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04x17 - Laugh Now Cry Later

Posted: 03/18/22 11:27
by bunniefuu
ZOEY: There was a lot

about my relationship
with Aaron Jackson

I never could have or
would have planned for.

♪ No, your love won't change ♪

Like starting our
relationship with infidelity

or our spontaneous wedding

and subsequent divorce in Mexico.

Or getting dumped by him
and winding up heartbroken.

And I certainly never could have planned

on being back in his bed

just days before he was set

to leave for South Africa.


- Baby?
- Hmm?

What's wrong?

Just, like, for the first time,

you're not gonna be here.

And don't get me wrong,

I'm, like... I'm so excited for you.

I am.

But the idea of having to
say goodbye to you right now,

it sucks.

My plan had been to be strong

and say goodbye to Aaron with no tears.

But you know what they say about plans.

If you want to hear God
laugh, start making them.

Maybe you don't have to say goodbye.

Come with me to South Africa.


South Africa?

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

♪ Learn something new every day ♪

♪ I don't know, so I'mma feel my way ♪

♪ Got the weight of the world on me ♪

♪ But no regrets, this is what I say ♪

♪ Watch out, world, I'm grown now ♪

- ♪ I'm grown ♪
- ♪ You can tell me ♪

♪ My heart beating so loud ♪

♪ Mama, look, I'm grown now ♪

♪ I'm grown ♪

I'm sorry. I was trippin'.

I shouldn't have asked you that.

It'd be crazy for you to drop everything

and get on a plane to come with me.

You've already got
Anti-Muse, graduation.

We just started hangin' out again...


- What?
- Yes, I'll go.

Wait, are you serious?

Well, I-I think I am.

Plus, I mean, Anti-Muse
is only an internship,

and I'm almost done,
and after graduation,

there is nothing holding me in L.A.

Okay, I like this, but what
about... what about your family?

How would you even tell your dad?

I'd tell him on the
phone after I landed.

That's good for me. I like that.

- All right, this is happening.
- Oh, cool.

- You, me, motherland, yes, yes, wow.
- Uh-huh!

No, I know. I've always
wanted to go to Africa.

Wait, wasn't it you that said
you didn't get Africa's appeal?

No, that doesn't sound like me.

It was definitely me.

But if it was me,

that was because I did not
know you were going.

- Well, now you know.
- Mm-hmm.

And that means you're going.

- Mmm!
- Mmm.


Yo, do you think

we should get Aaron a going-away gift?

I thought this going-away
party was his gift.

Yeah, but, you know, since
we're his best friends...

or at least I am...

I was thinking we can get
him, like, a little notebook

where he could write his
innermost thoughts and secrets,

and maybe one of those little locks

so others can't peek.

Y-you want me to get a
grown-ass man a diary?

- You know, I wish you was going to Africa.
- Ugh.

- JAZLYN: Hey, hey.
- Yo.

Guess what I found under Ana's sink.

Those reborn Christian girls
sure do know how to turn up.

- On God, good looks. Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

It's the least I can do

after all your help with
my dad's business plan.

Oh, let me know if you want
me to walk him through it.

You know, I'll be there.
Kermy-Kerm's my guy.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

I would love that!

Thank you!

When did we become, like, best friends?

I'll call you later.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Yo, what's going on
with you and Jazzercise?

- You two seem cozy.

No, she's made it pretty clear

that she wants to keep
things in the friend zone,

so I respect it.

Look, I'd say, if you're
feelin' Jazz again,

you should see if the feeling's mutual.

Yeah, maybe.

And maybe, instead of a diary or gloves,

I was thinking we get
Aaron, like, a nice pair

of relaxed extra-skinny
jeans as a gift.

He loves those.

Yeah, I-I'm not about to
guess another man's waist size,

nor am I about to ask him
for it, so that's on you.

- No, what?
- You do that.

NOMI: Hey, how was it?

Well, I took her to the park.

- Mm-hmm.
- We played on the slide.

- She had some ice cream.
- Yeah.

- She ruined her pants.
- Oh.

Heads up, she may have
a lactose sensitivity.


And then...

when I was looking
through the diaper bag...

- Mm-hmm.
- ... I found your acceptance letter

to Yale Law School,

which was postmarked for,
like, over a week ago.

So, yeah.

Sorry, how was your day?

Okay, yeah. I'm really sorry.

I know that... that looks really bad,

but I swear I was gonna tell you

as soon as I knew what I was gonna do.

Okay. So, what do you want to do?

I don't know. I don't know.

It's a huge decision.

I mean, this is something
that I'd hoped for

long before you or Luna came along.

Yeah, but we're here now.

So shouldn't we worry about
how Luna and I might be affected

by having , miles between us?

Okay, look, I know
this is a lot to digest,

but can we just figure out the logistics

concerning Luna if I even decide to go?

Nomi, I just signed a lease
and got a new job here, so...

I get that. This is Yale, though.

And this decision, it's
not just about me.

It's about providing the best
life I can for my daughter.

Pants are in the bag.



♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Unh ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ New coupe, uh, take off ♪

♪ 'Cause I know these
ain't gon' hear nothin' ♪

♪ New suit, yeah, big boss ♪

♪ I know I'm not hearin'
not a young sayin' none ♪

Okay. Hey, guys, hey! Let's
cut the music for a second!

- Sorry.

I just want to take a moment

to, um, say thank you.

Honestly, I want to say thank you

for four years of an amazing friendship,

four years of deep dives,

and four years of just
very supportive friends...

the best friends that I
feel like I've ever had...

I'm moving to South
Africa with Aaron! Ay-ee!


- VIVEK: Hmm?
- Right, that's also true,

although I thought we were going

to time it out so that your announcement

would conclude my dramatic
build-up of my touching,

yet very witty going-away
speech I was doing,

[CHUCKLES] but that's ruined.

But it's true, my favorite lil' big-head

will be coming with me to Johannesburg,

and we are gonna turn
Africa all the way up.

Congrats! I like that.

- Yes. Thank you.
- Congratulations, Zoey.

Wow, another great
decision. Well played.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Aww, this is so romantic.
- What, are you kidding me?

This is... completely crazy.

- What about graduation?
- Okay, calm down.

- I'm not gonna miss anything...
- We have a plan, yes.

... because Aaron is
going ahead tomorrow,

and I'm gonna join him a
few days after graduation.

Uh, okay. Well, what
about your internship...

Nomi, I'm gonna stop you right there.

Because this right here,

this right here is a happy moment.

All you're allowed to
do is be happy for me.

- Understood?
- VIVEK: Hear, hear.

Anyway, everybody, glasses up

to the beautiful
African-American couple!


♪ Lil' baby on the scene ♪

♪ Watch me work and watch me go ♪

♪ I'm so fresh and I'm so clean ♪

♪ Dragging bags up out the store ♪




What are you doing here?

Uh, isn't this Aaron's going-away party?

Here to see Aaron before
he, you know, goes away.


Um, should I leave
this on the gift table?

Yeah, you know, why don't you leave it

right next to the hypodermic needles

and brick of coke he's
gonna pack for his trip.

He can't fly with that!

Right. All right.

Well, then, I'm gonna
regift this to myself

and smoke it now, then.


We can smoke it together.

Cute! Very...

- ANALISA: Come on!
- Go ahead, after you.


[SCREEN CHIRPS] Luca, hey!

How's New York? How's
family and everything?

- Oop! Sorry.
- Everything's good.

I'm just glad I got to squeeze in

one trip before graduation.

- Anyway, I just want to share some exciting news.
- Yeah?

I met with an investor today
who was really impressed

with how well our stuff
is doing in Tyler's store.


She wants to give us
money to launch Anti-Muse.

Are you serious? Are
you... You're serious.

Oh, my God, Luca, that is incredible.

Okay. Well, w-what does that mean?

That means we built a
whole-ass company, kid.

That also means you, me,

and Anti-Muse are moving to New York.

Hold on one second.

Unless New York moved
itself to Johannesburg,

I have a big problem.


Hi, uh, excuse me,
excuse me. Yeah, sorry.

I really need to get in
there. My friend needs me.

And, yes, I promise we're
not doing dr*gs, thanks.

I can't even think straight.

- I have no idea what to do.
- Yeah.

Well, the first thing you
should've done was tell Luca

- that you'd planned on going to Africa with Aaron.
- Oh, I know.

I was so caught off guard,
I didn't know what to say.

Mm, okay. I just... I don't get it.

Did you not give

any consideration to Anti-Muse

or any of your plans before
you made your impulsive, rash,

completely irresponsible decision

to go to Africa with Aaron,

the guy who recently just dumped you?

There she is.

Look, Aaron dumped
me to work on himself,

and he's in a good place now.

Plus, I was an intern

that needed credits to graduate.

- That's it.
- Yeah, to graduate

and to help build a
company from the ground up.

- That is what you said.
- Sure.

And now that that's all
happening, you're just...

- you're just gonna walk away?
- Mm.

All I know is that I'm
sick of hurting people.

Especially Aaron, in favor of Luca.

I refuse to do it again.

But at the expense of hurting
your future and yourself?

I don't see it that way, so...

I guess I'm telling Luca I
can't go to New York with him.

- Mm.
- Mm.

I'm out.

Ana Torres blazing.

- Who would've thunk it?

- I don't, really.

God, the last time was, uh...

was back home when I was waitressing.

Gosh, I hope Dalolly's there this summer

and we can do that again.

Wait. What?

- You're waitressing this summer?
- Yeah.

What happened to doing paralegal work?

I thought you were
interning with a judge.

Yeah, no.

I got cocky, and I
applied only to one job,

and turns out, the, uh, little punk kid

who was related to the
attorney got the job.

Did he deserve it
more than me? Probably.

But it doesn't mean
nepotism doesn't suck.


Nepotism does suck.

Ai, stop. Don't feel bad for me.

It's just not the illustrious start

to my law career that I'd hoped for.

♪ Tell 'em I'll watch ♪

♪ Tell 'em I'll watch,
tell 'em I'll watch ♪

♪ Tell 'em I'll watch,
get up out my way ♪

♪ Get up out my way, this here on lock ♪

♪ This here on lock ♪

Hey! I'm so happy you came.

I was so happy when
you hit me up to come.

- Yeah?
- It's... It's been a long time.

I just really, really missed you,

and I thought this would be

a really fun way for us to hang out.

You know? Have a fresh start.

- Mm.
- To fresh starts.

- Fresh starts.
- Mm.

♪ Don't watch da ball ♪

♪ Honestly, that's how you fall ♪

♪ Whatchu say? We finna lose? ♪

Real creepy, man, just standing there,

watching your ex across a crowded room.

Bro, d-don't you have anything better

to do tonight than bother me?

Actually, I do.

Follow me.

♪ Me and the pirates the same ♪

♪ You know I'm dropping them jewels ♪

♪ Hop in and cruise ♪

Okay. While you were busy

handling Aaron's going-away party,

I decided to shoulder the burden

of taking care of his going-away gift,

and I'm pretty confident
you're gonna love it.

As long as it ain't no diary

or no fingerless gloves, we good.

AARON: What's up, guys? What's the deal?

Why you creeping around in my bedroom?

- It's a little weird.
- That's on him, not me.

- Is that my robe?
- Yes.

- It smells like you, okay?
- But listen, right?

Doug and I wanted to get you

a little something to say goodbye.

And as your best friend... right? ...

and your other friend, we
wanted to get you something

that will always remind you of us.

Right. Thank you. Well, I'm...
I'm really touched, guys.



my sweet God.

Oh, wow.


- What is that?
- That's you!

- Mnh-mnh.
- I gave you money for this?

Definitely not enough.

You actually owe me $

for this one-of-a-kind,
commissioned piece

by acclaimed Cal U art student
Yves-Pascale Lamonté Smith,

more commonly known as "Schwa."

- No.
- Vivek...

I'll beat your ass.

- You know that?
- No, no, no, it's okay.

Hey, hey, I understand you're angry.

I am, too, but despite the, um...

aesthetically challenged
component of this painting,

I do appreciate the thought.

You know, you guys thinking
of me, that means a lot.

- You do?
- Absolutely. Now cover it up.

- Okay?
- Well, let's show someone.

Hey... No, no, no, I think it's okay.

All right. Let's go back to the party.

No one come in this room!

Nobody go in this room.

ZOEY: So, I broke the news
to Luca that in the battle

between my head and my
heart over my future plans,

my heart had emerged the winner.

And surprisingly,

he encouraged me to follow my heart.

Sure, launching Anti-Muse in New York

would have been the
opportunity of a lifetime,

but so was traveling
the world with Aaron.

♪ I'm the only one for you ♪

After a long year of hard
choices and lessons learned,

I was preparing for the
next adventure in Africa

with my true love,

even though I knew it meant

having to leave behind
certain other things,

like designing, that I also loved.

Okay, my dear, just wanted to see

your beautiful face before my flight.

Oh, also, I'm gonna go over
the checklist one more time.

- Yeah.
- All right? Passport... got that.

- Convert American money to rand... did that.
- Yes.

Transport arrangements for
when I arrive in Johannesburg.

Reminds me... I need
to make arrangements

for when you arrive.

- Oh, oh!

Did you remember to switch
to an international plan

so that you can text me
as soon as you get in?

You did that, right?

- Hello. Earth to Zoey?

Yeah. Sorry, yeah.

All right. That checks everything.

Two weeks, you, me,

the motherland!

- Aaron.
- Yeah.

I don't think I can go
to South Africa with you.

Okay, uh...

I'm sorry, I'm a little lost.

What do you mean, you can't go?

You... You didn't get your vaccinations,

or you have some weird,
like, ear infection?

- What's going on?
- No, um...

Aaron, there's something
I haven't told you.

- Um, you know, when Luca was in New York recently...
- Okay.

... he met with an investor

who actually wants to back Anti-Muse.

- Why are we talking about Luca?
- Because...

Because he asked me to go with him

to launch the line in New York.

Okay. You...

You had every opportunity
to tell me this,

and you're waiting until I'm
getting on a plane to leave?

Like, that... What...

Why didn't you say anything before?

Well, because...

I didn't want to make you feel
like I was even considering

choosing Luca over you again.

Not... 'Cause that's not it.

It just...

When I think about the amount of...

of hard work and the time spent

and energy that I... I
poured into this company,

I just can't imagine leaving
right when we're being handed

the biggest opportunity of our lives.

I mean, this is...

this is exactly what
I worked so hard for.

The only reason I would consider leaving

and walking away from
such a huge opportunity

is... is for you.

Because I love you so much.


Oh, my God.

Yo, Freshman.


I love you, too.

And, uh...

I was gonna give you this
when you got to Africa,

but hopefully now
it'll just be something

that reminds you of me.

I know you didn't really
get the appeal of Africa,

but I thought, you know,
if I made it fashion...

you'd come around to it.


It is beautiful.

I love it.

Listen, you, uh...

You supported me

when I had to do what
was right for myself,

and I'm gonna do the same for you.

I'm gonna miss you so much.

♪ Do you lay down with me? ♪

♪ Where ever you've gone? ♪

Me too, Freshman.

Me too.

♪ I just need to know ♪

♪ That you won't forget about me ♪



Me too.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Ana, look, I asked you to meet me

because I don't think
you should go to Miami

and waitress for the summer.

Kinda don't have an alternative.

Well, I might.

There's a clerkship
with a judge downtown,

and it is yours if you want it.

Wait. What?

- Are you serious right now?
- Yeah.

I've done a few panels with
this circuit court judge

through the Young
Republicans Club at Cal U.

He trusts my judgment, so...

you're welcome... for
the nepotism, of course.

- Javi.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

You're welcome.



You, uh... You have a minute to talk?

Yeah, sure. Come on in.

Oh. Doug, this is Des.

Des, Doug.

Yo, my bad.

I... I didn't know you had company over.

No, no, no, you're good.

We were just getting ready to go out.

Yeah. So, uh, what's up?

Um, it was... it was just
about the business plan.

Um, I had a font issue.

I didn't know if, uh,

Times New Roman was hitting like that.

- It's all good. Um, it can wait. It's cool.
- That's... That's it?

- Yeah.
- There wasn't anything else?

- Yeah, no.
- Okay.

- Yeah.
- All right.

Well, um, I'll call you later.

- Good to meet you, man.
- Mm-hmm.

- We had a great day at the beach.
- Yeah?

- Yeah, Luna chased the waves and played in the sand.
- Oh!

- Oh, my gosh.
- Tried ice cream again.

- Yeah?
- Definitely a lactose sensitivity

and another pair of ruined pants.

And now here we are.

And no East Coast acceptance letter

in that diaper bag, so...

- Good day?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Um, I wanted to talk to you

about the whole Yale thing again.

I thought about what you
said, about wanting to do

what's best for your daughter, and...

it made a lot of sense to me.

That's great.

I'm really glad you understand.


So, just so there are no more surprises,

I talked to my parents,
and they suggested

that I get a lawyer involved.

Just to make sure everything's fair.

- For both of us.
- A lawyer, Phil?

You don't think that
that's a little extreme?

No, I don't think so.

I mean, if you're moving
across the country,

then we need to sort
things out, legally.

I just want to do what's
best for both of us...

and for my daughter.

♪ I know we've never met,
but you feel like a memory ♪


While it continued to
be nearly impossible

to make plans for my future with Aaron,

that didn't mean I was gonna stop trying

to come up with a plan
to take care of myself.

And even though God sometimes
laughs when we do this,

maybe the reason for the laughter is

that there are even bigger,
better plans in store.

Is the New York offer
still on the table?

If you want it to be.

I do.

I'm all in.

VIVEK: I think the frame
really grounds it, don't you?

No, I don't. It looks terrible.

Terrible or not, I still want
your portion of the money.

Yo, bro, I'll k*ll you.


Aaron sat for a Schwa?

Told you. People love Schwa.

That's my boy, Aaron. We're
pretty much best friends.

Who the [BLEEP] is this guy?