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02x09 - Chapter Nine: The Gate

Posted: 03/18/22 07:33
by bunniefuu

Mike. [GASPS]

Is that...

I never gave up on you.

I called you every
night. Every night for...

353 days.

I heard.

Why didn't you tell me you were there?

- That you were okay?
- [HOPPER] Because I wouldn't let her.

- The hell is this? Where you been?
- Where have you been?

You've been hiding her.

- You've been hiding her this whole time!
- Hey!

Let's talk.


- Protecting her! Protecting her?
- Listen. Listen to me.

The more people know about
her, the more danger she's in.

And the more danger you
and your family are in...

So I should be thanking you?

I'm not asking you to thank me!
I'm asking you to try to understand.

I don't! I don't understand!

That's fine. That's fine!
Just do not blame her!

All right? She's upset enough as it is.

I don't blame her! I
blame you! I blame you!

That's okay, kid. That's okay.

No! Nothing about this is okay!

- Nothing about this is okay!
- Oh, jeez...

You're a stupid, disgusting,

- lying piece of shit!
- Okay. All right! Stop it.

- Liar! Liar! Liar!
- Stop it. It's okay.

- Stop it! Stop it!
- [CRYING] Liar! Liar!

You're okay, kid. You're okay.

I'm sorry, kid.

- [LUCAS] We missed you.
- I missed you, too.

[DUSTIN] We talked about
you pretty much every day.


- What?
- You have teeth.

Oh. You like these pearls? [PURRS]

[MAX] Eleven?

Hey. Um, I'm Max.

I've heard a lot about you.

- [SIGHS] Hey. Hey, sweetheart.


Can I see him?


He's not doing well.

I know.

I saw.

What else did you see?

You opened this gate before, right?


Do you think if we got you back
there, that you could close it?




♪ Memories ♪

♪ Light the corners of my mind ♪


♪ Misty water-colored memories ♪

- ♪ Of the way we were ♪

Ted! Would you please get that?



- Ted!

♪ Of the smiles we left behind ♪


Hold on, please.

- Oh. Hi.
- Hi.

I, uh, didn't realize
Nancy had a sister.


What's so funny?

I'm Nancy's mother.

- No.

Mrs. Wheeler.

[STAMMERS] Um, I'm sorry, and you are?

Billy. Billy Hargrove.

You must be here for Nancy.

Nancy? No, no, no. Not my type. Uh...

No, actually, I am looking
for my little sister Max.

Goes by Maxine.

She's been missing all day,
and, uh, to be honest with you,

- I've been worried sick, you know, so...
- Oh.

I thought she was at Lucas', but Mrs.
Sinclair said your house is the...

the designated hangout, so, you know...

Here I am.

Their driveway is pretty
dark this time of night.

So drive slowly.


And when you see Mike, tell
him to come home already, okay?

You're a real lifesaver, you know that?


I'll see you later.

♪ Do believe that I'm falling in love ♪


♪ Do believe that I'm falling in love ♪

♪ Do believe it ♪

♪ Do believe that I'm falling in love ♪

[HOPPER SIGHS] It's not like
it was before. It's grown.

A lot. And, I mean, that's
considering we can get in there.

The place is crawling with those dogs.


- [SIGHS] I'm sorry, what?
- I said, uh, Demo-dogs.

Like Demogorgon and dogs.

You put them together,
it sounds pretty badass...

How is this important right now?

It's not. I'm sorry.

I can do it.

You're not hearing me.

I'm hearing you. I can do it.

Even if El can, there's
still another problem.

- If the brain dies, the body dies.
- I thought that was the whole point.

It is, but if we're
really right about this...

I mean, if El closes the gate and
kills the mind flayer's army...

Will's a part of that army.

Closing the gate will k*ll him.

- [JOYCE] He likes it cold.
- [HOPPER] What?

It's what Will kept saying to me.

He likes it cold.

We keep giving it what it wants.

If this is a virus, and
Will's the host, then...

Then we need to make
the host uninhabitable.

[NANCY] So if he likes it cold...

We need to burn it out of him.

We have to do it somewhere
he doesn't know this time.

Yeah, somewhere far away.

Take Denfield, then you'll
see a large oak tree.

You're gonna swing a right.
That road is gonna dead-end.

And it's about a
five-minute walk from there.

[PANTING] Okay. Denfield
to oak tree. Swing a right.

That's it. But it's channel ten, right?

It's channel ten. Listen...

You let me know when
that thing is out of him.

You should go with him.

- What?
- With Jonathan.

No, I'm... [SCOFFS] I'm
not just gonna leave Mike.

No one's leaving anyone.

I may be a pretty
shitty boyfriend, but...

turns out I'm actually a
pretty damn good babysitter.


It's okay, Nance.

It's okay.


Just be careful, okay?
I can't lose you again.

You won't lose me.

Do you promise?


El... Come on, let's go. It's time.




So, what, we're just not
gonna talk about it, huh?

About what?

Oh, I don't know. I'm
just curious, you know,

why all of a sudden you look
like some kind of MTV punk.

I'm not mad, kid. I just want
to know where you've been.

That's all.

To see Mama.


- How'd you get there?
- A truck.

A truck?

A big truck.

A big truck? Whose truck was it?

- A man's.
- A man's?

A nice man.

Okay. So let me just get
this straight in my head.

So a nice man in a big truck,

he drove you to your
mama's, and then what?

Your Aunt Becky gave you
those clothes and that makeup?


I shouldn't have left.



No, this isn't on you,
kid. I should've been there.

I should never have lied
to you about your mom.

Or about when you could leave.

A lot of things I shouldn't have done.

Sometimes I feel like I'm...


Like I'm just some kind of
black hole or something. [SIGHS]

A black hole?

Yeah, it's a... You know,
it's this thing in outer space.

It's like, it sucks everything
towards it and destroys it.

Sarah had a picture book about
outer space. She loved it.

Who's Sarah?


Sarah's my girl.

She's my little girl.

Where is she?

Well, that's kind of the
thing, kid. She, uh...

She left us.

- Gone.
- Yeah.

The black hole. It got her.

And somehow...

I've just been scared, you know?

I've just been scared that
it would take you, too.

I think that's why I get...

so mad.

I'm so sorry.

For everything.

I could be so... so...


[CHUCKLING] Yeah. Stupid.

- Just really stupid.

I've been stupid, too.

I guess we broke our rule.


I don't hate it, by the way.

This whole...


It's kinda cool.


Okay. Sure.

- Bitchin'.


All right.

[SIGHS] It should fit now.

Is this really necessary?

Yes, it is, okay? This is a
ground-breaking scientific discovery.

We can't just bury it like some
common mammal, okay? It's not a dog.

All right, all right, all right.

But you're explaining this
to Mrs. Byers, all right?

Christ. Help me out.

- What am I supposed to do?
- Get the door, man.

All right, I got the door.

- Ew. Jesus...
- God...



Mike, would you just stop already?

You weren't in there, okay, Lucas?

That lab is swarming with
hundreds of those dogs.

Demo-dogs! - [LUCAS] The
chief will take care of her.

Like she needs protection.

Listen, dude, a coach
calls a play in a game,

bottom line, you execute it. All right?

Okay, first of all, this
isn't some stupid sports game.

And second, we're not even in
the game. We're on the bench.

[STAMMERS] So my point is...

Right, yeah, we're on the bench,
so, uh, there's nothing we can do.

That's not entirely true.

I mean, these Demo-dogs,
they have a hive mind.

When they ran away from the
bus, they were called away.

- If we get their attention...
- Maybe we can draw them from the lab.

Clear a path to the gate.

Yeah, and then we all die.

That's one point of view.

No, that's not a point of
view, man. That's a fact.

I got it!

This is where the chief dug his hole.
This is our way into the tunnel. So...

Here, right here. This is like a hub.

So you got all the
tunnels feeding in here.

Maybe if we set this on fire...

Oh, yeah? That's a no.

- The mind flayer would call away his army.
- They'd all come to stop us.

- We circle back to the exit.
- Guys.

- By the time they realize we're gone...
- El would be at the gate.

Hey. Hey! Hey! This is not happening.

- But...
- No, no, no, no, no.

No buts. I promised I'd
keep you shitheads safe,

and that's exactly what I plan on.

We're staying here. On the bench.

And we're waiting for the
starting team to do their job.

Does everybody understand?

This isn't a stupid sports game.

I said does everybody understand that?

I need a yes.



[MAX] It's my brother.

He can't know I'm here.
He'll k*ll me. He'll k*ll us.



Am I dreaming, or is
that you, Harrington?

Yeah, it's me. Don't cream your pants.

- What are you doing here, amigo?

I could ask you the same thing.


Looking for my stepsister. A
little birdie told me she was here.

Huh, that's weird. I don't know her.

Small? Redhead? Bit of a bitch.

Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, buddy.

[SIGHS] You know, I don't know, this...

[CLICKS TONGUE] This whole
situation, Harrington, I don't know.

It's giving me the heebie-jeebies.

Oh, yeah? Why's that?

My 13-year-old sister
goes missing all day.

And then I find her with
you in a stranger's house.

And you lie to me about it.


Man, were you dropped too
much as a child, or what?

I don't know what you don't
understand about what I just said.

She's not here.

Then who is that?

[EXCLAIMS] Shit! Did he see us?

Oh, shit. Listen...

- I told you to plant your feet.

Well, well, well.

Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise.

I thought I told you to
stay away from him, Max.

- Billy, go away.
- You disobeyed me.

And you know what happens
when you disobey me.

- Billy...
- I break things. [GRUNTS]

- Billy! Stop! Billy! Stop!

Get off of me, you...

Since Maxine won't listen
to me, maybe you will.

You stay away from her.

Stay away from her! You hear me?

- I said get off me!

So dead, Sinclair! You're dead.

No. You are.




Looks like you got some
fire in you after all, huh?

I've been waiting to
meet this King Steve

everybody's been
telling me so much about.

Get out.

- Yes! Kick his ass, Steve!
- [MIKE] Get him!

[DUSTIN] m*rder the son of a bitch!

- [DUSTIN] Now! Now!
- [MIKE] Get that shithead!

- [DUSTIN] k*ll the son of a bitch!

- [LUCAS] Steve!
- [MAX] Billy!

[MIKE] Holy shit!

- Shit!

- No one tells me what to do! [GRUNTS]

Whoo! Get up!

- [DUSTIN] You're gonna k*ll him.




The hell is this?

[ECHOING] You little
shit, what did you do?

What did you do?

[MIKE] Shit.


From here on out, you leave me and
my friends alone. Do you understand?

Screw you.

Say you understand! Say it! Say it!

I understand.

- What?
- I understand.


Let's get out of here.

It's actually kinda nice.

We'll do it here.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

This thing has had Will long enough.

Let's k*ll the son of a bitch.



- Papa!


All right. You let me do the
heavy lifting up front, all right?

You save your strength till we're below.

You okay?




- [DUSTIN] No, don't touch it.

Hey, buddy... [SHUSHING]

It's okay. You put up a good fight.

He kicked your ass,
but you put up a fight.

- You're okay.

[LUCAS] Okay, you're gonna
keep straight for a half a mile,

then make a left on Mount Sinai.

[STEVE] What's going on?

Oh, my God!

Just relax. She's driven before.

- Yeah, in a parking lot.
- That counts.

They were gonna leave you behind.

Oh, my God.

I promised that you'd be cool, okay?

[STEVE] Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa. What's going on?

Oh, my God. No! Whoa!
Stop the car. Slow down.

- I told you he'd freak out.
- Stop the car!

Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!

Oh, wait, that's Mount
Sinai. Make a left.

- What?
- Make a left.




What's happening?

[GRUNTS] It hurts.

It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!

Let me go! Let me go! It hurts!

It hurts! Let me go!
Let me go! It hurts!

- Mom.
- No!


Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!


[YELLS] Hello!

- [DUSTIN] Whoa!
- Incredible.

I told you. Zoomer.



Oh, no. Guys.

Hey, where do you think you're going?

What are you, deaf? Hello?

We are not going down there
right now. I made myself clear.

Hey, there's no chance we're
going to that hole, all right?

This ends right now!

[DUSTIN] Steve, you're upset, I get it.

But the bottom line is, a party
member requires assistance,

and it is our duty to
provide that assistance.

Now, I know you promised Nance
that you would keep us safe.

So, keep us safe.



Holy shit.

[MIKE] Yeah, I'm pretty
sure it's this way.

[DUSTIN] You're pretty
sure, or you're certain?

[MIKE] I'm 100% sure. Just
follow me and you'll know.

[STEVE] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey,
hey, hey, hey. I don't think so.

[MIKE] What?

Any of you little shits die down here,
I'm getting the blame. Got it, dipshit?

From here on out, I'm leading
the way. Come on, let's go.

Come on.

Hey, a little hustle.



Stay here.

Oh, shit.

Hey, Doc.


[SIGHS] Those suckers
got you pretty good, huh?

It's okay, don't talk.

Don't talk. I got you.
I got you. I got you.


Oh, yeah, I've been meaning to tell you.

This is Eleven. Eleven, Doc
Owens. Doc Owens, Eleven.

She's been staying
with me for about a year

and she's about to save our asses.

Maybe when this is all said and done,

maybe you could help
her out, too, you know?

Maybe you could help her
lead, like, a normal life.

One where she's not
poked and prodded and...

treated like some kind
of lab rat, you know?

I don't know, just a thought.


But, uh... think about it.

Don't go anywhere.


[LUCAS] God.

[MAX] What is this place?

[STEVE] Guys, come on. Keep moving.

What the hell?


- Help! Help! Help!
- [MIKE] Dustin.

[DUSTIN] Shit!

- [LUCAS] Dustin!
- [MAX] Dustin!

[STEVE] What happened?

[WHIMPERS] It's in my mouth!
Some got on my mouth! Shit!


I'm okay.

- You serious?
- Very funny, man.

- Nice. Very nice.
- Jesus, what an idiot.

Hang on. Wait, wait.

[STEVE] All right, Wheeler.

I think we found your hub.

[MIKE] Drench it.


It's not working. It's not working.
Mom, are you listening to me?

- Just wait!
- How much longer?

Look... look at him!

- Jonathan, wait!
- You're k*lling him!

[JOYCE] Just wait!

- No!
- No, leave it!

- You're k*lling him!
- Leave it!

Wait, Jonathan, Jonathan!
His neck! His neck!


No, no, no, no.


Stay here.



- [STEVE] You ready?
- [MIKE] Yeah.

- [LUCAS] Ready.
- [MAX] Ready.

[DUSTIN] Light her up.

[STEVE PANTING] I am in such deep shit.



All right.

Get the hell out of my son!



- [STEVE] Go, go, go!


Let's go, let's go!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.



[JOYCE CRYING] Will, baby.

Will. Will.

- Please, Will. Will.
- Come on, buddy.

- Please. Can you hear me?
- Come on.

- Come on.
- Please. Will.



- Oh, honey. Oh, God.

[JONATHAN] Chief, are you
there? Chief, do you copy?

Yeah, I copy.

[PANTING] Close it.

[STEVE] Oh, my God! Oh, my
God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Hey, this way!


Help! Help! Help! Help!

[MIKE] Help! Help!

- [STEVE] Hold on!
- [DUSTIN] Steve, pull him out.

[LUCAS] Everybody back! Back!


- [LUCAS] You good?
- [DUSTIN] You okay?

- [STEVE] Guys, we gotta go!

[DUSTIN] Dart.


[DUSTIN] Shh. Stop.

- [MAX] Dustin, get back.
- [DUSTIN] Trust me, please.

Hey. It's me, it's me. It's
just your friend, it's Dustin.

It's Dustin, all right?

You remember me?

- Will you let us pass?

Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm
sorry about the storm cellar.

That was a pretty douchey thing to do.

You hungry? Yeah?

- [LUCAS] He's insane.
- [MIKE] Don't.

[STEVE] Shut up.

I've got our favorite. See? Nougat.


Look at that. Yummy. Here, all right?

Eat up, buddy. Come on. Come on.

[WHISPERING] Let's go.

There's plenty. I've got more.


Goodbye, buddy.

Let's go, let's go!

[KALI] I want you to find
something from your past,

something that angers you.

Now channel it.





[MAX] What was that?


[MIKE] They're coming.

[MIKE] Run! Run!

Let's go! Let's go!

Come on, Mike! Move, Mike!

- [LUCAS] There, there!
- [MIKE] Come on! Let's go.

Go, go, go! Let's go! Come on! Come on!

- Come on!

Come on, hurry up! Come on!


Come on, come on, come on!

[MAX] Lucas, come on. Reach for my hand.

[LUCAS] Come on. Pull him.


Oh, shit.

[STEVE] Here.

Dustin! Come on!




[DUSTIN] This is...


- [g*nf*re]

Oh, shit!

[r*fle CLICKS]

You have a wound, Eleven.

A terrible wound.

The gate, I opened it.

- [DR. BRENNER] And it's festering.
- [ELEVEN] I'm the monster.

And it will grow.

- Spread.



And eventually, it will k*ll you.

- Jane!




You did good, kid. [SIGHS]

You did so good.




[REPORTER] Since the release
of the incendiary tape,

the once quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana,

has spent time in a
place it never expected.

The national spotlight.


[REPORTER] Under mounting pressure,
several high-ranking members

from the U.S. Department of Energy

have admitted involvement
in the death and cover-up

of Hawkins resident Barbara
Holland who died due to exposure

to an experimental chemical asphyxiant,

which had leaked from
the grounds of the lab.

We sent our own April Kline to
Hawkins to speak to residents,

residents who told us they
thought they lived in a safe town.

The kind of town where, they
say, nothing ever happens.


- How's the leg?
- Better.

Pretty sure my football career is over.


Want some? No way I'm gonna finish it.

No. I'm, uh... on a diet.

Well, you're a better man than me.

- Hey, got a little something for you.

I thought...

Sometimes I impress even myself.

Still, I'd let things cool
off for a while, if I were you.

How long is a while? [SNIFFLES]

Want to be safe? I give it a year.

A year?

What about one night out?

One night?

Yeah. How risky would that be?

What's so important about one night?

♪ Jingle bell, jingle
bell Jingle bell rock ♪

♪ Jingle bells chime
in jingle bell time ♪

[JOYCE] Yeah, you got it. See?

[WILL] Mom!


♪ Jingle bell, jingle
bell Jingle bell rock ♪

♪ Jingle bells chime
in jingle bell time ♪

Do you always have to
be filming everything?

No, no. Just the good stuff. [CHUCKLES]

Are you sure people
still dance like this?

Yeah. It's just what's happening.

Is it what's happening?

Yeah, yeah, it's what's happening.


Oh, wait.

All right, that's enough.

- One more, okay? Just one more.
- Why?

- You look so handsome.
- Mom!


Hey... wanna dance?


We should, you know, get out
there, like, do our thing... Stop.

♪ Jingle bell, jingle
bell Jingle bell rock ♪

I love this song.


Yeah, I love it. But not as
much as I love you, Lukey.

- Get out of my room!

- Ow, ow. That hurts.

It's gonna be worth it. Promise.

- ♪ To rock the night away ♪

♪ Jingle bell time is a swell time ♪

See? Pretty.

Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch!

Where did you see it last?

Right here, where I put it.

What's in there that's
so important anyway?

You look fabulous, baby.

Got it.

♪ That's the jingle bell.. ♪

- That's your ride. Dusty!



All right, buddy, here we are.

So, remember, once you get in there...

Pretend like I don't care.

- You don't care.
- I don't care.

There you go. You're learning,
my friend. You're learning.

- Hey.
- What?

Come on. You look great, okay?
You look... You look great.

- Okay? Now you're gonna go in there...
- Yeah.

- Look like a million bucks.
- Yeah.

And you're gonna slay 'em dead.

Like a lion.


Don't do that, okay?


Good luck.



- Looking very snazzy tonight, sir.
- Thank you, my lord.

- Hey, Nance.
- Hey.

- What's in this?
- Pure fuel.

Holy shit. What happened to you?

- What do you mean, "What happened"?
- What?

- Dude.
- Your hair.

Is there a bird nesting in there?

What do you mean, "What's wrong"?

There's no bird nesting
in here, assh*le. Okay?

I worked hard.





Um, it's nice, right?

You want to, um...

You want to, like... You know?

Like, just you and me?

Are you trying to ask
me to dance, stalker?

No, of course not.

- Unless you want to.

So smooth. Come on.

[GIRL] Hey, Zombie Boy.

Do you want to dance?

[STAMMERING] Um... I don't...

- I mean... I mean, yeah. Sure.
- Cool.

[EXHALES] Wish me luck,
Mike. I'm going in.



- He just broke up with Jennifer.

- Plus he's, like, not my type.



Shall we?

- Um, no, thanks. [CHUCKLES]


Oh, my God.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Wanna dance?
- What?

Come on. Let's go.

Here. Mmm-hmm.


A little closer. Okay.

Now feel the music.

The rhythm.

Start to move to it.

Yeah. There.

- Good?
- That's good. Yeah.


You know, out of all
of my brother's friends,

you're my favorite.

- You've always been my favorite.
- Really?



Girls this age are dumb.

But give them a few
years, and they'll wise up.

And, uh, you're gonna drive them nuts.

- You think so?
- Oh, I know so. [CHUCKLES]

- Hey.
- Hey.

Thought I might find you out here.

Will wanted me to give
him some space, so...

I'm giving him a few feet. [CHUCKLES]

What do you say?

I'm pretty sure that Mr. Cooper
retired in the '70s, so...

we might be okay.



How are you holding up?

- You know.
- Yeah.

That feeling never goes away.

It is true what they say, you know.

Every day it does get a little easier.

♪ Every breath you take ♪

♪ Every move you make ♪

♪ Every bond you break
Every step you take ♪

♪ I'll be watching you ♪

♪ Every single day ♪

♪ Every word you say ♪

You look beautiful.

Do you wanna dance?

I don't know how.

I don't either.

Do you want to figure it out?

♪ My poor heart aches ♪

♪ With every step you take ♪

Like this.

Yeah, like that.

♪ Every vow you break ♪

♪ Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake ♪

♪ I'll be watching you ♪

♪ Since you've gone I been
lost without a trace ♪

♪ I dream at night I
can only see your face ♪

♪ I look around But it's
you I can't replace ♪

♪ I feel so cold And I
long for your embrace ♪

♪ I keep crying baby, baby, please ♪