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25x02 - Remembrance of the Daleks - part 2

Posted: 12/27/04 04:16
by bunniefuu


Written by Ben Aaronovitch

Original air date: 12th October, 1988
Run time: 24:31

School cellar

Dalek: Stay where you are! Do not move!

The Doctor: The stairs!

School corridor

Ace: Oh, sorry.

The Doctor (O.C.): Ace! Ace! Open the door! Ace! Open...

Cellar staircase

Dalek: You are the Doctor. You are the enemy of the Daleks! You will be exterminated! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!

School corridor

Dalek (O.C.): Exterminate! Exterminate!

Dalek (O.C.): Exterminate!

Ace: Doctor!

The Doctor: What's the matter with him?

Ace: Stomach ace.

The Doctor: School dinners. Give me a hand.

Ace: Professor, he tried to lock you in.

The Doctor: Ace!

Headmaster: I'm sorry.

Dalek: We must repair the transmat.

Headmaster: Yes.

Outside Coal Hill School

The Doctor: What are you doing here? Oh, never mind. Get this thing out of here.

Airman: I was ordered to deliver the ATRs to this position, sir.

The Doctor: ATRs. Anti-tank rockets.

Airman: Yes, sir.

Ace: Will these things be any good against the Daleks?

The Doctor: It's not the Daleks we're after, it's the transmat.

School cellar

Dalek: You will remain here.

Outside Coal Hill School

Airman: You'll have to sign for them, sir.

Airman: Ahem.

The Doctor: Come on.

Airman: Hello, love.

School corridor

Ace: What about the Dalek? Won't he try and stop us?

The Doctor: Quite possibly. Stay close behind.

Ace: Hey. It must have gone back down to the cellar.

Dalek: You will be exterminated.

The Doctor: Ace, get down!

Dalek: Exterminate!

Ace: Ace.

The Doctor: You destroyed it.

Ace: I aimed for the eye-piece.

Mike: This way! Move it, move it! You fetch the Group Captain. Any more?

The Doctor: No.

Mike: Did you do that?

Ace: It makes a lot of smoke, doesn't it.

Mike: Yeah.

Gilmore: You've destroyed it. Good.

The Doctor: It is not good. Nothing about this is good. I've made a grave error of judgment. Oh, I'm going to wish I'd never started all this. Group Captain, I must ask you to evacuate the immediate area.

Gilmore: That's an absurd idea.

Rachel: Why, Doctor?

The Doctor: I've reason to believe a major Dalek Task Force could soon be operating here.

Allison: Great.

Gilmore: And where will this Task Force arrive from?

The Doctor: One certainly is in place hidden somewhere in this vicinity. The other probably from a mothership in geostationary orbit.

Gilmore: Be reasonable, Doctor.

The Doctor: Do you doubt the non-terrestrial nature of the Daleks? I mean, examine this one. Or better still, ask your Scientific Advisor.

Gilmore: Well, Professor?

Rachel: I'm afraid the Doctor's right. It is alien.

Gilmore: You're positive?

Rachel: Yes.

Gilmore: Professor, a word. This Doctor, do you trust him?

Rachel: Well, he knows what he's talking about, and considerably more than he's telling us. I think we should go along with him for now.

Gilmore: And later?

Rachel: We could ask him for an explanation.

Gilmore: We could do a lot more than ask. Very well, Doctor. I'll have to get a decision about this evacuation from my superiors.

The Doctor: Splendid.

Gilmore: I should know either way by tomorrow morning. I'll see you all then.

The Doctor: I shouldn't touch it if I were you. It may not be completely dormant yet.

Allison: That stench.

Rachel: Now, Doctor, I have questions I would like answered.

The Doctor: So have I. I'll return in the morning.

Ace: Doctor, where are you going?

The Doctor: To bury the past.

Ace: I'm coming with you.

The Doctor: It is not your past. You haven't been born yet. Would someone look after Ace for me?

Rachel: Yes, of course.

The Doctor: I'll borrow this.

Rachel: Sergeant, have you room for Ace at your house?

Mike: Yeah, sure. Mum runs a boarding house. I'd like you to meet her.

Rachel: Ace?

Ace: Yes?

Rachel: Not been born yet. What did he mean by that?


John: Can I help you?

The Doctor: A mug of tea, please.

John: Cold night tonight.

The Doctor: Yes, it is. Bitter, very bitter. Where's Harry?

John: Visiting his missus. She's in hospital.

The Doctor: Of course. It'll be twins.

John: Hmm? Your tea. Sugar?

The Doctor: Ah. A decision. Would it make any difference?

John: It would make your tea sweet.

The Doctor: Yes, but beyond the confines of my tastebuds, would it make any difference?

John: Not really.

The Doctor: But...

John: Yeah?

The Doctor: What if I could control people's tastebuds? What if I decided that no one would take sugar? That'd make a difference to those who sell the sugar and those that cut the cane.

John: My father, he was a cane cutter.

The Doctor: Exactly. Now, if no one had used sugar, your father wouldn't have been a cane cutter.

John: If this sugar thing had never started, my great-grandfather wouldn't have been kidnapped, chained up, and sold in Kingston in the first place. I'd be a African.

The Doctor: See? Every great decision creates ripples, like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge, rebound off the banks in unforeseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences.

John: Life's like that. Best thing is just to get on with it.

The Doctor: Did you see that?

John: See what?

The Doctor: Nothing. What would you do if you had a decision, a big decision?

John: How big?

The Doctor: Saving the world.

John: Really?

The Doctor: Really.

John: I wish you the best of luck.

The Doctor: Let's hope I make the right decision. Things could get unpleasant round here. I'd take a holiday if I were you.

John: Oh, sure. How long?

The Doctor: Two or three days. After that, it won't matter one way or the other. Thanks for the tea.

John: Any time.

John: Nineteen ninety one?

Funeral parlour

The Doctor: Good morning. I believe this belongs to you.

Martin: Yes.

The Doctor: The door was open so I thought I'd just pop in and collect my casket.

Martin: Ah, well, I'm the governor has yet to arrive and I'm afraid I can't just let you. Which er, casket would this be?

Martin: Oh, I see. Er, well, if you could just wait until the governor arrives, I'm sure...

The Doctor: Yes, that would be perfectly all right.

Martin: Oh, good. Splendid. Mister er...

The Doctor: Doctor.

Martin: Doctor?

The Doctor: Yes. Now, if I might be alone with the...

Martin: Oh, yes, yes, of course. I'll leave you alone with, er.

The Doctor: Thank you.

Martin: I'll just be in the next room if you...

The Doctor: Yes.

The Doctor: Hello. Open.

Funeral parlour office

Martin: Hello, governor? Somebody's come to collect that big casket. Yes. Yes, the Doctor. Just one thing, governor. I thought you said he was an old geezer with white hair.

Funeral parlour

The Doctor: Now, let's see what you can make of this.

Boarding house - front room

Ace: Hello.

Mike: Good morning.

Ace: Where are you off to?

Mike: I have to check some things out at the Association.

Ace: Who's the Association?

Mike: They're my friends. You can meet them later.

Funeral parlour

The Doctor: Come on, now. Give it up.

The Doctor: Goodbye. Close.

The Doctor: Follow me.

Funeral parlour office

Martin: Yes, all right, governor.

The Doctor: Thank you.

Martin: Oh, cheerio, Doctor. But Doctor, what about your...

Ratcliffe's office

Ratcliffe: Once we possess this Hand of Omega, what then?

Computer: We shall be on the brink of great power.

Ratcliffe: And our agreement?

Computer: You too shall share this power, if you have the stomach for it.

Ratcliffe: What do you mean?

Computer: There will be casualties. Many deaths.

Ratcliffe: w*r is hell.


The Doctor: It's very good of you to do this at such short notice.

Vicar: Nonsense, my dear Doctor. The grave's been ready for a month. Mister Stevens, the gravedigger, was wondering what he should do.

The Doctor: I had to leave suddenly.

Vicar: Forgive me for saying this, but it seems to me that your voice has changed somewhat since we last met.

The Doctor: Yes, it has changed. Several times.

Vicar: I must say your pallbearers are very quiet. Silent as ghosts, really.

The Doctor: Yes.

Ratcliffe's office

Ratcliffe: Yes? Good. Stay with the Doctor. Watch him and call me back. Ah, ah, ah. Yours not to reason why, just to obey orders. Now just get on with it.

Ratcliffe: My man has found it.

Computer: Yes, but my enemies have found your man.

Outside the cemetery

Dalek (O.C.): He is an agent of the renegade Daleks. Apprehend and interrogate.

Headmaster: I obey.


Headmaster: What is the location of the renegade Dalek base?

Mike: What? Get off me or I'll break...

Headmaster: What is the location of the renegade Dalek base?

Mike: I don't know what you're talking about.

Headmaster: Renegade Daleks have defied the will of the Emperor Dalek. They must be located and destroyed. And you are an agent of the renegade Daleks.

Mike: I work for Mister Ratcliffe. The Association.

Mike: Who do you work for?

Dalek (O.C.): Alert. Security is compromised. Terminate agent.

Headmaster: No!

Mike: Who do you work for?

Vicar: It is over.

The Doctor: No. It's only just beginning.

Boarding house - dining room

Allison: Thank you.

Ace: The Professor said he'd be back by now.

Rachel: What was he doing, anyway?

The Doctor: Working, unlike some people.

The Doctor: Have a nice sleep?

Ace: It was okay. You're late.

Mike: I found him wandering the streets.

The Doctor: I was not wandering the streets. I was merely contemplating certain local cartographic anomalies.

Mom: There's a message for you, Mike.

Mike: Thanks. Ladies and gentlemen, the Group Captain is expecting us.

Ace: Great. Something to do at last.

Mike: Ah. He specifically ordered that Ace remain here.

Ace: Professor?

The Doctor: Ah, Ace, I have a present for you.

Rachel: How did you do that?

The Doctor: Higher technology, and no, I can't tell you how.

Rachel: Why not?

The Doctor: You're not ready for it. No one on this planet is.

Mike: Ladies? Doctor?

The Doctor: I'll meet you outside.

Mike: Sorry, Ace. Work to be done. Back at six. Have dinner ready.

Ace: Toe rag. Professor, you can't leave me here.

The Doctor: Ace, I'm trying to convince Group Captain Gilmore to keep his men out of trouble, otherwise there'll be a lot of needless deaths.

Ace: You're up to something.

The Doctor: Yes.

Ace: Then I have to come with you.

The Doctor: No.

Ace: Who else is going to guard your back?

The Doctor: Will you obey me this once? I'll explain everything when I return.

Ace: Tell me now!

The Doctor: I haven't got the time!

Ace: All right, I'll stay here if that's what you want.

The Doctor: Trust me.

Ace: Doctor?

The Doctor: Yes?

Ace: You'd better explain when you get back, or...

The Doctor: Or?

Ace: Things could get nasty.


Mike: I wonder what he's up to?

Rachel: Who knows? His motives are alien.

Mike: Meaning?

Rachel: Meaning I don't think he's human.

Mike: And Ace?

Rachel: She's not an alien. You're all right there.

Mike: Good. Well, I mean, I wouldn't want her to be foreign, would I?

Rachel: Ah, here comes the Doctor.

Ratcliffe's office

Computer: The enemy is about to start moving.

Ratcliffe: Do you think that Group Captain Gilmore suspects us?

Computer: (scoffs) Not the paltry m*llitary forces of your world. The real enemy. The Imperial Dalek faction, may their shells be blighted. Soon it will be w*r. Are you ready for w*r, Mister Ratcliffe?

Ratcliffe: Yes. This country fought for the wrong cause in the last w*r. When I spoke out, they had me imprisoned.

Computer: You will be on the right side in this w*r.

Control room

The Doctor: Group Captain, the evacuation?

Gilmore: I've been in direct contact with High Command and they've agreed to stage a quiet withdrawal under the peace time nuclear accident provisions. They felt that given the sensitive stage of the current government...

Allison: Just for a change.

Gilmore: They felt, Miss Williams, that the initial stages could be carried out under the aegis of the Counter-Intrusion Measures, United Kingdom. The D-notice office has of course been informed and a cover story prepared.

Rachel: What is it?

Gilmore: I have no idea. Not my department. Now, Doctor, since you hold my career in your hands, I trust you can justify my faith.

The Doctor: With respect, Group Captain, your career's magnificently irrelevant. Now, let's see. Any more transmission sites?

Rachel: No, just at the school.

The Doctor: Good. I want a direct line to Jodrell Bank. Let's see. 1963. The Fylingdale installations and the Royal Observatory. Order them to search these localities for any signs of high orbital activity.

The Doctor: Now, I want the detector vans moved so they can cover this area here and here. Order all air and ground forces to avoid engaging the enemy at all costs. We must act with extreme caution.

Allison: And if we don't?

The Doctor: Goodbye civilisation as you know it.

Boarding house - Front room

Ace: Mrs Smith?

Mom (O.C.): Yes?

Ace: I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.

Mom (O.C.): All right, dear.

Announcer: This is BBC television. The time is a quarter past five and Saturday viewing continues with an adventure in the new science fiction series, Doc...

Control room

The Doctor: Twenty six by zero zero one. A big mothership of some kind, with maybe as many as four hundred Daleks on board. Well, at least we know where it is.

Rachel: Much good that does us.

Gilmore: It would be foolish of me, I suppose, to hope that this mothership was not nuclear capable?

The Doctor: That ship has weapons capable of cracking open this planet like an egg.

Allison: We've got the parts you wanted, Doctor. Where do you want them?

The Doctor: Good. Over here.

Rachel: Allison, we've located the mothership. It's in a powered geostationary orbit...

Mike: Where?

Rachel: Guess.

Rachel: Right.

Gilmore: Is that their main base, Doctor?

The Doctor: For one group, at least. I believe we're dealing with two antagonistic Dalek factions.

Rachel: Two?

Gilmore: And do they both come from outer space?

The Doctor: From another planet in a distant future. We must try and contain them, let them destroy each other.

Gilmore: Shouldn't we send for reinforcements? Armoured units?

The Doctor: Have you been listening to me, Group Captain? That spaceship up there has surveillance equipment capable of spotting a sparrow fall at fifteen thousand kilometres. Any sign of a m*llitary build-up and they may simply decide to sterilise the area.

Gilmore: And we have no defence.

The Doctor: Frightening, isn't it, to find there are others better versed in death than human beings.

School corridor

Ace: Hello? Anyone at home?

School science lab

Dalek (O.C.): att*ck squad in position.

Dalek 2 (O.C.): Lower area clear.

Dalek (O.C.): Proceed. Exterminate any aliens.

Daleks (O.C.): We obey.

Control room

Rachel: What does it do?

The Doctor: Well, at best it will interfere with the Dalek's control systems. I rigged something like it on Spiridon.

Rachel: And the worst?

The Doctor: It'll do absolutely nothing.

Allison: Doctor? Red Nine reports an increase in modulated signalling.

The Doctor: Where?

Allison: Just a minute.

The Doctor: Mike, phone up Ace and tell her someone will come and collect her.

Mike: Right.

Allison: The signal emanates from Coal Hill School. Multiple sources in close proximity.

The Doctor: Multiple? They've got the transmat working again.

Rachel: Transmat? What does that mean?

The Doctor: More Daleks.

Gilmore: Doctor, there's no reply from my men at the school.

The Doctor: Get a vehicle ready. Load it up with plastic expl*sives and integral detonators.

Gilmore: Right.

Rachel: Why expl*sives?

The Doctor: Well, that thing merely disorients and weakens them. What do you expect me to do then, talk to them sternly?

Mike: Doctor, Mum says that Ace left ages ago.

School science lab

Dalek: Small human female sighted on level three.

Ace: Who are you calling small?

Dalek: Under att*ck. Under att*ck.

Dalek: Vision impaired.

Dalek: Reinforcements requested.

School corridor

Dalek: Human female is now leaving building.


Dalek 2: Stay where you are. Do not move.

Dalek: Exterminate. Exterminate.

Dalek 3: Exterminate.

Daleks: Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate.

The Doctor



Group Captain Gilmore

Professor Rachel Jensen

Mike Smith

Allison Williams




The Girl


Battle Computer





Dalek Operators

Dalek Voices




Assistant Floor Managers



Incidental Music


OB Cameraman


Production Assistant

Production Associates

Script Editor

Special Sounds
d*ck MILLS

Studio Lighting

Studio Sound

Stunt Arranger

Theme Arrangement

Title Music

Visual Effects