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03x04 - The Eye in Survivor

Posted: 03/19/22 07:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Good Girls"...

Guess we're back in business.

We have an employee, okay?

Where did this guy go to prison?

He's gonna wash in ways
that we can't.

So he just showed up
with all of it?

Minus his cut, yeah.

So your sister
was trying to protect you?

Who's gonna protect her?

You know what
they call this in the biz?

A breakthrough.

Your principal says that you
and some girls shoplifted this.

Like mother,
like daughter, I guess.

We're not bad people.

No, baby, we're good people
who do bad things.

I gotta show you something.



Yeah, we both know
how this ends.

I'm pregnant.

So you have
a nine-month solution

to a permanent problem.

- Three months.
- Maybe four.


Paternity test.

Oh, you can do that
in about a month.

Tried telling him to leave.

Says his boss needs him
to keep an eye on you.

Who's his boss?

There's something
I have to tell you.

Are we going to school today?

- Uh...
- We're already late.

♪ Harlem

Where's Kenny?

Upstairs pooping.

Go get him.

♪ Can't remember
of the season, season ♪

♪ Half past seven

♪ Oh, Harlem

Good morning.

I called the cops.


I have kids.

I ain't got no issue with them.

- You don't wanna do that.
- Oh, I think I do.

It's up to you.


- Get arrested.
- Kay.

But you know what I gotta do
when I get out.

How we doing, folks?

Ma'am, got a call about
someone in the neighborhood?

- I-I called, yeah.
- Um...

- It's... everything's okay...
- Officer.

Thank you.

Y'all have a good day, then.


- ♪ Harlem
- ♪ Harlem

♪ You got to me, I was 11

♪ 11

Looking for some firepower?

I'm looking for something.

'Cause it's not the g*n
that does the damage.

It's the caliber of the b*llet.


So just depends on your needs.

I need to k*ll a man.

Oh, oh, okay, uh...

There are certain things

you can or can't say
when buying a g*n.

Mm, right.

And, uh,

well, you just said
the only thing you can't say.

What if I'm dealing

with a really aggressive moose.

Oh, like an Alaska Yukon or...

The kind that att*cks you.

That'd be the Shiras.

Now, this moose...

He also has a thing for my wife.

Wait, what exactly
are we talking about here?

We're talking about a moose,
Sean, who breaks into my house.

He threatens my kids,
has his way with my wife,

and I can't seem to ever
do anything about it.

All right, well, that will...

Narrow your selection
down to the Prairie Hawk,

the Liberty single-shot...

Whichever's your favorite.

Uh, just a few
easy questions for you,

like have you ever been
convicted of a violent crime?


Ever get a not guilty verdict
by reason of insanity?


Okay, well, just check "no"
for the rest of these,

and we'll get back to you
in a few days, maybe a week.

Well, what if I need it sooner?

Well, with this type of firearm,

they require us
to do a background check.

What could I walk out
with today?

He reads?

Is that an "US Weekly"?

"In Touch."

Mrs. Karpinski gave it to him

after he brought in
her recycling bins.


How does he even
go to the bathroom?

Mrs. Karpinski.

That bitch.

You guys,
I can't live like this.

- Okay.
- Okay, here's what we do.

We go to Canada and get a baby.

Get a baby?

Well, she said
she's having his baby.

- We're gonna need a baby.
- What are you gonna do?

Pick one up with a cruller
from Tim Horton's?

Oh, my God.

That's where we got
that fake cash.

I mean, who knows what else
they're hiding up there?

Although we could just
pay for one.

I mean, the cash exchange rate
right now up there

- is actually...
- You wanna buy a baby?

I want my sister to not die.

I wanna go to bed.

- Nuh-uh.
- What?

You cannot be serious,
Mrs. Karpinski.

Oh, dude.

It's like she wants him
to use her bathroom.

- Oh, look at this.
- She got snacks on snacks now.

We'll figure
something out, okay?

I'm sorry.
Am I in the wrong house?

- What is happening?
- Dad's mad.

About what?

I got fired from tutoring.

Tell her why.

They said
I took their stupid pen.

We gave you a backpack
full of school supplies.

- Mm-mm.
- It's not like that.

Was it used to sign the
Declaration of Independence?

- Maybe.
- What?

Yeah, they said it's some
platinum engraved fountain deal

that costs as much as a car.

I didn't do it.

Hm, where have we heard
that one before?

How about their own daughter

who's always vaping
and skipping class?

Okay, why don't you go
to your room

so I can talk to your daddy?

You don't know she did it.

And you don't know she didn't.

Okay, well,

what do we do from here?

Oh, it's a "we" situation now?

And that means what?

You're the resident crime lord.

- Can't sleep?
- Oh, God.

Give me a ride.

What's good?

Can I get a shot of tequila?

You might wanna slow down, yeah?

We never got to toast.

One for my baby daddy here too.

What are you doing, Elizabeth?

I lost it.


Does it matter?

All right, then.

So what comes next?

Nothing good.

How much would it cost?

- For what?
- My life.

Ah, nah, too late for that.

You haven't been in the game
for, what, two months?

Don't worry about it.

- No pills, no cars, no cash?
- It's gotta hurt.

You don't know my interests.

I know they need capital.

And your guy could chop me up
in a million pieces

whenever you want,
so what do you got to lose?

How much am I worth?

You couldn't afford it.

What if I could?

Okay, pros and cons.

- Pro.
- You're not dead yet.

How are we gonna get 100 grand?

- Another pro.
- How is that a pro?

Well, he could have said,
like, 100 bucks,

which would have been
way easier,

but said a lot less
about you as a person.

Do you know how many ones
we're gonna have to get

to print that much?

- Con.
- Thank you.

- It's a lot.
- Not to mention washing it.


Okay, there are gonna
be a lot more cons than pros.

How firm was he on this number?

Hey, ladies.

What is going on?

I got floss.

- Oh?
- We were out.

What else did you get, Dean?

Hm, got some razors, deodorant.

I'm gonna try these

Breathe... Right
nose strip thingies...

Why is there a shotgun
on our bed?

It's the only g*n I can get
without a waiting period.

What if the kids find it?

I'll hide the a*mo.

- And what if they find that?
- They won't.

Kenny's found every one
of his Christmas gifts

for the past five years.

That's 'cause you hide them.

I know you're upset...

- No.
- I'm terrified.

And I get that.

But this isn't gonna
make him go away.

Then tell me what will.

I don't want a g*n in my house.

And I don't want the tweaker
on the front lawn

reporting back to the guy who
emptied a clip in me, but hey,

that's the world
we're living in.

Hmm, uh...


- 9 minutes, 38 seconds.
- Mm.

Not bad.

Yeah, it's for preschoolers,
but congrats.

What else you got around here?

We could talk about stuff.

How do you talk about something

that you can't talk about?

Well, just start.

I'm really worried
about my sister.


She's dealing with something
that's very life-threatening.

Well, they say
when someone gets sick,

it might as well be
the whole family.

It's just that we thought
that it was gone,

and now it's back.

The big C huh?


What kind?

It's super rare.

I lost my mum the same way.

Oh, God.

So I've been down the road.

Yeah, it's just... it's not,
you know, one of the...

Like a breast cancer or a lung...

Not one of
the super popular ones, so...

Try me.

I-I just...





It's eyeball cancer.

Just the, uh... just the one.

Left one.


If I never hear
that word again...

That's how my mum died.

Oh, no.

- Has she...
- Has she lost her vision yet?


Mum always wanted to see
the Grand Canyon.

I planned a whole thing.

We'd stay at the lodge
on the valley floor.

It's supposed to be great.

Yeah, but, um,

I got this cat 'cause I was
having a hard time dealing,

and it wouldn't sleep,

so I pushed the trip by a week.

She went completely blind
the night before our flight.

Did you still go?

I mean,
she said it smelled amazing.

That's just who she was.


This made me
wanna be a therapist.

"The Eye in Survivor."

You're gonna make it whether
your sister does or not.

- Okay, I feel much better.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Same time, same place next week.

I'm gonna grab Timmy.


Timothy, come on in.

Add 350 to that.

You know you don't have to
put the dot zero zero, right?

- I'm aware.
- Thank you.

- Plus 200.
- Stan's working a bachelor party.

And I get time and a half
for nights,

so put half... like, another...

For, like, another hundred.

No dot zero zero.

Okay, I like to see
the whole number, all right?

Where we at?

- So that puts us at...
- Still way off.

If we didn't hit
Fine and Frugal,

I had another plan.

Okay, this general attitude
is why I keep things to myself.


You remember when
that Kardashian got, like,

a bazillion-carat
diamond necklace

stolen from her hotel room
in Paris?

All right, I gotta pee.

Do you still wanna hear it?


The hardest part is finding
the right width because

I think it has to be
of a certain quality that...

- Let's go.
- We gotta go.

Okay, you gotta listen to this.

It's insane, but,

if we had expl*sives,

a hypnotist,
and a military helicopter,

we might be able
to pull this off.

- Hang on.
- Did you... did you change?

- Yeah.
- I got our money.


It's Gordie Howe's.

That means nothing to me.

From the 1955 Stanley Cup.

Even less.

♪ Can I have a taste
of your ice cream? ♪

♪ Can I lick the crumbs
from your table? ♪

- Oh, we gotta go.
- Let's go.

Let's go.

♪ Can I interfere
in your crisis? ♪

♪ No, mind your own business

♪ No, mind your own business


- Oh, my God.
- I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.
- It's old.

I grabbed the only thing
I could think of.

What was that?

- A toilet plunger.
- Smart.

But I had to use the wood part

to break the glass.

Uh, but, what'd you hold on to?


- You didn't.
- I did.

Vinegar, baking soda,
lemon juice.

Did you at least wrap some
toilet paper around it?

There was so much pressure
from the knocking.

Plunger's seen some things.

There's a volcano burger
on that menu.

Double bison patty
smothered in habanero sauce.

It comes with
bottomless chili fries.



Now what?

We wait.

It's gonna be worth it.

- Hey.
- How we doing tonight?

How do you think we're doing?

How do you even know
what this thing looks like?

The guy sent me, like,
four different angles of it.


Apparently, it belonged
to his grandfather.

At what point
are we taking this too far?

This is our job, Ruby.

- She's a straight A student.
- Yeah, smart like a fox.

She tutors, volunteers...

Good cover.

The other day,
I watched her bring in

the Connor's trash cans
without even being asked.

Casing the joint.

- She's a perfect kid.
- Yeah, and so were you.

She's not me.

I need to get in there.


- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you doing here?

Um, uh,

I read it, so...


It's a...

It's a real page turner.


Um, hey,
can I ask you something?

- Now?
- Yeah.

What's going on

with... with us?

What do you mean?

Well, you hugged me...


With both arms.

That's how I hug.

It felt a little...


Ah, right, um,

maybe I overstepped.


Maybe I liked it.

Um, I know
you're going through a lot.

Oh, no.

- No, no.
- There is still a line here.

- Oh, come on.
- Grow a pair.

We shouldn't cross it.

And where is that line,
just so I'm aware?

And to paraphrase Freud...

Don't you need
a real degree to do that?

Sometimes a hug is just a hug.


Thank you so much, Dr. Cohen.

I'm gonna go back
to the office and count to 50.

Little spot
of something red here.

I think it's blood.

Probably from that brawl
in the third period.


So are we good?

Let me run it past my guy.

- Late night?
- Couldn't sleep.

Weren't you wearing
that yesterday?

I can see where this is going,

so just gonna cut it off
at the pass.

I tried to seduce
my therapist, okay?

Like, sexually.
Bone town.

He straight up rejected me,
so I went home alone,

drank a lethal amount
of Goldschlaeger,

and fell asleep in a pile
of my own Cheetos dust.

So if you wanna rip me a new one

for being four minutes late,
you go right ahead,

but I'm not gonna feel
any worse than I already do.

You're in therapy?

Like, physical therapy?

Why would I be
in physical therapy?

- I don't know.
- 'Cause of how you run?

What's wrong with how I run?

All right, ladies.

Where'd y'all say you got this?

Oh, it's been in my family
for many generations.

Yeah, our grandfather
taught him how to skate.

- Our great-great...
- Great-great-great...

- Grandfather.
- Hm.

Was he Chinese?


'Cause that's where
this jersey was made,

like, two years ago.

- Excuse me...
- Wait, it's a fake?

How much for it?

20 bucks.

20 bucks?

All right, 25.

Excuse me.

- Where did you get this?
- Limited edition.

Solid platinum barrel.
18 carat nib.

- Who brought it in?
- Some girl.

Like, a little blonde
druggie type?

What is going on?

Okay, I'm not interested.

Fine, we'll take the 20.

- I'd like you to leave.
- Was it her?

You guys cops?

Guess what.



You're home early.

Got some good news.

What's that?

They found the pen.


Yeah, so I made you these.

I know you've been worked up.

How is it?




How do you do that?

- What?
- Eat that like you deserve it.

Where's the money?

Does Dad know?

Where did you hide it?

- I don't have...
- Where?

Same place you hide yours.

I don't know what you do,

but it doesn't come
from painting nails.

What do you talk about?

Just stuff.

Like what kind of stuff?

- More lo mein anyone?
- Mmm, mm-hmm.

Like me?

I'm probably gonna stop going.

- Oh, my God.
- It's 100% me.

- Okay, you know what?
- Let's do fortunes.

Well, mine doesn't have one,
so that's probably not good.

Huh, let's see.

"You are smarter, prettier,

and much cooler
than your sibling."

- Wow, hm.
- That's not what it says.

- Show me.
- No, it does.

No, it does.
Says it right here.

- Give it to me.
- No!

That's like telling you
my birthday wish.

Fortune wants what it wants.

And now it shall
be written forever.

You're the worst.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Thank you.
- Thank my derelict daughter.

What are you gonna do to her?

Um, I haven't devised it yet,

but it is definitely
gonna be illegal.

let's bring home some bacon.

♪ I wake up every morning

♪ I stumble out of bed

♪ Stretching and yawning

♪ Another day ahead

♪ It seems to last forever

♪ And time goes slowly by

♪ Till babe
and me's together ♪

♪ Then it starts to fly

♪ 'Cause the moment
that he's with me ♪

♪ Time can take a flight

♪ The moment
that he's with me ♪

♪ Everything's all right

♪ Night time
is the right time ♪

♪ We make love

♪ Then it's his and my time

♪ We take off

♪ My baby takes
the morning train ♪

♪ He works from
nine till five and then ♪

♪ He takes another
home again ♪

♪ To find me
waiting for him ♪

♪ My baby takes
the morning train ♪

♪ He works from
nine till five and then ♪

♪ He takes another
home again ♪

♪ To find me
waiting for him ♪

♪ All day I think of him

♪ Dreaming of him constantly

♪ I'm crazy mad for him

♪ And he's crazy mad for me

♪ When he steps
off that train ♪

♪ Amazingly full of fight

♪ Work all day
to earn his pay ♪

♪ So we can play

♪ All night

♪ My baby takes
the morning train ♪

♪ He works from
nine till five and then ♪

♪ He takes another
home again ♪

♪ To find me
waiting for him ♪

Afraid we got a problem.

So here's the thing, man.

If you wanna move

your funny money
through my guys,

we gotta get some stuff
straight, yeah?

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?


All right, for starters,
there is a licensing fee,

but, you know, if that's
gonna be an issue for you,

- We can just...
- Mm-mm!

- No problem?
- Mm-hmm.


Good, good, good,
good, good, man, good.

I was hoping you'd say that.


Now, I need to know
who your employer is

'cause I don't know you.

And you don't know me.

I feel like
I should know everybody

that I work with, right?

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?


What's that now?


So who made your money?

I'm home.

Hey, babe.

I got your food
warming in the oven.

Ah, okay.

You got a test tomorrow?



So your mama told me
what happened.

So what now?

Stevensons gonna give her
that job back?

- Ooh.
- It's up to her.

I mean, either way,
they owe our family an apology.

All right,
gotta wash this day off first.

I love you.

Why didn't you tell him?

Because it would
break his heart.

What if he runs into
Mr. Stevenson somewhere?

that's the problem, isn't it?

You make up one story,

then you gotta make up
another to cover that story.

Before you know it,

you can't keep
any of them straight.

Am I grounded?

That's for kids.

You're big-time now.
You're a criminal.

So what's that mean?

You're gonna owe me.

Hey, need a hand?

Well, aren't you full service?

You've missed two sessions.

- Stalking included.
- I got worried.

- Look, there's no point, okay?
- I made it weird.

- We should talk about that.
- And make it weirder?

It's called transference.

When people make progress
in therapy,

it's not uncommon to,

you know, develop, like, a crush
on the person helping them.

Okay, well, this right now
is definitely not helping,

and I have stuff to do, so...

- All right.
- See you.

I'll, uh,
go back in my apartment,

count to 50.

You know what I think?

You have a storied history

of pursuing inaccessible men,

which is a defense mechanism
to protect you from rejection.

In fact, you do that
with a lot in your life.

I mean, why pursue anything
that would make you happy

when there's a chance
you might not get it, right?

And you put all that
under a nice thick layer

of sex and sarcasm

that makes you bulletproof
to any real emotion.

But, uh, you know, hey.
What do I know?

I graduated
bottom of my class online.

You can't charge me for that.

If you don't come back,
I've gotta fill your spot.

Hey, have you seen my purse?

- The, um...
- The a*mo's in the office.

The g*n is in the garage

with the lawn stuff.

How would you ever get to it?

I just like knowing it's there.


We were so good with him gone.

Purse is on the couch.

I'll be right with you.

Hey, now.

I don't have it all
right now, okay?

I'm not here for that.

I'm just here for some
custom printing.

Word is you do the best work.

I'd like to see how it's done.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Oh, no?

'Cause your friend says you do.

I wanna see.

Well, he's got it wrong.

Show me.

♪ The trees dance

♪ They sway and bend

♪ To a song that

♪ Never ends

♪ The dragonflies

♪ Are making friends

♪ Unlike you and me

♪ The sun paints patterns

♪ On your skin

♪ Through the lace that

♪ You dress in

♪ You walk on water

♪ But I would rather swim

♪ Whilst you look down on me

♪ I hear your voice

♪ It's loud and clear

♪ I thought we were close

♪ But you were just near

♪ When you talk

♪ It's not your voice
that I hear ♪

♪ It's a symphony

Pulp's gotta dry now.


Takes a while.

I got time.

♪ So I'll just watch you

♪ From afar

♪ I'll just hope
the weather is better ♪

♪ Where you are

♪ I'll wear this mark
like a medal ♪

♪ But it's a scar

♪ Where you took my heart

♪ From me

What do you think?

I think I need you alive.