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02x01 - I'd Rather Be Crafting

Posted: 03/18/22 07:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Good Girls"...

Are we going to lose this house?

I mean, I don't know.

Nancy and I are suing you
for custody.

I would suggest that we put Sara

on a list for a transplant.

- How much is in the vault?
- 30 grand.

So when do you want to do this?

Ladies and gentlemen,
this is a robbery.

Why does a grocery store
even have this kind of money?

Because it's hella shady!

Why don't you stop worrying
about my business

and start figuring how you
gonna pay me my money back?

We have a business proposition

to clean your fake money.

Let us do it right here.

Fake money in, real money out.

Do you want all this back
on the card?

Cash is fine.

You want to bring other people
into this now?

The more you buy and return,

the more money
you're going to make.

I don't know what
you've gotten me involved in,

but it's something super shady.

She's extorting us
to tune of $10,000!

I mean, girls like that...

They want
that kind of attention.

Is that why you tried
to r*pe her?


I saw this guy. Whatever
they're into, he's involved.

I'm just wondering where
a nice lady like you

meets an inner-city gangbanger.

Maybe we should turn
ourselves in.

He's the one
who should be in jail, not us.

All we have to do
is get the vault open,

and the cops will do the rest.

put all that money back now.

There has to be something
that you want.

The Feds and the DPD took
his g*ng down last night

because these two women robbed
the place a couple nights ago.

- I did it for us.
- I'm a cop.

What the hell
am I supposed to do?

Sadie needs you, too.

That is exactly
what I needed to hear.

We just did in two seconds

what they pay lawyers
for in blood.


You're trying to put me away
and all,

you must got big plans.

♪ Breathing in the dark

♪ Lying on its side

Oh, my God.
What happened?

Uh, hi. Hi.

Who steals a stop sign?

Oh. I know.

Stupid kids.

Not mine, thank God.

Yours are angels.

That's a strong word, Elaine.

Which one made a mess this time?


♪ Oh

♪ Forgiving who you are

♪ For what you stand to gain

♪ Just know that if you hide,
it doesn't go away ♪

♪ When you get out of bed,
don't end up stranded ♪

♪ Horrified with each stone

♪ On the stage,
my little dark age ♪

♪ All alone, open-eyed

♪ Burn the page,
my little dark age ♪

Juan y María van a la playa.

Juan and Maria go to the pool.


Ah, señora Cohen
would be so disappointed.

I heard she got hit by a bus.



No, I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
She was really cool.

No, no, it's...

This is cheating.

No, no, it's not.
This is.

Oh, my God.
Why have you forsaken me?

Ow! Greg!
Oh, sorry. Sorry.

We were doing so good.

I know. I know.

We were, like,
for-real adulting.

Yeah, but,
you know, the thing is

that we got, like,
a kid together.

So, what, it's like
a tricky gray area?

Kind of.

We're... we're
just hammered, right?

I'm not actually that hammered.

I'm barely buzzed.

Harry's down.

He was making a poster for Sara

but got tired halfway through.

It says "welcome ho."

Hand me those.


Oh, yeah.

Make sure you get up early
so he doesn't see you.

I'm not lying to my kids.

- Okay.
- That's your M.O.

What do you want here, Ruby?

Hmm? You want to act
like nothing's wrong?

You want to cuddle?
You want to watch reality TV?

Well, guess what, baby.
I'm living it.

- Stan...
- No, the things you did...

- We needed the money.
- Everybody needs money!

Everybody, but normal people...

Good people,
they don't do what you did.

All those nights
you slept like a baby

right next to me
with your shady lying ass.

A street g*ng
was going to k*ll us.

Well, then you come to me!

I didn't want to involve you.

And here we are.

- What are you doing?
- What?

Why are you doing that?

Because you and your
girlfriends thought

you could put a g*ng away.

They made bail.

Hey, honey. We're home.

Come on, Beth.

I thought you wanted to be me.

I mean, that's
what all this is, right?

You trying
to put me away and all,

you must got big plans.

But see, you didn't think
things all the way through.

It takes balls to do what I do.

You want to be the king,
you got to k*ll the king.

This stuff's medieval, darling.

Please don't do this.

Please don't k*ll us.

I ain't...
I ain't gonna k*ll nobody.

You are.

So what you think?

You got what it takes?

Do it, Beth.

Please shut up.

- Just sh**t him.
- Shut up!

How do I know it's loaded?

Oh, you can tell by the weight.

You know,
a full clip adds a pound.

Or you could just pull
the trigger.

Dean, shut up!

What are you doing?

Oh, you thought you could
skip this part, huh?

See... see, that's... that's
your problem right there.

You want to get down
in the dirt so bad,

but you want to keep
your hands clean, huh?

Do it, Beth, please.

You sit back down.

- Do it, Beth.
- Sit!

What are you doing, Beth?

What are you doing, Elizabeth?

I don't know.

I just want it to be over.



Let's end it.

For real.

It's all right.
It's okay.

You did your best.


Now we're good, darling.

♪ Under the white chalk

♪ Drawn on the blackboard

♪ Under the X-ray

♪ I'm just a vertebrate

♪ Do that to me

Where'd you get that?


Off one of those little carts.

That's for a patient.

The cafeteria was closed.

You stole a sick person's food.

The cafeteria was closed.

Honey, you want to get up

and stretch your legs
a little bit?

Mm, mm-hmm.
Time for a pee break.



I'm so... I'm sorry.

Oh, my God.
I am so sorry.

Yeah, let's, uh... Oh, wait.
Are we laughing or crying?

I don't know.

- Are you happy or sad?
- I don't know.

It's just the idea that, like...

I couldn't sh**t the person
that, by all accounts,

deserved it...

I mean, the violent g*ng leader.

And then there's just... poor
Dean, he's just sitting there.

And then, like,
all of a sudden, like...

I mean, talk about a drive-by.

A drive-by.

I guess that's kind of funny.

Come on.

I hope your loved ones are okay.

I do.

Mrs. Boland.


She's really upset.

Your husband is going
to be fine.

Another half inch to the right,

the b*llet would've nicked
his aorta.

We'd be having
a very different conversation.

He's not dead?

No, he has a long road ahead,
but his... his vitals are stable.

I didn't k*ll my husband.


- Look at that.
- So good.

He's going to k*ll me.

Talk to me.
What do we got?

Um, a green bean.
Could be edamame.

Bag it.

Ooh, and a... and a pacifier.

Bag it, tag it.

The cops already
did this, Leslie.

I don't know what
those girls promised you

or how much you got paid,

but we both know
you sold out here...


Got it?

Y-yes, Mr. Peterson.

Now get back down there
and find me some justice.

Y-yes. I'm on it,
Mr. Peterson.

Hey, hey!

This is a crime scene.

Behind the line.

Are you kidding me, man?

How you been, Jimmy?

- Do you know what time it is?
- Who is it?

It's a work thing.
I got it.

Didn't know you had a roommate.

What are you doing here?

You might want to round up
your team ASAP

and let them know
they missed some stuff.

It's just I watch
"The First 48," so I know...

You don't show up at my home
like a crazy person

unless you're a crazy person.

Are you crazy, Leslie?

'Cause if you are,
things are going to go down

a whole lot differently.

I'm not going to be
so reasonable. You feel me?

Those girls...
They are playing you.

They are right under your nose
laughing their asses off.

Get out of here.

♪ Yeah, I been

♪ Yeah

♪ I been taking long,
I been writing songs ♪

♪ I been feeling gone,
don't know what you want ♪

Time to take your pills.

- No, please, no.
- Yes, please, yes.

Hey, little people.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Hey, how was your day?

Hey, how did Uncle Dean
get shot?

Uh, He was downtown late at
night, and someone robbed him.

- Did you know the guy?
- No. Absolutely not.

It was completely random.

I mean, honestly,

these things kind of happen
all the time.

- They do?
- Well, I mean...

I mean, not all the time, no.

But, I mean, you never know.

What'd they take?


You just said he got robbed.

Take your pills, woman.
Take your pills.


Who wants pizza?

What if it's the bad guy?

Bad guy don't ring doorbells.

♪ Got it yelling,
got it yelling ♪


Have you had a week.

Forensics found
a pen cap in the store.

What kind of pen?

The kind that matches
the ink on the envelope

that you left for the Feds.

- We were really careful.
- Oh, yeah? How careful?

Gloves and masks...

'Cause there's lipstick on it.

So just, like, be me
for a second, okay?

I'm looking
over the list, right?

Picture my damn face when
I see that you were a hostage

in the very robbery
that took down the gangbanger

that you had a little,
you know, uh...


Playdate with.

What a small world.

- I buy a lot of milk.
- Is that right?

It would be weird
if I wasn't there.

Mrs. Boland, I would love
for you to stop by the station.

I already gave my statement.

You did, but now I need
your DNA sample.

I think I'd like you to leave.

That's probably a good idea.

And I'm calling a lawyer.

Even better.

You're going to go in there,

and you're going
to give them everything.

You want me to turn myself in?

- I'll go with you.
- Why?

Because the first in
gets the best deal.

Baby, that's the way it works.

We'll be... Babe,
they don't care about you.

They just want that g*ng,
you know?

They just want to build
their case, right?

So you go in there,
you tell them everything.

You hear me? All of it.

You tell them what you did,
how you did it...

And who you did it with.
You mean Beth and Annie?

Babe, they got DNA.

This is over.

- Beth was my maid of honor.
- Look, nobody said

this was going to be pretty
and fair, Ruby.

I used to babysit Annie.

Excuse me, you made this bed.

- Oh, my God.
- And you made it well.

I mean, it's got pillows,
it's got throws,

it's got duvets in it.

- Oh, my God, Stan.
- But you... but you did it

for us, though, right?

You did it for... you did it
for me, you did it for Sara,

you did it for Lil' Money.

I mean, that's...
That's what you said, right?

Then you get out of it for us.

I don't understand why you
would use your mouth

to take off a pen cap.

Because I had a g*n
on a bunch of people.

My hands were full.

Yeah, but it's just so amateur.

Yeah, we are amateurs.

Well, what does Stan say?

- About what?
- About what we should do.


You guys, I got to go.


Yeah, I got a-a thing.

Oh, here...

these are for Sara
for while she's laid up.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Yeah, I got
a little something, too.

Oh, please don't.

I made it from all
her old baby clothes...

The ones you handed down.

And then I thought, "Wouldn't
it be cool if there were quotes

from all her favorite authors?"
So I...

Who are you?
You can't just go to a store?

- That's too much.
- It's not a kidney.

But, you know,
we would've done that, too.

Thanks, guys.

♪ You know you want

♪ You know you want

♪ You know you want

♪ To come on down

♪ To come on down

♪ Follow no leader

♪ Don't follow him,
don't follow her ♪

♪ Don't follow me

There's a van,

and it's, like,
some sort of courier service,

and they take the evidence
from the station

to the lab, right?

So we wait till
this guy makes a stop,

and we snag ourselves a pen cap.

I can sense you have
some questions.

Well, how do you know
it hasn't already been sent?

On "SVU," they don't
send the evidence

until they have something
to match it to.

But that's not
what they do on "CSI."

What do they do?

Well, the lab is
their office, you know,

so they just...
Yeah, but that show's been on

for so many seasons,
that could've changed.

I'm telling you,
that cap's not going anywhere

until you give your sample.

Or I could just go down
to the station,

throw you all under the bus,
and cut myself a sweet deal.

- Yeah, please.
- As if.

Well, "SVU" has been
on the longest.

♪ Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo

♪ Yo, hey, yo

♪ What?

♪ What it is? What is up?
What is what? ♪

♪ What it do?
What it don't? ♪

♪ Came through
in the clutch ♪

♪ Stomping like
I'm up in Louboutins ♪

♪ Boys, they want
to paint me ♪

♪ Like I'm canvas
to do sumi on ♪

♪ I hate bottled water

♪ But whatever,
I'm pouring Evian ♪

♪ I'm the kind of John

♪ Closet dudes
want to go steady on ♪

♪ Toss my gems up, raise
the bar, young phenomenon ♪

♪ I make a neo-n*zi kamikaze
want to firebomb ♪

♪ I'm da b*mb diggity,
got your moms feeling me ♪

♪ Tell your man chill on me,
hang loose, like, literally ♪

♪ What it is? What is up?
What is what? ♪

♪ What it do?
What it don't? ♪

♪ What it is? What is up?
What is what? ♪

♪ What it do?
What it don't? ♪

♪ What?

♪ I'm getting light
in my loafers ♪

Come on!

♪ I'm butter like cocoa

♪ L-O-L-O-L-O-L,
I'mloco ♪

♪ Rolling up a personal
and chomping on a mango ♪


♪ I'm a black Ken doll,
a number 2 pencil ♪

♪ Freshmaker like Mentos,
let me be your mentor ♪

♪ Aries, Leo rising,
nasty with the timing ♪

♪ I see a goonie vibing,
I be like, "Hi, man" ♪

♪ Native to the island,
fantasies realizing ♪

♪ I see a hater hating, and
I be like, "Good-bye, fam" ♪

♪ What it is? What is up?
What is what? ♪

Look at us...

Boning in a bed.

I feel like you should be

a little bit
more excited about that.

I'm going to leave Nancy.

That's not funny.

I'm... I'm not joking.


Uh, why do two people
leave each other?

Well... You know,
I don't know, Greg.

Why don't you tell me?

Things just aren't
working out anymore.

No, no.
That cannot be it.

- Why not?
- Because you got married.

- Yeah, I...
- You... you have to have

a very long list
of very good reasons why,

and then, maybe only then,
can you...

Okay, what if...
What if you were on it?

- On what?
- My list!

Am I?




You know, you're such a d*ck!

- What?
- You... you always do this.

You... you never respect
my schedule!

Well, you know, maybe
if you actually kept

some kind of schedule,

then I would be able
to respect it.

You know, maybe if you
weren't such a D-bag loser...

What are you guys doing?

- We didn't know you were home.
- Yeah.

Why was the door closed?

We just didn't want
to bother you.

You didn't know I was home.

- We should watch a movie.
- Are you hungry?

I'm... I'm good.

- See ya.
- Yeah.

So, um... so am I, like,
top of the list,

or am I sort of more
in the middle?

Oh, you're, like...
an idiot.

- Mm. Mm-hmm.
- Mm.

Hey, you know, honestly, it's
an honor just to be nominated.

Busy day?

I picked up Sara's homework.

By the way,
I talked to Miss Allegra

about the spring play again.

She wants to do
"Lion King," fine,

but I'll be damned if our son
is playing a shrub.

How's tomorrow looking?

Well, I have 300 doughnuts
to dip for Rotary Club.

Yeah, what about next month?

- What?
- Next year?

I don't know. You just
let me know when you think

you're going to have a minute.

I went to the station.

You know...

armed robbery is a Class A.

I tried.
I couldn't go in.

That's at least four birthdays.

Sara in March,
Harry in September.

You add in felony firearm,
and that's, um...

That's eight birthdays you miss.

- We used toy g*ns.
- You think they care?

Plus, you did it twice,
so now we're up to 16.

They pin you on that counterfeit

and, God forbid,
that kidnapping for the manager

that you hid
in the tree house...

that's... that's more birthdays
than I can count.

I mean, Lil' Money's
going to be 50.

You think on that

when you're drinking rosé
with your besties.


Their kids have birthdays, too.

Could you not?

I can't go to jail.

Yeah, me neither.

No, but I really can't.

Things are finally starting
to not suck for me, you know?

When's Deansie coming home?


What are you going
to say to him?

Check it out. Two o'clock.

Have you ever seen a clock?

All right, awesome. Thank you
so much. Have a nice day.

Next in line, please?

Ooh, that's me.

Hi, how can I help you?

Hello, Jan.

Um, why don't you tell me
a little bit about your menu?

You said you knew
how to do this.

It's a delicate art, all right?

Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.

Every lock is different.
I work by feel.

I had no idea the myriad
of dairy techniques.

So what you're telling me is

they froth the milk
for a cappuccino,

but they steam it for a latte.

More or less, yeah.

So wait.
So what's an espresso?

Just a really strong coffee.

What will
those Italians think of next?

You see...
You know what I'm saying?

All right.


No, you shh!

It says draft,
and I thought that was...

Did you think it was...
I really...

I thought that was beer.
That's so funny.

But it's just the cold brew.
The cold brew's new, right?

Do you want one?

Yes, I want something.

I don't know exactly what I...

I'm sorry.
Are those teas back there?

- Yep.
- Oh-ho!

You just changed the game!

Why can't it just say pen cap?

It seems
like everything's coded.

I mean, what are these numbers?

Do you take Apple Pay?

- Yes.
- Amazing.


Okay, now...

how do I download that?

Oh, my God.
I will pay for you.

I mean,
why is there so much crime?

Okay, okay.

Remember when we did that
23andMe thing a while back?

Yeah, wasn't Dean, like,
90% Neanderthal?

Ye... yes, but you had
to keep the swabs cold,

or the DNA would, like,
immediately start breaking down

and it wasn't viable.

It is, like, 90 degrees
outside today.

Let's do it.

Next in line.

- What can I get for you?
- Just a coffee.

I can't unplug it.

Oh, God. We have to go.
We have, like, 30 seconds.

- I know, it won't...
- Beth, Beth, wait!


Oh, my God.

I mean, they never actually
get around to these things.


Oh, my God.

It's not like anybody
believes in science anymore.

Oh, my God!

I got a breakfast thingy,
cheese plate,

travel mugs,
a Maroon 5 Holiday CD,

and Red Velvet Fraps.

You got to try this thing.
It takes like...

Like a cake Slurpee.

So what's up?
You get it?

You got it, right?

'Cause we're talking game over,
like, for real now, so...

How could you not get it?

There were r*pe kits in there.

I'm surprised you called.

Thanks for coming.
I couldn't find a sitter.

Oh, I drive anywhere for cake.

This is a buckle.


See, a cake rises.

With this, the fruit makes
the middle sort of buckle.

If you wanted a crisp,
you would put streusel on top.

And if you were making a
cobbler, you would use biscuit.

If you wanted a Betty,
you would actually put...

I am good with cake.

My husband, um...

We're going through
a lot right now.

Yeah, I heard he got mugged.

How'd that happen?

Wrong place, wrong time.

That's the story of your life.

I really need to focus
on my family right now, and...

and I'm sure you have much
bigger fish to fry

than a mother of four.

Oh, come on,
you are way more than that.

No, I'm pretty boring.

What's boring about working
for a dangerous g*ng?

It was never just a playdate,
was it?

- I am so sorry.
- Mm.

My mom used to say,
"Sorry don't cut it."

I am asking you to please
just let this one go.

No can do..

What do you want? Do you
want to throw me in jail?

Hmm. Maybe.

Because I used a pen
in a grocery store.

Oh, lock her up.

You think a jury's going
to buy that?

I've never even had
a speeding ticket.

You robbed a grocery store,
Mrs. Boland.

I did your job for you.

Excuse me?

I gave you a gift.

I handed you that g*ng
with a big bow around it.

You should be thanking me.

And you know what my mama
used to say?


"You get what you get,
and you don't get upset."

Now get out of my house.

No, I've already been...


This bitch did not just
transfer me again.

Welcome to
Stars & Stripes Health Group.

Let's get started. What can
I help you with today?

Speak to a representative.

I'll need more information
before I connect you

with one of our trusted
health-care professionals.


- I'm sorry...
- They're trying to bill us

for the anti-rejection meds,
which are supposed to be...


Good evening, this is Carl.
Who am I speaking with?

Claims. Hello? Hello?

♪ Kyrie eleison, down the
road that I must travel ♪

♪ Kyrie eleison, through
the darkness of the night ♪

♪ Kyrie eleison, where
I'm going will you follow? ♪

♪ Kyrie eleison,
on a highway in the light ♪

Drink up.

What do you want from me?

You were right.

- About what?
- About it all.

What is that?

Come on, man.
Pull it together.

Come on, Leslie. Leslie.

It's just...

It's been a really long road.

Yeah, okay. Okay, okay.
You're okay. Just breathe.

So listen, Leslie,

I'm gonna take these women down.

Yes. Yes!

Yeah, but I'm gonna need
your help, all right?

What's in it for me?

Civic pride.

I was thinking more money.

Yeah, okay.

Or I just arrest you.

Yeah, right.
For what?

Oh, Leslie, you're trying to
tell me there's a store manager

that doesn't know exactly
what's going in and out

of his own safe?

How much did they pay you
to look the other way?

- I accept your terms.
- I thought you might.

Okay, I made
all your favorites...

roast chicken,
potato casserole, apple pie.

It's 9:00 a.m.

I know, but I just thought,
you know...

comfort food.

I'm just gonna put it here.

Did you see what the kids made?

They really wanted
to stay home from school,

but I made them go.

What happened to the stop sign?

I don't know.

Probably some kid took it.

I've seen, like, five cars
just blow through it.

Somebody's going to get hurt.

Dean, I...

Do you want me
to turn on the TV?

- Not right now.
- Okay.

Let me know.

All right, all right,
all right, check this out.

I've got an H and an S here.

Look at that.
It looks more like an 8.

Yeah, 'cause the batter
ran over a little.

So that's why...
That looks like a snowman.

It kind of looks like Grandma.


Oh, that is your mother.

Ew, in that sundress, right?

For sure.

You all better stop talking
about my mama.

All right, fine. You know what?
I'm going to eat these.

I'm gonna call her and tell her
you said that, Lil' Money.

Maybe we can play cards later.

Thank you.

I did it for them.

- Hi!
- Hi.

Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on!

- What?
- I just... I've been...

I've been thinking
a lot about this,

and we should go skydiving.

Like, jump out of a plane?

No, like to the mall.

You know they got those
big wind tube-y things,

and you can just fly.

I have a secret.

- What is it?
- I'm not supposed to tell.

Dude, come on.
Well, now you have to tell me.

What is it?
Nancy's pregs.


She just found out this morning.


She was crying
and then laughing,

and then she barfed
all over the counter.


It's good, right?

They've been trying a long time.

I mean...


You keep saying that.

Yeah, I'm just, uh...

I'm just really happy for them.


Do you want to go?

- Where?
- To the mall. Skydiving.

- To the mall!
- To the mall!


Go away. I said I don't want
to talk to you.

I'm going to call the cops.

Ask for my boy, Jimmy.

He's the one investigating

those b*tches
you're in bed with.

How do you know that?

I'm his key witness.

Well, I don't know
anything, so...


I mean, they kept me
out of it. I...

Well, good. I mean, 'cause
they're in real big trouble.

Like jail or...

I'm just...

Did you take money from them?


Well, then you're cool.

I took a little...
I took a little money.

How much?

It wasn't not a lot.

Oh, Mary Pat.

But I have kids.
Leslie, I...

I wish I could help you.
I do, uh...

Please. No, please don't
tell them about me.

I am going to be under oath.

You know, I got to tell
the truth, so help me God.

I can't go away
for this, Leslie.

Please. I ca...
I mean, I ca... Please.

Can you just leave me
out of it, and then...

And then I can stay with...
With my boys?

Please, Leslie, please.

Please, please.

Okay, okay.



Thank you.
Thank you.

What are you doing?

Well, a husband can't testify
against his wife.

Hey, don't forget
to order for everybody.

Oh, God.
K-Bear's in it for himself.

Order for your sisters!

Yeah, and your favorite auntie!

- Uh-oh.
- Uh-uh.


- That's all the money.
- I gave him ten bucks.

Yo, what about my frog pop?
We had a deal!

That grifter got four scoops.

I'm telling you.
That kid's shady as hell.

We should go.

Nah, let the kid eat.

What's up? You miss me?


So crazy thing... turns out...

we got a mutual friend.

That's you're homey, right?

No, he's not my homey.

I don't know
why everybody keeps...

He's talking to the Feds now...

which could be bad
for all of us.

So, yeah, I'm gonna need you
to take care of him.

That's insane.

Is it? Why?

- Because we don't do that.
- Yeah, that's not what we do.

Besides, don't you have anyone

who's a little more experienced

in that particular arena?

Sure, but it ain't on him.
It's on you.

- Daddy! You said five minutes.
- What's up, pop?

You're right, no.
I did, I did.

Hey, what's that thing I always
tell you when you make

a big old mess?

That I got to clean it up.

That you got to clean it up.

All right, come on.
No more grown-up talk.

That's for you.

What is it?

What is it, Beth?