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02x03 - Obligate Mutualisms

Posted: 03/17/22 07:53
by bunniefuu
f*ck. He's dead.

- They're locking the place down. - This was a set-up.

The police report came way before she even att*cked.

- Two more cars on their way. - Picture's up.

- Hey, there's Riley. - Museum surveillance cameras.

Move, move, move!

Move! Move! Move! Move!

Sir! Sir! Sir! Stop it right there! Sir!

Sir, stop!

Please exit the building!

Ready for me?

Please exit the building!

Ma'am, you have to leave the building.

Oh, God!

You have to leave the building. Calm down.

- Ma'am, what's the problem? - I saw the t*rror1st!

- You need to calm down. - He's attacking the museum! I saw him!

- You need to calm down! - Don't tell me what to do!

What is the world coming to with this meaningless destruction of precious art?

Calm down! Calm down!

- What is this world coming to? - Calm down!

Ma'am, calm down! Did you see where they went?

That way!

Be careful! Please! Be careful, sir!

- Get eyes on back alley. - Copy that.

We should get out of the city.

- Do not go back to the same place. - I have another safe house ready.

- If these work... - Whispers won't be able to find us.

- But we don't know what they are. - Croome could have been lying.

We should run some basic tests.

My friend who's been supplying dr*gs has a lab.

Good. Let's do it.

What I don't understand is if that was Whispers...

- It was him. - I thought Croome took Whispers out.

He was either lying...

Or someone else brought Whispers back in.

Croome could've been telling the truth about enemies inside BPO.

Meaning we lost an ally.

But that also means he can't be the only one.


Sorry I wasn't there.

- Are you all right? - Yeah.

I met someone who I think can help us. Her name's Lila and... she's like us.

There are more clusters. I knew it!

The way he was talking about her,

she felt like she'd been around for a while.

Which means...

Her cluster has been able to stay free from BPO.

Unless they're working for them.

Like Whispers.

- Wolfgang, you need to be careful. - I'll be fine.

But give me what you can find on Lila Facchini.

Lila Facchini. Got it.


I know you got some kind of really complicated problem here.

And while some people might get a bit freaked out

with you talking to empty space all the time, you know,

I'm totally cool with shit like that.

And I just...

You know you can trust me, right?

Don't look at me.



That's a nice piece.


Crush your enemies!

That's, uh, Sanjay, the C&I minister.

- I'll go say hello. Be right back. - Okay.

- You okay? - Yeah, fine.

Hey, check this out.

You like it?

I don't think I really understand it.

Maybe that's why I like it.

Art needs a bit of mystery. Something...

something that resists us.

- I'm Ajay. - Oh, yes. Hello.

See? Works every time.

I never understood how obvious it was.

There you are!

You met my beautiful bride?

Yes, and for once you haven't exaggerated.

When you're on that side of the velvet rope,

all you want is to be on this side.

Gotta piss.

I should've been at your wedding, but business in Seoul prevented me.

Of course. But speaking of business, I see you invited Sanjay here.

The secret to a rich life, Raj,

is dissolving the boundary between business and pleasure.

- Um, if you will please excuse me. - Sure.



Why bathrooms?

How are you?

Fine. You?

I got a new job.

I got a promotion.

Being the wife of the owner has its perks, I guess.

Rajan respects the work I do.

He believes women should be in high positions of power.


Well, I gotta piss.


Why is it like this?

Why is it so hard?

Why can't it be like that day when I was in the temple

and in the cafe in the rain?

Why is it that I can't talk to the only person...

I ever felt I could say anything to?

Because... you deserve to be happy.


Hello, sexy.


What if I don't want to be happy?

Is someone with you?

What if I want something else?

Whoever she is, you really want her, don't you?

I know I shouldn't say this...

I know it isn't right to even think it, but...

This could be fun.

...what if I'm only pretending to be a good person?

And deep down I'm just...


- This is where you've been hiding, huh? - No, I, you know, was just...


So tell us, what do you think of that wicked man, Ajay Kapoor?

Is she gone?


What are you doing here?

Hanging out.


Who are you waiting for?

And here everything was going so perfectly superficial.

I'm just trying to understand why someone like you is working for Fuchs.

He's like any sapien.

A temporary solution to a long-term problem.


- How do you avoid them? - You don't.

But they're not hunting you.

- No. - You made some kind of deal with them.

Smart boy.

How's it work?

Same as everything else in the world.

Figure out what you want and decide how far you're willing to go to get it.

What do you want?


Gotta run, lover boy.



Wait, so... like, your brain is, like, part of a bigger brain

and it's all networked and file-sharing and...

Holy shit, Nom.

I thought this trans new-body-now-a-hottie thing was cool,

but this?

This... other-secret-species thing...


That's, like, the coolest thing I ever heard.


but, please, don't talk about it.

This is serious, Bug.

Of course it's serious.

This is capital letters B-I-G.

As in Galileo.

Time to rethink geocentrism.

I don't think I'm gonna sleep for a week.

Was that a mistake?

Same idea.

I couldn't sleep.

I haven't felt this awake in a very long time.


It is not every day you escape prison.

Thank you again.

I wouldn't be alive if you hadn't helped me.

Those men who att*cked you, they were hired by your brother?


Why good?


he must be very afraid of you to do something like that.

I'm sure when he hears you have escaped, he's going to piss himself.

I have met strong women before.

But... none of them were like you.

Soo-Jin said you have a heart as soft as a baby bird.

It was what made me like you the moment we met.

Part of me wants you to find your brother and make him pay for what he has done.

I know that part of me would enjoy your revenge.

Whatever you do, child...

do not let it be at the cost of your beautiful heart.

This kind of polyphony requires an abandonment of self

so that I can release the boundary or loosen the boundaries of that self

while writing so I can become someone else

temporarily, imaginatively.

We just listen to so many voices

where we're exposed to so many more different people

than even our parents were.

We get more images in a single week

than people a hundred years ago would've seen

possibly in their lifetimes.

Well, well, well. Let me guess.

You're here to interview the real deal.

You know, as a journalist,

you probably can sense that that guy in there is just a pretty boy I hired.

- Yeah, I had a feeling. - You had a feeling.

Ah! Yeah.

- Hello. - Hi.

- The nature of the textual intercourse... - Ah. There you go., uh...

God, I just want to eat them up.

I can't believe I'm not there. This is so stupid.

Two of our favorite writers and I'm stuck on a boat.

What are you doing here?

Well, the video of our recording has already hit over a million views.

The TV station has never seen anything like it.

So, my boss, Kobi Kihara, was wondering if we could do a follow-up story on you.

Do you believe in happy endings?

What? I couldn't hear.

Someone asked if they believe in happy endings.

Miraculously, yes.

- Uh-oh. I gotta go. - Wait!

- Gotta help behind the counter. - No. Did they...

Love you.

Do I believe in happy endings anymore?


Is this the first time you're coming back since?

Me, too. Come on.

Van Damn! Van Damn! Van Damn!

This is all new.


Van Damn!

Ever since Mr. Rasal's Anti-Idolatry bill was passed,

there's been a lot of trouble in the temple, ma'am.

It got worse when Guru Yash was arrested.

Manendra believed that's necessary for the long-term good.

On Van Damn.

- Ken. What's going on? - The bastard raised the prices again.

Most of my people can't afford it anymore.

This is terrible. We all come here for the same reason.

I don't think that's true.

We obey no law but his law!

You are either with us or against us!

There is no middle ground!

If we do not stop them, they will close our temples!

And destroy our country!

Hey! You can have it when you pay for it!

Oh, the famous Van Damn.

These people need water. Water is life.

Water is a commodity. And every commodity has a price.

- One truth! - One truth!

- Our truth! - Our truth!

One truth! Our truth!

I mean, the idea of polyphonic fiction

reflecting both the intercontextuality of an author's work and their life

really resonated with what is happening to you.

You mean to us.

It is impacting us both, but how it does is different.

Oh, shit.

- What? - I think he's back.

- Bendix? - Uh-huh.

Probably figured out I'm not at the Women's Shelter anymore.

- I don't want to lead him to the boat. - What are you gonna do?

Lose him.

One truth! Our truth!


- I know you! I know you! - You're not one of us!

No, we should get out of here.

The devil!

She's the devil!

...toilet paper gets stuck to your f*cking shoe.

You step on it with the other foot and then it sticks to your other foot

and then it takes for-f*cking-ever to get rid of it.

- Where are you? - Oh!

I'm sorry.


Did something else happen?

Something's always happening.

Something happened to the cluster?

There was a protest in India, a riot over water in Nairobi.

But mostly I was just worried about you.

Oh! God. You are having a major bad day.

I don't want to complain because Bug is our total hero...

but I think I'm going a little crazy on this boat.

I know. Me, too.


Money. Power. Property.

Those are the real dr*gs. They suck out every drop of humanity.

Speaking of dehumanizing dr*gs, this is my friend Puck.

He's one of the best chemical engineers I've ever met.

No, we haven't met. I am a big fan, though.

I've listened to your set at the Berghain many times.

Thank you.

He's never stayed more than a day or two with me, but this...

this little mystery seems to have caught his attention.

That is a pretty piece of chaining.

Effective ligand.

Can I ask where you got it?

I'm sorry, but I can't tell you.

Um, did you find anything trackable or toxic in it?

Well, that depends on your definition of toxic. It's an androgen booster.

Which would inhibit the entactogens.


It's the opposite of something like DMT.

Blocking empathic synaptic connection, rather than exciting it.

- And bonding... - ...the inhibitor to the neural proteins.


Are they teaching bio-chem at DJ school now?

Uh, do you think you could run some basic reactivity tests to my blood?

Yeah, let me get a syringe.

I've missed you.

It's good to catch up.

So who is this guy?

No. Maybe just an old friend.

I really appreciate your help.

She said he was an artist.

Nice lab for an artist.


I think maybe he was a lover.

I wasn't going to say anything,

but I know a little about what's going on.

I know you're in some kind of trouble.

Can I help?

No, I don't think so.

Do we really think we can trust this guy?

He could've called the police by now.

I don't really like him.

I think he's kind of sexy. But...

Can I ask you, are you in town to do a show here in Amsterdam?

- Yes, she is. - What?

Or at least I'm hoping she is.

You know, Vincent mentioned that you had a few legal issues.

Uh, nothing serious.

Your show could be posted or Periscoped last minute.

- Periscoped? What? - Instant invite.

No. That's not happening.

I have friends who could make sure you're kept safe.

It's far too dangerous.

No, I don't think it's possible.

Well, you better watch out for this guy

'cause he will talk you into and out of anything.

Puck prefers to live differently than me.

"King of the ostriches.

I've lived so long with my head buried, I should be able to breathe sand by now."

I know that line.

It's from The Price of Life is Death.

- Yes. - Puck loves cheesy movies.


I don't like him either.

You were right.

Three, two, one.

Hey, guys, we're so glad you could join us on this beautiful day.

We have a very special guest indeed.

His name is Capheus Onyango, though he is better known as Van Damn,

after the matatu which he drives. Do we have a picture?

Looking good. Van Damn.

So, first of all, Capheus, welcome to the show.

Thank you, Miss Kihara. It is a very big honor for me to be here.

Very kind of you to say, and "Kobi" is just fine.

We don't stand on ceremony here.

Now when we started researching this story, we asked ourselves,

"Who was this matatu driver?

Where did this guy come from who commands so much respect from his community?"

I was born in a small village outside Nakuru.

I understand that grassroots activism actually runs in your family?

Your father was involved in setting up a tea planters union in the 1990s?

That's true.

I was only a young boy, so I don't remember very much.

Those familiar with the story of those terrible strikes

will understand the tragedy of what happened to your father.

Yeah. My father was k*lled during one of the riots.

- I'm sorry, Capheus. - Thank you.

Would you say that this tragic incident

is what powers your desire for social justice?

To be truthful, the thought has never occurred to me until now.

Maybe so.

But surely the desire for justice lives in all of us.

Few of us are willing to risk it just as you did last week.

One of our reporters was in your matatu and captured this extraordinary event.

Can we roll the tape?

- Van Damn! Van Damn! - Unbelievable.


This very brave young man diffused an angry incident

that threatened to get much worse.

Kibera has been a deprived neighborhood for forever.

Why has this anger reached fever pitch now?


Think what we all need water for.

We cannot live without water.

What do you pay for a liter of water that is packed to your home, Miss Kobi?


We both know that it is much less than what people in Kibera pay.

Kibera has been represented at the National Assembly by Mr. Mandiba

for the last three terms.

Do you think the problem is a political one?

Look, who am I to answer such a question?

I drive a bus.

If I didn't take people where they hired me to take them...

I wouldn't expect them to get back on my bus.

We expect leaders to take us where we want to go.

The problem, it seems to me, begins when they don't.

When things do not improve and yet these leaders

keep expecting us to get on their bus...

I think this is when leaders become something else.



- It's a beautiful day, Mrs. Rasal. - It is, Mr. Bhoopalam.

Mrs. Rasal.

Hello. Who are you?

- Who is this? - New security.

Vikram, ma'am.

I'm in charge of keeping your family safe.

The elevator is waiting. This way.

- Six months... - Rajan?


Why is there a security man with a machine g*n following me?

I tried to call you, but your phone has been switched off.

- Mr. Singh. - Namaste, Mrs. Rasal.

I'm Agent Singh from the National Intelligence Bureau.

Over the past week or two, we've received several death threats

aimed at your father-in-law, his company and family.

I didn't want to concern you unduly, darling.

This morning we intercepted an expl*sive device addressed to your husband.

Oh, my God! What?

The police laughed at it because it was so poorly made.

Nevertheless, the government has insisted to provide your father-in-law's family

round-the-clock security.

For how long?

Until such time as god-intoxicated maniacs

are not plotting to k*ll us, Kala.

It's for your own protection, ma'am.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Excuse me.

- You said you live with your parents? - Relax.

No one's going to walk in on us.

Why did you call me?

Let me try and answer that question for you.

There are people you meet in your life...

and... for no logical reason,

you feel immediately connected to.

But in fact, there's actually a scientific explanation.

I know.

I just couldn't help myself.

You talking to me?


Señor Pasquale?

My name is Lito Rodriguez.

I'm an actor.


I knew your son, Raoul.

He interviewed me years ago.


I know your face.

Raoul found your movies...


No. You underestimate yourself.

Come, come. Please.

Raoul was always different.

Even when he was very young.

We were a family of journalists...

my wife, Raoul, me.

Thank you.

The truth was not a thing to be hidden or denied.

Not under our roof.

But to hunt for truth, you need a sixth sense for it.

Journalistic intuition.

In my 40 years, I never knew anyone with an intuition like my son.

You and Raoul were lovers?

Well, um...

Wait, I...

I want to let you know that I'm... I'm not gay. Okay?

I... I'm...

Wait, wait.

I just think that...

as an actor, it is important to be open to all kinds of experiences.


It was just...


- Hm. - Journalistic intuition?

Well, let's just say... you are my son's type.


Señor Pasquale...

Can I ask about his disappearance?

I know he went to Chicago for a story.

Do you know anything about it?

He said it was the biggest story of his career.

Perhaps the biggest story of the decade.

Come on, Mrs. Cho, it's the police.


Come on, Mrs. Cho.

It's too early in the morning to kick the door in, isn't it?

My son's room.

It hasn't changed much.

Homes are architectural forms of memory.

Since he disappeared, I haven't been able to come in here.

These are his photographs.

That's the cabin.

We need to know where these pictures were taken.

Do you know where these pictures were taken?

Um... somewhere in California.

The woman in the picture was important to the story. And to him.

Can you take pictures of all of this stuff

and send it to me?

Do you mind if I take pictures?

Do you know her?

Her name is Angelica.

When my son was disappeared, the police said he was involved with dr*gs.

Hm. I knew they were lying.

When they came here, they were looking for something.

They did not find it.

You see?

My son believed his secrets would be safe with you.

And they were.

Well, hello.

Oh, hi. Yeah.

Uh, Detective Mun, from Seoul Metropolitan Police.

A real detective? Oh!

Here? Heavens.

We just have some questions.

Oh, my, my!

What's all this about?

Actually, one of your neighbors found these prison uniforms

- in your garbage bag this morning. - Oh...

Familiar, are they?

Yeah, of course they are. They used to be mine.

The uniforms have numbers, Mrs. Cho.

So you can just drop the innocent old lady act.

I know you won't mind us searching your apartment.

I know you won't mind showing me your warrant.

One of the escaped convicts was a Min-Jung.

You and she were cellmates, weren't you?

The only thing I hate more than rhetorical questions...

stupid rhetorical questions.

Harboring fugitives, Mrs. Cho... that's a serious crime.

I don't want to have to put you back in prison.

Yeah. They were here.


But they left last night.

You can search the place if you don't believe me.

You're a reporter.

You must have watched this.

Of course.

But I don't understand what it means.

Maybe you can explain it to me.

That's Todd.

One of Angelica's cluster.

This is the origin of their zombie factory.

Means Kolovi knew about it from the beginning.

These are early experiments of the men

who I believe are responsible for your son's disappearance.

That one is Professor Kolovi.

I showed him a picture of my son and he denied ever meeting him.

What did your journalistic intuition tell you about him?

He's a lying snake who would open his own mother's throat if he could profit by it.

When was the last time he spoke to Raoul?

When was the last time you spoke to Raoul?

I believe he called me just before he vanished.





Raoul, is it you?

Where are you?


I love you.

I don't know what an actor can do to help put the memory of my son to rest.

But he obviously thought highly of you.

I hope one day I share that same opinion.

- Do you know where they were headed? - No.

Would you tell me if you did know, huh?

I'll assume that's another one of your rhetorical questions.

Yeah, yeah.

Back up, Mrs. Cho.

Jun? Jun?

Ms. Bak!

Ms. Bak!


Don't move!

Put your hands up!

I said hands up!


Look... we don't want anybody to get hurt, right?

Stay still.

Stay still.

Good. Stay still.



Who are you?

You're her.


I think he's sleeping.


That was better than any movie or TV show.

We should go.

This taste of freedom was delicious.

But enough is enough.

- No. - I will only slow you down.

Besides, what else can they do to me?

I'm serving life.

I need you.


Go clear your name.

You and your imaginary friends.

And when you find your brother, pound him a few times for me.

- Yeah, me too. - Mm!

When you're free, come visit me.

I will.

Angelica, you're being irrational.

They want to sterilize us.

- It's a voluntary procedure. - For now.

Even with everything we've been through,

your first, your only thought, is for yourself.

- Come with me. - Please, listen to me.

I don't want to waste any more time listening to your excuses.


That's it! I'm done.

I'm done with you, I am done with them. I'm done with all of it.

Angelica, be reasonable.

I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Where do you think you're going?


Are we dreaming the same dream?

Look, going to Chicago is su1c1de!

It's not a dream.

I'm sorry.

It's a memory.

I don't need your tears.

I need your f*cking courage.



Help him.


What's happening?

There's something wrong.

It's Jonas.

I've come to say goodbye.

I thought I had value to them, but it seems that time has passed.

What's happening?

They're gonna k*ll him.

They're using me to send you a message.

They want you to watch.

We have to do something. Oh, my God.

This can't happen.

I'm sorry I failed you.

- Angelica. - I'm here.

I love you.

I love you.

The only lips I've ever wanted to kiss in my life.

Angelica, I'm afraid.

I'm here.