- The Magna Carta.

♪ You know
we can do it too ♪


♪ But there's work to be
done now work to be done ♪

♪ You've got to ♪

♪ You've got to put one foot
in front of the other ♪

♪ Put your other foot
down, down, down, down ♪

You're early.

I can come back later.

Don't be silly.

Good quality in a person.

What are we doing here?

You know the hardest part
of what I do?

Doing a job without anyone
knowing you did a job.

Take JFK for instance...

The grassy knoll,
book depository...

So many theories,
so much confusion

about where
the b*llet originated.

It was a perfect hit.

Have a look.

What do you see?

A Greek deli, a donut shop,
cell phone store, I don't know.

What am I looking at?

- Confusion.
- Do you have the time?

It's 12:00.

- Perfect.
- Take another look.

Say when.

Anytime you're ready.

Why is it up to me?

- You hired me to do a job.
- Yeah, so you do it.

This way,
I'm assured no regrets.

So what's it gonna be?

♪ Every time
I close my eyes ♪

♪ Something small
within me dies ♪

♪ Can't say
if it's dark or bright ♪

♪ But
it's all I've ever known ♪

♪ And when I sleep,
I sleep alone ♪

Do it.


♪ Alone ♪


♪ Alone ♪

You're ready.


Gonna put you back
in the schedule.

Thank you.

Why'd you change your mind?

We're alike, you and I.

I don't know about that.

I was... just bored too.

- Took you long enough.
- Where is she?

Well, couple of options here...

You keep taking it
until you pass

or move to West Virginia
and work the coal mines.

If you bring your own helmet,

I hear they hire you
on the spot.

They said I tested
on the high end

for a sixth-grader.

At least it was on the high end.

You can go now.

- Right, get up.
- Pass.

- You're coming with me.
- Where?

Field trip.

Just 'cause I'm British
doesn't mean I play darts...

Are you sure?

Or cricket or rowing
or rugby or...

Oh, oh, of course not
because you don't have any time

'cause you're always
out on a fox hunt.

I don't go on fox hunts!

I'm scared of horses.

- Are you really?
- Yeah.

Ah, I wish I had
a good therapist to give you.

- Outrageous.

- How dare you?
How dare you?

- - You walked right into it.
- - Yeah.

God, I just... I feel so dumb.

I know.

I really, really tried.

That's how you know
you're not dumb.

That makes no sense at all.

I hoped you were too dumb
to realize that.

Shut up.

I mean, I wasted
so much time studying.

- Yeah, I mean, not that much.
- You did fail.

Like, I know that a logarithm
is an exponent,

and I know the difference
between a trope and a bromide,

and all the republics of Russia.

And for what?

Well, if you can spell Chechnya,

that drink's on me.

- I thought it already was.
- No stalling.


- It's no problem.
- Mm.

It's, you know, C...

"Ech" N-Y-A.

"Ech" is not a letter
in any language.

Well, that's what
autocorrect is for, so...

I, um...

I proposed to Lila...

Couple of nights ago.


I should go.

- It's fine.
- I got mine.

Couldn't spell it.



Where are the kids?

- You know what?
- I have no idea.


I mean, they're
here somewhere, I just...

Hopefully alive.

I've just been in this.

Welcome to Boland Bubbles.

- I'm not really in the market.
- I'm just browsing.

Oh, well, as you look around,

keep in mind
none of this is to scale.

Blue Legos are two-seaters,
red, four-seaters,

and green are eight-seaters.

Let me know if you wanna
try something out.

You're gonna be great.

Hey, Beth...

Thank you.

For what?

Getting me back in the game.

I'm gonna go file
the police report on our kids.

It's not her.

- I think it's her.
- Mm-mm.

Been a member
of that church forever,

lives in her mother's house.

They got nothing
in their bank accounts.


So they're making

some of the best fake money
I've ever seen.

You don't live a little?

Well, she just bought
a car for cash.

- Seriously?
- What kind?

Well, not one she can afford.

Guess where she works.

♪ Ooh, young liars ♪

♪ I said thank you
for taking my hands ♪

♪ And burying them deep
in the world's wet womb ♪

♪ Where no one can heed
their commands ♪

♪ Where no one
can heed their commands ♪

♪ Except young liars ♪

♪ Young liars ♪