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02x11 - Hunting Season

Posted: 03/18/22 07:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Good Girls"...

So I got your trash bag for you.

Yeah, I figured
I'll hold on to it for a bit.

Who are you protecting,
you or me?

- I want you done.
- It's over.

- Which part?
- All of it.

Bring the children home, okay?

How did they even know
about the pills?

Or exactly where
to look for them?

Someone said something.

Did you remove a pen cap
from the evidence locker?

You're not going away for this.

We'll get you a real lawyer.

You know how much that costs?

So how we gonna do this?

I took it all out.

Oh, my God.

You left our payday
in a trash can?

You do whatever you want
whenever you want...

I take risks, Ruby.

Without thinking about
anyone else but yourself.

What are you doing here?

I tried calling.

I blocked your number.

You don't got to know
about this, then.

Where are the books?

Uh, they...
They're in accounting.

Not those books,
the book club books.

- FBI!
- Everybody down.

Where is she?

Mrs. Boland,

we're gonna need you
to come out now.

Lot's clean.
They knew we were coming.

Kenny, now!

How'd you know they were coming?

I didn't.

I just stopped in
to go over promos with Linda

and I saw all those cars,
like, a block away...

All those FBI guys.

That is some Spidey sense.

Or lucky, like you said.



did he call or text?

Check my phone.

It's weird, 'cause...

Janey saw you
in the park with him.

You said you were done.

- He did us a favor.
- Are you kidding me?

We wouldn't be here
if it wasn't for him.

That dealership,
do you know how long

it's been in my family?
'Cause it's gone now.

Can we do this another time?

Hey, honey?

Give this to your mom.
Thank you.

We had a deal, Beth.

We still do.

My slime kit came!

You're gonna be late for school.

Can you open it? Please, please.

Okay, but then I want you
in the car.

I'm serious. And, you guys,
grab your backpacks.

Can I see? Can I see?

We're gonna do slime later.

Kenny, I got your backpack!
Let's go!

Come on. Chop-chop.

Let's go.

And you get 10% off
your next purchase.

- Well, thank you.
- Yay, you.

Here you go.

Thank you very much.

Hey, uh, can you cover for me?

Where you going?

Home. I don't feel well.

Oh, I would, but, uh,

I got to organize
the meat freezer.

It's getting crowded again.

Hunting season.

Since when do we hunt
our own meat, anyway?

What is it, like,
a weird farm-to-table thing?

No, um, it's a service
we offer the community.

Anyone can store
their meat in there for a fee.

And if you want,
Karl will butcher it.

No charge.

Good to know.
That's totally disgusting.

Coffee filters are 25% off

until 10:00 tomorrow.

Hmm. Hey.

Hey, pal. How... how are you?

- Oh, hey!
- Hi.

Are you okay?

Fine, yeah. Fine.

Need a break?

Not really.

You want to tell me
what's going on?


You've been avoiding me.

I don't know if I can do this.

Well, that's not nothing.

Well, I-I didn't know
how to tell you.

So you... you just waited
for me to take the hint?

I'm sorry.
I'm not good at breaking up.

Wait, we're breaking up?

Well, I don't know. I...

Well, that's not nothing.

I just need
to figure some things out.

I think I just got dumped.

What'd she say?

That she has
to figure stuff out.

Yeah, brother, you got dumped.

What is that?

Mrs. Boland left a page
from her ledger.

Okay, here's what
you're gonna do.

You're gonna buy yourself
a pint,

something shameful like Oreo
or cookie dough.

Go to hell, man.

Then you're gonna watch
"Fault in Our Stars."

Oh, I already read the book.

Anything to get
the tears flowing, okay?

- Mm.
- Then you just got to

flush her out.

You're a d*ck.

And maybe if you stopped
thinking with yours,

we'd have more to go off of
than a scrap of paper.

We still need her.

I'm cool with her kid.

Then do that.

And do this too.

You're paying for the ice cream.


We should be okay
until tomorrow.



- Oh...
- Sure.

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

Starbucks, Great Lakes,
or Astro?

Just, uh, tap.

I'm sorry?

Oh, you know,
from the pot's fine.

We have a runner who will
get you anything you want.

- Um...
- Uh...

- Cappuccino's fine.
- PSL.

This is a joke, right?

Well, I'm sorry
to waste your time.

No, no, no, no, no, no,
it's this case.

This is hilarious.

This thing ought to have
its own set

down at the Comedy Castle.

I mean, they haven't offered
one single argument here

that isn't laughable.

W-we didn't find it funny.


So they're charging you
with evidence tampering, right?

You ever heard of something
called chain of custody?

Um, yeah.

Is that good or bad?

Good, 'cause this pen cap

that they're saying you took?

It's been through
so many undocumented hands,

you're just as guilty as
anybody else in that station.

So you think
you can get him off?

I can and I will get him off.

Happy birthday.

So all we'll need

is a signed letter of engagement

and we will deliver some pain.

It says here, um,

you require a retainer
before service?

Yes, yes.
We bill our time against it.

It's just to streamline
our accounting.

But as soon as we get the check,

we'll get started.

And, um, how much
is that retainer?

Ten grand.

Hmm, okay.

Didn't know
if you wanted whip on the PSL,

so you got both.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.



That's a white boy's thumb.

Could be a toe.

That's not a toe.

'Cause I suggested it?

Because it has hair on it.

Yeah, like a big toe.

- Guys.
- You have hair on your toe?

- Like you don't.
- I am not a hobbit.

It's evolutionary.

People have to have
a tiny bit of fur left from...

- Whatever, Frodo.
- Guys.

It's Boomer.

I mean, it has to be, right?

I don't know.

Don't look at me; I don't know
what his toe looks like.

You know what his thumb
looks like?

Well, it's clearly personal.

He wants me back.

I mean, there's nicer ways
of saying it, g*ng friend.

I blocked his number.

Greeting card,

I mean, e-card,
an edible arrangement.

So what are you gonna do?

He needs to get over it.

♪ You sure are looking good

♪ Listen to me

♪ Li'l Red Riding Hood

♪ What big eyes you have

♪ What full lips you have

♪ That I can be trusted

♪ Walking with you alone

♪ Li'l Red Riding Hood

♪ So I won't

♪ Li'l Red Riding Hood

♪ You sure are looking good

All right, what do you want?

Thought you'd never ask.

- Wait.
- Yeah.

W-why do you have...

Because now we have
to work off a debt.

two budding entrepreneurs

took it upon themselves
to go on a pill run

but didn't deliver the pills.

- Guess whose fault that was.
- Don't even start with me.

So you went behind my back...


- To be fair...
- We needed the money.

And you said you were out.

You know how much
a real lawyer costs?

Like, 11,000 doughnuts.

Have you ever had a lemon rind

stuck in your garbage disposal?

It goes round and round

and jacks up all the blades.

Turns out, so does an ear.


I mean, how much of him is left?

Enough to send to the cops

if we don't, as he put it,

"Do what you do."

But I mean...
I mean, what about the FBI?

What about the FBI?

Well, I mean,
what if they're watching us?

I mean, I don't know that
they're literally watching us,

but, you know,

after what happened
with the raid,

they... they could be
watching some of us...

or one of us...

or none of us.

Let's move on.

How does he expect us
to wash this much cash

without the cars or Costco?

What do common criminals do?

You know what I mean.

♪ Ya te puso super high

♪ Tenés que decir, "Rrrrr"

Hi there.

♪ Rrrrr

♪ Repitelo decí, "Rrrrr"

♪ Rrrrr

It's all I have.

♪ Just make me feel alive

♪ Rrrrr

♪ Tenés que decir, "Rrrrr"

♪ Rrrrr

♪ Repitelo decí, "Rrrrr"



Do you, uh,
want to order a pizza?

I'm too tired to cook.

You don't cook.

Well, then can you call?

Because I'm too tired to dial.

- Sure.
- Ugh.

What's so funny?

Someone taught a parrot to burp.

I mean, is it actually burping,

or is it just imitating
a human burp?

I'll ask Noah.

Wait, what?

He tagged me on the parrot.

What do you mean,
he tagged you on the parrot?

I mean he DM'd me.

Wait, when are you guys
DM buddies?

Why do you care?

I just don't want you
DM'ing him.

Fine, I'll text.

Hey, I don't want you
anything-ing him, okay?

What did you do?

What do you mean?

You always do this.

Sadie, no...

Whenever you find
someone normal...

Which is never... you mess it up.

Look, it's not...
It's not like that, okay?

He's cool.

Well, I'll find someone cooler.

- I like him.
- Well, I'm sorry,

but that can't always be enough.

- Why?
- Because.

You know, he may not be
as normal as we think he is.

Well, now we'll never know.

Slime kit came.



Where have you been?

Just running errands.

Man, I hate these ties.

It breaks every single time.

- Beth.
- Huh?

I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm really trying.

Are you?

I mean, it's not the kind of job

you can just go to HR
and give your notice.

But maybe you don't
want to quit.

I do.

Then I don't think you can.

I want to make it as easy
as possible for the kids.

I don't want
to get lawyers involved

unless, of course, you do,

but we can't really
afford them, so...

I got to protect my family.

But I'm gonna get out.


Me too.

Did you knock?

No, I usually case the joint
before I knock.

Do you wake up every day...

With this much attitude,
or is it just for me?

Just you.

You want me to say I'm sorry?

I'm sorry, okay?

You want me
to say it in Spanish?

I want you to say it
like you mean it.

- Janey!
- Hi!

Hey, uh, where's Mommy?

He'll definitely get the kids.

Hey, you don't know that.

And the house
and the cars, this bed.

He said it won't get ugly.

It always gets ugly.

Well, that's true.

How'd you guys do?

Uh, slowish start.

I washed $400 in quarters.


Yeah, no, I totally quit.

We're never gonna pay it down.

If he didn't have that body,
he couldn't hold it over us.

But he does.

What if he didn't?

I'm sorry, you want it back now?

Be hard to find.

Would it?

I don't know
where he keeps his bodies,

and I don't want to know.

That guy loves
a storage facility.

You'd... you'd need
to get in first.

I need his key.

You don't even know
where he lives.

But I know where he drinks.

♪ If I were a candle

♪ I would dance for you

♪ Maybe I'd move the shadows

♪ In your room

♪ And if you wanted to

♪ We could be together

♪ I think we should

♪ Ah-ah-ah

♪ Forget every time

♪ My words cursed

♪ Forget every time

♪ You never turned dirt

♪ Let's dig ourselves out

♪ Of this world

♪ Ah

♪ Ah-ah-ah

♪ Ah-ah-ah

♪ Ah-ah-ah

♪ Ah-ah-ah

♪ Ah-ah

♪ Ah-ah

Uh, hi.

So this is really embarrassing.


I had a little sleepover

with your neighbor last night.

Mm, Brian?

Um, the other one.

Uh, Christopher, 3B?

The one with the little boy
and the...

- Okay, Christopher.
- Right.

We didn't really get to names.

Um, but he left,

and I went out in the hall
to make a phone call

because I couldn't
get reception inside,

and then the door locked
behind me, so...

do you happen to have a key
to Christopher's apartment?

No, sorry.


Is there, like,
a super or something?

'Cause I've just...
I've got to go back in there

and get my clothes

and my, you know,
morning-after pill.

This is my girlfriend's place.

I don't even know.



You could try the fire escape.

These windows never shut.

Find what you're looking for?


You want to tell me what it is?



All right.

Let's play a game, yeah?

20 Questions. I'll start.

Why'd you follow me around
all day?

Was that your ex-wife?


That's not an answer,

Why are you here?


Oh, that's not an answer,

Is this some sport to you
or some twisted hobby?


What am I supposed to do here,

buy that body back
for the rest of my life?

Piece by piece, limb by limb?

How much for an elbow?

Any eyeball?


You're supposed to answer,
though, aren't you?

Why aren't you answering?

Why are you talking so much?

It'll take a lifetime
to wash all that money.

Yeah, that's kind of the point.

Why are you doing this?

I mean, you came to me
way back when, right?

Asking to be a part of it.

Now you a part of it.

When does it end?

One question left.

You want it?

Would you please
leave my house now?

What's that?

Oh, one of those
"choose the ending" books.

How about you choose
your homework?

My hot air balloon's on fire.

What are your options?

"Stay and try to put it out"

or "jump with my dog
into the unknown below."

You don't know
what's down there.

Crocodiles, clowns.

The extinguisher is empty.

We exploded
into a billion pieces.


All right, homework, baby girl.

So Daddy's going away
for a long time, huh?

Who's talking to you like that?



He said I needed
to help you out more.

What else did he say?

That it was wrong

but he'd do it again.

He said that?

If he didn't do something bad,

something worse
would have happened.

Go back and see what happens
if you jump.

Afternoon, Tara.
Starbucks, please.

Chai tea latte,
oat milk, no foam,

extra hot, dash of cinnamon.

Right away, Mrs. Hill.

So what'd you do
to get this much cash?

Because I'm betting
that it's way worse

than stealing a pen cap.

You said you needed a retainer.

Mrs. Hill, we pride ourselves
on our reputation here.

I got you the retainer.

I can't risk losing everything

that I put into this firm.

So it's like that, then.

20 grand to cover the risk

and another ten
for our reputation.

Tell Tara to make it a grande.

Will do.

You're right.

About what?

I can't quit.


It feels good...

to be really good at something.

You're good
at the dealership too.

It's not enough, is it?

Does he, like...

listen to you more or...

you know, encourage you
in ways that I don't?

I just really like
having sex with him.


What is happening right now?

Oh, now you want
to bring Train into this?

Can you turn it down?

A really, really
thoughtfully written song.

Can you please?

Give me some of that.


you hear from Beth?

She couldn't find the body.

Did you come all the way here
to ask me that?

I'm sorry.

Lo siento.


Je suis désolée.


Eine un Wiener schnitzel.

That's not real.

But I mean every word.

I got Stan a lawyer.

- How?
- I'm a disaster.

What did you do?

I used the counterfeit money.

Oh, Jesus.

I'm like
that oil spill in the Gulf

where they're still
cleaning up the pelicans.

I'm the mess, not you.

Oh, believe me, I've destroyed

my fair share of ecosystems.

But I shouldn't have said it.

You're a good person.

You always have our backs...

Noah's FBI.

I told him stuff.

What stuff?

Like, a lot.

Do I win?

It's real close.

Hey, when does Noah's
shift start?

In, like, 20 minutes. Why?

'Cause that's what time
I'm gonna get the puke flu

and go home.

Yo, Tyler, I just left it
out on the loading dock.

Cool, I'll hang it up for you.

What'd you bag this time?
Sixpoint buck.

- Oh, hell yeah.
- Yeah.

That guy.

So people pay you

to store the meat?

Oh, no, I'm just
holding on to it for Boomer.

He set the whole thing up
before he went AWOL.

That sketchy little weasel

would take kickback from anyone.

Literally anyone.

Cleanup on aisle two.


what do you mean,
literally anyone?

That, I'm not at liberty to say.

It's not just hunters, is it?


it's not just deer meat, is it?

I'm not really allowed
to ask what it is.

♪ Buildings

♪ Climbing a tree

♪ Cold shin

♪ Out on a limb

At least he's ours now.

This cannot be
his final resting place.

Why not?

'Cause he's not a hamster.

Do you want
to throw him away again?

Do not start.

Okay, we will take a minute

and we're just gonna decide
the best way

to dispose of him properly.

And respectfully.

I wish there was a toilet
big enough to flush this turd.

All due respect.

So all this is going on

right under
your boyfriend's nose?

How many bodies are in there?

I only saw ours...

and a pit bull somebody's
probably getting stuffed.

- Ew.
- Gross.

And he's not
my boyfriend anymore, FYI.

Maybe he should be.


- You could hand-feed him.
- No.

It would get him off our trail.

With my vag*na?

If we could use
somebody else's, we would.

I really liked him.

I know.

Sadie, like, loves him.

I know.

Are you ready for this?

Uh, hit me.

You not ready for this.
Mama, you ready for this?

Play the damn song already.

Okay, watch this.

Okay, now you do it.





Can't love up on my wife?

Get the spoons, Casanova.

Mm, spoons.

Got it.

I like this mood on you.

I like having my daughter back.

Me too.

I also like having
a good lawyer.

Me too.

What I don't like
is how we're paying for it.

If I didn't do something bad,

something worse
would have happened.

Who... who said that, now?


Keep it going, baby. I'm coming.

So what am I looking at here?

It's not a VIN.
It's not a bank account.

It's not a street address.



is a serial number.

She keeps records of her cash?

Oh, yeah. 'Cause it's not real.

Forensics tracked these

back to three different sources
in the area, okay?

The paper's all totally legit,

but the bills are all
in sequence, man.

That's as good as it gets.


They're counterfeiters.

The pills are just the tip.

Who knows how big
this thing goes?


I mean, don't hold back.

I'm awesome.

She's a mother of four.

She volunteers, crafts,
bakes for the neighborhood.


We jump on this now,
she'll get Martha Stewart time.

If we dig deeper...

Just a little deeper...

Connect the dots...

You get motive
for the m*rder too.

I want everything.


Does your boyfriend know how
much you think about this shit?

- Shut up, man.
- Here's what we're gonna do.

We're gonna go out,

get a pint, okay?

Something real bad like, uh...
Like cookie dough.

Does this sound familiar?

- You want to know what it is?
- Yes, please.

She's a terrible human being.

And she thinks because she lives

in this clean little bubble

that no one's gonna notice.


mint chip?

- Get out.
- Mm-hmm.

And I'm tired of getting
all the carrots back.

I'm spending money.

You guys have to eat
a vegetable.

Yeah, just dip them in ketchup.

Pretend they're French fries.

Here you go.


I'll pick them up later.

Hey, uh...

thank you.

I mean, it is my turn.


For, you know,
finally being honest.

I signed the papers.
They're on your desk.

Look, I'm not gonna try
to take anything.

Like, I don't want
the house or...

What about the kids?

Mommy, come here!

One second.

The Coopers' dog
is eating your new flowers!

Oh, my God!

Macy, Macy, Macy!
Get out of here!

Get out of there!

Come on, come on, come on!
Go home!

So what's going on?

What ya making there, B?

What color was Boomer's hair?