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02x07 - Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister

Posted: 03/18/22 07:32
by bunniefuu
[ELEVEN] Mama? It's me. Jane.

I'm home.



[TERRY] Sunflower.

- [g*nsh*t]
- Rainbow.

- Four-fifty. Three to the right...
- Breathe.

[TERRY] Four to the left. Sunflower.

- Four-fifty. Rainbow.
- Breathe.

- Three to the right. Four to the left.
- Breathe.

[TERRY] Four-fifty. Sunflower. Rainbow.


Breathe. Sunflower. Rainbow.

Three to the right. Four to the left.

- Okay. You okay?

And it just kept repeating?


Like a circle?

Just showing you the same
image over and over?

She kept showing the girl in the room.

The rainbow room?

What did the girl look like?

- Different.
- Different than you?

I think this is why Mama wanted to talk.

To show you the girl?

I think she wants me to find her.

When Terry was looking for you,

she kept these files
of other missing kids.

Kids she thought were like you.

Maybe that girl is in here somewhere.


Does anyone look familiar?

Is that her?


- Did you find her?





Becky! Becky, I found her.

[BECKY] I just... I didn't
know who else to call.

He gave me this number, and
he came here looking for her.

I thought maybe he could help me.

Yeah, Jim Hopper,

he came here with some
woman named Joyce Byers?

Well, that's a little
hard to explain. Uh...

There's another girl, and she's missing,

and I think she's in trouble.

I just... I didn't know who to call.

Thank you, thank you. And you are?

- Florence...

I'm gonna have to call you back.

Jane? Jane?





Four-fifty... Breathe. Sunflower...



♪ On the street where you live ♪

♪ Girls talk about their social lives ♪

♪ They're made of lipstick

♪ Plastic and paint ♪

♪ A touch of sable in their eyes ♪

♪ All your life all you've asked ♪

♪ When's your daddy gonna talk to you ♪

♪ But you were living in another world ♪

♪ Trying to get a message through ♪

♪ No one heard a single word you said ♪

♪ They should have
seen in in your eyes ♪

Watch it, kid.

Mouth breather.

♪ Ooh, she's a little runaway ♪

♪ Daddy's girl learned fast ♪

♪ All those things she couldn't say ♪

♪ Ooh, she's a little runaway ♪


They're dead. [LAUGHING]

They're all dead!

They're all dead! [LAUGHING]

They're all dead!


[DOTTIE] You should do stand-up, Axe.

There's a spot a few blocks away.


Well, well...

What do we have here?

[MICK SCOFFS] What is she wearing?

What are those, overalls?

[DOTTIE] There aren't any
cows to milk here, kid.

Go on back to the farm now.

I'm looking for my sister.

Aw... Shirley Temple lost her sister.
So sad.

I saw her. Here.

Uh-uh. Hand out of pocket. Slow.

Give me that shit.

- Is that Kali?
- Kali?

How did you find us?

- Who else knows you're here?
- No one.

So, what then?

Poof! You just show up like
magic with that picture?

Stay calm. She's just a kid.

A kid who could get us all k*lled.

If I have to ask again, Shirley,
you'll start losing things.

Starting with those pretty
little locks of yours. Yeah?

Come on, Axe. Put down the knife.

How did you find us?

- I saw her.
- [MICK] Axe!

That's not an answer.

Jesus. Jesus Christ!


Get off! Shit! Shit!

[KALI] You're a terrible dancer, Axel.

I told you, stay out of my head.

So, we're threatening
little girls now, are we?

- She knows about you.
- She had this.

Where did you get this?


Your mother gave this to you?

In her dream circle.

[SCOFFS] Dream circle. I think
she's a schizo or something.

Says she's looking for her sister.

Yeah. Like I said, schizo.


I saw you.

In the rainbow room.

What is your name?




[KALI] And this memory
your mother shared...

that is your only memory of me?


[KALI] And how long have you
been with this policeman?

[ELEVEN] Three hundred
and twenty-seven days.

And this policeman, he thinks

he can work out some sort of deal

with these men to set you free?


- He says soon.
- He's naïve then.

We'll always be monsters to them.
Do you understand?

Let me guess. Your policeman,

he also stops you from using your gifts?

What you can do is incredible.

It makes you very special, Jane.


- Do you have a gift?
- Different.

I can make people see, or
not see, whatever I choose.

Is that why you made the man
with the crazy hair dance?

Axel is not so fond of spiders, so...

You made him see spiders?

But it doesn't have to be scary.

This butterfly, it isn't real.

I've just convinced your mind it is.

Think of it as a kind of magic.

Are you real?

Yes, I'm real.


What's wrong?

Nothing is wrong.

I just feel... whole... now.

Like... a piece of me was missing,

and now it's not.

Does that make sense?


I think your mother sent
you here for a reason.

I think she somehow knew
that we belong together.

I think this is your home.


Yes. Home.

[MAN OVER RADIO] This is car 13,

responding to a 245 at 31 Ashbury.

..suspect under surveillance.

- [AXEL] Shit.

How's your white hick sister?
You tuck her in real tight?

Yeah, what about a lullaby?
Did you sing her one?

- ♪ Old MacDonald had a farm ♪
- [LAUGHING] Yeah.

[ALL] ♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪

♪ And on his farm he had a cow ♪

She found me with only this.

What's that mean?

It means she can find
people without moving.

With nothing but an image.

You telling me Shirley's a human
radar detector or some shit?

Or some shit, yes.

Come on. No way.

We'll find out soon enough.

I want to do one. Tomorrow.

- You serious, Kal?
- We're way too hot right now.

[SING-SONG] Paranoid.

Realistic. You don't k*ll their men

and expect them to look the other way.

If they find us, they will unleash hell.

So we give in to fear?

She's in pain. She needs this.

We go out tomorrow.

Swear to God, Shirley Temple's
gonna get us all k*lled.

[HOPPER] It's me.

I know that I've been
gone too long, and, uh...

I just want you to know that
it's not because of you.

And it's not because of our fight.

Something came up,

and, uh, I'll explain everything soon.

I just, um...

I want you to know that I'm not...
I'm not mad at you. I...

I'm just sorry.

It's okay. It's only me.

Bad dream?

What time is it?

It's late.

You slept well. Come.

It's time you meet my friends.
Properly this time.

We need more money, Kal. I can't
keep eating this garbage.

- This is Axel.
- The spider hater?

Yes, the spider hater.

This is Dottie, our newest.

Like you, she just left home.

[AXEL] You mean the loony bin.

[KALI] Mick, our eyes, our protector.

This is Funshine, our warrior.

Don't let his size frighten you.
Fun's a teddy bear.

Nice to meet you, Miss Jane.

If you're looking for a
number, you won't find one.

They're not like us.

No, not in that way. But
like us, they're outcasts.


- Freaks.
- Speak for yourself.

Society left them behind,
hurt them, discarded them.

We were dead, all of us.

Kali saved us. Here. And here.

Don't get all mushy on us now, Fun.

No, not mushy. True.

Now we help her.

In this life, kid, you roll
over or you fight back.

We're all fighters here.

Fight who?

Everyone you see here was
in some way responsible

for what happened to us.

You hurt the bad men?

No, we just give 'em a pat on the back.

You k*ll them?

They're criminals. We simply
make them pay for their crimes.


Damn, Shirley. What's the matter?

You look like you've seen a ghost.

We can't all be fighters, I guess.

I'm a fighter. I've k*lled.

These men you k*lled,
did they deserve it?

- They hurt me.

And they still want to hurt you.
To hurt us.

We're just making the first move.


I was just like you once.

I kept my anger inside.

I tried to hide from it, but
then that pain festered.


It spread.

Until finally I confronted my
pain, and I began to heal.

- Do you see that train?
- Yes.

I want you to draw it to us.


[ELEVEN] I can't.

Last night you told me
you lifted a van once.


The bad men were trying
to take you again,

and that made you angry.

Good. So, find that anger,

focus on that, not the
train, not its weight.

I want you to find
something from your life.

Something that angers you.

- Now channel it.

Dig deeper. Your whole life
you've been lied to...

- Do I have a mother?
- She's not around anymore.


Don't walk away from me!
Grow the hell up!


The bad men took away your home,

your mother...


They took everything from you.


They stole your life, Jane.

I want you to find them.



- Yeah, Jane!

So, how do you feel?


These are the bad men, as you call them.

The one's we believe are still alive.
Do you know any?


[DR. BRENNER] Four-fifty...

He hurt Mama.

His name is Ray Caroll. And he
did more than hurt your mother.


The bad men like Ray,
they know about us.

It's made them hard to track.
But maybe not anymore.


"Gramercy Apartments.
Washington and Bethel."

That's gotta be it. Right?

- "Lilburn." Where is that?
- About an hour east.

We don't even have a new ride.

So we swap plates. We
have plates, right?

- Yeah.
- It's risky.

Where's the fun if there's no risk?

We want to give my sister a
memorable first day, right?

I'm in. For Miss Jane.

Yeah, sure. Why not? Mick?

Screw it!


[g*n COCKS]




[MAN] Get off me! Get off me!


What are we doing?

Stocking up.

Hey, your bathroom is leaking.

[MAN] Oh, shit.



Okay, contestants, you
have a minute and a half,

let's begin your supermarket sweep!


Hey! Put that back, or
I'll blow your head off.

- You hear me, freak?
- Put the g*n down.

Stay back. Stay back.

Darrel, your money is insured.

We're only stealing from the
w*r criminal billionaires

who own this place.

- You won't even lose a dime.
- I said stay back.

We're on the same side.

- I promise.
- Stay back.


- Damn, Shirley.

Let's go! Go! Go, go, go, go!

Mick! We gotta go, Mick!

We should case the place, stick
to the routine. We have time.

We also have her. Can you look?

- He's watching television.
- Is he alone?

I saw him. No one else.

- Good enough for me.
- Me, too.

Let's do this.

- Keep it running.
- Meet you around back.



Punky, what's the matter?

A nightmare.

I dreamt I was in the doctor's office.

All of a sudden, he's started
to give me my shot in my arm.

Then the needle got bigger
and bigger and bigger...


[KALI] Hello, Ray.

Jesus Christ!

[FUNSHINE] Sit down. Please.

- I said sit.
- Please...

Just, please... just take what you want.

[AXEL] Oh, we will.

Where's your wallet?

- Bedroom. My bedroom. My jeans.
- Come on.


[AXEL] Got it.

Do you remember us?

What about us? Do you remember us, Ray?


Please. Please.

You hurt Mama.


[GROANS] Wait.

[SHAKILY] Please. Listen...

I just did what he told me to do.

He said she was sick.

You had a choice, Ray.

And you chose to follow a
man you knew was evil.

No, wait! No, wait! Wait!

I can help. I can help you find him.

- Find who?
- Brenner!

I can take you to him.

Papa is gone.

No, he is alive.

Do not lie to us, Ray.

I'm not lying!


He trusts me.

I'll take you to him.

If he's alive, Jane will find him.

Just as she found you.

Do it, Jane.

- Do it.
- Wait.


Not too quick.

He wasn't so generous with your mother.

Sweetie, just stay calm.

[AXEL] Oh, shit!

The police are on their way, honey.


What's wrong?

- What's wrong?
- We got a problem.

[DOTTIE] Kids in the apartment.

[RAY] Please...

- Did he show your mother mercy? No.
- [RAY] Please. No.

I'm sorry.

He took her from you,
without hesitation.

Please don't. Please.

[AXEL] We got to go, K.
They called the cops.

We finish this first.

- [AXEL] Kali!
- Jane, now!

[RAY] Please, don't...

Please. Please.

- [g*n COCKS]



[AXEL] Kali, we gotta go!

- [DOTTIE] Shit!
- [AXEL] Go, go, go!

[DOTTIE] Shit!

Come on. Get in!

If you wanted to show
mercy, that is your choice.

But don't you ever take away mine. Ever.

Do you understand? Do you understand?


[FUNSHINE] I see you,
and I raise you ten.

How ya like that?

That was a mistake right there, girl.
A mistake.

[DOTTIE] I think you're full of shit.


May I sit?

I was once just like you, you know that?

But that's why I'm hard on you, because

I see in you my past mistakes.

They were kids.

Does that excuse that man's sins?

Were we not also children?

I remember the day

I came to the rainbow
room and you were gone.

So, when my gifts were strong enough,

I used them to escape.

And I ran.

I ran away as far as I could.

And it was there, far away,
that I found a place to hide.

A family.

A home.

Just like you and your policeman.

But they couldn't help me.

So, eventually, I lost them, too.

So, I decided to play the part.

To stop hiding.

To use my gifts against
those who hurt us.

You're now faced with
the same choice, Jane.

Go back into hiding and
hope they don't find you.

Fight, and face them again.

Face who?

The man who calls himself our father.

Papa is dead.

[DR. BRENNER] That man
tonight disagreed.

You're not real.

All this time? And you
haven't looked for me?


Because you thought I was dead?

Or because you were afraid
of what you might find?

Go away.

You have to confront your pain.

You have a wound, Eleven,
a terrible wound.

And it's festering.

Do you remember what that means?

It means a rot.

And it will grow.

[ECHOING] Spread.

- Get out of my head.
- And eventually, it will k*ll you.

[SCREAMING] Get out of my head!


This isn't a prison, Jane.

You're always free to
return to your policeman.

Or stay, and avenge your mother.

Let us heal our wounds together.

- [LAUGHS] Full house.
- Screw this. I'm out.

- Out of money, you mean. You are broke!

- You want in, Mick?
- [SCOFFS] Nope.

- Aw, come on! Just one hand.
- You're the worst.

[DOTTIE] How am I the worst?

Because, one hand leads to two hands,

two hands leads to three.

Before you know it,
I'm as broke as Axel.

- [DOTTIE] Are you in or out?
- [MICK] Out.

Today, tomorrow, the next day.

Maybe we can call you
"El." Short for Eleven.

You'd better run! She's our
friend, and she's crazy!

[MIKE] No, El, you're not the monster.

You saved me, you understand?
You saved me.

[ELEVEN] Compromise?

[HOPPER] It's something
that's kind of in between.

Like halfway happy.

Once we fix it up, it's gonna be nice.
Real nice.

This is your new home.


[ECHOING] That's where I was.
It's a damn graveyard.

I need to get through!
I need to get through!

- [HOPPER] Whoa! Whoa!
- I need to warn them. It's a trap!

I need to get through. It's a trap.
I need to tell them it's a trap.

- [ELEVEN] Mike!
- It's a trap! It's a trap!


Mike! Mike!

Mike! Mike, where are you?

Mike! Mike!


[OFFICER] Go, go, go!

Let's go.

[OFFICER] Don't move!

- [AXEL] The hell's going on?
- They found us!

- Jesus! Jesus Christ!
- No, no, no.


- [OFFICER 1] Spread left.
- [OFFICER 2] Right.

[FUNSHINE] Let's go! Now!

- Hey! Hey!
- Jane, come on!

Come on, hurry!

Look out! Look out!


[OFFICER] Get down! Get down!

[AXEL] Do something, Kal. Do something!

Jane, get in.

It's a damn graveyard.

- Mike!
- It's a trap! It's a trap!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
but I have to go back.

My friends... My friends are in danger.

This isn't time for a talk.
We got to go right now!

Your mother sent you here
for a reason, remember?

We belong together.

There's nothing for you back there.
They cannot save you, Jane.


But I can save them.

Jane. Jane!



The hell was that?
What's wrong with her?

[WOMAN] You all right, sweetie?

You were looking a little forlorn there.
You mind if I join you?


[SIGHS] You are awfully young to
be traveling alone, aren't you?

Well, you are quite the chatterbox.

So, where are you headed?

To your parents, I hope?

I'm going to my friends.

I'm going home.