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03x05 - Chapter Five: The Flayed

Posted: 03/19/22 06:55
by bunniefuu
Shit! Shit!

We're going down! We're going down!

Yeah, no shit, Harrington!

Why don't these buttons work?!

Press the button!

What do you think I'm doing?!

Come on, press something!
Just press the button!

Push it!


My groin.

It fell on my groin.


Get this off of me!

I can't move.

Is everyone okay?

Yeah, I'm great, now that I know that
Russians can't design elevators!

I think we've clearly established
that those buttons don't work.

They're buttons.
They have to do something.

Yeah, if we had a keycard.

- A what?
- It's an electronic lock.

Same as the loading dock door.
If we don't have a keycard,

- it won't operate, meaning...
- We're stuck in here.


Just so you nerds are aware,

I'm supposed to be spending the night
at Tina's,

and Tina always covers for me.

But if I'm not home
for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow

and my mom finds out
you three are responsible,

she's gonna hunt you down, one by one,
and slit your throat.

I don't care about Tina!

Or Uncle Jack's party!

Your mom's not gonna be able to find us
if we're dead in a Russian elevator!


What if we climbed out?

What were you saying about climbing?

Looks like somebody's home.

Did you hear that?

Where's that coming from?

It's below us.

Hey, dipshits!

Hawkins PD. Hands in the air.

Don't make me say it again!


You speak English?

I can't understand you!

I can't understand you.

No understand!


Don't move!

Drop the g*n.

Drop it!

You understand what I'm saying, big guy?

Drop the w*apon.

Or what?

You going to sh**t?


So you do understand
what I'm saying, huh?

And, yeah,

you don't put that thing away,
I'm gonna blow some daylight

into that thick skull of yours.


You won't do that.

Why's that?

Because you are policeman.

Policemen have rules.

Oh, yeah?

Wanna test that theory?

I'm gonna count to three.





Oh, shit.


Move, Joyce!

- Oh, God.
- Come on, Smirnoff.

You're coming with us!

Go, go, go!

Let's go! Let's go!

Move it, Smirnoff! Move it!


Joyce! Drive!

- Come on, Joyce! Quit screwin' around!
- Are you kidding me?

- Shit!
- Go!

Joyce, drive.

- I'm trying!
- Joyce, please, drive!


Get us outta here!

Oh, God!

Hang on!

Still think it was our government?

God, shut up!

- Hello?
- Jonathan.

Do you realize what time it is?

Listen to me, okay?

It's 6:00 a.m. and, uh, I had a late night
with Fagin and the g*ng, so...

- I'm at the hospital with Driscoll.
- What?

She's been sedated for a few hours
and the doctors are still running tests.

Nancy, please tell me you're joking.

It's not a joke.
And, yes, I know I'm insane

and irrational and out of touch,
but can you save your lecture,

because I really don't give a shit
right now. I just...

I need you to put me on the phone

with your brother.

- What?
- Jonathan...



He's not even here.

Where is he?

Is he safe?

Why wouldn't he be safe?


Why wouldn't he be safe?

Son of a bitch.

Son of a bitch!

Okay, a magnet? Magnets?

- Do you know "magnet"? Magnet?
- Magnit.

Yes, magnit.

Okay, so, uh, magnit...

on my... my fridge,

my icebox, and then they...

they fell.

They demagnetized, stopped working.
Uh, do you understand?


Okay, so is that because of the machines
that you're working on?

- Machina.
- Machina, machina, yes.

Da, da, machina.

- Machina, machina!
- Yes, machina...

Vroom, vroom.

Oh, not... not the car.

The machines at Hess Farm where...

- where we kidnapped you...
- Joyce, please!

You're givin' me a headache, both of you!

Hold on, please. One minute.


I am making progress.

- Progress.
- Yeah.

What have you learned, huh?
You learned that Smirnoff over there...

- Alexei.
- Smirnoff is Russian

and works for Starcourt,

two things we already knew.

Thought we knew.

But now we know-know,
because I've confirmed them.

You're welcome.

Yeah? Why don't you confirm
whether this baby'll start, huh?

- Keep it in park, please.
- Yeah, duh!

You do... do something useful.

You do something useful.

It's not working.

Try it again.


Hey. Hey.

Stop, stop!

Shut up, Smirnoff!

Aw, come on! D'you hear me?

I said shut your damn...


Oh, Jesus.



I thought this friend of yours
lived in Illinois.

He's not really a friend.
He's more like an acquaintance.

Oh? Okay, well...

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Keep up, keep up, keep up.


Okay, so this acquaintance...

- lives in Illinois? Correct?
- Yeah, yeah.

So we're walking to Illinois?

Yeah, yeah, we're gonna walk to Illinois.

You know, I figure we'll get there
by, like, Friday evening.

I hope that works for your schedule.
Jesus Christ, Joyce.

- We're not walking to Illinois, okay?
- Well, then what are we doing?

I don't know, okay?

I will... I will figure something out.

Isn't there someone in Indiana
who speaks Russian that...

You know what? I'm all ears, Joyce.

I'm all ears.

I'm all ears!

I mean, fine.

Just saying.




Damn it.

I found him.

Where is he?



He's with... Will's mom.

My... My mom?

What are they doing?

Ill... annoy.

They're going to Ill-annoy.

Mike! Breakfast!

Not now, Mom!

Illinois? Illinois, like the state?

The state of Illinois?


Does it still hurt?

Only when I talk.

Well, it's a good thing
you're not Mike, then.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."
And you'd be in constant pain.

Something's not right.
I can't get Hopper off my back all summer,

now all of a sudden,
he's hiking with Will's mom to Illinois?

And Dustin's MIA, too?

I mean, this can't be a coincidence.

What does it matter?

The bottom line is, they're not here.

- It's up to us.
- Up to us to do what exactly?

Find Billy and stop him.

Okay, yeah,
that's a really nice sentiment,

but even if El could find him again,
and that's a pretty big if, then what?

We burn the shit out of him
and make sure he doesn't escape this time.

- Okay, then what?
- Then we win.

No, see, that's the problem.

We don't. We don't win.

We got the Mind Flayer out of Will before
and he just came right back.

We don't just have to stop Billy,
we have to stop the Mind Flayer.

- How in the hell do we do that?
- I don't know.

Maybe El does.

What are they still doing in there?

I don't know.

Girls just like hanging out in bathrooms.


- I mean, I don't know.
- They're conspiring against me.

- That's what you're concerned about now?
- It's not my main concern.

- It's just a sub-concern.
- I thought it was already over.

It's not over, okay?
We're just taking a break.

She said she dumped your ass.

- That doesn't sound like a break.
- It wasn't!

You guys do realize we can still hear
everything you're saying, right?


I told you, they're conspiring.

Not now, Mom!

Mike, open the door.

Code red, I repeat, code red.

Does anyone copy?

This is a code red, I repeat, a code red.

This is a code red, I repeat, a code red.
Does anyone copy?

We are innocent children
and we are trapped under Starcourt Mall.

The Red Army has infiltrated Hawkins,
and if we are found,

they will t*rture and k*ll us.


Gotta take it easy on that thing.
Gonna drain the battery.

- The mall just opened.
- So?

So someone could be in range.

What do you think, Petey the Mall Cop
is gonna rappel down here

and save the day?

All right, why are you such a cranky pants

after getting to spend the night
with Robin?

Shh! Jesus Christ.

Will you just give up
on your creepy dream already?

I heard you guys talking all night.

We were trying to figure out a way
to open up the door

while you children were sleeping.

After eight hours,

we're still exactly nowhere, which is,

you know, probably just a little bit
of the reason why I'm feeling just...

a tad cranky.

What are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm taking a leak. Look away.

Look away!

Can you redirect your stream, please?


Hey, hey! Be careful, careful, careful!

We don't even know what that is.

Exactly. It could be useful.

Useful how?

We can survive down here a long time
without food,

but if the human body doesn't get water,
it will die.

I hate to break it to you,

but this is not water.

No, but it's a liquid,

and if it comes down to me
drinking that shit

or dying of thirst,

I drink.

We've got company.

You smell that?



Let's go.

- Go. Go, go, go, go, go.
- I'm going!

Henderson. Go, go.

Come on, Steve, let's go!

- Jesus Christ.
- Ooh!

You still wanna drink that?

Holy mother of God.


hope you guys are in good shape.

Looking at you, roast beef.

Let's go, come on.

Why me?

It was the same thing,

the exact same thing
that happened to Will last year.

And look at this.
Look at the body temperatures.

He likes it cold.

Okay, so this crazy old woman
who was eating fertilizer...

- Mrs. Driscoll.
- Right, yeah, Mrs. Driscoll.

- What time was this attack?
- Last night.

Right, but what time last night?

- Around 9:00.
- You waited all night to call?

I was waiting for the doctors
to run some tests.

You weren't there?

Well, I'm here now, aren't I?



Um, so, wha... what time was your...
sauna test?

Around 9:00.

Well, that proves it.
That proves my theory.

She's flayed, just like Billy.

- Flayed?
- The Mind Flayer. He flays people.

Takes over their mind.

Once they do that,
they basically become him.

- If there are two flayed...
- We have to assume there are more.


Billy was doing something to her.

She was scared.

She was screaming.

Bad screams.

- What's a good scream?
- Max said...

- Doesn't matter.
- I'm sorry, I'm lost. Who is Heather?

- She's a lifeguard at the pool.
- Heather Holloway?



Welcome to my world.

Seat belts.

- Oh, my God. Can you not walk so close?
- What?

Can you not walk so close to me?
You stink.

I get it, I get it. You're upset, right?

'Cause I, uh... I blew up the car?

Yeah, with me in it.

Well, I just want to remind you
of something, Joyce.

- I am not a mechanic.
- Yeah, clearly.

That's why you should've listened
to Alexei.

Oh, right, yeah.
Your new boyfriend, right?

Yes. Every man I talk to from now on
has to be my boyfriend.

Yeah, he reminds me a bit
of a Russian Scott Clarke.

Oh, here we go.

Maybe you should go on a date.
I don't know, I'm thinking, like, Enzo's?

- Whoa.
- What?

He's running.

You son of a bitch!

Hey! Smirnoff!

Get back here!

Hey! C'mere!

Hey, c'mere!

You all gonna pay for those?

So, what are you,
some kinda bounty hunter?

I'm a cop.

I'm undercover.

Oh, hey, Karen, it's Joyce.

Yeah, I... I'm just checking on Will.

At the movies?

Just keep your mouth shut, all right?

All right, all right, hop in.
Come on, get in.

- Hey!
- Hey!

You "hey!" You "hey!"

This is a police emergency, all right?

I need to commandeer your vehicle.


As long as there's a... a...

What is your name, sir?

- Todd.
- Todd?

- Yeah.
- Todd.

- Todd.
- Todd...

listen to me.

That man in there,

I know he doesn't look it,

but he is one of the most dangerous men
in the world.

He's, uh...

- m*rder*d many children.
- What?

Yeah, he's a true psychopath.
I tracked him over two state lines.

Hey, what's going on?

Ah, Detective Byers.


this is Todd.

He's agreed to... lend us his vehicle
to transport our dangerous criminal.

Oh, yes, he... very dangerous, uh,

forger... er.

Yeah. Uh, child m*rder*r.

- Child m*rder*r?
- We should really get going.

Hey, how do I get my car back?

- You just call the station.
- What station?

Ooh, I like the sound of that, Todd!

Hey, what station?

You're doing the right thing!

Hey, what the... Hey!


I mean, you have to admit,
as a feat of engineering alone,

this is impressive.

What are you talking about?
It's a total fire hazard.

There's no stairs, there's no exit,

there's just an elevator
that drops you halfway to hell.

They're Commies.

You don't pay people, they cut corners.

To be fair to our Russian comrades,

I don't think this tunnel was designed
for walking.

Think about it,
they developed the perfect system

for transporting that cargo.

It all comes into the mall
like any old delivery.

And then they load it up onto those trucks
and nobody's the wiser.

You think
they built this whole mall

so they could transport
that green poison?

I very seriously doubt
it's something as boring as poison.

It's gotta be much more valuable,
like promethium or something.

What the hell is promethium?

It's what Victor Stone's dad used to make
Cyborg's bionic and cybernetic components.

You're all so nerdy,
it makes me physically ill.

No, no, no.
No, don't lump me in with them.

I'm not a nerd, all right?

Why so sensitive, Harrington?

Afraid of losing cool points
to a ten-year-old child?

No, I'm just saying I don't know jack shit
about Prometheus.


Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure,
but whatever. All I'm saying is,

it's probably being used
to make something.

Or power something.

- Like a nuclear w*apon?
- Totally.

Walking towards a nuclear w*apon.
That's great.

- That'd be great.
- But if they're building something,

why here?

I mean, Hawkins. Seriously. Of all places.

At the very best, we're a toilet stop
on your way to Disneyland,

but maybe that's it.
Maybe it's our very...

- You think the Russians know?
- About...

- They could.
- So it's connected?

- Maybe.
- How?

I don't know, but it's...


I'm sorry, is there something you'd
like to share with the class?


"A trip to China sounds nice."

If you tread lightly."

It's the code.

- Wherever that broadcast is coming from...
- It's close.

And if there's one thing we know
about that signal...

It can reach the surface.

Let's go.



Jesus, it's freezing.

Do you guys smell that?


Oh, God.

More chemicals.

You think they're guzzling this shit?

Yeah, either that or they just went on
a hell of a cleaning spree.

But last year, Will didn't eat chemicals.

- Did you?
- No.

This is something new.

Mr. Clarke, fifth grade. Posit.

What happens
when you mix chemicals together?

You create a new substance.

- What if they're making something?
- In themselves?

I mean, come on,
if you drink this crap, it'll k*ll you.

Yeah, if you're human.



Tom had a bandage on his forehead.

He was att*cked.

Call 91...

They must have tied them.

They must have taken them somewhere.

Mrs. Driscoll.

She kept saying...

"I have to go back."

What if the flaying,

it's taking place somewhere else?

There must be a place
where all this started, right?

A source.

Somewhere he didn't want me to see.

If we can find the source,
then maybe we can stop him.

Or at least stop it from spreading

or doing whatever the hell he's doing
with those chemicals.

How do we find it?

Mrs. Driscoll.

If she wants to go back so badly,
why don't we let her?

...this guy comes up to me,

I'm just pumping gas over here,

and he... Hey, whoa!

Don't cross me right now!

Busy day?

You could say that.

Some psycho stole that dude's car.

What else?

- What?
- What else did he say?

This psycho?

No offense, but I already
went over all this with the cops.

I'm not a cop.

Yeah, no shit, Khrushchev.

Oh, shit!

Don't look at them.

At me.

Tell me

about this psycho.

Come on, let's go.

Move it.

I thought you said this guy
was a journalist.

Yeah, he, uh... he was.


Look at the camera.

The camera, above you to the right.

Identify yourselves.

Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers,


- Alexei.
- Alexei.


I don't know.

Family name!

Yeah, I know. I told... I don't know, okay?

Open the damn door!


It's all right. Don't worry.

He's a little bit eccentric, but...

he's completely harmless.


Get that out of my face,

you bald American pig.

I may be bald,

but you're the one in handcuffs,

Soviet scum.

Hi, Jim.


Watch it.

Silence, scum.

- How long is this gonna take, because I...
- No.

- No.
- No.

No, you do not get to question me.

You have dragged an enemy of the state
into my home

as carelessly as a child drags in shit
on his shoe.

I will search him until I am satisfied.

Jim. C'mere.

Just c'mere.
I need to talk to you.

Yeah, what?

- What?
- This is not gonna work.

- What do you mean?
- He's not eccentric, he's certifiable.

- Glass houses, Joyce.
- What?

- You know, pot calling the kettle black.
- Oh, come on.

- Excuse me!
- What?

Do me a favor
and move your lovers' quarrel elsewhere.

- Oh, oh, this?
- No, no, no.

Not a lovers' quarrel, pal.

Spare me!

What is your problem?

Please, stop talking!

No! We have had a very long day.

We have been shot at,
nearly blown up,

walked God knows how many miles
in a hundred degree heat,

stole a car,

all while being chased
by this gigantic... psychopath,

all so we could bring him to you.

Because somehow, you're the closest person
who speaks Russian,

which I can't believe.

But that doesn't matter because,
unfortunately, we're here.

So, if you don't mind,

put that thing away,

stop behaving like a jackass,
and ask him what he's doing

that's making my magnets fall off
my damn fridge!


Okay, clear.

Clear, come on, let's go.

Okay, that was close.

- Too close.
- Relax.

All right? Relax. Nobody saw...



- Red Dawn.
- I saw it.

- First floor, northwest.
- Saw what?

The comms room.

You saw the comms room?


- Are you sure?
- Positive. The door was open for a second,

and I saw a bunch of lights
and machines and shit in there.

That could be a hundred different things.

I'll take those odds.

All right.

We're gonna move fast,
we're gonna stay low.

- Okay?
- Okay.


Move it.

Let's go.

Sh, sh. Come on.

Tread lightly!

Tread lightly!

Who are you?

Silver cat... Silver cat.

I don't understand.



You did it!

You won a fight!


- What are you doing?
- Getting us our ticket out of here.

You want to walk all the way back?

Well, we can hang out for a little bit,
relax, have a picnic maybe.

Have a picnic?
We came here for the radio.

This plan is way better.
If I knew Steve could knock out a Russian,

that would've been our plan
in the first place.

- But I guess you're...
- Guys.

There's something up there.

Let's go.

Holy shit.

No, that is not mean.

That is honest.

She won't find out.

See, you're the only one who gon' tell...
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me!

Where do you think you're going?

Oh, um...

I was just going to visit
my grandma again.

And... And this...

this is my family.

- Extended.
- I don't care who they are.

You know the rules.
Two visitors at a time.

- Yeah, but...
- Two!

Girl, this child has lost her mind.

She brought a whole zoo in here.

You know,

those things that I said yesterday, I...

I didn't mean them.

- I know.
- I don't think you're like those assholes.

At all.

I never have. I...

- I was just...
- Angry?

Which I still don't get.

I mean, I was just completely, utterly,



Don't let that go to your head.

I won't.

I just look forward to you
never doubting me again.

Oh, come on, you piece of shit!


Dude, I think that was it.

That was what?

The olive branch.

The what?

Oh, my God.

You're hopeless.


I'll distract Max,

get you an opening.

And then talk to her. All right?

Where is she?

I don't know.

- Are you sure this is the right room?
- Yeah.

She's gone home.

We were hoping you might come back.

Whose blood is that?

Tom, whatever you've done, it's not you.

He's making you do this.



Go, go, go!



- Got it, two in a row.
- That was good, that was good.

- Best three in a row now.
- Hey.


Does your species like M&M's?

I like the new look, by the way.
It's cool.



This way, this way!


Hello? Hello?!


It's ringing.

I don't care how good her pie is.

No, I don't want her in my damn house.

Come on, pick up!


Hi there.

I'm here for you, Nancy Drew.



- You bitch.
- Nancy!


Help! Help!


Is anyone here?!



Where are you going?


Nancy Drew, where are you?






Go... to... hell!