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02x05 - Valhalla

Posted: 03/18/22 07:19
by bunniefuu
- [wheels rattling]
- [quick footsteps]

[soft hooting]

- [doors bump open, shut]
- [soft snuffling]

[low hooting]

It's okay, little fella.

No one's gonna hurt ya.

[soft chittering]

[Peter Schilling's
"Major Tom (Coming Home)" plays]

[video camera whirring]

[chimp hooting softly]

- [stopwatch clicks]
- [bell dings]

[whines softly]

[soft chittering]

- [camera continues whirring]
- [soft grunts]

♪ Standing there alone
The ship is waiting ♪

- [grunts, squeaks]
- ♪ All systems are go ♪

- [clicks]
- ♪ Are you sure? ♪

- ♪ Control is not convinced ♪
- [chimp hoots]

♪ But their computer has the evidence ♪

- [excited hooting]
- ♪ No need to abort ♪

♪ The countdown starts ♪

♪ Watching in a trance
The crew is certain ♪

♪ Nothing left to chance
All is working ♪

♪ Trying to relax
Up in the capsule... ♪

[man] This is Mercury control.
The Mercury spacecraft umbilical is out.

- Nine, eight, seven, six...
- ♪ The countdown is on ♪

- five, four, three, two, one.
- ♪ Four, three, two, one ♪

- Ignition... [continues indistinctly]
- ♪ Earth below us ♪

♪ Drifting, falling ♪

- ♪ Floating weightless ♪
- [shrieking]

- ♪ Calling, calling home ♪
- [soft hooting]

[man] Cabin pressure holding, 5.5.

[soft hooting]

♪ Second stage is cut
We're now in orbit... ♪

[man] Everything is a-okay in the cockpit.

- ♪ Starting to collect ♪
- [bell dings]

- ♪ Requested data ♪
- [hooting]

- ♪ What will it affect... ♪
- [console beeps]

He's going to hand-control movement now.

- [alarm beeping]
- [controllers clicking]

- [thunderous boom]
- [warning alarm sounding]

- ♪ Earth below us, drifting, falling ♪
- [nervous chittering]

- ♪ Floating weightless ♪
- [shrieking]

♪ Calling, calling home ♪

[shrieking, silence]

[man] Do you have any word
from the recovery troops?

[no audible dialogue]

♪ Earth below us ♪

♪ Drifting, falling ♪

- [Grace gasps]
- ♪ Floating weightless ♪

♪ Coming home ♪

♪ Home... ♪

[reading in Ancient Greek]

[in English] "Sing in me, Muse,

and through me tell the story of that man
skilled in all ways of contending,

the wanderer,

harried for years on end..."

Reggie, he's sleepin'.

[squeaks softly]

Then I suppose Homer will have to wait.

♪ Home ♪

♪ Home ♪

♪ Home ♪

[song fades out]

You know, I'm starting to get the feeling
Dad's avoiding us.

[Lila sighs]
Hate to be the boring one, guys,

but, uh,
it's time we get the hell out of here.

When you say "we,"
who exactly are you referring to?

Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence.

Listen, I don't know who you are
or where you came from,

but whatever it is,
I'd advise you return posthaste.

She's right, Five.
We gotta get outta here.

I just saved your life, you kinder-shit.

If I hadn't stepped in,
all that would be left of you

is a blazer and some bloody socks.

And that's the problem.

You're too good.
You ask too many questions.

You know too much.

And you fight like
you know what you're doing.

- He's got a point.
- So I know how to handle myself,

and that makes me the bad guy?

Whoever you are, you're in my way.

If I see you again, I will k*ll you.

Diego, we need to go.

I was getting my ass handed to me
back there.

You helped Five, not me.

- Why?
- Because he's a kid and you're a man.

Bloody act like one.

Diego, I... I...

- We shouldn't...
- You know what?

I'm used to dealing with liars, Lila,

but I like it better when I know
what they're lying about.

[soft piano melody plays]

Oh, come on, Diego. Really?
You're just gonna walk away?



[Ben] And how are we feeling this morning?

Oh, peaches and cream. How are you?

Curious, how many more rock-bottoms
are you gonna have to hit

- before you start taking care of yourself?
- [sighs]

I'm thinking of a number
between... 11 and... 25.

What ghost are you talking to now?

Oh, just another...

just another old cowboy.

Texas is lousy with them.

They're usually pretty cute,
but this one is...

this one is ugly and...


Is that really necessary?

[Klaus] Mm-hmm.

You want some?

Klaus, if you're looking for an enabler,
look elsewhere.

Allison, your marriage is in trouble
and your rally turned into a riot.

If now's not the time
to do some drink party,

I don't know when is.

What happened?

Oh, where to begin? [chuckles]

My claustrophobic cult tracked me down,
I fell off the wagon,

and I professed my undying love for...


This young gay man
who doesn't know he's gay yet

at a 1963 diner
in front of his blatantly closeted uncle.

Yeah, well, not in that order, but...


- Aren't we a pair? [sniffs]
- [chuckles] Yeah.

- Oh, Jesus.
- [laughs softly]

- [flask clatters]
- Hey, uh, excuse me.

- Attagirl.
- [Allison] I've got a blender

and some much better booze.

So, if we're gonna start day-drinking,
we should do it right.

- [whimpers] I love you so much.
- [chuckles]

Yeah. Yeah!


- [chickens clucking]
- [cow moos]

- [rooster crows]
- [soft guitar song plays on radio]


Hey. Is that coffee?

Want some?

- What time is it?
- [Sissy sighs]

I don't know, and I don't care.

Yeah, you do.

Oh, my God.

I think we've earned a day off.

Okay, half a day.

A few hours.

Hush up.

What is it?

Do we need to talk?

- A-About...
- Do you want to?

[Sissy sighs heavily]

Talking makes things real,

and real things end.

This feels sweeter than that.

You know yesterday when you were
talking about us running away?

- What if we could?
- [Sissy] Where would we go?

Somewhere safe for Harlan and...

where we could be together like this

all the time.

I'd go there right now.

- [dog barks outside]
- [Sissy chuckles]

- [dog barks]
- [horn honks]

[Sissy gasping]

Oh, shit.

Carl's back early.


[Diego] No, no, no, I don't understand.
They keep following me.

- [Luther] Wait, who?
- Those Dutch sociopaths.

They're Swedish, you idiot.

Hired g*ns paid to eradicate us

before we do any more damage
to this timeline.

Yeah, but why now?
I mean, I'm... [snaps fingers]

Fine for three months
until you showed up.

Yeah, I was here for a year
and no one messed with me.

Even if it was my fault, which it isn't,

we only have six days
before the end of the world,

and the closest anyone's gotten to Dad
was that driveway at the consulate.

Well... [sighs]

That's not exactly true.

What do you mean?

I saw him.

- Oh, shit!
- [upbeat guitar instrumentals playing]

[Luther] Diego!



- Allis...
- Allison!



Hey, um, I'm seven cents short.

Uh... give me what you got.

[Luther] Oh, shit. [muttering]

Damn it.

Sorry about that.



That boy stinks.

[brakes hissing]

[upbeat guitar instrumentals continue]

[sighs] Home.

[exhales] "This is gonna sound crazy,

but, Reginald Hargreeves...

I am your son."

[Four Holidays' "He Can't Love You"
plays on radio]

[people chattering]

[woman 1]
Let's get back on that dance floor.

- Whoo-hoo!
- [woman 2] Yes!

♪ He can't love you ♪

- ♪ He can't love you ♪
- ♪ He can't love you ♪

[woman3] He stinks.

- ♪ He can't love you ♪
- ♪ He can't love you ♪

- ♪ He can't love you ♪
- ♪ Naw ♪

♪ Don't you know that
He just can't make it ♪

- ♪ Better ♪
- ♪ Better, better ♪

- ♪ Better ♪
- ♪ Oh, better than I can... ♪


[Reginald] Please, the world's
never going to end in such a cliché.

Believe me.

I know how endings feel.

Reg, with all these bombs
and big red buttons,

we're bloody close
to the end of the world.

- Even a fool can see that.
- [Reginald] I will give you this:

the physics of numerous quanta tells us
that we cannot be certain about anything,

especially if time is concerned.

Even if you knew everything
there is to know about right now,

you could never predict
what will happen next.

We don't live in a universe of rules,
we live in a universe of chances.

Some events, however,
are more likely than others.

For instance, it is a near certainty
that in the next few minutes,

I am going to get another glass
of champagne.

[group laughs]

Would you look at that?

This is gonna sound crazy, but, uh...

I'm your son.

No, you're not.

- But, no, I'm... I'm from the future.
- [Reginald] No, you're not.

You adopted me and six other children
in 1989.

- No, I didn't.
- I...

I know about the moon base.

I know about all your experiments
with monkeys.


Look, I know everything about you.


I need your help.

Listen, I don't know who sent you

or what you want,

but you can run back to your masters
at CIA or KGB

and tell them that this is the most
ridiculous gambit in spycraft history.

What? Why? Why is it ridiculous?

You know time travel is possible.

Time travel isn't the problem.

I have a deep dislike of children.

I do not have them,
nor do I intend to have them,

but if for some reason I did,

I would expect more from them
than a scruffy face,

poor hygiene, and your grotesque,
simian proportions.


I took a bus.

I don't care.

Now, take yourself and the stench
of failure that encircles you

and get out of my house.

- [people whispering]
- [somber instrumental music playing]

- [Diego] That's pathetic.
- [Luther] Yeah, well,

- at least he didn't shank my ass.
- [Diego] No, bro,

he shanked your heart.

[Luther] Mm.

Is that my bathrobe?

- No.
- [Five] Look, who cares what he shanked?

- He knows something about time travel.
- [Elliott] Um...

Wait, why don't you just do your thing
and, uh, time travel us out?

Anyone care to explain?

First time he tried,
he got lost in the apocalypse.

Second time, he ended up
without hair on his balls.

Last time I tried,

I scattered my family across three years
in Dallas, Texas,

possibly triggering a doomsday.

Any more questions, Elliott?

- Uh, no.
- [Diego] You're missing the big picture.

Dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal

that's planning to k*ll the president.

- A cabal?
- [Five] Ignore him.

Look, the way I see it,
we only have one option.

[Luther] Oh, yeah? And what's that?

It's time to get the Umbrella Academy
back together.

Hell, yeah. Family meeting.

Okay then,
can one of you get Allison, please?

You two still a thing?

- Do we need to talk?
- No, she's married.

Whoa. Dude, that's rough.

I can handle it. [chuckles]

I'll get her.

Can you get Vanya without, uh,
squeezing her to death?

I'll try.

Wait! D...


What should I do?

Prepare for company.

[Carl] Oh, you should've seen it.

He said, "All the HoJo's
in the Southwest District."

And I said, "All the HoJo's?"
'Cause I wasn't sure if I heard him right.

And he said, "Yup! All the HoJo's."

Vanya, did you hear the news?

How would she, Carl? She doesn't subscribe
to Showerheads Today.

[Carl] I'm in such a good mood,

I'm gonna let that jape pass
without comment.

[Sissy] That is a comment.

[Carl] Vanya, you are lookin' at the man

who has closed the biggest deal ever

for Waterton Shower
and Shower Accessories Limited.

That's great, Carl.

[Carl] Thank you, Vanya.

You see, Sissy?

That is how you congratulate
the consummate conquering breadwinner.

Carl, stop.

Baby, I got such a day planned
for the three of us.

First, we'll hit up the Egyptian Room
breakfast buffet,

then watch some mutton bustin',

and then take it to Cattlemen's
for a big ole steak. Mmm...

Hey, Vanya.

Why don't you go ahead
and take some time off?

- [Carl chuckles]
- [Sissy] Carl, stop.

[Sissy] Not in front of Harlan.

[Carl scoffs] Harlan don't care.

I just want a kiss.

- Can't you wait till we're alone?
- [buzzing]

[Carl] No, baby. No, I can't.

- Well, you're gonna have to.
- [Vanya] Carl.

- Stay out of this, Vanya.
- [Carl] Sissy.

- [buzzing grows louder]
- The hell's going on with you?

I'm just sick and tired

- of you not listening!
- [slams table]

[Carl] Well, I'm sick and tired of having
to fight for your g*dd*mn attention.

Are you my wife or not?

- [glass cracks loudly]
- [thunder rumbles]

[Carl] What in the hell was that?

Harlan, honey?

Let's get your shoes on. Come on.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Just spending the day with my family.

[door shuts]

Did you set me up?

- Sweetie, really?
- Those Nordic shitwits?

You said they were Commission.
You said they were on our side.

Well, I was in the process
of executing our mission,

my mission that you gave me,
and they got in the way.

- Oh, my.
- And now my cover's blown.

Five wants to k*ll me, and I don't know
what the hell it is you're after.

Did you bring me what I asked for?

[Lila] Here.

Diego's knife.

- [Handler] Sit.
- No.

Yes, you're bleeding, and all that rage
is bad for your complexion. Sit.

Fine, but I'm not done being mad at you.

[Handler] You're right.

I have been lying to you.


- has no idea...
- [gasps softly]

- that we're here.
- So, what are we doing here?

We are...

making something right...

that has been wrong
for a very, very long time.

- Just about done with your riddles, Mum.
- Oh, are you just about done now?

You've done a couple missions,
now you know everything? Huh? Is that it?


Big Lila, all in charge,
not trusting her mother,

her mother who yanked her out
of that horrid little slum,

her mother who rescued her from
those gin-addled, neglectful parents,

her mother who taught her how to live,
how to love,

- how to survive?
- You just said you lied.

You lied to them and they lied to me
and everybody lies to everyone else.

Grow up, buttercup.


[Handler sighs]

If I thought you needed to know the truth,
I would've told you the truth,

but you didn't, and so I didn't,

and everything worked out just fine.

No, it hasn't. I lost Five.

Is he dead?

No. But he kicked me out
of his merry little band.

- Ugh. Your wound is weeping.
- Oh.

Oh, my dear, that...

- that's not a problem at all.
- Why not?

Well, because...

I have a very busy day scheduled for us.

Oh... Ugh.

Y'all know, Jell-O used to be a delicacy.

You know, in order to make it,

you gotta boil down
a whole mess of hooves...

you know, horses, cows, pigs,
it doesn't matter.

But not everybody has a mess of hooves
just lying around.

It wasn't until, uh...

a couple of sassy New Yorkers

figured out how to dry it out
so that the rest of us

could have a...
a chance to enjoy this ambrosia.

If we have some, will you shut up?



How you feeling?

Pretty shitty, to be honest.

Where would you say you are
on a scale from one to...

ending all life on this planet?


Diego, put the knife away, you idiot.
She's fine.

The last time I saw this one,
she had me suspended midair,

sucking the life out of me
with energy tentacles.

I think I'm allowed
a little time to process.

Oh, I would love to see
an energy tentacle.

I don't remember what I did,
but I'm sorry...

if... if that means anything.

It does.

Just going through a lot right now.

There's this...

girl that I like.

I thought she liked me,
but turns out that she's...

- [door opens]
- [Allison laughs]

Oh, thank God.

[Allison] Is anyone here?


[Klaus] Le petit mort, le petit mort.

- [Allison] What? You don't speak French.
- [Klaus] It's "the little death."

- [both chattering indistinctly]
- [Allison laughing]

[Klaus] Oh, wow. Look at this old stuff.

Oh, wow.

I know this is impossible, but...

did we all get sexier?


I can't believe I have a sister.

I missed you.

Thank God someone did. [chuckles softly]

[both chuckle softly]

- [Klaus grunts]
- Oh, you are drunk.

Yeah. No, just a little... just a few...

Oh, that's so sweet.

- No. Jesus.
- [Vanya giggles]

- Hi.
- Hey, Vanny.

Klaus. Is Ben here?

Oh, uh... no.

No, unfortunately,
ghosts can't time travel.

Are you kidding me?

[Five] All right, then.
Let's get down to business.

- [Klaus] So, Vanny, what's new?
- Hey, Diego.

- Can't say hi to nobody?
- Hi, Allison.

What was that?

- Hi, Allison!
- Thank you!


[cats meowing]

Why are we here?

You were always a climber, darling.


[cat yowls]

[vacuum whirring]

[cat meows]


[loud thudding on roof]


[vacuum continues whirring]

[cats meowing]


All right.
First off, I wanna say I'm sorry.

I know I really screwed the pooch
on this whole


But the real kick in the pants here

is we brought the end of the world
back here with us.

Oh, my God, again?

All of you knew?

Why am I always the last one
to find out about the end of the...

Oh, my God.

My cult is gonna be so pissed. Five!

I told them we had until 2019.

We have until Monday. We have six days.

Is it Vanya?

- Klaus.
- [Klaus] What? It's usually Vanya.

Do you have any leads, Five?

[Five] Yeah, we have one.

- Holy shit, is that Dad?
- Yeah.

- That's him?
- [Diego] Standing on the grassy knoll.

Diego and I have been trying to talk
to Dad about what exactly this means.

- So far, we've got nothing.
- Not nothing.

- He's planning to k*ll Kennedy.
- [Five] Maybe.

But we don't know who or what
sets doomsday in motion.

Could be Kennedy,
could be something entirely independent.

But if we know something changes
the timeline, we have to make it right.

Yeah, but how,
if we don't know what's broken?

[Diego] Come on. Do the math.

We know Dad's having shady-ass meetings
with some shady-ass people.

We know he's on the grassy knoll
in three days to k*ll the president.

So I think we all know
what we have to do.

- Find Dad.
- [Diego] k*ll Dad.

None of us are supposed to be here,

I mean, what if it's us?

Has anyone here done anything
to screw up the timeline?

- Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald.
- And you're working for Jack Ruby.

Allison has been very involved
in local politics.

- Okay, you started a cult.
- Thank you!

- I'm... I'm just a... a nanny on a farm.
- [growls, hisses]

I don't have anything to do
with all of that.

Well, maybe you do,
we just don't know it yet.

[Diego whistles sharply]

Listen to yourselves.

Everything in our new lives
is connected to Kennedy.

That can't be a coincidence.

Luther works for Ruby,
Allison is protesting the government,

Dad is on the grassy knoll, Klaus is...

doing something weird and pervy
but probably related.

See, clearly,

we were all sent back here
for one special reason:

saving John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

[overlapping arguments]

[arguments continue]

- [Diego] This is bigger than all of us.
- [Five] Guys, you all die.

I was there. I saw it.

And I wanna forget it, but I can't.

I saw Russian nukes vaporize the world
with all of you in it...

in a w*r that never happened
until we brought it here.

And Hazel gave his life to save us,

so you may need to shut up
and just listen to me.

I don't know if the things
we've experienced here are all connected.

I don't know if there's a reason
for everything.

But Dad will.

We need to talk to him before everyone
and everything we know is dead.

Okay, I'm out. [sighing]

Did you even hear me, Luther?

Yeah. Yeah, I did.

I heard a 58-year-old man who still wants
his daddy to come and fix everything.

Well, you can count me out.

It's time we all grew the hell up.

- [Vanya] Luther!
- Come back.

- [Klaus] Where you going?
- [Luther] Save it, Diego.

[Luther sighs]

No one leaves until we figure this out.

[Five grunting]


[exhales sharply]

When did the monkey
learn how to fight dirty?

[rock clatters]

Son of a bitch.

You know, I could really go
for some tacos right now. Allison?

- Tacos?
- Shouldn't we wait?

You know those guys.

I mean, it could take forever
for them to bro it out.

Vanya, tacos?

Is there any way that tacos
are gonna cause the end of the world?

[scoffs] I mean, there's only one way
to find out, right? [snaps fingers]

- [Allison] Sure is.
- [Klaus] Let's go!


I've missed you all...

so much.


- What's going on with you, big boy?
- Ugh, leave me alone, Diego.

Huh? So, what, you're just gonna
sucker punch Five and haul ass, huh?

Look, maybe trying to stop doomsday
is exactly what starts it.

- Did you ever think of that?
- Oh, so we do nothing?

Since when are you a quitter?

Since the last time I destroyed the world
by overestimating my own importance.

So this is about you never living up to
the old man's expectations bullshit, huh?

[scoffs] Maybe. I don't know, I mean,
we're all crazy where Dad's concerned.

Oh, I'm not.

He's an assh*le. I'm awesome.
That's very simple.

Have to understand that, okay?


So why can't you leave JFK alone, hmm?

I'm a hero.

- Heroes stop crime.
- [Luther] No, no, no.

No, Dad told you you're a hero.

Right? He told all of us.

But what if he lied?

What if we're just a bunch of freaks
who have no business

- changing the world for everyone else?
- No, everyone changes the world, Luther.


And it's scary, but that's kinda the deal.

You know, you are so g*dd*mn big,

sometimes I forget
what a sensitive bastard you are.

It's all gonna work out.

- We're on the right path.
- Oh, yeah? How do you know?

There's a long, black car that's been
following us since we left Elliott's.

Six o'clock.

[Diego] "To my pursuers: I...

- Reginald Hargreeves..."
- What?

"Request the pleasure of your company
for a light supper

on the 20th of November, 1963,
half past seven o'clock,

1624 Magnolia Street."

A "light" supper?

[Andrea Litkei & Ervin Litkei's
"Hey Da Da" plays on radio]

♪ Hey Da Da, hey Da Da... ♪

[Allison growls, chuckles]

The nerve of that man.

I mean, one thing goes wrong,
and he's on a warpath.

I mean, doesn't know who I am?

No, no. No, Ray,
you know exactly who I am.

- You just can't handle it.
- Pew, pew.

- [Allison] I'm protecting him.
- Pew, pew.

- [soft slap]
- [Klaus] Ow. From what?

The end of the world, for one.

Is the world really gonna end in six days?

Well, it did last time, and we did
everything Five could think of to stop it.

Hey, wouldn't it be weird if Five
grew up all hot?

- Wouldn't that be weird?
- What?

- [Allison] Eww.
- [Klaus] Oh!

"Oh, eww! Eww!"

Please, Miss "Luther was my lover."

- [kissing sounds]
- We have never even kissed.

Yeah, but you guys were making little sick
moon-dog eyes at each other

all through puberty
and breakfasts and all that.

Aren't we all brothers and sisters, or...?

- [Klaus snorts]
- Well... technically, it...

"Technically"? If you have to word...
use the word "technically,"

you're already in trouble.

- [giggling]
- Okay, can... can we focus?

I mean, clearly we're not saving
the world tonight, but maybe, maybe,

we could at least try to save my marriage.


No, because that's like...

that's like asking a nun
how to hump someone's leg.

I mean, who in this room
knows shit about relationships? This one?

In secret love with some farm Frau.

- Her name's Sissy.
- Which is an improvement

on her previous love interest,

- the serial k*ller.
- What?

- Meanwhile, I'm carrying a torch...
- [whispers] Later.

For a soldier
I haven't technically met yet,

and Luther is in love with his sister.

Okay, again, we are not biological.

Face it, the healthiest
long-term relationship in this family

was when Five was banging that mannequin.

The only thing the Umbrella Academy
knows about love...

is how to screw it up.

- [man] You're listening to KBOX, Dallas.
- [Allison and Vanya] Cheers.

- ['60s music continues on radio]
- How do you guys deal with this?


I mean, all of it. The time travel,
seeing the dead, the end of the world.

[Klaus] Well, I get really high.

Allison... Allison...

[whispers] ...lies to herself.

And you suppress all your emotions
deep, deep down

until you... you blow shit up.

Yeah, I'd really like
to not do that anymore.

Well, you've got six days, missy.

What the hell are we supposed to do
with six days?

[Klaus] Party?

[scoffs] I don't know.

I'm gonna tell Sissy that I love her.

[sharp exhale]

I don't want any secrets.


[Allison] Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, you're right.

Yes, 'cause, you know, if...
if it's all gonna go tits-up,

the least I could do
is be honest with my husband.

Oh... does that mean
I have to face my cult?

I just hate group breakups.

It's why I stopped dating twins.

This family's amazing.

[Klaus cackles]

- Yeah, sure.
- Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

[Klaus] Come here, Vanya.

Come on.

Get over here.

- [Klaus] I love you guys.
- [Allison laughs]

[Klaus groans]

[gasps] Oh! You guys!

I love this song!

[Sam Cooke's
"Twistin' the Night Away" plays]

♪ Let me tell you about a place ♪

♪ Somewhere up a New York way ♪

♪ Where the people are so gay
And they're twistin' the night away ♪

♪ They're twistin', twistin' ♪

♪ Everybody's feeling great ♪

♪ They're twistin', twistin' ♪

♪ They're twistin' the night ♪

- ♪ Let's twist a while! ♪
- ♪ Lean up ♪

♪ Lean back ♪

♪ Now twist ♪

♪ Now lean back ♪

♪ Watusi! ♪

♪ Now fly ♪

♪ Now twist ♪

♪ They're twistin' the night away ♪

♪ Twistin', they're twistin' the night ♪

♪ One more time ♪

♪ Lean up ♪

♪ Lean back ♪

♪ Lean up ♪

♪ Lean back ♪

[song fades out]

- [Allison laughs]
- [Allison and Vanya sighing]

[suspenseful instrumental music plays]

[birds twittering]


[twigs crunching]

[metallic clink, whirring]

[train rumbling along tracks]

[train horn blows]

[The Interrupters' "Bad Guy" plays]

♪ Whoo ♪ [echoing]

♪ Hey ♪ [echoing]

♪ Whoo ♪ [echoing]

♪ Hey... ♪ [echoing]

What's your game, crazy lady?

Who cares? You said if you saw me again,
you'd k*ll me.

- Oh, I remember.
- Well, come on, big talker.

- Let's get this done.
- All right.

- [grunts]
- [Lila chuckles]

♪ ...So criminal ♪

♪ Bruises on both my knees for you ♪

♪ Don't say thank you or please ♪

♪ I do what I want when I'm wanting to ♪

♪ My soul, so cynical ♪

♪ So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy ♪

♪ Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy ♪

♪ I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type ♪

♪ Make your girlfriend mad type
Might seduce your dad type ♪

♪ I'm the bad guy ♪

♪ Duh ♪

[Lila] I'm waiting.

- ♪ I'm the bad guy ♪
- [Lila laughs]

Fed up yet, Five?

♪ So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy ♪

♪ Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy ♪

♪ I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type ♪

♪ Make your girlfriend mad type
Might seduce your dad type ♪

- ♪ I'm the bad guy ♪
- [Lila grunting]

- [Lila cries out]
- [song fading]

[wheezes] You're better than I thought.

And you are entirely average.

[soft choking]

You can come out now.

Well done.

You figured it out.

Well, it wasn't very hard.

She fights like every one of you
Commission drones.

[Handler] Hmm.

No matter, here we are.

Together again.

I've gotta ask...

did you miss me, you little shit?

[Lila coughs, laughs]

[soft, indistinct chatter on TV nearby]

[Vanya] Sissy.

[softly] Vanya.

Don't sneak up on me like that.

Where have you been?

Uh, family reunion.

Are you... drunk?

Does it matter?

[scoffing chuckle]

What matters is I have feelings... okay?

And I... I feel things for you.

- Vanya, now's not a good time.
- No. Now's the only time.

'Cause how much time do we have left?

We could have years, we could have days,
but we only have one life.

And we gotta go with our hearts.

And my heart wants to go with you.

[Carl] Sissy!

What happened to that beer, girl?

Oh, shit.

You caught me naked as a jaybird.

I guess it was bound to happen
sooner or later.

- [bottle clinks]
- That's all right.

You're part of the family.

Don't you dawdle, now.

[somber piano melody plays]

[door shuts]

You slept with him?

He's still my husband.

Who you don't love anymore.

Just be a little patient

- while I figure things...
- What is there to figure out?

I see you. I see you miserable.

- Who gets to be happy all the time?
- We can!

- We were just talking about leaving.
- Honey, that was just morning talk,

lies we tell each other
to get through the damn day.

We don't get to live our fantasies.

[Sissy sighs]

You know, Vanya...

[voice trembles]
maybe when you can remember

what your real life was like,

you'll feel less inclined
to tell people how to live theirs.

You know nothing
of the pressures I'm under.

I know we're running out of time
for you to be brave.

What does that mean?

Six days.

We've got six days.

- Six days until what?
- I can't explain, okay?

- Just, we need to go now, please.
- [Sissy whispers] Vanya.

- [Vanya] Please, come. Please...
- Vanya. Vanya. Vanya!

I can't.

[My Kullsvik's
"Hello (Swedish Cover)" plays]

[Sissy] Vanya.

- [panting] Vanya, wait!
- [door opens]

- [door slams shut]
- [Sissy sighs]

[bugs chirring]

[My Kullsvik sings in Swedish]


[followers murmuring]

["Hello (Swedish Cover)" continues]

[overlapping chatter]

Daddy's home.


Sit your ass down.

Sit down.

Now, I... I've been doing
a lot of thinking and...

and I've decided...

[Allison exhales sharply]

I'm gonna tell you everything.

["Hello (Swedish Cover)" continues]

[song ends]

[rock violin music playing]