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01x06 - A View from the Top

Posted: 03/17/22 09:08
by bunniefuu
- Previously
on "Good Girls"...

- You ladies got a passport?

- He wants us to pick up
something for him in Canada.

- We just need a car.
- We should just borrow a car.

- What's going on?
- It's the craziest thing.

We got hit.

- You guys, they
know about the car.

- Who are you?
- We're the volunteers.

- Oy, Gloria.

Are you ever not pregnant?
[both laugh]
- Oh!

- Because if kids like you all
are our future,

God help us all.

I'll go clean out my locker.

- What did Stan say?
- I can't tell Stan.

I got to get something else
going first.

- Where's your uniform?
- I left it at work.

- Your daughter had a seizure.

Her kidney's basically

- We have
a business proposition

to clean your fake money.
Let us do it right here.

Fake money in, real money out.

- You want all this back
on a card?

- Cash is fine.

- Morning, Mrs. Boland.

You know this guy?
- Uh, no.

- I have cancer.

[Elle King's
"Where The Devil Don't Go"]

- ♪ Devil don't go
where I make my home ♪

- So with the high PSA
and the biopsy,

it's cancer in your prostate.

There's no question.

[radio chatter]

There are so many
treatment options these days--

external radiation, chemo.

We even do
robotic assisted surgery,

if that's something
you want to consider.

- How much is all
of this gonna cost?

[radio chatter]

- Sir.

- ♪ It's a mean world

♪ That I've known

♪ Now you'll find me
where the devil don't go ♪

- I'll see you after the exam.

- ♪ Where the devil don't go

[radio chatter]

[tow truck whirring]

[door shuts]

- Couldn't make it sound
a little more serious?

- It's cancer.

- Cadillac?
- Buick.

- New?
- New to you.

- ♪ Cast me down
where the devil don't go ♪

♪ Devil don't go
where I make my home ♪

♪ Cast me down
where the devil don't go ♪

♪ Devil don't go
where I make my home ♪

♪ Threw on the Bally shoes
and the fly green socks ♪

♪ Stepped out the house,
stopped short ♪

- ♪ Oh, no
- ♪ I went back in

♪ I forgot my Kango

♪ So then I dilly
all: ♪ dally

♪ I ran through
all: ♪ An alley

♪ I bumped into my old girl

all: ♪ Sally from the Valley

♪ This is a girl playing
hard to get ♪

♪ So I said what's wrong,
'cause she looked upset ♪

both: ♪ Now what was I to do

♪ She's crying over me

♪ And she was feeling blue

♪ I said, uh, don't cry

both: ♪ Dry your eyes

♪ Here comes your mother

♪ With those two little guys

♪ Her mean mother stepped up

♪ Said to me
all: ♪ Hi

♪ Looked Sally in the face

♪ And decked her in the eye

♪ Punched her in the belly

♪ And stepped on her feet

♪ Slammed the child
on the hard concrete ♪

both: Boom.

[mimics g*nshots]

- Heels in the fat.

- [rolls tongue]

[both laughing]

- That was awesome.

- You want some breakfast?

- [sighs]
- I could put on a movie.

- "Secret Life of Pets"?
- Yeah.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Maybe later.

- Are you still okay
to stay home with her?

I'm at the diner all day.

- What?

- Yeah.

Tony hired some
high school idiot

that only lasted an hour, so.

- See now, if I didn't
know you like I do,

I'd think something
shady was going on.

- Please.
As if.

- Leaving early,
coming home late.

All right.

Where'd you meet him?

He taller than me?
- He's a little taller.

- [chuckling]
- Oh, and Harry's teacher

wants to talk
about his listening skills.

- Okay, well, he's
got none of those

so that should
go pretty quick.

- Well, he gets it from you.

- I'm sorry,
did you say something?

- [laughs] Oh.
- Oh.

- You're funny.

You should take
that on the road.

- Hey, look.

Don't burn yourself out, okay?

We need you in one piece
around here.

- Okay.
- All right, baby.

- Bye.

- Here's your cut.
- This is nothing.

- It's more than
we had last month.

- Sara's on home dialysis now.

Plus the new medicine.

This is barely gonna
make a dent.

- Ugh! You suck!

My custody lawyer billed me

for messaging her questions
on Facebook.

- Why would you think you
wouldn't get billed for that?

- Because we're friends
on Facebook.

- I've never worked
so hard for so little,

and I worked a service job.

- [sighs]
- I say we get out.

- Are you serious?

- We're risking everything

including our lives.

We barely see our families

and for what?
- For the money.

- It'd be one thing
if we were making mad bank.

But this?
This isn't mad bank, you guys.

I say we cut our losses now

before we get caught.
Or shot.

[upbeat electronic music]

- ♪ Hang your hat

♪ Hang your hat on this,
hang your hat ♪

[swing creaking]

- Please, stop that.

- Guys, this place is
so familiar.

I'm having, like déjà vu.

- Oh, please, stop.

- Okay.

- [sighs]
- Just chill.

It's gonna be fine.
- [scoffs]

How do you figure, Ruby?

- We just tell them
the job wasn't for us

and that we're moving on.
- Right, yeah.

I'm sure he'll
be totally cool with that.

- We didn't sign a contract.

- Dude, we've been
laundering fake money

for a street g*ng.

- So?

- So it's not
a college internship.

We can't be like, "Thanks,
bye, I learned so much."

There is no getting out.

- Out of what?

- We've, um...
We've been thinking.

[clears throat]

Just about, you know,
your whole operation

and our small role in it.

And we've learned so much.

- But it's not working for us.

- How so?

- We need more.

- [whispering] What?
- We've been clearing

about, what?

100 grand every few weeks
for you?

We're gonna need
five times that amount

to turn a profit and
make it worth our time.

- You wanna clean 500 Gs?

- We can do it.

- [softly] Can we?
- You don't get more time.

- It's not a problem.

- [softly] It isn't?

- Go big or go home, right?

- Brought that mama van
with you?

Load 'em up.

- Go big or go home?

- I don't know, it's something
Kenny's coach always says.

- Yeah, when he says it,

he means home as in your house,

not the big house.

- Okay.

- What were you thinking?

- I was thinking
about our future.

We didn't come
all this way to just quit.

I robbed a grocery store.

I didn't do it for nothing.

- God, when did you
get so cool?

- You guys, we can do this.

We just need some extra hands.

- You want to bring
other people into this now?

- We've got a system
that works.

If we could just do it
on a bigger scale.

- What if they get caught?
- They won't.

We haven't.

This cash is that good.

- So what?

I just ask...

Harry's Spanish teacher
if she wants a side hustle?

- I mean, she probably does.
Teachers make next to nothing.

- We know tons of women
who could use extra cash.

- This isn't Mary Kay.

You can't just serve
a bitch a mini-muffin

and invite her to join you
in a life of crime.

- What if they didn't know
it was a crime?

[lively instrumental music]

- So what's a secret shopper?

- Well, stores hire companies
like the ones we work for

to send in people
to pretend to be shoppers.

- That way they can tell
how good or bad

the customer service is.

- Mini-muffin?
- Yes.

- So you'll pay us

to buy a bunch of stuff
and then return it?

- They're mostly interested
in the customer experience.

So every time
you make a return,

you feel out a survey
and you get paid.

- It's that easy.
[laughs] Crazy, right?

- [chuckles awkwardly]
So crazy.

- How long does a survey
have to be?

- Oh, that's entirely
up to you.

- Do we get reimbursed
for mileage?

- Good question.
- I will definitely

bring that up with corporate.

- [mouthing "Corporate?"]
- Well, I, uh,

I have to ask my husband.

- Oh, Henry will freak if this
takes me away from the kids.

- I should talk to mine too.
- No, no. No, no.

- Mine, too.
- It's called secret shoppers.

Got to stay secret.
- And, you guys,

this isn't about your husband
or your kids.

I mean...

I get it.

You feel like you've got
to put everyone

in front of you, right?
But you don't.

We are giving you
an opportunity

to make your own money.

To do something just
for yourself.

This is about being
a strong, independent woman.

- I'm--I'm not a woman.

- I think you guys are
getting a little

caught up in the details.
- Yeah.

- I don't have all the answers,

but I will tell you this.

Ever since I started this,

my perspective has changed

- Ain't that the truth.
- You guys,

we're in this together.

I mean, when women support
other women,

incredible things happen.

- Plus the shopper of the year
gets a new Corvette.

- What?
both: A Corvette?

- Why didn't you say that?

[excited chatter]

- Oh, they'll never remember.

[indistinct chatter]


- It's, uh, Agent Turner,

- Jimmy.
- You in the market?

'Cause we got some sweet deals.
What are you driving now?

- An unmarked
government-issued sedan.

- [laughing]
Well, that's--that's no fun.

Go ahead and take a ride.

- The bureau
doesn't like flashy.

- I'm pretty sure
that J. Edgar Hoover

used to rock
a feather boa.

All right, well,

so what can I help you with?

- Well I'm hoping
we can help each other.

Cops found that SUV
you reported stolen.

- They did?

- Bottom of Cedar Lake.

- Hm.
Was there an accident?

- No.
- [chuckles]

Who steals a car to sink it?

- I have no idea.

You know who might though?
- Who?

- Your wife.

Maybe we should step
into your office, Mr. Boland.


[lunch bag crinkling]

[television playing]

- That better not be
Halloween candy, mister.

- My science teacher says that
chocolate's good for the heart.

- Ready, Mama!
- What's with you and pants?

Are you just morally
opposed to pants?

Are you on a pants strike?
- No pants!

- Where are my shin guards?
- Probably in dad's car.

- Dad?

- Dean?
- [snaps fingers]

- Huh?
- Shin guards.

- Oh, uh,

I'll look.

- You feeling okay?

- What's on tap for you today?

- Carpool, cleaners,
grocery store.

The usual.

- Is that it?

- It's tuna fish--
both: Keep it in the fridge.

- Yeah.

- All right, everyone,
let's go, let's go!


Hey, hey, hey!
Knock it off.

- Thank you.
Have a fine and frugal day.

Ma'am, I'm ready if you are.

- Oh, they never carry
the mints I like.

Do I know you?

- Uh, no, no, I'm not--
- Nana.

What are you doing here?

I would have brought
the ham salad to you.

- It is you.
- Oh, my God, it is.

- I didn't know you worked
with my Leslie.

She works
for Social Services too.

- Well, it's really more
of a volunteer

kind of a thing,
you know, but--

- She and all her friends

cleaned my whole apartment.

- Yeah.
I bet they did.

- She's a very sweet girl,

- Oh, yeah.
Big heart, this one.

- No, it's funny
you didn't mention

Fine and Frugal
when you came over.

- Oh, uh--
- That is funny, Annie.

Now, why do you think that is?

- Hm.
Uh, I don't know, Leslie.

Maybe it's just because
your nana and I

had so much to talk about.
- Oh [chuckles]

- For example, how is
your fiancée, Jessica Alba?

- Oh, I showed her
that beautiful picture.

- Fine, yeah.
No, things are fine.

- Yeah? Now, she's in
LA though, right? Ugh.

Must be really tough,
you know, the distance.

- We make it work.

- Glad to hear it.

- You know,
you left so abruptly

that night, I was hoping
you'd come back again.

- Oh, I wanted to Marion.

Really, I just--I've been
so busy lately, you know?

- Yeah, Annie has a whole life
outside of this store, Nana.

You would be real shocked.

- It was just nice to have
someone to talk to.

- I mean, you can
talk to me, Nana.

- Oh, that's different, Leslie.

A woman needs the companionship
of other women.

- What about your friends,

- They're dead.

- Yo, Annie.
- Uh, yeah?

- You got a sec?

- Yeah, what up?

- I bought all the merchandise
and filled out all the surveys.

Just like you guys said.
- Okay?

- It was super chill
and they didn't even know

I was a secret shopper,
just like you guys said.

- Okay, great.

- And then I went to return it
all, just like you guys said.

- And? What happened?

- Some of the stuff
was stolen from my car.

- But your windows
aren't broken.

- Oh, the locks are though.


- Well, how much did
they take, Tyler?

- Um, well,

a lot.

- Well, how much is a lot?

- Pretty much all of it.

- We gave you $20,000.

- Yeah.

- [laughs nervously]

- You guys could just
call corporate, right?

I mean, this stuff must have
happened to them before.

You know, they're probably
insured for it.

You know, man, I generally
think the best of people.

- He lost all of it?
- Oh, yeah.

All gone.

So, this...

is for you.

Remember her?
- Uh, I'm sorry.

What's this?
- And this is...

- What are you doing?
- For you.

Now, we're gonna
need a sharpie.

- No, uh-uh, not happening.
- Because we can't have anymore

of these pesky orange
tippies poking through.

- We are not robbing
another store.

- Or anymore little old ladies.

- Well, I actually agree
with that.

Marion came
into the store earlier

and it was like
"Driving Miss Daisy"

only sadder.
- Okay, then.

- So I figured we could rip off
a check cashing place

- We're not robbing anything!

- Fine.
We'll just stiff the g*ng.

Hey, do you guys know
what happens

when they need to dump
your body in an oil drum?

They soak you in lye,
and they make you into soup.

And then the cops can't tell
if you used to be a human

or a large dog.

- That's really not necessary.

- Well, actually it is 'cause
oil drums are real small.

Just waiting on suggestions
over here.

- I have an idea.
- Oh, do you?

- I do.
- Love to hear it.

- We pay the g*ng back in full.

- And how do we replace
the 20 grand?

- We stiff our secret shoppers

- We can't do that.
- At least we don't

end up in an oil drum.
- No, just prison

when they report us for fraud.

- Yeah, and it wouldn't
be enough.

We would have to dip
into our profits to cover it,

and that would basically leave
us back where we started.

- I am not going back there.
- Me either.


[sings silly melody]
- Stop it!

- We don't need that.

- Then how are we supposed
to get the money back?

- We don't need the money.

We just need the merchandise.

[upbeat pop music]

- ♪ I can't be more
of a baller ♪

♪ Every day
I'm ten feet taller ♪

♪ I'm a soldier,
move over ♪

♪ I'm gonna throw you,
I'll show you ♪

♪ Got shade on me
like a baller ♪

♪ Every day
I'm ten feet taller ♪

♪ No, let me get in it,
that's what she said ♪

♪ No, let me get real,
that's what he said ♪

♪ I'm gonna fight

♪ Till it's right

♪ Set and done

♪ I am the one

[knocking on window]

- Oh, my god.

- My name is Randy.

I'm raising money
for our school trip--

- No, thanks.
Go away.

- It's an opportunity
for my class

to visit our nation's capital.

And it's only $2
for a chocolate bar.

- Okay, whatever.
Give me one.

- Awesome, okay, it's three
for $5 and six for $10.

That's a way better deal.
- Okay, fine, give me six.

- Wow. Um, okay, what
flavors do you want?

I have caramel, plain--
- Oh, my God.

I literally do not care, Randy.
- Okay.


- You gave me nougat?

- ♪ Props to me,
I'm a baller ♪

♪ Every day
I'm ten feet taller ♪

- [coughs]
♪ I'm a fighter, I'm a rider

♪ What you do I do it to

♪ Got shade on me
like a baller ♪

♪ Every day
I'm ten feet taller ♪

- Thank you.

♪ Let me get in,
that's what she said ♪

♪ No, let me get with it

♪ That's what he said

♪ I'm gonna fight

♪ Till it's right

♪ Set and done

♪ I am the one

♪ I hold my head high

[alarm blaring]

- Oh! I'm sorry.
Is that me?

- I'm gonna have to
see your receipt.

- Yeah, okay.

Oh! You know what?

I completely forgot

that I tried that on.

Ah, there you go.

♪ I'm gonna fly so high

♪ No limit no lie

♪ No woman, no man

- Let's go.
We got returns to make.


[door creaks]

- How was the meeting?

[ring clattering]

- Mrs. Rubin's on a tear

about trans fats
in the cafeteria again.

- That woman needs a hobby.

- [chuckles softly] I know.

I'm gonna take a shower.

- Maybe after

you can tell me
why you stole a car

and ditched it in a lake.

Wanna sit down?

- No.

- The FBI guy, he came back.

[chuckles dully]

- What did you tell him?
- Uh, I told him

that I cheated on my wife.

And... [clears throat]
She freaked out

so she took my car
on a joyride and trashed it

after she went on a mini
Canadian shopping spree.

- Did he buy it?
- Yeah, he did.

- Oh, good.

- I don't.


What the hell were you doing?

- It's hard to explain.

- How about you try?

- I--I--
- Were you smuggling dr*gs?

- I didn't know what it was.

- How do you not know?

You stole a car
and went over the border

with something
illegal inside of it.

You--you could go
to prison for that.

We have kids.

- We needed the money
and we needed it fast!

And I didn't know
how else to get it.

- Maybe you get a job.

- It was a job!

- I meant, like,
Panera or something.

- Don't yell at me.

- Sit down!

- Don't yell at me.

- Sit...down!

Was it that bounce house guy?

I mean, did he
put you up to this?

- What?

- You know,
those guys, they just--

they prey on good,
innocent people.

They just rope them in.

I mean, is that
what happened? Or...

- That's exactly what happened.

- I'm sorry I yelled at you.

But look.
Everything's gonna be fine.

- Okay.
- I'm gonna take care of this.

Nothing bad is going
to happen to us.


- Okay.

- Just stay away from that guy.

- Okay.


- Yeah?

- Thank you.

- Hey, boo-boo.

How are you doing?
- Okay.

- I brought Chinese.

- Uncle Tony brought food.

- What?
[muffled chatter]

- There you are.

- Hey, Tony.
- Hey.

Yeah, I heard about Sara being
in the hospital.

- Yeah, he brought enough food
to feed a marching band.

- Well, I feel terrible
about everything.

- That's so sweet.

- If I had known
what was going on

with your family--
- It's okay.

- I would have
never let you go.

Place isn't
the same without you.

- I told him not to worry,
that you've been

keeping yourself real busy.

- I was gonna tell you as soon
as I got another gig.

- Ooh, surf and turf.

- That's what I've been doing
for the past few weeks.

Just, you know, looking
for work all day long.

- God, he really went all out.

- I was so embarrassed

that I blew
a perfectly good gig

that I couldn't tell you.

- No fries?

- I'm sorry, babe.
I really am.

- Why they got to
be crinkle cut?

- Would you stop
with the food, Stan?

- Ruby, what do you
want me to say?

- I don't know.

- All right.

I don't believe a word that
just came out of your mouth.

How about that?

[soft guitar music]

- [crying, sniffling]


- Is it me or the Salisbury
steaks getting smaller?

- You're just not
a little boy anymore.

- [chuckles]

[television playing]


Where do you keep your money?

- Somewhere safe.

- Well, you should think
about a bank.

I mean, that's safer.

- I don't trust banks.

- Well, you know,
I don't like you

keeping a bunch
of cash lying around.

You know, you live alone.

You got people coming
in and out.

Medicare or whatever.

- Bring these to work
for Annie, will ya?

- Seriously?
- Well, her little girl

loves oatmeal raisin,
she said.

- Well, yeah.
I like oatmeal raisin.

- She's a single mom.
Did you know that?

How she volunteers
on top of it is beyond me.

- Yeah, well, believe me.
She's no saint.

- That's not very nice.

- Yeah, well,
she's not very nice!

Okay? She's a loser.

She is a loser and a liar

and just a bad person.

- Mildred had a magazine
called "US Weekly."

Jessica was in it.

There was a picture of her
coming out of a gas station.

Apparently she's such
a big movie star

that people pay to see her
coming out of the gas station.

- Yeah, well,

you know,
I'm really proud of her.

- They said she's married
to a man named Cash Warren

and has adorable children.

Honor and Haven.

- It's a, uh...

It's a blended
family situation.

- She was never
your fiancée, was she?

- It's...I didn't want
you to worry about me.

- Well, I do.

You've always had trouble
meeting people,

and I always thought
it wasn't your fault.

- It's not.

- [sighs] Oh,
I love you, Leslie.

I do.

But Annie's not the loser here.

- Turner! Hey!


Hey, what's going
on with the case?

When are we gonna move
on these b*tches, man?

[rattles doorknob]

Turner. Jimmy.
Come on, buddy.

This thing is locked.

Is this soundproof?
- Sir.

Step away from the glass.

- It's cool.
We actually work together.

Hey, can you, uh...

Wait. Wait!

- You need to leave.

- But we work together.
- Now.

- 20 years of marriage,

Stan has never looked
at me like that.

- Aw, honey, I'm so sorry.

- Like, ever.

- At least he doesn't
know everything.

- Dean does.
- What?

- The FBI found the car,
you guys.

- When?
- I don't know.

But Dean covered for us.

- Deansie covered for us?

- Well, then we're good.

- He thinks
I'm some naive idiot

that got taken advantage
of, so.

- Of course he does.

- So what are you
gonna do about it?

- Let him think it.

- How'd it go, ladies?

- It's all there.
$1/2 million.

Let me ask you something.

How do you not get caught?

- School ain't in session
right now.

- Hey, come on.

We just cleaned
$1/2 million for you.

- I flip my game.

- What does that mean?
- It means I flip my game.

- Uh, she knows all
those words individually

but not, like, in a row.

- Say we talking herb.

Now, you can move nickel bags
all day long.

Nickels move fast
'cause everybody knows

the nickel bag man, right?

That's why his dumb ass
is always getting popped.

Now, the smart ones,
they turn nickels into dimes.

Dimes gets you the pills.

And now you moving
up the chain.

Before anybody knows
what's going on

you're onto TVs and whatnot.

And while they all got
their back turned,

I'm over here with a bunch
of suburban b*tches

selling Monopoly money.

We'll see where that takes me.

Your cut.

- Count it.
- It's all there.

Trust me.
60 Gs.

We'll up your drop next time?

Say 750.

- Why?
- 'Cause you delivered.

[upbeat pop music]

- [whistles] Just call us
the mailman.

- Why?

- 'Cause we deliver.

He just said it.

- Can someone explain to me
what flipping a game means?

- I did not process
a word of that.

- [laughing] Not a word.

And then I was too embarrassed
to ask again.

- Well, we can't ask again.
- No.

- Oh, I used to get high
in this park.


- I have planned
everything out.

- I am also planning.

- On?

- Two more of these.
- Oh, whoop!

- Okay, well,
mine is business plan.

- Oh.
- Ooh, watching CNBC once.

- Six months...

and we're out.
- Hm.

- By then, we will have
enough money

for all of Sara's medication

and any extra medical fees.

We will have more than enough
for your custody lawyer

and my bank accounts
will be in the black.


We will have a honeypot.

- What's the honeypot for?

- We invest in something legit.

And that's our safety net.

So no matter what happens,

we don't have to rob
a grocery store again.

- Hey.

You know what you
just did there?

- Uh, flipped our game?

- Correctomundo.
- Yes, yeah.

Excuse me, can we get another
round, please?

- [silly voice] Yeah, can we?
- Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Six months and out.
- Cheers.

- Ooh, cheersies.

- Cheers.

- Mmm.
- [sighs]

You guys.

What am I gonna tell Stan?

- [sighs]

- I did something.

It was stupid and risky.

- All right.

- So stupid and risky you would
have had my head examined

which is why I couldn't
tell you.

- Well, that's not how this is
supposed to go, you and me.

- I know.

- We handle
what we got to handle.

- I know.

- So, here it is.

Are you ready?

I started a business.

- Okay?
- And

I didn't want to tell you
because I was afraid I'd fail.

I didn't fail.

I'm crushing it.

- You made all this?

- I did.

- Legitimately?

Well, what's the business?

- Secret shopping.
It's very lucrative.

- I--I see that.

How much is that?
- Almost 20 grand.

- And that's yours.
- Well, it's ours.

- Can I touch it?

- Go ahead.

- Whoa.

That's heavy.
It's nice.

- You can smell it too.

- [sniffs]

[exhales] Smells good.

[laughs] That's fresh.
- Yeah, it does.

- Smells better than our debt.
- Way better.

- Do you know
what we could do with this?

- Everything.

- No, no, no.
Ring, ring, ring.

- Hello?
- Uh, do you know

what we could
do with this?

- Everything.

- Everything!

Come here.

[exhales slowly]
Oh, my God.

[sniffs] I'm sorry.
I just can't.

I can't stop smelling it.

- Can't stop, won't stop.
- It's so good.


- Hi!

Oh, come on in.
Come on in.

I didn't know when you were
coming back,

so I started
a little list of chores, and--

What's wrong?

- Um.

Look, Marion, I...

I'm not with Social Services.

- Are you with Medicare?

- No, um.
- Medicaid?

- No, Marion--

- Meals on Wheels?
- Uh, I'm...

I'm not with anything helpful.

The truth is

we came here to rob you

'cause we thought
you'd be an easy target.


So I just wanted to, uh,

return what we stole.

I, um,

I couldn't find
the little drummer boy

so I got you the
accordion player instead.

- [chuckles softly]

- Marion, I'm...

[crying] I'm really,
really sorry.

- Are you rushing off
to your daughter?

- Uh, no, she's--she's
out of town with her dad.

- Because Gloria had a baby.

I was gonna toast to her with
some of Raymond's nice bourbon.

- I'm sorry, just to
be totally clear, you...

You understand
that I stole from you, right?

- Did you have a good reason?

I hate to drink alone.

[both chuckle]

- So what is this for Gloria?
Four, five?

- Six!
- Six?

[both laugh]

You're k*lling me, Gloria.

- Darren.

Got a minute?

Come on.

- I swear I haven't
been double bagging

since you said not to.

- Oh, good job.
That's good.

Uh, hey, what if I told you
I was looking to, uh, party?

- Party?
Oh, party supplies.

Aisle nine.
- [chuckling]

Yeah, the thing is, I'm
a little more interested in

party favors.

- Oh, they're also
on aisle nine.

- No.

Different kind of favor.

If you know what I mean?

- I--I don't, Mr. Petersen.

- [chuckles]

dr*gs, Darren.

- Oh, cold and flu's
aisle eight.

- Listen.

I got your number, son.
All right?

Nobody who bags groceries
drives a Range Rover.

So unless you want me
all over your business

in the parking lot

I suggest
you hook a fella up.

- I got cola, tina, molly, oxy,
K, addys, and fat bags of herb.

- I'll take it.

- What--what do you mean?

- I'll...

I'll take all of it.

[suspenseful music]

- Hey.

[television playing]


- My keys didn't work
in the front door.

- Uh, I had all
the locks changed.

Hey, did you get milk?
We're out.

- Why'd you do that?

- I want you to feel safe
in your own home.

Oh, and by the way,
Fred from work,

he's gonna close for me
from now on.

- Didn't he just have a baby?

- Twins.
They're super cute.

I just don't like the idea
of you being home alone.

- You don't have
to come home early.

- I just wish we could turn
that bounce house guy in.

- He's not a bounce house guy.
- I know, but still.

- And you can't turn him in.

- Look.

He's not gonna mess
with you anymore, all right?

Not on my watch.

- [laughs]

- What's so funny?

- I mean, who says that?

[deep voice]
Not on my watch, young lady.


- Dangerous people
took advantage of you.

- Yeah, yeah.
They took advantage of me.

- I don't see anything funny
about any of this.

- How did they take advantage
of me, Dean?

Am I so naive and innocent?

I must be.
- I--I never said that.

- Must be dumb too.

Just a little lamb
to the slaughter.

- I didn't say that.
- You didn't have to.

How little you
must think of me.

They didn't take advantage
of me.

It was a choice.
I wanted to.

And you have no idea what
I have done or even who I am.

And that little wifey of yours
who lived to make you dinner

has left the building,
and she is not coming back.

- I mean, I'm sitting here


What is this?

Where--where did
this come from?

- Yeah, I did forget the milk.

- Beth, what the hell
is going on?

- And let Fred
go back to his babies.

I'm not afraid of the dark.

[rock music build-up]