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01x09 - Candace

Posted: 03/18/22 18:07
by bunniefuu
[Joe] Previously on You...

The only good thing
in my life right now is therapy.

[Joe] It's a bit troubling when
your partner hides something from you.

-Don't you agree, Dr. Nicky?
-I hear you, Paul.

-Are you sleeping with him?

Your therapist.

[laughing] No! I am not sleeping with him.

If we don't have trust, we have nothing.

We're over.

[Joe] Karen is perfect.

I've never wanted anything more.

Except you, Beck.

-It's over.
-You're dumping me.

Joe Goldberg?
I heard about you and Candace.

She thought she could be happier
with some guy in Rome.

It's just how she left so suddenly...

Are you gonna leave Beck alone?
Or will she end up like me?

-He never talks about Candace.
-You must sleep deeper than I do.

What he did to me, one of these days,
he's gonna do to you.

Or worse.

Maybe he'll do
whatever the hell he did to Candace.

[register beeping]

[register opens]

[register closes]

[woman laughing faintly]

[laughter continues]






I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!

[screaming] Candace!



[Joe] Thank God you had
that third glass of pinot.

I want to wake you so you can hold me.

But then you might ask
what I've dreamt about.

And it doesn't matter, Beck.

What matters is what's real. This.


[Beck] Goddess of w*r. Seven letters.

Oh, no, that's six.

Ishtar? No. No, no, no.
Freyja. What about Freyja? Freyja?

Or you could try seven letters.

Okay, here. Can I see it?


[Joe clears throat]

Yeah, okay...


Sekhmet. Yeah. S-E-K-H...

No, she's an Egyptian goddess. What?

Nothing. I just...

I like watching you reach into
your mind palace

for random bits of information.

[Joe laughs]

I like it when you say
things like "mind palace."

In mine, by the way, you're the queen.

-Oh, wow!
-Yeah, right?

I missed this. Our routine.

Unless, of course, this is what you do
with all your girlfriends.

All of them. The whole harem.

How many have there been, by the way?

Girlfriends? Really? Haven't we done this?

I mean, besides Karen,
you've only told me about one.

What's her name,
who went to, like, Europe?

God, what was her name?

[Joe] You know her name because you heard
me calling it last night, didn't you?

Now you want to know more.
Of course you do.

Why would I call another woman's name
in my sleep?

Oh, Candace, right?

[Joe] Is this a problem?

-She still in France or wherever?

Uh, Italy. And I don't know.
I don't really care.

Well, why did you guys break up?

[Joe] This is a problem.

Because she dumped me.
Because we were thoroughly incompatible.

The night you pulled me
from the train tracks,

you said you went chasing a girl.
Was that her?

Yeah, and it was really dumb of me.

The truth is, some people seem to function
to show you what isn't right for you.

And others...

-show you exactly what is.

[Joe] Saved for now. But I know you.

You won't stop asking questions
until I do something about this

and stop dreaming about Candace.

How do you exorcise someone?

A shaman? A hypnotist?

We can't sleep another night
with a ghost in our bed.

[stammers] Hey, I forgot.
I have to run payroll up to Mooney today.

So I'm gonna have to rain check on lunch
with the girls. Is that all right?

-Yeah, that's fine.
-Okay, great.

[Dr. Nicky] Don't lie to me, babe!

I know you got the messages.

Please, just meet with me. Hear me out.

[Joe] Apparently, the Doc's got
lady problems of his own.

Sorry about that, Paul.

Is everything okay?

-Yeah. Yeah.

So, uh... you've been having these dreams.
When did they start?

[sighs] Uh, just right after Renaldo
and I broke up.

Right. And you broke up with Renaldo
because he cheated on you.

So now you're having dreams of your
previous ex in the arms of another man.

But it makes sense losing Renaldo
would kick all that back up, right?

But Renaldo wasn't cheating,
as it turns out.

In fact, we're back together now,
and things are better than ever.

Okay. So you wanna know
why the dreams haven't stopped?


Can you think of why
you don't want to face your ex?

I don't think I understand the question.

Well, in your dream,
you say you're trying to reach him.

But you can't because
you put yourself in a cage.

I don't put myself in a cage.
I find myself in the cage.

Whose dream is this?

See, we are the architects
of our own dream.

You have some unfinished business
with your ex and you need to deal with it.

Trust me. [sighs]

If you don't deal with this,
if you don't face it,

it will haunt you, man.

[Joe] Uh, yes, face Candace.
I'd sooner slam my nuts in a door.

But anything to stop screaming her name
in my sleep.

Come on, assh*le. I'm hungry.

Terry, are you kidding me?

-[Joe] Here. Here, here.

Can I help you out with that?

-My hero.
-[both chuckle]

You guys playing here tonight?

Yeah, if I don't starve to death
before then.

You should actually come see us play.
We put on a pretty good show.

-We're Heathcliff's Misery.
-Wuthering Heights?

Very good. I'm Candace.

Oh. Hey, I'm Joe.

Thanks for your help, Joe.

My pleasure, Candace.


f*cking Candace. I mean, look at her.

No wonder he's dreaming about her.

She's got this whole icy redhead,

"Follow me into this cave, Jon Snow" vibe.

Okay, if you think
I post a lot of selfies...

And she's not even Joe's type.

I thought he was only into
mildly slutty smart girls.

-[all laughing]
-So funny.

I mean, honestly,
she hasn't posted in a year.

This account's not even active.

She ran off to Italy. Allegedly.

Why do you even care about this chick

if y'a'll are in mad love
and she's in Italy?

Well, we don't know if she even is.

I mean, she could secretly be here
and they could be banging.

Or he is still in love with her.

He's telling her that she's his forever
and I'm just his right now,

and then he feels guilty
for being with me.

Okay, can we talk about
what you're really doing here?

No. I know what you're gonna say.

Babe. Your career is taking off.
You're falling for a genuinely good guy.

And you think that there must be
something wrong.

Because good things must be taken away
from Guinevere Beck.

Yeah. Hashtag, daddy issues.

Oh, my God. You guys are so right.

-[Lynn laughs]
-Is that the guy?

Yeah, it's totally the guy.
[scoffs] Is he following us?

Hi. Hello. Hi.

Douchey man. Hi.

Do you want to join us?
'Cause there's room.

That's what I thought.
[scoffs] Oh, God, what a d*ck.

What does he think, one of us k*lled her?

What are you talking about?
Who is that guy?

He hasn't talked to you? Peach's family
hired him to look into her death.

-Like a PI?
-[both] Yeah.

It's all her mother.
God forbid the ladies at the club

think her perfect daughter k*lled herself.

-[scoffing] What?
-[Lynn] Ugh. She was doomed.

Her whole family's House Slytherin.

Oh, shit. [sighs]
We're gonna be late to cryo.

-Becks, last chance.
-I wish. I have to, um, send Blythe notes.

Well, have fun. Love you.

-[Lynn] Later.

-[Annika] Smooches.
-[Lynn] Let's just...


[Ethan] You mean Bushnell?
Yeah, I love Candace Bushnell.

Although, honestly,
I can't really stand SJP.

You know who I mean. Joe's Candace.

[Ethan] Yeah, I just don't really
want to get into it.

-[Beck] Why?
-Where is Joe?

He said he had to see Mooney
to sign payroll or something.

-Yeah. Why?

Uh... nothing.

I saw you two were friends on Facebook.

Yeah, I'm also friends with John Oliver
and Ali Farka Touré

and Blythe's great-aunt Siobhan
on Facebook.

Doesn't mean I really know them.

But you knew her, right?


Come on. It's just, for whatever reason,

Joe doesn't seem to want
to talk about her.

Yeah, I'd maybe respect his wishes
on this one.

Why? What happened?

He says it was nothing,

but clearly that's not true,
or you wouldn't be this way.

It wasn't nothing.
He was really messed up when it ended.

And he even disappeared for, like, a week.

-Where did he go?
-I don't know. Where do sad guys go?

But when he got back, it was same sweats
at work for, like, eight days straight.

Shit got dark.

But then he met you,
and you brought back the light.


You make Joe happier
than I've ever seen him.

And that's what matters, right?

Just let it go.

[Joe] Dr. Nicky was right, Beck.

I don't like looking back.
I don't see the point of it.

But if my choices are

stare straight at Candace,
at what happened to us,

or end up like lonely Dr. Desperate,

Oh! Hey, Santa. Whatcha got there?

Well, that depends.

[imitating Santa] Have you been
naughty or nice, little girl?

-[Candace chuckles]
-[Joe] Ho-ho-ho.

I'm sorry, I gotta stop that.
I... That's too gross.

[Candace giggles]

I want to pepper-spray myself.

-I thought we said no gifts.

Did we? I must've missed that.



Bunny. [exclaims]

My favorite.

-[Joe] It's a first edition.
-[Candace] Are you sh1tting me? Really?

-[Joe] Mmm-hmm.
-[Candace] I'll cherish it forever.


This is the nicest thing
anyone's ever given me.

Thank you.

"Be with me always, take any form,
drive me mad.

Only do not leave me in this abyss,
where I cannot find you.

Oh, God, it is unutterable."

[cell phone vibrates]

[Joe] I thought we said no phones.

I'm sorry, Bunny. It's just my brother.

Who's Elijah?

-Give me my phone, Joe.
-He's not your brother. I know that.

[Candace] Give me my phone back.

[Joe] Is Elijah going to be there?

Don't start this again.
It's just business, Joe.

Yeah, for you it is.
But guys like this are predatory.

-I don't think you should go alone.
-You're not coming with me.

Why? So he can at least think
that he can get you into bed?


[Candace] Yeah, I am outside.

Where are you?

Oh, I see you.

[Joe] Mooney always told me

a book is far greater
than most hands it passes through.

Some simply aren't worthy.

That's why it's up to people like us.
People who believe in second chances.

[Maddie] Maddie Johnson.
I'm Candace's friend.

So, I heard about you and Candace.

Yeah. Yeah, we broke up.

[Maddie] I mean, seriously,
I heard some kind of crazy stuff...

[Maddie] The Peach I knew?

No way. Why it's great
you're writing the article.

And kudos to Jezebel for wanting
to spotlight the fact

that depression doesn't present
like people think.

-Yeah, I agree. [chuckles]

You were with Joe Goldberg
the night we met, right?

-Yes. I was, actually.

I remember you.
God, I was wasted that night.


Didn't you guys have, like,
a mutual friend or something?

Did. Candace? She... Long story.

I think they dated.

Oh, they did.

But I can't say I was shocked
when it didn't work out.

What happened, exactly?

Uh, there were rumors she cheated on him
with the guy who signed her to her label.

Which, to be honest, sounds like Candace.

I thought they worked through it,
but then suddenly she was off to Italy.

Just gone.

You still in contact with her?

That's the weird thing.
She ghosted everyone she knew.

So, even her family? She just...

Well, she really only has her brother.

And he's got theories of his own.
But Jimmy's not exactly well.

What kind of theories?

Crazy ones. Like, for starters,
he thinks Candace is dead.

[Beck laughs nervously]

[Beck] Where are you?


There you are.

[Candace] Excited to announce
I've officially signed with...

-Plumchapell Records.
-Plumchapell Records.

[Candace] World ain't ready
for me and my new rep.

Ah, here we go. Elijah Thornton.

[Elijah] Yo, so I said, "Diddy,
you drop that bass line in the bridge,

and you got yourself a hit on your hands."

-[man] I know what he's talking about.
-Yo, you know that track.

-Tell me it's not all about the bridge.
-[man] It's all about the bridge. Cheers.

-I'll be right back.
-[man] All right.

-Hey, Elijah?

I'm Joe.

Look, man, um, just send your demo
to my assistant, okay?

And we'll call you.

Do you get all of your clients
to sleep with you?

Or did my girlfriend
just seem like easy prey?

-I'm sorry. Who's your girlfriend?
-Candace Stone.

I saw you. In your car.

You've been texting her.
You've been harassing her nonstop.

I mean, is it fun for you?

[stammers] Do you like
pushing girls around?

What are you talking about, man?

I'm sorry, okay? I had no idea.
I thought she was single.

Honest to God, man, I...
She never even mentioned you.

Okay? I'm glad you brought it up.

Look, man.

She's been on me from the second we met.

I'm sorry to have to tell you that, but,
you know, you gotta know who you're with.

She's the type, you just give her a look
and then just... spread wide open.

Tell you... [scoffs]

b*tches are gonna be b*tches, right?

What the hell are you gonna do?



[Elijah snorts]

[Elijah sighs]

Oh, shit...

Hey, man, did you, uh... Would you want?
Do you want a bump?

-[Joe] Yeah, yeah.
-Whoa, bro!


[body thuds]

[Candace exclaims]

-My favorite.
-[Joe] It's a first edition.

-[Candace] Are you sh1tting me? Really?

[Candace] I'll cherish it forever.

This is the nicest thing
anyone's ever given me.

Thank you.

[Joe] Goodbye, Candace.

[Candace] Me and Jimmy.
The first man in my life. Hashtag, twins.


[keypad clicking]

[line ringing]

[man] Hartley Psychiatric Center.
How can I help you?

Hi, uh, can I speak to Jimmy Stone?
Is he still a patient there?

I'm sorry, we can't release
that information.

Actually, I'm family. I'm his sister.

I've been away, abroad.
My name is Candace.

I should be his emergency contact.

One moment, please.

[Janice] Ms. Stone, my name is Janice Ahn.

We tried contacting you.

Very sorry to tell you this,

but your brother passed away
six months ago.

[Joe] Hey, Beck? Are you here?

Hey. I tried calling you earlier.

-What's up? Are you okay?
-No, I'm not okay.

I need you to tell me
what happened with Candace.



Okay. You heard me, right?
Well, I... I don't know.

I don't know why I'm having these dreams.

I don't care about the dreams, Joe.
I want to know what happened.

I want to know where she is.

Why? What does that even matter?

Because I am going crazy over here.

Because there's no evidence
that she was in Italy at all.

Evidence? What does that...
What do you mean?

Are you looking into her?

No one's heard a single word from her
since she left.

I mean, she went completely AWOL--

-Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.
-...on social media.

Who moves to Italy
and doesn't post any pictures?

What are you talking about, "no one"?
Who are you talking to?

-Maddie. Maddie Johnson? Why?

Because you won't tell me anything.
Why do you think?

She told me that Candace cheated on you.

Yeah, she did. A lot.

And the guy she was screwing,
he fell off a building.

And then Candace disappeared,

and then you supposedly went to Italy
to chase her, but if...

If she wasn't there, then...

And her brother...
Apparently, he thinks that--

He thinks Candace is dead.

And that I had something to do with it.

Do you know Jimmy was convinced
that I was a Russian spy?

Or did you hear about the time he tried
to attack his mother with a knife?

Or the six times he tried
to commit su1c1de?

Having him committed was the single most
responsible thing Candace ever did.

He hated her for it, and he blamed me.

Look, I'm gonna show you something.

She changed her name when she left.

She always talked about
starting over like that.

Never thought she'd do it, but...

-Beck, she cheated on me.

She broke my heart.

[sniffles] Oh, my God.

What is wrong with me?

I'm so sorry, Joe.

'Cause my mind,
it goes to the darkest places sometimes.

If you believe that I'm capable
of something like that--

No, that's the thing. I don't.

I know in my heart that is not you.

That could never be you.

I did lie, though.

I didn't follow Candace to Italy.

If you wanna know where I went,
I can show you.

You ready?


Joseph. What's wrong?

Were you seen? Did you talk to anyone?
Did anyone know you were there?

All right, your clothes. Take 'em off.
Give them to me!

-Okay, okay.
-[Mooney sighs heavily]

I k*lled him.

Listen to me, boy.
So long as you tell no one, you are fine.

Men, they go off to w*r,
k*ll people every day,

then come back
and get on with their lives.

Hear me? His life is over. Not yours.

-Now, Joseph...

[Mooney sighs]

[patting back]

Some people deserve to die.

I'm sure you had your reasons.

[Bridey] Ah, Joe. Perfect timing.

Just finishing up supper.

-Bridey, this is Beck.
-[Beck] Hi.

Nice to meet you, dear.

Hey, old man. This is Beck.

Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mooney.

I'm Guinevere, but people call me Beck.

Oh, here.

It was a stroke. Little over a year ago.

I still make it up at least, what,
once a week to visit you?

It never gets any easier,
seeing him like this.

He was such a force.

You still are, of course.
Now, I can get a word in.

-Oh, sorry, Bridey.
-No worries.

He, uh, took me in
when I was just about Paco's age.

Taught me everything I know.
He's really my only family.

And it's my fault he's like this.

-When everything went down with Candace...

I was just...
I was trying to win her back.

Or I was too busy
feeling sorry for myself.

I hadn't been able to visit in a while.

When I found him,
he'd been lying there for two days.

-That week...

I was here... with him.

Sometimes you can't talk about something
because you feel shitty about it.

This wasn't your fault.

And you're not alone anymore, Joe.

[Joe] You didn't let go of my hand
the entire way home.

It feels good.

Who knew sharing my darkest secrets
would make me feel so light?

[Beck laughing]

[cell phone vibrates]

-[Joe] Emma?

From, uh... Emma from Brown? The fox?

Oh, yeah. Um...

She's thinking about moving to New York
and has a million questions.

[cell phone vibrates]

-You should... You should answer.
-No. It's okay. I'll call her tomorrow.

[Joe] It was a solid excuse at the time.

But I've scoured your social media

and you don't have a friend Emma
from Brown.

Sorry, Bunny. It's just my brother.

[Joe] But you're not Candace. You're not.

Ah, shit.
The alarm is going off at the store.

[stammers] I gotta go.

Don't worry. I won't go in if there's been
a sign of forced entry.

Well, I could come with you
and be your backup.

I was an orange belt once.

-That's all right.

You go on in.
You save those judo moves for later.

[sighs] I better get in there
and shave my legs.

[Joe] I've made a lot of mistakes, Beck.

Trusting my parents would come back
for me some day was a mistake.

Loving Candace. Forgetting Mooney.
Trying to help Claudia. All mistakes.

But what all of that has taught me?

Everything goes to shit
when I don't follow my instincts.

-Get up on the fence. Don't move!

-Hey, come on. Be cool.
-Shut up!

[Dr. Nicky groaning]

[Joe] Unlock it.

[Dr. Nicky] Ow! Ahh!

[Joe] There we go.

[Joe breathing heavily]

[Joe] Beck. Beck. Beck. Beck.
Beck. Beck. Beck. Beck.

Just take whatever you want.


[Joe]You were... for months.
He tasted you.

He was inside you. In the bed I built.

He's been defiling you.
Taking advantage of you.

-On your knees. Now!
-Oh, God...


I have a family. I can make it right.

[g*n cocks]

Please! I have a family, man.
They don't deserve this.

[Mooney] Some people deserve to die.

I know in my heart that is not you.

That could never be you.

[uncocks g*n]

[exhales heavily]

[Joe] He'll get what's coming to him.

This, Beck, is between me and you.

Hey, you. About time.

What happened?

You told me I was crazy.


You told me I was crazy
for even thinking it.

If we don't have trust, we have nothing.

You said that to me. Do you remember?

-What are you talking about?
-You know what I'm talking about.

There's no Emma Fox.

I'm only gonna ask you this once.

And I need the truth.

[exhales slowly]

Are you, or were you ever,
f*cking your therapist?

Answer me.

-Answer me!


[Joe] You don't love me.
You never loved me.

Yes, I was. I did. I... I cheated.

But it's over now.

[Joe] It was a lie. It was all a lie.

I've done nothing but dote on you.

-Support you.
-I know.

-Love you.
-I know, Joe.

And look at what you've done to me.

[Joe] What I did.

You dig into my past. You dissect my life.

You paint me out
to be this monster, this...

Someone who could hurt people,
who could do terrible things.

But who is the monster here, really? Who?




I've never...

I've never loved anyone
the way that I love you.


I didn't know
what to do with that, because...

I didn't think that I could have it.

Or keep it.

Is that true?

[Joe] If you love me, we have a chance.

[chuckles softly] Say it again.


I love you, Joe.

I love you, too.

[sniffles and chuckles softly]

[Joe] No dreams.

It's the first time in weeks
there are no ghosts in our bed.

Because you love me, Beck.

Where are you going?

I'm just gonna get us some breakfast.
Do you have any requests?



I love you, too, creeper.

-[keypad clicking]

[cell phone dings]

[knocking on door]

Hey, stranger.

Hey, Beck. Joe's gone, right?

-You just missed him.

I just wanted to give this back.

Still not talking to him?

Paco, I don't know
what went down between you guys,

but I know how much Joe cares about you.

I wish you'd give him another chance.

Just tell him sorry I had it so long.
I forgot it was still in the ceiling.

In the ceiling?

Yeah, above the toilet.

He said it was a good place
to hide things.

[cell phone dings]

Oh, shit.

[gasps softly]


My phone!

-I must've dropped it in the subway.

What the hell?

[gasps softly]



Yeah. Hey. I'm on my way, bro.

Ozma of Oz.
And who said anything about Joe?

No, no, no, no, no.

[inhales softly]

-[glass shatters]

-[objects clatter]

[breathing heavily]

-[softly] Holy shit. Holy shit.
-[Joe] Hey, I'm back.

-Hey, Beck.

-You in there?

Yeah! Um...

I'm just not feeling so great
all of a sudden.

Do you think it's something you ate?

I don't know. Good question.


Ahh! Shit.

Hey. Sorry.
I think it was the milk, actually.

I'm gonna go get some more.
Do you want anything?

-What happened?
-Oh. Nothing. It's just...

-It's a paper cut that keeps opening up.
-[Joe exclaims]

Here, let me see.

Beck, you're shaking.

I just... I get weird with blood.

Let me see... Ooh! Ooh!

-Can I get you a Band-Aid?
-No, no. It's fine. It's okay.

Beck, sit down. Sit down.
Let me take care of you.

[glass crunches]

[Beck] Hey, Annika just texted.
She's totally freaking out.

Something about her psycho roommate.
I'm gonna go check on her, all right?

I'll call you later.

[Candace] Move, Joe!

Don't forget this. It's yours.
Wait! Stop, stop!


I love you, Candace.

I don't care about what happened
between you and Elijah.

And if you love me, we can get past this.

We can get past anything. And I...

I know you do. I can see it in your eyes--

-No, just let me go, Joe--
-Tell me you don't love me.

I don't! I don't love you. I never have.

You don't mean that. You don't...
You don't mean that. Stop it!

-You don't--
-You're crazy!

What are you gonna do about it, Joe?





[screams] Joe!

Joe! Joe!

[breathing heavily]