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01x10 - Bluebeard's Castle

Posted: 03/18/22 18:07
by bunniefuu
[Joe] Previously on You...

[Beck] Everyone just calls me Beck.

And you're Joe...


People find "the one." I believe that.

I was in love once. Candace.
She broke my heart, Beck.

I should've seen the signs.

But we never do.

Exhibit A. Claudia. Single parent.

You think she knew Ron was a shitbag
when she fell in love?

You're a freak.

So, stay away from Paco,
because if you don't,

I'll grab a steak knife
and I'll cut those freak eyes out.

[Joe] A guy needs to protect himself.

I had to be sure you're safe.

I just need to know who you really are.

-You're smart.
-[Beck] Shit!

My phone!

I must've dropped it in the subway.

[Joe] Except in the ways
you are really not.

Like not locking your phone.

And that means I'm still logged into you.

Maybe we could get a drink sometime?


[Joe] Hell, maybe I'm just a fool in love.
It just feels right.

I'm going to help you get
the life you deserve.

You have questionable taste in friends.

Hey, man, I'm thinking maybe...

[Joe] You fall for the wrong men.

Get up on the fence.

Beck, were you ever
sleeping with your therapist?

Yes. I cheated.

But it's over now.

What he did to me, one of these days,
he's gonna do to you.

Maybe he'll do
whatever the hell he did to Candace.

I need you to tell me
what happened with Candace.

[Joe] Why? What does that even matter?

Because there's no evidence
that she was in Italy at all.

No one's heard a single word from her
since she left.

[Joe] I know you.

You won't stop asking questions
until I do something about this.

[Beck] What the hell?


I'll call you later.

[Joe] This, Beck, is between me and you.

Joe! Joe!

[door opens]

-[Mooney] Move!
-[Joe] Mr. Mooney--

-[Mooney] Move!
-[Joe] I was just organizing the shelf.

You think you knew my business
better than I do?

Get in! And you'll stay in
until you understand.

-[Joe] Understand what?
-Who I am to you.





I'm here.



am I in here?

That's good.

Because we're talking.
We're getting it out in the open.

-You hit me!
-I'm sorry.

Beck, I'm sorry.

I didn't want you to freak out.

Joe! I am locked in a glass cage!


-How long?

How long are you gonna keep me in here?
If this is just temporary.

I haven't thought that far ahead. I...

I need to know that I can trust you.

To see the truth.

What truth is that?

Everything I have done,
I have done for you.

Even this?

Even this.

[Joe] Oh, God.

I wish I knew what you were thinking.

Tell me.

What's in the box? Tell me.

Tell me I'm crazy.

Tell me you didn't k*ll Benji.

Tell me you didn't k*ll Peach.

If you knew what I knew.

[Beck sobbing]

Shit, Beck, that's right.
You have no idea.

I promised you the truth
and I'm gonna give you that.

Wait, Joe! Don't leave!

I'm not. We're gonna get through this.


Joe! No, Joe! Joe! Joe!

[Joe] That could've gone worse.

I knew you'd be scared.

That's why I tried to protect you
from the truth.

Now I need to protect us from the world...

[cell phone chiming]

...long enough to work this out.

So business as usual is the best cover.

As far as your friends are concerned,
you're going off the grid.

And it wouldn't be a true social media
detox without announcing it to the world.

I'll be back soon.
The basement is off-limits

until I finish open-heart surgery
on a first-edition Sylvia Plath.

Nice. What kinda condition she in?

Fragile. Very fragile.

Evidence. Evidence is all I need
to prove to you that I'm not some sicko.

I'm your protector. You'll see.

[siren wailing]

[indistinct chatter on radio]

Let's skip the "nothing to see here,"
get straight to moving along.

No, this is my building.
That's my neighbor, Claudia.

-[officer] Your neighbor, huh?
-[Joe] Yeah.

So then you know the piece of shit
who gave her a concussion?

-Yeah, his name is Ron.
-I know who he is.

[Joe] That's him.
Why is he not in the back of your cruiser?

[officer] Victim insisted
it was an accident.

She has a kid. Paco. Where is he?

I didn't see any children in there.
Probably for the best.

[breathing heavily] Joe.
You can't leave me in here.

I'm... I'm not. I'm sorry.

It's pointless to try to explain anything
to you without evidence. So...

no more secrets. Ask me anything.

So we both knew Benji was a d*ck, right?
What you didn't know...

He was a m*rder*r.
He k*lled an innocent kid.

[Benji on laptop] He's playing dead.
He's playing dead. Oh, shit.

No remorse. I fully maintain
he was sociopathic and dangerous.

Dangerous for you.
And Peach, she was obsessed.

She was hoarding these. For years.

She needed to own you,
to trap you, to make you her pet.

And what happened once she was gone?

You blossomed. You were published.

I get why you'd be freaked.
They're all stuffed in like this.

But they're just mementos, you know?
Like holding onto an old photograph.

Or you wearing my shirt to sleep.

You can't tell me that's so crazy.
It's the stuff of a million love songs.

I know this is a lot. Honestly,
I'm terrified sharing this with you.

But if we're being honest,

your life has been better
since you met me.

You just didn't know how or why until now.

Beck, I love you.

And loving someone means
you will do anything for them.


I had to burn his body.

And Peach?

She tried to k*ll me.
That was straight-up self-defense.

-It was self-defense--
-Oh, God! [sobbing]

No, please don't.

-[Joe] No, no, no, calm down. Please.

-Please don't hurt me!
-[Joe] Please calm down.

No, you don't understand.
Please calm down. Beck--

-[Beck] You k*lled them!
-Beck! Beck! Beck!

-You're a m*rder*r! You freak!
-No, that's not true.

-Get away from me!
-[Joe] No, you--

-Please don't hurt me.
-[Joe] You don't understand.

I would never hurt someone I love.

Tell that to Candace, you sick f*ck!

You're not listening.




Help me, please! Please!

Good morning.

-[shrieks] Get away!
-Jesus! It's okay.

What were you trying to do to me?

I was just making it cozy. Look.

You were sleeping so deep.
I didn't want to disturb you.


consider me disturbed.

[Joe] Here, I brought you breakfast.

[Beck] Somehow, being inches
from a bucket of my own pee has...

k*lled my appetite.

Oh, well, I emptied the bucket.

In case you ever doubt
what I'm willing to do for love.

And you're not gonna want to pass up
avocado toast from Dudley's.

And coffee how you like it.

I always wondered what that was for.

Oh, yeah.

Mooney claims he built it
for secure cash transactions.

I never saw anybody down here but me.

I spent a lot of time in here
when I was younger.

I was always getting into trouble.


He was my Mr. Miyagi.

If Miyagi was a Soviet prison guard.

Who am I to you?

-You're an assh*le.
-Yes. But who else do you have?

Your father,
who used your armpit for an ashtray?

Your mother,
who never did anything to stop him?

Or maybe you miss that insect-ridden
group home that drove you to my doorstep.

[scoffs] You don't care about me.

This place could be your salvation.

Here, you're safe...

surrounded by
the greatest works of humanity.

With no choice but to absorb...

...the wisdom of better men.

Beck, in the end,
the cage was a good thing for me.

I'm hoping it'll be the same for you.
Look, hence, typewriter, paper.

No distractions.

It's the low-tech writer's retreat
you always wanted.

I feel bad for you, Joe.

[Joe] Was that pity? Disgust? Empathy?

Beck, I am really
putting myself out there.

The least you could do
is acknowledge that.

[Ethan] Hey! Not today, little man.
Hey! Look at me.

Are you out of your mind?
What do you think you're doing?

Get your hands off him.

I caught this punk trying to steal
the g*n from the register!

Okay, all right. It's not loaded.

Oh, it's loaded.

I'll handle it.

Sit. This is not a toy.

-I know. I'm not dumb.
-[Joe] I think you are.

I think only an idiot tries
what you just pulled.

I know why you want a g*n, Paco.

Even if you don't k*ll yourself
with this thing first,

the second you use it on Ron,
your life is over.

That is the definition of dumb.

I'm sorry.

I know that was harsh.

[keys jingling]

It's a key to my place.
You can go there. It's safe.

Cool down. Crash as long as you need to.
And we'll talk about this later.

[cell phone chimes]

I'm not thinking straight
and it's your fault.

Beck, I can only buy us so much time.

And my patience is wearing thin.

[Annika] Joe, where have you been?


Let's skip the small talk.
I just want to know if Beck is okay.

-Wait, what do you mean "okay"?
-We had a fight. I haven't heard from her.

Oh, I think it's okay to tell you
she's on a writing retreat.

-[both chuckling]

[Annika] It's all good, relax.
She's not texting us either.

-I just wanna know she's safe.

-[Annika] Yeah.
-[Lynn] Yeah.

What was the fight about?


[sighs] I caught her cheating.
With her therapist.

-[Annika] No way.

-Oh, my God. No way.
-Dr. Nicky? Is she kidding?

-Whoa. Joe, I am so sorry.

-Yeah. I'm so sorry.
-[Annika] So sorry.

-[Lynn] We had no idea.
-I thought we could work through it.

But then she ghosted me.

Wait. When she texted,
she said that her retreat was therapeutic.

-You don't think that she's still--
-I mean, yeah.




I really thought you two were endgame.

It just kinda shakes your faith,
you know? I don't know.

Do you really believe
that Beck and I are the real deal?

Joe, I've known Beck a long time,
and I have...

I've never seen her happier.

Or, like, more grounded or whatever.

[Annika] I really think that you bring out
the best in her.

I think she brings out
the best in me, too.

Hey, maybe it's not so bad.

Maybe she's really
on a writing retreat, you know?

Or maybe she's just
trying to dodge that PI

'cause she doesn't feel like
talking about Peach.

PI? What do you mean?

Apparently a Salinger
would never commit su1c1de,

-according to the Salingers.
-It is so messed up.

They hired this guy.

He's been asking Lynn and I
all of these questions.

He even used the term "foul play."
Can you believe that?

Joe, we both know what you did.
Why are you surprised?

I'm not gonna finish these wontons.
You want 'em?


Thank you.

I recommend the ponzu.
The sweet-and-sour is too sour.


You haven't started writing.

I'm still waiting for that surge
of inspiration I was promised.

You seem like you're doing
a little better.


Maybe it's relative.


I caught Paco trying to steal a g*n
from the register today.

What? Why?

Ron put Claudia in the hospital.

So Paco... I tried talking to him.
I think I just made him angrier.

Well, you got your girlfriend locked up
in a cage, a PI snooping around...

and you're worried
about your neighbor's kid.

I know. It's pretty dumb.

[Beck] No.

It's sweet.


I know...

there's a good heart in there, somewhere.



I have to pee.

[Joe] Oh, no, tell me you're not using

Henry Pelham's cartography
as a seat cover.

Sorry, I couldn't find any Dan Brown.

-Yeah. I'll get--

Can I...

Can I just please use the bathroom?

Please. This is dehumanizing.

You can trust me.

Thank you. Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you.

-[Joe] I can't.

I'm sorry.


Joe, please.

-[Joe] I'll be back in a little bit.
-Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

[crying] I am so stupid.

This whole time, I was wrong.

How did I not see this?

[Joe] If you see this place as a prison,
that's all you're gonna be, a prisoner.

If you see it as an opportunity
for introspection and growth,

voilà, we have a future together.

You say you're a writer.
I fell in love with a writer.

Maybe you should be writing.

What now, Joe?
You're gonna go jerk off to my panties?

Or do you need to cut someone up
before you can get hard?


[Beck] How the hell did you end up here?

[Joe] Your life has been better
since you met me.

You just didn't know how or why.

You paint me out to be this monster.

Someone who could hurt people,
who could do terrible things.


[Beck] "You used to wrap yourself
In fairy tales

Like a blanket

But it was the cold you loved

Sharp shivers as you uncovered
The corpses of Bluebeard's wives

Sweeter goosebumps as Prince Charming

Slid one glass slipper
Over your little toes

A perfect fit

But by the schoolyard, real princesses
Floated by you on fall winds

You saw the gulf
Between you and the rich girls

And vowed to stop believing
In fairy tales

But the stories were in you
Deep as poison

If Prince Charming was real
If he could save you

You needed to be saved
From the unfairness of everything

When would he come?

The answer was a cruel shrug
In a hundred fleeting moments

The sneer on Stevie Smith's face
When he called you a fat cow

Uncle Jeff's hand squeezing your ass
In the Thanksgiving kitchen

The accusation in your father's eyes
When you told him what happened

From every boy masquerading as a man
That you let into your body, your heart

You learned you didn't have
Whatever magic turns a beast into a prince

You surrounded yourself
With the girls you'd always resented

Hoping to share their power
And you hated yourself

And that diminished you even more

And then, right when you thought
You might just disappear

He saw you

And you knew somewhere deep
It was too good to be true

But you let yourself be swept

Because he was the first
Strong enough to lift you

Now in his castle you understand

Prince Charming and Bluebeard
Are the same man

And you don't get a happy end
Unless you love both of him

Didn't you want this?

To be loved?
Didn't you want him to crown you?

Didn't you ask for it?
Didn't you ask for it?

Didn't you ask for it?

So say you can live like this

Say you love him
Say thank you

Say anything but the truth

What if you can't love him back?"

[Joe] What if you're not the one?

No, now is not the time
to abandon principles.

[camera shutter clicks]

I have to believe love conquers all,

and if you love me,
it's only a matter of time.

But time is not on our side.

I don't want to think worst-case.

I don't like having to scour your place

for evidence that'd link me
to your disappearance.

It's all starting to feel a little dirty.

'Cause I'm not doing it for you anymore.

I'm doing it for me.

And I'm not a selfish person.

You said you believe
I have a good heart, "somewhere."

I hope you don't mind
if I take a minute to look for it.


Joe. What are you doing here?

I'm looking for Paco. Is Ron around?

No. And I was hoping
that Paco went to find you.

I lost my cell phone when...

Nurses said they tried calling
the apartment but nobody answered.

So you have no idea where your son is?

Jesus, Claudia.

So damn easy to judge, huh?
Who the hell are you?

I'm the only one in this city
who cares about your son, apparently.

Why do you do this?

Why do you protect the man
who does this to you over your child?

Over and over? You're his mother.

Mothers are supposed to protect
their children from men like him.

I don't need a concerned neighbor
bursting in here

and blaming me for my own concussion.

Ron has connections. He's made threats.

You wanna know
why he's still in the picture?

I stand up to him, I lose my boy.

I'm sorry. I didn't know that.

[Claudia] Yeah, of course you didn't.

You have no idea
what it takes to live my life.

They don't write books
about women like me.

No one would think to.

[man] Joe Goldberg?

[Joe] Hello, PI.

Have we met?

Hi. I work for the family
of Peach Salinger.

-Just a couple quick questions.
-Okay, sure. Of course.

How well did you know Peach?

[Joe] He's asking, but he knows already.

Not well. Through my ex, Guinevere Beck.

Well enough to be saddened by her passing.

You been to her house in Greenwich?

That's where she died, right? No, no.
I heard about it through Beck.

I know that Peach was having a hard time
when they were out there. Um...

Yeah. I think you should talk to Beck.

I've been trying to
get ahold of Beck, actually.

Yeah, well, we broke up...

[chuckles] so I'm not really in touch.

In fact, if you found me, that means
you probably found Lynn, Beck's friend.

She's the one to ask.

Beck, she might be out of town, writing.
She does that.

So, good luck. It was nice to meet you.

You spend a lot of time at her place
when she's out of town?

[Joe] Shit.

Well, I...

He saw me.

I still have a key.
No, in fact, I had a key.

I returned it last night.

Should I be worried?
Are you following me?

Your ex ever tell you
that Peach had a stalker?

I mean, I know... I remember
the awful Central Park incident.

Peach was att*cked, right?

But I wasn't aware it was anything
more than a random robbery.

The same individual may have been
in the house the weekend Peach died.


Found an item.
We're testing it for DNA now.


That would be crazy.

I forgot the g*dd*mn jar.

Well, if it's true,
I hope you find the guy.

I should've pissed myself.

Let me know if there's anything I can do.

Thanks, Joe. You mind calling
if you think of anything else?


And does urine even hold DNA?

Will do, Ross. Yeah.

One thing I learned
from my own time in a cage, Beck.

Never let yourself panic.

No matter how bad it is, you find a way
to stay calm and keep your wits.

[car engine starts]

I've been stupid to be mad.

I messed up,
and you're trying to help me do better.

I know it's hard to understand,

but sometimes we do difficult things
out of caring for someone.

I know the demons that drive you.

I have them, too.

It takes discipline...

to prevail.

That's why I work you so hard,
why I demand perfection.

My love for the books. Respect.

I'm trying to teach you a code to live by
so that you don't end up like your father.

And when I fail, you lock me in.


Because I love you.

I only hope it'll be enough.


Hey, I'm sorry
that I went a little crazy before.

What's for dinner?

What's wrong? What happened?

You remember the PI?
He paid a visit.

You should've seen him.

I don't think he bought a word I said.

I'm not a k*ller.

I didn't plan this.

If I was some premeditated,
cold-blooded monster,

I wouldn't have missed anything that would
come back to bite me in the ass like this.

What did you miss?

It doesn't matter.

Unless it does, in which case you'll know
because I'll go to prison.

You might get exactly what you want.

I'll go down for something I did for you.

And you'd love that, right?
I mean, that's what you think of me.

No. That's not true.

You're not a monster, Joe.
I know I've said some stuff, but...

Come on, you can't expect me to be chill.
I mean, look at us.

For the record,

I don't hate you.

I am trying so hard to understand you.

Can you blame me
if I need a little help getting there?

What about Paco?

What about Paco?

If you go to jail,
the kid is screwed, right?

You think that's what I want?

You're the only person
who is there for him.

I think about what happens to people
who don't have anyone.

Joe, for Paco, okay?

Let's try and figure out a way
through this so that you can...

So that we can be there for him.

[knock on door]

Claudia! Just open the door. I want to...

Just want to talk to you. Just...

Hey, let me in. Just wanna...

[Paco grunts]


[Ron] You little piece of shit!


Paco, come here. I want to talk to you.

Paco, come here. Not gonna hurt you.

-[Ron] Paco!

Get over here. I wanna talk to you.

Paco, come out here.

[breath trembling]

You're dead.

[Joe] Hey, Ron.



-[Paco] Joe!
-[Joe] Paco!

[both breathing heavily]

Okay. This is what I need you to do
so no one finds out about this,

because people are not really
gonna believe us

about the way it happened, right?

Okay, there's blood in the hall.

You clean that up with soap and water,
and then hit those spots with bleach.

Really pour it on, all right?

Now, this next part
might sound a little weird,

but I think it might do the trick.

See this? It's Ron's phone.

I'm gonna be texting your mom from it.

Maybe Ron's boss, a few of his friends.

So they think he's still alive.

Exactly. So I'm gonna keep that going.

I'm gonna take it far away
from here, get rid of it.

All you have to do is say
you don't know where he is.

[breathing heavily]


Ron will never hurt or scare you
or your mom ever again.

And I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry you had to see that.

But it's over.

It's all over now, forever. Right?

He was a bad man.


He was.

Does that mean it was right to k*ll him?


we do bad things for the people we love.

Doesn't mean it's right.
It means love is more important.

Hey, go home.

I believe that, Beck.
Love is more important.

But the world is a cruel place.

If I get caught for any of this,
I doubt a jury will see it the same way.

-And you?

Will you?

There you are!

Read this, Joe.

A blind-verse rendition
of your love story with Dr. Nicky?

Keep reading.

What exactly is this?

It's the story of everything that happened

once I started having an affair
with my therapist.

I was broken and trusting
and I needed help.

And he, little did I know,
he was obsessive and very sick,

and would stop at nothing
to get closer to me.

And if you skip to the end,
there's this part

where I talk about a box of mementos
that I found on Nicky's property.

Evidence. A jar of teeth.

Joe, don't you see?
Nicky is your way out, Joe.

Our way out.

It's perfect.

I get it now.

-You get what?
-[Beck] You.

You did everything... for me.

No one has ever loved me
the way that you love me.

I mean, you gave me everything.

Let me give this to you.

I mean it. I understand.

I was scared. I could've done something...

something really stupid
when I found that box.

But this...

This gave me time to think.

I hurt you. I scared you.

I understand if you hate me.

I love you, actually.

More than ever.

And I can wait until you're ready.
It's not so bad in here.

You take care of me.

And no one has ever
taken care of me before.

Not like you.

That's all I ever wanted to do.

[Beck] And when you're ready,
we can take my story public,

and then you and I,
we can go somewhere and start our life...

[stammers] And I haven't
thought beyond that.

But, Joe, I...

I know that I am better with you
than without you.

[softly] Beck.

If you were in here, this would be
our moment to kiss as, like,

the music swells and everything.

But I know...

I know you don't trust me enough yet.

I get it.

[sighs] We're crazy.

[keys jingling]

[door unlocking]

[Joe groans]


[sobs] Wait, wait, wait, please.
Wait, I know you're angry. I know.

You have no idea what I am,
you f*cking psychopath.

I knew it was too good to be true.

What, all the nice things I said to you
while I was locked in a cage?

You actually believe that all of this
is somehow justified.

It is.

[Beck] You are insane.

You think that you did some bad shit
and that I did some bad shit

and that this is equivalent?

Yeah, I lied. I cheated.
But I didn't stalk you,

I didn't hit you. I didn't k*ll people.
I didn't do any of this!

There's not a line in the world
that I wouldn't cross for you.

I didn't ask you to swoop in for me.

But you did. Your life was a mess.

Yes, but it was my life.

And I didn't need some sociopath
on a white horse to clean house.

I mean, what gives you the right?
You thought that I would be grateful?


you are him.

You are the bad thing.

You are the thing
that you should have k*lled.

If you let me out, we can just talk.

You know what I think?
I think that this was all just an excuse.

An excuse to justify
creeping into girls' lives

and violating the shit out of them.

I think you love it. The power.

-You love it!

-No, I don't.
-[Beck] I think that this...

this was the perfect excuse
to take out people like Benji and Peach,

who've always looked down on you
and your whole miserable life.

-God, but you--

You are not special.

You're broken.

I could never love you.

Rot in there, you psychotic assh*le.

You're gonna spend
the rest of your life in jail.

[Paco] Joe?

[Beck] Help!

Help! Help!

Paco! Paco, thank God. I need your help.
Open this door right now.

Joe, he is downstairs. And he's crazy.


Paco, he has k*lled people.
He's gonna k*ll me.

Open this door right now.

Paco, open the door!
Open the door, please!

Please! Paco, no! No, Paco!


Keys. Keys.


When Mooney locked me in,
I learned a big lesson.

Hide a spare key so you can get out
of the g*dd*mn cage.

-I didn't want it to be like this, Beck.
-[Beck] I know.

I know. Just...

put me back in there.


[Ethan] These have been
selling like crazy.

[woman] Is it true she worked here?

[Ethan] Yeah, it's true. I knew her well.

[woman] I'm so sorry.
It's really tragic.

It's pretty weird when someone dies

and you literally can't get away
from them on the news.

Enjoy the book.
She was a really good writer.

[Joe] You really were, Beck.

I miss you so much.

It's been a weird four months.
I had to do a lot for you, in the end.

♪ I need my girl ♪

♪ I need my girl ♪

[Joe] You wrote the story.
All I did was bring it to life.

The story was perfect,
so everyone believed it.

-[reporter ] There he is!
-[people clamoring]

[reporter ] Doctor! Doctor!
What drove you to m*rder Guinevere Beck?

Yes, she was definitely
having an affair with her therapist.

That evil [bleep] .

You know, our friend Peach Salinger
was trying to get Beck to stop seeing him.

So it's like,
did that psycho k*ll Peach, too?

[Blythe] I received the manuscript
in the mail.

It was odd, but far and away

the most moving prose I'd read
since Zadie's second-to-last.

It was also the most horrifying,

because I came to understand

that Beck was illuminating
her very own imminent m*rder.

That's when I knew.

I had to show it
to my literary agent right away.

[Joe] It's true, maybe not everyone
was completely convinced.


[Joe] But you know what? Doesn't matter.
The evidence was overwhelming.

Thanks to your hard work...

and mine.

It was the last thing
we ever did together.

In the end, you couldn't love me.

I feel at peace with that now

because I loved you
the absolute best that I could.

And I gave you what you wanted.
I feel good about that.

I helped you become the writer
you so wanted to be.

Your lurid memoir of Dr. Nicky
was the lead,

but I cobbled that manuscript together

from every one of your pieces
fit to print.

The book is yours, Beck,
and it made you famous.

It's sad you're not here to see it.

But I know you would be so happy.

So, California.

[Joe] That's great, you know?

You got the job. Paco's gonna love it.

Yeah, I think so. Weather's so good.

So, Ron.

Disappeared into thin air. I don't get it.

But, you know,
everyone knew he was a troubled guy.

He had gambling debts.
Who knows? It's for the best.

I know I haven't always been
the nicest about it,

but thanks for always being
so good to my son.


Yeah, it's nothing. Really.

I'll let you say goodbye.

[Joe] Hey, Pac.

I'll miss you.

Me, too.

Hey, you know,
it's okay if things are hard sometimes.

You can still be a good person.

And have a really good life.
That's what I want for you.

This is good. A fresh start.

You're gonna put
the bad things behind you.


You, too.

[Joe] I'm trying. I am.

But I'll admit, it's getting harder
to live with so much heartbreak.

And there are days
I just don't believe in love.

I tell myself to keep my heart open.

That in the end, I was wrong about you.

Every relationship
teaches us hard lessons, right?

That's their gift.

To make us ready for the day when someone,
maybe the one, walks in,

who could truly love us...

and we could truly love them.


hello there.

Who are you?

You've got that hoodie.
You don't like to be stared at.

But your legs are bare.
You like a little attention.

Okay, I'll bite.

Hey, Bunny.

-Candace, you're--


So, I think we have some
unfinished business to talk about.