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01x05 - Thief

Posted: 03/18/22 08:13
by bunniefuu
[Maddy coughing]

You okay, honey?

[Maddy] Mm-hm.

You want to come sleep with me?


Okay, honey.

Oh, come on, come on.

[brakes squealing, then dog barking]

[Maddy coughing]

[Maddy coughing]

[pensive music playing]

[Maddy coughing]

Okay, okay.

[Maddy wheezing]

[Maddy coughing]


One more time. Big breath.

Breathe. Breathe.

- [voicemail beeps]
- Come on, Mom, where are you? Uh...

Maddy's still real sick
and I have to go to work,

and Sean has to go to work.
Please call me back.

[line ringing]

- [Yolanda] No!
- Hey, Yolanda.

You're not calling out sick, no way.

I'm really sorry, yeah.
She's still very, very sick.

Give her a hot toddy! Or quit.
I don't care.

You got to stop calling out sick on me.

I have you and Kelly on a big job.
I need you today.



- I'll be there.
- Don't be late.

Thanks, then. Bye.

Hey, honey.

You're gonna have to go to daycare.

I'm really sorry.

Hey, Luis.

Can you take a look at my wall today?
It's getting worse.

Yeah, it's been raining a lot, mama.

You could grow mushrooms.
It's wet to the touch.

The sun's gonna be out soon. It's good.

Dry it out.

Can you look, please?
'Cause it reeks of mold.

- Pretty sure that it's in the walls.
- Well, listen.

All you've got to do
is just open those windows up,

let fresh air in.

She's never gonna get better
if she's breathing in moldy air.

Okay. I'll check it out again.

- Today?
- I'll try.

- Thank you.
- Baby needs a tissue.

You're gonna have so much fun.

[Rose] Oh, my God, look at that nose.

Sorry, Rose.

Can't seem to shake this cold.
But no fever, so...

We need your co-pay before you go.

I missed some work
with her sick, but I'll have it by Friday.

You said that last week.

You're getting my daycare grant money,
right? From WCCC?

Yeah, but that only covers
part of tuition.

We need your co-pay.

Yeah, I'll have it to you by Friday.

Did you pack Kleenex,
or did you forget that too?

Got a roll of toilet paper,
right here in the bag.

All right, bunny,
it's time for me to go, okay?

[Maddy whining]

You love Rose.
You're gonna have so much fun.

- Mommy, don't go.
- I know. You got to let go, honey.

Yes, it's okay. I know, I know, I know.

You've got this, angel. It's Rose!

- We love her.
- No.

I'm sorry, I really wish
I didn't have to work today.

Me too.

Hey, I love you!

["The Let Go" playing]

♪ Cold as it was for a winter's day ♪

♪ The sun came out
'Cause the sky was gray ♪

♪ The wolves are back
They've come to play ♪

♪ I thought I heard your father say ♪

♪ Go down to the tunnel
Where the devil wants you ♪

♪ Out to the street
Where the people hunt you ♪

♪ It hurt more than it was supposed to ♪

♪ I was waiting for the let go ♪

♪ I swore I wouldn't till you said so ♪

♪ I put the pieces back together ♪

♪ So thank you or whatever ♪

♪ Nothing lasts forever, man, I guess so ♪

♪ Waiting for the let go ♪

♪ Out of the gray, into the woods... ♪

You have arrived at your destination.

[pensive music playing]

I'm sorry. I know I'm late!

My God, just tell me already.

[Yolanda] No, you've got to guess.

- Are we unloading all this?
- Yeah, grab the Rug Doctor.

- Guess!
- [Alex] What are we guessing?

Famous person used to live here,

and Yolanda won't tell me who.

- Was it a serial k*ller?
- [Yolanda] Nope.

[Kelly] Is it the clown, from It?

[Yolanda] That's fictional.

It's Barefoot Billy.

The kid burglar?

Yeah, he's not a real celebrity.
Thumbs down.

There was a multi-state manhunt
for the boy.

Broke into every home on the island.

[Kelly] Yeah, for Doritos.

Who gives a shit?

Hey, guys, do you want to start soon?

This is where his mom lived,
until she died last week.

No kin, so they're doing an estate sale.

Realtor's booked us for a three-day clean.

Do you think Barefoot Billy
knows his mom is dead?

Probably not. He's still a fugitive.

Nobody's seen him
around these parts in years.

Until today.

When he comes to avenge his mother's death

by murdering unsuspecting maids. [screams]

All right, girls.
Have fun, do Value Maids proud.

- Wait, you're not helping us?
- You're my A-team.

You got this.

[pensive music playing]

Think these are worth anything?

Yeah, I think some of these
could be valuable.

I'll split them - .
I get 'cause I saw them first.

Good choice.

I'm not stealing this. This is a n*zi.

See his little swastikas on his arms?

Who'd collect that?

Well, I'm taking her TV, then.
f*ck this bitch.

You don't think the Realtor's
gonna notice that the TV's gone?

Doubt it.

[Alex] Okay.

I'm not gonna say anything if you do,
but I don't want any part of it.

My God, what are you? Good?


You want upstairs or downstairs?

Let's flip for it.
Heads, you take dead mom's room.

Tails, you take dead mom's room.

Okay, I'll take dead mom's room.

[wind whistling]

[pensive music playing]



Hey, look.

The locks are on the outside of the door.

Outside. Cool.

No, look, it's to lock somebody in.

Why would somebody
lock a kid in their room?

Oh, I could top that.

You should see the creepy shit
going on in the kitchen.

Lock. Lock. Lock.

And there's a lock on the pantry too.

You think it's a diet thing?

No, I think she locked up her food
like she locked up her son.

No wonder
William's so obsessed with junk food.


Yeah. Barefoot Billy's real name.
William Harlan Ritchie.

What are you? Dating?

- I saw it in his mom's room.
- I've got to take a dump.


[cell phone pings]


[line ringing]

- [Rose] Happy Giggles Daycare.
- Hi, it's Maddy's mom. What's wrong?

We've been trying to reach you.

- Maddy came down with a fever.
- Shit.

Uh, okay, I'm in Whitney,
but I'll be there in minutes.

No, we had to send her home.

She can't be here with a fever.
Her grandfather picked her up.

What? Um...

Why would you call my dad?
My dad's not a contact.

Maddy's dad authorized it.

He couldn't leave work. We tried you
and your mom for half an hour.

Hey, Kelly!
I have an emergency with my kid.

Will you grab my shit, please?

[engine starting]

[pensive music playing]

She's fine. Fever broke.

I'm so sorry.

Don't be.

She's asleep in the twins' room.

[Sharlene] There you go.

Thank you so much.

It's a peppermint mocha-chino.

Yeah. Uh...

Next time I'm gonna make sure
I put my phone on vibrate.

I'm really sorry about this.

Hey, we're happy to help. Right?

So happy.

If you want,
we can watch her again tomorrow?

Daycare said she couldn't come back
for another hours.

Oh, no, I'm not gonna
put you guys out, thank you, but...

me and Sean will figure it out.

I should go ahead and get her now.

You know what?
She just went down like half an hour ago.

Just let the little lamb sleep.

Know what?
What are the twins doing, anyway?

- Rude of them not to say hi.
- No, don't worry about it.

Addison! Abigail!

[Hank] Hey!

You guys remember
your half-sister, Alex, right?

This is Maddy's mom.

Hey, guys.

Nice weapons.

Yeah, okay. Go ahead. Go on and play.

They're just a little shy
around strangers.

Not that you're a...

It's just... You don't come around much.


Not for lack of invitations.

Uh, when was I invited?

You have an open invite, you know that.

I guess I didn't really know that.
Yeah. Uh...

Thought I was unwelcome.

Who told you that? Your mother?


Yeah, yeah, I, uh... I'm misremembering.

I'm gonna go ahead and get Maddy,

but thank you guys so much for everything.

[woman] Yeah, no, we're out of them...

Hi, how many?

Uh, no, sorry.
This is Sean's daughter, Maddy.

Hi. I'm Frankie.

Is Sean around?

Yeah. In the kitchen.

Hold on.


Why did you tell the daycare
to call my dad?

You and your mom were AWOL.

- How are you feeling, Mad-dog?
- So why didn't you pick her up, Sean?

Because I was alone behind the bar.
And we were slammed.

It was lunch.

Besides, she loves Grandpa.
Don't you, Mad?

- I don't want my dad watching Maddy.
- [Frankie] Behind you.

I don't know
why you're so weird about him.

Like, he seems like
a nice enough guy to me.

- You don't know my dad.
- Neither do you.

You and your mom left
when you were, what, ?

Okay, Maddy needs to stay home
from daycare tomorrow and I'm working.

- Can you watch her?
- I can't, I'm working a double.

Okay, can you get somebody
to switch with you?

Can't she cover for you?

Frankie's a server,
not a bartender, and, uh...

Look, it's off-season.
I can't afford to miss another shift.

I'm gonna get fired
if I call in sick again.

But it's okay for me to get fired?

Nobody asked you to get a job.

Can we at least split the day?

- You take her until ...
- I'm working a double.

Could you come in late until I...

I'm working a double.

Wait, I'm confused.
Are you working a double?

Just take her to your dad's.

A nice house, a nice wife,

and he wants to be a part
of Maddy's life. I don't see the big deal!

Okay, bye, Mad-dog, Daddy loves you!

Feel better.


I don't think she's here,
'cause the car's not here.

Why does she always go "poof"
when we need her?


Hey, shall we go home,
get some cuddles in?

All right, let's get these mittens on.
What do you say?

Come here, kitty.


Very cold in here, and we've got to get
that moldy air out

and fresh air in.

[Maddy coughing]



I know.

You're freezing, I'm so sorry.

[reporter on video] Over the course
of an epic four-year crime spree,

William Harlan Ritchie
burgled almost homes,

often leaving behind muddy footprints.

Barefoot Billy was the only son
of Louise Alva Ritchie,

who lived in this house.

Billy was in and out
of juvenile detention centers

throughout his early teens,

but his rap sheet starts to pick up

when he escapes from his final foster home

and the young fugitive
started living here, in the woods.

[pensive music playing]

From this vantage point,
Barefoot Billy could case a house

for several days before making a move.

He would case his intended victims,

studying the family's habits,
movements and schedule.

[Paula] Alex!

- [Alex] Mom?
- Alex!

[Baig] This one's infected.


I'll call in another round
of antibiotics for you.

What are your living conditions like?

Uh, we are in a temporary
housing apartment with a mold problem.

This one's infected too.

Why aren't the antibiotics working?

Because they can only do so much.

Are you keeping her out of daycare?

I have to work.

She needs rest, Ms. Russell.
Somewhere warm and dry.

Your landlord is required by law
to do everything to remove the mold.

I've asked, yeah.
I don't think they're gonna do anything.

Then you need to move.

I can't afford anything else.

Well, she needs you to do better.

[door opens]

Hello, ladies. Come on in.

Thank you so much.
I really appreciate this.

Russell Family Inn. We love it, don't we?

- We love it.
- Hopefully just a couple of nights.

I'm waiting to hear back from my super.

You can't stay in a place with black mold.
It's toxic.

[Sharlene] Oh, you...

Give me that little dolly. Hey.


We have got a whole sick bay
set up, do you know that?

We've got Toy Story .
And we've got star soup.

- And how about a rainbow popsicle?
- [gasps]

Oh, that sounds good.

You want to say, "Bye, Mom"?

I love you so much, Mad.
I'm gonna be back soon, okay?

[Sharlene] Say, "Bye, bye, bye."

I should be back around ,
if that's okay with you.

Hang out for a bit. I want to talk to you.

Kids, let's go! Time for youth group.

- I do have to get to...
- One minute... for your old man.


Go and have a seat.


Okay. Ready?

- Amen.
- Amen.

[Hank] All right.

You guys have a great day.

The mold you see?

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

They'll have to rip out insulation,

pull up the carpets. The whole deal.

Uh, I... can't even wrap my mind
around that right now.


I've been thinking about you... a lot.

Ever since I dropped you off
at the ferry station that night. I, um...

should have insisted you come stay here.

That's okay.

Been bugging me I didn't do that.

Point is...

you can stay as long as you want.

Weeks. Months, even.

You're invited.

Sharlene agrees.

Thank you.

I really, really appreciate that.

I'd usually crash at Mom's,
but she's MIA right now, so...

Yeah? How long?


Snuck up on me.

I've been so busy with Maddy, but...
three or four weeks.

She single right now?

No, she's dating somebody.

There you go.
She's not missing, she's just run off.

She's flaky, but, uh...

She didn't respond to my emergency texts.

I was like, " , it's your daughter
and I need you."

Yeah. Time flies when you're...

you know, her.


I've got to get to work,

but I do really appreciate this,
thank you.

You bet.

Stop hogging the bleach, bitch.

That's my bleach. I bought it.

Oh, yeah?

'Cause I see the word "Kelly" on here.

- Okay.
- Mind if I put on some music?

She's got a decent sound system
I'm gonna steal.

Go for it.

[heavy metal music playing over speakers]


Hey, Kelly,
I think I saw something outside.

[pensive music playing]

Is anyone out here?

[Kelly] Alex!


Up here.

Look. I found more locks.

This lady was into locks.

Does it open?

It's stuck.

Maybe we can force it.


I think the wood's swollen.

- Should we check it out?
- Hell no.

I ain't crawling up this house's ass.

Give me your lighter.

[ominous music playing]

She must have locked him in here.


Hey, Kelly!

Kelly, open the door! This isn't funny!


[Paula] Alex!



[Kelly] Sorry, door slammed closed,
I couldn't get it open again.




You're okay.

I'll get some water.

I'm sorry. Oh, my God, I'm sorry.

[groans, then laughing]

Panic att*cks are the worst.
I get one every time I go to Old Navy.

All those f*cking cargo shorts.

- I need to find my mom.
- What?

Yeah, I think something's happened to her.
I need to go find my mom.

["Full Circle" playing]


♪ Cap off
Kneelin' at the back of the church ♪

♪ Feelin' water on your brow
If it's healing, it hurts ♪

♪ At first a sharpish pain
That returns as a thought ♪

♪ That the needle in your skin
Will bring you closer to God ♪

♪ And I watch ♪

- ♪ As your head ♪
- [camera clicking]

♪ Turns full circle ♪

[line ringing]

[Basil on voicemail]
Good day, this is Basil Desmond.

Leave me info at the tone. Cheers, mate.

[operator] At the tone,
please record your message.

[voicemail beeps]

Hey, what's up, Basil Desmond,

I'm curious as to why
you think you have the right

to rent my mother's house out, mate.

Also, where the f*ck is she?
Please tell her to call me.

Hey, Sue, have you seen my mom?

She's teaching Tuesday ceramics,
but Anna covered for her this time.

Okay. Thank you.

Hey, has Paula Langley been in?

- No.
- Thanks.

- Hey, has Paula Langley been in here?
- Mm-mm.


Hey, has Paula Langley been in here?

Has Paula Langley been in here?


Danielle! Oh, my God.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hi. It's really you!

Oh, my God!

- Hi.
- Hi.

I've been so worried since
you left the shelter. Are you okay?

Is Max okay?

We're fine. Are you okay?
You look like dog shit.

Oh, no, I'm terrible,
I'm going insane, I'm losing my mind.

Yeah, Maddy's sick and
I can't find my mom anywhere,

and I have mold and I'm bunking
with the twins from The Shining.

There's a lot to unpack there.

It's so good to see you.

Why didn't you leave me your number?

[Kyle] Yeah, yeah. Totally.


That's cool, man.
Yeah. Just walking in now.

Sorry. You must have me
confused with someone else.

Hey, we're gonna be late.

- Is she a friend of yours?
- [Danielle] No.

[doorbell buzzes]

What's going on?

I saw Danielle in the street
with her husband.


- I need her phone number.
- I can't give that to you.

She's not okay. Denise.

She pretended not to know me.
I saw it, how afraid of him she was.

I have to do something.

I know how you feel.
And I want to call her too.

- But we can't.
- Why the f*ck not?

I know that you have her number,
so give it to me!

Hey! Don't you come at me, girl.
We both know I can't give you shit.

It was so sad seeing her.

It is sad.

But all we can do
is send her love and light

and hope she finds her way
back here someday.

Maybe seeing you today
reminded her who she is.

Maybe you did help her.

I don't understand.

How can she stay with somebody
that is abusing her? She knows.

Well, Danielle might be lying
to herself in order to survive.

Who knows what she's up against.

She might be trying to break a cycle
of abuse going on for generations.

We talk about this in group therapy.
Which you've not been coming to.

Maddy's been sick. Too sick for me
to do much of anything.


I do need therapy, though.

I keep on having these dreams
that I am, uh...

Barefoot Billy.

The kid burglar?

Yeah. Yep.

I've been cleaning his house,
and the stuff I've seen there is freaky.

What have you seen?

There's a crawl space

that his mom used to lock him in.

That I was stupid enough
to go inside and...

I had an actual panic attack.

Panic att*cks can be the body's way
of telling you it knows something.

I think I just need
a good night's sleep and a healthy kid.

I hear you.

Hey, I'm sorry I was a bitch before.

It's okay, baby girl.

Makes me like you even more.

Someone usually brings donuts
to group therapy.

I'm just saying.

[pensive music playing]

[Hank] Mommy's here. She's here.
She's here. Come on.

Here she is, see.

Hey, shoop-a-roo.

- Who do we have here?
- [Maddy] Bob!

That's Bob. Hope you don't mind.

- Did you thank Grandpa for Bob?
- She did.

- You did?
- Yes.

I'm sorry that I'm later
than I said I'd be.

No, no problem.

[Alex sighs]

[ominous music playing]



[pensive music playing]

Your bed not comfortable?

Just getting some water.

And a snack.

Go ahead. Help yourself
to anything you want in there.

Don't be shy.

Grab me the peanut butter, will you?

Still eat it out of the jar?

What, am I supposed to put it in a dish?

Can I ask you a question?


Did I use to hide in that cupboard?

What cupboard?

That one.


No, you couldn't have,
because I put those in when we renovated.

After the twins were born.

Was there a cupboard there before that?


- Can I ask you another question?
- Mm-hm.

When Mom left...

why didn't I stay here with you?

I didn't have much choice in the matter.

She split with you
in the middle of the night.

Did you try to get me back?

I was afraid of your mother back then.

She'd have these sudden mood swings...

and I was really young, and she was just
a lot more than I could handle.

Did you worry about me?

Off in a sketchy commune
with Mom in Alaska?

Yeah. I did.

I should have done something about that.


I think I have awesome grandpa potential.

If you'll let me get it right with Maddy.

[Luis] You were right. It's in the walls.
Black mold. Floor to ceiling.

We're going to take all this out.
Go down to the studs.

Replace it all.

[Alex] Okay.

So how long is that gonna take?


Or months, or...?

At least. Gotta go to County, get permits.

You've gotta get all your stuff out.

Is there another unit
open in this building?


Where do I live now, uh...?


Ask your case worker. Sorry, mama.

You gotta move out.

[Alex] Are you sure?

[Hank] Yeah, of course.

I'll take my truck over this weekend
and get the rest of your stuff.

It's gonna be all right.

Thank you, Dad.

I'll see you after work.

You guys did a decent job,
got rid of all that clutter.


You took all the racks out
and scrubbed out the bottom?

- [Alex] Mm-hm.
- What's with the locks on the cabinets?

Uh, figured we could just let
the Realtor deal with that.

[Yolanda] Mm. Not bad, ladies!

All right, let's get
the Rug Doctor back in the van.

Don't forget to lock up.

Hey, I got it.

Later, player.

[engine starting]

[vehicle pulling away]

[melancholy pop music playing]

♪ Eye for an eye, heart for a heart ♪

♪ Gave you my light
I'll show you my dark ♪

♪ Now I'll show you my dark ♪

♪ Silence dies
And now the truth has to speak ♪

♪ You can't hide
From what lies underneath ♪

In case you're out here.

♪ Eye for an eye
Heart for a heart ♪

♪ Don't even try
I know what you are ♪

♪ I know what you are ♪

♪ Tangled mess
The web that you weave ♪

♪ So obsessed with what you can't see ♪

♪ Don't confess
You've already come clean ♪

♪ How does it feel? ♪

♪ Nothing is real ♪

♪ Nothing is real ♪

♪ Nothing is ♪

♪ How does it feel? ♪

♪ Nothing is real ♪

♪ How does it feel? ♪

♪ Nothing is real ♪

[Paula] I'm not doing this
again with you, I told you!

- I'm leaving!
- [Hank] No, shut the f*ck up!

[glass breaking]

[Paula] Alex!

[young Alex breathing heavily]

[footsteps approaching]


It's okay, baby. Mommy's okay.

Okay, come on, sweetie. We've got to go.


[pensive music playing]

Hey, honey. Come here.

[Sharlene] Alex! Hi!

Just... I'm just making dinner.

- Uh...
- [Sharlene] Whoa, is everything okay?

Yeah, we're actually
not gonna stay here after all.

We're gonna go ahead and get out early.

Did something happen?

Come here.

Can I...?

Okay, bye, Maddy!

What's going on?

They have to leave all of a sudden.
Do you at least want to stay for dinner?

Oh, no, thank you.

Uh, Alex, where are you going?

You're upset. Do you think
you should be driving?

Yep. Maddy, say goodbye
to your grandpa, okay?

Can I at least give Maddy a hug?

[yelling] Don't you f*cking touch her!

I was hiding from you.

[in normal voice] There was a cupboard,
and I was hiding from you!

We didn't go to Alaska because Mom
was chasing after some boyfriend,

we went there to run away from you.


Where are we going, Mommy?

I don't know.

Why don't we try to break into Grammy's
and have a fun campout?

When's home, Mommy?

- I want home.
- I know you do.

I want home too.


[footsteps approaching]

[Paula] Alex!

Christ, oh, my God. Mom.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.


Where have you been?

Joshua Tree. I just got back.

Trying to get the generator on.
Basil's gone to get groceries.

Hey, girl. Where did you get
that super cute car?

- I thought you were dead, Mom.
- Me? Why?

Why don't you answer your phone?

Oh, that.

Well, I left it in Reno somewhere.

I got over-served, but, baby, we met
this adorable gay couple from Sedona

on their way to Joshua Tree

and they invited us along,
and we listened to U the whole way.


- Mom.
- Okay.

God, I was so worried about you.

Are you drunk?

Are you drunk?

No, I was about to try
to break in here, though.

I have Maddy and we need
some place to crash.

Baby. Well, you know
you can always crash with me.

Come on. Hey!

Let me get the flashlight!

We'll get the power on!

I have something to tell you, Alex.

- Okay. Uh...
- [laughing]

Yeah. I actually have something
I have to tell you too.

I, um...

I spent the last couple
of nights at Dad's.

Oh, shit, man,
you must need a stiff drink!

Oh, God.

Hey, why didn't you
ever tell me that he hit you?

Oh, damn, Alex.

Why would you want to bring up
that dark shit, huh?

Did he hit you a lot?

I don't know.

I don't think about that stuff, you know?

I think about forward motion!

I think about how I am a creator!

A healer.

A teacher.

A lover.

And, as of yesterday...

a wife! [laughing]

Look at that. Put a ring on it, baby.


We decided in Joshua Tree.

Oh, baby, we went on this f*cking hike,
and I forgot to bring any water.

And the only shade that we could find

was underneath these two, entangled,
-year-old Joshua trees

that were just growing together,
you know, reaching for each other.

And, baby, I started to cry.

I want to take root
with someone like that.

And so does he. So...

we stopped in Reno!

Like a couple of kids!

Howled at the moon!


[Paula laughing]

See? There.

I don't know what to say.

What do you say?

"Congratulations, Mama,
you found happiness and you deserve it."

Congratulations, Mom.


Yay, yay! Tequila!

Oh, hey. Hey. Maddy's sleeping,
so can we do quiet tequila?

Quiet tequila.


["I Wrote in Blood" playing]

♪ Wrote a little book
Where I put your name ♪

♪ Turn the page and wrote the same ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ Wrote in blood ♪

♪ Turned around the corner
And saw your face ♪

♪ Every time I look
Well, something breaks ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ Wrote in blood ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ Wrote in blood ♪

♪ We can leave now ♪

♪ Just drive away ♪

♪ Only you and me ♪

♪ We could leave today ♪

♪ Let's take a chance ♪

♪ Like we used to ♪

♪ We can go back ♪

♪ Find something new ♪

♪ We can leave now ♪

♪ Just drive away ♪